SOCW 6111 Walden University Wk7 Petrakis Family Social Work Case Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. SOCW 6111 Walden University Wk7 Petrakis Family Social Work Case Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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Knowing that clients might react negatively to your work with them may cause anxiety, frustration, and even anger. It is inevitable that you will work with a client who expresses anger or disappointment over working with you. This does happen in the social work field and is to be expected over time. Understanding how you might react to allegations of incompetence or anger over incomplete goals is essential to managing this type of exchange. While a negative interaction may be justified if either person did not fulfill responsibilities, often it is a result of the client’s personal reaction to the situation. The best response is to use these interactions to build the therapeutic bond and to assist clients in learning more about themselves. Stepping back to analyze why the client is reacting and addressing the concern will help you and the client learn from the experience.
For this Discussion, review the program case study for the Petrakis family.
Post a description of ways, as Helen’s social worker, you might address Helen’s anger and accusations against you. How might you feel at that moment, and how would you maintain a professional demeanor? Finally, how might you use self-disclosure as a strategy in working with Helen?
SOCW 6111 Walden University Wk7 Petrakis Family Social Work Case Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ANHO Internet & Mobile properties Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Need it in 1 hour
Choose any 2 of the following properties of Internet and 1 property of Mobile Connectivity and briefly explain how they can create opportunities and challenges for a business.You have to provide a quick definition of the concept, at least one opportunity and one challenge and an example of how it is being used by real life businesses for each of the concepts chosen. (5 points each, total of 15 points).
List of Internet Properties (choose 2): Mediating Technology, Universality, Time Moderator, Information Asymmetry Shrinker, Creative Destroyer of Old Business Practices and Low Cost Standard.
List of Mobile Properties (choose 1): Location Based Services, Personalization, Location Independence (anytime anywhere).
hcm3006 University of Phoenix Healthcare Marketing Strategy Health Medical Assignment Help
Before beginning work on this assignment, please review the expanded grading rubricfor specific instructions relating to content and formatting.
Southern Baptist Hospital (SBH) had long resisted the use of marketing, believing it was not an appropriate activity for a nonprofit organization. By the mid-1980s, however, the erosion of its market share due to growing competition forced SBH to adopt an aggressive marketing strategy. Its primary initiative was a campaign of television advertisements aimed to reinforce for the general public the image of SBH as a high-quality institution. Because the organization was starting its marketing activities from scratch, ad production and airtime costs were expensive. The television commercials were professionally produced and received critical acclaim from the advertising community. Following the public’s repeated exposure to these advertisements, a hospital executive requested information about the impact of the advertisements. The idea to study the campaign’s impact had not been considered earlier, and a belated evaluation effort was mounted to determine the extent to which the campaign had achieved the desired effect. Much to the consternation of SBH administrators, the evaluation found that the ads had had virtually no impact on the public’s already high perception of the institution, and no improvement in patient volumes, revenues, or market share could be attributed to the campaign. SBH administrators, committed to an expensive initiative, rationalized that the campaign had not aired long enough to generate the desired effect and invested even more money in the initiative.
After reviewing the above case, address the following points:
- To what extent did SBH research the needs of its audience prior to developing a marketing strategy?
- Does it appear that SBH has an overall marketing plan?
- Does it appear that SBH had a significant grasp of the nature of marketing?
- What are the implications of focusing marketing efforts on corporate image rather than the services the organization provides?
- What are the implications of marketing to the general public rather than targeting specific segments of the market?
- How much thought was given to measuring the effectiveness of the campaign going into the initiative?
As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format.
Submission Details:
- Your assignment should be addressed in a 2- to 3-page document.
CSIA 300 University of Maryland University College Cybersecurity Leaders Paper Writing Assignment Help
Research Report #2: Emerging Issues Risk Analysis and Report
The Entertainment Team (ET — part of Resort Operations at Padgett-Beale, Inc.) is excited about a new event management platform and is ready to go to contract with the vendor. This platform is a cloud-based service that provides end-to-end management for events (conferences, concerts, festivals). The head of Marketing & Media (M&M) is on board and strongly supports the use of this system. M&M believes that the data collection and analysis capabilities of the system will prove extremely valuable for its efforts. Resort Operations (RO) also believes that the technology could be leveraged to provide additional capabilities for managing participation in hotel sponsored “kids programs” and related children-only events.
For an additional fee, the event management platform’s vendor will provide customized RFID bands to be worn by attendees.
The RFID bands and RFID readers use near-field communications to identify the wearer and complete the desired transactions (e.g. record a booth visit, make a purchase, vote for a favorite activity or performer, etc.).
The RFID bands have unique identifiers embedded in the band that allow tracking of attendees (admittance, where they go within the venue, what they “like,” how long they stay in a given location, etc.).
The RFID bands can also be connected to an attendee’s credit card or debit card account and then used by the attendee to make purchases for food, beverages, and souvenirs.
For children, the RFID bands can be paired with a parent’s band, loaded with allergy information, and have a parent specified spending limit or spending preauthorization tied to the parent’s credit card account.
The head of Corporate IT has tentatively given approval for this outsourcing because it leverages cloud-computing capabilities. IT’s approval is very important to supporters of this the acquisition because of the company’s ban on “Shadow IT.” (Only Corporate IT is allowed to issue contracts for information technology related purchases, acquisitions, and outsourcing contracts.) Corporate IT also supports a cloud-based platform since this reduces the amount of infrastructure which IT must support and manage directly.
The project has come to a screeching halt, however, due to an objection by the Chief Financial Officer. The CFO has asked that the IT Governance Board investigate this project and obtain more information about the benefits and risks of using RFID bands linked to an external system which processes transactions and authorizations of mobile / cashless payments for goods and services. The CFO is concerned that the company’s PCI Compliance status may be adversely affected.
The Chief Privacy Officer has also expressed an objection about this project. The CPO is concerned about the privacy implications of tracking both movement of individuals and the tracking of their purchasing behaviors.
The IT Governance Board agreed that the concerns expressed by two of its members (the CFO and CPO) have merit. The board has requested an unbiased analysis of the proposed use cases and the security and privacy issues which could be reasonably expected to arise.
The IT Governance Board has also agreed to a request from the Chief of Staff that the management interns be allowed to participate in this analysis as their final project. Per the agreement, their involvement will be limited to providing background research into the defined use cases for cashless purchases. These use cases are:
- Purchases for craft materials and snacks by children (under the age of 13) attending a hotel sponsored “kids club” program.
- Purchases by Individuals attending a music festival or other event where IDs must be checked to establish proof of age (legal requirement for local alcoholic beverage consumption).
- Purchases by attendees at trade shows (attendees are “adults”).
Your Task
Pick one of the three use cases listed above. Then, follow the directions below to complete the required research and write your final report.
- Read / Review the readings in the LEO classroom.
- Read this introductions to RFID technologies:
- Research one or more of the Use Cases
- Children: 8 Benefits of Using RFID Wristbands for Resorts & Attractions (see section 4: Family Freedom) and
- Managing Adult Attendees at Music Festivals (includes RFID bands linked to twitter, Facebook, and credit/debit card)
- Tracking Adults at Trade Shows and
4.Choose one of the Use Cases then find and review at least one additional resource on your own that provides information about privacy and security related laws that could limit or impose additional responsibilities upon Padgett-Beale’s collection, storage, transmission, and use of data about guests. (Note: laws may differ with respect to collecting data from or about children.) You should also investigate laws, regulations, or standards which impact the use of the RFID bands for mobile purchases.
5.Using all of your readings, identify and research at least 5 security and privacy issues which the IT Governance Board needs to consider and address as it considers the implications of your chosen use case upon the adoption or rejection of the proposed IT project (Event Management Platform & RFID bands).
6.Then, identify 5 best practices that you can recommend to Padgett-Beale’s leadership team to reduce and/or manage risks associated with the security and privacy of data associated with the event management platform.
Write a five to seven (5-7) page report using your research. At a minimum, your report must include the following:
1.An introduction or overview of event management systems and the potential security and privacy concerns which could arise when implementing this technology. This introduction should be suitable for an executive audience. Provide a brief explanation as to why three major operating units believe the company needs this capability.
2.An analysis section in which you address the following:
e.Identify and discuss 3 or more relevant laws, regulations, or standards which could impact the planned implementation of the event management system with RFID wrist bands.
3.A recommendations section in which you identify and discuss five or more best practices for security and privacy that should be implemented before the technology is put into use by the company. Include at least one recommendation in each of the following categories: people, processes, policies, and technologies.
4.A closing section (summary) in which you summarize the issues related to your chosen use case and the event management platform overall. Include a summary of your recommendations to the IT Governance Board.
Submit for Grading
Submit your research paper in MS Word format (.docx or .doc file) using the Research Report #2 Assignment in your assignment folder. (Attach your file to the assignment entry.)
Additional Information
1.To save you time, a set of appropriate resources / reference materials has been included as part of this assignment. You must incorporate at least five of these resources into your final deliverable. You must also include one resource that you found on your own.
2.Your research report should use standard terms and definitions for cybersecurity. See Course Content > Cybersecurity Concepts for recommended resources.
3.Your research report should be professional in appearance with consistent use of fonts, font sizes, margins, etc. You should use headings to organize your paper. The CSIA program recommends that you follow standard APA formatting since this will give you a document that meets the “professional appearance” requirements. APA formatting guidelines and examples are found under Course Resources > APA Resources. An APA template file (MS Word format) has also been provided for your use.
4.You are expected to write grammatically correct English in every assignment that you submit for grading. Do not turn in any work without (a) using spell check, (b) using grammar check, (c) verifying that your punctuation is correct and (d) reviewing your work for correct word usage and correctly structured sentences and paragraphs.
5.You are expected to credit your sources using in-text citations and reference list entries. Both your citations and your reference list entries must follow a consistent citation style (APA, MLA, etc.).
Allen County What Other Major Effects Did the Great War Have on World History HW Humanities Assignment Help
Read the following three poems written by soldiers during the Great War. (Tragically, all of them also died during that war.) You may use the link provided or, if the link is not working, search for the title of the poem online.
“The Soldier” (1914, by Rupert Brooke, 1887-1915)
“In Flanders Fields” (1915, by John McCrae, 1872-1918)
“Dulce et Decorum Est” (1918, by Wilfred Owen, 1893-1918)
Note: The Latin title translates “It is sweet and fitting.” The poems ends with a Latin saying, Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori: It is sweet and fitting to die for one’s country.
Then, view the painting “Over the Top” (1918, by John Nash, 1893-1977)
Then, answer the following questions:
- Which of these poems would you describe as the most idealistic and patriotic? Why?
- What do you think might explain the obvious antiwar nature of Owen’s poem compared to the poems of Brooks and McCrae?
- Which poem might the Nash painting best illustrate? Why?
another question to dwell on and answer after the ones above.
What other major effects did the Great War have on world history? Explain your thinking.
Based on these questions, prepare a response of at least 5 sentences (more may be needed).
Each question is worth up to 5 points. To earn all 5 points make sure your response thoroughly and correctly answers the question, has a proper academic tone (appropriate word choice, cites any sources), and is grammatically correct. Upload your response as a Word attachment
UCF Concept of Horizontal Integration in Hospitality and Tourism Industries Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Explore the concept of horizontal integration within the hospitality and tourism industries. Identify one specific case of horizontal integration in industry. Post a 250-300 word narrative introducing the one specific case and critically evaluate the benefits and drawbacks from the perspective of the H&T organization.
explore the concept of vertical integration within the hospitality and tourism industries. Identify one specific case of vertical integration in industry. Post a 250-300 word narrative introducing the one specific case and critically evaluate the benefits and drawbacks from the perspective of the H&T organization.
Explore the concept of change management within the hospitality and tourism industries. Identify the key roles involved in successful implementation of the change management process. Post a 250-300 word narrative introducing the the various roles and the function they provide in the change management process.
Search for a recent article (within the last 90 days) of the Wall Street Journal and prepare a 100-150 word summary of the issues relevant to the topic for this discussion. Reply to this post with the name (exactly from the paper or website) and publication date of the article along with your summary. –Network Level Strategies
Search for a recent article (within the last 90 days) of the Wall Street Journal and prepare a 100-150 word summary of the issues relevant to the topic for this discussion. Reply to this post with the name (exactly from the paper or website) and publication date of the article along with your summary. –Strategy Formation
Search for a recent article (within the last 90 days) of the Wall Street Journal and prepare a 100-150 word summary of the issues relevant to the topic for this discussion. Reply to this post with the name (exactly from the paper or website) and publication date of the article along with your summary. –– Strategy Implementation
Consider the concept of Intrapreneurship within the context of the H&T industry. Post a 250-300 word narrative discussing the benefits and drawbacks of this concept in a specific H&T organization.
Search for a recent article (within the last 90 days) of the Wall Street Journal and prepare a 100-150 word summary of the issues relevant to the topic for this discussion. Reply to this post with the name (exactly from the paper or website) and publication date of the article along with your summary. –Strategy Evaluation
Cite In Text Citations and references in APA format 6th edition
Each Paragraph is a different Assignment, do not put together Can be on separate pages
Prefer as soon as possible
UCF Concept of Horizontal Integration in Hospitality and Tourism Industries Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Academy for Jewish Religion ?retirement Planning and Cash Flow Statement Business Finance Assignment Help
Retirement Planning
1. At which age do you plan to retire?_______
2. As a rough estimate, how much money would you
like to have saved at the time you retire? $_________________
3. Use your personal cash flow statement to
estimate how much you plan to save for retirement each year during the
years you plan to work before retirement.
(You could estimate the same amount each year, or list different amounts
each year based on your expected growth in income):
4. Based on your estimates in question 3, use the
future value tables in Appendix C to estimate how much money you will have
saved at retirement. Of course, the
interest rate you choose in the table is not a guarantee, and it should be
based on how much risk you are willing to tolerate on the money you save and
invest for retirement.
Expected future value of savings at the time of
US National Preparedness Report Essay & Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Research and report on the status of one of the three tasks below. You do not need to explain what PPD8 is, instead explain what is going on with one of the three tasks assigned within the PPD.
1. How did the DHS structure the NPR and what principle tools were used to develop the Key Findings?
2. Select any one of the 31 core capabilities and address your own assessment of the key findings and data within that capability with special attention to the weakness[es] described. You should try to connect this weakness to your own deductions about DHS weakness[es] you revealed in Week 1.
Weaknesses from week 1
The weaknesses that I have noted within the homeland security framework are the failure to come up with a sustainable cybersecurity strategy. This has been exacerbated by the fact that vulnerability is not necessarily caused by a lack of policy, but by its failure to implement the policy effectively (Cybersecurity, 2020). As the number of digital threats rises, the agencies with the responsibility, have failed to protect the base of attacks, which is mostly the soft and vulnerable targets. In addition, cyberspace is fast evolving, and so is the threat, which means that the counter strategies need to evolve just as fast.
Secondly, the national strategy to enhance homeland security under the DHS is becoming too vague and undefined as threats evolve and become broader and require different levels of priority. Despite a viable strategy to counter threats, there lacks a concise implementation plan to operate certain missions that require specific-agency action (Alperen, 2017). This may affect the accountability of the various agencies tasked to detect and mitigate threats. There needs to be a seamless integration of roles and responsibilities moving forward.
3. How will the DHS measure progress in fixing the NPR’s identified weaknesses?
Required Readings
Presidential Policy Directive-8:
National Preparedness Report 2017:
DHS Strategic Plan FY2014-2018:
Instructions: Fully utilize the materials that have been provided to you in order to support your response. Please respond to at least two other students and provide substantive comments that contribute something new and important to the discussion. You may challenge, support or supplement another student’s answer using the terms, concepts and theories from the required readings. Also, do not be afraid to respectfully disagree where you feel appropriate; as this should be part of your analysis process at this academic level.
Minimum word count of 300 for post and 150 for each student response.
Student Responses:
Student # 1 Jeffrey
Select any one of the 31 core capabilities and address your own assessment of the key findings and data within that capability with special attention to the weakness[es] described. You should try to connect this weakness to your own deductions about DHS weakness[es] you revealed in Week 1.
Within last week’s forum I wrote about how the relationship between the public and privates sectors of homeland security are inherently weak. I believe that this can be clearly observed within the core capability Economic Recovery. As stated by the Department of Homeland Security (2017), “This core capability focuses on returning economic and business activities to a healthy state and on developing new business and employment opportunities that result in economically viable communities” (p. 13). Economic Recovery has been identified as the second lowest rated core capability for the second year in a row and has also had the largest reported decreases in proficiency (Department of Homeland Security, 2017). These effects have been identified in many past National Preparedness Reports which have identified that emergency management professionals have struggled to communicate and share information (Department of Homeland Security, 2017). As stated by the Department of Homeland Security (2017), “insufficient inclusion of economic development experts in pre- disaster planning continues to hinder post-disaster economic recovery efforts and suggests a similar disconnect between the emergency preparedness community and local economic-development experts” (p. 97). With that being said, local communities’ economies are primarily made up of private sector entities. For example, over 85 percent of the United States’ national critical infrastructure is under private sector control (Busch & Givens, 2012). These companies play major roles in the economic recovery of local communities throughout the United States. One can clearly see the weaknesses of the public and private sector relationships within the core capability of Economic Recovery.
This can clearly be observed through disaster recovery efforts throughout the past couple of years. Nongovernmental and private organizations undoubtedly play a major role in the wake of a major disaster. However the National Preparedness Report has discovered that although they are able to provide critical support in economic recovery efforts, they are often unable to sustain these efforts (Department of Homeland Security, 2017). For example, recovery efforts from private organizations are often financially rewarded throughout their responses. However, these forms of support are not stable over time. This can be viewed through programs such as the Bridge to Recovery Coalition. During this program in 2015 the Disaster Philanthropy gave 31 grants totaling $1.6 million (Department of Homeland Security, 2017). However, the private sector’s ability to sustain recovery operations remained a challenge. One can clearly see the many challenges the public and private sector relationship faces in the core capability of Economic Recovery.
Busch, N. & Givens, A. D. (2012). Public-private partnerships in homeland security: Opportunities and challenges. Homeland Security Affairs.
Department of Homeland Security. (2017). 2017 National preparedness report. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office.
Student #2 Douglas
This week I have chosen to discuss question number one. I believe that how something is evaluated is key to a successful program. Understanding the principle tools will help understand the findings.
How did the DHS structure the NPR and what principle tools were used to develop the Key Findings?
The National Preparedness Report evaluates annual preparedness progress and challenges facing the whole community. The 2019 National Preparedness Report highlights the diverse range of preparedness challenges the Nation faces; from terrorism and active shooter incidents, to cyber-attacks, to natural disasters, as well as how stakeholders across the nation are using preparedness grant funding to invest in preparedness improvements. The 2019 Report also presents cross-cutting trends from the Threat and Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment (THIRA) and Stakeholder Preparedness Review (SPR), which provide insights into preparedness progress and gaps (FEMA, 2019).
Several criteria contribute to the identification of findings including quantitative data that show trends over time, demonstrated progress in establishing or implementing national-level strategies and policies, and significant shifts in resources to support preparedness (DHS, 2017). Evaluation of emergency preparedness is not an easy task and the National Preparedness Report is all-encompassing, which allows for evaluation of a wide range of topics around preparedness. It is important to recognize that tools, such as quantitative data, provide a window into the processes that make up preparedness and lay the groundwork for evaluating what is and is not working along the way.
Understanding the data that is presented in the National Preparedness Report is as important as implementing the processes. If agencies are receiving the data and trying to implement changes and follow better preparedness procedures, it is important to understand what the data is telling them beforehand. The layout of the Report provides detailed but intelligible information that can be followed by various entities to be better prepared for emergencies.
DHS. (2017). 2017 National Preparedness Report. Retrieved from DHS:…
FEMA. (2019, Dec 3). National Preparedness Report. Retrieved from FEMA:
Academy for Jewish Religion Social Security Forum & Estate Planning Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Social Security Forum
First, read these short articles. The first is from the Social Security Administration,, which is a good site to reference over the years as you plan for retirement:
Next, type at least 150 words (combined) to address these questions:
1. What is at least one advantage and one disadvantage of starting to receive social security payments at age 62?
2. What is at least one advantage and one disadvantage of starting to receive social security payments at Full Retirement Age (which is now age 67 for most of us who haven’t yet retired)?
3. What is at least one advantage and one disadvantage of starting to receive social security payments at age 70?
4. What do you think is the best age to start receiving social security, and why? You don’t have to reveal any personal financial details in this forum; you only need to discuss why in general you think a certain age could be best for beginning to receive payments from social security.
Estate Planning
1. Do you currently have a will (yes or no)?
2. If you have a will, answer the following
questions about that will. If you do not
have a will, answer the following questions about a will you will create as
soon as reasonably possible:
Is the will drafted by you or did you obtain the
help of an attorney?
On which date did you sign and date (or will you
sign and date) the will?
Who are at least two people you trust to sign
and date the will as witnesses, even though these people will not receive any
benefits from distribution of the will? NOTE: You do not need to disclose names here; you may simply provide the initials of the people. The purpose of this assignment is to have you think seriously about who you trust to witness your will.
Who would you choose (or who will you choose) to
be the executor of the will? Again, you do not need to disclose the person’s name here; you may simply provide the initials of this person. The purpose of this assignment is to have you think seriously about who you trust to manage your will/estate after you pass on.
University of Kentucky Bill Gates and Warren Buffet Leadership Styles Essay Engineering Assignment Help
CLA 1 Comprehensive Learning Assessment – CLO 1, CLO 2, CLO 3, CLO 4
Compare and contrast the leadership styles of 2 current leaders in the business industry.
Points of discussion can include but are not limited to some of the following:
1. What makes them effective leaders?
2. How do they increase motivation within their organization?
3. How will they be remembered in business history?
4. How did they use their communication skills to gain support for their ideas?
5. What are some of the techniques they use for problem-solving, generating alternative solutions, and effective bias-free decision making?
You must reference: at least eight outside sources and your textbook. Document your citations throughout the text of your 5 – 7 page paper; APA is the accepted format for all Westcliff University classes.
Your paper must include an introduction and a clear thesis, several body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Top papers demonstrate a solid understanding of the material AND critical thinking.
*Please refer to the Grading Criteria for Professional Assignments on page 18 of the University Policies for specific guidelines and expectations.
Next, type at least 150 words (combined) to address these questions:
1. What is at least one advantage and one disadvantage of starting to receive social security payments at age 62?
2. What is at least one advantage and one disadvantage of starting to receive social security payments at Full Retirement Age (which is now age 67 for most of us who haven’t yet retired)?
3. What is at least one advantage and one disadvantage of starting to receive social security payments at age 70?
4. What do you think is the best age to start receiving social security, and why? You don’t have to reveal any personal financial details in this forum; you only need to discuss why in general you think a certain age could be best for beginning to receive payments from social security.
Estate Planning
1. Do you currently have a will (yes or no)?
2. If you have a will, answer the following
questions about that will. If you do not
have a will, answer the following questions about a will you will create as
soon as reasonably possible:
Is the will drafted by you or did you obtain the
help of an attorney?
On which date did you sign and date (or will you
sign and date) the will?
Who are at least two people you trust to sign
and date the will as witnesses, even though these people will not receive any
benefits from distribution of the will? NOTE: You do not need to disclose names here; you may simply provide the initials of the people. The purpose of this assignment is to have you think seriously about who you trust to witness your will.
Who would you choose (or who will you choose) to
be the executor of the will? Again, you do not need to disclose the person’s name here; you may simply provide the initials of this person. The purpose of this assignment is to have you think seriously about who you trust to manage your will/estate after you pass on.