Software Introduction week 10: Software Engineering Story Computer Science Assignment Help. Software Introduction week 10: Software Engineering Story Computer Science Assignment Help.
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The goal of this assignment is to have you apply the knowledge you learned in this course to a different context, namely, fiction writing. This is a great practice in taking classroom knowledge into different situations. In addition, this kind of writing activity has been known to help solidify long-term learning.
Write a short story (fiction or non-fiction), of roughly 2-4 pages single spaced, 12-pt. font, that embodies one or more software engineering concepts/phenomena taught in this class.
The requirements of this assignment are somewhat flexible, but in order to receive a grade on this assignment, your submission must, at least:
1. Read more like an original story (not an essay or news article or blog or similar), whether fiction or non-fiction.
2. Embody one or more software engineering concepts/phenomena taught in this class. You are allowed to refer to software-failures that ‘made news’, but not simply repeat that story.
3. Be original and not plagiarized (submissions will be run through
Software Introduction week 10: Software Engineering Story Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Writing a book review on our textbook American Negotiating Behavior: Wheeler Dealers, Legal Eagles, Bullies, and Preachers published by the United States Institute of Peace Press. Writing Assignment Help
Writing a book review on our textbook American Negotiating Behavior: Wheeler Dealers, Legal Eagles, Bullies, and Preachers published by the United States Institute of Peace Press. There is no standard format or approach to write book review. But a review article normally includes the following contents: (1) Introduction: introduce the main contents of the book. The presentation of the contents should take up the greater portion of the review; (2) Evaluation of the content of the book: the strengths and the limitations—here you can include some of your ideas and comments about this book; (3) Conclusion: A summary and you may also talk about how this book can be useful for general readers.
all risk fire Writing Assignment Help
Watch the two videos and read the article then answer the following questions.
- Answer the 4 multiple choice question by listing the numeric number with the correct Letter after the number. All 4 questions must be correct to receive credit for the Question 1. Example 1. A, 2. B, 3. C, 4.D
- After watching the videos, what does it mean to you when we say we are an “all risk fire department”?
- What hazards pose the biggest hazards in your community that pose the largest risks?
- What are some human created hazards that pose the largest risks in your community?
- Why are fire departments looked at as the agency that should be in charge of Community Risk Reduction?
Next watch the video “Hazard, Risk & Safety – Understanding Risk Assessment, Management and Perception” to understand these three key terms. If we are going to discuss Community Risk Reduction, we have to have the key terminology down and understand how they work together.
Law Assignments Writing Assignment Help
Unit 3 Individual Project
Concern among the public sector is the demand for public organizations to be transparent about their budgets and spending habits. You have been scheduled to conduct a presentation for the State Budgeting Committee about the type of budget that the organization operates under. Identify the type of public organization for which you work, as well as what types of services, goods, or activities the organization provides to the public. Identify the size and scope of the organization.
Construct a budget using Excel that will provide a breakdown of the various budget items. Copy and paste the Excel spreadsheet of your budget into a Word document. Finally, explain how the budget is made available to the public for review. For example, is the budget made available at public meetings, on a special request, published in a newsletter, on the organization’s premises during regular business hours, via the organization’s Web site, or by some other means? If the budget is not available for the public to review, explain why. Furthermore, are there any provisions in place regarding the budget being made available for public view? Explain in detail.
Assignment Guidelines
- Address the following in 750–1,000 words:
- Identify the type of public organization for which you work, as well as what types of services, goods, or activities the organization provides to the public. Identify the size and scope of the organization.
- Construct a budget using Excel that will provide a breakdown of the various organizational budget items.
- Copy and paste the Excel spreadsheet of your budget into a Word document.
- Is the budget made available to the public for review?
- If yes, explain how in detail.
- If no, explain in detail why it is not.
- Are there any types of provisions in place regarding the budget being made available for public view? Identify and explain.
- Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
Unit 4 Discussion Board
Primary Task Response: Your first task is to post your own Key Assignment Outline to the discussion area so that other students are able to review your plan. Attach your document to the main discussion post, and include any notes you feel are appropriate. The purpose of this assignment is to help improve the quality of the Key Assignment Draft you will complete next week.
Unit 4 Individual Project
You have been appointed to be a part of a special committee that is responsible for devising policy procedures and a budget for the organization’s earthquake preparedness. The last earthquake in 2003 exposed areas of weakness within the organization, regarding the need for emergency equipment and supplies. You and your committee will need to draft a proposal that will address what earthquake emergency equipment and supplies will be required, as well as a budget that will show how much the items and overall expenses will cost to maintain and replace expired items.
The budget needs to include how many staff members will be needed to operate the emergency preparedness department. You should begin your proposal by identifying the population size being served by your public administration organization and by identifying any other factors about the population being served that are relevant to your overall proposal. Examples of other factors could be matters related to geography, the needs of a particular subpopulation, or regional weather patterns.
Secondly, the committee will need to propose an earthquake policy to address the proper protocols if and when an earthquake should occur. The policy needs to stipulate what emergency procedures need to be followed. The policy should include the frequency of earthquake drills by all personnel and who is responsible for stocking the earthquake supplies and maintaining the emergency preparedness budget.
Finally, the committee needs to include a rationale in the proposal for what challenges the organization may face in implementing and maintaining the operations of the emergency earthquake preparedness.
Assignment Guidelines
- Address the following in your proposal of 1,000–1,250 words:
- The Budget
- Must include a breakdown of the various emergency supplies to be used in the event of an earthquake
- Needs to include how many staff members will be needed to operate the emergency preparedness department
- You should begin your proposal by identifying the population size being served by your public administration organization.
- Identify any other factors about the population being served that are relevant to your overall proposal
- Other factors may include the following:
- Matters related to geography
- Needs of a particular subpopulation
- Regional weather patterns
- Earthquake Policy
- This policy needs to stipulate what emergency procedures need to be followed.
- This policy should include the following:
- The frequency of earthquake drills by all personnel
- Responsibilities for stocking the earthquake supplies
- A plan for maintaining the emergency preparedness budget
- Identifying Challenges
- What challenges might the organization face in implementing and maintaining the operations of the emergency earthquake preparedness? Explain in detail.
- The Budget
- Remember to support all of your arguments with scholarly resources.
- Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
Unit 5 Individual Project
- Revise and amend your Week 4 Key Assignment by adding what you learned in the post-DB’s following the task, as well as taking into consideration your instructor’s comments.
Finally, the committee will need to propose policies on training and education for earthquake preparedness. Both the organization’s employees and the public will need education and training for the earthquake preparedness plan to be truly effective.
- Add your responses to the following to your Key Assignment Final Draft:
- How will the organization address training for employees? Explain in detail.
- How should the public be trained and educated on earthquake preparedness? Explain in detail.
- Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
Unit 4 Discussion Board
Primary Task Response: Your first task is to post your own Key Assignment Outline (outline of your response to the Phase 4 IP) to the discussion area so that other students are able to review your plan. Attach your document to the main discussion post, and include any notes you feel are appropriate. The purpose of this assignment is to help improve the quality of the Key Assignment Draft you will complete next week. The Phase 4 IP is the Key Assignment being referred to here.
Unit 4 Individual Project
During trial preparation, you are directed by the Assistant U.S. Attorney (AUSA) to bring the tapes of intercepted conversations involving a prime suspect in your case to her office. You provide the evidence custodian with the necessary paperwork and are waiting for the tapes to be produced. After 20 minutes, the custodian comes back and asks if you are sure you have provided the correct case and exhibit numbers. You verify the numbers and are told the original tapes cannot be found.
You immediately inform your supervisor, who is understandably concerned. You have the paperwork documenting the fact that the tapes were transferred to the custody of the evidence custodian. The other agents in the office are asked whether they have any knowledge of this matter. No one has any idea as to what happened to the original tapes.
You and your supervisor call the AUSA and explain to her what has happened. She is furious and tells you not to be surprised if the judge throws out the entire case. You remind her that she has duplicate copies in her possession and that you have your working copies as well. She says her copies were barely audible, and apparently there was some problem with the recording equipment. You decide to do some research on the best evidence rule.
Assignment Guidelines
- Address the following in 3-4 pages:
- What is the best evidence rule? Explain in detail.
- Why was the best evidence rule implemented into the U.S. court system? Explain.
- What is the rationale behind its application?
- Review the following cases with regard to wiretapping:
- Goldman v. United States
- Katz v. United States
- Summarize the current status of wiretapping restrictions according to the reviewed cases above.
- How must evidence derived from wiretapping be packaged and preserved? Explain.
- How does wiretapping evidence relate to the “fruit of the poisonous tree” doctrine? Explain.
- What is the likely outcome of your case in court if the originals are not located? Explain.
- What is the best evidence rule? Explain in detail.
- Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
Unit 5 Individual Project
During the past several years, DNA testing has become a powerful and well-accepted tool that serves several purposes.
Your instructor has returned your Week 4 Individual Project Key Assignment with comments and suggestions to improve your overall plan. Additionally, you have had the opportunity to discuss your case and plan with your peers.
Assignment Guidelines
- Revise and amend your Week 4 Key Assignment by adding what you learned in the Discussion Board posts following the task, as well as taking into consideration your instructor’s comments.
- Address the following, and add your responses to your Key Assignment final draft:
- What are the purposes of DNA testing? Explain in detail.
- Provide examples where necessary.
- What is law enforcement’s role in making DNA testing possible today when it was not possible 15–20 years ago? Explain.
- Provide examples when necessary.
- Discuss how the best evidence rule can come into play when dealing with DNA evidence.
- What are the purposes of DNA testing? Explain in detail.
- Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.
write an essay around 2000 words using feminist critical approach to analyze Margret Atwood’s novel, the Handmaid’s tale. Must read the novel, i will offer higher price because the professor is strict and I will also request for refund if the work is bad Humanities Assignment Help
Length: 5-6 pages (1650-2000 words)
Write a research essay analyzing Margaret Atwood’s novel, The Handmaid’s Tale, paying special attention to symbolism, character development, and theme.
Use one of the following critical approaches to guide your discussion
Use Feminist Criticism, A17-A19 (I will upload pictures of the pages)
Before beginning, read “The Literature Research Essay” (1951-1961); “Quotation, Citation, and Documentation” (1962-1991); and the sample research paper (1992-2001)
- In your introductory paragraph, state a clear thesis using the template we’ve discussed in class: By showing us [this specific element of the narrative], The Handmaid’s Tale urges us to consider [this particular theme]. (See pp. 1921 for more on thesis statements and pp. 429-433 for assistance with identifying themes).
- In your essay’s body:
- Use specifics (e.g., characters’ names and in-depth analysis of the novel’s events) to illustrate your main points and support your central argument (thesis).
- Quote and/or paraphrase from at least three pieces of literary criticism from SMC’s library databases. (SMC’s literature database should be your first option. Academic Search Premier or JSTOR could prove useful as well.)
- Identify your sources with proper MLA parenthetical citation.
- Identify quotes from the novel using page numbers.
- Use your concluding paragraph to summarize your main points and restate your thesis.
- Finally, include a works cited page to list the sources you have quoted. Use for assistance in compiling your works cited page.
Note that you should utilize very little, if any, plot summary. Assume your audience is familiar with the events and characters in the narrative.
For additional guidelines, consult “The Writing Process” (1938-1950). We will discuss this process in class with special emphasis on elements about which you have questions.
We will discuss how to generate topics, and formulate questions and thesis statements as we examine the novel as a class. As a starting point, consider these prompts as you read:
- Discuss the ways in which Atwood treats sexuality and fertility in The Handmaid’s Tale.
- Atwood’s novel depicts a dystopia. To what extent do the events in the narrative reflect concerns in contemporary society?
- In what sense are the women of Gilead powerless (and in what sense powerful)?
Papers must be typed, double-spaced, use MLA format, one-inch margins all around, with left-justified text, 12-point Times New Roman font. Failure to adhere to these guidelines will adversely affect your grade.
Artificial Intelligence Assignment. Computer Science Assignment Help
Utilize the Consistency Based CSP Solver from the Resources site associated with the book to find a (possibly alternate) solution to Exercise 4.6 which we did in Week 5.
Use the following link to the download and tutorials page (note the samples that come with the application:
Submit the saved CSP file.
NOTE: for constraints with compound or complex conditions, you must choose a custom constraint type (e.g. A is less than or equal to B; C not equal to D+1)
Utilize the STRIPS to CSP converter from the Resources site associated with the book to find a solution to Exercise 6.1 which we did in Week 7.
Use the following link to the download and tutorials page (note the samples that come with the application:
Submit the saved STRIPS and saved CSP file.
Exercise 4.6 and Exercise 6.1 solutions are in the attached files.
Artificial Intelligence Assignment. Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Genomic Technologies: power point oral speech Business Finance Assignment Help
Genomic Technologies:
Assignment Objectives:
to become familiar with scholarship in a particular area of bioethics.
to demonstrate an ability to summarize another thinker’s argument or point of view.
to demonstrate an ability to communicate effectively.
Assignment Description:
The oral report is an article review. Students choose a current scholarly article written on a topic in bioethics
to summarize and analyze. They present their summary and analysis in a 2-3 page essay and as an oral
report via power point, Prezi, or some other presentation tool. Students use Stritch library data bases or
bioethics anthologies of articles on reserve for this class to choose and then summarize a scholarly,
academic article that entertains a topic in bioethics. Students then present their summary of the chosen
article to the class along with an analysis of the article. A power point or prezi or handout is required. The
report should include:
The article title and bibliographical information – author, where and when it was published. (A copy or link
to the article should be submitted on Canvas.)
A brief statement of the author’s credentials/affiliation, if accessible.
A correct and detailed summary of the article’s argument, position, content.
An analysis which may include: a consideration of the truth or falsity of one or more statements made in
the article; a consideration of weak or strong portions of the article; if an analogy is introduced, a
consideration of whether the analogy ‘works’; an identification of any logical fallacies
( that may be present; a statement about which
theoretical perspective (if discernible) informs the author’s view.
Grading will be based upon the quality of both written and oral presentations of the material.
Due dates vary, depending upon when the class is discussing the issue chosen for research.
Financial risk management – Interconnected risk Business Finance Assignment Help
Answer the questions following the instruction. Fill out yellow part in excel and answer questions in word.
Description |
You are the same risk analyst in a wealth management company who helped one of the wealth managers win the account of the Vanderbilt Family Office. Your liquidity analysis of the FO’s existing and proposed investment portfolios was favorably received and the proposed portfolio changes were made. Now the FO’s Administrative Manager has asked you to stress test the new portfolio in a Global Markets Correction scenario, highlighting the positions which are vulnerable to contagion between more than one risk category. |
Instructions |
Study the price changes of the investments listed in Attachment A between 31 March 2019 and the 30 June 2019 stress test. Based on your knowledge of each type of investment’s market, credit and liquidity risk characteristics, enter your rationale for the existence and magnitude, or non-existence, of contagion risk against each position in the shaded Contagion Risk Assessment column. Then, answer the following questions, giving brief reasons for each of your answers. 1.Which fixed income position(s) show the most contagion risk in the stress test? 2.Which equity position(s) show the most contagion risk in the stress test? 3.Which alternative investment* position(s) show the most contagion risk in the stress test? (* = Commercial Real Estate and Hedge Funds) |
Responses |
Which fixed income position(s) show the most contagion risk in the stress test?
Which equity position(s) show the most contagion risk in the stress test?
Which alternative investment* position(s) show the most contagion risk in the stress test?
discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Type your opinion in one paragraph You need to start by saying I agree with,or 2 response for each individually
- What aspects of your classmate’s post do you agree or disagree with… Offer at least one NEW example to support your reasoning.
- Then, extend the discussion by providing doing one of the following: 1) share some related info from an external website, 2) share a personal experience that supports the discussion, 3) share other info from this week’s readings/videos, etc., or 4) ask a thought provoking question based on the content of your classmate’s discussion
1st post
There are several characteristics that must be considered when picking out books to read with young children. One of this is the kind of coloring of pictures and simple objects in the book. Children like brightly colored pictures. The second characteristic is text and rhythm of the book. Children respond well to the types of books that have simple texts and exhibit good rhythm. Another characteristic is wordless books that only have pictures. Such books encourage them to create their own stories regarding the pictures.
Books designed for infants are different from those designed for toddlers and preschoolers. This is mainly because of their stages of development. Books designed for infants largely comprise of brightly colored pictures and simple texts. Some of them also have just pictures with no texts at all, giving infants an opportunity to create their own stories. On the other hand, books designed for preschoolers entail slightly complex texts with good rhythm, since children at that stage already appreciate such complexity. They also use toy-like books given their level of coordination at that stage.
My first favorite book for infants is ‘Nursery Rhymes’ by Kate Toms as the author. This book contains a collection of great nursery rhymes. I loved the book because of its beautiful illustrations that are enjoyable to both parents and toddlers.
The second book is ‘Eating the Alphabet’ by Lois Ehlert. This book introduces infants to the alphabets as well as fruits and vegetables. I loved the book because of its brightly colored pictures and wonderful introduction to vegetables and naming of fruits.
The third book is ‘The Rainbow Fish’ authored by Pfister. The book is about a beautiful fish who gains friends and happiness by learning the art of sharing. This book is particularly impressive on the basis of its coloring of the fish, as well as the morals associated with it.
2nd one
There has emerged a focus on teaching toddlers how to read among modern parents. This puts a lot of pressure on teachers and caregivers when it comes to handling these demands in connection with their practice. It is worth noting though, that teaching infants how to read is not a good practice. The most important reason for this is because it is not developmentally appropriate. This is because attempting to read to infants may create counter-productive results such as making babies associate reading with failure. Reading does not merely involve more than just recognizing and calling out words. It entails comprehension, the aspect of which is not yet developed in infants.
The most important achievement by age 3, as listed in the book, is for a child to be able to comment on characters in books. As stated in the first paragraph, the most vital aspect of reading is comprehension. When a child is able to comment on characters in books, it shows they have comprehended some information about such characters in previous readings.
One of the golden lines from the article is that it is not a good idea to teach infants how to read since this will make other areas of development to suffer. Infants need to learn skills in the appropriate order. When parents and caregivers jump certain stages of development and start teaching them how to read, children end up with incomplete development which may eventually compromise their overall progress. The other golden line is that it is not developmentally appropriate to teach babies how to read. The third golden line is that babies learn best through play. As such, reading instructions may be too formal to them. A particularly do not agree with the notion that there is no need to rush when teaching a child how to read. It must be understood that some children are naturally fast learners. They therefore develop faster than their age mates, therefore teaching them how to read early is not actually a rush.
Part 1:
- While there are countless books for infants and toddlers out there, what constitutes a high quality book? What are some characteristics that we might want to look for when selecting books to read with very young children?
- How are books designed for infants different from books designed for toddlers or even preschool children?
When I look for a book for children, I look of the existing cover at the beginning. Then, I read some pages because I want to find some interesting story that has meaningful for kids. The book should contain easy and understandable meaning with different pictures. Also, there are some books that have different shapes and sizes with different sounds on them. That would be very interesting for kids in early ages. The designed should be very colorful and interesting with easy words in less than 5-6 pages for toddlers. However, for preschools the books should contain more words and more pages to cover understandable materials.
Part 2:
Share three of your absolute favorite books for infants and/or toddlers with the rest of the class. List the title, author, a sentence or two summary, and tell us why you love this book.
- The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
I remember my grandmother bought this book for me. It has the different colorful fishes on it. The book is short. I read this book many times for my little cousin. He loves it too. I loved this book because of the pictures. Also, fish was my favorite animal in my preschool period.
- Cinderella by Dan Taylor
I remember I love the Disney story and Cinderella was my favorite book. I love the pictures in the story. The story was so interesting for man and I remember I asked my mom to get the Cinderella’s dress for me. Cinderella was my best princess that I loved.
- The Little Match Girl by Hans Andersen
This is another amazing story that I remember when I was kid. The story was about a poor young girl who tries to sell matches in the street. The story was so beautiful. The story was so beautiful for me. The story was so meaningful and I remember my mom read that book for me many times because I asked her about the girl’s situation and I always asked my mom let’s go to find the girl and keep them with us!
4th discussion
In my opinion, the most important reason that attempting to teach infants to read is not a good practice because babies are in the ages that everything is new for them and they need to understand the basic things that happen around them. For example, they need to learn use the bathroom, sleep on time, and how to eat. If their parents force them to learn how to read, it would be very hard and stressful for them and it might be bad effect on their reading in future. “Current research on early literacy and brain development offers natural recommendations on what skills and activities infants and toddlers can perform that will enable them to be successful readers”(Want my baby to read, p 43).
I think the important achievement that children need to learn is “listen to stories from books and stories told”. The first step that make the children’s brain to be ready for reading is listening. They first should hear the words and try to understand the meaning of them, then in next step they will be ready for reading. I remember when mom read a story for me, I was asking about the all characters of story and tried to remember the easy word. It helps a lot when you involve the kid’s idea to understand the meaning of the story and they encourage to learn how to read/write in future.
Golden lines:
- “The primary goal of language and literacy during the infant and toddler years is to help children hear and distinguish the sounds of language in their environment”. I believe first step of learning language in early ages in hearing because when they listen to the language they get some information about the words and their brains are accepting the new information easier.
- “Since an infant’s vision is still in early development and the brain is still learning to recognize and differentiate images, the best activities adults can use to support true language and literacy development during infancy are exposing babies to as many sounds, words, and pictures as possible”. I agree the vision is not complete yet. The brain starts to work on the differences. I think parents can provide some activities including the pictures and sounds to improve the kids’ abilities.
responses Humanities Assignment Help
Type your opinion in one paragraph You need to start by saying I agree with,or
- What aspects of your classmate’s post do you agree or disagree with… Offer at least one NEW example to support your reasoning.
- Then, extend the discussion by providing doing one of the following: 1) share some related info from an external website, 2) share a personal experience that supports the discussion, 3) share other info from this week’s readings/videos, etc., or 4) ask a thought provoking question based on the content of your classmate’s discussion
1st post
There are several characteristics that must be considered when picking out books to read with young children. One of this is the kind of coloring of pictures and simple objects in the book. Children like brightly colored pictures. The second characteristic is text and rhythm of the book. Children respond well to the types of books that have simple texts and exhibit good rhythm. Another characteristic is wordless books that only have pictures. Such books encourage them to create their own stories regarding the pictures.
Books designed for infants are different from those designed for toddlers and preschoolers. This is mainly because of their stages of development. Books designed for infants largely comprise of brightly colored pictures and simple texts. Some of them also have just pictures with no texts at all, giving infants an opportunity to create their own stories. On the other hand, books designed for preschoolers entail slightly complex texts with good rhythm, since children at that stage already appreciate such complexity. They also use toy-like books given their level of coordination at that stage.
My first favorite book for infants is ‘Nursery Rhymes’ by Kate Toms as the author. This book contains a collection of great nursery rhymes. I loved the book because of its beautiful illustrations that are enjoyable to both parents and toddlers.
The second book is ‘Eating the Alphabet’ by Lois Ehlert. This book introduces infants to the alphabets as well as fruits and vegetables. I loved the book because of its brightly colored pictures and wonderful introduction to vegetables and naming of fruits.
The third book is ‘The Rainbow Fish’ authored by Pfister. The book is about a beautiful fish who gains friends and happiness by learning the art of sharing. This book is particularly impressive on the basis of its coloring of the fish, as well as the morals associated with it.
2nd one
There has emerged a focus on teaching toddlers how to read among modern parents. This puts a lot of pressure on teachers and caregivers when it comes to handling these demands in connection with their practice. It is worth noting though, that teaching infants how to read is not a good practice. The most important reason for this is because it is not developmentally appropriate. This is because attempting to read to infants may create counter-productive results such as making babies associate reading with failure. Reading does not merely involve more than just recognizing and calling out words. It entails comprehension, the aspect of which is not yet developed in infants.
The most important achievement by age 3, as listed in the book, is for a child to be able to comment on characters in books. As stated in the first paragraph, the most vital aspect of reading is comprehension. When a child is able to comment on characters in books, it shows they have comprehended some information about such characters in previous readings.
One of the golden lines from the article is that it is not a good idea to teach infants how to read since this will make other areas of development to suffer. Infants need to learn skills in the appropriate order. When parents and caregivers jump certain stages of development and start teaching them how to read, children end up with incomplete development which may eventually compromise their overall progress. The other golden line is that it is not developmentally appropriate to teach babies how to read. The third golden line is that babies learn best through play. As such, reading instructions may be too formal to them. A particularly do not agree with the notion that there is no need to rush when teaching a child how to read. It must be understood that some children are naturally fast learners. They therefore develop faster than their age mates, therefore teaching them how to read early is not actually a rush.
Part 1:
- While there are countless books for infants and toddlers out there, what constitutes a high quality book? What are some characteristics that we might want to look for when selecting books to read with very young children?
- How are books designed for infants different from books designed for toddlers or even preschool children?
When I look for a book for children, I look of the existing cover at the beginning. Then, I read some pages because I want to find some interesting story that has meaningful for kids. The book should contain easy and understandable meaning with different pictures. Also, there are some books that have different shapes and sizes with different sounds on them. That would be very interesting for kids in early ages. The designed should be very colorful and interesting with easy words in less than 5-6 pages for toddlers. However, for preschools the books should contain more words and more pages to cover understandable materials.
Part 2:
Share three of your absolute favorite books for infants and/or toddlers with the rest of the class. List the title, author, a sentence or two summary, and tell us why you love this book.
- The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
I remember my grandmother bought this book for me. It has the different colorful fishes on it. The book is short. I read this book many times for my little cousin. He loves it too. I loved this book because of the pictures. Also, fish was my favorite animal in my preschool period.
- Cinderella by Dan Taylor
I remember I love the Disney story and Cinderella was my favorite book. I love the pictures in the story. The story was so interesting for man and I remember I asked my mom to get the Cinderella’s dress for me. Cinderella was my best princess that I loved.
- The Little Match Girl by Hans Andersen
This is another amazing story that I remember when I was kid. The story was about a poor young girl who tries to sell matches in the street. The story was so beautiful. The story was so beautiful for me. The story was so meaningful and I remember my mom read that book for me many times because I asked her about the girl’s situation and I always asked my mom let’s go to find the girl and keep them with us!
4th discussion
In my opinion, the most important reason that attempting to teach infants to read is not a good practice because babies are in the ages that everything is new for them and they need to understand the basic things that happen around them. For example, they need to learn use the bathroom, sleep on time, and how to eat. If their parents force them to learn how to read, it would be very hard and stressful for them and it might be bad effect on their reading in future. “Current research on early literacy and brain development offers natural recommendations on what skills and activities infants and toddlers can perform that will enable them to be successful readers”(Want my baby to read, p 43).
I think the important achievement that children need to learn is “listen to stories from books and stories told”. The first step that make the children’s brain to be ready for reading is listening. They first should hear the words and try to understand the meaning of them, then in next step they will be ready for reading. I remember when mom read a story for me, I was asking about the all characters of story and tried to remember the easy word. It helps a lot when you involve the kid’s idea to understand the meaning of the story and they encourage to learn how to read/write in future.
Golden lines:
- “The primary goal of language and literacy during the infant and toddler years is to help children hear and distinguish the sounds of language in their environment”. I believe first step of learning language in early ages in hearing because when they listen to the language they get some information about the words and their brains are accepting the new information easier.
- “Since an infant’s vision is still in early development and the brain is still learning to recognize and differentiate images, the best activities adults can use to support true language and literacy development during infancy are exposing babies to as many sounds, words, and pictures as possible”. I agree the vision is not complete yet. The brain starts to work on the differences. I think parents can provide some activities including the pictures and sounds to improve the kids’ abilities.
There has emerged a focus on teaching toddlers how to read among modern parents. This puts a lot of pressure on teachers and caregivers when it comes to handling these demands in connection with their practice. It is worth noting though, that teaching infants how to read is not a good practice. The most important reason for this is because it is not developmentally appropriate. This is because attempting to read to infants may create counter-productive results such as making babies associate reading with failure. Reading does not merely involve more than just recognizing and calling out words. It entails comprehension, the aspect of which is not yet developed in infants.
The most important achievement by age 3, as listed in the book, is for a child to be able to comment on characters in books. As stated in the first paragraph, the most vital aspect of reading is comprehension. When a child is able to comment on characters in books, it shows they have comprehended some information about such characters in previous readings.
One of the golden lines from the article is that it is not a good idea to teach infants how to read since this will make other areas of development to suffer. Infants need to learn skills in the appropriate order. When parents and caregivers jump certain stages of development and start teaching them how to read, children end up with incomplete development which may eventually compromise their overall progress. The other golden line is that it is not developmentally appropriate to teach babies how to read. The third golden line is that babies learn best through play. As such, reading instructions may be too formal to them. A particularly do not agree with the notion that there is no need to rush when teaching a child how to read. It must be understood that some children are naturally fast learners. They therefore develop faster than their age mates, therefore teaching them how to read early is not actually a rush.
Part 1:
- While there are countless books for infants and toddlers out there, what constitutes a high quality book? What are some characteristics that we might want to look for when selecting books to read with very young children?
- How are books designed for infants different from books designed for toddlers or even preschool children?
When I look for a book for children, I look of the existing cover at the beginning. Then, I read some pages because I want to find some interesting story that has meaningful for kids. The book should contain easy and understandable meaning with different pictures. Also, there are some books that have different shapes and sizes with different sounds on them. That would be very interesting for kids in early ages. The designed should be very colorful and interesting with easy words in less than 5-6 pages for toddlers. However, for preschools the books should contain more words and more pages to cover understandable materials.
Part 2:
Share three of your absolute favorite books for infants and/or toddlers with the rest of the class. List the title, author, a sentence or two summary, and tell us why you love this book.
- The Rainbow Fish by Marcus Pfister
I remember my grandmother bought this book for me. It has the different colorful fishes on it. The book is short. I read this book many times for my little cousin. He loves it too. I loved this book because of the pictures. Also, fish was my favorite animal in my preschool period.
- Cinderella by Dan Taylor
I remember I love the Disney story and Cinderella was my favorite book. I love the pictures in the story. The story was so interesting for man and I remember I asked my mom to get the Cinderella’s dress for me. Cinderella was my best princess that I loved.
- The Little Match Girl by Hans Andersen
This is another amazing story that I remember when I was kid. The story was about a poor young girl who tries to sell matches in the street. The story was so beautiful. The story was so beautiful for me. The story was so meaningful and I remember my mom read that book for me many times because I asked her about the girl’s situation and I always asked my mom let’s go to find the girl and keep them with us!
4th discussion
In my opinion, the most important reason that attempting to teach infants to read is not a good practice because babies are in the ages that everything is new for them and they need to understand the basic things that happen around them. For example, they need to learn use the bathroom, sleep on time, and how to eat. If their parents force them to learn how to read, it would be very hard and stressful for them and it might be bad effect on their reading in future. “Current research on early literacy and brain development offers natural recommendations on what skills and activities infants and toddlers can perform that will enable them to be successful readers”(Want my baby to read, p 43).
I think the important achievement that children need to learn is “listen to stories from books and stories told”. The first step that make the children’s brain to be ready for reading is listening. They first should hear the words and try to understand the meaning of them, then in next step they will be ready for reading. I remember when mom read a story for me, I was asking about the all characters of story and tried to remember the easy word. It helps a lot when you involve the kid’s idea to understand the meaning of the story and they encourage to learn how to read/write in future.
Golden lines:
- “The primary goal of language and literacy during the infant and toddler years is to help children hear and distinguish the sounds of language in their environment”. I believe first step of learning language in early ages in hearing because when they listen to the language they get some information about the words and their brains are accepting the new information easier.
- “Since an infant’s vision is still in early development and the brain is still learning to recognize and differentiate images, the best activities adults can use to support true language and literacy development during infancy are exposing babies to as many sounds, words, and pictures as possible”. I agree the vision is not complete yet. The brain starts to work on the differences. I think parents can provide some activities including the pictures and sounds to improve the kids’ abilities.