Software Testing, Documentation and Quality Assurance Programming Assignment Help

Software Testing, Documentation and Quality Assurance Programming Assignment Help. Software Testing, Documentation and Quality Assurance Programming Assignment Help.

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Software Testing, Documentation and Quality Assurance

Test Plan

Must prepare a comprehensive Test Plan for the “Better Flags Company Application” in full compliance with all the requirements listed below. You need to include at least 10 test scenarios using at least three different techniques for black box testing and at least three different non-functional tests. The same black box technique can be used more than once and must cover different pieces of the application.

The system is being designed as a Web application with appropriate security to protect the customer’s personal data.

The document should include:

  • Title Page (meaningful title, draft or final, date, and your name): no other information should be on the page
  • Table of Contents (with page numbers, automatically generated) and with the description of the application being page 1.
  • Description of the application (who, what, where, how): two to three paragraphs.
  • Description of the test environment to be used for the test (type of equipment, operating system etc.).
  • Summary of the test types planned and the purpose of the testing. Provide a description of the test type and why it is significant for this application.
  • An estimate of the level of effort (number of hours) that you think it will take to complete the testing (assume only 1 tester is available), including any assumptions you have made in making this estimate (e.g. how many testing cycles).
  • Entrance and exit criteria
  • Test cases: List of test scenarios and test cases in a table (formatted correctly with an embedded Excel spreadsheet or a Microsoft table) including the following columns:
  • A sequential number.
  • The type of test (e.g., functional or non-functional) and within that the specific type (e.g., boundary value in black box)
  • The test scenario (what function or code are you testing)
  • The data that you will enter to test this scenario (should include both a passing and a failing test case for each test scenario)
  • The expected result (if the system was working correctly).
  • A column for test results and a column for status (these are both blank)

Include the honor page at the beginning or end of the document.

The test cases should be presented in the order they will be run, with the functional before the non-functional. RESULTS ARE NOT REQUIRED

The document should include at least at least 10 test cases. A glossary of terms should be appended to show the main terms that you have used in the document (at least 5 terms and their meaning).

Sources of any other information used must be referenced.

Pages must be numbered and must include your name on each page in the footer.

The document must be in MS Word format.


Your report will be evaluated in each of the following ways:

  • Your test cases must be comprehensive and cover all of the functionality of the application (10 is just a guideline).
  • Your test cases and test scenarios must be clear and complete and they must be detailed enough so that they can be run by a tester other than yourself or in an automated environment. Be specific.
  • Section 1 through 7 must be written in complete sentences and be grammatically correct in the third person.
  • Your test cases in Section 8 may be written in bullet form but must be written in good formal English (no contractions, etc.) and must be readable. If you Excel to format, attach the Excel spreadsheet separately.
  • You must follow the instructions in the report format EXACTLY, it is a company standard.
  • You have the flexibility to “design” the document (e.g., typeface, font size, but your style must be consistent throughout the entire document and must be readable for the tester who will be conducting the tests later.
  • Your submission must be timely in terms of the deadline given in the syllabus.
  • You should spellcheck all parts of the document and auto-generate the table of contents.


Requirements Specified for Application

A store called Better Flags sells customized flags for organizational and personal purposes.

The store wants to develop an online presence with a program where the customer inputs the specifics for a flag order and receives a cost estimate. This is only the first part of a larger e-commerce application which will be developed over the next year.

Customers may order poles separately from flags but they can only order one flag type in each order. The program then calculates the total cost of the order.

The following input is required:

The length of the pole as an integer: 3 – 9 ft inclusive

The pattern on the flag: STRIPES, CURVES, or AMERICAN FLAG

The preferred fabric: COTTON, NYLON, SILK


The number of flags or poles to be purchased as an integer: 0-99 inclusive. The customer can only order all the same poles and the same flags in one order.

Each nylon flag costs $15, each cotton flag costs $20, each silk flag costs $30. Tax is included in the price.

Poles are $12 plus $1 per foot over five feet. The fabric costs are included in the flag price but there is a $2 surcharge for the American Flag pattern.

A discount of 10% is applied to orders of 5 flags or more.

A shipping cost of $12.00 is applied to the order for regular shipping and $25.00 per flag for overnight shipping. There is no additional cost for Freight shipping.

The Web page must include the logo and a set of customer service contacts (address, email and telephone number).

The company currently has about 400 regular customers who order flags usually twice every year, mainly in the summer timeframe. The average order is 10 poles and 10 flags.

Software Testing, Documentation and Quality Assurance Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Essay 2 Evaluating an Argument Writing Assignment Help

Essay 2: Evaluating an Argument

For this assignment, you will read the article titled,“Keeping the Promise to All American Children” Then, you will write an essay in which you evaluate the author’s argument. This does NOT mean that you should agree or disagree with the author (his or her actual point); you are NOT commenting on the author’s opinion.

You will need to restate his thesis/argument in your own words and from then on, show how he or she did an effective or ineffective job at convincing the audience, meaning you have to identify it. Identify the argument and audience in your introduction. Then, write your own thesis, which should state whether the presented argument is effective or not and why, and then, spend the body paragraphs focusing on the different strategies and how they are being used.

Task: You are analyzing the way the author presented his or her argument to argue whether it is an effective or ineffective argument.

In order to analyze the argument, you will consider the author’s use of:





Logical fallacies


Types/Strength of evidence


OR any other points you saw in your textbook

Ask yourself, what makes for an effective argument? How and in what ways is the argument convincing?

*Remember that the author can use one rhetorical strategy effectively while failing to use others effectively.


You will need to:

1. Point out any instances where the author used one of theelements above by providing a quote from the text with MLA citation.

2. Comment on whether or not the author did so well, and why? And whether the use of this strategy contributed to effectiveness of his or her argument.

You do NOT have to address every elements above, but you DO have to evaluate a minimum of FIVE (5). Each of the five can be presented in its own separate paragraph or you may combine them as you see fit. Be aware that I do expect to see clear organization and academic essay structure.

Due Dates:

Final Draft Due Sunday


Length: 4-5pages

You will need

Introduction (including a hook, background information about the article, the author’s thesis/claimand his intended audience and your thesis/claim)

Up to 5 body paragraphs (including examples from the text as well as your analysis of effectiveness)



Sociology Essay Minimum 3 pages Humanities Assignment Help

Sexual Orientation: Outline both the Kinsey model of sexual orientation (Figure 2.3 in Chapter 12) and the Klein model of sexual orientation (class mini-lecture). What is similar? What is different? If you’ve reviewed these two models to see where you may lie, discuss your results if you are willing. Were you surprised by your results? Why or why not? You may also discuss this in more vague terms–what do you think of these models? For your review, both of these models can be viewed via PDF under this week’s module.

Then, discuss some key points related to the issue of maintaining sex and gender binaries (male/female and masculinity/femininity) in society. Why are they problematic? In what ways do they influence a skewed understanding of the terms “sex” and “gender,” as well as conformity to particular sexual orientation(s)? Be sure to illustrate your answer with explanations from the text, our lectures and/or other cited research.

Please ensure that your paper is around 3 pages, double-spaced, with a heading (your name, course info, etc.) and a creative title. Remember that you must utilize ideas and concepts from the textbook, class lectures and discussions to illustrate your point, so the prompt that you choose to write about must reference any of those corresponding chapters, lectures, discussions, and/or activities. Lastly, factors such as spelling, punctuation, and grammar certainly count towards your reflection paper grade, so be sure to edit your paper beforehand.

NO PLAGIARISM Follow Directions above!


Hi I need someone to do my history quastion Humanities Assignment Help

Current Event 1

Submit Assignment

  • Due Oct 25 by 3pm
  • Points 25
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload

History Connections – Current Events

Use an MLA header and format. Bring your typed paper to class and submit online through plagiarism software. To print off the rubric click “Control P” on this page or cut and paste it into a WORD document and print. Staple your papers together before you get to class (see below for order).

The purpose of this assignment is for you to make connections between current events and the past. Look for “history-worthy” articles that will relate to the studies in this class. Everything is eventually history, but of special note for you would be looking for currents events that relate to the law; Supreme Court cases; gender, class or race issues; or Constitutional issues (particularly the Bill of Rights).


  • Article length: 1 column inch by at least 9 inches or one printed page from the internet (without images/ads)
  • Source: Trusted news sources as listed below
  • Article type: news or feature (no sports, entertainment, fashion, celebrity stories, opinion pieces, editorials, etc.)
  • Article must be within 30 days

You will find news articles and relate them to the history we are studying. You must cut the article out of the newspaper or print it from a website and attach it to your synopsis of the article. How does it remind you of a previous event, a class reading, a law, or a Supreme Court case we’ve studied? This is what makes it significant so be sure to link the past to the present.

  1. D. – Title of Article, news source, byline (who wrote it?)
  2. E(xplain) In a sentence or two, summarize the article


  • S(ignificance) – how can you connect this article to something specific we’re studying in history? Connect the article to a specific event, person, primary source, law or court case and describe how it is relevant to our study of history.

Be concise – Your paper should be no more than one page in length.

Be specific – Do not generalize the significance (i.e. relating it to the Colonial Era).

Be precise – Follow the instructions and Writing Tips for guidelines and proofread.

Cut out the article and staple it to your typed summary of the article (if flimsy, please tape it to another piece of paper). Cut out or write the name and date of the news source if it is not attached to the article. Please staple paper, article, and rubric (in this order). Use your Writing Tips handout to be certain you can earn full credit for writing mechanics.

Follow a MLA format (header, one-inch margins, 12 pt. font, Times New Roman, double-spaced etc.) and include citations (as appropriate). Bring your typed, printed, stapled paper to class and submit online through CANVAS. For MLA formatting assistance use: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Approved News Sources:

  1. Campus Library resources
  2. The Sacramento Bee
  3. The New York Times
  4. The Los Angeles Times
  5. Wall Street Journal
  6. The Washington Post
  7. The Associated Press/United Press Int’l
  8. Politico
  9. The San Francisco Chronicle (
  10. Women News Network



Current Event (25) IDEA

Current Event (25) IDEA

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome(I.D) Identifies the source and includes copy of article (or image) with name and date of approved source and is of specified length.

Excellent Work

4.0 pts

Meets Objective

3.0 pts

Needs Work

1.0 pts

4.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome(E)xplain: Clearly summarizes the article in own words. Includes details or context as necessary.

Excellent Summary

8.0 pts

Good Summary

7.0 pts

Summary evident

6.0 pts

A retelling instead of a summary

4.0 pts

8.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome(A)nalyze: Thoroughly and clearly discusses the significance of the topic of the article. Significance = why does it matter? Clearly responds to the article making connections to history.

Clearly articulates significance with a strong connection to history.

8.0 pts

Good understanding of significance and historical connection

7.0 pts

Significance Evident

6.0 pts

Missing Elements

4.0 pts

8.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeUses proper formatting, spelling, punctuation, grammar, citation, formal writing style, etc.

Virtually Free of Errors

5.0 pts


3.0 pts

Pervasive Errors

1.0 pts

5.0 pts

Total Points: 25.0


Surv Western Music History LE5 Writing Assignment Help

Find and post a topically relevant recording of a musical performance (either a live performance or a studio recording), along with your brief 350-word analysis of that example that fits within the focus of the current topic. This assignment’s focus is:

Sacred music featuring faburden and fauxbourdon, the English manner of intervalic use. Find fifteenth-century examples that demonstrates the wondrous and strange lack of tonal harmony during that time period.

Choose your music thoughtfully and listen to the music mindfully. Post your media example and form an analysis by demonstrating at least three distinguishing characteristics (such as the prevalent style technique, instrumentation, social context, and so on) that your example displays. In your synopsis, cite specific times in the recording (“4:42,” or “11:27,” for example) where you hear the characteristics or elements take shape. You should also include your general thoughts about the example, including what piqued your interest, and how it might have challenged your expectations or expanded your understanding of music in its historical context. Your embedded media must be functional in order for the assignment to be assessed for a grade.

Nota Bene: It is a good practice (especially if you have a variable Internet connection) to compose your Canvas assignments in Google Drive or other similar office software while you are developing your assignment. When you are satisfied that your assignment is ready to be posted, copy and paste your text into Canvas at that time. This will ensure that you do not work in canvas and inadvertently lose your work.



Architectural requirements Programming Assignment Help

1.Architectural requirements

[This section describes the requirements which are important for developing the software architecture.]

1.1Non-functional requirements

[Describe the architecturally relevant non-functional requirements, i.e. those which are important for developing the software architecture. Think of security, privacy, third-party products, system dependencies, distribution and reuse. Also environmental factors such as context, design, implementation strategy, team composition, development tools, time to market, use of legacy code may be addressed.

Usually, the non-functional requirements are already in place and can be referenced here. This document is not meant to be the source of non-functional requirements, but to address them. Provide a reference per requirement, and where the requirement is addressed.]



Architectural relevance

Addres­sed in:

[The source usually is the Vision, the Product Acceptance Plan or a stakeholder.]

[Provide the name of the requirement]

[Describe why this requirement is relevant with respect to the software architecture.]

[Provide the section number in the SAD where this requirement is addressed.]

1.2Use Case View (functional requirements)

[Refer to Use Cases or Use Case scenarios which are relevant with respect to the software architecture. The Use Cases referred to should contain central functionality, many architectural elements or specific delicate parts of the architecture.]

The overview below refers to architecturally relevant Use Cases from the Use Case Model (see references).



Architectural relevance

Addressed in:

[The source is a Use Case or scenario.]

[Provide the name of the Use Case or Use Case scenario.]

[Describe what makes this Use Case or scenario relevant in the envisioned software architecture.]

[Provide the section number in which the Use Case is treated.]

Architectural requirements Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Ethics Training Module Development Health Medical Assignment Help

You have been hired as an expert healthcare legal consult by large religious-based healthcare system to develop a training module on the topic of “Healthcare Ethics”. Recently the facility has experienced a number of negative blows to it’s overall public image due to a string of ethical violations that have occurred over the past five (5) years. Based on the terms of legal contract that you and the organization agreed upon, below are the specifications that the health system has requested to include within the module:

  • Accompanying Materials
    • Create an agenda that includes at minimum five (5) objectives as an measurement of effectiveness, the purpose of the training, along with the targeted audio (who will benefit from participating in the module)
  • Layout of Module
    • Design an actual forty-five (45) minute to one (1) hour virtual training module for departmental and organizational use on the topic of Healthcare Ethics (the intent is for a future mandatory automated training;
    • Module can include clip art, links to additional sources
    • Topics must include at minimum discussion on the following: employees, patient care, importance, alignment with mission, vision of and values of the organization, define and discuss ethics, compare and contrast ethics, morals and values, it’s impact on decision making, measures to ensure employees practice and adhere to high ethical standards, impacts (financial, legal, reputation-wise in the event a issue occurs), outcome to expect in the event an employee is non-compliant.
    • assess their knowledge and understanding throughout the completion of the module (at minimum incorporate three (3) – four (4) assessments that must include a post-assessment (final assessment)
    • Incorporate real-life current healthcare ethics events as supporting evidence (for example, links to cases, news reports, article write ups etc.)
  • Assessment(s)
    • To assess the level of knowledge and understanding of participants throughout the completion of the module, design at minimum three (3) – four (4) assessments (that must include a post-assessment (final assessment) periodically placed within the module



Complete writing assignment A spark Humanities Assignment Help

Writing Assignment: A Spark

You spend all summer trying to get close to your crush. You go bowling even though you hate bowling. You send emails and IM to plan the big day, and finally you are out on the date, just the two of you. Unfortunately, the conversation is forced, your date is answering text messages all through dinner, and you just want it to be over.Luckily you are just dating, not getting married!

At this point you are not married to your research topic yet either. You are in the dating stages, and if things are not going well, you can look for a new topic or give this one another chance. You are seeing if you like it and if there is enough substance to take this topic further.

Nothing is more frustrating than discovering at the eleventh hour that there is not much information about your topic, or that all the sources say the same thing, or that the topic isn’t as interesting as you thought. To avoid these pitfalls, this assignment will give you a little preview of how the project will go and give your instructor enough information to guide you toward successful discovery.

  1. Complete the chart that presents your overall research question and the series of questions you will explore in relation to the main question. This chart can be found on the Writing Assignment Worksheet. Feel free to add as many additional squares as you like to the middle levels. In addition you may want to complete more than one chart if you are considering more than one topic or more than one direction in the same topic.

Writing Assignment Worksheet


Topic Video Games
Main (General) Discovery Question Does playing violent video games lead to violent behavior?
Focused Discovery Questions Which video games are considered violent? How do psychologists study the relationship between violent behavior and influences? What is violent behavior?
Specific Discovery Questions What kind of violence is portrayed in these games? Which demographic purchases or plays this game? What studies have been done on this subject? How can psychologists be sure that violence they observe is actually caused by games? Is the violent behavior anything to be concerned about, or is it minor violence? Are the violent behaviors exhibited immediately, or are they long term?
Follow up Question What could/should be done about this if it really is a problem?
  1. Complete at least five “Research Source Cards” from your Writing Assignment Worksheet (beginning on page 3) on your chosen topic. Source cards will be used to create your Works Cited page and help you assess how successful your research will be. Create as many source cards as you like over five.
  2. Submit the completed Writing Assignment: A Spark worksheet (including: the topic table, the discovery questions drill down table, and at least five source cards) to the Writing Assignment: A Spark assignment link for grading.”


SWOT analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

In this assignment, you will conduct a SWOT (Strength, Weakness, Opportunity, and Threat) analysis for the type of beverage you have selected, and for your company overall. As you work on the assignment, consider why you have chosen one type of non-alcoholic beverage over another and the reasons for that choice. As you complete your SWOT analysis, be sure to include external factors such as industry / market trends and competition, and internal factors such as your capabilities or abilities to reach certain market segments.
Write a three to five (3-5) page paper, in which you:
1.Create your revised NAB company name and explain its significance.
2.Develop your revised company’s Mission Statement and provide a rationale for its components.
◦Hints: Use the Statement of Mission template on pp. 72-73 on the course textbook: Successful Business Plan to aid your development. Click here for help accessing a specific page number in your eBook.
◦Extracting appropriate information from the NAB company portfolio, where applicable. You should fill in other required items in the template using your personal preferences.
3.Describe the trends in the non-alcoholic beverage industry, especially the specific type of beverage category you have chosen. Justify at least three (3) reasons why you have chosen this type of non-alcoholic beverage. ◦Hints: Research and outline beverage industry trends. Consider the size and growth rate of the industry overall and the specific beverage type you have chosen. Use the worksheet in the course text (p. 88 | Past and Future Growth of Your Industry) to help you project the future growth rate. Consider the use of industry associations and search engines to find reliable, recent data.
4.Choose one (1) strategic position from the course text (pp. 142–143) that you believe is the best strategic position for your company. Explain the approach you will use to implement this strategic position in order to distinguish your beverage from other non-alcoholic beverages.
5.Provide an overview of your company’s distribution channels. Explain the manner in which your product will reach end users. Provide a rationale for your chosen method. ◦Hints: For example, will you sell your beverage in grocery stores, restaurants, or sports venues? If so, describe the types of resellers and distributors who will sell to resellers and fulfill their orders. If you are attempting to sell direct-to-consumers, such as online via a monthly subscription, how will you manage warehousing / fulfillment / shipping?
6.Outline at least three (3) types of risks (including any regulatory risks) that your business faces. Describe your company’s plan to mitigate such risk. ◦Hints: You may refer to the types of risk listed in the course text (pp. 148–149) as well as any risks not listed in the text. Regulation weighs more heavily on beverage and food businesses than many other types of companies, so be certain to consider any regulatory risks your type of beverage faces. For example, what kind of regulation and / or risks are you likely to face if you make health claims about your beverage?
7.Develop a SWOT analysis for your NAB company using the SWOT matrix worksheet in the course text (p. 153 | SWOT: Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats) ◦Hints: What are your company’s likely strengths? Have you chosen a beverage segment that is growing and lacks an entrenched competitor? Are you in a niche market that has great potential? What are the strengths that you and other team members bring to your company? Do you or other team members have previous experience in the food and beverage industry?
◦Hints: What are your company’s likely weaknesses? Is the competition in your industry segment entrenched? Is your own management team inexperienced? Will it be challenging to actually produce your product and maintain quality?
◦Hints: What are your company’s opportunities? Does your segment have more demand than supply? Have larger corporations stopped serving smaller or niche markets that you could enter? Is a new market emerging because of demographics, immigration, changing tastes?
◦Hints: What are your company’s threats? Is there a clear market leader that will be hard and expensive to displace? Are downward-pricing pressures in the segment making profit margins slim? Are there little or no barriers-to-entry for new competitors; if you have a novel idea that succeeds, can the competition easily enter your market? If you have a global aspect to your company, do factors such as currency fluctuations, political instability, offshoring or outsourcing pose threats?
8.Format your assignment according to these formatting requirements:a.Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
b.Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length.
c.Cite the resources you have used to complete the exercise. Note: There is no minimum requirement for the number of resources used in the exercise.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
•Analyze the role of a company mission, vision, and objectives and the impact to business strategy.
•Describe strategic planning techniques used to formulate alternative strategies designed to achieve stated business goals.
•Analyze the external and internal environment for opportunities, threats, strengths, and weaknesses that impact the firm’s competitiveness.
•Use technology and information resources to research issues in strategic management.
•Write clearly and concisely about strategic management using proper writing mechanics.


major personality theory Humanities Assignment Help

Imagine you have been asked to write a research-based blog post for a human resource management website.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word blog post that includes the following:

  • Discuss one of the major personality theories and how this theory is used to conduct assessment.
  • Discuss what stood out to you about personality assessment practices.
  • Reflect on current research trends that utilize this information and how the interpretation of these findings may vary across cultures.
  • Create three insightful questions based on the readings that your audience may also be wondering, and provide responses from the research you have reviewed in relation to this topic.

Include a minimum of three credible, peer-reviewed sources in the blog post.

Format the citations in your blog post consistent with APA guidelines.

Please use first person point of view


Software Testing, Documentation and Quality Assurance Programming Assignment Help

Software Testing, Documentation and Quality Assurance Programming Assignment Help

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