Solving a real-world problem using Graph Theory Mathematics Assignment Help. Solving a real-world problem using Graph Theory Mathematics Assignment Help.
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I need some assistance solving and writing a graph theory problem.
The question is:
Part I: Complete the following steps:
- Select a real-world optimization problem that is an example of the Chinese Postman Problem (CPP).
- Create a graph modeling the real-world scenario corresponding to the problem. Use weights to represent the variable that you are optimizing.
- Find an optimal solution for the problem using the concepts studied in this module.
Part II: Based on your work in Part I, discuss the following:
- Discuss your rationale for your choice of the real-world optimization problem. How were you able to identify that it was an example of the CPP? Why is this example relevant?
- Describe how you created the graph modeling the real-world scenario corresponding to the problem.
- Identify if the graph has a Euler path and a Euler circuit. Justify your answer.
- Explain in detail how you solved the problem.
- Describe an alternative optimal solution to the problem. If no other solution exists, explain why not.
- Consider another variable that could be optimized in the problem. How would your answers to Part I be affected by this change?
- Discuss the advantages of using graph theory to solve this problem.
2 Pages not including title and reference page in APA Format.
Please respond within 4 Hors. Thank you!
Solving a real-world problem using Graph Theory Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Consider this hypothetical situation: 500 words with references Computer Science Assignment Help
Consider this hypothetical situation:
David Doe is a network administrator for the ABC Company. David is passed over for promotion three times. He is quite vocal in his dissatisfaction with this situation. In fact, he begins to express negative opinions about the organization in general. Eventually, David quits and begins his own consulting business. Six months after David’s departure, it is discovered that a good deal of the ABC Company’s research has suddenly been duplicated by a competitor. Executives at ABC suspect that David Doe has done some consulting work for this competitor and may have passed on sensitive data. However, in the interim since David left, his computer has been formatted and reassigned to another person. ABC has no evidence that David Doe did anything wrong.
What steps might have been taken to detect David’s alleged industrial espionage?
What steps might have been taken to prevent his perpetrating such an offense?
Write your answer using a WORD document. Do your own work. Submit here. Note your Safe Assign score. Score must be less than 25 for full credit.
You have three attempts.
The tools of industrial espionage.
Click HERE to watch or click embedded video below.
Related computer Aided Modeling and Simulation Engineering Assignment Help
In process and chemical engineering, dynamic process models based on conservation laws have become an indispensable tool for the development of new processes and the improvement of existing ones. However, the development of realistic and predictive models is a challenging and time consuming task. The major targets in model building are to choose, validate and revise the physical model assumptions to accomplish the mechanistical sense. Modeling is an iterative process so as the simulation. Virtually every model of a complex process is inadequate at the beginning and requires a lot of refinements before it delivers a satisfactory result. Often, it is necessary that experts from different fields share their knowledge during the model development process. With this background
(i) Give a brief note on the role of computer aided modeling and simulation techniques for the analysis, design and control of process engineering systems.
(ii) Brief the main objectives of the computer aided modeling and simulation system
(iii) Critically analyse the applicability, domain, features and advantages of the various simulation and modeling systems available in process engineering.
(iv) Indicate the various role that is expected from such a Computer Aided Modeling and Simulation(CAMS) system 1000 words
The answer will be
- paraphrase
- 1000 words for each question
- Harvard Referencing
- Provide some figures/pictures with reference
Please refer the different books which you can use for answer the questions
Business Law & Ethics Argumentative Research Paper: Business Finance Assignment Help
Business Law & Ethics Argumentative Research Paper:
The following is a review of the information provided in Class 3:
Due to an ever-increasing array of ethics and legal issues in the global business environment, there are countless current topics on which to write your argumentative business law and ethics research paper.
This argumentative research paper is your opportunity to select a meaningful business topic wherein you should review documentation and evaluate data that will help you establish your opinion and position on the topic and issue you choose. Your argumentative essay should consist of existing, published literature and materials, as well as collected data, to present your understanding of the ethical/legal issue in an argumentative manner. Also, it is important to choose a topic that will enable you create a strong foundation on which to build your research and one where ample current material is available in libraries and on the internet. You will need to collect an abundance of statistical data and analyze it in an unbiased, logical way.
Finding a narrow, focused issue is essential to writing an excellent paper. Your task here is to find a topic that can be comprehensively researched—a topic and issue that it isn’t too broad nor too narrow. Then, your goal is to find the topic’s focus and the issues to be argued.
The topic you choose should attract the reader’s attention. The best business law and ethics topics are those that cause many people to voice their opinion. Therefore, it makes sense to choose a topic that is a bit more provocative because examining a controversial topic makes for a very interesting and engaging argumentative research paper.
In order to write a good and intriguing business research paper, your choice of topic should be in your field of interest. In addition to choosing an engaging topic, your research topic must be well-researched and backed up with facts. Also, you should focus on the ethical issues related to your chosen topic by addressing morality, duties, integrity, business behavior, and any other matter that is bad or good for the society, the company, or its employees.
After selecting a topic, conduct thorough research on the most current information available on your topic and related issues. In this ever-changing global business environment, business law and ethics issues and cases are constantly emerging. Therefore, when researching your chosen topic and supporting real life example and cases, you should utilize real cases that are happening right now, as well as any relevant older cases that supplement the topic. The cases in our textbook tend to include cases that are years old. Although many of the textbook cases are not particularly current, they can be used as background information and as precedent to support and/or counter your argument.
Accordingly, your task is to select an argumentative research paper topic related to a business ethics and law issue. Your research paper should: (1) Introduce your topic and briefly discuss the issue background; (2) set your position; (3) explore various viewpoints, (4) support your chosen position with evidence; (5) compare your position to the rest of the viewpoints, while making arguments that put your position at the forefront; and (6) Briefly summarize your position and rationale in the conclusion.
While your research, analytical, and writing skills are important in influencing your grade, and while you can choose any topic related to business law and ethics, the difference between a commonly researched topic and one of current importance and interest will determine your grade.
Once again, choose a business law and ethics topic that is interesting to you and can be easily researched and well-presented. Accordingly, it’s important to consider your subject, and your field of interest, and then find business research topic that you can effectively write about.
Just remember to take on a unique perspective on your research topic as this argumentative research paper provides you a great opportunity to write something innovative and potentially useful in your professional life.
Finally, by December 28, 2019, you’ll need to submit in Canvas your 10 to 20 page argumentative research paper.
Writing Tips for Business Ethics Research Paper:
- The research paper must be written in the APA Format to which Sofia University subscribes.
- The length of the paper should be 10-20 pages. Your work is evaluated on how effectively you address the topic and analyze the issue—it’s not graded on number of pages
- If you copy some lines from the original work of an author, you should provide them as quotations using proper punctuation marks in order to indicate that you are not plagiarizing. It is important to acknowledge another person’s ideas when you are utilizing their ideas to support or contradict your position. When quoting other works, utilize the requirements of the APA format.
- Regardless of the topic you select, make sure that you focus on one issue and do in-depth research on it.
- Concentrate on the issue you have chosen for your research in order to avoid wasting your time and efforts on information that is too general or irrelevant to include in your paper. Although you should research and write on the history, background, and/or conditions of your chosen issue, it is necessary only as introductory information and as precedent to support and/or counter your main issue and arguments. The mainstay of your research and writing should look at the current business environment with a glimpse toward the future.
False Confessions Law Assignment Help
One of the most confusing aspects of wrongful convictions is the concept of false confessions. Why would someone admit to something they didn’t do? For this assignment, we will once again go the Innocence Project website:
Watch the video about false confessions, and write a one page reaction paper about what you have viewed.
- What did you learn about how and why false confessions occur?
- Do you think this is a problem- why or why not?
- Do you agree or disagree with the Innocence Project’s proposed solutions to this problem?
Grading Criteria Assignments | Maximum Points |
Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria | 40 |
Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts | 20 |
Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts | 30 |
Uses proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling and APA structure. | 10 |
Total | 100 |
No plagiarism, please! Makes sure that you include the in-text citation and the URL’s as well.
Help with assignment Mathematics Assignment Help
Qualitative analysis software can assist with the analysis of data. In this assignment, you will use MAXQDA, a qualitative analysis software, to analyze interview and focus group transcripts by inductively coding the data and developing themes.
General Requirements:
Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:
- Refer to “MAXQDA Analysis Assignment Directions” in the Study Materials for this topic.
- Refer to the transcripts “Sped Focus Group,” “Sped Interview,” and “TS Focus Group” in the Study Materials for this topic.
- This assignment will be scored based on full completion of the preliminary steps and assignment tasks followed by submission of the required deliverable.
- Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
- This assignment requires that at least two additional scholarly research sources related to this topic, and at least one in-text citation from each source be included
Help with assignment Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
1500 word essay about institutional trust in Asia Humanities Assignment Help
plz make the comparison about institutional trust between Japan and Korea by analyzing some major events and survey results. Also illustrate how institutional trust related to democracy. For Korea, you can write about the impeachment of Park Geun-hye. For Japan, you can write about Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster.
Reference :
Trust in Government in Japan and South Korea: Does the Rise of Critical
Citizens Matter? Soonhee Kim
2. Kikuchi M. (2018) Public Trust in Government, Japan.
Mark Weatherall and Min-Hua Huang. 2017.
Individual and Group components: Each task clearly states if the task is individual or group work. Submission of individual work will be at the same time as group work however these will be separate submission. Programming Assignment Help
Knowledge & Understanding:
- Demonstrate in-depth knowledge and understanding of current best practice in the design and development of Object Orientated systems
- Design a system using advanced object orientated principles and methods, such as Behavioural, Creational and Structural design patterns, ensuring a high level of quality and data security.
- Implement and test Object Orientated programmes using advanced techniques ensuring a high level of quality and data security.
- Critically evaluate the effectiveness of implemented Object Orientated applications
- Demonstrate a professional understanding of the importance of software quality in the development of applications.
Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:
Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):
milestone one Business Finance Assignment Help
For Milestone One, you will complete a draft of section I of your final project: SNHU Pet Supply Marketing Strategies. For this section, analyze SNHU Pet Supply’s current marketing strategy and how it supports their overall brand positioning.
Analyze SNHU Pet Supply’s current marketing strategy by:
- Describing how SNHU Pet Supply currently positions its products
- Identifying all of the different marketing platforms SNHU Pet Supply uses, and explaining how they work together to support the overall brand positioning
- Identifying weaknesses in SNHU Pet Supply’s current overall marketing strategy
Be sure to support your responses with specific examples from the case study provided. Milestone One provides you with an opportunity to obtain valuable feedback from your instructor, which you should incorporate into your final project submission.
For additional details, please refer to the following documents:
Overview: In this assignment you will be analyzing SNHU Pet Supply’s current marketing strategy and how it supports their overall brand positioning. This
milestone is due in Module Two.
Prompt: Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. SNHU Pet Supply Marketing Strategies: In this section, you will be analyzing SNHU Pet Supply’s current marketing strategy and how it supports the
company’s overall brand positioning.
A. Describe the messaging strategy SNHU Pet Supply currently uses to position its products. Support your description with specific examples from
the case study.
B. Identify all of the different marketing platforms SNHU Pet Supply uses and explain how they work together to support the overall brand
positioning. Support your response with specific examples from the case study.
C. Identify weaknesses in SNHU Pet Supply’s current, overall marketing strategy. Support your identification with specific examples from the case
Guidelines for Submission: Milestone One should adhere to the following formatting requirements: 1 to 2 pages in length, double-spaced, using 12-point Times
New Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA formatting
As part of successfully completing this course, Writing Assignment Help
As part of successfully completing this course, you should be able to master the eight course objectives:
- Demonstrate the need for project management metrics.
- Establish the importance of metrics in effective management of time, cost, and scope.
- Apply the knowledge of project metrics to identify the key characteristics of properly defined metrics.
- Characterize Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as used in metric-driven project management.
- Apply value-based project management metrics as important in selecting the right metrics.
- Explore project performance dashboards including designs, use, and limitations.
- Explore the applications of visual project management tools, including project performance dashboards.
- Create proper performance indicators for application in measurement-driven project management.
In this portfolio project, you are to show your mastery of the eight course objectives at a master’s level. You are to write a paper that covers each of the eight topics.
Notice that each objective is written with a verb as the first word to show some action that students must achieve for success in this class. Verbs like “demonstrate,” “apply,” and “create” require that the student takes some action on a project to satisfy the requirement. You should find a project to use in this portfolio where you may take those actions and document them in your paper. You might apply earned value analysis on a project underway to satisfy course objective number 5, for example.
Verbs like “establish,” “characterize,” and “explore” require that the student shows mastery of current thinking on the subject. This part of your paper may be taken from research, or interviews. You might explore an application of dashboards by interviewing a project manager and performing research on current thinking about dashboards, for example.
Therefore, your paper should include sections to address the following:
- Identify and describe an actual project that was successful in part because it used project metrics, what those metrics were, and why they were a contributing factor to success.
- Research and report on current thinking in both research and practice about effective management of time, cost, and scope with metrics.
- Research and report on current thinking in both research and practice about the key characteristics of properly defined metrics, and identify and describe an actual project to compare its use of metrics to your research to determine if the metrics were properly defined.
- Research and report on current thinking in both research and practice about KPIs.
- Show your application of value-based project management metrics on a project with which you are familiar and interpret the results of your application.
- Research and report on performance dashboards including designs, use, and limitations, and visual project management tools, including project performance dashboards.
- Create proper performance indicators for application in measurement-driven project management on a project with which you are familiar.
Since the key sections of your work correspond to individual module of the course, it is recommended that you progressively develop your project based on the weekly topics.
Paper Requirements:
- Prepare a portfolio paper to address the eight-course objective. All eight course objectives must be addressed. The Course Objectives are:
- Demonstrate the need for project management metrics and benefits of metric-driven project management.
- Establish the importance of metrics in effective management of time, cost, and scope.
- Apply the knowledge of project metrics to identify the key characteristics of properly defined metrics.
- Characterize Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) as used in metric-driven project management.
- Apply value-based project management metrics as important in selecting the right metrics.
- Explore project performance dashboards including designs, use, and limitations.
- Explore the applications of visual project management tools, including project performance dashboards.
- Create proper performance indicators for application in measurement-driven project management.
- Incorporate at least 10-12 current peer-reviewed scholarly references (current means published in past five years).
- Incorporate any constructive feedback provided by your instructor on your work in Week 2.
- Properly organize your writing and include an introductory section with thesis and mapping, headings/subheadings for the body of your work, discussion, recommendations, and a conclusion.
- Any diagram, figure, or table should be included in an appendix, but clearly discussed in the text portion of the paper. Appendices should be included after the references
Your paper must be 10 to 15 pages long, not including the required title page and references page or any other supplemental pages such as appendices that you choose to include.
Your paper must be 10 to 15 pages long, not including the required title page and references page or any other supplemental pages such as appendices that you choose to include.