Southern New Hampshire Experience in Social Work Fieldwork Programs Responses Humanities Assignment Help

Southern New Hampshire Experience in Social Work Fieldwork Programs Responses Humanities Assignment Help. Southern New Hampshire Experience in Social Work Fieldwork Programs Responses Humanities Assignment Help.

I’m working on a social science writing question and need support to help me understand better.
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Respond to the blog post of three colleagues in one or more of the following ways:

  • Share an insight from having read your colleague’s posting.
  • Make a suggestion to your colleague’s post.

Colleague 1: Amber M

  • An explanation of how you have addressed evaluation or how you might address evaluation in your field education experience.

I welcome evaluation, although it can be a tough pill to swallow, evaluation is a benchmark and a learning experience. During my field research I am not an expert and therefore should always receive feedback and criticism. These constructive criticisms are meant to help me be better in my practice. According to Garthwait, supervision is meant help educate and review the clients work and documentation. By doing this supervisor and evaluate their teams work and make sure it is meeting standards. Field preceptors have an ethical obligation and responsibility to make sure they supervise correctly and by doing so evaluation keeps the standards high.

The best way to address it to accept it because it will help me be a better clinician. The field preceptors have that title for a reason, by taking their evaluations and putting them to practice can make me up to standard.

Garthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

  • Chapter 3, “Learning from Supervision” (pp. 28-40)

Colleague 2: Lheriise

Explain how you have addressed evaluation or how you might address evaluation in your field education experience.

According to Garthwait (2017), evaluations are used to determine the progress and effectiveness of goals and interventions. I see one of my clients once a week and update her treatment plan once every other week. In order to determine if goals are being met I have to evaluate her within the session to determine her progress. One of her goals for treatment is to be able to decrease anxiety and eliminate panic attacks. At the end of each session I give her home work or a specific DBT skill to practice to decrease her high levels of anxiety. This is something that we discuss each week for me to determine what interventions are working for her and what is not. Group therapy is another intervention that is applied to her case. To determine the effectiveness of group each week I ask her what are somethings that she has taken away from groups and can she apply any of it to work towards her goals. While I don’t formally evaluate her I do think that evaluation takes place in the form of inquiring about my clients challenges and determining how they were able to work through it.


Garthwait, C. L. (2017). The Social Work Practicum: A Guide and Workbook For Students. Pearson.

Colleague 3: Jacqueline

An explanation of how you have addressed evaluation or how you might address evaluation in your field education experience

Evaluation is an extremely important part of social work and can be used at th micro, mezzo, and macro level. The concept of evaluation is to determine the progress and effectiveness of goals and interventions (Garthwait, 2017, p.35). I plan on using evaluation to measure the outcomes and successes of every endeavor I attempt in the social work field. With a client an evaluation can be done by post-assessments and/or interviews to determine how the client has progressed and if an intervention has been successful. The same applies to work at the mezzo or macro level, at these levels surveys and statistics can also be used to determine if progress has been made when working towards change. I plan on using the information collected from evaluations to better my practice and skills. On a micro level, since each individual is different, evaluations are crucial to determine if intervention attempts need to be tweaked or modified to better fit the clients needs. In addition, during an evaluation with the client or client system I plan to discover what the person or groups perception of the intervention was, and whether they feel that it was successful. Evaluations are extremely important in social work because if they are not completed then there would be no way to determine the effectiveness of the practice, or learn from evidence-based practice (Garthwait, 2017, p.32). Also, I plan on using evaluations to determine when it is time to terminate sessions and whether the client has achieved the goal they set out to acheive at the beginning of treatment



Garthwait, C. L. (2017). The social work practicum: A guide and workbook for students (7th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.

Southern New Hampshire Experience in Social Work Fieldwork Programs Responses Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Nairobi Ignored Shunned and Invisible Paper Humanities Assignment Help

1) Advocacy

In the book Dr. Smith becomes John’s advocate. What do you think the role of advocacy is in society? How does social justice fit in? After reading comments from the attached website, comment on societies role as an advocate.


2) For at least three days keep a log of all of your spending. If you get a coffee, gas, anything….log it. You spend it , you write it down. At the end of the three days calculate how much you spent on incidental items and determine your average daily spending (add up the three days and then divide by 3)–then multiple that number by 30. John had $30 month for incidentals (soap, shampoo, cigarettes). How would you do if you had John’s budget? Write a reflection on how John’s lack of money contributed to his problems.

these blogs you should write based on the book I attach below


MCEN 2000 Curtin University Fundamentals of Strength of Materials Questions Engineering Assignment Help

I’m working on a engineering test / quiz prep and need support to help me learn.

hello, I have an assessment coming up on the 19th of April, it’s going to be from 4 to 5 pm (Perth, Australia timing) and on the following topics:

Force, Stress, Strain and moment

Linear Elasticity and change in Length

Centroid and Moment of Inertia

Statically intermediate structures and thermal effects

Torsion formula and angle of twist

I will be sending some worksheets we have taken through WhatsApp so you can have a better idea of the topics and if you are able to help in them and on the said timing.



MHE 509 TUI Local Agencies Should Have These Types of Detection Devices Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a humanities case study and need support to help me study.

Discussion Requirements

A substantive comment should be approximately 300 words or more for each response (A total of 2 responses).

Read the initial comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.

Before writing your comments:

  • Review the Discussion grading rubric to see what is expected for an excellent discussion, in order to earn full credit.
  • Review some resources to help you synthesize, such as the following:

Sullivan, J. (2011). Strategies for Synthesis Writing. Retrieved from

NOTE: You are required to cite sources and include a reference list for the second post if it is simply your opinion. However, if your opinion is based on facts (as it should be), it is good practice to strengthen your position by citing sources.

Be sure to meet all of the criteria in the rubric, as noted in the instructions above.

Third post for each module discussion:

Read the initial and secondary comments posted by your classmates and reflect upon them.

Directly respond to at least one classmate in a way that extends meaningful discussions, adds new information, and/or offers alternative perspectives.


Classmates and Professor,

Weapons of Mass Destruction

Weapons of mass destruction can result in significant damage to property and loss of life. Since the September eleven attack on American soil, the country has significantly increased its efforts in preventing, detecting, and combating threats of terrorism. One of the United States’ greatest concerns is for a weapon of mass destruction to fall in the hands of terrorists or to develop their WMD.

When planning for weapons of mass destruction, it is essential to consider the health component of the victims and the nearby communities. With weapons of mass destruction evolving from biochemical to nuclear, it is essential to consider the impact of various WMDs. The health of the affected individuals and the impact of the attack on the surrounding environment, including air and water, should be well analyzed. Proper measures are taken to ensure they are not affected by the weapon’s effects, such as radiation.

From the review by on response to a WMD (2010), the FBI special agents have been given resources to address the health component of an incident. For instance, the responder should have radiological and nuclear detection devices to detect the incident’s severity, such as radiation levels. The devices’ results will then help the FBI special agents assess the level of health impact and the measures to take to address the issue (U.S. D.O.J. Office of the Inspector General Evaluation and Inspections Division, 2010).

I believe state and local governments will not receive sufficient funding to plan and prepare for weapons of mass destruction incidents adequately. The main reason is that the country does not know where the next attack will occur. Therefore, getting the funds to prepare all local governments and equip all local hospitals can be quite challenging. However, I do think they will receive some funds, which can help kick start the program. Moreover, partnering with other agencies can help in achieving the health goals of the WMD planning. According to the Department of Health and Human Sciences (2016), interventions regarding the health of the disaster survivors and responders will be considered during a disaster. Some of the health states that will be assessed include behavioral health and any mental health issue (HHS Disaster Behavioral Health Concepts of Operations, 2016). Therefore, I believe the health is well properly addressed in the WMD planning.



HHS Disaster Behavioral Health Concepts of Operations. (2016, November). Department of Health and Human Services Disaster Behavioral Health Concept of Operations. 5-16. Retrieved from…

U.S. D.O.J. Office of the Inspector General Evaluation and Inspections Division. (2010, May). Review of the Department’s Preparation to Respond to a WMD Incident. pg. ii-ix. Retrieved from Result in Brief:

U.S. Government Interagency Domestic Terrorism. (2001, January). UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT INTERAGENCY DOMESTIC TERRORISM CONCEPT OF OPERATIONS PLAN. Retrieved from



As a follow-up to your posting do you feel that training should be a part of the planning process? Please explain.



Reviewing if Training Should Be A Priority For Planning Process

Weapons of mass destructions have been associated with threatening thousands of lives and destroying properties worth billions. Experts report that if handled properly, the weapons might be instrumental in preventing, detecting, combating threats of terrorism and invasion by powerful enemies. Some countries have invested in developing their capacity to handle mass weapons to improve security for their citizens. In this explorative essay, the researcher will look at the impact of training on planning weapons of mass destruction.

With proper training, individual countries will be well-placed to benefit from handling weapons of mass destruction. Some of the weapons of mass destruction might be used to prevent major wars, and countries that do not have such weapons have been observed to desist from starting wars with those who have such weapons (Schwab, and Beatley. 2020). In this regard, security experts might utilize training to ensure that they can push for negotiations with the powerful countries that hold weapons of mass destruction. In this regard, training would be essential to push for negotiation efforts and save people from wars that would employ mass destruction weapons.

With training on weapons of mass destruction, it would be possible to detect and prevent a terrorist attack. Brookes (2017) writes that every local agency should work with other security experts to compare its plans critically. Training would also help agencies to revise and plan their attack response based on the standardized security protocols. Such training would facilitate easier detection of chemical, biological, and radioactive-based attacks that are relatively hard to detect. With better scientific studies, it would be possible to reduce such attacks on the civilian population. Thus training is essential for planning of handling weapons of mass destruction.



Brookes, P. (2017). 64th Islamist terrorist plot since 9/11 shows the U.S. must combat radical Islamist threat. Heritage Foundation. Retrieved from Read Counterterrorism Policy

Schwab, A. and Beatley. T. (2020). Session 4: Ethics [PowerPoint Sides]. Retrieved from


As a followup to your posting: do you feel that local agencies should have these types of detection devices? Please explain



Hello class!

In our current pandemic situation here in North Texas, I know the hospitals were almost at full capacity with COVID patients back when the virus numbers were at their worst. Back in 2020, they had 228 patients with 27 additional in critical care. Their bed numbers can, however, be expanded to 250-280 beds in extreme cases (Kowalick, 2020). Concerning a WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) explosion/detonation, I think, the local hospitals here on the Air Force base and downtown, would surely have their hands full. In a town of 100,000+ people a WMD would easily over capacitate these two hospitals. We think of a WMD as a bomb, or at least a lot of people do. However, they can be bombs, rockets, or grenades that carry explosives, biological, chemical, or radioactive agents (U.S. Department of Justice, n.d.).

I believe that the health component is adequately addressed to handle the planning for a WMD incident. Back in 2009, Executive Order 13527, Establishing Federal Capability for the Timely Provision of Medical Countermeasures Following a Biological Attack, was established for U.S. Government agencies to develop a plan with local law enforcement to assist postal workers (U.S. Department of Justice, 2010). This is one example of how they will plan in helping other agencies during a WMD incident. In 1999, the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) received funding to “upgrading state and local health department preparedness and response capabilities relative to bioterrorism” (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001). The CDC also was aware that there were shortcoming in planning at the local and state levels so they assisted with their frameworks, response and planning efforts in response to a terrorist or WMD event (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2001).

I think that state and local government’s health facilities receive the necessary funding to plan and prepare for a WMD event. I think with the growing concern of our overseas enemies, who are able to get their hands on CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, and high yield Explosives) materials or weapons. Over the past five years there has been key advancements in the stockpiling of the needed pharmaceutical supplies, surveillance of disease and training of medical technicians to be able to respond to such a crisis (Davis & Blanchard, n.d.). Because of the funding that was provided over the years, I firmly believe this was why the stockpiling of supplies was able to happen.

Look forward to hearing from you.



Davis, L., & Blanchard, J. (n.d.). Are Local Health Responders Ready for Biological and Chemical Terrorism? Retrieved April 15, 2021, from Rand Corporation:

Kowalick, C. (2020, July 16). United Regional said bed capacity near normal amid coronavirus surge. Retrieved April 15, 2021, from Times Record News:…

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2001, July). The Public Health response to Bilogical and Chemical Terrorism. Retrieved April 15, 2021, from Centers for Disease Control:…

U.S. Department of Justice. (2010, May). Review of the Department’s Preparation to Respond to a WMD Incident. Retrieved April 15, 2021, from U.S. Department of Justice:

U.S. Department of Justice. (n.d.). Weapons of Mass Destruction. Retrieved April 15, 2021, from FBI:


SOCW 6205 Walden University Biopsychosocial Assessment Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Assignment: Biopsychosocial Assessment

Throughout the MSW curriculum, you have learned
how to conduct biopsychosocial assessments. In this Week’s Assignment,
you apply what you learned to a medical context where you share
assessment and intervention with an interdisciplinary team. As the
medical social worker charged with a client’s care, you consider the
nature and progression of their illness and integrate the macro and
micro issues that influence their experience. You also monitor the
nature and progression of their illness or disability to ensure they
have the supports and resources needed. By examining medical social work
roles, responsibilities, scope of practice and practice skills, and
ethics, you understand how the medical social work profession
contributes to the health care system and patient care.

To Prepare: Choose one of the following biopsychosocial assessment tools (or one of your choosing if approved
by the instructor) to analyze for this assignment. Select the tool you
might be most likely to use in your preferred healthcare work setting.

Home Care Example:

Nursing Home Example:

Hospice Example:

In a 3-4 page paper:

  • Assess the overall tool you selected to analyze for this
    assignment. In your assessment, explain whether you believe there are
    questions that were not addressed and why you think that may be
  • Explain whether or not the assessment is strengths-based.
  • Identify other professionals in healthcare who may have input into the assessment.
  • Identify any sections of the assessment tool that are best completed by other healthcare professionals and explain why.
  • Consider the implications of various professionals disagreeing over
    the assessment content and discuss how would you mitigate those
  • Explain how psychosocial issues (including policy and legal issues)
    might impact the patient’s medical care and/or health outcomes and the
    role of the social worker in assessing and addressing those issues on an
    interdisciplinary healthcare team.

Support your Assignment with specific
references to resources, using appropriate APA format and style. You are
asked to provide a reference list for all resources, including those in
the resources for this course.

Required Readings

Gehlert, S., & Browne, T. (Eds.). (2019). Handbook of health social work (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

  • Chapter 12, “Communication in Health Care” (pp. 250-271)

Becker, T.D., Lin, H.C. & Miller, V.A. (2018). A patient study of observed physician-parent-child communication and child satisfaction in a gastroenterology clinic. Patient Preference and Adherence, 12, 1327-1335.

Boeka, A. G., Solomon, A. C., Lokken, K., McGuire, B. M., & Bynon, J. S. (2011). A biopsychosocial approach to liver transplant evaluation in two patients with Wilson’s disease. Psychology, Health & Medicine, 16(3), 268–275.

Engel, G. L. (2012). The need for a new medical model: A challenge for biomedicine. Psychodynamic Psychiatry, 40(3), 377–396.

Fowler, J. C. (2012). Suicide risk assessment in clinical practice: Pragmatic guidelines for imperfect assessments. Psychotherapy, 49(1), 81–90.

Kee, J.W., Khoo, H.S., Lim, I. & Koh, M.Y. (2018). Communication skills in patient-doctor interactions: Learning from patient complaints. Health Professions Education, 4(2), 97-106.

Klitzman, R. (2018). Impediments to communication and relationships between infertility care providers and patients. BMC Women’s Health, 18(1), 1-12.

Madula, P., Kalembo, F.W. & Kaminga, A. C., (2018). Healthcare provider-patient communication: A qualitative study of women’s perceptions during childbirth. Reproductive Health, 15, 135-142.

Park, K.H. & Park, S. G. (2018). The effect of communication training using standardized nonverbal behaviors on patients in medical students. Korean Journal of Medical Education, 30(2), 153-159.

Document: Case Study: Biospychosocial Assessment (PDF)

Required Media

Singer, J. (2012). The Chronological Assessment of Suicide Events (CASE) approach: Interview and role play with Shawn Christopher Shea, M.D. The Social Work Podcast. Podcast retrieved from

Optional Resources

Bomba, P. A., Morrissey, M. B., & Leven, D. C. (2011). Key role of social work in effective communication and conflict resolution process: Medical Orders for Life-Sustaining Treatment (MOLST) program in New York and shared medical decision making at the end of life. Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care, 7(1), 56–82.

Dransart, D. A. C. (2013). From sense-making to meaning-making: Understanding and supporting survivors of suicide. British Journal of Social Work, 43(2), 317–335.

Findley, P. A. (2013). Social work practice in the chronic care model: Chronic illness and disability care. Journal of Social Work. doi:10.1177/1468017313475381

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration. (2009). Suicide assessment five-step evaluation and triage (SAFE-T). Retrieved from



Florida Atlantic University Globalization Article Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

When Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba in 2018 announced it had chosen the ancient city of Xi’an as the site for its new regional headquarters, the symbolic value wasn’t lost on the company: it had brought globalization to its ancient birthplace, the start of the old Silk Road. It named its new offices aptly: “Silk Road Headquarters”. The city where globalization had started more than 2,000 years ago would also have a stake in globalization’s future.

Alibaba shouldn’t be alone in looking back. As we are entering a new, digital-driven era of globalization – we call it “Globalization 4.0” – it is worthwhile that we do the same. When did globalization start? What were its major phases? And where is it headed tomorrow?….etc….…

Florida Atlantic University Globalization Article Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENG 1101 Troy University 4C Hair Andre Walker 1990 Hair Typing System Essay Writing Assignment Help

Write a 900-word essay defining the subject of your choice. Remember: do not use the pronoun “I” in any essay other than the Narrative.

Definition Essay

I. A definition essay defines a word, term, or concept in depth by providing a personal commentary on what the specific subject means.

A. Most physical objects have a definition about which most people agree.

1. Most people will agree on what trees, windows, computers, and pencils are in general.

2. These objects all have specific physical properties that most people can agree on through the use of their physical senses.

B. However, abstract terms, such as love, pain, or patriotism, have different meanings for different individuals since such terms play on people’s feelings more than their physical senses.

C. The definition essay provides a personal, extended definition of such terms by linking or comparing the term to a previous definition and by illustrating how that term should be applied.

II. Setting up the definition essay

A. Select a subject carefully.

1. Since such essays are personal in nature, select your subject based on your own need to clarify the term.

a. For example, if you feel that the word marriage should be defined in a limited manner, that term would make a good subject for a definition essay.

b. Perhaps as a parent, you want to define what the term discipline means from your point of view.

2. Select a term or subject that you know well enough so that you can provide specific examples to illustrate your definition.

a. For example, if you aren’t familiar with the term platonic love, don’t attempt to define it in an extended essay.

b. The subject of the essay must be familiar enough to you that you can readily supply specific examples.

3. Don’t select a subject either too broad or too narrow to fit the parameters of your essay.

a. For example, the word hat may be too narrow for you to define in an extended essay.

b. On the other hand, the term love may be too broad or general since pinning it down to a single definition is very difficult.

B. Once you have selected a subject, outline your paper carefully before writing.

1. Outlining will help you determine the specific points you want to cover in the definition and point out where you need examples.

2. Here are some suggestions for how to outline a definition paper:

I. Introduction

A. Attention getter

1. You may want to include the traditional or dictionary definition here to provide a basis for your personal definition.

2. You may want to open with a contradictory image to what would be your image to illustrate that definition.

B. Thesis: State how you define the term. If you can write the definition using specific points, you will find the definition easier to follow when writing the paper.

II. Body

A. Background information:

1. Often unnecessary in this type of paper

2. However, you may need to provide some background about the term or your connection to the term.

B. Point one

1. The first part of your definition of the term.

2. Example to illustrate that point.

3. Analysis of how the example illustrates the point.

C. Point two

1. The second part of the definition of the term.

2. Example to illustrate that point.

3. Analysis of how the example illustrates the point.

D. Point three

1. The third part of the definition (if there is one)

2. Example to illustrate that point.

3. Analysis of how the example illustrates the point.

E. Point four, etc.

III. Conclusion

A. Review your definition’s main points

B. Closing attention getter

1. Sometimes a reference back to the opening attention-getter is a good way of unifying the entire essay.

2. You may want to close with an explanation of how your definition has affected you.

3. Here is the outline for the sample definition paper on patriotism:

I. Introduction

A. Attention getter: Traditional definition of patriotism (as perceived in an image)

B. Thesis: Patriotism is speaking out when a person feels the country is right or wrong, voting, campaigning, and respecting others.

II. Body

A. Speaking out when country is wrong

1. Vietnam

2. Slavery

3. Women’s right to vote

B. Speaking out when country is right

1. Afghanistan

2. Health care

C. Voting

1. Making a choice based on one’s needs

2. Being involved in the voting process

D. Campaigning

1. Finding a candidate who represents country’s needs

2. Barbara Boxer from California

E. Respecting others

1. Paying taxes.

2. Respecting others’ points of view

3. Arab-American prejudice after 9/11.

III. Conclusion

A. Review of patriot as protestor, voter, and respectful citizen.

B. Closing attention getter: return to introduction’s image of patriot

III. Writing the definition essay

A. Make sure that you have a good, specific thesis that tells readers just how you will define the term.

B. Follow your outline to remind yourself when you need examples and analysis of those examples.

1. Modify your outline when you think you need to.
2. Remember not to paragraph based on your outline’s points.

C. Use good, specific examples to illustrate each point.

1. Examples allow readers to visualize how the definition can be applied.

2. You may need to do research to find good examples.

3. See Researching the Topic (Links to an external site.).

D. Provide good transitions to link all parts of the essay.

E. Have a good conclusion that brings the parts of the definition together and leaves readers with an image of how the definition is applied.

F. Proofread carefully.


ECON 616 CTU Online Problem Based Learning Scenario Auto Edge Case Study Economics Assignment Help

1,000-1,200 words, including research in essay format

Problem-Based Learning (PBL) Scenario: AutoEdge

AutoEdge is a leading national automotive supply company located in Detroit, Michigan. Founded by Jonathan McAlister in 1976, the company specializes in engines and transmission parts and has been supplying products to the three largest U.S.-based automakers for over 30 years. AutoEdge’s name is known by customers and leaders in the automotive industry for quality, dependability, and reliable products. In fact, despite the extra cost that is added to the automobiles, consumers appreciate the AutoEdge brand name and often make purchases because of it.

In 2005, AutoEdge’s board of directors decided that the company needed to make some drastic changes because of the high cost of labor, rigid American regulations, and increased competition from other engine and transmission part suppliers. Their solution was to gradually close all manufacturing operations in Detroit and begin outsourcing to a well-known factory in South Korea. The board reasoned that this change would allow the company to compete with the growing industry, meet the automotive manufacturing demands, and increase company profits. Some board members were skeptical about the move, however, because AutoEdge had built a reputation for high-quality, detailed craftsmanship, and they feared that transitioning the manufacturing operations overseas would cause quality to diminish.

For the next 5 years, this strategy proved successful. The company showed signs of financial growth and company profit.

However, in 2010, the company was found guilty of supplying products that failed quality tests. As a result, millions of automobiles had to be recalled. The recall was highly publicized, and the issue of poor quality products impacted negatively on American automotive companies. AutoEdge’s $51 per-share stock has fallen to $4 per share, and brand acceptance has come under scrutiny among even its most loyal customers. Although some economists blame these negative effects on the products, others believe that it had to do with the termination of AutoEdge’s Chief Executive Officer, Fred McFadden.

Lester Scholl, Chairman of the Board of Directors, has called an emergency meeting to discuss AutoEdge’s short-term and long-term strategies. Among other things, they need to discuss the possibility of continuing production overseas or returning it to the United States. Lester and others on the board are well-known for being financially conservative and risk-averse. Because the American economy is experiencing high unemployment, low interest rates, low GDP, and low inflation, it might be sensible to make the change. To some extent, they believe that these macroeconomic factors can be used to their advantage. They realize the immediate challenges such as the brand damage, the growing competition, and the financial challenges the company is facing require immediate action. A new strategy must be formulated quickly to save the company from bankruptcy.

You have been hired by AutoEdge’s board of directors as a research analyst. Primarily, your job is to list and describe some of the legal, cultural, financial, and economic factors that AutoEdge needs to consider when deciding to either stay in South Korea or return to the United States. Because Fred McFadden was recently terminated, you will work directly with the board until a new CEO is named.


Lester Scholl’s administrative assistant calls you on Monday afternoon to set up a conference call between you and the chairman tomorrow morning to discuss the board’s reaction to your list and to discuss your next task. You call the number she gave you, and Lester joins the call shortly after.

“I’m pleased with your work,” he says. The board was impressed with your list of factors. Your ranking made sense because your explanations were well-written. I suspect they read everything you sent because it was concise and clear. Good job.”

“Thanks,” you say, and you feel relieved that your first assignment was well-received.

“Your list provided the basis for a good conversation about the manufacturing operations,” he says. “We want to know more about the economy of both countries to further inform our decision-making process.”

“That makes sense,” you say. “The United States and South Korea hold many distinct economic factors that may affect AutoEdge’s long-term financial performance.”

“Right,” he says. “Your research on the two economies will give the board enough information so we can advise the new, incoming CEO.”

“What should my research include?” you ask.

“In your research, you must take into consideration several macroeconomic factors,” he says. “We want to see information about the gross domestic product (GDP), unemployment, interest rates, and inflation for both the United States and South Korea. Make sure your research is current; that is, no more than 6 months old.”

“I’ll get started right away,” you say.

“Very good,” he says. “Let me know if you have any questions, and I’ll put you in touch with some of the other members of the board if I can’t provide the answers you need.”

“Great,” you say. “Thank you.”


Personality Changes The superficial And Dramatic Changes Essay Writing Assignment Help

Your essay in response to the following prompt must be ALL YOUR OWN WORK. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER SOURCES FOR THIS ESSAY.

Writing Sample Prompt:

People change over time. Some changes are superficial; other changes are dramatic. But is it possible for a person to completely transform?

In a well-written essay, consider the degree to which you think identity is determined by a person’s genetic makeup; by a person’s parents, environment, or peer group; and/or by a person’s own choice on whom to become. Be sure to support your points with specific examples from your experience and observation.


Saudi Electronic University Apple Inc Business Model E Commerce Questions Business Finance Assignment Help



Q1. Select any ONE organization from the below. Write a brief profile of the organization and prepare a Business Model Canvas.(Minimum 250 Words ). Explanation of the main points of the business model As our key partner- key activates .. ctc (Displayed with attachments) (Minimum 300 Words ).

STC Pay – Zain – Apple – Panda – Al Rajhi Bank – Hunger Station – IKEA – SMSA Express

Q2. Suggest your business strategy to help that organization in overcoming its challenges arose due to COVID19 pandemic. (Minimum 250 Words ).

Guidelines for the assignment:

  • Use font Times New Roman, 12 font size Use 1.5 line spacing with adjust to all paragraphs (alignment).
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project and references.
  • Write your answer by labelling answer number for each of the question.
  • Plagiarism is forbidden


Southern New Hampshire Experience in Social Work Fieldwork Programs Responses Humanities Assignment Help

Southern New Hampshire Experience in Social Work Fieldwork Programs Responses Humanities Assignment Help

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