Southern New Hampshire University Financial Management Decisions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Southern New Hampshire University Financial Management Decisions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Southern New Hampshire University Financial Management Decisions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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or this submission, you will write a response to the following scenario:

Imagine that you have completed an internship in the finance division of a technology corporation. Your boss, the financial manager, is considering hiring you for a full-time job. He first wants to evaluate your financial knowledge and has provided you with a short examination. When composing your answers to this employment examination, ensure that they are cohesive and read like a short essay.

I. Analyze Roles and Responsibilities for Compliance

A. Examine the types of decisions financial managers make. How are these decisions related to the primary objective of financial managers?

B. Analyze the various ethical issues a financial manager could potentially face and how these could be handled.

C. Compare and contrast the different federal safeguards that are in place to reduce financial reporting abuse. Why are these considered
appropriate safeguards?

II. Investment Options

A. If a private company is “going public,” what does this mean, and how would the company do this? What are the advantages of doing this? Do
you see any disadvantages? If so, what are they?

B. How do the largest U.S. stock markets differ? Out of those choices, which would be the smartest private investment option, in your opinion?

C. Compare and contrast the various investment products that are available and the types of institutions that sell them.

Ensure that your employment examination is submitted as one comprehensive and cohesive short essay. It should use double
spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins. Citations should be formatted according to APA style.

Southern New Hampshire University Financial Management Decisions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 3002 South University Employee Attitudes & Organizational Behavior Paper Humanities Assignment Help

MGT3002 Organizational Behavior SU01

Before beginning work on this week’s discussion forum, please review the link “Doing Discussion Questions Right,” the expanded grading rubric for the forum, and any specific instructions for this week’s topic.

  • By the due date assigned, respond to the assigned discussion questions and submit your responses to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area.
  • Respond to the assigned questions using the lessons and vocabulary found in the reading.
  • Support your answers with examples and research and cite your research using the APA format.
  • Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible.

Theft in the Workplace

The great global recession has claimed many victims. In many countries, unemployment is at near-historic highs, and even those who have managed to keep their jobs have been asked to accept reduced work hours or pay cuts. In some cases—say, the US auto industry—job losses have been predictable but no less painful. However, in other cases, they have come as a surprise.

The financial and psychological pain caused by the recession may lead you to wonder whether employees attempt to get even. Is there evidence the recession has led to increased incidents of workplace violence, sabotage, or theft? Following the economic down-turn in 2008, nearly 400 employees were asked whether the recession had caused a recent rise in thefts of money among employees, 18 percent said yes, 41 percent said no, and 41 percent were unsure.

Put on your investigator hat, ask questions, analyze the situation, and consider the source!

Your discussion assignment this week requires you to locate an article on theft in the workplace attributed to economic recession and share with your class the important points that your article made. Based upon your reading and research, discuss how the following variables may affect an employee’s likelihood to steal from their company:

  • Employee attitudes
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Employee personality
  • Employee values

Lastly, discuss what you would do to lessen the likelihood of employee theft.

You may draw from your experience, this week’s readings, and your own research.

Demonstrate that your research comes from credible sources and cite them in APA format.


FIN 320 Southern New Hampshire University Nike Financial Reports Business Finance Assignment Help

The company I’m choosing is Nike

Financial Reports

For the company you have selected, find the most recent annual balance sheet, annual income statement, and annual statement of cash flows.

Copy each of these three reports to its own worksheet within a single Excel file. The first worksheet should be titled 20XX Balance Sheet; the second, 20XX
Income Statement; the third, 20XX Cash Flow. (Replace the XX with the appropriate year.) The image below illustrates the way the file should be set up.

Stock Prices

Create a fourth worksheet within the same Excel file for historical stock prices. (You can name the worksheet Stock Prices.)

 Reference the To Find Historical Stock Prices section of the Mergent Online written instructions to locate the stock prices for your company for
the most recent seven days. In your Excel file, enter those seven prices.

 On the Stock Prices worksheet, use an Excel formula to calculate the stock price’s rate of return over that seven-day period. To do this,

1. Subtract the stock price of the first day from the stock price of the last day.

2. Divide this amount by the stock price from the first day.

3. Multiply by 100 to get the rate of return.

I have upload the sample of how the excel should look as well as the assignment rubric


SPEECH 1301 Collin County Community College Bullying Behavior Speech Project Economics Assignment Help

OBJECTIVE: to engage students in a project-based learning experience.

PROJECT-BASED LEARNING GOALS: to support student learning outcomes as defined on the course syllabus as well as to engage students in critical thinking, problem solving, self-management, and collaborative effort.

PROCESS: Students work in teams for an extended period of time to research and respond to a complex question, problem, or challenge. Each team will select a topic from the list below. Team members will read specific articles/books, watch videos and/or films and present the merits of the specific articles / books / videos / films to the class.Each team will be responsible for organizing a class presentation and presenting research findings on an assigned day.


All team members are responsible for the following:

  • consensus selection of topic
  • cohesive team work
  • cohesive class presentation
  • collaborative effort
  • attendance at zoom professor and group meetings
  • presentation at assigned group zoom presentation day


Each team member is responsible for the following:

  • researching a specific topic to present to the class
  • presentation of sound research from books, articles, videos –one book, and two sources from books, articles, newspapers, journals, or acceptable video source
  • preparation of an individual presentation – 3 -5 minutes in length
  • presentation must include a minimum of 3 scholarly sources
  • preparation of an outline, key word outline in a folder, works cited page
  • speaking extemporaneously from a key word outline only
  • submission of a written peer review of each group member
  • communicating with group members via the Discussion Board
  • posting individual research on the Discussion Board


Each team will choose one of the topics below to study. The professor will provide specific assignment sheets for each topic. The assignment sheets contain specific instructions and listings of books, articles, video clips to assist students in the research process. Students are required to start with the research tools listed on the assignment sheet but may expand beyond the listing. The topics chosen by the professor have been selected to enhance the learning experience.

NOTE: Sources such as Wikipedia, Brainy Quotes, are NOT considered academic sources and will not be counted as a legitimate source. You cannot use your text as a source.

  • Language and Nonverbal Communication – theories concerning the differences/similarities in male / female language as well as cultural differences
  • Gender Socialization in the Culture – theories concerning the socialization of men and women in this culture
  • Nonviolent Communication / Compassionate Communication /Bullying– theories concerning the use of communication skills/behaviors to reduce conflict and engage in supportive communication
  • Emotions, Emotional Intelligence, Vulnerability – the role that emotions play in relationships and the power of vulnerability
  • Heart / Brain Coherence – theories that address the relationship between the heart, brain, and behavior


Students will be graded on the following:

  • Individual presentation including preparation, organization, and delivery of research – 100 Points
  • Team presentation – cohesive presentation, presentations reflect academic research, flow, inclusion of all group members– 70 Points

NOTE: See grading rubrics/ critiques for evaluation breakdown


SCI 207 Ashford University Week 1 Ecological, Carbon & Water Footprints & Discussion Science Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, view video The Ecological Footprint Explained. The ecological footprint is a tool for helping us to visualize the impacts we make on the environment. In this week’s class discussion, you will have the opportunity to learn more about how connected you are to the ecosystems and biosphere that you inhabit.

In a course-long project beginning this week, you will take on the challenge of lessening your impacts on the environment through reducing the size of your ecological footprint. Specifically, you will identify possible lifestyle changes that would reduce the amount of resources you use and/or the amount of carbon dioxide emissions that you produce. In a course-long experiment, you will determine whether or not it is possible to make a measurable difference in your environmental impact through a few simple actions in your daily life. The first step, of course, is to determine your ecological footprint right now. To do that, you will calculate three footprints: an overall ecological footprint that takes most of our daily behaviors into consideration; a carbon footprint that focuses on our daily carbon emissions that are contributing to global climate change; and a water footprint that assesses daily water use.

Part A: Ecological Footprint

Use the footprint tool from the web page What Is Your Ecological Footprint? to calculate your ecological footprint. At every opportunity, please select the “add details to improve accuracy” option. At the end of the footprint activity, make a note of how many Earths would be required if everyone lived like you. Then click on “see details” to obtain the following information:

  • Your ecological footprint, in global hectares (a hectare is about 2.5 acres).
  • Your top three consumption categories.
  • Finally, research some ways you might reduce your footprint, identifying a few specific ones that you might put into practice throughout the course.

Part B: Household Carbon Emissions Footprint

Next, use the Carbon Footprint Calculator to calculate your household carbon emissions footprint. After answering all the questions,

  • Make a note of your carbon emissions footprint in pounds. Is that above or below the average household carbon footprint in the US?
  • Explore specific actions you might take to reduce your footprint. Which of them might be practical to undertake in the next five weeks?

Part C: Water Footprint

Finally, use the Water Footprint Calculator to calculate your daily water footprint. After answering all the questions,

  • Make a note of your gallons-per-day water footprint.
  • Record the top three contributors to it.
  • Scroll down the page to access a series of “Tips” buttons you can click on for advice on reducing your footprint. Again, make a note of some specific ideas you see that might be practical to implement over the next five weeks.

Discussion Post Requirements

Your discussion should include all the information you gathered about your consumption habits from your three footprint calculations, including all numbers with units.

Footprint Table

Week 1
# Earths:
Top 3 Consumption Categories:
Carbon Emissions (lbs):
Gallons per day:
Top 3 Contributors:

Copy the table above and paste into your post, then add your data for each category. You can also access the Footprint Table here. Then, in a well-crafted post of at least 200 additional words, examine the numerical results of your three footprint calculations by answering the following questions:

  • What did you learn that surprised you about your consumption habits?
  • What lifestyle changes could you make that would reduce one or more of the three footprints? Propose a minimum of five. (These do not have to be the ones you use in this course-long project; over the course of the discussion, you may opt to select other ones based upon classmates’ recommendations. You will be recording your final choices for lifestyle changes in your Journal at the end of the week.)
  • For each lifestyle change, which footprint would you be lowering? Discuss potential obstacles to making those changes, and then suggest ways you might overcome those obstacles.



Mental Health Treatment for Children and Adolescents Palermo Article Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Skills Builder #1 of 4: Locating Relevant Research:

Locating relevant research is a critical part of this course and a skill you will use throughout your graduate work.

Using the library research databases, locate a peer-reviewed, quantitative research article, an example of “experimental research design”. The article should focus on issues/research related to human services. The research should have been conducted in the U.S. and after the year 2002.

NOTE: For ALL assignments that require a quantitative research article, the article MUST BE an example of “Experimental Research” which is a “type” of quantitative research. Experimental research is a type of research method that contains certain elements. Just because an article has the word “experimental” in the title does not mean it’s experimental research design.

Again, for any assignment that requires a quantitative research design article, it must be “Experimental Research” design which is a “type” of quantitative research (Note: This is highly emphasized because people often retrieve the wrong articles, please be sure to locate the right one with the two elements below)

A research article is an example of experimental research design if it has ALL of the following elements:

  • A control group AND an experimental group
  • Independent AND dependent variables

Random assignment of subjects to the control and experimental groups.

When searching the library database for an example of “experimental research design”, it’s helpful in most cases to include the words, “controlled study”. A controlled study often includes a control group and an experimental group. For example, if you are interested in using the topic of homelessness, you might search using the terms: “homelessness controlled study”.

For this Skill Building Assignment:

  • Cite the article in APA format and provide a sufficient explanation to demonstrate that the research is quantitative.
  • The explanation should include the purpose and methods that distinguish it as quantitative research.
  • Write just one paragraph to explain.


Mental Health Treatment for Children and Adolescents Palermo Article Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Berkeley City College Children School Extracurricular Activities Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

You are reading and watching information on new topics each week. Every Thursday, we’d like you to do a quick exercise to “check your understanding” and reflect on what you’re remembering.

Please respond to this discussion thread, and talk about the following. You can write this all out in your post.

These summaries need to include 2 components:

(1) Summarize 5 major points made in the weekly assigned reading(s) in either paragraph form or as 5 SUBSTANTIVE bullet point sentences, or talk about them in your video.

(2) Say 2-3 sentences to describe how the major points in the reading(s) can be applied to afterschool activities or the work of afterschool professionals. In other words, address the “So What?” about the article and how you see it connecting to your thoughts.


COMM120 Moore College of Art and Design Individuals Relationship Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help


The relationship analysis paper is an interpersonal communication exercise designed to help you realize the importance of your communication style and various influences on your relationships.

  1. You must choose a person (friend, colleague, partner etc.) and meet FACE-TO-FACE (if possible) or use FaceTime, Skype, or other video conferencing services. Meet with them at least two times for at least 30 minutes each meeting. This should be a time when you are alone with the person and can talk with them.
  2. The outcome of this activity is a critical analysis of the relationship. It should be 1170-1200 words in length. The paper must be double-spaced with standard 1-inch margins, 12-point font, and works cited page.

book :…


Irvine Valley College Declaration of Independence Essay Writing Assignment Help

  1. Length:500-700 words
  2. MLA Format (Times New Roman, size 12, double spaced)
  3. Read the “The Declaration of Independence” by Thomas Jeffereson on pp. 544-47 in your textbook. Answer one or more of the following prompts. Do not type out the questions when writing the W.A.
    1. Following Jefferson’s example, write a declaration of independence from your school, job, family, or any other institution with which you are associated.
    2. Go to the U.S. History website (Links to an external site.) and look at the revisions Congress made to Jefferson’s original draft of the Declaration of Independence. Decide which version you think is better. Then, write an essay in which you present your case.
    3. Assume you are writing to a Facebook friend in another country who is not familiar with American culture. Explain some things you take for granted that would be alien to this person — for example, all-you-can-eat buffets, drive-in pharmacies, and Uber. Make sure you include specific examples to illustrate your points.


MGT 498 University of Phoenix Strategic Management Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Answer the following IN YOUR OWN WORDS. Write a 350- to 525-word response to the following prompts in your journal entry. It will be ran thru a plagiarism checker, thanks.

the Strategic Management Project Background document(attached). Create a Word
doc and title it Strategic Management Research Journal Part 2.

Word doc and title it Strategic Management Research Journal Part 2.

Write a 350- to
525-word response to the following prompts in your journal entry:

1.Conduct a SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis of Caterpillar, Inc. Each SWOT quadrant must contain 7-10 items, (this is not included in the 525-word count).

2.Analyze Caterpillar’s strengths and include specific examples based on your SWOT analysis findings.

3.Evaluate the weaknesses and threats for any common themes that might be a risk.

4.Compare Caterpillar’s weaknesses against its opportunities.

5.Propose problem-solving strategies to address Caterpillar’s weaknesses or threats that could be mitigated by a business opportunity or business decision.

References: List a minimum of 2 references researched for this Journal assignment


Southern New Hampshire University Financial Management Decisions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Southern New Hampshire University Financial Management Decisions Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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