Southern New Hampshire University Psychosocial Theory and Diverse Groups Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. Southern New Hampshire University Psychosocial Theory and Diverse Groups Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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Discussion: Psychosocial Theory and Diverse Groups
There will be times when a social worker is presented with a case where they are not familiar with the surrounding psychosocial issues. Because social workers are on a continual journey in learning, it is important to read pertinent literature. This Discussion provides an opportunity to visit Walden Library and strengthen your skills in identifying and locating an empirical research article.
To prepare:
- Select one of these three groups: (1) an immigrant individual from a racial or ethnic minority group, (2) a gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender (LGBT) individual, OR (3) an individual who is physically disabled.
- Review the Walden Library resources listed in the Learning Resources.
- Then conduct a library search for an empirical study focused on one of the groups above and the unique psychosocial factors or issues a social worker should be aware of when working with that group.
By Day 3
- Post the APA-style reference for the article you found in the library.
- Describe four specific psychosocial factors that should be taken into account in order to understand the psychosocial context when working with the group you selected. (Two of these factors should be psychologically related and two of these factors should be socially related).
- Identify and explain a psychosocial intervention that addresses one of the four specific psychosocial factors you described above.
- Identify 1 to 2 outcomes you might measure if you were to evaluate the effectiveness of the intervention.
- Evaluate one advantage of using a psychosocial framework in social work practice with the group you chose.
Southern New Hampshire University Psychosocial Theory and Diverse Groups Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Cloud Computing Book Chr 6 Data Storage in the Cloud Services Discussion Writing Assignment Help
In Chapter 6 of uploaded textbook author Jamsa (2013) noted that “several companies provide cloud-based backup capabilities.” The author asserted that the features most companies provide are similar. One pf the features he mentioned is file being backed up in an encrypted format. List this along with the additional three features, and in your own words explain how utilizing each contribute to organizational success.
Answer must be at least 500 Words, single spaced, 12 font Times New Roman. The cover and reference page must be on separate pages. Please follow APA format.
AC 401 Samford Reasons Why Wrigley Company Can Utilize Process Costing Response Business Finance Assignment Help
answer the questions first, and review others answer then reply to others.
Discussion Question:
Name a company that is more likely to use process rather than a job order costing system and why? (2 sentences maximum.)
What is the purpose of a production report? (1 sentence maximum.)
In one sentence, state the difference between the computation of equivalent units using weighted-average versus FIFO.
Discussion Instructions
You are expected to participate in discussions after having completed the assigned readings and cases. Discussion grades are based on completeness, grammar and quality of comments made. Comments that are redundant or non-quality will result in zero points for your grade. Use the guidelines below.
- Formatting: Format your discussions in the following ways:
- Times New Roman font, size 12
- Include your name
- Include references to credit any text, video, or other materials that you used as sources (including your textbook).
- Content: Your discussions will be graded based on the discussion rubric as well as the style of your writing.
- Mechanics: You are expected to use proper mechanics, and you will lose points for grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
student 1:
Q1- Name a company that is more likely to use process rather than a job order costing system and why?
The textbook mentions many companies that are likely to use a process costing system rather than a job costing system, for example, Novartis (pharmaceuticals). This company is likely to use the process costing system due to mass production, as the process costing system allows the company to determine how many units they have at the end of the accounting reporting period, evaluate the units’ stages of completion, and assign a unit of production costs, Datar and Rajan (2018).
Q2- What is the purpose of a production report?
The purpose of the production report is to summarize the physical flows of production, work-in-process inventory, and their associated costs.
Q3-State the difference between the computation of equivalent units using weighted-average versus FIFO.
The weighted average includes work in process inventory when computing product costs, while FIFO keeps work in process inventory and finished inventory separate.
Datar, S., and M. Rajan, 2018. Horngren’s Cost Accounting, A Managerial Emphasis (16th Ed).
student 2 :
Wrigley Company is a company that is more likely to use process costing rather than a job order costing because they produce similar units of chewing gum. Using process costing helps companies determine how many units are on hand at the end of an accounting reporting period, evaluate the unit’s completeness and assign cost to units produced and in inventory.
The purpose of a production report is to summarize the production and cost activity within a department for a reporting period.
The weighted average method calculates the cost per unit of all work done to date while the FIFO method calculates the cost per unit of work done during the current period.
Resource: Datar and Rajan (2018)
CRM 220 Saint Leo University Dual Court System of the United States Discussion Law Assignment Help
The United States has a dual-court system, which means there are courts at both the state and federal levels. The majority of crimes are tried at the state and local levels. Each level has trial courts and appellate courts – the state appellate courts oversee the state constitution and laws, and the federal appellate courts oversee the U.S. Constitution and federal laws; the U.S. Supreme Court has jurisdiction over all state and federal decisions.
- Read the assigned sections in your textbook. Chapter 9,11, and 17 of
- Describe the path that a case would have to take from the state trial court level to the U.S. Supreme Court.
- Discuss specialized courts, such as drug courts, and whether you think they are a good idea and why.
- Make sure to gather evidence (law, policy, procedure, and data) and evaluate for relevance:
- Are specialized drug courts used in your jurisdiction? My jurisdiction is Norfolk, Virginia!!!
- What are some direct/indirect consequences: Specialized courts have shown moderate success rates, but they are also expensive to run.
- Discuss which should be the most important consideration, cost or effectiveness, and how these two conflicting attributes can best be balanced.
- Your paper must be at least 700-800 words in length, excluding the title and reference pages.
- Your paper must adhere to the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th edition) writing format.
- What is their effectiveness?
10. You must cite at least two scholarly references for your paper. Please be aware that websites such as Wikipedia are not scholarly sources. You are encouraged to find scholarly journal articles, etc.
11. The ProQuest and EBSCO databases may be helpful but remember to limit your search to scholarly journal articles.
IT 331 Southern NH University Hospital Clerk Scenario Recommendation Report Writing Assignment Help
Please follow the guidelines and rubric file for complete instruction and rubric.
Overview: In this scenario, you have been asked by the HR department of a small regional hospital to provide IT support for one of the intake clerks. She
has always been considered a stellar employee but is returning to work after an extended illness. She has residual physical disabilities as a result of the
illness, including weakness on her left side and lingering sight issues that cannot be fully corrected with glasses or contact lenses.
Prompt: Prepare a report that summarizes your recommendations for reasonable IT accommodations that will allow the employee to continue her work
as an intake clerk.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
Technology Recommendations. What supporting technology (hardware or software) would you recommend to accommodate the clerk’s
disability? If multiple options are feasible, provide a summary of the pros and cons of each option, along with your final recommendation.
Explain your rationale, focusing on cost, ease of use, and effectiveness.
Work Environment Recommendations. What alterations to the work environment would you recommend? Consider the work station,
ergonomics, and other relevant work-space characteristics.
Training and Support Recommendations. What training or other support resources would you recommend for the clerk as she returns to work?
Be sure to identify services needed to effectively use identified software or hardware.
Read the following articles to prepare for the report:
Guidelines for Submission: The report should be submitted as a two- to four-page Word document that uses double spacing, 12-point Times New
Roman font, one-inch margins, and APA style for any citations.
Cutting Edge Hairstyling Academy Ch 1 Strategic Staffing Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Note: see attachment , it has the requires text book. The book has all information you may need.
Hey , I need help With reflection paper. So far I have studied chapter 1,2,4,5, and 6.Before you start read instructions bellow and flow it .
Chapter 1 – Strategic Staffing:
Chapter 2 – Business and Staffing Strategies
Chapter 4: Strategic Job Analysis & Competency Modeling
Chapter 5 – Forecasting & Planning
Chapter 6 – Sourcing: Identifying Recruits
When writing your reflection paper, consider the following questions:
• What do I know about human resource management? What did I know about recruitment and selection before this semester? Where does my existing knowledge come from? What are the observations or experiences that shape my understanding?
• How does the text reinforce or challenge my existing ideas and assumptions about the field of HR? About recruitment and selection?
• How does this text help me to better understand recruitment and selection or explore the field of HR?
• What have we studied that is interesting?
• What new things have I learned?
• How do I think I have done overall with engaging the course material (i.e., actively reading chapters, reviewing Bb videos and articles, learning from peer discussion comments)?
• What can I do differently during the remainder of the semester?
• Minimum 700 words
• Single-space the content. Double-space between paragraphs (i.e. hit the enter key only once to create one blank line between paragraphs).
• Include a title (top, centered)
Cutting Edge Hairstyling Academy Ch 1 Strategic Staffing Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Illinois State University the Watermelon Riots Event Background & Conflict Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Write a short (2 – 3 page) essay on the Watermelon Riots. Use the following template as an outline…..
- Event Background. What other events may have led to this event.
- What was the problem/issue/conflict that made the event something that we would look at now?
- How was the problem/issue/conflict resolved – or was it? What alternatives solutions were available? Who were the major participants in the event and who were the participants who contributed to the solution?
- Results. What were the consequences of implementing the solution?
- Future. What impact do you believe the results and their consequences have had on the development of the country and of the identity of people in the country?
- Summary. Summarize the entire event. What do you think could have happened differently that might have resulted in a different (better?) outcome?
Post University Agents of Socialization in Election Period Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Which agent of socialization do you believe has the strongest influence on political ideology and public opinion? Explain Why.
Unit 4 Presentation Unit 4 Presentation – Alternative Formats
Articles: The following are articles related to media’s influence on politics: |
Websites: | ||
Explore the following websites regarding public opinion and the workings of our government: |
Videos: | ||
Duration: (2:51) YouTube URL: |
Duration: (3:49) YouTube URL: |
Duration: (3:22) YouTube URL: |
Spiro Agnew & Media | Public Opinion & Media | Public Opinion and Socialization |
MAT 232 AU Wk 1 Sampling by navigating to the MSL Tools for Success Video Questions Mathematics Assignment Help
You will find Video 3: Sampling by navigating to the MSL Tools for Success link under Course Home. This video discusses sampling in the context of how estimates of population parameters are obtained. It refers to Video 1:What is an Average? where we obtained an “average of 1.89 feet per person.” It points out that applying this statistic depends on thinking through whom the population is meant to be, and that depends on the study question (i.e., “If you want to understand your answer, you really have to work out carefully what your question is.”).
As the sample statistic was derived from a bunch of kids heading to the playground, plus a one-legged man who we asked to show up, we conclude that the sample was a bad one. We explain that random sampling is generally a good way of obtaining a representative sample such that you can be confident that the sample statistic is a good estimate of the population parameter.
Answer the following questions separately
- Are all good samples random? This is an opportunity to bring up opinion polling, which typically tries to obtain views from particular groups (e.g., men, women, older, younger, employed, unemployed, Democrat, Republican, etc.) and then “weights” the results by the prevalence in the population.
- Magazines often report surveys giving statistics such as “63% of women expect the man to pay on the first date.” Are these random samples? These surveys are most definitely not random – they are typically click-through from the magazine website – and so can provide an opportunity to discuss the sort of biases that can result from lack of random sampling.
150 to 250 words in length each
Long Island Importance of Implementing Changes in Organizations Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
The Term Paper will be a researched paper.
This paper should focus on analyzing a major change initiative in your business, college, or school.
When writing this paper, you should incorporate terminology and models that were discussed in class.
The paper should follow APA format as required by the UC Dissertation Handbook and include, at minimum, the areas noted below.
In addition, the paper should include extensive use of references from peer reviewed journals, textbooks, and reputable websites. The primary sources of references should be journals and textbooks.
Course Name : The Change Process