Special Educational and Disability Case Study Humanities Assignment Help. Special Educational and Disability Case Study Humanities Assignment Help.
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General directions: For all questions, cite relevant legal and ethical codes/issues/case law and address issue of diversity where relevant.
Area 1: School Psychology Practice (Assessment and Diagnosis). Required question.
Below you will find relevant assessment data for a female high school student. The background information has been provided for you. Based on the information below, respond to the following:
• Write a full interpretative report integrating the content from the background information, classroom observation, teacher interviews, and testing data. In this report, include (a) calculation of the student’s chronological age; (b) description of the test batteries used and what their scores indicate; (c) diagnostic impressions; and (d) recommendations for facilitating the student’s academic and behavioral success.
• Is there any additional information you would need or want to collect to inform your case conceptualization? If so, describe how this information would be obtained and how it will help your decision making or recommendations.
Examinee: Cindy BrownDate of Birth: 7/9/2002
Grade: 10Date of Testing: 3/11/2018
Background Information: Cindy Brown is a right-handed Blackfemale student who resides in Washington, DC with her grandmother Ms. Brown. She currently attends Franklin High School, where she is enrolled in the tenth grade. She started daycare with Recreational Day Care in Washington, DC. Soon after she enrolled at Grant Elementary School for Pre-Kindergarten and Elementary School. She matriculated through elementary school and attended Pierce middle school until she graduated. During this time, she was wearing glasses, her grandmother reported once she completed middle school Cindy did not need glasses anymore. Afterwards she enrolled at Franklin High School from the ninth grade until present day.
Based on her May 2015 psychoeducational report and review of records, Cindy’s mother pregnancy was uneventful. Cindy was born full-term (40 weeks) at the weight of 9 lbs. 10 oz. There are no records of nursing after birth. There were no difficulties with reaching developmental milestones, except with regard to her language skills, which were late developing (she appeared to understand language, but initially did not speak very much, until the age of 2); there were no reported concerns regarding fine/gross motor skills or eating/sleeping habits.
Based on her Individual Educational Program (IEP) plan, Cindy is currently receiving special educational services and accommodations to aid her academic matriculation. She receives 15 hours per month of specialized instruction for reading and mathematics as well as an hour per month for Behavioral Support Services.
Classroom Observation: Cindy was observed in her Geometry class during the late morning of the day for 30 minutes. She showed up on time and sat in her assigned seat in the first row towards the back. The class began doing the Do Now on the board. While this is going on, Cindy has her head down. The classroom teacher and co-teacher was walking around the class making sure that everyone was doing their assignment and aiding students with the Do Now. The teacher went over to Cindy’s desk to sit up and do the assignment. Cindy started to write down notes from the lesson. She seemed uninterested and fatigued. She continued to write down notes and continue her Do Now assignment. The teacher instructed everyone to stop their Do Now (warm up assignment) and the class went over the assignment. Cindy started to turn her pages and prepare to go over the work. Once this was completed, the teacher gave instructions to do independent work from their workbooks; Cindy started to talk quietly to students around her. She also looked around the class to see where other students were and what they were doing. After she was done with this, she began her assignment in her workbook. She was reading the problem thoroughly and working on her assignment. A student in class made a small joke quietly and she proceeded to laugh, look around the class, and stopped doing her work.
Teacher Interview: Cindy’s World Literature teacher reported that she had known Cindy throughout the school year. Throughout her teaching, she found Cindy to be a very positive student who is a joy to be around. Also, she reported Cindy as a student who is not afraid to take risk. During class she always a student who participates, she completes all her classwork, and she makes sure that most of her homework is completed. In class Cindy struggles with test and quizzes as well as reading comprehension. In class, Cindy receives extra time on assignments, small group interventions, breakdown of long essay assignments, and chunking of curriculum.
Cindy’s Geometry teacher reported that he had known Cindy throughout the school year. Throughout his teaching, he found Cindy to be a good student who tries very hard in class and is improving within her work. She does experience difficulties with class resiliency regarding work as well as pushing though long and difficult assignment and multistep problems. Cindy sometimes participates in class, she does her homework and classwork (even if it’s wrong), and due to skill levels, her test and quiz grades are poor. In class, Cindy receives extra time on assignments, small group interventions, breakdown of multistep equations, and chunking of curriculum.
Testing Observations: Cindy was very cooperative throughout the assessment. She was thoughtful with her responses. She took her time with choices that she had difficulty on and answered appropriately. She utilized resources when needed throughout the assessment. Throughout the assessment she wrote with her right hand. She was offered breaks throughout the assessment; however, she did not independently accept. Although she showed good effort and worked hard, she was notably impulsive with some responses and showed an elevated level of movement (rocking side to side, tapping on desk, constantly shifting from sitting on chair to sitting on her legs, or leaning half out of her seat) and fidgeting throughout the assessment. Thus, several breaks were provided to allow for movement; these seemed to help initially, but not consistently. Based on her motivation and effort, these results appear to be a valid and reliable estimate of her current functioning.
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Fifth Edition (WISC-V)
Composite |
Indexes |
Standard Score |
Percentile Rank |
95% Confidence Interval |
Verbal Comprehension |
78 |
7 |
72-87 |
Visual Spatial |
90 |
40 |
87-95 |
Fluid Reasoning |
81 |
12 |
76-90 |
Working Memory |
72 |
3 |
67-82 |
Processing Speed |
80 |
13 |
76-90 |
Full Scale IQ |
72 |
3 |
70-82 |
General Ability Index |
78 |
7 |
73-85 |
Scale |
Subtest Name |
Scaled Score |
Similarities |
7 |
Verbal Comprehension |
Vocabulary |
4 |
Block Design |
8 |
Visual Spatial |
Visual Puzzles |
6 |
Fluid Reasoning |
Matrix Reasoning |
6 |
Figure Weights |
8 |
Digit Span |
4 |
Working Memory |
Picture Span |
6 |
Coding |
5 |
Processing Speed |
Symbol Search |
7 |
Woodcock Johnson Tests of Achievement, Fourth Edition (WJ-IV)
Cluster |
Standard Score |
Percentile Rank |
68% Confidence Interval |
Broad Reading |
68 |
2 |
66-72 |
Broad Mathematics |
80 |
9 |
77-83 |
Broad Written Language |
83 |
13 |
80-86 |
Broad Achievement |
75 |
5 |
73-77 |
Subtest Name |
Standard Score |
Percentile Rank |
68% Confidence Interval |
Letter-Word Identification |
71 |
3 |
67-75 |
Applied Problem |
85 |
16 |
81-90 |
Spelling |
79 |
8 |
76-83 |
Passage Comprehension |
67 |
1 |
63-72 |
Calculation |
78 |
7 |
74-84 |
Writing Samples |
79 |
8 |
74-84 |
Word Attack |
81 |
10 |
76-86 |
Oral Reading |
71 |
3 |
67-75 |
Sentence Reading Fluency |
74 |
4 |
68-80 |
Math Facts Fluency |
87 |
19 |
82-91 |
Sentence Writing Fluency |
106 |
66 |
100-111 |
Special Educational and Disability Case Study Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Acadia University Bayes and Bayesian Networks Data Science and AI Discussion Engineering Assignment Help
Discussion (Chapter 5): What is the relationship between Naïve Bayes and Bayesian networks? What is the process of developing a Bayesian networks model?
Note: The first post should be made by 15 HR. I am looking for active engagement in the discussion. Please engage early and often.
Your response should be 250-300 words. Respond to two postings provided by your classmates.
There must be at least one APA formatted reference (and APA in-text citation) to support the thoughts in the post. Do not use direct quotes, rather rephrase the author’s words and continue to use in-text citations.
Note Raise two question and answer on the topic
HSA 320 CTU Individual project Values and Ethics Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
- Part 1
- Revisit your Key Assignment draft from the Unit 4 IP, which should include the following: (WHICH IS ATTACHED)
- In preparation for your Key Assignment, you have discussed corrective action, resolved a management problem with employees showing resistance to change, and developed an organizational chart. Prepare a summary of these tasks.
- Research and develop a mission and values statement for a facility.
- Describe what types of health care this facility will provide.
- Summarize their purpose and services provided, such as the type of health care, number of staff, type of staff, size, departments, and so forth.
- Update your Key Assignment draft with any peer review feedback from the discussion board and from faculty grading feedback.
- Part 2
- Add the following in 2-3 pages (not including title page and reference page) of new information and content to your Unit 4 IP draft to your Key Assignment:
- Develop 5 ethical standards to implement at your chosen facility.
- Research 2 companies with ethical standards, and develop standards in your own words.
- 2 APA references are required.
- How would you present this information to staff during orientation or training?
- Describe this training.
** Please ensure to answer the points as required above and use the attached draft (Unit 4 IP)!!
Embry International Airport Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
part1:The Airport and the Environment
Blog Discussion
During this module, you have been provided with several resources identifying the environmental impact of airport operations. For this activity, you will identify the environmental impact that, in your opinion, presents the greatest concern for airport managers.
In your blog, provide an explanation of your chosen environmental impact with justification and supporting references. Next, you will identify a strategy that could be employed to mitigate your chosen environmental impact. The goal is to engage in a collaborative and constructive debate that promotes critical thought and reflection.
Your initial posts and responses to your classmates need to be thoughtful, thorough, and comprehensive. This means your initial post needs to be about a paragraph and thoroughly explain your answer. Additionally, include a properly formatted in-text citation and reference to support your position. After you create your blog, you will be expected to engage in dialogue with at least one of your classmates. Your responses to your classmates’ blog entries need to be more than “I agree/disagree.” You need to elaborate and explain why you agree or disagree, and you may even want to ask additional questions.
part2Airport Design and Construction
Presentation Assignment
For this activity, prepare a presentation to solicit support for the establishment of an airport. You will research and select the location for your airport. You may choose any location (national or international) that you wish as well as any type of airport.
Your presentation must include:
- The airport location
- The airport type
- Funding/revenue sources for airport construction and operation
- Steps involved during its design, development, and construction
- Environmental considerations
Your presentation must include a minimum of five, but no more than eight, slides not including the title slide or reference slide, have embedded audio, and include speaker notes.
HCM 632 CTU Online Diabetes Risk Essay Writing Assignment Help
Assignment Objectives
Analyze the correlation between the performance of health systems and population health status
Compare and contrast the effects that various health policies and regulations have made on healthcare systems
Evaluate the effect that public health has on the delivery of healthcare
Examine and research 1 chronic disease (e.g., heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, obesity) and write a paper that discusses the following:
- A comparison of 2 health care policies that are in place (either at the state or federal level) that address the disease
- The impact the disease has had on the U.S. population and health care system as a whole
- Strategies that are in place to educate and promote prevention of the disease through public health at the federal and state levels
- Any challenges and progress to date that has been made in preventing and reducing health risks associated with the disease
- 2–3 strategies that may increase awareness, education, and prevention of that disease
Write a paper of 5-6 pages, not including title page and reference page.
Note: Use APA style and cite at least 4 scholarly references published within the last 5 years.
Bowie State University Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone Discussion Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a literature question and need guidance to help me understand better.
This is a multiple-choice question pick only one from the 3 below
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone is an example of
1-quest fantasy
2-animal fantasy
3-toy fantasy
2-How do Harry, Ron, and Hermione become friends?
3-The heroes Miles and Harry are quite different in several ways. How are they, or the problems they confront, similar?
4-What are the three parts of a rite of passage? Give an example of one part from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone.
Website reading below
The first adaptation of the Harry Potter books was into film, but now there are many forms. One of my favorite scene adaptations is the delivery of the Hogwarts letters. It’s different than in the book, but very effective!Link (Links to an external site.)
You can see several more good clips from the Sorcerer’s Stone here: https://www.syfy.com/syfywire/the-15-best-scenes-from-harry-potter-and-the-sorcerers-stone-for-its-15th-anniversary (Links to an external site.)Link (Links to an external site.)
Bowie State University Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone Discussion Questions Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Bowie State University Bridge to Terabithia Cover by Katherine Peterson Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
I need it to be an analysis, not summary its a literature class
After you have reviewed the novel’s illustrations and reminded yourself where they occur, look at the following four covers. These have been used at different times for various paperback editions of Bridge to Terabithia. Which cover do you think best captures the characters in the book and reflects the style of the illustrations? Note: I am not asking you which cover you like best; I am asking which is the best match to text and illustrations.
Click on the link below to see the four different covers.
Read Abridge to Terabithia. Use the accompanying document with the illustrations that were published in the original book but which are not included in your online version. The illustrations are marked with the page number where they appear in the original. This page number should approximately match the page number in your text.
SU Tax Planning Client on Irrevocable Trusts Letter Business Finance Assignment Help
Tax-Planning Client Letter on Irrevocable Trusts, Gift Tax, and Estate Tax
Suppose you are a CPA, and your client has requested advice regarding establishing an irrevocable trust for his two grandchildren. He wants the income from the trust paid to the children for 20 years and the principal distributed to the children at the end of 20 years.
Use the Internet and Strayer Library to research the rules regarding irrevocable trusts, gift tax, and estate tax. Be sure to use the six-step tax research process in Chapter 1 and demonstrated in Appendix A of your textbook as a guide for your written response.
Write a 1–2 page letter in which you:
- Analyze the effect of an irrevocable trust on the gift tax and future estate taxes.
- Suggest other significant alternatives that the client could use both to reduce estate tax and to maximize potential advantages of the payment of gift taxes on transfers of property.
- Use the six-step tax research process located in Chapter 1 and demonstrated in Appendix A of the textbook to record your research for communications to the client.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Determine the effect of an irrevocable trust on taxes including a strategy to reduce taxes and maximize benefits
Florida Gulf Coast University Environmental Impact of Paper Bags Questions Science Assignment Help
One of the alternative energy sources that you learned about this week was Hydropower. We’ve been damming rivers for a long while now and there aren’t a lot of fast moving rivers still out there that haven’t been dammed. So it’s not exactly the energy source of the future (though other forms of hydropower: tidal, wave power, etc, do have potential).
Here in Washington State, dams on rivers emptying into the ocean prevent salmon and other migrating fish from moving upstream. That’s why the state is taking a close look at existing dams and reevaluating their usefulness. One dam that didn’t make the cut is the Elwha River dam. The state undertook a huge dam removal and restoration project in this area. This is the subject of this week’s assignment.
The assignment:
Go here (Links to an external site.)to read the interactive Seattle Times article on the Elwha River dam. (If you’ve used up your article views for the month, just use a different browser or your friend’s computer). The article allows you to click on different animals to see their effects.
http://projects.seattletimes.com/2016/elwha/ (Links to an external site.)
Answer the following Questions:
- Where is the Elwha River Dam? Have you ever been there or driven by it?
- Dams are a reliable source of renewable energy. So why are we starting to remove some of them?
- How much does the dam removal project cost? Why do you think it costs so much?
- What’s the deal with logs? Why did we move some of them and why are they so important to the river?
- Some environmentalists would say that even though hydropower is an alternative energy source, it isn’t exactly a sustainable energy source. What are some reasons it might not be considered sustainable by some people?
- List 4 animals that are benefiting from the dam removal and describe how they are affected.
- In your opinion, should we be spending money on tearing down dams, building more dams, or neither? Why?
Throughout this class, we talked about ways that you can lower your ecological footprint through the everyday choices that you make. But sometimes things are not so clear. Should I pick paper bags or plastic bags when the grocery clerk asks me? Should I buy disposal diapers for my baby or use (and wash) reusable diapers?
Even when you try hard to make the best choice, you often learn new information later on that you suggests should’ve done something different. And sometimes the best choice depends on where you live or what you do with the product when you’re done with it!
Getting to the real answer to these dilemmas depends on doing a complete life cycle analysis. This means looking at ALL impacts of your choices: from where and how the materials were mined, to the human health consequences of manufacturing, to the transportation needed to get all the materials from the mine to the factory to the consumer to the “grave”: the landfill or recycling plant where the product ends up.
Performing a complete life cycle analysis is difficult and often requires a lot of research. A friend of mine taught an entire course focused solely on the choice between disposable and cloth diapers! The purpose of this week’s discussion is to think about what kinds of questions go into that research. What did that class have to figure out in order to solve that dilemma?
For this week’s assignment post pick one of these “choices”and outline at least ten of the potential impacts of each step of the life cycle of those products. Tell me what things you would have to research and find out to be able to make a decision on which choice was “greener”. You’ll also have to consider what “greener” means: is saving energy more important than saving water? If a choice uses less energy but pollutes rivers in developing nations, is it really more sustainable?
When you come up with your outline, think about all the materials that are used to make that product, where they come from, and how that product gets to you and what you do with it when you’re done. You might want to frame your ten impacts in the form of research questions, or just a bulleted list of considerations. Remember, the goal is not to attach numbers to each impact or attempt to figure out which one is better. Impacts might be related to energy and transportation consumption, environmental damage, human health hazards, or social costs like the working conditions of the people involved in the creation or transportation of the item.
For inspiration, watch this video (Links to an external site.)about the life cycle of a simple t-shirt.
Here are some examples of choices to use for this assignment, but feel free to come up with one on your own.
Is it better to:
- Use cloth or disposable diapers?
- Buy an e-reader or stick to paper books?
- Buy a new Prius or keep my old car?
- Ask for Paper or Plastic Bags?
- Eat organic tomatoes or locally grown tomatoes?
- Cook chicken or fish for dinner tonight?
- Buy new windows for your home or reinsulate?
- Serve drinks in paper cups or plastic cups?
- Install bamboo or hardwood floors?
- Wear clothing made of bamboo or organic cotton?
- Put up a real Christmas tree or an artificial tree?
ARTH 573B San Diego State University Pagans in The Church School of Athens Journal Humanities Assignment Help
“Journal Instructions:
Take your time reading the articles/book chapters. After reading the article and taking good notes so that you have thought about the material, you are ready to write your Journal entry. Summarize the author’s thesis—what was this reading really about, in a nutshell? What are some of the main points in support of his/her argument? Paraphrase rather than quote—use your own words. What did you find particularly interesting or insightful about the reading? Is there anything you did not understand? Is there one line/a short sentence that really struck you as important? Length should be a few meaty paragraphs (around 500 words), more if you are inspired. This is like a mini-essay, use paragraph form and proper sentences and grammar.”
“The format will be the same for all assignments. Prepare and paste your response into the Turnitin module. Save your journal response in a document before uploading it, and keep it in a safe place.
“1. In one or two sentences, what is the thesis/main argument/subject of the chapter/article?”
“2. What are three important points that you took away from the reading assignment? Select one or two points from the first third, one or two points from the second third, and the same from the last third of the reading. Use your own words, paraphrase, do not use quotes. Did you have any questions or parts that you didn’t understand?
“Here is a suggested format to help you formulate your journal, use sentences and paragraphs like a little essay (you don’t need section headers), not point form or phrases:
Important points:
Important points from first third:
Important points from second third:
Important points from last third:
Concluding thoughts”
https://anyessayhelp.com/about the life cycle of a simple t-shirt.
Here are some examples of choices to use for this assignment, but feel free to come up with one on your own.
Is it better to:
- Use cloth or disposable diapers?
- Buy an e-reader or stick to paper books?
- Buy a new Prius or keep my old car?
- Ask for Paper or Plastic Bags?
- Eat organic tomatoes or locally grown tomatoes?
- Cook chicken or fish for dinner tonight?
- Buy new windows for your home or reinsulate?
- Serve drinks in paper cups or plastic cups?
- Install bamboo or hardwood floors?
- Wear clothing made of bamboo or organic cotton?
- Put up a real Christmas tree or an artificial tree?