SPED4310 Texas A & M University Christmas in Purgatory Reflection Essay Writing Assignment Help

SPED4310 Texas A & M University Christmas in Purgatory Reflection Essay Writing Assignment Help. SPED4310 Texas A & M University Christmas in Purgatory Reflection Essay Writing Assignment Help.

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I need a two page reflection on the material I am providing.

For our Unit 1 activity, please reflect on one or two of the Christmas in Purgatory photographs.
a) Describe the photo(s) that you have chosen and discuss your initial reflections.
b) These institutionalized conditions are relatively recent (within many of our life times). Given society’s historical response to individuals with disabilities, describe why schools need to be leaders in teaching all students.
c) After viewing the UDL video and reading about UDL in your text, define UDL (in your own words) and describe why educators need to be knowledgeable in UDL.
d) Describe your own personal philosophy regarding students with disabilities and your future role as an educator (general and/or special educator).

Online textbook


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Photographs selected



As for question D I am going to be a Special Education Educator

Grading Rubric

1. Correct grammar, correct spelling, clearly organized, introduction, conclusion, fully developed, well written, person-first language, APA style, and editing.

2. Describe the photo(s) chosen

3. Describe why schools need to be leaders in teaching all students

4. Define UDL(in your own words) and describe why educators need to be knowledgeable in UDL.

5.Describe your own personal philosophy regarding students with disabilities and your future role as an educator (general and/or special educator).

I hope this helps I provided all the necessary materials. I need the paper completed by 6/13/2019 before 4pm central time. Thank you so much.

SPED4310 Texas A & M University Christmas in Purgatory Reflection Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MC621 Kennedy King College Applying Quality Improvement Methods Paper Writing Assignment Help


Apply quality improvement methods.

Course Scenario

Chaparral Regional Hospital is a small, urban hospital of approximately 60 beds, and offers the following:

  • Emergency room services
  • Intensive care
  • Surgical care
  • Obstetrics
  • Diagnostic services
  • Some rehabilitation therapies
  • Inpatient pharmacy services
  • Geriatric services and
  • Consumer physician referral services

Recently, the CEO has been hearing complaints from both patients and staff. You have been hired to design and implement a Quality Improvement Plan to help uncover quality problems and satisfactorily resolve them.

Scenario Continued

Your CEO has informed you that the Hospital has been invited to appear on a local cable television news station to discuss the proposed QI plan and how it will be applied. You are instructed to create a presentation with narration to put on the television show.


You may use any presentation tool you want, but your narration must specifically discuss how the QI plan will be applied by giving examples.

  • Why are QI programs developed?
  • What use are they for healthcare facilities?
  • What potential use would your facility have for the QI plan?

Your audio presentation should include an introduction, a concise discussion of each slide, and a conclusion. Make sure to use audience-specific language and tone in your powerpoint. Remember, you would be presenting this on a cable television show. The presentation will be assessed on your overall knowledge of the content, clarity of your voice, pronunciation of words, organization of your presentation, proper recording of your presentation, overall aesthetics and professionalism, and general clarity of your presentation.

Your presentation should be 10 minutes or less. Make sure to address the following:

  • Include a link to the location of your live video on the last slide of your PowerPoint presentation.
  • Make sure to use audience-specific language and tone in your PowerPoint. Remember, you would be presenting this on a cable television program.

Grading Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
No Pass No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Not Submitted Does not demonstrate comprehensive knowledge or skill Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge or skills Demonstrated mastery exceeds level of comprehensive knowledge or skills Uses mastery of competency to devise alternate solutions and create new value
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide a visual presentation regarding the QI plan that will be implemented. Provides a formatted memo containing bullet points for training. Provides a visual presentation using a supporting tool regarding the QI plan that will be implemented with supporting visuals and details. Executes a visual presentation using a supporting tool regarding the QI plan that will be implemented with clear supporting visuals and details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide a narration to support the QI plan presentation. Provides narration to support the QI plan visual presentation. Provides narration support to the QI plan visual presentation with supporting details. Executes narration in support of the QI plan visual presentation with clearly outlined supporting details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to discuss any supporting details of the QI plan application. Provides supporting details of the QI plan application. Provides clearly outlined and supporting details of the QI plan application. Thoroughly discusses and clearly outlines supporting details of the QI plan application.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide examples of the QI plan application. Provides examples of the QI plan application. Provides examples of the QI plan application with supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and provides examples of the QI plan application and details supporting this QI plan implementation.


CRJ440 Strayer University Week 8 Homegrown Terrorism Response Law Assignment Help

  • Devise your own definition of homegrown terrorism. Then using the e-Activity, provide one example of what you believe to be a specific homegrown terrorist attack that occurred in the United States. Provide a rationale for your response.
  • There are many agencies, including private security, directly involved in defending against homegrown terrorism that are not part of the Department of Homeland Security (DHS). Examine at least three agencies that are not part of the DHS but play a direct role in homeland security. Hypothesize the key reasons why you believe these three agencies are not part of the DHS. Justify your response.


ENC1101 Florida State Behavior among Married & Unmarried Couples Discussion Writing Assignment Help

You will be typing a 800 – 1000 words Comparison & Contrast Essay on the topic of:

  • The similarities and differences in the behavior among married and unmarried couples.

, and you will also create a Compare and Contrast Essay Outline Template

The paper must be between 800 – 1000 words and be sure to follow the rubric that i posted. Also use this link to help guide you: https://writingcenter.unc.edu/tips-and-tools/comparing-and-contrasting/

Compare and Contrast Essay Topics For College Students

When attending a college, at any time your professor will assign you the task of writing this form of essay. Consider these topics for college students to get the grades you deserve.

The topic to write about is :

  • The similarities and differences in the behavior among married and unmarried couples.

I have attached images of the Template guideline that you should follow when you make the outline template for the essay.

I have attached an article from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill that explains the process of writing comparison/contrast papers as a supplement to our text and handouts..

You are to read and comprehend the assignment. On Wednesday, I will post both discussion questions and questions that you are to submit for participation grades.

Please check announcements for postings.

The following rubric will be used to grade the Narrative, Comparison/Contrast and Cause/Effect Papers:

Levels of Achievement


100 points



100 – 90 points

Exceeds Expectations

89 – 80 points

Meets Expectations

79 – 70 points


69 – 60 points


20 to 18 points

The essay has a clear and perceptive evaluative thesis that is fully supported with specific, relevant examples.

17 to 16 points

The essay has a clear evaluative thesis that is supported with many specific, relevant examples, but the support may include a few generalizations.

15 to 14 points

The essay has a clear thesis that is supported with some specific details and examples, but the support contains some generalizations.

13 to 12 points

The essay has a thesis that is not clearly defined or is ambiguous; the support is primarily generalizations.


20 to 18 points

The essay demonstrates a clear and appropriate progression of ideas, which are effectively balanced and objective. Transitions are seamless and skillful, and the essay has a logical and sophisticated structure that effectively supports the purpose.

17 to 16 points

The essay demonstrates a clear progression of ideas, which are balanced and objective. Transitions are effective, and the essay has an overall effective structure that supports the purpose.

15 to 14 points

The essay demonstrates a clear progression of ideas, which are mostly balanced and usually objective. Transitions are adequate but often mechanical, and the essay has an overall adequate structure.

13 to 12 points

The essay lacks a clear progression of ideas. Content is not well-balanced or objective. Transitions are abrupt and sometimes inaccurate, and the essay has an inconsistent structure.

Language/ Audience

20 to 18 points

The language choices are fresh and innovative. Sentences are skillfully worded, and sentence structure is both varied and sophisticated. The tone shows sophisticated awareness of the audience and purpose. Sense language is used to “show not tell” the reader what is being described.

17 to 16 points

The language choices are precise and purposeful. Sentences are clearly worded and unambiguous, and sentence structure is varied and competent. The tone is well-suited to the purpose and audience. Word choice is appropriate with fairly good sense language to create imagery.

15 to 14 points

The language choices are appropriate and accurate. Sentences are generally clearly worded although there might be minor problems with syntax and/or omissions; these minor errors do not interfere with readability. Sentence structures are varied. The tone is appropriate for the purpose and audience. While sense language is used, it is not very effective in creating imagery.

13 to 12 points

The language choices are basic but adequate; occasional errors in diction and/or usage may interfere with meaning. Occasional errors in syntax and/or wording problems may lead to ambiguity or interfere with readability. Sentence structures lack variety and tend to be mechanical. The tone shows some awareness of audience and purpose, although some choices may be inappropriate for the assignment.


20 to 18 points

The essay has impeccable grammar, punctuation, spelling, and/or usage.

17 to 16 points

The essay has occasional, but insignificant, grammar, mechanics, spelling, and/or word choice errors.

15 to 14 points

The essay has some grammar, mechanics, spelling, and/or word choice errors, but these do not interfere with readability.

13 to 12 points

The essay has frequent grammar, mechanics, spelling, and/or word choice errors that sometimes interfere with readability.

MLA Style

20 to 18 points

The essay fully adheres to MLA style formatting and meets the required word length.

17 to 16 points

2-3 errors but MLA style is recognizable; paper meets required word length.

15 to 14 points

4+ errors and MLA style is hard to recognize.Paper is less than required length.

13 to 12 points

5+ errors and MLA style is not evident, though the paper is typed clearly. Paper is less than the required length.

In the essay, i need you to type up a point-by-point outline, and for the essay and the outline you must have 3 bases for comparison and 3 bases for contrast. I attached images of an example outline. Be sure to look at them for further help

I have attached samples of the essay and outline. Please be sure follow accordingly for my essay and outline. And the topic you are to write about is

  • The similarities and differences in the behavior among married and unmarried couples.


University at Buffalo Analytical Technique Probability Distribution MindTap Mathematics Assignment Help

Assignments must be completed on MindTap AND a completed workbook with your full completed solutions must be submitted via Sakai. You must submit both in order to receive any credit.

Hardcopies or copies emailed will not be graded.

There is no option for late submissions in MindTap. Failure to submit your submit your assignment on MindTap before the due date will result in zero credit.

Submit your worked data in one single MS Excel Workbook. Start your solution set by using the assignment shell provided on Sakai. Use appropriately labeled worksheets for each problem/section of a problem.

Pay very close attention to the final presentation of your work and make sure it is print-ready. Prepare all spreadsheets so that they are clear, attractive and easy for the untrained eye to follow and understand. While accurate content and precise execution of the techniques is critical, formatting, typographical and grammatical acuteness is also very important. General sloppiness and inconsistent formatting will lower your grade.

Note: Ignore MindTap warning about text-based answers. All open ended questions will be graded as well. In fact, your grade will depend equally on the accuracy of your analytical techniques and your interpretation of the results.

Assignment files should be named as follows:

  • Asg#_FirstInitialLastname
  • e.g. Assignment 1 for Michael Phelps would be named Asg1_MPhelps.xlsx

Question 1. 85 points

Decision 1

Decision 2

Decision 3



















Calculate the EMV for each of the decisions in the table above (also shown in Worksheet Q1),

Use what-if data tables to perform the following sensitivity analyses on the EMV for decision 1.
Note: In each of the 3 cases outlined below, you are examining the sensitivity of the EMV for decision 1 and then comparing that value to the (static) values of EMV for decisions 2 and 3.
The goal in each case is to see whether decision 1continues to have the largest EMV, and if not, identify the decision that has the best (largest) EMV.

A.Let the payoff from the best outcome for the first decision, the value in cell A3, vary from $30,000 to $50,000 in increments of $2500.

B.Let the probability of the worst outcome for the first decision, the value in cell B5, vary from 0.7 to 0.9 in increments of 0.025.
Be sure to use formulas in cells B3 and B4 to ensure that they remain in the ratio 1 to 2 and the three probabilities for decision 1 continue to sum to 1.

C.Use a two-way data table to let the inputs in Parts A and B (the value in cell A3 and the value in cell B5) vary simultaneously over the indicated ranges.

Questions 2-6. . 15 points

Multiple-choice questions.



Purdue University Appreciative Inquiry & Organizational Change Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


Question 1

In this unit you are introduced Appreciative Inquiry (AI). Describe how AI can be used to frame organizational change. Share an organizational situation or challenge where you believe an AI approach might be beneficial.

Question 2

Select a recent article from current events (past 90 days) related to individual initiative and commitment to the job and the organization.

Write a well written, two paragraph summary of the article. Include the following:

  • A      paragraph summarizing the primary components of the article.
  • A      paragraph presenting your analysis of the article and how it is related to      our reading this week about the worldly mind-set.

Please use parenthetical citations as well as references for your article.

Purdue University Appreciative Inquiry & Organizational Change Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MC621 Kennedy King Gender Diversity & Diversity in The Workforce Paper Writing Assignment Help


My area of concentration is GENDER diversity in the workplace.

Now that you have selected your area of diverse concentration, you are now tasked with designing a plan to aid your selected group in one of the following countries:

  • China
  • Japan
  • Brazil
  • India

The new organizational strategic initiative is to expand into the selected country. The executive leadership team has asked you for a report on the diversity area (the one you selected) and the country (selected above) expanding to. The report should address the following questions:

  1. Introduce your diversity area and country
  2. What are some of the challenges your diversity area would face in the country culture you selected?
  3. Are there any ethical or legal implications that protect your diversity area in the selected country?
  4. Discuss some techniques that as the manager you would use in order to ensure an inclusive work culture.
  5. Conclude your diversity report.

APA Format required


MKT515 Strayer University Primary Function of Marketing Discussion Post Business Finance Assignment Help

Part1: Please answer the question in a min of 250 words.

  • Messaging is a primary function of marketing. Furthermore, creating effective advertising content and selecting the right advertising platforms is a key objective for getting the right message to the right target audience at the right time. Suggest two (2) additional challenges a global marketing team may experience when creating international advertising campaigns, coordinating media buys, hiring advertising agencies, and/or developing promotional budgets.
  • Debate whether you believe it is important to use local people (expatriates) when expanding into new countries. Next, describe three (3) benefits of recruiting expatriates for an organization prior to expanding into a new country. Provide support for your responses.

Part 2: Please comment and give your opinion on the student post below. Please answer the the question in a min of 100 words. (Connie)

Creating international advertising campaigns, coordinating media buys, hiring advertising agencies; and/or developing promotional budgets requires time and skills. Worldwide marketing team must be aligned in order to tailor global communication strategies. One of the reasons for failure are when the process is not managed properly or the areas do not have the system capacity or expertise in location. There have been a number of businesses lacking communication with counterparts around the globe and have chose to work in silos. Bridging gaps and delivering worldwide learning is critical. Challenges: Customer Data: businesses in the world are centralizing user data, it is common to find that a country has it own data storage technology. There could be some differences in their law which might imply that information can not be shared. There would have to be worldwide apps implemented in specific markets.It also can be time-consuming to agree on a budget when dealing with worldwide advertising campaigns. It could be challenges when it comes to the business showing strong ROI evidence. The key is to show the historical expenses of each region’s campaigns when working against the price of a single estimate of execution with local authorities.

Part 3: Please answer the question in a min of 250 words.

Amazon is known for having a very efficient and effective supply chain that delivers their products right the first time. Suggest at least three (3) logistical challenges a domestic company must consider prior to pursuing a global trade strategy. Next, compare and contrast the different direct or indirect strategies an import or export organization can implement to make the supply chain process more efficient. Be sure to state which strategies you believe are most efficient. Justify your response.

Part 4: Please comment and give your opinion on the student post below. Please answer the the question in a min of 100 words. (Jasmine)

A domestic company must consider exchange rate fluctuations, security, and distance before pursuing a global trade strategy. Since the exchange rate can fluctuate, companies sometimes choose the fastest distribution method to secure the needed profit. If distribution is handled too quickly and not efficiently, it could result in delivery issues. Security is a challenge in a risky environment. It is a major concern in a country with lots of theft and war occurring. Distance is the most common challenge because the further the product must be shipped the cost increases. For example, when ordering something off Amazon, the shipping fee is higher for an item coming from overseas versus domestically. After those three challenges are addressed, the company can make an informed decision choosing the mode of transportation.


SOC450 Strayer University Using Technology to Improve the Future Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Using Technology to Improve the Future

As addressed in the readings, technology has the potential to both solve global social problems and make them worse. For example, technological devices that can interact with the environment have the potential to reduce world hunger by helping to increase food production in developing countries. However, some technological advancements—such as weapons of war and automated assembly lines—can threaten life through armed conflict, and pollution of the environment can increase poverty by eliminating jobs.

Do advancements in technology pose any direct and/or indirect threats to the global environment? Choose one advancement and provide two examples of direct or indirect threats in your explanation.

Be sure to inform your response with facts from sources. Use our ebook/textbook each week and at least one scholarly outside source. You must cite sources in-text and give a full citation at the end of your response.









Some links:

It’s Not Just the Assembly Lines — Robots Could Wipe Out 40 Percent of Retail Jobs


Why Even AI-Powered Factories Will Have Jobs for Humans


Textbook: Kristen A. Hite. 2016. Global Issues: An Introduction. 5th edition. Wiley.


MC621 Kennedy King College Quality Methods Within Healthcare Paper Writing Assignment Help


  • Describe different quality methods within healthcare.
  • Explain the basic models of quality improvement in healthcare.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of patient satisfaction.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of the patient experience.
  • Apply statistics to different quality methods in healthcare.
  • Apply quality improvement methods.

Course Scenario

Chaparral Regional Hospital is a small, urban hospital of approximately 60 beds, and offers the following:

  • Emergency room services
  • Intensive care
  • Surgical care
  • Obstetrics
  • Diagnostic services
  • Some rehabilitation therapies
  • Inpatient pharmacy services
  • Geriatric services
  • Consumer physician referral services

Recently, the CEO has been hearing complaints from both patients and staff, varying from long wait times to rude physicians. You have been hired to design and implement a Quality Improvement Plan to help uncover quality problems and to satisfactorily resolve them.

Scenario Continued

You have been asked to present a narrated visual report for the CEO and Board of Directors on a video conference call to share your major findings and to discuss recommendations.


  • Describe different quality methods within healthcare.
  • Explain the basic models of quality improvement in healthcare.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of patient satisfaction.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of the patient experience.
  • Apply statistics to different quality methods in healthcare.
  • Apply quality improvement methods.


Your narrated visual report should include the following:

  • Types of measurements that will be used.
  • Overall design of the survey.
  • Identifies who will lead the QI task force.
  • Identifies who should be on the task force.
  • Suggestions for implementing the results of the survey.

Your narrated visual report should be done using Microsoft PowerPoint, or any other presentation software of your choosing that also allows for narration to be added.

APA formatting for the References slide, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required.

Grading Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
No Pass No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Not Submitted Does not demonstrate comprehensive knowledge or skill Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge or skills Demonstrated mastery exceeds level of comprehensive knowledge or skills Uses mastery of competency to devise alternate solutions and create new value
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide examples of quality methods used in healthcare. Provides examples of quality methods that are used throughout different healthcare departments. Provides examples of quality methods that are used throughout different healthcare departments. Thoroughly discusses clear examples of quality methods that are used throughout healthcare departments.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to discuss different models of QI methods within healthcare. Provides examples of different models of QI methods within healthcare. Provides examples of different models of QI methods within healthcare with supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and provides examples of different models of QI methods within healthcare with supporting details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to define the role of the patient experience. Correctly defines and discusses the role of the patient experience and its use within healthcare. Correctly defines and discusses the role of the patient experience and its use within healthcare while providing supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and defines the role of the patient experience and its use within healthcare while providing clear and concise supporting details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide examples of the QI plan application. Provides examples of the QI plan application. Provides examples of the QI plan application with supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and provides examples of the QI plan application and details supporting this QI plan implementation.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide examples of statistics used within different quality methods. Provides examples of statistics used within different quality methods. Provides clear examples of statistics used within different quality methods with supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and provides clear examples of statistics used within different quality methods with supporting details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to apply quality methods to different areas within healthcare. Correctly applies quality methods to areas within healthcare. Correctly applies quality methods to areas within healthcare and provides supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and applies quality methods to areas within healthcare and provides supporting details.



Textbook: Kristen A. Hite. 2016. Global Issues: An Introduction. 5th edition. Wiley.


MC621 Kennedy King College Quality Methods Within Healthcare Paper Writing Assignment Help


  • Describe different quality methods within healthcare.
  • Explain the basic models of quality improvement in healthcare.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of patient satisfaction.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of the patient experience.
  • Apply statistics to different quality methods in healthcare.
  • Apply quality improvement methods.

Course Scenario

Chaparral Regional Hospital is a small, urban hospital of approximately 60 beds, and offers the following:

  • Emergency room services
  • Intensive care
  • Surgical care
  • Obstetrics
  • Diagnostic services
  • Some rehabilitation therapies
  • Inpatient pharmacy services
  • Geriatric services
  • Consumer physician referral services

Recently, the CEO has been hearing complaints from both patients and staff, varying from long wait times to rude physicians. You have been hired to design and implement a Quality Improvement Plan to help uncover quality problems and to satisfactorily resolve them.

Scenario Continued

You have been asked to present a narrated visual report for the CEO and Board of Directors on a video conference call to share your major findings and to discuss recommendations.


  • Describe different quality methods within healthcare.
  • Explain the basic models of quality improvement in healthcare.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of patient satisfaction.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of the patient experience.
  • Apply statistics to different quality methods in healthcare.
  • Apply quality improvement methods.


Your narrated visual report should include the following:

  • Types of measurements that will be used.
  • Overall design of the survey.
  • Identifies who will lead the QI task force.
  • Identifies who should be on the task force.
  • Suggestions for implementing the results of the survey.

Your narrated visual report should be done using Microsoft PowerPoint, or any other presentation software of your choosing that also allows for narration to be added.

APA formatting for the References slide, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required.

Grading Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
No Pass No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Not Submitted Does not demonstrate comprehensive knowledge or skill Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge or skills Demonstrated mastery exceeds level of comprehensive knowledge or skills Uses mastery of competency to devise alternate solutions and create new value
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide examples of quality methods used in healthcare. Provides examples of quality methods that are used throughout different healthcare departments. Provides examples of quality methods that are used throughout different healthcare departments. Thoroughly discusses clear examples of quality methods that are used throughout healthcare departments.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to discuss different models of QI methods within healthcare. Provides examples of different models of QI methods within healthcare. Provides examples of different models of QI methods within healthcare with supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and provides examples of different models of QI methods within healthcare with supporting details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to define the role of the patient experience. Correctly defines and discusses the role of the patient experience and its use within healthcare. Correctly defines and discusses the role of the patient experience and its use within healthcare while providing supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and defines the role of the patient experience and its use within healthcare while providing clear and concise supporting details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide examples of the QI plan application. Provides examples of the QI plan application. Provides examples of the QI plan application with supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and provides examples of the QI plan application and details supporting this QI plan implementation.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide examples of statistics used within different quality methods. Provides examples of statistics used within different quality methods. Provides clear examples of statistics used within different quality methods with supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and provides clear examples of statistics used within different quality methods with supporting details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to apply quality methods to different areas within healthcare. Correctly applies quality methods to areas within healthcare. Correctly applies quality methods to areas within healthcare and provides supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and applies quality methods to areas within healthcare and provides supporting details.



Textbook: Kristen A. Hite. 2016. Global Issues: An Introduction. 5th edition. Wiley.


MC621 Kennedy King College Quality Methods Within Healthcare Paper Writing Assignment Help


  • Describe different quality methods within healthcare.
  • Explain the basic models of quality improvement in healthcare.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of patient satisfaction.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of the patient experience.
  • Apply statistics to different quality methods in healthcare.
  • Apply quality improvement methods.

Course Scenario

Chaparral Regional Hospital is a small, urban hospital of approximately 60 beds, and offers the following:

  • Emergency room services
  • Intensive care
  • Surgical care
  • Obstetrics
  • Diagnostic services
  • Some rehabilitation therapies
  • Inpatient pharmacy services
  • Geriatric services
  • Consumer physician referral services

Recently, the CEO has been hearing complaints from both patients and staff, varying from long wait times to rude physicians. You have been hired to design and implement a Quality Improvement Plan to help uncover quality problems and to satisfactorily resolve them.

Scenario Continued

You have been asked to present a narrated visual report for the CEO and Board of Directors on a video conference call to share your major findings and to discuss recommendations.


  • Describe different quality methods within healthcare.
  • Explain the basic models of quality improvement in healthcare.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of patient satisfaction.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of the patient experience.
  • Apply statistics to different quality methods in healthcare.
  • Apply quality improvement methods.


Your narrated visual report should include the following:

  • Types of measurements that will be used.
  • Overall design of the survey.
  • Identifies who will lead the QI task force.
  • Identifies who should be on the task force.
  • Suggestions for implementing the results of the survey.

Your narrated visual report should be done using Microsoft PowerPoint, or any other presentation software of your choosing that also allows for narration to be added.

APA formatting for the References slide, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required.

Grading Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
No Pass No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Not Submitted Does not demonstrate comprehensive knowledge or skill Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge or skills Demonstrated mastery exceeds level of comprehensive knowledge or skills Uses mastery of competency to devise alternate solutions and create new value
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide examples of quality methods used in healthcare. Provides examples of quality methods that are used throughout different healthcare departments. Provides examples of quality methods that are used throughout different healthcare departments. Thoroughly discusses clear examples of quality methods that are used throughout healthcare departments.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to discuss different models of QI methods within healthcare. Provides examples of different models of QI methods within healthcare. Provides examples of different models of QI methods within healthcare with supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and provides examples of different models of QI methods within healthcare with supporting details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to define the role of the patient experience. Correctly defines and discusses the role of the patient experience and its use within healthcare. Correctly defines and discusses the role of the patient experience and its use within healthcare while providing supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and defines the role of the patient experience and its use within healthcare while providing clear and concise supporting details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide examples of the QI plan application. Provides examples of the QI plan application. Provides examples of the QI plan application with supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and provides examples of the QI plan application and details supporting this QI plan implementation.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide examples of statistics used within different quality methods. Provides examples of statistics used within different quality methods. Provides clear examples of statistics used within different quality methods with supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and provides clear examples of statistics used within different quality methods with supporting details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to apply quality methods to different areas within healthcare. Correctly applies quality methods to areas within healthcare. Correctly applies quality methods to areas within healthcare and provides supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and applies quality methods to areas within healthcare and provides supporting details.



Textbook: Kristen A. Hite. 2016. Global Issues: An Introduction. 5th edition. Wiley.


MC621 Kennedy King College Quality Methods Within Healthcare Paper Writing Assignment Help


  • Describe different quality methods within healthcare.
  • Explain the basic models of quality improvement in healthcare.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of patient satisfaction.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of the patient experience.
  • Apply statistics to different quality methods in healthcare.
  • Apply quality improvement methods.

Course Scenario

Chaparral Regional Hospital is a small, urban hospital of approximately 60 beds, and offers the following:

  • Emergency room services
  • Intensive care
  • Surgical care
  • Obstetrics
  • Diagnostic services
  • Some rehabilitation therapies
  • Inpatient pharmacy services
  • Geriatric services
  • Consumer physician referral services

Recently, the CEO has been hearing complaints from both patients and staff, varying from long wait times to rude physicians. You have been hired to design and implement a Quality Improvement Plan to help uncover quality problems and to satisfactorily resolve them.

Scenario Continued

You have been asked to present a narrated visual report for the CEO and Board of Directors on a video conference call to share your major findings and to discuss recommendations.


  • Describe different quality methods within healthcare.
  • Explain the basic models of quality improvement in healthcare.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of patient satisfaction.
  • Evaluate the role and importance of the patient experience.
  • Apply statistics to different quality methods in healthcare.
  • Apply quality improvement methods.


Your narrated visual report should include the following:

  • Types of measurements that will be used.
  • Overall design of the survey.
  • Identifies who will lead the QI task force.
  • Identifies who should be on the task force.
  • Suggestions for implementing the results of the survey.

Your narrated visual report should be done using Microsoft PowerPoint, or any other presentation software of your choosing that also allows for narration to be added.

APA formatting for the References slide, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required.

Grading Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
No Pass No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Not Submitted Does not demonstrate comprehensive knowledge or skill Demonstrates comprehensive knowledge or skills Demonstrated mastery exceeds level of comprehensive knowledge or skills Uses mastery of competency to devise alternate solutions and create new value
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide examples of quality methods used in healthcare. Provides examples of quality methods that are used throughout different healthcare departments. Provides examples of quality methods that are used throughout different healthcare departments. Thoroughly discusses clear examples of quality methods that are used throughout healthcare departments.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to discuss different models of QI methods within healthcare. Provides examples of different models of QI methods within healthcare. Provides examples of different models of QI methods within healthcare with supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and provides examples of different models of QI methods within healthcare with supporting details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to define the role of the patient experience. Correctly defines and discusses the role of the patient experience and its use within healthcare. Correctly defines and discusses the role of the patient experience and its use within healthcare while providing supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and defines the role of the patient experience and its use within healthcare while providing clear and concise supporting details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide examples of the QI plan application. Provides examples of the QI plan application. Provides examples of the QI plan application with supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and provides examples of the QI plan application and details supporting this QI plan implementation.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to provide examples of statistics used within different quality methods. Provides examples of statistics used within different quality methods. Provides clear examples of statistics used within different quality methods with supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and provides clear examples of statistics used within different quality methods with supporting details.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to apply quality methods to different areas within healthcare. Correctly applies quality methods to areas within healthcare. Correctly applies quality methods to areas within healthcare and provides supporting details. Thoroughly discusses and applies quality methods to areas within healthcare and provides supporting details.


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SPED4310 Texas A & M University Christmas in Purgatory Reflection Essay Writing Assignment Help

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