SPEECH101 City Colleges of Chicago Tribute Speech & Personal Philosophy HW Business Finance Assignment Help

SPEECH101 City Colleges of Chicago Tribute Speech & Personal Philosophy HW Business Finance Assignment Help. SPEECH101 City Colleges of Chicago Tribute Speech & Personal Philosophy HW Business Finance Assignment Help.

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You are to prepare a three to five (3 – 5) minute speech paying tribute to a (deceased) person Maya Angelou

The criteria for your evaluation should include how well you developed your person’s laudable characteristics and accomplishments.

Your Tribute person must be someone deceased that you can research.

These are some suggested items you can research:

– Did your person have educational accomplishments?

– Was your person involved in community service?

– Did your person have notable professional accomplishments?

– Did your person have a personal philosophy of life that they lived by?

– Were there other remarkable, prominent, or distinguished activities by your person?

In your summary, be sure to indicate the “connection” between you and your selected person.

Your Works Cited should include a minimum of three (3) references. All citation sources must be MLA style.

Do not forget that you are also required to submit an Outline of your speech.

You will also submit a “titled” manu(script) / written speech / essay.

Due on the day of your speech presentation is your Works Cited indicating you used the biography database or similar academic database for your research.

Print out the articles you used and attach them to the MLA Works Cited.

SPEECH101 City Colleges of Chicago Tribute Speech & Personal Philosophy HW Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HRM536 Antelope Valley Alcohol and Drug Policy Proposal Business Finance Assignment Help

You are a first-year Human Resource Specialist at “State of Estates” estate planning firm. The firm is devising a new employee handbook. You have been asked to create two sections:

  1. The Company Policy regarding Alcohol/Drug Testing
  2. The Company Policy regarding Employer Monitoring of Employees.

Formulate these policies in a single document, reflecting an understanding of course materials and credible outside research.

Include and cite applicable laws for each topic as the basis for the policy. You may use federal, state, or case law as the foundation for your work. Following is a list of topics you may want to consider in your policies:

  • Pre-employment drug/alcohol testing
  • Random drug/alcohol testing
  • Procedure for employees who disagree with results of drug/alcohol Testing
  • Drug/alcohol procedure for contracted government employees who work in satellite offices
  • Drug testing in states with legal marijuana use
  • Monitoring of employee desktop computers
  • Monitoring of employee personal social media use
  • Monitoring of employee cell phone and company car

Note: Do not cut and paste an existing policy.

Create your own 1,050-word policy, using APA format for the cover page and references. Both policies should be included in a single document with subheadings to delineate “Alcohol/Drug Testing” and “Employee Monitoring.”


MC621 USM Crisis Management and Communication Paper Writing Assignment Help

Please refer to rubric

Add references and cite in text if necessary


Apply the principles of therapeutic communication that facilitate interactions between clients and healthcare providers.


Due to an epidemic of strep throat that has recently occurred in the community that Rassy Medical Center serves, the clinic has been forced to open earlier and close later to accommodate that amount of patients that have needed to be seen. The clinic is attempting to assist all of their patients promptly and efficiently, but the long hours have taken a toll on the staff in spite of sending informational voice messages to the patients regarding the epidemic.

The fields of medicine and technology have increasingly paired up to present medical issues via social media. This may help to communicate this issue to the patients and the community.


Create a series of social media posts to present the strep throat epidemic to the community. Include images (where appropriate) and text that will clearly and effectively communicate the infectious spread of the strep throat bacteria. The details of the actual announcement are yours to decide. These posts will not be live posts and should be created and submitted in a Word document, PowerPoint presentation, or PDF file.

Be sure to include the following:

  • 2 Facebook posts
  • 2 Instagram posts
  • 2 Tweets (Twitter)
  • Preventable health measures
  • When to make an appointment with a healthcare provider

Grading Rubric











Did not Submit

No Pass




Not Submitted

Submission includes one or no Facebook posts.

Submission includes two Facebook posts.

Submission includes two Facebook posts with relevant graphics or links to relevant media.

Submission includes two Facebook posts that make a cohesive statement and include relevant graphics and links to relevant media.

Not Submitted

Submission includes one or no Twitter posts (tweets).

Submission includes two Twitter posts (tweets).

Submission includes two Twitter posts (tweets) with relevant graphics or links to relevant media.

Submission includes two Twitter posts (tweets) that make a cohesive statement and include relevant graphics and links to relevant media.

Not Submitted

Submission includes one or no Instagram posts.

Submission includes two Instagram posts.

Submission includes two Instagram posts with relevant pictures.

Submission includes two Instagram posts that make a cohesive statement and include relevant pictures.

Social media posts across the three platforms are significantly different in content.

Social media posts across the three platforms contain the same information without a clear attempt to format this information for specific social media.

Social media posts across the three platforms contain the same information with a clear attempt to follow the conventions of the various social media platforms.

Social media posts across the three platforms contain the same information properly formatted for the specific social media.

Not Submitted

Social media posts fail to address topics of preventable health measures and making appointments.

Social media posts include some information on preventable health measures and making appointments.

Social media posts include accurate information on preventable health measures and making appointments.

Social media posts include accurate information on preventable health measures and making appointments with clear instructions for using this information.

Not Submitted

Frequent use of improper language, slang, or non-professional language.

Language is generally appropriate for professional context with several lapses into informality or slang.

Language shows use of formal professional English throughout with only minor lapses of informality and slang.

Language shows proper formal professional English with no lapses of informality or slang.


UC San Diego Ethical Decision Model Paper Writing Assignment Help

Step 1: Determine the Facts
I recommend presenting these facts concisely in point form

Step 2: Ethical Issues

Please make sure you use of AT LEAST 3 ethical vectors (‘Right vs Wrong, Fair vs Unfair, Good vs Bad, Just v Unjust, etc.’ – Professor Campbell showed you a list of these vectors during the first class)

Step 3: Stakeholders

  • Identify AT LEAST 5 stakeholders (give me 1 or 2 points on how they might stand to gain or lose from the issue)
    • My recommendation: present stakeholders in a table form with 2 columns
      • Stakeholder How they might be affected
        ABC +/-
  • State your bias: You can draw the bias regarding how you feel about the issue due to your own moral compass etc.

Step 4: Delineate (and/or Create) Alternative Courses of Action

  • 2 different ALTERNATIVE courses of action:
    My recommendation: Do something, or do nothing
  • PLUS, 1 more ‘Wild’ scenario; label it as ‘Wild’ Scenario:
    NOTE: ‘wild’ scenario, in this case, is a scenario that is ‘out of the box’ ALTERNATIVE course of action.
  • EXTRA NOTE: Do not provide what actually happened as it is not an ALTERNATIVE course of action.

Step 5: Assess how Alternatives Affect Stakeholders

  • Evaluate your 2 ALTERNATIVE courses of action and follow what is said in the decision model
  • If you want, go ahead and assess the ‘wild’ scenario (if you can, and if time allows)
  • AND declare your ‘conflict of interest’

Step 6: Guidance Sources

  • You do not have to reach out to these people to ask for guidance
  • Think of yourself as the CEO of the company that you are describing: who would you seek help from?
    Here are some examples:
  • Industry experts, this could mean business consultants, public relations firms, etc.
  • In addition, please also state “WHY” you are asking these parties
  • NOTE: You do not have to give me “what they would say”

Step 7: Make a Decision; Monitor the Outcome

  • Either:
    • Make a decision based on one of your alternative courses of action (or two or more)
    • OR talk about what happened in real life and why it is working or not; make sure you elaborate to support your case

Also, please note:

  • Always remember to cite your sources. Business Efficient style is ALSO treated with “academic” standards; size 12 font, 1-inch margin, proper citations


Walden University Social Policies and Program Evaluation Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

**** 2 page assignment***

Assignment Overview

According to Chambers and Bonk (2013), social policies and programs are meant to serve categories or groups of people rather than individuals. Social workers must keep in mind the needs of the client or consumer while also considering the community context or the social environment. Public policies and programs may serve groups of individuals or communities, but it is inevitable that some individuals’ needs cannot be met on occasion. Given this reality, social workers may need to seek solutions for their clients outside of the existing program or policy structure. This requires knowledge of the current program or policy status, the ability to assess the programs’ and policies’ effectiveness, and inspire resourcefulness to steer clients in the right direction (Chambers & Bonk, 2013).

By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following competencies and behaviors:

  • Competency 1: Demonstrate Ethical and Professional Behavior.
    • C1.GP.B: Use reflection and self-regulation to manage personal values and maintain professionalism in practice situations.
      • Related Assignment Criteria:
        • 1. Describe personal experience with policy and program planning and evaluation.
  • Competency 3: Advance Human Rights and Social, Economic, and Environmental Justice.
    • C3.GP.A: Apply their understanding of social, economic, and environmental justice to advocate for human rights at the individual and system levels.
      • Related Assignment Criteria:
        • 3. Explain specific discriminatory issues in a given policy or program.
  • Competency 5: Engage in Policy Practice.
    • C5.GP.C: Apply critical thinking to analyze, formulate, and advocate for policies that advance human rights and social, economic, and environmental justice.
      • Related Assignment Criteria:
        • 4. Address identified discriminatory issues to advocate for policies that advance social well-being.

Assignment Description

This assignment involves the application of Chambers and Bonk’s (2013) contention that all social programs and policies are created to meet three criteria: adequacy, equity, and efficiency (p. 2). As a social worker, you will spend a great deal of time working within the social program or policy context. In other words, you will work in the agencies created by policies, implement the programs offered by the agencies, and have direct contact with those who are served by the programs and policies. Social workers must be concerned about these policies and programs, both their weaknesses and strengths, if social workers are to uphold our professional ethical standards.

Assignment Instructions

For the first assignment for this course, compose a written document that contains the following:

  • A description and assessment of your past experiences with policy and program planning, either your experience making policy or experience with a policy that someone else made.
    • Reflect on your past professional involvement with policy or program planning and evaluation either in the human services field or elsewhere. If you do have some knowledge and experience in this regard, please describe it. What kind of policy or program were you concerned with? What was the degree of your involvement and the level of knowledge you had at that time regarding social policy and program planning?
  • The selection and explanation of a program or policy that oppresses, alienates, or discriminates, informed by personal experience or information found via the Internet or the Capella Library.
  • Strategies for policy or program changes that aim to empower or create privilege.

Chambers, D. E., & Bonk, J. F. (2013). Social policy and social programs: A method for the practical public policy analyst (6th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.

Submission Requirements

The assignment you submit is expected to meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
  • Length of paper: 2–3 double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.



University of Baltimore the Cold Opportunity Case Study Writing Assignment Help

A write-up of the Cold Opportunity case. For this assignment, pretend that you are Nils Bergqvist (the case protagonist). Answer the following questions:

  1. What will you do in the near term to manage the uncertainty you face? In particular…
  2. What can you do based on the means available to you? Means consist of what you know, who you are, and whom you know.
  3. Come up with at least three actions in EACH of the following areas:
    1. How will you minimize your risk?
    2. How will you leverage partnerships with others?
    3. How will you manage contingencies?
  4. Submission will have a maximum of 500 words.
  5. More is not better! Those who submit more than 500 words will receive a zero.

University of Baltimore the Cold Opportunity Case Study Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HUMN303 Chamberlain College of Nursing The Cardiff Team Artwork Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Hello Doc and class,

I chose the artwork “The Cardiff Team” by: Robert Delauney. The reason I chose this piece is because when I look at it I see what is going on in my mind. It sounds weird but it makes sense. I have ADHD so my brain is always stimulized by something which I think is great for the profession I’m trying to get into. In this painting it is showing many different settings as a way of showing that many different things are going on at once in sort of one motion. That is the exact way my brain reacts to things. I can look around the room and take in every different setting that is taking place whether it’s sound, motion or light. That may sound like a bad thing but I see it as a good thing. Within the profession of nursing you are always on your feet moving around and doing something different each day (depending on which floor you work on). As a person who loves change and being hands on almost all the time I believe nursing is a great profession for me. In a hospital setting there will be many different tasks ill have to do and personally I work best when I am constantly doing something. This artwork by Delauney connects to me through the way I think and the way it will positively have an impact on my future career.


Sayre, H. M. Discovering the Humanities, 2/e VitalSource for DeVry University. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from https://online.vitalsource.com/#/books/97812568847…

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Jackson State University Roles Within a Selected IT Discipline Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

LinkedIn.com, a social media site used by professionals, identified the most sought-after technical position in 2017 as Site Reliability Engineer. The position’s median base salary was $140,000 (Columbus, 2017, Jan. 28).

Initial Post

Based on your review of the Forbes article by Columbus (2017, Jan. 28), Bright Outlook Occupations lists, and other sources, which IT position do you feel will be the most sought-after, and what specific skills, both technical and non-technical, will be required? Select a position that you would like to research further as a potential sought-after employment opportunity, and provide opportunities or gaps in skills or learning you might need to address.

Response Guidelines

After you have completed your initial post, return to the discussion and review the posts of your fellow learners. Ask yourself these questions before responding:

  • Are there any surprises posted?
  • Do you agree that other positions posted will be the “most sought-after IT positions” in the next year or two? Why or why not?
  • Can you offer any suggestions to your fellow learners on how to close the gaps between current skills and future desired skills?

Bright outlook occupations. (n.d.). O*Net OnLine. Retrieved from https://www.onetonline.org/find/bright?b=0&g;=Go

Columbus, L. (2017, Jan. 28). 12 of LinkedIn’s 20 most promising 2017 jobs are in tech. Forbes.com. Retrieved from https://www.forbes.com/sites/louiscolumbus/2017/01…

Learning Components

This activity will help you achieve the following learning components:

  • Identify the experience, knowledge, skills, and abilities needed to be successful in a selected IT discipline.
  • Identify roles within a selected IT discipline.
  • Identify technical and soft skills required for a selected IT discipline.


CHFD215 American Public WK2 Educating Expecting Parents on Pregnancy Paper Humanities Assignment Help

If you were educating expecting parents on pregnancy, labor and delivery, as well as the first year of life with their new baby, what would you tell them? Design your own “What to expect” based on what you learned this week as well as your own experience. Be sure to include facts about prenatal development, environmental influences, birth complications, and the developmental milestones of the first year of life. What can parents do to ensure healthy development during the first year of life?

Criteria Level Forum Rubric

Possible Points

Student Points

Initial post

Analyzed the question(s), fact(s), issue(s), etc. and provided well-reasoned and substantive answers.


Supported ideas and responses using appropriate examples and references from the lesson material. Texts, professional and/or academic websites, and other references may also be used. (All references must be from professional and/or academic sources. Websites such as Wikipedia, about.com, and others such as these are NOT acceptable.)


Post meets the 250 word minimum requirement and is free from spelling/grammar errors




MT3026 Purdue University ROBoInc Organizational Structure and Culture Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Ultimately, having the ability to understand and contribute to a positive organizational culture is key in today’s workforce. Those who can add value in this area will be able to grow, develop, and lead in their organization.

MT302-6: Analyze organizational structure and culture in an organization.

You previewed this Assignment in Unit 9, now is the time to finish up your response and submit it to the Dropbox.

Based on the Reading and Learning Activities regarding leadership, culture, values, and organizational structure, you will apply what you understand to a company trying to unite into a viable structure and culture.

Read the fictional scenario and address the checklist items.

Scenario (fictional):

ROBoInc. is a robotics software company with 100 employees located in South Bend, Indiana, in the United States. Until recently, the corporate culture had been established as a rigid culture that excluded families from company celebrations and in which everyone had an explicit job description. The company hires mostly locals, and only directors make any important decisions. The company has had a formal code of ethics but it has not been enforced. As a result, there have been increasing incidents of personnel doing consulting work for other companies outside of work hours. The CEO is concerned that their robotics software could be compromised. Lately, as the company’s software has been increasingly sought out by robot-producing companies around the globe, the CEO realizes it is time to reimagine a more diverse, inclusive, and global type company, while adhering to an ethical code of conduct with uniform responses to infringement.

The CEO knows they will soon need to hire at least another 20 sales staff and additional software developers to address this increasing global demand. The CEO wants to restructure the company while keeping company costs down as much as possible.

Help ROBoInc. address the problems by completing the checklist items.

View the company’s current organizational structure.

Address the following items in your Assessment submission:

Checklist: Based on the Readings and Learning Activities address the following:

(1) Identify the characteristics needed to implement a shared ethical culture and explain how this will help the organization.

(2) Explain how the ethical culture will be affected by the global context. Describe some of the global implications. Use the Competing Values Framework in assessing the situation.

(3) Analyze the current organizational structure and identify the key questions the executives need to answer in order to create the most effective and suitable organizational structure and culture.

(4) Explain the importance of ethical leadership involved in implementing a new organization structure and suggest a possible new structure based on the Learning Activity.

Submit your 3–4 page paper with an additional title and references page in APA format and citation style to the Dropbox.



Address the following items in your Assessment submission:

Checklist: Based on the Readings and Learning Activities address the following:

(1) Identify the characteristics needed to implement a shared ethical culture and explain how this will help the organization.

(2) Explain how the ethical culture will be affected by the global context. Describe some of the global implications. Use the Competing Values Framework in assessing the situation.

(3) Analyze the current organizational structure and identify the key questions the executives need to answer in order to create the most effective and suitable organizational structure and culture.

(4) Explain the importance of ethical leadership involved in implementing a new organization structure and suggest a possible new structure based on the Learning Activity.

Submit your 3–4 page paper with an additional title and references page in APA format and citation style to the Dropbox.



Address the following items in your Assessment submission:

Checklist: Based on the Readings and Learning Activities address the following:

(1) Identify the characteristics needed to implement a shared ethical culture and explain how this will help the organization.

(2) Explain how the ethical culture will be affected by the global context. Describe some of the global implications. Use the Competing Values Framework in assessing the situation.

(3) Analyze the current organizational structure and identify the key questions the executives need to answer in order to create the most effective and suitable organizational structure and culture.

(4) Explain the importance of ethical leadership involved in implementing a new organization structure and suggest a possible new structure based on the Learning Activity.

Submit your 3–4 page paper with an additional title and references page in APA format and citation style to the Dropbox.



Address the following items in your Assessment submission:

Checklist: Based on the Readings and Learning Activities address the following:

(1) Identify the characteristics needed to implement a shared ethical culture and explain how this will help the organization.

(2) Explain how the ethical culture will be affected by the global context. Describe some of the global implications. Use the Competing Values Framework in assessing the situation.

(3) Analyze the current organizational structure and identify the key questions the executives need to answer in order to create the most effective and suitable organizational structure and culture.

(4) Explain the importance of ethical leadership involved in implementing a new organization structure and suggest a possible new structure based on the Learning Activity.

Submit your 3–4 page paper with an additional title and references page in APA format and citation style to the Dropbox.


SPEECH101 City Colleges of Chicago Tribute Speech & Personal Philosophy HW Business Finance Assignment Help

SPEECH101 City Colleges of Chicago Tribute Speech & Personal Philosophy HW Business Finance Assignment Help

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