Spelman College Condition of Adult and Adolescent Depression Essay Humanities Assignment Help. Spelman College Condition of Adult and Adolescent Depression Essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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Developmental science focuses on the various contributions to development, and whether they lean toward the genetic side of things (nature) or environmental (nurture). Choose the following topic discussed in the modules:
- Adolescent depression
For this assignment, write a paper describing in detail the “nature” (primarily genetic, inherited) contributions to this condition as well as the “nurture” contributions. You will need to conduct internet research and cite the sources to obtain additional information on your topic.It is crucial that you rephrase material in your own words and cite it or put phrases from the sources in quotation marks and cite it. No more than a few sentences should be directly quoted, however, in order for you to receive credit for writing this paper (in other words, no credit is given for a paper that is a string of other people’s quotes). As a general rule of thumb, at least 1.5 pages should focus on “Nature” contributions to the issue at hand and at least 1.5 pages should focus on “Nurture” contributions.
Your research must include at least 2 journal articles or books. That is, websites can be very helpful and informative, but your final paper must include full, published research articles or books on the topic. Sources should be reputable and consistent with what you learned in the module as well as other sources. GoogleScholar and PDF articles from the internet can be helpful resources.
It is recommended that you spend at least a page and a half discussing “nature” for this topic and a page and at least a half discussing “nurture.” Finally, conclude the paper by indicating which side (nature, nurture) gives the strongest contribution to this condition, or whether they are both needed. The paper should follow the following format:
I. Introduction. Introduce your topic.
II. Description and research on “nature” components
III. Description and research on “nurture” components
IV. Evaluation: which side (nature, nurture) most strongly contributes?
Each paper is to be 3-5 full pages long, in paragraph form, all double-spaced. Full-sentences are expected, as are opening and closing paragraphs. Be sure to answer the question prompts fully.
Spelman College Condition of Adult and Adolescent Depression Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Paul Quinn College Stories About Race and Racism Discussion Paper Writing Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to consider how the film depicts the lives of and interactions between several connected stories about race and racism, white privilege, gender, class.
Step 1
- Each student is responsible for watching the film Crash (2004) directed by Paul Haggi. The video trailer below is a preview of the film assigned. Please note, if you experience any challenges with accessing the film: Movie Trade Company is a resource worth considering. There are rental options.
Step 2
In addition to watching Crash click on and read the following articles:
- Racial microaggressions in everyday life Implications for Clinical Practice by Derald Wing Sue.pdf
- White Privilege Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack by Peggy Mcintosh.pdf
Step 3
- Also use the following questions to develop a 3-page analysis of the film.
- Is there evidence of growth in any of the film’s characters?
- What is the relationship between color blindness and white racial identity in the film?
- What is the difference between racism, prejudice, bias, and discrimination?
- What do any of the characters have in their privilege knapsack (refer to the McIntosh reading)?
Now think about any two of these characters as potential clients (identify them). Include the following:
- What kinds of individual factors would you take into consideration as you prepare to work with these clients?
- Finally, how do you think your gender/race/ethnicity/religion/sexual orientation/ability level/economic status/age might impact the identity development of these prospective clients?
- What do you have in your privilege knapsack (McIntosh reading)?
In preparation for the assignment, students will watch the film Crash. In addition to watching the film you students will use the readings as a theoretical foundation to identify examples of racial microaggressions – micro assaults, microinsults, microinvalidation and privilege as well as the questions above to aid in the development of the Film Case Conceptualization. This paper will consist of 3 pages in APA format, not including the title page, abstract, or references (if applicable).
MGT 521 Saudi Electronic University Module 11 Steps of An Action Plan Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Once an organization determines the optimal change strategy, it must be implemented in the organization. At this point, many influences can affect its ultimate success, including the organization’s culture, leadership abilities, and employee behavior. Therefore, a detailed and comprehensive change implementation plan should be created to assess these factors and facilitate the success of the plan.
Present the basic steps/components of an action plan an organization in Saudi Arabia should follow when implementing its change management strategy. Discuss two action plan tools and/or techniques that could be used to implement the plan.
- Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories, which require supporting citations along with two scholarly peer-reviewed references in supporting your answer.
- You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.
Hello Harry,
How are you?
As usual, 2 pages are MAX, and 1 Page is MIN ( More pages are optional).
The lesson will be uploaded here once it is available in our site.
Take Care.
BCC FBI Counterintelligence and Counterespionage Protection Measures Essay Humanities Assignment Help
This paper focuses on the case of Robert Hanssen, an FBI agent who was convicted in 2001 for providing classified intelligence to the Soviet Union and Russia. View the film, The Breach[1] and read the following:
- Chapters 7 in Lowenthal, Intelligence: From Secrets to Policy, 7th Edition (2020),
- Chapter 5 in Shulsky and Schmitt (2002)
- “The Ten Commandments of Counterintelligence” https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/csi-studies/studies/fall_winter_2001/article08.html (Links to an external site.)
- https://www.fbi.gov/history/famous-cases/robert-hanssen (Links to an external site.)
- This is a statement by Brian Kelley, the CIA agent who lived near Hanssen and was initially falsely identified as a double agent by the CIA and FBI group that eventually pursued Hanssen: https://www.cia.gov/library/center-for-the-study-of-intelligence/csi-publications/csi-studies/studies/vol-52-no-1/the-movie-breach-a-personal-perspective.html (Links to an external site.)
I am also attaching the unclassified report of the Department of Justice’s investigation of security procedures at the FBI in light of the Hanssen case (optional reading).
Based on the readings and the video, answer the following questions in a 3-5 page paper. This should be a coherent essay, with an introduction and a conclusion, not four separate answers.
Be sure to use endnotes in the Chicago style for all references. Model notes can be found at the end of this document and you should cite the sources exactly like this. Footnotes will be acceptable as long as your paper is at least 3.5 pages long.
Information about the Chicago style also is posted in the module. If you don’t know how to do this style of citation you should make an appointment to see the Political Science tutor, David Tonda, for assistance. Make an appointment with him through this link: https://davidtondamsu.youcanbook.me/ (Links to an external site.).
Students who cite the material improperly should expect to lose at least 10 points from their paper grade. Proper sourcing is crucial for intelligence work and for your own work in this class.
This paper is due on Thursday, November 5th. I keep the assignment open through the 11th but you will lose 5 points per day for lateness.
- How does The Breach illustrate the tasks of counterintelligence as described in Chapter 7 of Lowenthal? [2]
- What counterespionage techniques, as described in Shulsky and Schmitt,[3] were used to gather conclusive evidence on Robert Hanssen’s activities as a double agent?
- How did Hanssen and the FBI operatives seeking to convict him use deception, as outlined in Shulsky and Schmitt?
- Now that the focus of counterintelligence has been expanded to include a broader range of threats from state and non-state actors, have the tasks of counterintelligence changed or are there certain enduring principles? In your answer, refer to “The Ten Commandments of Counterintelligence.”
[1] The Breach, directed by Billy Ray (Universal Pictures, 2007), 01:01:01 [insert time frame in your citation, i.e. point in film where the cited information comes from].
The film can be rented for $2.99 at Amazon Instant movie and is available on AppleTV, and AMC on Demand, among other sites http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000RVP7YQ?ref_=imdbref_tt_wbr_aiv_t1&tag=imdbtag_tt_wbr_aiv_t1-20. (Links to an external site.)
[2] Mark M. Lowenthal, Intelligence from Secrets to Policy, Eighth Edition (Thousand Oaks: CQ Press, 2020), page.
[3] Abram N. Shulsky and Gary J. Schmitt, Silent Warfare: Understanding the World of Intelligence, Third Edition, (Washington, D.C.: Potomac Books, Inc., 2002), page.
ECOM 201 SEU Project Management Covid 19 Pandemic Effects on Medawa Co Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Avoid plagiarism (NO MATCHING RATIO)
assignment must be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid. (about 3 or 4)
Use font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial.
Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.
Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project.
Your project report length should be between 2500 to 3000 words.
Up to 20% of the total grade will be deducted for providing a poor structure of assignment. Structure includes these elements paper style, free of spelling and grammar mistakes, referencing and word count.
MGT 530 SEU Module 10 Waiting Lines and Queuing Systems Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Many businesses utilize waiting lines to manage customer service. For example, banks, amusement parks, supermarket checkouts, fast food restaurants, call centers, check-in counters at airports, emergency departments of hospitals, and so many more. In the course of your week, consider an experience you had that led to a temporary demand for service that exceeded capacity, for example, variation in service duration or arrival rates, which led to a waiting line.
Explain common measures of system performance and which of the common measures may be useful for the business where you experienced a waiting line. Detail why that measure would be useful, and develop a strategy to minimize the waiting line while minimizing cost. Develop a calculation to aid the business in making their operational choices.
Embed course material concepts, principles, and theories, which require supporting citations along with at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed reference in supporting your answer.
You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.
Hello Cristina,
How are you?
As usual, Max pages are 2, and MIN page is 1 ( More pages are optional)
Thank you and Take Care.
MGT 530 SEU Module 10 Waiting Lines and Queuing Systems Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MBA 6100 WU Managerial Accounting Measure Costs Right & IRC Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
While the majority of students in this class will not practice or be required to perform managerial and cost accounting tasks in their positions or careers, the importance of managing costs is essential to every business.
This week’s discussion requires students to select one article from among a series of older Harvard Business Review articles. These articles are listed in below and students will utilize the library database, Business Source Ultimate (Links to an external site.), to access the article(s). While these may seem dated, they all illustrate in some measure how the relevance of cost and managerial accounting in business practice has not changed over the last 80 years or so.
Students will read one of the articles:
Comment on their thoughts as well as
Articulate and discuss how points made in the historic article are relevant to current business practices.
Students will be required to provide examples of current practices (of their employer ideally) and how these relate to the points made in one of the historic (dated) articles.
Word count: 300 words
Journal articles used for Graded Discussion #1
For graded discussion #1, students are to select and read one of the following academic journal articles. Students may pick any one of the articles.
Students can find all articles on the library database Business Source Ultimate (Links to an external site.).
- McNiece, T. M. (1928). Analysis of Wholesaler’s Operating Costs. Harvard Business Review, 7(1), 20.
- McDonald, H. E., & Stromberger, T. L. (1969). Cost control for the professional service firm. Harvard Business Review, 47(1), 109-121.
- Dearden, J. (1978). Cost accounting comes to service industries. Harvard Business Review, 56(5), 132-140.
- Gardner, F. V. (1954). Breakeven Point Control for Higher Profits. Harvard Business Review, 32(5), 123-130.
- Cooper, R., & Kaplan, R. S. (1988). Measure Costs Right: Make the Right Decision. Harvard Business Review, 66(5), 96-103.
- Drucker, P. F. (1963). Managing for Business Effectiveness. Harvard Business Review, 41(3), 53-60.
University of Nairobi Chinese History Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help
Write a roughly three pages double spaced essay for Medium by James Millward that you were assigned argues that there are certain flaws in many standard accounts of the Chinese history, particularly of the last five hundreds years or so. Write about how his criticism can be applied to the textbooks (The Oxford Illustrated History of Modern China), the lengthy Pacific Century video (“The Two Coasts of China”) you have watched, and at least one other video or one of the audio interviews we have used in class. Try to be as specific as you can be and feel free to say that one of the texts you are discussing avoids falling into the trap Millward describes when dealing with some events or processes but fails to avoid them in other cases. You do not have to deal with the whole period that the class has covered so far. You could, for example, focus most of your attention on different approaches to a single decade (that of the first Opium War, for example, or that of the early part of the Qing era). This is not a research paper, so there is no need to look for other materials. The paper has to be submitted, either as a word document attachment or as text pasted in by midnight California time on Friday November 7.
SU Fundamental of Accounting Direct Effect on Financial Performances Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Your response should be 2-3 paragraphs and incorporate at least one outside reference. You will NOT be able to see others responses until you make the initial posting. You are then encouraged to engage in the discussion as frequently as possible. Clean Aire Anti-Pollution Company is suffering declining sales of its principal product, nonbiodegradable plastic cartons. The president, Wade Truman, instructs his controller, Kate Rollins, to lengthen asset lives to reduce depreciation expense. A processing line of automated plastic extruding equipment, purchased for $3.5 million in January 2022, was originally estimated to have a useful life of 8 years and a salvage value of $400,000. Depreciation has been recorded for 2 years on that basis. Wade wants the estimated life changed to 12 years total and the straight-line method continued with no change in the salvage value. Kate is hesitant to make the change, believing it is unethical to increase net income in this manner. Wade says, “Hey, the life is only an estimate, and I’ve heard that our competition uses a 12-year life on their production equipment.” (a) Who are the stakeholders in this situation? |
Capella University Mandela as Career Motivator Reflective Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Construct a single, effective paragraph about a personal hero who motivated you to choose your field of study.
We are starting with one of the foundational elements of essay writing, the paragraph.
For each assessment, we will introduce a few individuals from your discipline who emerged as leaders in their fields. We will discuss the birth, or beginnings, of a new idea:
- Florence Nightingale was the founder of modern nursing.
- Clara Barton was the founder of the American Red Cross.
- Victor Glushkov was the founding father of information technology in the Soviet Union.
Demonstration of Proficiency
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:
- Competency 1: Compose text that articulates meaning relevant to its purpose and audience.
- Explain why this individual motivated you.
- Competency 2: Integrate into text the appropriate use of scholarly sources and evidence.
- Describe an individual who motivated you to choose your field of study.
- Apply accepted conventions of paragraph composition.
- Competency 4: Apply accepted style conventions and written expression skills.
- Apply proper formatting, including a title page, correct margins, font, and spacing.
- Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.
For this assessment, identify a personal hero who motivated you to choose your field of study. This can be someone famous, someone you know personally, or someone of interest in your field.
Write a single, well-structured paragraph in which you explain how and why this individual motivated you. Your paragraph should:
- Identify an individual who motivated you to choose your field of study.
- Explain why this individual motivated you.
- Apply accepted conventions of paragraph composition.
- Produce text with minimal grammar, usage, spelling, and mechanical errors.
Additional Requirements
Your assessment should also meet the following requirements:
- Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- Standard formatting: Include one-inch margins, appropriate headers, and a title page.
- Length: Submit one-third to one-half of a typed, double-spaced page.
- Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12-point font.
- McNiece, T. M. (1928). Analysis of Wholesaler’s Operating Costs. Harvard Business Review, 7(1), 20.
- McDonald, H. E., & Stromberger, T. L. (1969). Cost control for the professional service firm. Harvard Business Review, 47(1), 109-121.
- Dearden, J. (1978). Cost accounting comes to service industries. Harvard Business Review, 56(5), 132-140.
- Gardner, F. V. (1954). Breakeven Point Control for Higher Profits. Harvard Business Review, 32(5), 123-130.
- Cooper, R., & Kaplan, R. S. (1988). Measure Costs Right: Make the Right Decision. Harvard Business Review, 66(5), 96-103.
- Drucker, P. F. (1963). Managing for Business Effectiveness. Harvard Business Review, 41(3), 53-60.