SPH 2001 College of Aeronautics Fundamentals of Public Speaking Discussion Writing Assignment Help

SPH 2001 College of Aeronautics Fundamentals of Public Speaking Discussion Writing Assignment Help. SPH 2001 College of Aeronautics Fundamentals of Public Speaking Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me understand better.
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Supporting MaterialsSupporting Materials


  • Explain the roles of supporting materials in speeches

Discussion Overview

This discussion forum explores strategies for public speakers to use when identifying and using appropriate supporting materials.


Your participation in the discussion forum, including:

  • Responses to the initial question(s)
  • Responses to at least two other student’s posts

Step 1

Post a response to the discussion board.

Respond to the following questions, and if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience:

  1. Using the Internet to research and obtain supporting materials such as graphs, charts, statistics, quotes, and so on, you have literally millions of resources available. Write two or three sentences that describe what you need to consider when evaluating material from the Internet.
  2. What role does supporting material from the Internet play in a speech? Please elaborate.
  3. How do you evaluate if a site is biased or one-sided? Please elaborate.
  4. Does the Internet obscure truth or make it more visible? Explain.

Step 2

Read and respond to other students’ posts.

  • Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them.

Use your personal experience, if it’s relevant, to support or debate at least two other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the issues professionally and provide examples to support opinions.

Discussion Rubric

  • 6 Points each (total 24 Points): Responses to the four questions
  • 6 Points (3 points each): Comment on at least two other student’s posts

SPH 2001 College of Aeronautics Fundamentals of Public Speaking Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Florida National Addressing Suicidal Thoughts and Behaviors Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

You are a school nurse in a middle school when Jamal comes to the nurse’s office requesting medication for a headache. You notice that his eyes are red, and it appears as if he has been crying. You ask if he is hurt, but he denies it. The phone rings in the office, and a teacher tells you that a female student has approached her concerned about Jamal. The teacher tells you that Jamal sent her a text message saying that he flunked his biology examination and wished he was dead.

1. If Jamal shared with you a suicide plan that includes harming himself with a weapon, what would be your first nursing intervention?

2. What educational program would you develop for the middle school to educate students about ways to cope with stress and how to respond if a friend needs support?


CGS 3095 Florida International University Module 7 Computer Science Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

Objectives: Students will reflect and discuss the ethical uses in games and Virtual Worlds by analyzing issues posed in a Star Trek TV series episode and required readings.

Instructions: Review the resources listed on the prerequisite section. Then proceed to answer the questions presented in this survey.


Additional Notes & Requirements:

  • Write the question number as a header for each answer in your submission.
  • Assignment is due shortly after the end of class.
  • Answers must be submitted in plain text using Canvas only. Do NOT submit any files.
  • Each question must be answered in order to receive credit.
  • Answers must have a minimum of 150 words per question unless stated differently in the question’s instructions.
    • Responses that are below the minimum word count requirement, are vague, simple repeat what was asked, or are obviously wordy without substance may receive a zero (0) or a substantially lower grade.
  • Answers will be graded on completion.
  • Answers submitted as comments (in the comments section) will NOT be accepted.
  • Assignment will not be accepted after its closing time in Canvas.
  • If a pre-discussion survey is submitted late, but before its closing time in Canvas, it will receive a 50% grade penalty regardless of the reason (Penalty was waived as per class announcement).
  • Submit your answers a few minutes before the deadline to avoid the submission be marked as late.


  1. Robots are being considered for many medical uses. One application is to have robot “caretakers”. This has been shown in several movies
    • In this case, if an elderly person wishes to behave in ways that violate common social norms, should a caretaker robot intervene, and if so, how?
    • If an elderly person wants to walk around the house despite some risk of falling, should the robot prevent it?
    • How could a caretaker robot judge whether or not to follow the instructions of the human in its care?
    • How should a robot balance privacy versus reporting concerns? Or prioritize loyalty to the one in its care versus loyalty to medical staff versus loyalty to close family?
  2. Please describe the most notable challenges faced by Lieutenant Barclay in the Star Trek Episode “Hollow Pursuits” and the role of the Holodeck. What are some of the implications (medical, technological, ethical, privacy, etc.) that can be deduced from the story and their applicability to our real world? (100 words minimum).
  3. Describe what algorithm bias is and what are the practical ethical implications associated with it. Which aspect of algorithm bias do you think is most dangerous and what measures you think should be taken to address it.
  4. What social responsibilities do game designers have to the users of their products? Should violence in video games even be an issue, since we can see it often in other, more popular mass media? Have you personally observed a positive or negative change in a friend or yourself due to videogame usage? (100 words minimum).


Kentucky State University Australian Business Judgment Rule Discussion Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a law discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Locate the U.S. Business Judgment Rule

Then locate the rule in any other country (you MUST select a country that has a Business Judgment Rule).

Discuss the following:

1. What part or parts of the U.S. rule do you either agree or disagree?
2. Compare/contrast the U.S. with your selected country. If they are the same, why do you think they are stated in similar ways. If different, discuss the differences.

If you could change the U.S. rule, what would you change and why?

If you would not change anything in the U.S. rule, discuss what aspects of the rule you believe are most effective and why?

NOTE: (You MUST provide citations for all materials used.)


University of South Florida Micro Economics Essay Economics Assignment Help


Economics: Supply and Demand

USF issues parking permits to allow students to park on campus. The price of the permit is set by college administrators at their discretion, they do not consider market conditions. At the current price, some students complain that there aren’t enough spaces for them to park.

Address the following three points in a short essay:

  • Describe this situation in economic terms and describe what this implies about the market equilibrium and the price of a parking permit.
  • Should the price of a parking permit be raised or lowered to fix this problem? Why? Explain.
  • Use the supply and demand model to describe how a graph of the market for parking permits would be affected by a change in price. You must include a graph and reference/describe the graph in your essay.


The body of the text (DO NOT use header/footers/by lines on pages with text) must be at least 2 full paragraphs (no more than 3 paragraphs), double-spaced, 1″ margins, and size 12 Arial FONT. File type must be doc OR docx OR pdf. No other file types are supported, especially .pages. If included, title/title page is not included in page count. Graphs, tables, figures, images, and bibliography page should be included at the end of the text and are NOT to be included in the paragraph length requirement.

This is a short essay and therefore should be entirely of your own words and thoughts, do not paraphrase or quote others. If you reference other sources to gather ideas the bibliography page should be included.



INT 244 Grand Canyon University The Maasai Traditional Religion Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

You will research a Native American or African community’s culture, oral tradition, religious texts, historical background, and current beliefs and practices.

Choose a community from one of the following lists:

Native American options:

  • Hopi
  • Navajo
  • Apache
  • Cherokee
  • Sioux

African Community options:

  • Zulu
  • Maasai
  • Kikuyu
  • Yoruba
  • Igbo

In a 15-20-slide presentation with slide notes (not including title slide and reference slide), address the following elements:

  1. Name of the Native American community or African Tribal Religion and the historical religious beliefs and practices of that group.
  2. How historical beliefs and religious practices have been influenced (positively or negatively) by the dominant surrounding culture. Include specific examples.
  3. Current religious beliefs and practices and the part they play in the daily life of a typical member of the community.
  4. Elements of the traditional religion that a Christian would need to consider when sharing the Christian faith/gospel with a person from this community.
  5. Evaluation of the impact American or European policy has had on Native American or African Tribal Religion beliefs and practices.
  6. How current and future governmental policies could impact personal beliefs and practices of that community in the future.

Be creative. Include a title slide, reference slide(s), and slide notes that provide detailed explanation of slide information.

Utilize the course textbook and a minimum of three additional academic resources.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

INT 244 Grand Canyon University The Maasai Traditional Religion Presentation Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ECON 101 Saudi Electronic University Micro Economics Question Economics Assignment Help

I’m working on a micro economics multi-part question and need support to help me learn.

  • instruction:
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).


Purdue University Theater and Social Media and Change Paper Writing Assignment Help

for first assignment (revise my outline. No required words just follow the sample outline and the comment from my professor.

For second assignment required 400-450 word. It shows in the instruction. Please read the instructions. Thank you.

1.need revised my outline.(i will provide the comment from professor and the resources i use)

2.Weekly Response #5: Theatre for Social Change

This is an individual assignment. Your post should be your own thoughts and words.

For this assignment you will play the role of theatre creator. You have been given the opportunity to create a piece of theatre straight out of today’s headlines whose purpose is to raise awareness about a social issue of your choice.


For your original post, write a 400-450 word statement that addresses the social issue and artistic vision.

Find a current event that is in the news.

You must supply an active URL link to an article from a reputable news source* that will serve as the inspiration for your piece of devised theatre.

The news article must be from within the last 6 months.

Write a statement of intent that discusses:

what is your theatre piece about?

what are the politics at stake?

what inspires you to tackle this issue?

who is your audience? (who do you want to reach?)

what change do you want to see happen as a result of your theatre piece?

what kind of theatre event would you create? what theatre-making techniques would you employ? (is this a play you write? that you devise with others? are you using verbatim techniques?)

Who are the characters? What is the basic story? What is the genre/style? (is the story chronological? episodic?)

what is the aesthetic? (minimalistic? huge spectacle? high-tech?)

How do you want to affect your audience?

What is the title of your piece?

Include details that will help us understand your vision!

Social Issue:

Artistic Vision:

Requirements: 500-600


FIN 660 Bowie State University Strategic Financial Management Macys Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting report and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Your mission is to develop a comprehensive report for your CEO. Your task is to analyze the company(Macy) in this context and provide recommendations. You decide how each topic should be addressed and include research to make/support your strategy/policy recommendations. Your report should include an assessment of your company’s corporate governance “readiness” and provide suitable recommendations to ensure compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and new regulations published by the regulatory bodies.

In the spirit of a Forensic Financial Analysis, you should analyze the firm’s financial statements and policies as a risk management exercise for the benefit of the company CEO. Look for any “bodies” buried in the statements and associated notes, as well as the types of information disclosed to the public (e.g., pro forma earnings). Your goal here is to identify any areas where the firm is vulnerable to SEC action (fraud or otherwise) and report these to the CEO as a preemptive risk mitigation action. The required text Financial Shenanigans should be used as a reference to guide your approach in this area. I recognize this is a difficult task, given the short exposure to forensics financial analysis and the restricted information available to you.

For your Corporate Governance Assessment, you should assess the integrity and rigor of the firm’s corporate governance structure (Board, Audit Committee, stock options policies, pension fund policy, etc.) to identify any weaknesses you can find and provide recommendations to strengthen governance policy. The corporate governance readings and recommended text, Building Public Trust: The Future of Corporate Reporting provides a good framework for your analysis and research. I recognize this is a tall order, given the complexity of the task and your limited access to relevant information. Please see attachment.


CS 212 Purdue Global University Workplace Politics Office Politics Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Please respond to the discussion prompt below. Your initial post should be in the 100- to 150-word range and be supported by evidence from course or outside materials. Respond to at least two of your colleagues with meaningful comments. Responses should incorporate course concepts. Your responses should be in the 75- to 100-word range. Refer to the discussion topic grading rubric in the Course Resources area for information about how you will earn your grade for the discussion.

Topic 1: Dealing With Office Politics

Have you ever observed office politics? Describe the event in detail. (Do not use real names.) Were there any logical fallacies involved, such as personal attacks or the bandwagon fallacy? (You may pick any logical fallacies to discuss.) In your response, share at least one strategy or practice for dealing with office politics.



  • Star Trek the Next Generation TV Episode 21 Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”.
  • Star Trek Voyager TV Episode 11 Season 5: “Latent Image”.
  • Additional Notes & Requirements:

    • Write the question number as a header for each answer in your submission.
    • Assignment is due shortly after the end of class.
    • Answers must be submitted in plain text using Canvas only. Do NOT submit any files.
    • Each question must be answered in order to receive credit.
    • Answers must have a minimum of 150 words per question unless stated differently in the question’s instructions.
      • Responses that are below the minimum word count requirement, are vague, simple repeat what was asked, or are obviously wordy without substance may receive a zero (0) or a substantially lower grade.
    • Answers will be graded on completion.
    • Answers submitted as comments (in the comments section) will NOT be accepted.
    • Assignment will not be accepted after its closing time in Canvas.
    • If a pre-discussion survey is submitted late, but before its closing time in Canvas, it will receive a 50% grade penalty regardless of the reason (Penalty was waived as per class announcement).
    • Submit your answers a few minutes before the deadline to avoid the submission be marked as late.


    1. Robots are being considered for many medical uses. One application is to have robot “caretakers”. This has been shown in several movies
      • In this case, if an elderly person wishes to behave in ways that violate common social norms, should a caretaker robot intervene, and if so, how?
      • If an elderly person wants to walk around the house despite some risk of falling, should the robot prevent it?
      • How could a caretaker robot judge whether or not to follow the instructions of the human in its care?
      • How should a robot balance privacy versus reporting concerns? Or prioritize loyalty to the one in its care versus loyalty to medical staff versus loyalty to close family?
    2. Please describe the most notable challenges faced by Lieutenant Barclay in the Star Trek Episode “Hollow Pursuits” and the role of the Holodeck. What are some of the implications (medical, technological, ethical, privacy, etc.) that can be deduced from the story and their applicability to our real world? (100 words minimum).
    3. Describe what algorithm bias is and what are the practical ethical implications associated with it. Which aspect of algorithm bias do you think is most dangerous and what measures you think should be taken to address it.
    4. What social responsibilities do game designers have to the users of their products? Should violence in video games even be an issue, since we can see it often in other, more popular mass media? Have you personally observed a positive or negative change in a friend or yourself due to videogame usage? (100 words minimum).


    Kentucky State University Australian Business Judgment Rule Discussion Law Assignment Help

    I’m working on a law discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

    Locate the U.S. Business Judgment Rule

    Then locate the rule in any other country (you MUST select a country that has a Business Judgment Rule).

    Discuss the following:

    1. What part or parts of the U.S. rule do you either agree or disagree?
    2. Compare/contrast the U.S. with your selected country. If they are the same, why do you think they are stated in similar ways. If different, discuss the differences.

    If you could change the U.S. rule, what would you change and why?

    If you would not change anything in the U.S. rule, discuss what aspects of the rule you believe are most effective and why?

    NOTE: (You MUST provide citations for all materials used.)


    University of South Florida Micro Economics Essay Economics Assignment Help


    Economics: Supply and Demand

    USF issues parking permits to allow students to park on campus. The price of the permit is set by college administrators at their discretion, they do not consider market conditions. At the current price, some students complain that there aren’t enough spaces for them to park.

    Address the following three points in a short essay:

    • Describe this situation in economic terms and describe what this implies about the market equilibrium and the price of a parking permit.
    • Should the price of a parking permit be raised or lowered to fix this problem? Why? Explain.
    • Use the supply and demand model to describe how a graph of the market for parking permits would be affected by a change in price. You must include a graph and reference/describe the graph in your essay.


    The body of the text (DO NOT use header/footers/by lines on pages with text) must be at least 2 full paragraphs (no more than 3 paragraphs), double-spaced, 1″ margins, and size 12 Arial FONT. File type must be doc OR docx OR pdf. No other file types are supported, especially .pages. If included, title/title page is not included in page count. Graphs, tables, figures, images, and bibliography page should be included at the end of the text and are NOT to be included in the paragraph length requirement.

    This is a short essay and therefore should be entirely of your own words and thoughts, do not paraphrase or quote others. If you reference other sources to gather ideas the bibliography page should be included.



    INT 244 Grand Canyon University The Maasai Traditional Religion Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

    You will research a Native American or African community’s culture, oral tradition, religious texts, historical background, and current beliefs and practices.

    Choose a community from one of the following lists:

    Native American options:

    • Hopi
    • Navajo
    • Apache
    • Cherokee
    • Sioux

    African Community options:

    • Zulu
    • Maasai
    • Kikuyu
    • Yoruba
    • Igbo

    In a 15-20-slide presentation with slide notes (not including title slide and reference slide), address the following elements:

    1. Name of the Native American community or African Tribal Religion and the historical religious beliefs and practices of that group.
    2. How historical beliefs and religious practices have been influenced (positively or negatively) by the dominant surrounding culture. Include specific examples.
    3. Current religious beliefs and practices and the part they play in the daily life of a typical member of the community.
    4. Elements of the traditional religion that a Christian would need to consider when sharing the Christian faith/gospel with a person from this community.
    5. Evaluation of the impact American or European policy has had on Native American or African Tribal Religion beliefs and practices.
    6. How current and future governmental policies could impact personal beliefs and practices of that community in the future.

    Be creative. Include a title slide, reference slide(s), and slide notes that provide detailed explanation of slide information.

    Utilize the course textbook and a minimum of three additional academic resources.

    While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

    INT 244 Grand Canyon University The Maasai Traditional Religion Presentation Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    ECON 101 Saudi Electronic University Micro Economics Question Economics Assignment Help

    I’m working on a micro economics multi-part question and need support to help me learn.

    • instruction:
    • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
    • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
    • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
    • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks.
    • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).


    Purdue University Theater and Social Media and Change Paper Writing Assignment Help

    for first assignment (revise my outline. No required words just follow the sample outline and the comment from my professor.

    For second assignment required 400-450 word. It shows in the instruction. Please read the instructions. Thank you.

    1.need revised my outline.(i will provide the comment from professor and the resources i use)

    2.Weekly Response #5: Theatre for Social Change

    This is an individual assignment. Your post should be your own thoughts and words.

    For this assignment you will play the role of theatre creator. You have been given the opportunity to create a piece of theatre straight out of today’s headlines whose purpose is to raise awareness about a social issue of your choice.

    ORIGINAL POST (6 points): DUE 11:59 PM FRIDAY

    For your original post, write a 400-450 word statement that addresses the social issue and artistic vision.

    Find a current event that is in the news.

    You must supply an active URL link to an article from a reputable news source* that will serve as the inspiration for your piece of devised theatre.

    The news article must be from within the last 6 months.

    Write a statement of intent that discusses:

    what is your theatre piece about?

    what are the politics at stake?

    what inspires you to tackle this issue?

    who is your audience? (who do you want to reach?)

    what change do you want to see happen as a result of your theatre piece?

    what kind of theatre event would you create? what theatre-making techniques would you employ? (is this a play you write? that you devise with others? are you using verbatim techniques?)

    Who are the characters? What is the basic story? What is the genre/style? (is the story chronological? episodic?)

    what is the aesthetic? (minimalistic? huge spectacle? high-tech?)

    How do you want to affect your audience?

    What is the title of your piece?

    Include details that will help us understand your vision!

    Social Issue:

    Artistic Vision:

    Requirements: 500-600


    FIN 660 Bowie State University Strategic Financial Management Macys Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a accounting report and need an explanation to help me understand better.

    Your mission is to develop a comprehensive report for your CEO. Your task is to analyze the company(Macy) in this context and provide recommendations. You decide how each topic should be addressed and include research to make/support your strategy/policy recommendations. Your report should include an assessment of your company’s corporate governance “readiness” and provide suitable recommendations to ensure compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and new regulations published by the regulatory bodies.

    In the spirit of a Forensic Financial Analysis, you should analyze the firm’s financial statements and policies as a risk management exercise for the benefit of the company CEO. Look for any “bodies” buried in the statements and associated notes, as well as the types of information disclosed to the public (e.g., pro forma earnings). Your goal here is to identify any areas where the firm is vulnerable to SEC action (fraud or otherwise) and report these to the CEO as a preemptive risk mitigation action. The required text Financial Shenanigans should be used as a reference to guide your approach in this area. I recognize this is a difficult task, given the short exposure to forensics financial analysis and the restricted information available to you.

    For your Corporate Governance Assessment, you should assess the integrity and rigor of the firm’s corporate governance structure (Board, Audit Committee, stock options policies, pension fund policy, etc.) to identify any weaknesses you can find and provide recommendations to strengthen governance policy. The corporate governance readings and recommended text, Building Public Trust: The Future of Corporate Reporting provides a good framework for your analysis and research. I recognize this is a tall order, given the complexity of the task and your limited access to relevant information. Please see attachment.


    CS 212 Purdue Global University Workplace Politics Office Politics Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

    Please respond to the discussion prompt below. Your initial post should be in the 100- to 150-word range and be supported by evidence from course or outside materials. Respond to at least two of your colleagues with meaningful comments. Responses should incorporate course concepts. Your responses should be in the 75- to 100-word range. Refer to the discussion topic grading rubric in the Course Resources area for information about how you will earn your grade for the discussion.

    Topic 1: Dealing With Office Politics

    Have you ever observed office politics? Describe the event in detail. (Do not use real names.) Were there any logical fallacies involved, such as personal attacks or the bandwagon fallacy? (You may pick any logical fallacies to discuss.) In your response, share at least one strategy or practice for dealing with office politics.



  • Star Trek the Next Generation TV Episode 21 Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”.
  • Star Trek Voyager TV Episode 11 Season 5: “Latent Image”.
  • Additional Notes & Requirements:

    • Write the question number as a header for each answer in your submission.
    • Assignment is due shortly after the end of class.
    • Answers must be submitted in plain text using Canvas only. Do NOT submit any files.
    • Each question must be answered in order to receive credit.
    • Answers must have a minimum of 150 words per question unless stated differently in the question’s instructions.
      • Responses that are below the minimum word count requirement, are vague, simple repeat what was asked, or are obviously wordy without substance may receive a zero (0) or a substantially lower grade.
    • Answers will be graded on completion.
    • Answers submitted as comments (in the comments section) will NOT be accepted.
    • Assignment will not be accepted after its closing time in Canvas.
    • If a pre-discussion survey is submitted late, but before its closing time in Canvas, it will receive a 50% grade penalty regardless of the reason (Penalty was waived as per class announcement).
    • Submit your answers a few minutes before the deadline to avoid the submission be marked as late.


    1. Robots are being considered for many medical uses. One application is to have robot “caretakers”. This has been shown in several movies
      • In this case, if an elderly person wishes to behave in ways that violate common social norms, should a caretaker robot intervene, and if so, how?
      • If an elderly person wants to walk around the house despite some risk of falling, should the robot prevent it?
      • How could a caretaker robot judge whether or not to follow the instructions of the human in its care?
      • How should a robot balance privacy versus reporting concerns? Or prioritize loyalty to the one in its care versus loyalty to medical staff versus loyalty to close family?
    2. Please describe the most notable challenges faced by Lieutenant Barclay in the Star Trek Episode “Hollow Pursuits” and the role of the Holodeck. What are some of the implications (medical, technological, ethical, privacy, etc.) that can be deduced from the story and their applicability to our real world? (100 words minimum).
    3. Describe what algorithm bias is and what are the practical ethical implications associated with it. Which aspect of algorithm bias do you think is most dangerous and what measures you think should be taken to address it.
    4. What social responsibilities do game designers have to the users of their products? Should violence in video games even be an issue, since we can see it often in other, more popular mass media? Have you personally observed a positive or negative change in a friend or yourself due to videogame usage? (100 words minimum).


    Kentucky State University Australian Business Judgment Rule Discussion Law Assignment Help

    I’m working on a law discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

    Locate the U.S. Business Judgment Rule

    Then locate the rule in any other country (you MUST select a country that has a Business Judgment Rule).

    Discuss the following:

    1. What part or parts of the U.S. rule do you either agree or disagree?
    2. Compare/contrast the U.S. with your selected country. If they are the same, why do you think they are stated in similar ways. If different, discuss the differences.

    If you could change the U.S. rule, what would you change and why?

    If you would not change anything in the U.S. rule, discuss what aspects of the rule you believe are most effective and why?

    NOTE: (You MUST provide citations for all materials used.)


    University of South Florida Micro Economics Essay Economics Assignment Help


    Economics: Supply and Demand

    USF issues parking permits to allow students to park on campus. The price of the permit is set by college administrators at their discretion, they do not consider market conditions. At the current price, some students complain that there aren’t enough spaces for them to park.

    Address the following three points in a short essay:

    • Describe this situation in economic terms and describe what this implies about the market equilibrium and the price of a parking permit.
    • Should the price of a parking permit be raised or lowered to fix this problem? Why? Explain.
    • Use the supply and demand model to describe how a graph of the market for parking permits would be affected by a change in price. You must include a graph and reference/describe the graph in your essay.


    The body of the text (DO NOT use header/footers/by lines on pages with text) must be at least 2 full paragraphs (no more than 3 paragraphs), double-spaced, 1″ margins, and size 12 Arial FONT. File type must be doc OR docx OR pdf. No other file types are supported, especially .pages. If included, title/title page is not included in page count. Graphs, tables, figures, images, and bibliography page should be included at the end of the text and are NOT to be included in the paragraph length requirement.

    This is a short essay and therefore should be entirely of your own words and thoughts, do not paraphrase or quote others. If you reference other sources to gather ideas the bibliography page should be included.



    INT 244 Grand Canyon University The Maasai Traditional Religion Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

    You will research a Native American or African community’s culture, oral tradition, religious texts, historical background, and current beliefs and practices.

    Choose a community from one of the following lists:

    Native American options:

    • Hopi
    • Navajo
    • Apache
    • Cherokee
    • Sioux

    African Community options:

    • Zulu
    • Maasai
    • Kikuyu
    • Yoruba
    • Igbo

    In a 15-20-slide presentation with slide notes (not including title slide and reference slide), address the following elements:

    1. Name of the Native American community or African Tribal Religion and the historical religious beliefs and practices of that group.
    2. How historical beliefs and religious practices have been influenced (positively or negatively) by the dominant surrounding culture. Include specific examples.
    3. Current religious beliefs and practices and the part they play in the daily life of a typical member of the community.
    4. Elements of the traditional religion that a Christian would need to consider when sharing the Christian faith/gospel with a person from this community.
    5. Evaluation of the impact American or European policy has had on Native American or African Tribal Religion beliefs and practices.
    6. How current and future governmental policies could impact personal beliefs and practices of that community in the future.

    Be creative. Include a title slide, reference slide(s), and slide notes that provide detailed explanation of slide information.

    Utilize the course textbook and a minimum of three additional academic resources.

    While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

    INT 244 Grand Canyon University The Maasai Traditional Religion Presentation Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    ECON 101 Saudi Electronic University Micro Economics Question Economics Assignment Help

    I’m working on a micro economics multi-part question and need support to help me learn.

    • instruction:
    • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
    • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
    • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
    • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks.
    • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).


    Purdue University Theater and Social Media and Change Paper Writing Assignment Help

    for first assignment (revise my outline. No required words just follow the sample outline and the comment from my professor.

    For second assignment required 400-450 word. It shows in the instruction. Please read the instructions. Thank you.

    1.need revised my outline.(i will provide the comment from professor and the resources i use)

    2.Weekly Response #5: Theatre for Social Change

    This is an individual assignment. Your post should be your own thoughts and words.

    For this assignment you will play the role of theatre creator. You have been given the opportunity to create a piece of theatre straight out of today’s headlines whose purpose is to raise awareness about a social issue of your choice.

    ORIGINAL POST (6 points): DUE 11:59 PM FRIDAY

    For your original post, write a 400-450 word statement that addresses the social issue and artistic vision.

    Find a current event that is in the news.

    You must supply an active URL link to an article from a reputable news source* that will serve as the inspiration for your piece of devised theatre.

    The news article must be from within the last 6 months.

    Write a statement of intent that discusses:

    what is your theatre piece about?

    what are the politics at stake?

    what inspires you to tackle this issue?

    who is your audience? (who do you want to reach?)

    what change do you want to see happen as a result of your theatre piece?

    what kind of theatre event would you create? what theatre-making techniques would you employ? (is this a play you write? that you devise with others? are you using verbatim techniques?)

    Who are the characters? What is the basic story? What is the genre/style? (is the story chronological? episodic?)

    what is the aesthetic? (minimalistic? huge spectacle? high-tech?)

    How do you want to affect your audience?

    What is the title of your piece?

    Include details that will help us understand your vision!

    Social Issue:

    Artistic Vision:

    Requirements: 500-600


    FIN 660 Bowie State University Strategic Financial Management Macys Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a accounting report and need an explanation to help me understand better.

    Your mission is to develop a comprehensive report for your CEO. Your task is to analyze the company(Macy) in this context and provide recommendations. You decide how each topic should be addressed and include research to make/support your strategy/policy recommendations. Your report should include an assessment of your company’s corporate governance “readiness” and provide suitable recommendations to ensure compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and new regulations published by the regulatory bodies.

    In the spirit of a Forensic Financial Analysis, you should analyze the firm’s financial statements and policies as a risk management exercise for the benefit of the company CEO. Look for any “bodies” buried in the statements and associated notes, as well as the types of information disclosed to the public (e.g., pro forma earnings). Your goal here is to identify any areas where the firm is vulnerable to SEC action (fraud or otherwise) and report these to the CEO as a preemptive risk mitigation action. The required text Financial Shenanigans should be used as a reference to guide your approach in this area. I recognize this is a difficult task, given the short exposure to forensics financial analysis and the restricted information available to you.

    For your Corporate Governance Assessment, you should assess the integrity and rigor of the firm’s corporate governance structure (Board, Audit Committee, stock options policies, pension fund policy, etc.) to identify any weaknesses you can find and provide recommendations to strengthen governance policy. The corporate governance readings and recommended text, Building Public Trust: The Future of Corporate Reporting provides a good framework for your analysis and research. I recognize this is a tall order, given the complexity of the task and your limited access to relevant information. Please see attachment.


    CS 212 Purdue Global University Workplace Politics Office Politics Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

    Please respond to the discussion prompt below. Your initial post should be in the 100- to 150-word range and be supported by evidence from course or outside materials. Respond to at least two of your colleagues with meaningful comments. Responses should incorporate course concepts. Your responses should be in the 75- to 100-word range. Refer to the discussion topic grading rubric in the Course Resources area for information about how you will earn your grade for the discussion.

    Topic 1: Dealing With Office Politics

    Have you ever observed office politics? Describe the event in detail. (Do not use real names.) Were there any logical fallacies involved, such as personal attacks or the bandwagon fallacy? (You may pick any logical fallacies to discuss.) In your response, share at least one strategy or practice for dealing with office politics.



  • Star Trek the Next Generation TV Episode 21 Season 3: “Hollow Pursuits”.
  • Star Trek Voyager TV Episode 11 Season 5: “Latent Image”.
  • Additional Notes & Requirements:

    • Write the question number as a header for each answer in your submission.
    • Assignment is due shortly after the end of class.
    • Answers must be submitted in plain text using Canvas only. Do NOT submit any files.
    • Each question must be answered in order to receive credit.
    • Answers must have a minimum of 150 words per question unless stated differently in the question’s instructions.
      • Responses that are below the minimum word count requirement, are vague, simple repeat what was asked, or are obviously wordy without substance may receive a zero (0) or a substantially lower grade.
    • Answers will be graded on completion.
    • Answers submitted as comments (in the comments section) will NOT be accepted.
    • Assignment will not be accepted after its closing time in Canvas.
    • If a pre-discussion survey is submitted late, but before its closing time in Canvas, it will receive a 50% grade penalty regardless of the reason (Penalty was waived as per class announcement).
    • Submit your answers a few minutes before the deadline to avoid the submission be marked as late.


    1. Robots are being considered for many medical uses. One application is to have robot “caretakers”. This has been shown in several movies
      • In this case, if an elderly person wishes to behave in ways that violate common social norms, should a caretaker robot intervene, and if so, how?
      • If an elderly person wants to walk around the house despite some risk of falling, should the robot prevent it?
      • How could a caretaker robot judge whether or not to follow the instructions of the human in its care?
      • How should a robot balance privacy versus reporting concerns? Or prioritize loyalty to the one in its care versus loyalty to medical staff versus loyalty to close family?
    2. Please describe the most notable challenges faced by Lieutenant Barclay in the Star Trek Episode “Hollow Pursuits” and the role of the Holodeck. What are some of the implications (medical, technological, ethical, privacy, etc.) that can be deduced from the story and their applicability to our real world? (100 words minimum).
    3. Describe what algorithm bias is and what are the practical ethical implications associated with it. Which aspect of algorithm bias do you think is most dangerous and what measures you think should be taken to address it.
    4. What social responsibilities do game designers have to the users of their products? Should violence in video games even be an issue, since we can see it often in other, more popular mass media? Have you personally observed a positive or negative change in a friend or yourself due to videogame usage? (100 words minimum).


    Kentucky State University Australian Business Judgment Rule Discussion Law Assignment Help

    I’m working on a law discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

    Locate the U.S. Business Judgment Rule

    Then locate the rule in any other country (you MUST select a country that has a Business Judgment Rule).

    Discuss the following:

    1. What part or parts of the U.S. rule do you either agree or disagree?
    2. Compare/contrast the U.S. with your selected country. If they are the same, why do you think they are stated in similar ways. If different, discuss the differences.

    If you could change the U.S. rule, what would you change and why?

    If you would not change anything in the U.S. rule, discuss what aspects of the rule you believe are most effective and why?

    NOTE: (You MUST provide citations for all materials used.)


    University of South Florida Micro Economics Essay Economics Assignment Help


    Economics: Supply and Demand

    USF issues parking permits to allow students to park on campus. The price of the permit is set by college administrators at their discretion, they do not consider market conditions. At the current price, some students complain that there aren’t enough spaces for them to park.

    Address the following three points in a short essay:

    • Describe this situation in economic terms and describe what this implies about the market equilibrium and the price of a parking permit.
    • Should the price of a parking permit be raised or lowered to fix this problem? Why? Explain.
    • Use the supply and demand model to describe how a graph of the market for parking permits would be affected by a change in price. You must include a graph and reference/describe the graph in your essay.


    The body of the text (DO NOT use header/footers/by lines on pages with text) must be at least 2 full paragraphs (no more than 3 paragraphs), double-spaced, 1″ margins, and size 12 Arial FONT. File type must be doc OR docx OR pdf. No other file types are supported, especially .pages. If included, title/title page is not included in page count. Graphs, tables, figures, images, and bibliography page should be included at the end of the text and are NOT to be included in the paragraph length requirement.

    This is a short essay and therefore should be entirely of your own words and thoughts, do not paraphrase or quote others. If you reference other sources to gather ideas the bibliography page should be included.



    INT 244 Grand Canyon University The Maasai Traditional Religion Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

    You will research a Native American or African community’s culture, oral tradition, religious texts, historical background, and current beliefs and practices.

    Choose a community from one of the following lists:

    Native American options:

    • Hopi
    • Navajo
    • Apache
    • Cherokee
    • Sioux

    African Community options:

    • Zulu
    • Maasai
    • Kikuyu
    • Yoruba
    • Igbo

    In a 15-20-slide presentation with slide notes (not including title slide and reference slide), address the following elements:

    1. Name of the Native American community or African Tribal Religion and the historical religious beliefs and practices of that group.
    2. How historical beliefs and religious practices have been influenced (positively or negatively) by the dominant surrounding culture. Include specific examples.
    3. Current religious beliefs and practices and the part they play in the daily life of a typical member of the community.
    4. Elements of the traditional religion that a Christian would need to consider when sharing the Christian faith/gospel with a person from this community.
    5. Evaluation of the impact American or European policy has had on Native American or African Tribal Religion beliefs and practices.
    6. How current and future governmental policies could impact personal beliefs and practices of that community in the future.

    Be creative. Include a title slide, reference slide(s), and slide notes that provide detailed explanation of slide information.

    Utilize the course textbook and a minimum of three additional academic resources.

    While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

    INT 244 Grand Canyon University The Maasai Traditional Religion Presentation Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    ECON 101 Saudi Electronic University Micro Economics Question Economics Assignment Help

    I’m working on a micro economics multi-part question and need support to help me learn.

    • instruction:
    • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
    • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
    • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
    • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks.
    • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).


    Purdue University Theater and Social Media and Change Paper Writing Assignment Help

    for first assignment (revise my outline. No required words just follow the sample outline and the comment from my professor.

    For second assignment required 400-450 word. It shows in the instruction. Please read the instructions. Thank you.

    1.need revised my outline.(i will provide the comment from professor and the resources i use)

    2.Weekly Response #5: Theatre for Social Change

    This is an individual assignment. Your post should be your own thoughts and words.

    For this assignment you will play the role of theatre creator. You have been given the opportunity to create a piece of theatre straight out of today’s headlines whose purpose is to raise awareness about a social issue of your choice.

    ORIGINAL POST (6 points): DUE 11:59 PM FRIDAY

    For your original post, write a 400-450 word statement that addresses the social issue and artistic vision.

    Find a current event that is in the news.

    You must supply an active URL link to an article from a reputable news source* that will serve as the inspiration for your piece of devised theatre.

    The news article must be from within the last 6 months.

    Write a statement of intent that discusses:

    what is your theatre piece about?

    what are the politics at stake?

    what inspires you to tackle this issue?

    who is your audience? (who do you want to reach?)

    what change do you want to see happen as a result of your theatre piece?

    what kind of theatre event would you create? what theatre-making techniques would you employ? (is this a play you write? that you devise with others? are you using verbatim techniques?)

    Who are the characters? What is the basic story? What is the genre/style? (is the story chronological? episodic?)

    what is the aesthetic? (minimalistic? huge spectacle? high-tech?)

    How do you want to affect your audience?

    What is the title of your piece?

    Include details that will help us understand your vision!

    Social Issue:

    Artistic Vision:

    Requirements: 500-600


    FIN 660 Bowie State University Strategic Financial Management Macys Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a accounting report and need an explanation to help me understand better.

    Your mission is to develop a comprehensive report for your CEO. Your task is to analyze the company(Macy) in this context and provide recommendations. You decide how each topic should be addressed and include research to make/support your strategy/policy recommendations. Your report should include an assessment of your company’s corporate governance “readiness” and provide suitable recommendations to ensure compliance with the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and new regulations published by the regulatory bodies.

    In the spirit of a Forensic Financial Analysis, you should analyze the firm’s financial statements and policies as a risk management exercise for the benefit of the company CEO. Look for any “bodies” buried in the statements and associated notes, as well as the types of information disclosed to the public (e.g., pro forma earnings). Your goal here is to identify any areas where the firm is vulnerable to SEC action (fraud or otherwise) and report these to the CEO as a preemptive risk mitigation action. The required text Financial Shenanigans should be used as a reference to guide your approach in this area. I recognize this is a difficult task, given the short exposure to forensics financial analysis and the restricted information available to you.

    For your Corporate Governance Assessment, you should assess the integrity and rigor of the firm’s corporate governance structure (Board, Audit Committee, stock options policies, pension fund policy, etc.) to identify any weaknesses you can find and provide recommendations to strengthen governance policy. The corporate governance readings and recommended text, Building Public Trust: The Future of Corporate Reporting provides a good framework for your analysis and research. I recognize this is a tall order, given the complexity of the task and your limited access to relevant information. Please see attachment.


    CS 212 Purdue Global University Workplace Politics Office Politics Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

    Please respond to the discussion prompt below. Your initial post should be in the 100- to 150-word range and be supported by evidence from course or outside materials. Respond to at least two of your colleagues with meaningful comments. Responses should incorporate course concepts. Your responses should be in the 75- to 100-word range. Refer to the discussion topic grading rubric in the Course Resources area for information about how you will earn your grade for the discussion.

    Topic 1: Dealing With Office Politics

    Have you ever observed office politics? Describe the event in detail. (Do not use real names.) Were there any logical fallacies involved, such as personal attacks or the bandwagon fallacy? (You may pick any logical fallacies to discuss.) In your response, share at least one strategy or practice for dealing with office politics.


    SPH 2001 College of Aeronautics Fundamentals of Public Speaking Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    SPH 2001 College of Aeronautics Fundamentals of Public Speaking Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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