SS 360 Purdue Unit 5 The Case for the Vote Womens Suffrage Speech Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

SS 360 Purdue Unit 5 The Case for the Vote Womens Suffrage Speech Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. SS 360 Purdue Unit 5 The Case for the Vote Womens Suffrage Speech Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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Women’s Perspectives Speech

Topic: The first wave of feminism would not only correspond with the latter decades of the suffrage movement, but also with discussions of women’s economic independence and efforts to break free of societal constraints. For this Unit 5 Assignment, you will put yourself in the shoes of a woman from the first two decades of the 20th Century, and write a speech addressing why society should consider women’s perspectives. Women such as Alice Paul, Edna Kenton, Inez Milholland, Bessie Beatty, and others were ardent supporters of equality, whether via voting rights, sexual freedom, or joining the military.

Consider the perspectives of the women described in the Unit 5 Reading and use those perspectives as a basis for your speech. You will write a speech regarding the need for society’s acceptance of women as equal members of society in the first two to three decades of the 20th Century.


  • Take a stance on a particular issue related to the first two decades of the 20th Century. The following are examples of possible events/issues related to the early 20th Century: Labor reform, voting rights, birth control, pacifism, marriage rights, or women in the military. Feel free to select an issue from this list or another from the Unit 5 Reading.
  • Write a 500-word speech explaining why early 20th Century society should consider women’s accomplishments and perspectives related to the selected issue.
  • Get in character! Be sure to emphasize the first two decades of the 20th Century, and in your speech, connect events from these two decades. The speech should be written as if you were living during the first two to three decades of the 20th Century, and not from your perspective as a 21st Century citizen.

Speech Format:

Since this is a speech assignment, include the date of the speech. For example, if you, as Victoria, a colleague of Alice Paul’s in the suffrage movement, is speaking on voting rights as part of a rally in New York City in January 1919, identify the date of the speech at some point in your speech.

The body of your speech should clearly identify the issue which interests you, as a woman living in the first two decades of the 20th Century and should reflect women’s increasing involvement in the public sphere. Be sure to indicate your perspective/stance on the issue you have selected.

Summarize your speech with a brief conclusion; thank your audience for attending.

Word Count:

The Assignment should be at least 500 words and should employ connections to the Unit 5 Reading material. You should follow the Unit 5 Assignment template in Course Documents.

APA formatting:

Connections to the Unit 5 Reading material are required for this Assignment. Be sure to include APA parenthetical citations and references; formatting for citations and reference entries should follow the APA 6th edition style guide, which is available under Content / Academic Tools via the Academic Writer link.

SS 360 Purdue Unit 5 The Case for the Vote Womens Suffrage Speech Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Principle of Design and Nterpretation of The Imagery Electric Box Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Discussion Questions:

Tell us why you chose this utility/electric box.

What is it about the artwork that made an impression on you?

What do you feel makes it visually effective? Discussing a principle of design or two or anything from the visual toolbox could be helpful.

Tell us your interpretation of the imagery, including the theme you feel is covered.

Your Discussion experience will come in Two parts:

Part 1: Write a short essay that answers the above questions and provide comments about your own viewing experience. Additions to your thread resulting from any added research is fine. But remember to stay on topic and answer the questions.

Part 3: Respond to a minimum of 2 other student Posts.


Energy and Climate Change & Electricity Using Renewable Products Memorandum Writing Assignment Help

here is the link

please finish in 2 hours. Tip will be added.

In Eugene Cordero’s Green Talk, “Energy and Climate Change: What’s an Engineer to Do?” he showed solar panels, wind energy, and other forms of renewable energy and listed his Technology Based-Plans:

Improve energy efficiency

Electrify transport

Electrify heating

Produce all electricity using renewable products

You work for San Jose Save the Earth, a climate change consulting organization. Write a persuasive memoto the Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors. Provide support for the need to expand the use of renewable energy sources throughout the county, and suggest several ways this can be done.

Format: Your response will be in memo format, approximately 1.5 pates and #12 font. Your memo is single-spaced with a blank line between paragraphs.


West Virginia Junior College Personal Financial Planning Process Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

I need a personal financial plan as a presentation for a hw I have on an accounting class, also I need you to write what should I say in the presentation because I have to record it. Here is the instructions:

Guideline for Individual Project Presentation

Follow the 7-step financial planning process and use the information on your personal financial planning workbooks to make a financial plan for yourself.

Step 1: Present/analyze your qualitative and quantitative information and address incomplete information.

Step 2: Identify, select, and prioritize your goals.

Step 3: Analyze current course of action and potential alternative course of action.

Steps 4 and 5: Develop/present the financial planning recommendation(s).

Step 6: Identify, analyze, select, and implement actions, products, and/or services.

Step 7: How to monitor and update information, goals, progress, and implementation.

Please read Module 1 for what actions may occur specifically during each step. The PowerPoint could be about 20 to 30 slides with recorded voice and narration. Your financial plan should be SMART.


University of Central Missouri Policy Legal Ethics and Compliance Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Answer each these questions in a paragraph with at least 5 sentences: Include the question and number your responses accordingly. Provide a citation for each answer in APA format.

  1. Give an example from the book where insufficient testing was a factor in a program error or system failure.
  2. What was one cause in the delay in the completing of the Denver Airport.
  3. Why didn’t the website work at first?
  4. What is one characteristic of high reliability organizations?
  5. Describe the potential risks of alert fatigue in EHR systems.
  6. What were 2 common factors in both the Therac-25 case and the space shuttle disaster.
  7. What does design for failure mean?



San Diego State University Management Fake News in the Media Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

  • Please respond to each student with a thought provoking question or response. Around 80 words for a response per student. Please use citations if you are to reference something
  • Student #1

    Technology has given society the ability to broadcast and exchange information globally in a matter of seconds – whether it is true or not. The amount of false information in the media has been steadily growing within the recent years, and it has become obvious that some people will blindly believe anything on the internet;. “Fake News” is being spread more and more each day – everyone wants their “15 minutes of fame”, so to speak. Many are even willing to spread harmful, negative, or untrue information if it means gaining the attention of the public eye.The negative nature of these “fake news” events, in my opinion, is what causes them to gain so much attention in the first place. I feel as though people naturally just aren’t as stimulated or impacted by a positive/wholesome story. As humans, we tend to automatically give more attention to negative information (kind of like the saying “it’s like a car crash, I can’t look away”).So, thinking about that in relation to “Pizzagate”, it makes sense as to why this theory gained so much attention. The intricate theory included something that resonated (either negatively or positively) with almost everyone – leading to its (almost instantaneous) national coverage.While some may not think there is any real harm in spreading false information online, there are many, serious dangers. A perfect example of a danger in the spreading of fake news is the gunman from NC who traveled to D.C. to “self-investigate” (BBC Trending, 2016). Thankfully, no one was harmed in this situation, but not everyone is that lucky. In a less physical sense, there is also the danger of legal trouble or expensive lawsuits for those who intentionally spread misinformation (Wilcox & Reber, 2013).Various social media platforms have added a “fact checking” feature, in hopes to prevent the spread of false information. I believe this, in combination with not allowing offensive/harmful language, is the extent of responsibility for the platform. We, as a country, do have a right to the freedom of speech. Therefore, any action further than this done by a SM platform could be seen by some as an infringement upon that constitutional right.

  • References:BBC Trending. (2016, December 2). The saga of ‘Pizzagate’: The fake story that shows how conspiracy theories spread (Links to an external site.). BBC News. Retrieved from, D. L., & Reber, B. H. (2013). Public relations writing and media techniques (7th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson.
  • STUDENT #2
  • I think there is a significant problem with our declining ability to think critically. We have become so enamored with our phones and services like Google, Twitter, Instagram, and Netflix have switched our brains off and we now tend to prefer to be spoon-fed. It’s a sad state, really. I’m not sure what the answer is in trying to fix this and how to encourage folks to think at a deeper level.

San Diego State University Management Fake News in the Media Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Colorado Northwestern College IKEA Warehouse Inventory Management Discussion Engineering Assignment Help

1)Inventory management

Inventory management has proven to be an important part of the supply chain of any organization. This applies to both small and large companies. In particular, it is a concept that improves the associated process control of a company’s stock. For this research, therefore, an analysis of IKEA warehouse management systems and Apple will be conducted as these are exceptional manufacturing entities that have used the system. The concept is particularly important for the above manufacturers because it helped them avoid breakdowns of products and overstock problems. Many questions are often put behind leaders’ secrets efficient operations and effective processes associated with the IKEA supply chain. As the largest retailer of home furnishings in the world, IKEA has two hundred and ninety to eight stores in thirty-seven countries worldwide. Also, it is classified in a higher position as number forty and one of the most valuable brands in the world Forbes besides having achieved a record of 35 billion in sales last year. The company strongly not only impresses customers with high-quality furniture affordable but it produces, but also its competitors and other organizations with which it does business worldwide. These particularly unique inventory management techniques it uses and its supply chain. The inventory of raw materials is important because it helps determine the types of furniture that would be produced by IKEA. The company has set up an appropriate system that ensures adequate visibility of raw materials, thus evaluating what can be produced over a period such as a year. Work in progress, meanwhile, consists of furniture manufactured in the factory of IKEA. The company has set up an all products tracking system, including during production, for accurate monitoring of benefits and assistance in future purchases of raw materials. Design concepts IKEA products are designed to be functional and useful for the general public (Asllani et al, 2014).

Credit policies

A lenient or strict credit policy can be followed by a company. For each potential customer’s credit, a credit application form must be completed. The application must contain the necessary customer data supported by appropriate official documentation. This approach is vital for the company to protect itself against potential losses from bad loans. The customer must provide references from at least two other suppliers for which it has credit facilities. All team members must work together to deliver a message consistent customer on the company’s credit policies. Each team member should discuss credit conditions with the client at the beginning of the business relationship. Credit analysis is the process of determining the likelihood of repayment and, ultimately, informed decision. The recovery policy is a process to get borrowers to pay. Yes, the current policy has three factors that influence the management of business credit, but it should be revised due to the increased percentage of bad loans. It tends to match the debt to provide adequate cash flow, while a liberal policy is a high risk with the probability of major losses of receivables, the danger of such survival of banks can be real because they are generally subject to thin capitalization and sometimes liquidity problems (Fry, 1978).


Asllani, A., Culler, E. and Ettkin, L., 2014. A simulation-based apheresis platelet inventory management model. Transfusion, 54(10pt2), pp.2730-2735.

Fry, M., 1978. Sectoral Investment and Credit Policies. The Pakistan Development Review, 17(1), pp.66-88.


Vivek Koriginja

2)Harsha Macherla

Cash budget will estimate the projected sources and it uses the cash based on the future period. This will ensure that the budget is used towards the company operations and other activities, which will give the sufficient amount of the cash which will be necessary to meet the requirements. If the company doesn’t meet this requirement then it will have to find additional sources of income. The inputs to the cash budget come from different budges in a company, they are used in the cash budget which is used in finance and will split investments, interest income, and interest expense (Kieschnick, 2018).

There are two different areas in the cash budget one is Uses of cash and the other one is Sources of Cash. The Sources of Cash will have the cash beginning, cash receipts, and also the cash balances from the sales which come from the sale, collections from accounts, and also the asset sales. The Uses of the Cash section will have all the planned cash expenditures that come from the budget which are direct materials, direct labor, selling, and administrative expense budget. This will also contain the purchases of the fixed assets and dividends (Supramono, 2019).

In an organization if there are any large differences in cash balances in the budget which are in the balances and are dealt with the financing, where investments are made according to their needs and are indicated for them. In the same way, if there are any balances that are negative in the cash budget, the financing budget will show the timing and the amount of the debt or equity which are needed for these balances. There are some Cash Budget issues such as fluctuations considering the single accounting period, which will make the cash shortfalls due to this the company may be closed (Agbada, 2020).


Chen, C., & Kieschnick, R. (2018). Bank credit and corporate working capital management. Journal of Corporate Finance, 48, 579-596.

Nastiti, P. K. Y., Atahau, A. D. R., & Supramono, S. (2019). Working capital management and its influence on profitability and sustainable growth. Business: Theory and Practice, 20, 61-68.

Osuji, C. C., & Agbada, A. O. (2020). Imperatives of Effective Working Capital Management and Profitability in the Banking Industry in Nigeria. International Journal of Financial Research, 11(2).

3)Pavani Mekala

The cash conversion cycle

The cash conversion cycle takes place as a metric that represents the time it requires for an organization to change the investments in inventory and multiple resources into cash flows from sales. It is also known as the Net Operating Cycle, and Cash Cycle. It helps to gauge how long every means input dollar is unavailable in the manufacturing process and sales procedure before the conversion of it into the cash received. This metric helps to understand the time that a company requires to sell its inventory, gather receivables, and clear the payments in the absence of any penalty (Hull. 2011). According to the experts, the CCC takes place as one of the measures assisting the evaluation of the competence of the functions and management of an organization. A sign of reducing or stable CCC values over different times is considered a positive indication while the increasing ones must be examined, and analyzed more.

The calculation of the CCC is done by following the formula given below.


Where DIO stands for the Days of inventory outstanding

DSO stands for the Days sales outstanding

And, DPO stands for the Days payables outstanding.

As this measurement needs the net aggregate time related to the procedures that are responsible for the cash conversion lifecycle, the formula is structured as above.

In the decision-making process, the Cash Conversion Cycle plays a vital role. It helps the decision-makers to understand the time that is required to determine how long the business operations can last without cash to fund any purchase. It is related to the liquidity that is important for the business procedures. The Cash Conversion Cycle is important because it affects the decision-making process by persuading an organization to modify the decisions to focus on profitable products.

Inventory management

Inventory management takes place as the process of ordering, preserving, and utilizing the inventory of an organization. This process consists of the administration of raw elements, parts, and completed products. Not only that but also it includes warehousing and processing those elements. Different organizations have complicated supply chains as well as the production procedure. They have to maintain the risks of inventory gluts and deficiencies which is a difficult process. To obtain these maintenances, the organizations have created two important techniques for inventory management. They are just-in-time or JIT and materials requirement planning for MRP ( Helden, & Reichard, 2018). The inventory of a company is considered one of the most important assets. Every process like production and supply depends on the inventory, and that is why any deficiency in an inventory of an organization can be highly detrimental. On the other hand, a big inventory is the possibility of spoilage, theft, damage, and shifts in demand. That is why inventory management is necessary for companies to make the businesses alive.

Inventory management is highly efficient in the case of the decision-making process. It helps organizations to understand their customers. It is the key to a successful business. It is because every customer and their perspective are not the same. Inventory management plays a vital role to understand different aspects of different customers. Inventory management helps in problem-solving (Parkinson, 2017). It helps to deal with any issues related to the inventory. It offers more efficient management and transparency over the quantity of production and sales. Inventory management is very important if an organization wants to increase the efficiency of its business. It is because most of the labor-intensive tasks can be performed with more perfection. Inventory management helps to obtain the optimal utilization of resources that ultimately leads the organizations to focus on growth.


Hull, R. (2011). Introduction to Managerial Finances special issue on capital structure. Managerial Finance, 37(8).

Parkinson, A. (2017). Managerial Finance. Routledge.

Van Helden, J., & Reichard, C. (2018). Cash or accruals for budgeting? Why some governments in Europe changed their budgeting mode and others not. OECD Journal On Budgeting, 18(1), 91-113.


Simple and Compound Statements Into Symbolic Form Paper Writing Assignment Help

7A.I: 2-15

7A.II: 2-6

7A.III: 2-6

7B.1: 2-6

7B. 2: 2-11 (Say which number in the sequence it is and which symbol it is. For example, in 1, it is the 3rd symbol, or the wedge symbol.)

7B. 3: 2-20

7C. 1: 2-11

7C. 2.I: 2-10

In Your Own Words Questions:

1. Watch this (Links to an external site.)

a) What is a simple statement in the clip? A compound one?

b) Symbolize each of your simple and compound statements.

c) Present both as a negation.

d) Use any combination of your simple and compound statement to construct statements demonstrative of the other four operators. (Use your simple and compound statements in statements that have the other four operators as the main operator.) Explain what each statement means.

e) Is being kind to a dog necessary to meet your romantic partner? Is it sufficient?

2. Watch (Links to an external site.)and complete the following:

a) Summarize the ad in three sentences.

b) State your summary as a conditional. (Students need to symbolize for b-e.)

c) State your summary as a conjunction.

d) State your summary as a disjunction.

e) What does it mean if you state your summary as a Biconditional?


LHRD 3271 Louisiana State University Training Program Evaluation Plan Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business plans report and need support to help me learn.

i just need the evaluation plan part of this ASSIGNMENT

With this assignment, your team will have opportunities to build a training program applying the ADDIE model. This assignment targets the learning objective 2.

Assume that your team represents a Human Resource Unit working in a company (or your team as an external HR consulting firm). A CEO asks you to develop a training program to address an important organizational issue (e.g., gender, generation, technology, diversity, leadership, workplace safety, expatriate, etc).


a. Each team should select own topic for training program and submit action planning (or make a contract with an actual organization) (due on Jan 16)

b. Each team needs to submit a project plan/proposal (due on Jan 23). Your proposal report should be 2-3 pages in length and single-spaced. The details need to be included in your project plan/proposal are as follows:

– Needs assessment plan (e.g., a person or task analysis, interview questions, or questionnaires)

– Assumptions

– Title and a brief description of the program

– Training objectives

c. Based on your project plan/proposal, your team should finalize your training program, class presentation, and final report. Presentations should review the team’s efforts to design, develop, and evaluate the training program, and must include some demonstration of the training program to the class (e.g., a section or module of the training to the class). Presentations should be between 15-20 minutes in length. The final report should be submitted on February 22, and must include all information on your needs assessment (person and task analyses), design, implementation, and evaluation plans.

Your final report should be 7-8 pages in length and single-spaced, and it should include:

– Needs assessment plan (e.g., a person or task analysis, interview questions, or questionnaires)

– Assumptions

– Title and a brief description of the program

– Training objectives

– Training methods to be used, and a rationale for using them, based on training theory (explain!)

– Proposed instructors, and the reason for using them

– A tentative training outline/lesson plan

– A tentative list and description of training materials needed

– An evaluation plan


University of the Cumberland Importance & Components of Ethical Leadership Response Computer Science Assignment Help


The process of managing the people provided with some ethical values and beliefs personally and set by the organization, such leadership can be stated as ethical leadership. There are several characteristics that are underlying with ethical leadership some of them Justice, respect, honesty, humanity is utmost important of all leaders who posses this kind of leadership are usually thought provoking, value adding and encourages innovative ideas, Team building strategies are very strong under these kind of leaders. In organization having such kind of leadership qualities usually positivity can be seen in many aspects such leaders handle things smoothly unnecessary distractions have no place within. If any of the business objectives are not met ethical leaders will not let it impact on the teammates instead, they take the accountability and answer the management and make sure to motivate the teammates and get the job done. In situations like appraisal they give chance for reportee’s to speak up and distribute the job equally among all reportee’s.

Commitment is one of the most important dimensions in ethical leadership as commitment towards the business objectives and keeping the teammates committed towards their goals is one of the key factors to keep pace of the project. Integrity in the difficult situations which can create a long-term benefit within the organization and keep good terms with management is one quality ethical leaders will have in the basket. Perspective thinking in other shoes is required to make the decisions by leaders not all the time profits are only the key factors in decision making sometimes there are other factors which are important than profits to keep long term relationship within the organization and even outside (Ray, n.d.). Relationships are important with your colleagues sometimes there will be some external factors as well which can affect the deliverables strategies to overcome and get the job done is important and leader should be capable of it. Lack of clarity, oversimplified rules, no proper trainings conducted to set the goals for the employees to help better understand the organization values. Volkswagen failure business model is the best example as you know one of the leader in automobile industry have multiple scams and recalls were taken place in past committing fraud towards the vehicle transmission and emission test results were failed as per the U.S government standards and imposed a fine of $2.8 billion dollars and in the fiscal year 2020 company imposed a huge amount $33 billion in the form of penalties, fines, financial settlements, buy back costs etc. Lesson learnt is ethics are utmost important for long term survival failures to do so can demolish the brand integrity and bring down the organization to no where (Hotten, 2015)


SS 360 Purdue Unit 5 The Case for the Vote Womens Suffrage Speech Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

SS 360 Purdue Unit 5 The Case for the Vote Womens Suffrage Speech Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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