SSU Social Work Education and Evidence Based Practice Presentation Humanities Assignment Help. SSU Social Work Education and Evidence Based Practice Presentation Humanities Assignment Help.
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According to the Council on Social Work Education, Competency 4: Engage In Practice-informed Research and Research-informed Practice:
Social workers understand quantitative and qualitative research methods and their respective roles in advancing a science of social work and in evaluating their practice. Social workers know the principles of logic, scientific inquiry, and culturally informed and ethical approaches to building knowledge. Social workers understand that evidence that informs practice derives from multi-disciplinary sources and multiple ways of knowing. They also understand the processes for translating research findings into effective practice. Social workers:
Use practice experience and theory to inform scientific inquiry and research;
Apply critical thinking to engage in analysis of quantitative and qualitative research methods and research findings; and
Use and translate research evidence to inform and improve practice, policy, and service delivery.
This assignment is intended to help students demonstrate the behavioral components of this competency in their field education.
To Prepare: Meet with your Field Instructor. During the meeting, you are expected to assess the population(s) served by the agency. After meeting with the Field Instructor, conduct extensive research regarding the agency’s client population. You will be expected to use at least 5 peer-reviewed resources. The purpose of the research is to discover “evidenced based practices” that are most effective while working with clients served within the population. If the agency serves more than one population, select one sub-population within the agency to conduct the review.
The Assignment: Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint Presentation, where you will explain the following:
Population researched
Best evidenced based practices modalities used to engage the population
Current modalities used in the agency
Briefly discuss and suggest to methods of implementing evidence-based practices in the agency
Analyze the findings from the articles you researched
Website Agency:
The populations I work with is young mothers from the age 18-24
SSU Social Work Education and Evidence Based Practice Presentation Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Racism at Workplace Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a management question and need support to help me study.
In the reading for Class T, Carbado and Gulati discuss the challenges that minority workers face in predominately white organizations. What do you think they mean when they refer to being an African American worker in a predominately white institution as “like being an actor on stage”? What is your perspective on the argument in this reading? Finally, based on your discussion, do you think the U.S. will ever truly be a “post-racial” society—i.e., a society where race and ethnicity do not matter?
I will attach the reading below
for the last part about “Based on your discussion, do you think the U.S. will ever be a post-racial society?” I can answer that part
Mercer University Criminological and Criminal Behavior Research Methods Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a law writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Chapter 8
Respond to the short essay questions using APA formatting. There are 3 questions from each chapter. The As may include one or two chapters. Organize responses with chapter numbers and question numbers. Include a title page and use 12 point Times New Roman font. Most, but not all questions require citations; so, cite when appropriate, especially when you support (corroborate) your opinions with text information. You should corroborate your opinions with the text to maximize your points for each assignment. MAKE SURE BOOK IS REFERECED and page numbers cited from chapter 8 with your response to answer. Please use at least two citations from the book in each question. Answer questions below: Digital book attached
What do you think of experimental designs? Based on the knowledge you have gained from the text, is there ever a time in research when you can use an experimental design, but you shouldn’t? Please explain.
Which of the three criteria that are necessary to evaluate causal relationships do you view as being the most important? Please explain your answer.
What do you think of quasi-experimental designs? Do you see them as a viable alternative to experimental designs or do you think the lack of randomization is a problem that cannot be overcome? Please explain your answer.
GOVT 2306 Arizona College Bill of Rights and Congressional Districts Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Bill of Rights
We have decided to modify the amendments to the United States Constitution. Write 200 words convincing me that one of the original 10 need to go. Why and what consequences would we see. Then write another 200 words convincing me that one of the 11-27 amendments need to go (Don’t use 18 since its gone ). Last part write 100-200 words telling me an amendment that you wish we had.
Write a 300-400 word essay over the way we currently draw congressional districts. What is right about and what is wrong about it?
ECO 4932 FIU Application of DSGE Model in Macroeconomics Discussion Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a macro economics question and need guidance to help me study.
Think about one macro-related research question and discuss how you would analyze that question using a DSGE model.
Discussion should be a minimum of one short paragraph and a maximum of two paragraphs. Word totals for each post should be in the 300-400 words range. Whether you agree or disagree explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience.
Include a reference, link, or citation when appropriate. Quotations should not be used.
DCCC Child Guided Experience and Teaching Strategies Reflection Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a education & teaching multi-part question and need an explanation to help me understand better.
Review Yard Sticks for developmental expectations for your field observation grade level.
Create a table that lists the developmental expectations from Yard Sticks and another column with your knowledge of Responsive Classroom expectations and learnings and how you could meet these developmental needs.
Write a one page comparison between the Yard Stick developmental expectations and what you observed in your observations for this semester. Add how you would meet these expectations from Yard Sticks in your future classroom. Submit both the table and the 1 page reflection.
International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology Analysis Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a engineering writing question and need support to help me understand better.
Find a journal article or a news article where the authors describe how they used any of the Lean tools or methods or Value Stream Mappingto address any environmental or sustainability issues.
i.Double space, 1-inch margin all around the page, times new roman, font size 11.
ii.First paragraph: introduce the article and how you found it
iii.Second paragraph: summarize the article
1.Overall, what were people trying to do
2.How did they use the Production engineering (Factory Physics – Wallace J. Hopp) tool or method to address their questions?
iv.Third paragraph: Your opinion on the article.
SPA 201 Maricopa Rio Salado Community College Spanish Worksheet Foreign Languages Assignment Help
I’m working on a spanish multi-part question and need support to help me learn.
Llena los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo en el pretérito.
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¿Se necesita el subjunctivo? Llena los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo en el presente. ¡Cuidado! Algunos necesitan el subjuntivo.
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Escoge la palaba correcta para completar cada oración.
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Escoge la respuesta correcta según el texto cultural de esta semana “Borges y su trayectoria”
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University of Central Florida Football Match Attend & Compare Events Report Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation to help me learn.
This assignment asks you to attend and report on one athletic competition and one artistic performance. The ‘live” nature of the event is important, and watching a TV version won’t suffice. Many students miss the core of this assignment. You should read “Sensing the Stadium” before you begin and be aware of the phenomenological properties as you perceive them – not whether a sporting event contains performance elements. That is what you learned in the beginning of the semester. This assignment asks for deeper layers of analysis. I want you to experience the arena or stadium. If you are taking this course in a three-week or summer session and you are away from campus, you may wonder where you are going to find events to attend. There are a few seasonal events like a pageant, a concert, a ballet or even a high school basketball game that won’t cost you a lot. Be resourceful! We are surrounded with events during this season. Some students have tried to write from memory, but your memory often lacks the sense memories of experiencing the event live. Thus, it will take more effort now that you have to write from memory since COVID-19 has made large public events impossible for the time being. You should focus on your personal experience:What did you see? Where did you sit? What were the sensations of sound, smell and sight? What were participants wearing? How did you react? What happened? How did the crowd respond? In what sense was it a performance? Was it worthwhile? The report may be short paragraphs that reflect the student’s original reflections on deeper and more complex questions. Post your review to Canvas (400-600 words). In order to get between 90 and 100 on the assignment, you must meet the deadline and report on your attendance at two events and write a brief comment comparing the two.
Here’s an example from my own experience at Fenway Park in Boston. “The streets were teeming with fans wearing the team’s colors, the aroma of hot dogs and sausages wafting in the air, the smell of stale beer and peanuts as you walk through the ticket gate under the stands, and the visual sensation of seeing a field of bright green freshly cut grass with meticulous sidelines and batters box against a sea of wooden seats and a high green left field wall with bright lights above it, unlike any baseball or Little League field I had ever seen and it was in the heart of the concrete city. It was quite unlike entering into the Imperial Theatre on Broadway where ushers were dressed in jackets and ties, handing out programs and escorting us to our seats where we sat until the lights dimmed and a hush came over the crowd as the curtain lifted on an imaginary world.The baseball crowd cheered and booed, the theatre crowd laughed, cried and applauded. The sensations were different, although both were filled with engaged spectators in rapt attention.” “THIS IS JUST A SAMPLE IT IS A HALF OF THE ASSIGMNENT”
Put your name and the word count at the top of the page. Give your essay a title. Make sure you italicize titles in the paper (i.e., name of show).
M8 Assignment Grading Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
25 pts
The essay has a format that can be followed easily by doing the following: • Using effective transitions that cause a connection between paragraphs. • Professionally formatting paragraphs, which are ordered in a way that readers can follow. Includes an introduction, topic paragraphs and a conclusion that compares the two events at a deeper level than “they are both performances.”
15 pts
The essay has a format that can be followed easily by doing the following: • Using basic transitions that cause a connection between paragraphs. • Formatting paragraphs, which are ordered in a way that readers can follow.
10 pts
The essay has a format that is difficult to follow due to the following: • Inadequate transitions that cause the reader to lose connection between paragraphs. • Inadequate formatting of paragraphs, causing the reader difficulty.
0 pts
The essay has no organization. Insufficient word count.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and Grammar
20 pts
A command of conventions is evident throughout the essay with no errors.
10 pts
Adequate control of conventions throughout the essay with minimal errors.
5 pts
Loses control of conventions throughout the essay with numerous errors.
0 pts
Lacks a command of basic conventions of syntax.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFocus and Control
20 pts
Demonstrates a control of ideas that are concise and complete. Must have two separate events in two different venues, one a sport competition, the other an artistic performance. Must be cleared with instructor if there are any doubts (e.g., beauty pageants, half-time shows).
15 pts
Adequate control of ideas and is complete.
15 pts
Inadequate control of ideas, includes some extraneous ideas, and is complete.
0 pts
Lacks control of ideas, includes extraneous ideas, and is incomplete.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence
25 pts
Provides effective evidence to support response.
20 pts
Provides adequate evidence to support response.
10 pts
Provides unrelated or minimal evidence to support response.
0 pts
Provides no evidence to support response.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePeer Reviews
10 pts
Writes two peer reviews that thoughtfully evaluate peers’ response and builds upon the author’s work.
5 pts
Writes one peer review that thoughtfully evaluate peers’ response and builds upon the author’s work
0 pts
Does not write peer reviews or peer reviews are brief and/or not constructive.
10 pts
Total Points: 100
UN Tristes Tropiques and Second Dscourse Essay Humanities Assignment Help
INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL STUDIESEssay #2DirectionsWrite a 3–5 page typed, double–spaced paperin response to the essay promptbelow. Be sure to write in standard essay form (with introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs) and to support your argumentswith specific evidence fromLevi–Strauss’ Tristes Tropiquesand Rousseau’s Second Discourse.Cite page numbers for all quotationsand references. Do not consult online resources for this assignment. I want to see you make and support arguments based on your own reading of the assigned texts.Your essay is due no later than Tues., April 20, at 10:00 PM.Essay PromptWrite an essay in which you compare and contrast ONE aspect of modern life from the list below withprimitive or tribal lifeas described by Levi–Strauss.In the final part of your essay, make an argument about whether Rousseau would see the aspect of modern life you selected as markingan advance or a decline from primitive or tribal life.Aspects of Modern Life•Individualand community•Aristocracy and equality•Meritocracy and professional life•Religionand public life•Love, marriage, and the family•Arts and festivals•Science and technology•Education•Government, bureaucracy, and the rule of law
You will need to upload the following:
1.A copy of the article or news article
2.A summary of the article
a.Do not exceed one page
i.Double space, 1-inch margin all around the page, times new roman, font size 11.
ii.First paragraph: introduce the article and how you found it
iii.Second paragraph: summarize the article
1.Overall, what were people trying to do
2.How did they use the Production engineering (Factory Physics – Wallace J. Hopp) tool or method to address their questions?
iv.Third paragraph: Your opinion on the article.
SPA 201 Maricopa Rio Salado Community College Spanish Worksheet Foreign Languages Assignment Help
I’m working on a spanish multi-part question and need support to help me learn.
Llena los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo en el pretérito.
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¿Se necesita el subjunctivo? Llena los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo en el presente. ¡Cuidado! Algunos necesitan el subjuntivo.
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Escoge la palaba correcta para completar cada oración.
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Escoge la respuesta correcta según el texto cultural de esta semana “Borges y su trayectoria”
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University of Central Florida Football Match Attend & Compare Events Report Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation to help me learn.
This assignment asks you to attend and report on one athletic competition and one artistic performance. The ‘live” nature of the event is important, and watching a TV version won’t suffice. Many students miss the core of this assignment. You should read “Sensing the Stadium” before you begin and be aware of the phenomenological properties as you perceive them – not whether a sporting event contains performance elements. That is what you learned in the beginning of the semester. This assignment asks for deeper layers of analysis. I want you to experience the arena or stadium. If you are taking this course in a three-week or summer session and you are away from campus, you may wonder where you are going to find events to attend. There are a few seasonal events like a pageant, a concert, a ballet or even a high school basketball game that won’t cost you a lot. Be resourceful! We are surrounded with events during this season. Some students have tried to write from memory, but your memory often lacks the sense memories of experiencing the event live. Thus, it will take more effort now that you have to write from memory since COVID-19 has made large public events impossible for the time being. You should focus on your personal experience:What did you see? Where did you sit? What were the sensations of sound, smell and sight? What were participants wearing? How did you react? What happened? How did the crowd respond? In what sense was it a performance? Was it worthwhile? The report may be short paragraphs that reflect the student’s original reflections on deeper and more complex questions. Post your review to Canvas (400-600 words). In order to get between 90 and 100 on the assignment, you must meet the deadline and report on your attendance at two events and write a brief comment comparing the two.
Here’s an example from my own experience at Fenway Park in Boston. “The streets were teeming with fans wearing the team’s colors, the aroma of hot dogs and sausages wafting in the air, the smell of stale beer and peanuts as you walk through the ticket gate under the stands, and the visual sensation of seeing a field of bright green freshly cut grass with meticulous sidelines and batters box against a sea of wooden seats and a high green left field wall with bright lights above it, unlike any baseball or Little League field I had ever seen and it was in the heart of the concrete city. It was quite unlike entering into the Imperial Theatre on Broadway where ushers were dressed in jackets and ties, handing out programs and escorting us to our seats where we sat until the lights dimmed and a hush came over the crowd as the curtain lifted on an imaginary world.The baseball crowd cheered and booed, the theatre crowd laughed, cried and applauded. The sensations were different, although both were filled with engaged spectators in rapt attention.” “THIS IS JUST A SAMPLE IT IS A HALF OF THE ASSIGMNENT”
Put your name and the word count at the top of the page. Give your essay a title. Make sure you italicize titles in the paper (i.e., name of show).
M8 Assignment Grading Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
25 pts
The essay has a format that can be followed easily by doing the following: • Using effective transitions that cause a connection between paragraphs. • Professionally formatting paragraphs, which are ordered in a way that readers can follow. Includes an introduction, topic paragraphs and a conclusion that compares the two events at a deeper level than “they are both performances.”
15 pts
The essay has a format that can be followed easily by doing the following: • Using basic transitions that cause a connection between paragraphs. • Formatting paragraphs, which are ordered in a way that readers can follow.
10 pts
The essay has a format that is difficult to follow due to the following: • Inadequate transitions that cause the reader to lose connection between paragraphs. • Inadequate formatting of paragraphs, causing the reader difficulty.
0 pts
The essay has no organization. Insufficient word count.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and Grammar
20 pts
A command of conventions is evident throughout the essay with no errors.
10 pts
Adequate control of conventions throughout the essay with minimal errors.
5 pts
Loses control of conventions throughout the essay with numerous errors.
0 pts
Lacks a command of basic conventions of syntax.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFocus and Control
20 pts
Demonstrates a control of ideas that are concise and complete. Must have two separate events in two different venues, one a sport competition, the other an artistic performance. Must be cleared with instructor if there are any doubts (e.g., beauty pageants, half-time shows).
15 pts
Adequate control of ideas and is complete.
15 pts
Inadequate control of ideas, includes some extraneous ideas, and is complete.
0 pts
Lacks control of ideas, includes extraneous ideas, and is incomplete.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence
25 pts
Provides effective evidence to support response.
20 pts
Provides adequate evidence to support response.
10 pts
Provides unrelated or minimal evidence to support response.
0 pts
Provides no evidence to support response.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePeer Reviews
10 pts
Writes two peer reviews that thoughtfully evaluate peers’ response and builds upon the author’s work.
5 pts
Writes one peer review that thoughtfully evaluate peers’ response and builds upon the author’s work
0 pts
Does not write peer reviews or peer reviews are brief and/or not constructive.
10 pts
Total Points: 100
UN Tristes Tropiques and Second Dscourse Essay Humanities Assignment Help
INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL STUDIESEssay #2DirectionsWrite a 3–5 page typed, double–spaced paperin response to the essay promptbelow. Be sure to write in standard essay form (with introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs) and to support your argumentswith specific evidence fromLevi–Strauss’ Tristes Tropiquesand Rousseau’s Second Discourse.Cite page numbers for all quotationsand references. Do not consult online resources for this assignment. I want to see you make and support arguments based on your own reading of the assigned texts.Your essay is due no later than Tues., April 20, at 10:00 PM.Essay PromptWrite an essay in which you compare and contrast ONE aspect of modern life from the list below withprimitive or tribal lifeas described by Levi–Strauss.In the final part of your essay, make an argument about whether Rousseau would see the aspect of modern life you selected as markingan advance or a decline from primitive or tribal life.Aspects of Modern Life•Individualand community•Aristocracy and equality•Meritocracy and professional life•Religionand public life•Love, marriage, and the family•Arts and festivals•Science and technology•Education•Government, bureaucracy, and the rule of law
You will need to upload the following:
1.A copy of the article or news article
2.A summary of the article
a.Do not exceed one page
i.Double space, 1-inch margin all around the page, times new roman, font size 11.
ii.First paragraph: introduce the article and how you found it
iii.Second paragraph: summarize the article
1.Overall, what were people trying to do
2.How did they use the Production engineering (Factory Physics – Wallace J. Hopp) tool or method to address their questions?
iv.Third paragraph: Your opinion on the article.
SPA 201 Maricopa Rio Salado Community College Spanish Worksheet Foreign Languages Assignment Help
I’m working on a spanish multi-part question and need support to help me learn.
Llena los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo en el pretérito.
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10 of 24
¿Se necesita el subjunctivo? Llena los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo en el presente. ¡Cuidado! Algunos necesitan el subjuntivo.
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Escoge la palaba correcta para completar cada oración.
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Escoge la respuesta correcta según el texto cultural de esta semana “Borges y su trayectoria”
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24 of 24
University of Central Florida Football Match Attend & Compare Events Report Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation to help me learn.
This assignment asks you to attend and report on one athletic competition and one artistic performance. The ‘live” nature of the event is important, and watching a TV version won’t suffice. Many students miss the core of this assignment. You should read “Sensing the Stadium” before you begin and be aware of the phenomenological properties as you perceive them – not whether a sporting event contains performance elements. That is what you learned in the beginning of the semester. This assignment asks for deeper layers of analysis. I want you to experience the arena or stadium. If you are taking this course in a three-week or summer session and you are away from campus, you may wonder where you are going to find events to attend. There are a few seasonal events like a pageant, a concert, a ballet or even a high school basketball game that won’t cost you a lot. Be resourceful! We are surrounded with events during this season. Some students have tried to write from memory, but your memory often lacks the sense memories of experiencing the event live. Thus, it will take more effort now that you have to write from memory since COVID-19 has made large public events impossible for the time being. You should focus on your personal experience:What did you see? Where did you sit? What were the sensations of sound, smell and sight? What were participants wearing? How did you react? What happened? How did the crowd respond? In what sense was it a performance? Was it worthwhile? The report may be short paragraphs that reflect the student’s original reflections on deeper and more complex questions. Post your review to Canvas (400-600 words). In order to get between 90 and 100 on the assignment, you must meet the deadline and report on your attendance at two events and write a brief comment comparing the two.
Here’s an example from my own experience at Fenway Park in Boston. “The streets were teeming with fans wearing the team’s colors, the aroma of hot dogs and sausages wafting in the air, the smell of stale beer and peanuts as you walk through the ticket gate under the stands, and the visual sensation of seeing a field of bright green freshly cut grass with meticulous sidelines and batters box against a sea of wooden seats and a high green left field wall with bright lights above it, unlike any baseball or Little League field I had ever seen and it was in the heart of the concrete city. It was quite unlike entering into the Imperial Theatre on Broadway where ushers were dressed in jackets and ties, handing out programs and escorting us to our seats where we sat until the lights dimmed and a hush came over the crowd as the curtain lifted on an imaginary world.The baseball crowd cheered and booed, the theatre crowd laughed, cried and applauded. The sensations were different, although both were filled with engaged spectators in rapt attention.” “THIS IS JUST A SAMPLE IT IS A HALF OF THE ASSIGMNENT”
Put your name and the word count at the top of the page. Give your essay a title. Make sure you italicize titles in the paper (i.e., name of show).
M8 Assignment Grading Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
25 pts
The essay has a format that can be followed easily by doing the following: • Using effective transitions that cause a connection between paragraphs. • Professionally formatting paragraphs, which are ordered in a way that readers can follow. Includes an introduction, topic paragraphs and a conclusion that compares the two events at a deeper level than “they are both performances.”
15 pts
The essay has a format that can be followed easily by doing the following: • Using basic transitions that cause a connection between paragraphs. • Formatting paragraphs, which are ordered in a way that readers can follow.
10 pts
The essay has a format that is difficult to follow due to the following: • Inadequate transitions that cause the reader to lose connection between paragraphs. • Inadequate formatting of paragraphs, causing the reader difficulty.
0 pts
The essay has no organization. Insufficient word count.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and Grammar
20 pts
A command of conventions is evident throughout the essay with no errors.
10 pts
Adequate control of conventions throughout the essay with minimal errors.
5 pts
Loses control of conventions throughout the essay with numerous errors.
0 pts
Lacks a command of basic conventions of syntax.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFocus and Control
20 pts
Demonstrates a control of ideas that are concise and complete. Must have two separate events in two different venues, one a sport competition, the other an artistic performance. Must be cleared with instructor if there are any doubts (e.g., beauty pageants, half-time shows).
15 pts
Adequate control of ideas and is complete.
15 pts
Inadequate control of ideas, includes some extraneous ideas, and is complete.
0 pts
Lacks control of ideas, includes extraneous ideas, and is incomplete.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence
25 pts
Provides effective evidence to support response.
20 pts
Provides adequate evidence to support response.
10 pts
Provides unrelated or minimal evidence to support response.
0 pts
Provides no evidence to support response.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePeer Reviews
10 pts
Writes two peer reviews that thoughtfully evaluate peers’ response and builds upon the author’s work.
5 pts
Writes one peer review that thoughtfully evaluate peers’ response and builds upon the author’s work
0 pts
Does not write peer reviews or peer reviews are brief and/or not constructive.
10 pts
Total Points: 100
UN Tristes Tropiques and Second Dscourse Essay Humanities Assignment Help
INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL STUDIESEssay #2DirectionsWrite a 3–5 page typed, double–spaced paperin response to the essay promptbelow. Be sure to write in standard essay form (with introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs) and to support your argumentswith specific evidence fromLevi–Strauss’ Tristes Tropiquesand Rousseau’s Second Discourse.Cite page numbers for all quotationsand references. Do not consult online resources for this assignment. I want to see you make and support arguments based on your own reading of the assigned texts.Your essay is due no later than Tues., April 20, at 10:00 PM.Essay PromptWrite an essay in which you compare and contrast ONE aspect of modern life from the list below withprimitive or tribal lifeas described by Levi–Strauss.In the final part of your essay, make an argument about whether Rousseau would see the aspect of modern life you selected as markingan advance or a decline from primitive or tribal life.Aspects of Modern Life•Individualand community•Aristocracy and equality•Meritocracy and professional life•Religionand public life•Love, marriage, and the family•Arts and festivals•Science and technology•Education•Government, bureaucracy, and the rule of law
You will need to upload the following:
1.A copy of the article or news article
2.A summary of the article
a.Do not exceed one page
i.Double space, 1-inch margin all around the page, times new roman, font size 11.
ii.First paragraph: introduce the article and how you found it
iii.Second paragraph: summarize the article
1.Overall, what were people trying to do
2.How did they use the Production engineering (Factory Physics – Wallace J. Hopp) tool or method to address their questions?
iv.Third paragraph: Your opinion on the article.
SPA 201 Maricopa Rio Salado Community College Spanish Worksheet Foreign Languages Assignment Help
I’m working on a spanish multi-part question and need support to help me learn.
Llena los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo en el pretérito.
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10 of 24
¿Se necesita el subjunctivo? Llena los espacios en blanco con la forma correcta del verbo en el presente. ¡Cuidado! Algunos necesitan el subjuntivo.
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15 of 24
Escoge la palaba correcta para completar cada oración.
16 of 24
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21 of 24
Escoge la respuesta correcta según el texto cultural de esta semana “Borges y su trayectoria”
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23 of 24
24 of 24
University of Central Florida Football Match Attend & Compare Events Report Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need an explanation to help me learn.
This assignment asks you to attend and report on one athletic competition and one artistic performance. The ‘live” nature of the event is important, and watching a TV version won’t suffice. Many students miss the core of this assignment. You should read “Sensing the Stadium” before you begin and be aware of the phenomenological properties as you perceive them – not whether a sporting event contains performance elements. That is what you learned in the beginning of the semester. This assignment asks for deeper layers of analysis. I want you to experience the arena or stadium. If you are taking this course in a three-week or summer session and you are away from campus, you may wonder where you are going to find events to attend. There are a few seasonal events like a pageant, a concert, a ballet or even a high school basketball game that won’t cost you a lot. Be resourceful! We are surrounded with events during this season. Some students have tried to write from memory, but your memory often lacks the sense memories of experiencing the event live. Thus, it will take more effort now that you have to write from memory since COVID-19 has made large public events impossible for the time being. You should focus on your personal experience:What did you see? Where did you sit? What were the sensations of sound, smell and sight? What were participants wearing? How did you react? What happened? How did the crowd respond? In what sense was it a performance? Was it worthwhile? The report may be short paragraphs that reflect the student’s original reflections on deeper and more complex questions. Post your review to Canvas (400-600 words). In order to get between 90 and 100 on the assignment, you must meet the deadline and report on your attendance at two events and write a brief comment comparing the two.
Here’s an example from my own experience at Fenway Park in Boston. “The streets were teeming with fans wearing the team’s colors, the aroma of hot dogs and sausages wafting in the air, the smell of stale beer and peanuts as you walk through the ticket gate under the stands, and the visual sensation of seeing a field of bright green freshly cut grass with meticulous sidelines and batters box against a sea of wooden seats and a high green left field wall with bright lights above it, unlike any baseball or Little League field I had ever seen and it was in the heart of the concrete city. It was quite unlike entering into the Imperial Theatre on Broadway where ushers were dressed in jackets and ties, handing out programs and escorting us to our seats where we sat until the lights dimmed and a hush came over the crowd as the curtain lifted on an imaginary world.The baseball crowd cheered and booed, the theatre crowd laughed, cried and applauded. The sensations were different, although both were filled with engaged spectators in rapt attention.” “THIS IS JUST A SAMPLE IT IS A HALF OF THE ASSIGMNENT”
Put your name and the word count at the top of the page. Give your essay a title. Make sure you italicize titles in the paper (i.e., name of show).
M8 Assignment Grading Rubric
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization
25 pts
The essay has a format that can be followed easily by doing the following: • Using effective transitions that cause a connection between paragraphs. • Professionally formatting paragraphs, which are ordered in a way that readers can follow. Includes an introduction, topic paragraphs and a conclusion that compares the two events at a deeper level than “they are both performances.”
15 pts
The essay has a format that can be followed easily by doing the following: • Using basic transitions that cause a connection between paragraphs. • Formatting paragraphs, which are ordered in a way that readers can follow.
10 pts
The essay has a format that is difficult to follow due to the following: • Inadequate transitions that cause the reader to lose connection between paragraphs. • Inadequate formatting of paragraphs, causing the reader difficulty.
0 pts
The essay has no organization. Insufficient word count.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and Grammar
20 pts
A command of conventions is evident throughout the essay with no errors.
10 pts
Adequate control of conventions throughout the essay with minimal errors.
5 pts
Loses control of conventions throughout the essay with numerous errors.
0 pts
Lacks a command of basic conventions of syntax.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFocus and Control
20 pts
Demonstrates a control of ideas that are concise and complete. Must have two separate events in two different venues, one a sport competition, the other an artistic performance. Must be cleared with instructor if there are any doubts (e.g., beauty pageants, half-time shows).
15 pts
Adequate control of ideas and is complete.
15 pts
Inadequate control of ideas, includes some extraneous ideas, and is complete.
0 pts
Lacks control of ideas, includes extraneous ideas, and is incomplete.
20 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence
25 pts
Provides effective evidence to support response.
20 pts
Provides adequate evidence to support response.
10 pts
Provides unrelated or minimal evidence to support response.
0 pts
Provides no evidence to support response.
25 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePeer Reviews
10 pts
Writes two peer reviews that thoughtfully evaluate peers’ response and builds upon the author’s work.
5 pts
Writes one peer review that thoughtfully evaluate peers’ response and builds upon the author’s work
0 pts
Does not write peer reviews or peer reviews are brief and/or not constructive.
10 pts
Total Points: 100
UN Tristes Tropiques and Second Dscourse Essay Humanities Assignment Help
INTRODUCTION TO INTERNATIONAL STUDIESEssay #2DirectionsWrite a 3–5 page typed, double–spaced paperin response to the essay promptbelow. Be sure to write in standard essay form (with introductory, body, and concluding paragraphs) and to support your argumentswith specific evidence fromLevi–Strauss’ Tristes Tropiquesand Rousseau’s Second Discourse.Cite page numbers for all quotationsand references. Do not consult online resources for this assignment. I want to see you make and support arguments based on your own reading of the assigned texts.Your essay is due no later than Tues., April 20, at 10:00 PM.Essay PromptWrite an essay in which you compare and contrast ONE aspect of modern life from the list below withprimitive or tribal lifeas described by Levi–Strauss.In the final part of your essay, make an argument about whether Rousseau would see the aspect of modern life you selected as markingan advance or a decline from primitive or tribal life.Aspects of Modern Life•Individualand community•Aristocracy and equality•Meritocracy and professional life•Religionand public life•Love, marriage, and the family•Arts and festivals•Science and technology•Education•Government, bureaucracy, and the rule of law