St Johns University New York Allegory of The Cave by Plato Essay Writing Assignment Help

St Johns University New York Allegory of The Cave by Plato Essay Writing Assignment Help. St Johns University New York Allegory of The Cave by Plato Essay Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a philosophy writing question and need support to help me study.
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The systematic philosophy of Plato is in some ways a culmination of the intellectual efforts that went before him, especially the great debate that divided Heraclitus and Parmenides. The former believed that all things were constantly changing and therefore unknowable: if there is no identical object there, how can we say we know “it”? Parmenides believed that all reality was one and unchanging. Plato combined these viewpoints by arguing that the physical world around us, which is the world of appearances, is constantly changing, but that there exists a realm of perfect Forms or Exemplars that is immaterial, unchanging, and truly knowable. For example, there are many beautiful objects in the physical world that we encounter through our senses, but none of them are perfectly beautiful and all of them are constantly changing. But there is an eternal form of Beauty itself, which is perfect and unchanging. This is what the philosopher seeks to understand—Beauty itself, prompted by our encounter with examples of beautiful things. In the famous painting by Rafael, “School of Athens,” Plato is the central figure on the left pointing to the heavens, as if to say: “That is where we find reality.” Aristotle is the figure on the right, responding “No, reality is down here on earth.”

We will study Aristotle next.In the Plato unit, you should read the following sections:

Section #5 Knowledge as Recollection and Definition (pp. 29-36), which is a part of Plato’s proof of the immortality of the soul. Plato argues in the Phaedo (which you might have read in Philosophy 1000c) that our true knowledge is not of this imperfect, ever-changing world – we must have pre-existed in a perfect realm of immaterial perfect forms. What we come to know in this realm is simply a recollection of what we have always had in our minds and souls. In a way, Plato is saying that our knowledge tells us that there is more to us and to reality than the physical world – this is literally a “meta-physical” argument.

Section #6 The Nature of the Philosopher (pp. 36-41), which compares the objects of belief and the objects of knowledge. Knowledge can only be of the real, although one can have beliefs about a multitude of objects. In this section from the Republic Plato shows the kind of knowledge that the philosopher seeks and what sets him or her apart from the normal inquirer. Philosophers have an appetite for general knowledge that is higher and more dependable than the belief about particulars.

Section #7 Allegories of Learning: The Line and the Cave (pp. 41-47), which presents the famous Allegory of the Cave. Plato describes the prisoners in the cave trapped looking at shadows, until one escapes and goes outside to see the light itself. This escaped figure has to endure a temporary blindness (as one has going from a dark room to a light room) as he or she ascends to the reality outside the cave. This pain and blindness represent the difficulty of learning new things – it is bewildering at first. Also, there is blindness when the escaped prisoner tries to speak to former colleagues, to explain what he has just seen, because now the dark room is difficult for him to navigate. This represents how the educated can sometimes find it difficult to explain to others what they know. In the Reflection Essay #3 you should read these sections and explain something that strikes you as interesting or intriguing. Do you think Plato is correct in his worldview (the denial that we can know anything of lasting importance on this earth, through our senses?).

St Johns University New York Allegory of The Cave by Plato Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District Healthcare Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help

How that you know more about the social and structural determinants of health and the differences between primary and universal healthcare, think about your own life. This is a reflection assignment which means your classmates will not see your responses. I know it can be uncomfortable to reflect on our own lived experiences sometimes. Please email me if you would like to talk more about this assignment and any feeling that may come up.


  1. Explain how health care was viewed in your household growing up and how this might influence your own views of healthcare today. For example, did you and your parents/guardians go to the doctor for regular wellness exams or did you only go when you were sick? 
  2. Identify a social determinant of health in your own life and explain whether it was beneficial to you or a barrier to accessing healthcare. For example, if we think of one social determinant being the areas in which we live, if you grew up in a big city you might have had more access to healthcare and specialists compared to someone who grew up in a more rural area.
  3. Were you aware of the role this social determinant played in your own life before we covered it in this class?
  4. Provide concrete examples of how we can address the inequities caused by this social determinant at each level of the socio-ecological model. As a reminder, I have included the SEM below:

Our Approach | Seeds of Hope


PRM 1006 Cambrian College HSN Implementation of EMR System RFP Requesting Proposal Business Finance Assignment Help

Project Theme

Your team is working on the HSN EMR project and you have noticed you need to procure various items and/or activities.

Assignment 2 Details

Produce and submit a document or documents providing the following details in the order they are presented here.

1.Each file must begin with a list of names (name 1,2,3, and 4)of each team member for marking purposes.

2.Write a Simplified RFP requesting proposals from sellers for equipment (hardware or software) and/ or activities (like hiring an IT technician for installation). Remember the equipment procurement needs to be large enough to justify going through the RFP (competitive formal) process.

3.Inculde a description of your imagined transition to digitized EMR’s focused on details that are related to timing and scheduling, or that may be used to reason through time management processes.

4.State any and all assumptions as a numbered list.

5.Complete and include in your RFP a Source Selection Criteria table with at least three (3) Criteria.  How will you select qualified sellers?  What does your team want to optimize when selecting the list of sellers who can respond to your RFP?

For this assignment, only reason through these specific outputs as they pertain to the theme objective.  You may use the output of other processes in other courses as placeholder inputs, or you may use your collective imagination for inputs.  What is being evaluated is your ability to reason through and apply these time management processes only.


Stanford University Clients Tax Return Timpanogos Inc Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

Tax Practice Project

Your tax practice  has prepared the tax return for your client, Timpanogos, Inc. It was a stressful period. However, you had the opportunity to learn about your new client’s business and their tax situation. In Unit 6, you will make a presentation to the company. You will provide an overview of your client’s tax situation based on the tax return you completed in Unit 5, and offer strategies for reducing taxes in subsequent years (post-tax filing advisory). 

Using Microsoft® PowerPoint®, present (a) an overview of your client’s tax situation, (b) the tax returns and the notes to the returns you prepared in Unit 5, and (c) offer strategies for reducing taxes in subsequent years. Use bulleted-points on 10–20 PowerPoint slides and provide notes to the slides. On your final slide, list all participating members and indicate the task(s) each completed.


Arab Open University Computer and Cybercrimes in the KSA Report Computer Science Assignment Help

Report Cybercrimes.

In this assignment, you are to prepare a set of emergency contacts for use in your organization relating to the reporting of computer and cybercrimes. As you are no doubt aware, the emergency number throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is 999. Expand on this resource by creating a list of contacts at local, national, and international agencies where individuals and organizations can report computer and cybercrimes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).


For this assignment, you are to:

  • Create a      list of 3-5 contacts of local, national, and international national      agencies where individuals and organizations can report computer and      cybercrimes in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA).
  • Create a      memo, addressed to your chief information officer, sharing your findings.

* if need the textbook for this course:

Easttom, C. (2019). System forensics, investigation, and response (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN-13: 978-1-284-12184-1



Purdue University Covid19 Pandemic Situation in the United States Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing multi-part question and need guidance to help me learn.

Which global threat presents the greatest risk for the United States, and how should emergency management and homeland security professionals prepare for this threat?

Your primary response must be at least 250 words in APA (7th ed.) style, and include citations and references.

Caudle, S. (2012, August). Homeland security: Advancing the national strategic position (Links to an external site.). Homeland Security Affairs, 8(11). Retrieved from

Requirements: 250 WORDS

Just make sure you use the reference.

Caudle, S. (2012, August). Homeland security: Advancing the national strategic position (Links to an external site.). Homeland Security Affairs, 8(11). Retrieved from

Purdue University Covid19 Pandemic Situation in the United States Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HCA 470 GCU The American National Red Cross Business Plan & SWOT Analysis Health Medical Assignment Help

The purpose of this assignment is to build a comprehensive business plan for a strategic initiative.

Throughout Topics 4-7 various components of the business plan for your strategic initiative were created. Review the feedback you received from your instructor on the Business Plan Parts 1-4 assignments. Make necessary revisions to each part of the business plan and put each revised part of the plan together to create the final business plan for the proposed strategic initiative. Evidence of revision based upon instructor feedback will be assessed. Additionally, you will add a new section to the plan regarding strategic evaluation.

In a 1,500-2,000 word business plan that is clear and concise and utilizes business language and style, address the following using bullet points, narratives, and relevant visuals.

The final plan should include the following components:

  1. SWOT Analysis
  2. Financial Analysis and Budget
  3. Strategy
  4. Implementation Schedule
  5. Strategic Evaluation: Discuss specific tools to be used to monitor the implementation success of the initiative and explain why ongoing strategic evaluation and the willingness and ability to adjust strategy is necessary for successful implementation of the initiative.


Nova Southeastern University Supply Chain Management Responses Business Finance Assignment Help

1- Transportation in a supply chain refers to the movement of things from one location to another, starting at the beginning with resources moving to the warehouse and ending with the end-user. Finally, the order is delivered to the customer’s door. Warehouse managers should think about transportation as part of their supply chains because it is so important. in a scenario where transportation may account for up to 60% of general operating costs, a substantial portion of a company’s supply chain expenditures, this is the only way to cut total costs (Mohamed, 2019). These choices include whether to outsource logistics, which transportation chain to utilize from point of production to point of consumption, including the mode for each leg of the chain, and whether to consolidate and deconsolidate shipments. time and scheduling concerns, as well as the path across transportation networks Freight transportation and logistics are also studied on a national and worldwide scale from a macro perspective.

When a corporation becomes too large, its unit costs may begin to rise. This is referred to as a “diseconomy of scale,” and it is a significant disadvantage that new businesses must address. Diseconomies of scale can be caused by a variety of factors, including a lack of communication (Khoury, 2019). Ineffective communication is one of the leading causes of diseconomies of scale, making it more difficult to manage a large workforce as your company grows. Control loss – As a firm grows, supervising the productivity and quality of thousands of individuals becomes more difficult, resulting in inefficient production processes. When more than one person works on the same function or task, it is called duplication of effort. Employee dissatisfaction – As businesses develop, employees are more likely to feel separated and alienated, resulting in lower production and waste. Furthermore, internal economies of scale may not be as beneficial to consumers as they appear. To begin with, economies of scale may not always imply lower prices, as dominant businesses may form a monopoly and enforce higher prices. (2019, Khoury) It’s also crucial to remember that mass production can have serious environmental consequences, ranging from pollution to e-waste.

Khoury, P. S., & Singh, S. (2019). Building supply chain risk resilience: Role of big data analytics in supply chain disruption mitigation. Benchmarking, 26(7), 2318-2342. doi:

Mohamed, D. S. (2019). Does supply chain analytics enhance supply chain innovation and robustness capability? Organizacija, 52(2), 95-106. doi:

2-We may identify the following roles by systematizing all areas of logistics that need to be created for the rational management of production resources: Design and management of warehouses This function of logistics in supply chain management encompasses numerous duties at once, beginning with the design of storage facilities and finishing with the implementation of different automation solutions (for example, machines meant for carrying items within warehouses)—package construction. Packaging, tracking, and accounting are all duties that allow for complete control of products on their path to the customer/distributor (Nitya & Singh, 2019). Product transportation. This involves working with freight carriers and cars in the company’s fleet to arrange their routes, calculate fuel expenses, and so on, and taking care of customs. When an organization prepares overseas delivery of products, it is critical that the commodities completely comply with customs standards and carry all relevant documents during shipping—working with intermediaries. Intermediaries in logistics are any third-party, non-company resources that are actively involved in supply chain implementation. Finding intermediates with the best quality-to-cost ratios and creating long-term, dependable relationships with them are also on the list of duties for effective logistics management. Working with written-off and returned products There is also “reverse logistics,” which specifies the norms and routes for carrying produced/discarded products, as well as methods of disposal (Nitya & Singh, 2019).

Transportation in a supply chain refers to the transport of items from one point to another, which begins at the beginning of the supply chain with resources making their way to the warehouse and continues to the end-user. Finally, the customer’s order is delivered at the door. Because transportation is so essential, warehouse managers should consider it inside their supply chains. Finally, this is the only method to reduce overall expenses in a scenario where transportation may account for up to 60% of general operating costs, a significant amount of a company’s supply chain expenditures (Mohamed, 2019).

When a company grows too big, its unit expenses may start to climb. This is known as a diseconomy of scale, and it is a significant disadvantage that rising enterprises must consider. Diseconomies of scale can result from various sources, including Poor communication (Khoury, 2019). One of the biggest causes of diseconomies of scale is ineffective communication, which makes it more challenging to manage a vast staff as your firm expands. Control loss – As a company grows, it becomes more challenging to supervise the productivity and quality of thousands of people, resulting in inefficient production processes. Duplication of effort – Duplication of effort occurs when more than one person works on the same function or activity. Weak morale — As firms grow, employees are more likely to feel isolated and alienated, contributing to decreased productivity and waste. External resistance — Behavior that might have gone unpunished in a smaller organization is more likely to be perceived as a danger as a company grows, resulting in public and government resistance (Khoury, 2019).

Furthermore, the benefits of internal economies of scale for consumers may be less significant than they look. To begin with, economies of scale may not necessarily result in reduced pricing since dominating enterprises may create a monopoly and impose higher pricing (Khoury, 2019). It is also important to realize that the environmental effects of mass production, from pollution to e-waste, may be severe.


Nitya, P. S., & Singh, S. (2019). Building supply chain risk resilience: Role of big data analytics in supply chain disruption mitigation. Benchmarking, 26(7), 2318-2342. doi:

Mohamed, D. S. (2019). Does supply chain analytics enhance supply chain innovation and robustness capability? Organizacija, 52(2), 95-106. doi:

Khoury, B. J. (2019). Logistics data analytics alongside voucher programme phases. Journal of Humanitarian Logistics and Supply Chain Management, 9(3), 332-351. doi:


PSY 362 Grand Canyon University Social and Cultural Competency Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Social competence is a complex concept consisting of social, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral skills. For example, one might change social interactions based on the situational perspective of another individual.

Cultural competency enables organizations to work in cross-cultural situations based on skills, attitudes, behaviors, and policies. For example, it is important to provide health care services that meet the needs of all patients and addresses diversity issues.

In 500-750 words, address why social and cultural competency is critical in the research process. Be sure to address the following prompts:

  1. Define social and cultural competency
  2. Evaluate the importance of these concepts in terms of social psychological research.
  3. Give an example of a social psychological concept that can be understood from a cross-cultural perspective (e.g., social self, emotion, attitudes, fundamental attribution error, etc.)
  4. Why does cultural competency matter when researching a concept like the one you chose?
  5. Discuss problems that might occur if cross-cultural perspectives are neglected in the research. Be sure to share an example(s). Use two to three scholarly resources to support your explanations.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

When writing in APA style, it is important that your analysis is written in third person. Writing in third person helps with clarity and conciseness throughout your paper. However, some instances writing in first person is acceptable and should be used sparingly. Solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

MS Psychology

3.5 Evaluate the importance of social and cultural competence in scientific inquiry.


Purdue University Research for the New Marketing Strategy in the Mayo Clinic Letter Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Read the following case study and answer the 1 question at the end of the case. Please post the question prior to your response. Use Citations/References from chapter readings, lectures to support your answer. Your answer to the entire case study will consist of 5 pages including the reference and title page. the essay will be in APA format, please include the book International Marketing, 18th Edition By: Cateora, Phillip R. / Graham, John / Gilly, Mary as one of the references. there should be a total of 2 references, including the page number when referencing the book. 

[supanova_question] for assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

MS Psychology

3.5 Evaluate the importance of social and cultural competence in scientific inquiry.


Purdue University Research for the New Marketing Strategy in the Mayo Clinic Letter Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Read the following case study and answer the 1 question at the end of the case. Please post the question prior to your response. Use Citations/References from chapter readings, lectures to support your answer. Your answer to the entire case study will consist of 5 pages including the reference and title page. the essay will be in APA format, please include the book International Marketing, 18th Edition By: Cateora, Phillip R. / Graham, John / Gilly, Mary as one of the references. there should be a total of 2 references, including the page number when referencing the book. 

[supanova_question] for assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

MS Psychology

3.5 Evaluate the importance of social and cultural competence in scientific inquiry.


Purdue University Research for the New Marketing Strategy in the Mayo Clinic Letter Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Read the following case study and answer the 1 question at the end of the case. Please post the question prior to your response. Use Citations/References from chapter readings, lectures to support your answer. Your answer to the entire case study will consist of 5 pages including the reference and title page. the essay will be in APA format, please include the book International Marketing, 18th Edition By: Cateora, Phillip R. / Graham, John / Gilly, Mary as one of the references. there should be a total of 2 references, including the page number when referencing the book. 

[supanova_question] for assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competency:

MS Psychology

3.5 Evaluate the importance of social and cultural competence in scientific inquiry.


Purdue University Research for the New Marketing Strategy in the Mayo Clinic Letter Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing question and need guidance to help me understand better.

Read the following case study and answer the 1 question at the end of the case. Please post the question prior to your response. Use Citations/References from chapter readings, lectures to support your answer. Your answer to the entire case study will consist of 5 pages including the reference and title page. the essay will be in APA format, please include the book International Marketing, 18th Edition By: Cateora, Phillip R. / Graham, John / Gilly, Mary as one of the references. there should be a total of 2 references, including the page number when referencing the book. 


St Johns University New York Allegory of The Cave by Plato Essay Writing Assignment Help

St Johns University New York Allegory of The Cave by Plato Essay Writing Assignment Help

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