St Thomas University Interpersonal Communication Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help

St Thomas University Interpersonal Communication Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help. St Thomas University Interpersonal Communication Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Submission Instruction

  • You should respond to at least two of your peers by extending, refuting/correcting, or adding additional nuance to their posts.
  • All replies must be constructive and use literature where possible. The bibliography used should be from2016-2021

Case Studies 2

Case 2
  • 55-year-old Asian female living in a high-density poverty housing complex.
  • Pre-school-aged white female living in a rural community.

What are the barriers to interpersonal communication?

The flow of communication and the ability to establish an interpersonal relationship in an interview is influenced by various factors including the patient’s age and cultural beliefs and norms. One of the major barriers to interpersonal communication that may occur in the selected patient scenarios is a lack of trust and transparency. It is quite challenging to communicate when the clinician and the patient have trust issues. The client may feel to open up and share pertinent information which is required for a proper understanding of the client’s scenario and appropriate planning. The patient may be anxious and fail to disclose important information (Alshammari et al., 2019).

The second barrier that may hinder interpersonal communication is a lack of emotional security and safety especially on the side of the client. This barrier makes the patient feel uncomfortable especially with sharing thoughts, feelings, ideas, expressing issues, and being authentic due to fear of being criticized, ridiculed, shut down, or put down. Emotional insecurity inflicts great fear in the patient hindering him or her from communicating effectively and creating an interpersonal relationship.

The communication style used during the interview process is also a key barrier to the establishment of interpersonal communication. The clinician and the patient have different styles of communication (Alshammari et al., 2019). For instance, one prefers direct communication while the other is maybe okay with an indirect approach. Some patients may prefer detailed information. The clinician may fail to understand the client due to the communication style employed.

Emotional barriers also hinder interpersonal communication since the client may not be free and open to communicate. The emotional barrier consists of suspicion, mistrust, and fear. When interviewing the pre-school-aged female client, fear is likely to hinder the establishment of an effective therapeutic relationship thus hindering interpersonal communication (Alshammari et al., 2019).

What are the procedures and examination techniques that will be used during the physical exam of your patient?

The examination techniques that I will consider during the physical examination of my patient are inspection, percussion, palpation, and auscultation. Inspection is accomplished through deliberate and systematic visual observation of the client. During palpation, I will use my sense of touch to judge vibrations, pulsations, masses, and structures based on texture, warmth, size, tenderness, and mobility. During percussion, I will use sharp and quacking tapping of my hand or fingers to produce sounds. This will enable me to locate the size, position, density, and size of any underlying structures. I will perform auscultation by eliciting or listing sounds in blood vessels, lungs, abdominal viscera, and the heart.

Describe the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Planning (S.O.A.P.) approach for documenting patient data and explain what they are.

The subjective part of the SOAP approach consists of the patient’s personal views, feelings, and experiences. It integrates the patient’s chief complaint, History of presenting illness, comprehensive patient history, review of systems, allergies, and current medications. The “Objective” part consists of the information gathered by the clinician during encounters with the patient. The information included vital signs, laboratory data, physical examination findings, and imaging results (Kasamatsu et al., 2020). Assessment is the synthesis of the collected objective and subjective data to make a patient diagnosis. The part states the patient’s primary diagnosis and possible differential diagnoses. The planning part of the approach is used to highlight the steps and measures that need to be taken to address the patient’s problem.

Response to:

Case Study 3: 16-year-old white pregnant teenager living in an inner-city neighborhood.

What are the barriers to interpersonal communication?

There are various communication barriers with an adolescent that might hinder interpersonal communication. Trust and emotional safety is a barrier to interpersonal communication. Teenagers express the need to maintain a form of integrity based on humanistic interaction during healthcare visits and maintaining confidentiality. The adolescent confidentiality concerns result from the fear of judgment by others Kim & White, 2018). The teenager might also feel hesitant discussing her condition in the presence of her parent due to fear and guilt. Without gaining trust and informational safety, the adolescent might not feel free to share or engage in collaborative care (Kim & White, 2018). Psychological barriers also affect communication with the client. The patient may feel shy or fear talking to the healthcare provider (Kim & White, 2018). Teenagers tend to be embarrassed and anxious due to the unplanned pregnancy thus might feel uncomfortable giving information. The pregnant teenager might have issues with concentration due to fatigue. As a result, obtaining information from her may be difficult. Without proper concentration, accurate diagnosis and treatment become challenging.

What are the procedures and examination techniques that will be used during the physical exam of your patient?

Arranging for privacy and a comfortable environment is an integral part of the physical examination. Asking permission for the parent to leave is the first step to help the patient feel comfortable. The physical examination should not include intrusive procedures and will be conducted with the patient seated to avoid fatigue. I will also ask the patient if she prefers certain things done and if she feels uncomfortable. I will assess the vital signs and follow with other physical examinations including the mouth, eye, and ears. A complete physical examination will require division into multiple sessions to avoid fatigue for the pregnant teenager. The examination will provide relevant psychosocial issues and medical problems to help in creating a care plan.

Describe the Subjective, Objective, Assessment, Planning (S.O.A.P.) approach for documenting patient data and explain what they are.

Documentation of patient data serves various needs, and the notes are expanded to accommodate the specific patient needs. SOAP notes are used by healthcare professionals as a systematic method for documentation and sharing patient information. SOAP helps in the organization of patient data for easy access and following by other healthcare professionals. SOAP notes constitute four parts. The subjective section is based on what the patient says and experiences (Podder & Lew, 2020). The information included in the subjective section is the patient’s medical history, current medications and allergies, and the chief complaints, as it helps determine the possible causes of the patient’s condition. The objective section is based on what the healthcare provider sees. Objective data includes the patient’s vital signs, general appearance, test results, imaging results, and other diagnostic data. The assessment section contains the patient’s condition based on subjective and objective data (Podder & Lew, 2020). Differential diagnosis is included in this section to guide decision-making. Besides, diagnostic tests and referrals to specialists are also indicated in this section. Lastly, the plan section addresses the patient’s problem. A treatment plan including therapy, medication, patient education, and follow-ups are indicated in the plan section.

St Thomas University Interpersonal Communication Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJA 474 University of Phoenix Managing Criminal Justice Personnel Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Prepare a 12- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation in which you:

  • Identify best practices for coaching and evaluating employees.
  • Identify the problems occurring in the scenario. Hint: They are not limited to Warrant’s behavior.
  • Describe a recommend action plan, improvement plan, or remedial training that is based on behavior-related work performance.
  • Explain strategies the agency should use to avoid problems like Warrant’s from persisting.

Note: The slide count does not include title, conclusion, or reference list slides. Use brief bullet points on the slides with a detailed explanation of each slide in the notes section.

Submit your assignment.


SSU Firsthand Information Period of Occurrence & Sources Information Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

1. For Part 1, read the article Reading Primary Sources and choose 3 key themes from the document that you find most interesting. Spend one paragraph discussing each theme (for a total of 3 paragraphs). In each paragraph, you should clearly identify the theme you have chosen in the first sentence, spend several sentences explaining the theme and providing examples from the article to illustrate your theme, and conclude with 1-2 sentences discussing why you think that particular theme is significant for understanding history. Each paragraph should thus be at least 6-7 sentences in length.

2. For Part 2, you will become a historian by applying what you have learned. For this part, you will analyze one of the primary sources you should have already read from unit 1 and from the textbook. Your answer in Part 2 should clearly reflect what you learned about analyzing sources in Part 1. Full points will not be awarded for answers that merely identify or summarize the primary source. Rather, they should (as the article notes), “identify it, contextualize it, explore it, analyze it, and evaluate it.”

First, describe the document you have been assigned and explain why it should be considered a primary source. Then, using what you learned from the article, analyze the significance of the document for historians. What can this document teach us about the past?

The Aztecs Predict the Coming of the Spanish.pdf

Please include both Part 1 and Part 2 in the same posting (do not create separate postings for each). You can post both parts directly onto the discussion board by clicking on “Start a New Thread” and typing in the box. Please make sure that you carefully proof your answer for any typos and other writing issues.


Richard Gilder Graduate School Accounting of Financial Institutions Question Business Finance Assignment Help

Accounting of Financial Institutions


The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.

Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.

Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.

Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.

Late submission will NOT be accepted.

Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.

All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


Assignment 1-MARKS -5

Question no 1- What do you mean by Changes in Interest Rates?

How the interest rates are determined? and

In your opinion what are Forces That Causes Changes in Interest Rates? (1.5 marks)


Question no 2- With reference to the accounting standard, in Saudi Arabia which accounting standard are being used to boost the bank loan-loss-reserve without making capital impact. (1.5 marks)


Question no 3- With reference Saudi Arabian banking system, in your opinion, who is authorized to control and reduce the financial risks in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia? Write a detailed notes in your own words. (1 mark)


Question 4-What mechanisms has been used in Saudi Arabia to protect the Saudi Central Bank resources to maintain and manage the possible risk and compliance? (1 marks)

Answer:Assignment no 1 has been posted on BB. Kindly go through the assignment and follow the deadline. You must fill in the personal information on the cover page and attach it to the assignment. Submit your assignment in word format. Do not submit your assignment in PDF format. Do not use many colors while writing the assignment, especially red ink or red color font. The Font size should be 12.

Please do not copy and paste the assignment material or answer from any of your friend (student), it is an act of plagiarism.

  • In case students are found engaging in plagiarism more than 30%, they may get zero marks in their assignment or course. Both students will get zero marks ( from whom the student has copied and the same student who has submitted the plagiarized assignment)
  • i need it in 24 hours plaese. thank you


SDSU Invertebrate Biology Phylum Xenacoelamorpha Protostome & Deuterostome Discussion Science Assignment Help

1. List at least five (5) of the main characteristics of the Phylum Xenacoelamorpha including unique ones.

2. (A) What does the term Bilateria mean and (B) What phyla are included in Bilateria. Hint: list the ones covered in this course. 

3. Elaborate on the following



4. While Xenacoelomorpha are primitive bilaterians they are not considered part of the larger clade containing the great majority of animal phyla: 

a)What is the name of this clade and what is the single synapomorphy that is shared by all phyla in that clade?

b)Do xenacoelomorphs have this excretory system?

c)Why are xenacoelomorphs thought to be the precursors to bilaterians?

d)To what protostome phylum was xenacoelomorpha originally thought to be part of?

5. List the main types of reproduction modes of animals in the Phylum Xenacoelomorpha and provide at least one example for each one. For asexual modes, provide at least two examples.



Rasmussen University Quality of Life Self Care Plan for Students Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Balancing School and Life – My Quality of Life Self-Care Plan. The purpose of developing this Plan is to set a framework and a plan to maintain wellness and to stay motivated and engaged throughout your Program. Doing this will help you achieve success during your coursework and as a professional nurse.

The goal of the Project is to help you become self-aware and reflective as a means of identifying personal self-care strategies that will increase your energy and help you manage your stress. The Project will give you a chance to learn how this is accomplished as you will be doing similar work with clients during the Program and as a professional nurse to assist them in the same way.

Share in a 2 – 3 page paper, the following (also attach the completed form):

Use the Quality of Life Self-Care Wheel Plan for Intention and Action to make your intention (commitments) to take action throughout your Program to stay balanced. Re-assess your scores and write them into this Plan. Then make your intention and identify at least one action for each that you know you can maintain throughout your Program and even as a practicing nurse. Identify any new strategies that you think will “fit” better than what you have been doing and describe why.

Rasmussen University Quality of Life Self Care Plan for Students Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJA 474 University of Phoenix Strategies Used by Agencies to Avoid Problems PPT Other Assignment Help

There is an attached case study that goes with this question. Can you make 3 slides that address this question.
1. Explain strategies the agency should use to avoid problems like Warrant’s from persisting.

Assignment (2) Content

Throughout the course, strategies, techniques, and philosophies have been presented to make managers and supervisors more effective in performing their responsibilities in directing personnel.

Provide an APA-formatted citation for each practice. Week 5 culminates the class with teaching objectives that provide students with knowledge skills on the types of supervision and the types of supervision needed in a certain type of organization and organizational culture

Complete the Effective Practices for Managers and Supervisors worksheet.



PHL 2020 Cal Poly Pomona Subjectivist Fallacy Appeal to Majority Question Humanities Assignment Help

For each of the 15 fallacies:

(a) Find YOUR OWN, REAL-LIFE EXAMPLE (meaning NOT one we have covered in class or the textbook, nor one you took from an internet search of the fallacy). Ask yourself: Have I ever found myself (or the people I know or the things I read or hear) committing, or starting to commit, this fallacy? Describe the situation and the person’s thinking, and/or quote the person committing the fallacy.

(b) Summarize the conclusion and premise of the argument in a way that shows why it fits that fallacy.

(c) Briefly say what should be done instead to NOT commit that fallacy. (Do this in a way particular to your example.)


UCI Reproductive Health the Human Rights Based Approach to Health Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Discuss the human rights-based approach to health within a population outlining the principles for setting and evaluating health policy and service delivery, targeting discriminatory practices and unjust power relations that are at the heart of inequitable health outcomes. What are your perspectives on reproductive health which is now a big debate in this country and what role does human rights play in the debate?

Select a classmates, posts, and respond to them using the prompt below:

● Compare your perspective on reproductive health with one of your peers, and comment

on how they differ or are similar.

● How would you convince your peer to employ your perspective?


BIOL 160 UMB Scientific Method in A Primary Research Scientific Article Discussion Science Assignment Help

Written Assignment 1: Trace the Scientific Method in a Primary Research Scientific Article

Addresses course outcomes 1 and 4:

  • use knowledge of biological principles and the scientific method to ask and answer relevant questions about the human body
  • weigh and make health-related decisions based on an understanding of the value and limits of scientific knowledge and the scientific method

Before attempting this assignment, you might want to revisit the Scientific Method Tutorial in the Science Learning Center under the Course Content area.

Substance in Green Tea Inhibits Inflammatory Breast Cancer Cells

Inflammatory breast cancer (IBC) is a rare and often fatal form of breast cancer. In IBC, lymphatic vessels in the skin are blocked causing the breasts to appear swollen and red. Early in the disease process, patients with IBC usually do not have the classic “lump” in their breast; therefore the disease is frequently diagnosed at later stages. Diagnosis is often so delayed that the cancer has metastasized and patient prognosis is poor.

The underlying cause of IBC is unknown, but it is believed that like with other cancers cetain cell types have the abililty to transform into cells that can form malignant tumors. These aberrant cells are considered cancer stem cells, and populations of cancer stem cells have been identified in IBC.

In a recent, study researchers evaluated whether a metabolite found in green tea could inhibit the growth of certain stem cell types that have been identified in the breast tissue of patients with IBC. In this study, two IBC stem cell types, SUM-149 and SUM-190, were exposed epigallocatechin-3-gallate (EGCG- is a potent antioxidant found in green tea). Results from the study showed that EGCG treatment inhibited the growth, spread, and survival of the two stem cell types.

For the following questions, please refer to the original paper. The link to the paper is:

When you write up your answers, include the number and the wording of the question, one by one.

  1. What is the overall hypothesis of this experiment? (Reminder: a hypothesis is a statement that can be tested).
  2. In the Materials and Methods section of the paper, the authors discuss the cell culture and treatment conditions. What was the control group treated with in this section (make sure to look only at the Cell Culture and Treatment section of the paper)? Why?
  3. Again, looking only at the Cell Culture and Treatment section, what was the experimental group treated with? Why?
  4. In the Results section of the paper, the authors clearly summary their multiple findings. In the “EGCG Reduces Growth of Pre-existing Tumors Derived from SUM-149 Stem-like Cells” results sub-section, the authors report a specfic finding. What specific quantitative results do the researchers report?
  5. Did the researchers follow the scientific method in their experimental design? Explain for each step of the scientific method specifically what did the researchers do in this study that shows whether or not they satisfied every step of the scientific method. Use specifics from the study. This is probably the longest response of the six questions as you need to provide content for every step of the scientific method.
  6. Based on the results, was the hypothesis supported, explain your answer, and what can you conclude from this experiment?

Mineva et al. (2013). Epigallocatechin-3-gallate inhibits stem-like inflammatory breast cancer cells. PLoS ONE, 8(9): e73464. Doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0073464

All citations and formating will be in APA 7th edition


St Thomas University Interpersonal Communication Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help

St Thomas University Interpersonal Communication Nursing Question Health Medical Assignment Help

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