Statistical Analysis What type of sampling methods would you use Mathematics Assignment Help

Statistical Analysis What type of sampling methods would you use Mathematics Assignment Help. Statistical Analysis What type of sampling methods would you use Mathematics Assignment Help.

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This is the start of the assignment

I complete steps 1 and 2, need steps 3-6 completed

Step 1.

What type of sampling methods would you use?

With my survey, in order to get the best results I would use stratified sampling since I would be concerned with different subgroups among the population that is selected for the study.

In developing your survey, you will create six questions. What are some of the specific questions that your survey should contain?

What is your age?

What is your gender?

What is your nationality?

How many times a week do you consume dairy products? i.e. cheese, milk, whey protein..

How many times a week do you consume meat products? i.e. beef, chicken, pork, lamb, deer etc.

Where do you consume these products? i.e. home, restaurant etc.

What difficulties do you anticipate in designing a study around the topics offered?

There maybe an obstacle or two I may run across while designing study. One definitely would be the confusion a participants may face when deciding what contains dairy products or not.

Step 2.

How much meat and dairy are you consuming on a weekly basis?

Survey Questions:

  • What is your age?
  • What is your gender?
  • What is your ethnicity?
  • How often do you go out to eat in a week?
  • How much dairy do you consume in a week?
  • How much meat do you consume in a w

Step 3.

For this assignment, you will use a data generator tool to generate hypothetical data for the questions you developed.

To generate data using the survey data generator, complete the following:

  • Open the Survey Data Generator linked in the Resources for this assignment. The Survey Data Generator will generate responses to the set of six survey questions you previously defined. It knows nothing about the particular subject of your study; it only generates a set of responses to question types that are predefined.
  • Type the minimum, the maximum, and the expected values for questions 5 and 6 into the Survey Data Generator. (These are values for the quantitative questions from Table 1 of your completed Data Collection Template.) Note that the generator has spaces only for the values for your two quantitative questions.
    • For the top set of boxes, enter the values for question 5.
    • For the bottom set of boxes, enter the values for question 6.
    • For each of these questions, you must enter a single number for the minimum, the maximum, and the expected value.
    • For each of these questions, do not enter commas or other symbols.
  • Select Download Excel Spreadsheet. An Excel spreadsheet will be created that contains your survey responses.
  • Keep in mind the following about the Excel data:
    • Excel will have six columns (A–F) and one column for each question (1–6).
    • Columns A–D represent the responses for questions 1–4 and should only contain 0s and 1s. Columns E and F represent the responses for questions 5–6 and should contain numbers between your minimum and maximum.
    • Each row will represent the responses from one survey participant. For example, the first row of answers represents the first survey participant’s answers to all six questions. The second row of answers represents the second survey participant’s answers to the questions—and so forth. The number of rows of answers is how many participants completed the survey.
    • You need to use the Survey Data Generator again if a column contains all the same numbers. There must be variation in these responses for you to statistically analyze the data. Check to see that columns 1 through 4 contain a mix of 0s and 1s and that columns 5 and 6 contain a range of different numbers between your minimum and maximum.
  • What do the 0s and 1s mean in columns A through D? The generator automatically generates 0s and 1s for the responses to your binary questions (1–4), so do not enter anything into the generator for these questions. The tool knows that the only possible responses for these questions are 0 and 1. For example, if you asked: “Are you male of female?” you could assign Male = 0 and Female = 1, or vice versa. For the next project assignment (u07a2) you will analyze the survey responses and will need to assign 0 and 1 to the two possible responses for your binary questions; it is up to you which response to assign 0 and which to assign 1. For this assignment, u05a2, you do not need to submit your assignment of these values—just keep this in mind for the future.


  • Submit the Excel spreadsheet to your instructor in the Survey Results assignment area. No manipulation should be done to the results created by the survey generator. No statistical calculations are completed until the next project assignment.

Step 4.

Now that you have your unique survey data in Excel, you can perform descriptive statistics with the tools about which we learned at the beginning of the course. You may choose how you wish to analyze the data, but your work should include the following at a minimum:

Assignment Instructions

Complete this on one Excel sheet. Include the following components in your analysis of the data.

  • Technology note: You may need to sort or rearrange your original data file to accomplish some of these tasks. Be sure you keep a copy of your original data file as a backup.
  • Results note: Because the survey data generation is done without context, you will have to put aside any preconceived notions about how your data should look. Your task is to analyze, interpret, and communicate the unique results.

Binary Question Note: Responses to Questions 1–4:

You will need to assign the survey responses to 0s and 1s generated for questions 1–4 in columns A through D. The generator automatically generates 0s and 1s for the responses to your binary questions (1–4). The tool does not know your questions or possible responses for these questions. Assign 0 to one of your possible responses and assign 1 to the other possible response. For example, if you asked: “Are you male of female?” you could assign Male = 0 and Female = 1, or vice versa. It is up to you which response to assign 0 and which to assign 1.

Part 1

Analyze the data for questions 1, 2, 3, and 4 (binary questions). Your analysis must have the following elements:

  • Sample Size.
  • Sample Proportion of each response.
  • Bar Chart or Pie Chart.
Part 2

Analyze the data for Questions 5 and 6. Your analysis must have the following elements:

  • Sample mean.
  • Sample median.
  • Sample mode.
  • Sample range.
  • Sample standard deviation.
  • Sample minimum and maximum.
  • Histogram.
Part 3

Explore your data a bit further. What are two interesting findings from your survey responses? You might investigate responses for selected variables based on responses to your binomial questions. For example, if the answer to question 1 was Male or Female, and the answer to question 6 was Annual Income, you might examine average annual income for males only and females only and compare these results.

Present your findings in an appropriate table, graph, or chart. Then, write, in the same Excel spreadsheet, a 1–2 paragraph summary of your findings.

Submission and Verification Instructions

  • When you have completed this assignment, submit your Excel spreadsheet containing Parts 1–3, to your instructor in the Analyzing the Data Set Using Descriptive Statistics Assignment area. Format your findings with appropriate and easy to read labels.
  • Before submitting it, verify you have included all of the elements for Parts 1–3. You should have:
    • Four bar graphs (or four pie charts), one each for questions 1–4.
    • Two histograms, one each for questions 5 and 6.
    • Two tables, graphs, or charts to represent interesting findings from your survey responses. Include a 1–2 paragraph summary of your findings.
  • Before submitting, refer to the Analyzing the Data Set Using Descriptive Statistics Scoring Guide to ensure that it meets the grading criteria.

Step 5.

At the start of the project, you documented your typical responses along with your question formulations. You did not know it at the time, but you were hypothesizing about the future survey results. Now that you have the actual survey data, you can go back and apply the tools of inferential statistics to test your hypotheses.

Assignment Overview and Preparation

For this assignment, you will:

  • Calculate an appropriate 95% confidence interval for each question.
  • Perform an appropriate one-sample hypothesis test for each question. Based on the context of your questions, you may choose to set up your hypothesis test as a one-sided test or two-sided test.

Remember, we want to estimate population proportions in questions 1–4 and population means in questions 5–6 (from Unit 7). We already calculated the sample statistics for each question in Unit 7. Feel free to use this prior work to help complete the above tasks. That is, we already have sample proportions for questions 1–4 as well as sample means and standard deviations for questions 5–6.

Use the Excel Analyzing Data With Inferential Statistics Template linked in the Resources for this assignment. The template has two pages. Be sure to review each one carefully. The first page is the blank template that you will complete, and the second page is a completed example. Almost every type of situation is shown, so try to model your results after the ones shown.


Complete the following in order to apply the tools of inferential statistics to test your hypotheses:

  • Open and complete the Excel Analyzing Data With Inferential Statistics Template linked in the Resources for this assignment.
  • Calculate a 95% confidence interval for each of your survey questions (1–6). Your final product should have six confidence intervals.
  • Perform a hypothesis test for each survey question (1–6). Your final product should have six hypothesis tests.

When you have completed this assignment, submit it to your instructor in the Analyzing Data Using Inferential Statistics assignment area.

See Excel attachment in folder

Step 6

Now that you have completed all of the statistical calculations involved with your analysis of the survey, it is time to put the project together. Your final project submission will be a single document, which contains information from all of the previous components along with your written analysis and comments on the survey results.

The format for your final project submission should include the following sections, in this order:

  • Title Page.
  • Executive Summary (six double-spaced pages minimum): This should be a summary of the findings and conclusions of the study you developed and conducted. Discuss each of your six survey questions.
  • Reflection Statement (four double-spaced pages minimum): This needs to include what you learned both in the course and in this project. Review the competencies of this course, which are located in the syllabus, as well as the criteria of this project to make sure you are focusing on the correct concepts for your reflections.
  • Appendix (This includes your supporting data):
    • Introduction.
    • Data Collection Plan.
    • Descriptive Results.
    • Inferential Statistics.
    • Table of Data From the Survey Data Generator.

The two sections that are new for this project component are the executive summary and the reflection statement. You may also need to edit your introduction to make it fit the style of a project document. The remaining items should be treated as an appendix. As you write your executive summary, you may wish to refer the reader to particular graphs or results in this supporting data section.

Executive Summary

Write a six-page, double-spaced summary of your course project for someone interested in your work. While you did a lot of calculations and quantitative analysis in the project, your executive summary should give the reader a quick summary of your survey intent, design, and results without an overload of numbers and formulas. Discuss each of your six survey questions.

  • Focus on communicating the results and interpretations of your results. You will not be able to comment on every little finding, so you will have to make some judgments about what might be the most interesting or revealing results.
  • Discuss inferential statistics and how your survey data can be used to estimate or test population parameters such as the population mean and population proportion.
  • Your executive summary should be professionally written and follow good writing practices.

Reflection Statement

Write a four-page, double-spaced summary of your thoughts on how your view of statistics has changed since you started this course and this project. We have covered a wide range of topics in this course, and many learners quickly forget the formulas they worked so hard to memorize.

  • While you may not remember the mathematical formulas, what concepts or ideas will you take from this course?
  • How will those ideas influence or impact your personal or professional life?

After you have written and integrated all of the previously described sections and items, refer to the Statistical Analysis course project description and then submit your project in the assignment area.

Statistical Analysis What type of sampling methods would you use Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

finance calculation, Calculate Return and Risk Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Calculate Return and Risk.

NOTE: To match my answers, make your last day of price data be Wednesday, August 30, 2017

  1. Look at the spreadsheet template tab – Risk & Return Summary.
  2. Calculate 4 measures of returns

    1. 5 year total price return
    2. average annual price return
    3. 5 year total return (price + dividends, if any)
    4. average annual total return
  3. Calculate 6 risk measures

    1. Volatility (3 versions)
    2. Beta (3 versions)

  1. Printout out the summary page from your spreadsheet

    1. “Risk & Return Summary


Scaffold Equipment manufactures and sells scaffolds and ladders that are used by construction firms Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Scaffold Equipment manufactures and sells scaffolds and ladders that are used by construction firms. The products are sold directly to independent retailers in the United States. The company’s risk manager knows that the company could be sued if a scaffold or ladder is defective, and someone is injured. Because the cost of products liability insurance has increased, the risk manager is considering other techniques to treat the company’s loss exposures.
    1. Describe the steps in the risk management process.
    2. For each of the following risk management techniques, describe a specific action using that technique that may be helpful in dealing with the company’s products liability exposure.
      1. Avoidance
      2. Loss prevention
      3. Loss reduction
      4. Noninsurance transfers
  2. The Swift Corporation has 5,000 sales representatives and employees in the United States who drive company cars. The company’s risk manager has recommended to the firm’s management that the company should implement a partial retention program for physical damage losses to company cars.
    1. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a partial retention program to the Swift Corporation.
    2. Identify the factors that the Swift Corporation should consider before it adopts a partial retention program for physical damage losses to company cars.
    3. If a partial retention program is adopted, what are the various methods the Swift Corporation can use to pay for physical damage losses to company cars?
    4. Identify two risk-control measures that could be used in the company’s partial retention program for physical damage losses.
  3. Avoidance is a risk-control technique that can be used effectively in a risk management program.
    1. What is the major advantage of using the technique of avoidance in a risk management program?
    2. Is it possible or practical for a firm to avoid all potential losses? Explain your answer.
  4. A risk management program must be implemented and periodically monitored to be effective. This step requires the preparation of a risk management policy statement. The cooperation of other departments is also necessary.
    1. What benefits can the firm expect to receive from a well-prepared risk management policy statement?
    2. Identify several departments within a firm that are especially important in a risk management program.
  5. Chris and Karen are married and own a three-bedroom home in a large midwestern city. Their son, Christian, attends college away from home and lives in a fraternity house. Their daughter, Kelly, is a senior in high school. Chris is an accountant who works for a local accounting firm. Karen is a marketing analyst and is often away from home several days at a time. Kelly earns extra cash by babysitting on a regular basis.The family’s home contains household furniture, personal property, a computer that Chris uses to prepare business tax returns on weekends, and a laptop computer that Karen uses while traveling. The Swifts also own three cars. Christian drives a 2007 Ford; Chris drives a 2012 Pontiac for both business and personal use; and Karen drives a 2014 Toyota and a rental car when she is traveling. Although the Swifts have owned their home for several years, they are considering moving because of the recent increase in violent crime in their neighborhood.
    1. Describe briefly the steps in the personal risk management process.
    2. Identify the major pure risks or pure loss exposures to which Chris and Karen are exposed with respect to each of the following:
      1. Personal loss exposures
      2. Property loss exposures
      3. Liability loss exposures
    3. With respect to each of the loss exposures mentioned above, identify an appropriate personal risk management technique that could be used to treat the exposure.


Is Egyptian art similar stylistically to any Mesopotamian culture from that time Writing Assignment Help

1.Is Egyptian art similar stylistically to any Mesopotamian culture from that time? Which culture and how are they similar or different in style and cultural context? Compare and contrast the formal and iconographic characteristics of Ti Hunting Hippopotamus and Ashurbanipal Hunting Lions. Identify formal and iconographic characteristics ancient Egyptian art shares with prehistoric Near Eastern images

2.Many of the examples of Egyptian art seen in this chapter belong to North American and European museums, since foreign archeologists made many of the early discoveries. Travelling shows of Egyptian art are very popular and are potentially huge revenue producers. While today removing a country’s cultural patrimony is illegal, this was not the case in the past. Should these works now be returned to Egypt?

3.You have been asked why scholars use the word “conservative” to describe ancient Egyptian pictorial arts. How do you answer the question? Describe the Egyptian canon of proportion and how it was applied. Make sure to discuss the significance of the Amarna Period and explain its formal and iconographic characteristics. Why does a change in religion bring about a change in art in ancient Egypt? We have seen that the style and iconography of Egyptian art changed with the introduction of a new religious system. Do you think that Akhenaton’s religious and artistic “revolution” was brave or foolhardy? Explain your position.

4.There are many conventions within Egyptian imagery that go against our own iconography. One example is the stylization and formalization of royal portraiture while making those lower on the social hierarchy more naturalistic, and presumably a closer approximation to how they might have actually looked. Some art historians have also argued that Egyptian culture was far more matricentric then once thought. They look to the importance of Hathor, the mother goddess within Egyptian culture and in examples like Double Portrait in FIGURE 3-13 as evidence. In this image we see the woman holding the man in complete reversal of how our own images of male and female coupling are depicted. the argument has been made that although the Pharaoh had absolute power, that power came from his marriage to the woman and the female line of power. If true, it shows how we privilege our current world view and transpose it to the past. Discuss these and other ways in which our interpretation and view of Egyptian art might be determined by our own cultural prerogatives.

Watch the video below prior to answering the question.…

  • Ancient Egyptian culture provides us with immense subject matter for fantasy and entertainment. Why do you think it holds sway over our culture in ways that other civilizations do not? Is it because it is more foreign and strange than Greek and Roman culture, therefore the mystery surrounding it making it more curious and allowing our imaginations to run abound? Or is it that the monuments and artworks are so monumental?
  • We live in an age of incredible technological advances, with towers of glass and steel that spring to the heavens and the construction of a space station in earth’s orbit. Does it put our advances in perspective when we wonder how an ancient civilization like that in Egypt was able to construct monuments of such size with such geometric accuracy without modern machinery, mathematics or instruments? Is there an iconic structure that will represent our civilization in 4000 years

Although Pyramids are a distinct symbol of Egypt, large-scale pyramidal construction is limited to a relatively short period in the Old Kingdom of Egyptian history. What would be some reasons for the modification of pyramid scale and institution of rock-cut tombs as seen at Beni Hasan. Evaluate the effectiveness of later architecture in communicating Egyptian and Pharonic power.




    Due Date

    Week 9Note: All scenarios in this assignment are fictional.

    Real Business

    It can be difficult for a business to improve how it operates from inside the organization. Sometimes, an outside perspective is needed. The large discount retail store you work for wants to improve its in-store restaurant management team.

    Your Role

    Companies like Target and Walmart often work with outside consultants—people who are not employees of the company but who are hired on a contract basis to help with a specific project. As a Leadership Consultant, you’ve been hired by a large discount retail company to help the company improve its leadership structure and approach to management.


    A leadership consultant is a person called in to a company, be it a large corporation or a small business, to evaluate how it operates and make recommendations for improvement. Leadership consultants are typically hired when a business is struggling and needs to make changes in order to remain profitable. Such consultants are often highly educated in the field of business and have experience in managerial roles.


    Step1 Organizationl Structure

    Take a look at the Organization Chart provided by the company.

    • Based on your knowledge of hierarchies, would you say that this team has tall structure or flat structure? Explain your answer.

    Step 2: Human Resources

    The company would like to improve the culture of its team and the quality of its work. Its leadership has provided you with a Process Chart detailing how it currently applies Human Resources best practices.

    • What step of the Human Resources Cycle is missing? Explain why it is important to include this part of the process.

    Note: You should complete Step 3 after reading the material in Week 9.

    STEP 3: Leadership Style

    You have been asked to help improve the leadership style of the team leader in order to meet the team’s performance goals. The team leader has given you a description of what is most comfortable in terms of leading others.

    • Identify this leader’s style of leadership, and list two benefits and two drawbacks to that style as it relates to the performance of the team.

    Step 4: Real-World Application

    Apply the thinking in Steps 1-3 as if you were a Leadership Consultant hired by the company where you work or for a previous employer.

    • Review the organization chart for your company. Based on your knowledge of hierarchies, would you say that your company’s team has a tall structure or flat structure? How does this affect the way your team works? Explain your answer.
    • Consider the work conducted by the Human Resources team at your company. What steps of the Human Resources Cycle do they implement well? What steps of the Human Resources Cycle might be missing from your company or are not implemented as well as they could be? What is the effect of this on you and your team? Explain your answer.
    • Lastly, reflect on the leadership style of either yourself or your supervisor. What leadership style do you have, or what leadership style does your supervisor have? What are the benefits and drawbacks of this style for your team? What might you or your supervisor do to improve leadership? Explain your answer.

    Download templateDownload resources

  • [supanova_question]


    write a report on the risk and return of the following stocks listed in Australian Stock exchange Mathematics Assignment Help

    You are an equity analyst in an investment bank. You need to write a report on the risk and return of the following stocks listed in Australian Stock Exchange:

     Commonwealth Bank of Australia (CBA.AX)

     Rio Tinto Ltd (RIO.AX)

     Woolworths Ltd (WOW.AX)

    Analysis period

    January 1, 2012–December 30, 2016


    Write a report on the risk and return of the above stocks with the following parts:

    (a) Analysis of asset returns: 30 marks

    The analysis of asset returns includes the discussion on average return, maximum and minimum return and distribution of returns.

    (b) Portfolio Return and Risk: 30 marks

    You need a create a three-asset portfolio having the equal weighting for each stock above. After creating the portfolio, you need to analyse portfolio return and risk.

    (c) Risk Measure (Sharpe Ratio): 10 marks

    You need to calculate the Sharpe Ratio of each stock return, assuming the risk free return during the analysis period is 3% and choose the best stock on the basis of Sharpe Ratio.

    (d) Value at Risk (VaR): 30 marks

    You need to calculate the Value at Risk using a normal distribution at 95% confidence level for each stock listed above and choose the best stock on the basis of VaR.

    Maximum word length: 1,500 ± 10% words, excluding graphs, tables and references.

    Include a few graphs and tables were appropriate.

    Havard style referencing.

    write a report on the risk and return of the following stocks listed in Australian Stock exchange Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    critical thinking essay Writing Assignment Help

    critical thinking essay

    Write an 8-10 page critical thinking essay (not counting required title or reference page).

    Begin the process of constructing your project by choosing a particular issue or problem. The goal is then to align this problem or issue with a specific logic model from the text and/or other critical thinking tools you have been learning throughout the course. As you construct your essay, utilize critical thinking tools to evaluate your data and your credible research, interpret this data, and understand your specific problem or issue from a broader, deeper, and more focused perspective. Be sure to refer to your journal and think of how your critical thinking and analysis skills have grown through the course. You will need to devote two to three paragraphs to this reflection as you cite the work from your Journal.

    Note: Accessing and implementing credible research from the CSU-Global Library is vitally important in the process of constructing your final essay (and it will also be important in all your future coursework).

    In constructing your essay, utilize and integrate the Elements of Thought from Chapter 5, pp. 104-122.

    Your paper must:

    • Cite at least six scholarly peer-reviewed sources that are not required or recommended readings for this course. You may include credible websites. If you are not certain what a credible site is, ask your instructor. Wikipedia, dot coms, cable news, and blogs are not acceptable as scholarly sources (The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find your scholarly resources.)
    • You may cite the textbook, but that does not count as one of the scholarly peer-reviewed sources.
    • Incorporate terms and concepts from the class readings and lecture pages.
    • Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.


    Probation and Parole W4 IP: Pre-sentence report Writing Assignment Help

    Begin by reviewing IP 1 from Week 1 to ensure that you understand the entire project.

    Part 1

    Research what a presentence investigation is, what purpose it serves during the sentencing process, and how it is used to inform the sentencing process. Then, address the following in a Word document that is 750–900 words in length:

    • What is a presentence investigation report, and what kind of information does this document typically contain?
    • Why is this information collected, and how does this information relate to an offender’s sentencing?
    • What relationship exists, if any, between the presentence investigation and other aids to sentencing, such as sentencing guidelines and a victim impact statement?
    • Compile your responses to the above questions into your final Word document.
    • The content of the paper must be 750–900 words in length.
    • You must reference at least 3 outside sources, and all sources must be referenced using APA style.

    Part 2

    Despite your best efforts to guide John McMahon away from drugs and crime, he has incurred a new arrest. Specifically, he was arrested in the 800 block of Greenview Drive in Lynchburg, Virginia after plainclothes officers observed him make what appeared to be a drug transaction. He was cooperative during the arrest, and a search of his person turned up 3.5 grams of a white powdery substance that field tested positive for cocaine. Mr. McMahon was read his rights and transported to the Blue Ridge Regional Jail. During questioning, he admitted that he had purchased the drugs for his own personal use moments before his arrest. In a Word document of 1,000–1,200 words, create a presentence investigation report for Mr. McMahon that includes all of the information that would ordinarily be included in such a document. You may find it useful to create section headers in your document to separate the different elements of the report. Feel free to make up information that is not specifically stated, provided that doing so is not likely to impact the sentencing outcome. You will want to reference and include material taken from the Phase 2 individual projects and the Phase 3 individual project.

    For the purposes of this assignment, assume the following:

    • Mr. McMahon’s underlying charge of possession of cocaine (the one he was placed on probation for in the first place) represents his only prior conviction.
    • Mr. McMahon’s parents were married at the time of his birth and remain so to the present day.
    • Mr. McMahon has 2 younger brothers, both of whom still live with his parents.
    • Mr. McMahon is in good overall physical health and has no history of mental health or substance abuse treatment aside from any that was ordered in the context of his current probation case.

    Please review the attached document to use as an example of what the assignment should look like.


    Probation and Parole Week 4 IP : McMahon PSR Business Finance Assignment Help


    Begin by reviewing IP 1 from Week 1 to ensure that you understand the entire project.

    Part 1

    Research what a presentence investigation is, what purpose it serves during the sentencing process, and how it is used to inform the sentencing process. Then, address the following in a Word document that is 750–900 words in length:

    • What is a presentence investigation report, and what kind of information does this document typically contain?
    • Why is this information collected, and how does this information relate to an offender’s sentencing?
    • What relationship exists, if any, between the presentence investigation and other aids to sentencing, such as sentencing guidelines and a victim impact statement?
    • Compile your responses to the above questions into your final Word document.
    • The content of the paper must be 750–900 words in length.
    • You must reference at least 3 outside sources, and all sources must be referenced using APA style.

    Part 2

    Despite your best efforts to guide John McMahon away from drugs and crime, he has incurred a new arrest. Specifically, he was arrested in the 800 block of Greenview Drive in Lynchburg, Virginia after plainclothes officers observed him make what appeared to be a drug transaction. He was cooperative during the arrest, and a search of his person turned up 3.5 grams of a white powdery substance that field tested positive for cocaine. Mr. McMahon was read his rights and transported to the Blue Ridge Regional Jail. During questioning, he admitted that he had purchased the drugs for his own personal use moments before his arrest. In a Word document of 1,000–1,200 words, create a presentence investigation report for Mr. McMahon that includes all of the information that would ordinarily be included in such a document. You may find it useful to create section headers in your document to separate the different elements of the report. Feel free to make up information that is not specifically stated, provided that doing so is not likely to impact the sentencing outcome. You will want to reference and include material taken from the Phase 2 individual projects and the Phase 3 individual project.

    For the purposes of this assignment, assume the following:

    • Mr. McMahon’s underlying charge of possession of cocaine (the one he was placed on probation for in the first place) represents his only prior conviction.
    • Mr. McMahon’s parents were married at the time of his birth and remain so to the present day.
    • Mr. McMahon has 2 younger brothers, both of whom still live with his parents.
    • Mr. McMahon is in good overall physical health and has no history of mental health or substance abuse treatment aside from any that was ordered in the context of his current probation case.


    A simple project on The Google Doc Assignment Help

    The Google Doc

    Create a single Google document with two-three paragraphs of information about each team member.

    Share access to the Google doc with your team. The instructor does not need to have access.

    The document should be professional in appearance, with colors and graphics.

    At the top of the first page show:

    The team name (you’ll need to make one up),

    The names of the team members,

    BUS91L or BUS91A,

    Your section number,

    The current semester.

    In the body of the document, show the name of each individual team member, followed by their picture, followed by three paragraphs about that person.

    Each paragraph should include at least three sentences.

    Do not include information or pictures that could be embarrassing to you.

    Convert the file into a Word Document

    Video Time = 3:03

    Convert Google Sheets to Excel and Excel to Google Sheets

    Format the student names at the top of the individual sections using a Heading 3 style

    Insert a table of contents at the top of the document, below the team info.

    This will display the team members’ names if you have applied the Heading style correctly.

    Here is Table of Contents Help: Time = 2:15

    Save the document as a web page on your desktop. Use Team as the file name. Do not use any spaces in the file name!

    Open the file in a web browser. When you get it working, take a screen shot to include in your TEAM CFU form.

    group work is done already i just need help to create a title page and with everyones name and our names. Also, a table of content.


    Statistical Analysis What type of sampling methods would you use Mathematics Assignment Help

    Statistical Analysis What type of sampling methods would you use Mathematics Assignment Help

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