STC A Seven Year Old Virginia Boy Sets Fire to A Building Moral Issues Case Study Writing Assignment Help. STC A Seven Year Old Virginia Boy Sets Fire to A Building Moral Issues Case Study Writing Assignment Help.
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As in all cases for this course, you must identify the parties and the moral issue(s) at stake. Now is a good time to start practicing. The information that you will need for the discussion can be found in Thinking Critically about Ethical Issues (Newest Edition #10)
pg 141 C12: A 7-year-old Virginia boy set fire to a building. As a result of the blaze, a 66-year-old woman died. The boy was charged with second-degree murder. Could the boy be morally responsible for the crime of murder? If so, what circumstances might increase or diminish his responsibility?
1)You must state which case you are expanding on as a header.
2) Include at least one quote from any of the required readings for this module that is relevant to your initial response. 200-250 word count.
3) Include at least one quote per each peer response (Minimum two peer responses total) 100-150 word count. ***You must cite your resources when using a quote. “Example Quote” (Author’s last name page number).
STC A Seven Year Old Virginia Boy Sets Fire to A Building Moral Issues Case Study Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
WRTG 394 UMGC Office Environment Communication Barriers Paper Writing Assignment Help
- Task: For this assignment, you are asked to collect real-life examples of barriers to communication that occur in your work or community environment. You will describe them, define them, justify them in a table, and then use them to rate your organization’s communication effectiveness.
- Length: The assignment has four parts. Details on word count are provided below and in the following pages.
- Format: you will not cite sources in this paper, so you will not use any particular citation style. In writing up the assignment, please follow the template given on page 2.
- select eReserves
- select the icon for eReserves in the middle of your page.
- in the list of items that appears, locate the articles and download them
oPart I of this assignment will be 200-250 words
oPart II is a list of definitions. The definitions in this section should be about 30-40 words each.
o Part III is a table with short examples, names, and justifications. Word count will vary.
o Part IV will be 175-250 words.
Reading Material to Draw Upon for this Assignment:
For this assignment, you will want to draw on the following reading materials about communication barriers.
These items are available as eReserves in our class in LEO.
You can access the articles by taking the following steps:
Template for this Assignment
Your text should be single-spaced and in 12-point font. Please use the following template when completing this assignment. Details on each part of the assignment are provided on pages 3-4.
I. |
Description of communication setting, including a description of the 3-4 communication |
barriers that occur in that setting (200-250 words): |
II. |
Definitions of the 3-4 barriers: Definitions should be restated from the readings in your own words, not copied and pasted. |
III. |
Table of the 3-4 communication samples and the barriers they represent: |
The communication example |
either as a direct quote or |
paraphrase |
The name of the barrier(s) |
that the example represents |
A justification of your |
selection of the barrier |
IV. |
Short paragraph rating the organization’s communication effectiveness on a scale of 1 |
to 100 and justifying the ranking (175-250 words): |
Details on Each Part of the Assignment
Part I:
Consider your work or community and come up with 3-4 real-life examples of barriers to written and verbal communication that occur in that environment. The communication examples you come up with can be from documents, conversations (face-to-face or digital), emails, or meetings.
Then write one or two detailed paragraphs of 100-125 words each in which you describe the following:
Various types of communication barriers, and examples of them, can be found in the articles that are available to you through eReserves. These communication barriers include but are not
limited to the following:
Attitudinal Barrier
Poor Listening Barrier
Cultural Barrier
Emotional Disconnect
Environment Barrier
Language Barrier
Behavioral Barrier
Filtering Barrier
Selective Perception Barrier
Biased Language Barrier
Information Overload Barrier
Gossip (esp. Workplace) Barrier
Lack of Source Credibility Barrier
Semantics (esp. Workplace Jargon) Barrier
Gender Differences Barrier
Sender/Receiver Differences in Meaning Barrier
Part II:
After you’ve collected at least 3-4 communication barriers and have identified the barriers they represent, define the barriers in a bulleted list. When defining your barriers, the reading material listed on page 1 may be used without citation.
The definition you provide should identify the general characteristics of the barrier and how it works to impede communication. The definitions should not mention your specific work environment.
Definitions should demonstrate parallel structure. That means that all should be written as complete sentences, infinitive phrases or in another phrase form. For help understanding parallel structure, press the ctrl key and click on the following link:
Please consult the sample student submission for this assignment in order to see a demonstration on how this part might be written.
Please use the three articles listed on page 1, which are in e-reserves, for this assignment. Use the communication barriers suggested in those articles.
Analyze these 3-4 communication barriers as they apply to your workplace or community environment. List them in a table with three columns:
- the communication example either as a direct quote or paraphrase
- the name of the barrier(s) at work in the sample
Again, please consult the sample student submission for this assignment in order to see a demonstration on how this part might be written.
Part IV:
Using a scale of 1 to 100 (with a score of 75 considered average), rank your organization’s communication effectiveness. Justify and explain the score you award. Your justification should be one to two paragraphs, about 175-250 words total.
Word Length for this assignment: All parts together should total at least 700-800 words
Submitting the assignment:
You will submit a draft of the assignment to the assignment folder. The instructor will provide comments to it and work with you on a second draft if necessary.
Grantham University Implications of Competition Analysis Report Business Finance Assignment Help
Implications of Competition Analysis
This week we will be discussing and providing examples for the various industries to include: growth industry, mature industry, and declining industry.
Identify a growth industry, a mature industry, and a declining industry. For each industry, identify the following;
- the number and size distribution of companies;
- the nature of barriers to entry;
- the height of barriers to entry; and (d) the extent of product differentiation.
Once you have identified an example for each, then, answer the following questions:
- What do these factors tell you about the nature of competition in each industry?
- What are the implications for the company in terms of opportunities and threats?
ITS 415 Colorado State University Module 3 Grubhub Inc Cyber Attacks Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Choose one of the following two assignments to complete this week. Do not do both assignments. Identify your assignment choice in the title of your submission.
Option #1: Cyber Attacks
In a well-written paper, write a response to three of the following five questions:
- What are the common tools used to protect against a DoS (Denial of Service) or DDoS (Distributed Denial-of-Service) attack?
- What is malware and how does it spread?
- What is a Buffer-Overflow attack?
- How does a SQL injection attack take place?
- What are some of the tools that a hacker can use to crack passwords?
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 2-3 pages in length, not including the cover page and reference page.
- Follow the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Each paper should include an introduction, a body with at least two fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion.
- Support your answers with the readings from Module 3 and at least one scholarly journal article. The CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a great place to find resources.
- Be clearly and well written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing. If you need assistance with your writing style, start with Tools for Effective Writing at the CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.), accessible from the Library’s homepage.
Option #2: Ransomware
Ransomware is expected to grow according to the FBI (Devlin, 2016). According to this same article there were 2,453 reported incidents of ransomware in 2015. In one case it cost a hospital in California paid out $17,000 dollars in ransom to restore the data locket by hackers. This type of malware encrypts critical computer information and locks it until ransom is paid. This technique of encryption is called “Cryptolocker.” Find at least five cases of ransomware. Describe ways an organization can protect itself from ransomware. What laws might apply?
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 2-3 pages in length, not including the cover page and reference page.
- Follow the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Each paper should include an introduction, a body with at least two fully developed paragraphs, and a conclusion.
- Support your answers with the readings from Module 3 and at least one scholarly journal article. The CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.) is a great place to find resources.
- Be clearly and well written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing. If you need assistance with your writing style, start with Too
WCU Pathophysiology Of Tuberculosis in The Recent Times Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
The purpose of the
case study is to have you expand on the pathophysiological disease
process by searching for evidence-based practice treatment and advanced
practice nursing role implications related to the disease.
Review the patient’s
TB questionnaire. (Page
Conduct an
evidence-based literature search to identify the most recent standards of
care/treatment modalities from peer-reviewed articles and professional
association guidelines (
These articles and guidelines can be referenced, but not directly copied into
the clinical case presentation. Cite a minimum of three resources.
Answer the following
- What is the transmission
and pathophysiology of TB? - What are the clinical
manifestations? - After considering this
scenario, what are the primary identified medical concerns for this
patient? - What are the primary
psychosocial concerns? - What are the implications of
the treatment regimen, as far as likelihood of compliance and outcomes?
Search the Internet to research rates of patient compliance in treatment
of TB, as well as drug resistant TB. - Identify the role of the
community clinic in assisting patients, particularly undocumented
patients, in covering the cost of TB treatment. What resources exist for
TB treatment in community health centers around the United States? Compare
the cost for treatment between, subsidized as it would be for a community
health center, and unsubsidized. - What are the implications of
TB for critical care and advanced practice nurses?
The use of medical
terminology and appropriate graduate level writing is expected.
Your paper should be
4–5 pages, (excluding cover page and reference page).
Your resources must
include research articles as well as reference to non-research evidence-based
Use APA format to
style your paper and to cite your sources. Your source(s) should be integrated
into the paragraphs. Use internal citations pointing to evidence in the
literature and supporting your ideas. You will need to include a reference page
listing those sources. Cite a minimum of three resources.
Prince Georges Critical Examination of Sex Gender and Sexual Orientation Project Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a humanities project and need a sample draft to help me study.
I need the actual assignment, not a sample draft.
For this project, we will continue in the process of completing the requirements that are necessary for applying for the $20,000 grant. Applying for a grant is a competitive process that involves comprehensively understanding the problem areas which have been noted as (a) an increase of teen pregnancies within the community and (b) an increase in HIV/STD infections within the community. In a three-page paper, discuss the following two requirements under a subheading you will entitle, “A Critical Examination of Sex, Gender, and Sexual Orientation.”
Requirement #1: Understanding that there is a difference between sex and gender, explain the differences between sex and gender AND why these two topics are important? How can understanding sex and gender assist in improving sexual health and understanding teen pregnancy?
Requirement #2: The topic of sexuality is important when discussing teen pregnancy and HIV/STD infections, regardless of one’s background. Having sex does not assume pregnancy will occur. Equally important is the fact that a person identifying as lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender does not translate to having a disease. Explain why it is important to understand that HIV/STD infections are a concern for all sexuality types AND why it is important to understand differences in sexual orientation towards promoting sexual health.
Minimum: 3 Sources
APA Expectations
- Ensure that you meet the three-page double-spaced minimum.
- Ensure that all facts throughout your work are cited with a parenthetical in-text citation.
- A Reference Page is required.
Prince Georges Critical Examination of Sex Gender and Sexual Orientation Project Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CAPS 401 West Coast University Collection of Various Data Analytical Perspective Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Search and Evaluate
This week, you will find three scholarly, peer-reviewed research articles on your topic. Remember that next week you will submit a paper on Scientific and/or Mathematical/Analytical perspectives of inquiry, so use this week’s assignment to prepare materials and collect information for that purpose.
Use articles that will help you explain and describe scientific issues and/or statistical data or economic information related to your topic. You will analyze and evaluate these articles in your submission, which should include:
- A brief introductory paragraph.
- Three separate paragraphs, one for each of the three articles, each presenting:
- A brief 3–4 sentence summary of the article (use in-text citations)
- An explanation as to what makes this source credible (in the WCU Library go to Research Guides > Research Basics > Evaluating Resources)
- An explanation of why the article will be useful in addressing your problem or issue
- A brief conclusory paragraph
- An APA Style reference list on a separate page
Your paper should be 1–3 pages in length (including the References page). Adhere to APA Style throughout.
Concorde Career College Forms of Intelligence Q&As Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Even among Western psychologists, there is considerable debate over the definition of intelligence. In this discussion, we rely on a formal definition of intelligence—” the global capacity to think rationally, act purposefully, profit from experience, and deal effectively with the environment” (Huffman, Dowdell, & Sanderson, 2018, p. 273).
According to Gardner’s theory of multiple intelligences (1983, 2008), people have different profiles of intelligence because they are stronger in some areas than others. And they use their intelligences differently to learn new material, perform tasks, and solve problems. Moreover, Gardner’s research suggests that most people possess one or more natural intelligences critical to success in various occupations.
- Define intelligence.
- Compare the different forms and theories of intelligence.
Step 1: Respond to the following prompt:
- Which of Gardner’s multiple intelligences do you feel most “intelligent” in? Least intelligent in?
- Which form of intelligence do you think is most valued in our society? Least valued?
- If you could increase your intelligence in one of these forms, which would you want to improve? Do you think it can be changed and is so, how?
Optimal Portfolio Efficient Frontier and CAL Template Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a excel multi-part question and need support to help me understand better.
Assignment 5
In this assignment, follow the steps below and construct an optimal portfolio.
1. Pick six assets (stocks and/or ETFs and/or risk-free asset) you are interested in to analyze. State in your report why you pick these six assets. Are they going to provide significant diversification benefit? In other words, how do you think they are correlated with each other?
2. Select a reasonable historical period you would like to analyze (i.e. past 6 months, past 12 months, past 18 months, etc). Collect historical price data from Yahoo! Finance for each asset.
3. In Excel, construct the optimal portfolio with the six assets you select, with Data Analysis ToolPak and Solver add-in.
4. You may need to change your trading constraints if the solution returned from Step 3 by Solver is not realistic or you are not comfortable with it based on your personal preference.
5. Briefly explain how you would allocate your wealth in your optimal portfolio if you have a total of $30,000 to invest.
6. Write a brief report in a Word file (400 words minimiuim) and briefly describe what you have done in the previous steps.
TCC Hepatitis C Virus Distinctive Characteristics & Diverse Growth Presentation Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a microbiology project and need support to help me understand better.
- Describe distinctive characteristics and diverse growth requirements of prokaryotic organisms compared to eukaryotic organisms.
- Provide examples of the impact of microorganisms on human health
- Explain the unique characteristics of bacterial metabolism and bacterial genetics.
- Explain transmission and virulence mechanisms of cellular and acellular infectious agents.
- Applying knowledge of microbiology to case studies and/or peer-reviewed research articles.
- Communication Skills: Communicate effectively the results of scientific investigations in written, oral and/or visual form (e.g. graphs, tables, diagrams, etc.).