Stockholders Equity Business Finance Assignment Help

Stockholders Equity Business Finance Assignment Help. Stockholders Equity Business Finance Assignment Help.

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The outstanding capital stock of Bonita Corporation consists of 2,100 shares of $100 par value, 5% preferred, and 4,600 shares of $50 par value common.

Assuming that the company has retained earnings of $84,000, all of which is to be paid out in dividends, and that preferred dividends were not paid during the 2 years preceding the current year, state how much each class of stock should receive under each of the following conditions.

(a)The preferred stock is noncumulative and nonparticipating. (Round answers to 0 decimal places, e.g. $38,487.)





(b)The preferred stock is cumulative and nonparticipating. (Round answers to 0 decimal places, e.g. $38,487.)





(c) The preferred stock is cumulative and participating. (Round the rate of participation to 4 decimal places, e.g.1.4278%. Round answers to 0 decimal places, e.g. $38,487.)





Stockholders Equity Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Assessment 1 Writing Assignment Help

SOW 4102

Spring, 2019

Assessment # 1

Directions: Please respond directly on this document without changing, removing or adding any text to the questions.

1. Describe in a few words what the term “epigenetics” means.

2. In her Ted Talk. Epigenetics and the influence of our genes Courtney Griffins tells the story of the rat mother who groomed and paid lots of “loving” attention to her pups during their first week of life. What happened and why is this important to our understanding of epigenetics and human development?

3. During neural formation in human embryonic development. The brain produces twice as many cells as are needed. Gradually between birth (or shortly before) and theage of 20, the brain sheds unnecessary connections between cells. This process is called

a. dendrite elimination

b. synaptic pruning

c. myelin stripping

d. none of the above.

4. If the process referred to in # 3 did not proceed on schedule, which of the following might occur?

a. the human head would be too large to be supported by the neck muscles

b. messages picked up by the senses would be relayed to the human brain along multiple pathways, while stronger neural connections fail to develop.

c. Autism might result.

d. b and c

5. Match the neurotransmitter in list A with the correct function and or association in list B. (Fill in the name of the neurotransmitter beside the function)







__________ love, intimacy, maternal bonding

___________Fight /flight

– __________ mood (depression); 80% in gut

– __________analgesic, sexual activity

– __________pleasure, movement, Parkinson’s

– __________fight/flight (2nd example)

– 6. What three parts comprise the Triune brain?




7. Match the part of the brain from list A with the correct function or association in list B. (Fill in the name of the anatomical brain section beside the function)

List A


Cerebral cortex


Brain stem


Left side of brain



Prefrontal cortex (PFC):

Right brain

Brain’s portal to memory

List B

Lizard brain, fear center, survival,________________

Brain’s portal to memory_______________________

Vision ________________________________________

Side of the brain associated with conscious processing of “facts”, near (cause-effect),

logical, abstract reasoning________________

All senses except smell____________

auditory processing, language, _______________

Fear center, devoted to survival________________

Planning, judgment, Morality/empathy, Self-awareness, self-reflection, personal biography_________________

Side of the brain associated with emotional resonance/empathy, sending/receiving non-verbal communication (“motherese”)__________________

Outermost layer of the brain (wrinkles; 6 cells deep)__________________________

8.. In Neurofeedback #1, The Mind in Trauma (Fisher) the author describes how poverty impacts the child who has experienced disrupted attachment. In a paragraph of 3-4 sentences summarize the author’s description.

9. Briefly describe the mechanism of the “gut brain” and its relevance to human behavior, health and disorders. (four sentences). Avoid overly technical description but instead, frame your answer as if you were talkingwith a relative who has never heard this term. (Note: readings are greatly enhanced through the following videos:

(Ted talk, 14 minutes)

( The Gut Brain Connection, 2 minutes)

10.. In the reading, Brain, Mind and Behavior (Siegel, 2010), the author explains why the psychotherapist should be interested in learning about the brain and mind. In about four sentences, summarize two explanations or examples he offers as the basis for his argument.

11. Watch High Road vs. Low Road, Dan Siegel (4.5 minutes)

Write a brief essay describing what happens in the mind/brain when an individual who is on the “high road” transitions suddenly to the “low road” by responding to the following:

1. Initially, what goes on in the mind (thoughts, memories, unconscious interpretations) to start this downward spiral?

2. What signals from the body might alert the person about this largely unconscious reaction?

3. As the process escalates, what mechanisms occur in the structures of the brain?

4. What system of the brain is involved in this downturn?5. Name three actions a person could choose to take at the beginning of the incident or as a regular practice to avoid this negative outcome?

Information needed to complete assignments located below

If you have any question please let me know


philosophy1.research Humanities Assignment Help

4. Write a report, a literature review (@ 150 – 200 words), of the philosophical scene in your selected area using your best three articles. Discuss the philosophical scene as you can best ascertain it letting the three items be the representatives of the literature. Refer specifically to the items in your review by the author’s last name and the number in your bibliography of three.

5. Finally, Identify the article (from your little bibliography of three) that you have chosen to examine further for Research 5 and 6, upcoming. Identify by author, article title, journal source, volume, date, page, one more time. but this time display (1) the abstract underneath, and (2) the last paragraph of the article. Make sure the article is a philosophical treatment of a topic in the philosophy of “X”. Explain why you believe your search successfully retrieved a philosophy article, peer reviewed, etc. Discuss more fully the logic of the search for that selection.

An abstract?
An abstract is a summary of the article. it is about as long as a paragraph. It often is at the top of the article. The abstract is usually author supplied. Sometimes the database separates it out and you have to click on one of the additional links given with the article title. Not all articles, however, have abstracts.

Before giving up hope on finding an abstract for your selection. Try this: now that you have your selected article, found in the SMC database, etc. do an internet search with the author’s name and article’s title. Very often other subscription based databases themselves will provide an abstract for an article that doesn’t have one. Your article will probably pop up on the internet in one of those special databases and it will have been provided with an abstract, just not author supplied. Look at a few and If there isn’t one there, just say so.
You are trying to find out a little something about the article, and the abstract of an article can be very helpful, especially if you are doing extensive literature searches.


Title: Interdisciplinary Research: A Philosophy, Art Form, Artifact or Antidote?…

Article #2

Imitation of Art…

Article #3

According to What: Art and the Philosophy of the ‘End of Art’…


summary and review Business Finance Assignment Help

A QC is a 3-4 page (single spaced) summary, commentary, and question(s) of the assigned readings for the class period/topic. You should summarize each reading for that class period/topic (you do not need to summarize any popular press readings). Each article summary should be approximately 1 paragraph (be concise). This is your chance to demonstrate that not only did you do the readings, but you can cull out the major elements of the readings and make connections between readings. After the summaries, you should write a brief commentary that includes reactions to the readings, connections you see between the readings, and/or concerns you have about the readings (arguments against, etc.). This section will be 1-2 pages. Finally, you should pose questions—questions you still have after completing the readings, questions about connections, theoretical questions, etc. This section is incredibly important as I will use your comments to guide our discussions.

Other important information for the assignment:

1. You need to complete 12 QCs. Each is worth 10 points.

4 points for summary

5 points for commentary

1 point for questions

2. Each QC should be typed and proofread. Also, don’t forget to put your name and the class topic at the top of the QC (just to make sure that you didn’t post to the wrong assignment post).

3. You do not need a title page or reference page (unless you are citing material not covered in class).

4. Make sure to follow APA format rules—12 point font, Times New Roman, 1” margins on each side.

**You should always bring copies of your QCs to class as I will call on students to share thoughts, questions, etc. from their QCs.**


Military Style Memorandum Mathematics Assignment Help

#GEA 1: Writing Assignment 1

Part 1.2 – Military Style Memorandum

DUE: January 20

This assignment can be completed after completing chapter 1 of your textbook, and reading the documents provided for you in “Writing Assignment 1.1 Reading” assignment. The problem you will solve involves using soldier fatality data to determine an intervention strategy.

Problem description.

The United States military has been involved as a peace-keeping force in a humanitarian effort to prevent further genocide in the country of Pelagir. Many soldiers have died in this effort. The government has recently approved the use of emergency funds to improve the situation, but it is probable that only one initiative can be funded. The officer in charge of the theater of operations has asked you, a military engineer, to evaluate the situation and recommend a course of action to reduce the number of fatalities and enable the peace-keeping force to remain in place. Analyze the provided data regarding soldier fatalities in a one-month period and make a recommendation regarding what the government and military should do.

Document: Complete this assignment as an Official Memorandum using the formatting rules in The Tongue and Quill Links to an external site.. Write your recommendation in the most compelling manner possible.

  • Make sure that you have a statistical analysis Links to an external support your recommendation.
  • Write about your findings in a way that makes them meaningful to your audience Links to an external site.and relevant to your recommendation. Do not explain how calculations were completed, rather explain why your approach is valid, what understanding it provides in this specific situation and the result it provides. Use language that non-statisticians can understand.
  • Use tables and/or graphs, in a way that communicates ideas effectively.
  • Include your calculations as an addendum to the document.

Audience: Any time you prepare a professional document, you should consider the audience Links to an external site.that you are writing the document for. You should tailor the content, language, tone, and structure of the document to the audience you are addressing. This document is being prepared for senior-level government and military members. Ask yourself what they can be reasonably expected to know about this topic, and what they need to know to make an informed decision. Address the memorandum to:

  • The United States Secretary of Defense (primary addressee)
  • The House of Representatives Defense Subcommittee
  • The United States Senate Defense Subcommittee

Tone: The Audience for this document requires that the styleLinks to an external site. is precise and professional.

Data: Each number on the attached spreadsheet represents the cause of death of one soldier. The cause of death represented by each number is identified on the table below.

Soldier Fatalities Data.xlsx

Data Coding:

Cause of Fatality Code
Staph infection 1
Typhus 2
Cholera 3
Dysentery 4
Fragment wound 5
Burn wound 6
Gunshot wound 7
Exploding ordnance wound 8
Blood hemorrhage 9


Some Rubric (1)

Some Rubric (1)

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMemorandum Header is usedMemorandum header follows the rules set forth in The Tongue and Quill

2.0 pts

Memorandum Header is done completely and correctly

1.0 pts

There is a Memorandum Header but it is not complete or correct

0.0 pts

Memorandum header is poorly done or missing


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMemorandum is laid out with a professional appearanceRefer to the rules for layout and the exemplars in The Tongue and Quill.

2.0 pts

Layout is done in accordance with The Tonge and Quill rules

1.0 pts

Layout does not follow all of The Tongue and Quill rules

0.0 pts

Layout is poorly done or does not use The Tongue and Quill rules.


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeA Recommendation is made

2.0 pts

The recommendation appears in both the introduction and conclusion

1.0 pts

The recommendation appears in either the introduction or the conclusion

0.0 pts

A recommendation is not made or is not clear


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAn analysis section is included that explains the logic of the analysis integrating the statistics with a plain language explanation.The analysis should explain the statistical logic in a way that both statistically literate readers and those unfamiliar with statistics can understand.

2.0 pts

The Analysis section is very well done.

1.6 pts

Analysis is above average

1.4 pts

Analysis is average

1.2 pts

Analysis is below average

0.0 pts

Analysis is missing or very poorly done


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTables and Charts are used effectivelyUse tables and charts to enable readers to see data, comparative data, and the significance of the data. Determine what information can be best understood in this way, and what format or graph makes the information most clear.

2.0 pts

Tables and/or graphs are used very well

1.0 pts

Tables and/or graphs are used, but may not be effective

0.0 pts

No tables or graphs are used


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAn addendum with statistical calculations is included

2.0 pts

Statstics addendum is included

0.0 pts

Statistical addendum is not included, or is incomplete or incorrect


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe assignment does not address the correct problem (minus 1 point)

0.0 pts

No Marks

0.0 pts

The problem addressed is not correct MINUS 1 point


This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThe correct audience was not addressed (minus 1 point)

0.0 pts

No Marks

0.0 pts

The problem addressed is not correct MINUS 1 point


2 days ago



As many theorists agree, most people are primarily motivated Business Finance Assignment Help

Review Table 2.1 in Chapter 2 of your text. As many theorists agree, most people are primarily motivated by an increased access to one of three things: 1) money, 2) food, or 3) time. Whether it be a pay raise or increased commission schedule, free lunch on Fridays, bonus days off, the ability to telecommute, or an incentive trip to the Bahamas, these traditional incentives have proven effective for workforces time and time again. As an employee, which motivator appeals to you the most and why? Which would not inspire you to raise your achievement or productivity level?

Review Table 2.1 in Chapter 2 of your text. As many theorists agree, most people are primarily motivated by an increased access to one of three things: 1) money, 2) food, or 3) time. Whether it be a pay raise or increased commission schedule, free lunch on Fridays, bonus days off, the ability to telecommute, or an incentive trip to the Bahamas, these traditional incentives have proven effective for workforces time and time again. As an employee, which motivator appeals to you the most and why? Which would not inspire you to raise your achievement or productivity level?

As many theorists agree, most people are primarily motivated Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Revise theme essay Writing Assignment Help

Must of read the The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald and The Jelly Bean F. Scott Fitzgerald

Revise the theme worksheet. The primary source needs to be change because it’s not a primary source. And add three citations from the source. Do not use dropped quotations (meaning explain).

Then, you need to update the outline to reflect that you use the primary source and secondary source when the outline says “Relation of This Literary Element to the Theme”. Make sure to add evidence quotes to support the sentences.

The essay needs to be revise because the primary source was not a primary source, so the primary source you find in the theme worksheet will be used to support the analysis of the essay.

Please make sure you are following the grade rubric.

Please be open to revisions in the next few days because it’s very important if my professors request later on.


Based on the required topic study materials, write a reflection about worldview and respond to following: 1 Health Medical Assignment Help

In 250-300 words, explain the Christian perspective of the nature of spirituality and ethics in contrast to the perspective of postmodern relativism within health care. 2. In 250-300 words, explain what scientism is and describe two of the main arguments against it. 3. In 750-1000 words, answer each of the worldview questions according to your personal perspective and worldview: (a) what is ultimate reality? (b) what is the nature of the universe? (c) what is human being? (d) what is knowledge? (e) what is your basis of ethics? (f) what is the purpose of your existence?


Develop a business continuity plan for your organization. Describe the basic activities that must be managed by the BCP. Business Finance Assignment Help

Develop a business continuity plan for your organization. Describe the basic activities that must be managed by the BCP. Develop plans for alternate site relocation, and develop an estimated monthly budget for the alternate site operations.

Make sure to follow APA style. Please make sure your submission is 2 – 3 pages in length and meet the minimum APA formatting guidelines:

• 12-pt, Times New Roman font
• Double-spaced
• 1” margins on all sides
• Please provide a title page including your Name, Course Number, Date of Submission, and Assignment name.
• Paraphrasing of content – Demonstrate that you understand the case by summarizing the case in your own words. Direct quotes should be used minimally.
• Reference Section (A separate page is recommended.) Please cite the source using APA formatting guidelines. If you need guidance or a refresher on this, please visit:… (link is external) Be sure to include at least three reference sources.
• In-text citations – If you need additional guidance, please visit:… (link is external)


Analyze a Project Procurement Contract and Suggest Improvements Business Finance Assignment Help

Locate and read a project procurement contract in your company. Assess the following elements:

  • How are the parties identified?
  • What is the purpose of the contract? Are there any stated assumptions or restrictions?
  • How is the work described?
  • What are the deliverables and when are they due?
  • What is the pricing model, payment schedule and payment terms?
  • What are the duties and rights of each party?
  • What are the terms and conditions:
    • Liability and indemnification clauses
    • Ownership of intellectual property
    • Disclaimers
    • Other terms and conditions?

Once you have a clear understanding of the contract, explain the above elements in a paper and include an analysis of potential legal and ethical problems that could arise from this contract in case of vendor neglect, project delays, or other circumstances that will require changes to scope, deliverables, schedule, or budget. Explain how the contract might be improved to reduce risks of loss to your company from this contract. Provide an example of how the suggested improvements would work.

Support your paper with minimum of five (5) scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

[supanova_question] (link is external)


Analyze a Project Procurement Contract and Suggest Improvements Business Finance Assignment Help

Locate and read a project procurement contract in your company. Assess the following elements:

  • How are the parties identified?
  • What is the purpose of the contract? Are there any stated assumptions or restrictions?
  • How is the work described?
  • What are the deliverables and when are they due?
  • What is the pricing model, payment schedule and payment terms?
  • What are the duties and rights of each party?
  • What are the terms and conditions:
    • Liability and indemnification clauses
    • Ownership of intellectual property
    • Disclaimers
    • Other terms and conditions?

Once you have a clear understanding of the contract, explain the above elements in a paper and include an analysis of potential legal and ethical problems that could arise from this contract in case of vendor neglect, project delays, or other circumstances that will require changes to scope, deliverables, schedule, or budget. Explain how the contract might be improved to reduce risks of loss to your company from this contract. Provide an example of how the suggested improvements would work.

Support your paper with minimum of five (5) scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

[supanova_question] (link is external)


Analyze a Project Procurement Contract and Suggest Improvements Business Finance Assignment Help

Locate and read a project procurement contract in your company. Assess the following elements:

  • How are the parties identified?
  • What is the purpose of the contract? Are there any stated assumptions or restrictions?
  • How is the work described?
  • What are the deliverables and when are they due?
  • What is the pricing model, payment schedule and payment terms?
  • What are the duties and rights of each party?
  • What are the terms and conditions:
    • Liability and indemnification clauses
    • Ownership of intellectual property
    • Disclaimers
    • Other terms and conditions?

Once you have a clear understanding of the contract, explain the above elements in a paper and include an analysis of potential legal and ethical problems that could arise from this contract in case of vendor neglect, project delays, or other circumstances that will require changes to scope, deliverables, schedule, or budget. Explain how the contract might be improved to reduce risks of loss to your company from this contract. Provide an example of how the suggested improvements would work.

Support your paper with minimum of five (5) scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.

[supanova_question] (link is external)


Analyze a Project Procurement Contract and Suggest Improvements Business Finance Assignment Help

Locate and read a project procurement contract in your company. Assess the following elements:

  • How are the parties identified?
  • What is the purpose of the contract? Are there any stated assumptions or restrictions?
  • How is the work described?
  • What are the deliverables and when are they due?
  • What is the pricing model, payment schedule and payment terms?
  • What are the duties and rights of each party?
  • What are the terms and conditions:
    • Liability and indemnification clauses
    • Ownership of intellectual property
    • Disclaimers
    • Other terms and conditions?

Once you have a clear understanding of the contract, explain the above elements in a paper and include an analysis of potential legal and ethical problems that could arise from this contract in case of vendor neglect, project delays, or other circumstances that will require changes to scope, deliverables, schedule, or budget. Explain how the contract might be improved to reduce risks of loss to your company from this contract. Provide an example of how the suggested improvements would work.

Support your paper with minimum of five (5) scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including older articles, may be included.

Length: 5-7 pages not including title and reference pages

Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.


Stockholders Equity Business Finance Assignment Help

Stockholders Equity Business Finance Assignment Help

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