STR 581 UPhoenix American Airlines Financial Strategic Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

STR 581 UPhoenix American Airlines Financial Strategic Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. STR 581 UPhoenix American Airlines Financial Strategic Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

I’m working on a business report and need a sample draft to help me study.
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Look at a company that is failing or experiencing challenges in the area of financial performance.

Select and research a company that is having financial difficulties or is on the brink of bankruptcy.

Review Where Can I Find a Company’s Annual Report and Its SEC Filings?” from Investopedia.

You can also access specific information about a variety of businesses in the University Library by searching the following databases:

  • University Library > Databases > B > Business Source Complete
  • University Library > Databases > E > EDGAR
  • University Library > Databases > P > Plunkett Research Online

Conduct a strategic analysis of the company’s current financial operations. Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance.

Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis. When writing your analysis, complete the following:

  • Evaluate the company’s current financial plan, including charts and/or graphs showing financial data from the struggling company, and make recommendations for improvement.
  • Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance.
  • Create a plan to implement the strategies you selected.

Include APA-formatted, in-text citations, and a reference page with at least 3 sources.

Rubric: Also – Published in the Announcements!!!

Week#5 – Rubric Implementation Plans

COMPANY in DIRE Straits –

Criteria Individual Assessment –

1. Evaluation of the company’s current financial plan and recommendations for improvement – 30% of total grade = 30 points

2. Strategies for achieving sustainable competitive advantage -30% of total grade = 30 points

3. Plan to implement the selected strategies – 30% of total grade = 30 points

4. Mechanics & grammar – 5% of total grade = 5 points (Syntax)

5. Information literacy – 5% of total grade (References) = 5 points (reference sources)

TOTAL POINTS = 100 points TOTAL POINTS /100 points

STR 581 UPhoenix American Airlines Financial Strategic Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grossmont College Autobiographic Artwork with Objects and Images Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

We all have our own individual autobiographies, or stories.

Each one of us are defined by a web of influences: ancestry, culture, family, spirituality, sexuality, class, health, politics, society, race, gender, social media, technology, nature, etc. Did you notice a lot of this list is actually the titles of the textbook chapters? That’s because, we all have a connection to each one of these areas, and so do the artists that we’ve looked in the textbook.

What is autobiography in art?

Art work that is about the artist themselves- this can be about any aspect of their lives. It’s very open to interpretation, as long as the art work and the topics are about the artist. You are going to make an autobiographic artwork by gathering objects and images that tell the story of you.

Ted Talk: The Danger of a Single Story

Betye Saar’s work as a reflection on her ancestry, her personal lived experience, and her own historical context.

Requirements & Instructions

Be sure to view the ted talk, read the articles and closely look at all of the images of Saar’s work, on those links. You will be making a connection back to her work, in your reflection.

Part 1: The Art

  1. Begin by looking closely at the connections that Saar makes with her objects. This will help to understand how to make your own connections to your our objects. (Feel free to look at other artist as well, you will have to reference a connection or influence to her work or an artist that you found.)
  2. Notice that Saar’s work has a backdrop image, with a central figure and objects on either side. This can work as a formula for planning and laying out your box, and where things will be placed.

How to start:

  1. Start collecting objects. This is a personal project about you- so introduce personal items, mementos, cultural or religious images/icons, photographs, fabrics, items that are symbolic to you and are about you. As you are gathering your items, look for a box as well.
  2. Find objects that can be glued down.
  3. Once you have a lot of items (at least 5), including a box that they will go in, play around with the “placement”, composition/layout. Don’t glue anything down yet!
  4. Before you glue anything down, make a plan.
      • Mentally walk through your project- ask yourself, what will I do first, second, last, etc.
      • Address the background first, paint it, glue down some fabric, etc. Finish the background first (trust me, this will make it so much easier)
      • Place your foreground objects second (gluing, stitching down)
      • Side objects or smaller objects near the front should go last
  5. Once you have a plan, start!
      • I understand that you may not have paint or fabric, or glue- so, do your best, and maybe there’s another alternative for those materials. How about using decorative tape to cover (instead of paint or fabric), or nail polish (for paint).
      • I LOVE to see what students come up with, be creative!

The rules and some tips:

    1. All completed boxes should be no larger that an 8×10 “shadow box”, and no smaller than a normal sized Altoids mint container. An old jewelry box, cigar box, eye glass box could work…
    2. All completed boxes should be completely covered with paint or fabric (unless the box itself is interesting to look at)- naked cardboard or un-painted shoe box will not work- unless it is about your story.
    3. There is a lot of creative freedom for what you can include to discuss “you”! Use it!
    4. Personalize, discuss your background, culture, religion, etc- what ever you feel is important to your story.

Part 2: the reflection

In an at-least-one-page summary or video/audio response, discuss the following:

  1. How were you able to discuss your own personal story?
  2. Discuss your objects in your story.
    1. images/objects that you used and…
    2. how each image/object describes your story
  3. Personally reflect on this project and the process. Did you have any hurdles or triumphs that you wish to share?
  4. You must use some of terms from the Principles of Composition. Please review Ch 2 for these.

  5. Make a connection to another artist, or Saar’s work: this can be the influence of culture/politics/history, etc- or the influence of her “arrangement of objects”. Feel free to do some personal investigation into other artists!

How to Submit

  1. Upload several photographs, including details.

  2. Reflection Summary (see above, please upload in the numbered format) or as a video/audio response.


University of The Cumberlands Promotional Mix Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a marketing discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

When we talk about promotional mix what exactly do we mean and how does this help us in our marketing process? After reviewing this week’s resources and your research, in your own words how would you explain promotional mix and how it helps in the marketing process? Share one of the elements and apply it to a product you personally use. How would use the element to promote the product for a new market segment and why?

Each week there is a discussion question and you will write a minimum of 3 responses: An initial post and 2 peer replies. You are required to respond to the initial post for at least two peers. The criteria for responses is as follows:

Initial post is at least 250-300 words, due by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. EST.

Peer replies are at least 150-200 words per reply. You are required to reply to at least two peers per forum.

All peer replies are due by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. EST.


Portland Community College How Did Sex Become a Civil Liberty Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a political science writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Answer two (and only two) of the questions below. Your answers must be between 2 and 3 pages long. You should use 12 point font and 1.5 space. You should not refer to any materials other than those assigned in the class. In each answer, you must refer to at least 2 of the assigned readings and other material from the class. You should refer to them with embedded cites for example: (Smith 2017). The assignment is due by 5:00 pm on May 5. These questions are designed to be thought pieces that should demonstrate your ability to analyze and process the information from the course. You should turn your answer in through canvas.


Answer 2 of the following questions:

  • How did sex become a civil liberty?
  • Explain how the creation and expansion of the FBI was intertwined with the regulation of sex.
  • What can we learn from the controversies over the songs we heard by Billie Holiday, Cardi B, and Lil Nas X about the use of regulation of sex by the government.
  • Explain the politics that envelope people who identify as transgender.


SS 270 PGUC Environmental Social Problem Water Pollution in Tacoma Washington Essay Writing Assignment Help

Assignment Overview

For the Unit 8 assignment, you will identify a local technology-related environmental social problem and then conduct research to determine whether the identified local environmental problem is in some way associated with the processes of globalization.

Before you begin: Use the Unit 8 Assignment Template to help you organize your assignment.

Assignment Details

Step 1: Identify an environmental problem that exists in your community.

You may already be aware of a local environmental issue that is related to the processes of globalization. If not, you will need to either go out to explore your community or you can conduct research using your local news media (not social media) to identify a problem. You will need to gather enough information to fully describe the problem and its causes to write the essay in Step 3.

Step 2: Research reliable sources to learn whether the environmental problem in your community is related to the globalization processes that include transborder associations for the purposes of trade, travel, and communication.

Find at least one reliable source that identifies and explains a relationship between the environmental problem in your community and globalization processes. Newspapers and government or non-government environmental organizations are some suggested resources.

Step 3: Write an analytical essay about the social problem that includes these elements.

Introduction – One paragraph

  • What is the purpose of the essay?
  • What steps will you take to achieve the purpose of the essay?
  • Include a thesis statement to set out the direction for the rest of the paper.

Description of the Local Environmental Social Problem – Two paragraphs

Describe the conditions that you believe constitute an environmental problem in your community.

Address these prompts in your description:

Paragraph 1

  • Where is the evidence of the environmental problem located? Describe the residents, housing conditions, traffic conditions, and natural environment of the area where the problem exists.
  • Describe the evidence of the environmental problem in enough detail that the reader can see, hear, smell, feel, or in some cases, taste the problem the same way that you experienced it.

Paragraph 2

  • Discuss the actions taken by local governmental agencies or local coalitions to remedy the environmental problem.
  • Based on your research about the local environmental problem, evaluate the effectiveness of attempts to resolve it.

The Connection to Globalization – Two Paragraphs

Paragraph 1

  • Describe the link between the local environmental issue and process of globalization.
  • Discuss the evidence from your research that explains how the local environmental issue is in some way connected to global economic, political, or social conditions.

Paragraph 2

  • Apply the functionalist and conflict perspectives to analyze the origin of the environmental problem on the global level.

Conclusion – One Paragraph

  • Restate the main points of your essay.
  • Suggest one substantiated idea for abatement of the environmental issue on the local level.
  • Conclude with your thoughts on whether there is a way to resolve environmental issues that are linked to globalization processes.

Step 3: Review and Meet the Submission Requirements

The completed essay must be within the range of 400-600 words in length to earn full credit. The essay should be double spaced and include the following:

  • 12-point Times New Roman font.
  • 1ʺ margins on all sides.
  • A separate title page and reference page.
  • In-text citations to at least one reliable source. You may use news media or information from government or non-government environmental organizations as references. Although the source does not have to be an academic one for this assignment, remember that Wikipedia, encyclopedias, and encyclopedia-type sources are not considered academic reliable sources.



Manchester Community College Apple Inc Company Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business project and need a sample draft to help me study.

Hello i need help with a 4-5 page research paper on the company of Apple. There are 5 questions that need to be addressed in the research paper.

WRITTEN ASSIGNMENT #2. Submit via CANVAS on the schedule above

Using the large company, you have chosen:

  1. Discuss their product, marketing, pricing, and distribution.
  2. What approach do they take to grow their markets?
  3. How do they leverage brand equity?
  4. What distribution channels do they rely on to get their products to their final customers?
  5. How do they utilize technology to enhance their marketing strategies?
  6. What is the current stock price? What would 100 shares of this company’s stock cost now?
  7. How does the current stock price compare to the stock price in written assignment 1? Indicate your thoughts on why the stock price has increased or decreased since the last written assignment.

Manchester Community College Apple Inc Company Analysis Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

IVC Black soldiers in the Civil War Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

. Do the required readings.

2. Answer the questions and post your response in the discussion.

3. Make sure you address all questions

4. Reply to at least 1 other classmates before the deadline.


Blacks in The Civil War (Links to an external site.)


1. What were some of the challenges black soldiers faced joining the military? Why did blacks from all backgrounds participate?

2. What were major disagreements between the US government and blacks? (Represented in the Lincoln movie clip)

3. Growing up did you know much about blacks in the Civil War?

4. Explain the connections between the abolitionist need to show black were equal and the bravery of black regiments during the Civil War.


EPI 602 AUHS Recreation in Rural Alabama Through Community Coalitions Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

Diabetes remains a major health problem and ranks in the top 10 health concerns in Alabama. The citizens and the medical community need your help in quantifying the problem and finding viable solutions to reducing the diabetes crisis of the state. The National Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) is an evidence-based intervention that has demonstrated efficacy and effectiveness in the prevention of type II diabetes. However, implementation of the program across all populations has been a challenge. Using the Diabetes Atlas (Links to an external site.) and information from NDPP (Links to an external site.), write an executive summary for the people of Alabama based on the following questions. Your response should be a total of 2 pages, single-spaced, 0.5” margins, Font – Arial 11 (not including references).

  1. Describe the Diabetes Atlas.
  2. Describe the components of the DPP.
  3. What are the prevalence, incidence rate, and trend from 2000-2016 of type II diabetes for adults in Alabama (including total and by age, gender, and race/ethnicity)?
  4. What is the clinical criterion for prediabetes and what proportion of Alabamians have been diagnosed with prediabetes? Identify a risk assessment tool and provide the score indicating increased risk.
  5. Which county in Alabama has the highest prevalence of type II diabetes? Which Alabama DPP – Lifestyle Change Program is the nearest location (how far?) to the county with the highest prevalence of type II diabetes?
  6. How might you overcome transportation and other barriers (i.e. costs, time, etc) to participate in an in-person DPP class for individuals at high risk for developing type II diabetes? Evidence-based strategies.

Given that diabetes is a major risk factor for CVD, create a social media post (280 words or less – cool hashtags and emojis are welcomed) to promote heart disease prevention among millennial women in Alabama and include it at the end of your bibliography page.


Moorpark College Psychological Research Social Indentity Paper Humanities Assignment Help

THIS IS THE ENTIRE ASSIGNMENT (it should be super easy!)

One of the main objectives of this course is to learn how to be a wise consumer of psychological research. This research critique will give you practice reading and communicating clearly and effectively about psychological research.

Set 2: Identities & flexible thinking

(a) Peer-reviewed journal article : Gaither et al. (2020). Thinking about multiple identities boosts children’s flexible thinking. Developmental Science.

(b) Media report: (Links to an external site.)

Set 3: Values affirmation & everyday numeracy

(a) Peer-reviewed journal article: Peters et al. (2017). Improving numeracy through values affirmation enhances decision and STEM outcomes. PLOS One.

(b) Media report:


First, carefully read both the original peer-reviewed journal article and the media report.

Then, write a paper with two sections. Please use headings to separate your two sections. Double-space your document and use a 12-point font (Times New Roman or similar).

First section of your paper: Summary of the peer-reviewed article (~300 words; this is just a guideline!). Briefly summarize the key aspects of the journal article. Your summary should include answers to the following questions: What were the main variables? What was the key finding or findings? What theory do the findings support or refute? Use concepts you have learned about in this course to communicate the research design and findings.

Second section of your paper: Critique of the media coverage (~500 words; this is just a guideline!). Analyze and critique the journalist’s coverage of the research, using what you learned from reading the original journal article. In this section, make two significant points, dedicating separate paragraphs to each point. Each significant point should be a different argument, critique, etc. about a different question or issue; you should use concepts that you have learned about in this course to make your points. You may choose from the following questions to guide your critique:

What did the journalist get right?

What did the journalist get wrong, and why?

What might the journalist have said differently?

If the journalist made any causal claims, were they accurate? (Apply the 3 causal criteria).

Did the journalist focus on the same key finding as the scientists did?

Did the journalist accurately describe the procedures of the study? Did the journalist leave details out?

Grading expectations

Summary (8 points): Accurate, concise, non-plagiarized summary of the key points of the original empirical article. Includes the main variables, the key findings, and the theory the findings support. Writing is clear. Writing reflects your own understanding; direct quotes from the research article are avoided.

Critique (12 points): A thoughtful analysis and critique, containing two significant points, of how well the journalist covered the research. Clear writing and critical thinking.

A reminder that your paper must be original work! The paper you turn in must be your own work that you have written yourself for this assignment. You may not:

Copy words from another student or any other source, unless it is marked as a quotation and attributed to the source

Copy something and then alter the words to make it a little different

Paraphrase without attribution

Turn in work that somebody else wrote

All of the things listed above are plagiarism, which is a serious violation of academic standards and can result in you failing the course. Don’t do it! Please see the syllabus for more information. If you are not sure what is allowed, please ask! All papers will be checked by SimCheck/TurnItIn, which is software that can automatically detect plagiarism.

Set 2: Identities & flexible thinking

(a) Peer-reviewed journal article : Gaither et al. (2020). Thinking about multiple identities boosts children’s flexible thinking. Developmental Science.

(b) Media report:


San Diego State University Tourism Foreign Stereotyping Questions Science Assignment Help

When responding to the questions, students are REQUIRED to address the specific concepts covered in the course thus far. In your answers, highlight/underline the specific course concepts that you have addressed from the PowerPoint presentations and videos provided in the modules.

Why and how do tourists develop and/or resort to stereotypes while traveling away from their home environment? Why are stereotypes often inaccurate? Why are stereotypes helpful? Why are stereotypes dangerous? How can we modify and/or eliminate stereotypes? Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words

If you were the President of the San Diego Tourism Authority, how would you go about evaluating satisfaction levels of tourists visiting the region? Which technique of satisfaction measurement would be the most adequate? Describe this technique? Why should international tourist complaints not always be used in assessing their vacation satisfaction? NOTE: This question is not asking you to discuss any type of surveys; while answering this question/subquestions, you will need to apply the specific course concepts covered under the topic of Satisfaction. Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.



San Diego State University Tourism Foreign Stereotyping Questions Science Assignment Help

When responding to the questions, students are REQUIRED to address the specific concepts covered in the course thus far. In your answers, highlight/underline the specific course concepts that you have addressed from the PowerPoint presentations and videos provided in the modules.

Why and how do tourists develop and/or resort to stereotypes while traveling away from their home environment? Why are stereotypes often inaccurate? Why are stereotypes helpful? Why are stereotypes dangerous? How can we modify and/or eliminate stereotypes? Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words

If you were the President of the San Diego Tourism Authority, how would you go about evaluating satisfaction levels of tourists visiting the region? Which technique of satisfaction measurement would be the most adequate? Describe this technique? Why should international tourist complaints not always be used in assessing their vacation satisfaction? NOTE: This question is not asking you to discuss any type of surveys; while answering this question/subquestions, you will need to apply the specific course concepts covered under the topic of Satisfaction. Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.



San Diego State University Tourism Foreign Stereotyping Questions Science Assignment Help

When responding to the questions, students are REQUIRED to address the specific concepts covered in the course thus far. In your answers, highlight/underline the specific course concepts that you have addressed from the PowerPoint presentations and videos provided in the modules.

Why and how do tourists develop and/or resort to stereotypes while traveling away from their home environment? Why are stereotypes often inaccurate? Why are stereotypes helpful? Why are stereotypes dangerous? How can we modify and/or eliminate stereotypes? Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words

If you were the President of the San Diego Tourism Authority, how would you go about evaluating satisfaction levels of tourists visiting the region? Which technique of satisfaction measurement would be the most adequate? Describe this technique? Why should international tourist complaints not always be used in assessing their vacation satisfaction? NOTE: This question is not asking you to discuss any type of surveys; while answering this question/subquestions, you will need to apply the specific course concepts covered under the topic of Satisfaction. Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.



San Diego State University Tourism Foreign Stereotyping Questions Science Assignment Help

When responding to the questions, students are REQUIRED to address the specific concepts covered in the course thus far. In your answers, highlight/underline the specific course concepts that you have addressed from the PowerPoint presentations and videos provided in the modules.

Why and how do tourists develop and/or resort to stereotypes while traveling away from their home environment? Why are stereotypes often inaccurate? Why are stereotypes helpful? Why are stereotypes dangerous? How can we modify and/or eliminate stereotypes? Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words

If you were the President of the San Diego Tourism Authority, how would you go about evaluating satisfaction levels of tourists visiting the region? Which technique of satisfaction measurement would be the most adequate? Describe this technique? Why should international tourist complaints not always be used in assessing their vacation satisfaction? NOTE: This question is not asking you to discuss any type of surveys; while answering this question/subquestions, you will need to apply the specific course concepts covered under the topic of Satisfaction. Your answer must be a minimum of 700 words and maximum of 1000 words.


STR 581 UPhoenix American Airlines Financial Strategic Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

STR 581 UPhoenix American Airlines Financial Strategic Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

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