Stratford University ?The Standards of Practice and NCLEX Style Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Stratford University ?The Standards of Practice and NCLEX Style Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. Stratford University ?The Standards of Practice and NCLEX Style Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.

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The Standards of Practice and NCLEX Style Questions Please include at least one reference

  • Describe four proven strategies used to answer NCLEX style questions.
  • Discuss how the ANA Standards of Practice are tested using the NCLEX style of questions.
  • Discuss how patient care needs can be prioritized using Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs.
  • Identify how patient safety is often tested with NCLEX style of questions.
  • Identify NCLEX style of questions which are testing therapeutic communication skills.
  • Discuss how to eliminate options which indicate the use of poor therapeutic communication.
  • Discuss how to identify options which indicate appropriate therapeutic communication.
  • Identify three areas which often cause problems for NCLEX test takers.

Stratford University ?The Standards of Practice and NCLEX Style Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Stratford University Ethical Issues and Vaccines Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I have chosen an article about immunizations and health disparities as our final ethical discussion board. This is the link to the article:

This is full of ethical concerns, and I do not want to limit you, so please choose something from the article to discuss, identify an appropriate provision from the nursing code of ethics, and what you think should or could be done to address it. I think this topic has many personal opinions to it, and you can mention these because the public can have the same and naming helps us figure out how to address those concerns. Please remember to cite both the article and the book.


ECOM 101 Saudi Electronic eCommerce and Business software Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business project and need support to help me learn.

Answer the following question about this website

1.Explain the current business e-commerce features 1 mark

ØWhat are the current website features?

ØWhat types of these features can be annoying to customers? Provide pictures.

What can you do to improve the current features on the website?

2.Explain the business e-commerce process 1 marks

ØExplain in detail all the steps from the time user enters the website until the final user buys a product.

What can be improved in the process?

3.Site Design 1.5 marks

ØEvaluate the website design focusing on the eight most important factors in successful e-commerce site design (ease of use, ease of purchase, simple graphics … etc.). You are required to evaluate each factor.

oWhat can be improved in the site design to be one of the most successful e-commerce websites?

4.Business software 1 marks

The development of an e-commerce website requires more interactive functionalities, such as the ability to respond to user input (name and address forms), capturing customer orders for goods and services, clearing credit card transactions on the fly, consolidating price and product databases, and even adjusting advertising on the screen based on user characteristics.

ØExplain the different types of software used on the website to perform the current functionalities.

What can be done to improve the software?

5.Payment and Security 1.5 marks

ØWhat are the methods of payment available in the online store?

oWhat other methods can be added? Explain why?

ØWhat are the technologies used on the website to secure the online transactions?

oWhat other technologies can be added? Explain why?

ØWhat is the current privacy policy of the online store? Outline how the information is collected and used?

oWhat can be added to the privacy policy? Explain why?

6.Categorize marketing and advertising strategy and method. 1 mark

ØExplain the current online, offline, and social media marketing strategies of the e-commerce business?

What can be done to improve the marketing aspects of the business?

7.Know your competitors. 2 marks

ØChoose a website of one competitor in the same industry (locally or globally) and compare it with your chosen company’s site. Indicate why the competitor’s website is better or worse than the chosen company’s website. Provide screenshots with explanation.

oWhat can be done by learning from your competitor’s experience?

8.Conclude your report. 1 mark

Summarize the above points and include your recommendation to improve the e-commerce business.


GM 593 Purdue University Global Project Management Resource Constraint PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

This assignment is designed to evaluate your ability to anticipate and resolve a resource constraint. You will learn how to use emotional intelligence (EI) and conflict resolution skills when working with stakeholders that can have a positive or negative influence on the project.

Managing project resources is a difficult task. Please note that resources include team members, capital, supplies, equipment, services, technology, and facilities. For the project to be successful, the resources must be available when needed. The project manager must work closely with functional managers (i.e., departmental managers) to ensure the right resources are assigned to the project, especially people. Given that resources can be scarce, conflict often arises regarding the use of resources.

For this assignment, please prepare a PowerPoint® Presentation with audio and use the notes area where you describe the following items from the standpoint of the project manager:

  1. How can you use emotional intelligence (EI) to help you have an effective relationship with functional managers regarding the use of resources?
  2. When working with executive-level stakeholders, project managers must be skilled at conflict resolution and the types of powers they can leverage. From your experience and research, discuss the conflict resolution skills and powers that are most effective in this situation?
  3. Describe a model of problem solving you might use to get buy-in from stakeholders.

Review how to add audio to a PowerPoint in the “Adding Audio to PPT Presentations” tutorial in Course Documents under Course Resources.


  • PowerPoint presentation with audio delivery.
  • A table of contents using the following headers: Introduction, Emotional Intelligence (EI), Conflict Resolution Skills, Problem-Solving Technique, Conclusion, and References.
  • Inclusion of speaker’s notes is required for applicable slides.
  • A minimum of three scholarly journal and textbook source references cited and credited according to current APA formatting style using a minimum of six in-text citations. Hanging indent not required for PowerPoint, but proper current APA format is necessary.
  • Please use as many slides necessary to make an effective presentation.
  • A good general rule is to have 6-8-words per bullet. For additional information, use speaker’s notes.
  • Images and graphs are effective, but must be appropriate for a professional presentation.


MGT 404 Saudi Electronic University Organization Design Development Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Instructions for the assignment – PLEASE READ THEM CAREFULLY

  • The Assignment must be submitted on (WORD format only).
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • This is an individual project, which is part from your course score. It requires effort and critical thinking.
  • Use font Times New Roman, double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your Assignment referencing.



Columbia Southern University Standard Interpretation Analysis Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Speak about the standard “general duty clause 5(a)(1).” Then, develop a paper that addresses the following elements:

  • Discuss the purpose of the standard, who is affected, and who is excluded.
  • What are the key elements of the standard?
  • Select and summarize a letter of interpretation for the selected standard.
  • List some commonly cited provisions of the standard.
  • Explain ways the selected standard can fit into a safety and health management program.
  • Then, create a fictional workplace scenario and apply the standard. Be creative. Describe a situation in a workplace and then explain how the standard relates to it and why the standard is important in the situation.

Your essay must include an introduction, and it must flow smoothly from topic to topic. It must be at least four to six pages in length, using at least one reference. All sources must be cited in the text and on the reference page, using APA Style.

Columbia Southern University Standard Interpretation Analysis Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Chaminade University of Honolulu Conair Manufactures and Markets Products Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I was planning to talk about the Ring Video Doorbell 3 or the Conair hairdryer.

As a practical exercise for chapter 13, your task is to find a professional technical document, such as an instructional manual or a product tag for a home or garden product, and address the questions below. How thoroughly you address each question and support it with cited sources is worth 85% of your grade. Your writing skills (Grammar and APA) will make up the remaining 15%.

1. Describe the item in detail such as the instruction manual for a specific household appliance, the written instructions provided along with a prescribed medication, or the warning label on a hairdryer made by Conair.

2. Argue whether or not the writer and company included legal considerations when writing. For example, does the document appear to respect copyright laws? Why or why not? Or, if it’s a product tag or label, evaluate it for safety, warranties, adequacy of instructions, defects, and liability. Analyze it for FTC and state standards.

3. From what you can ascertain, did the company break trademark, contract, or liability law? If so, how?

4. Now, think as though you are a lawyer and examine every potential legal part of the document or tag. Do you believe changes should be made? Include your suggestions and/or ideas. Be creative and think of ways people could hurt themselves or otherwise find the company at fault for injuries caused by the product and its use or misuse.

5. Finally, what important lesson (if any) did you take away from this exercise?


Texas A & M University Fractional Ownership in Cloud Computing Essay Computer Science Assignment Help

Write at least 500 words on fractional ownership and it’s relation to cloud computing. Use at least one example from another industry.    

Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list.  Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs. Stand alone quotes will not count toward the 3 required quotes.

Copying without attribution or the use of spinbot or other word substitution software will result in a grade of 0. 

Write in essay format not in bulleted, numbered or other list format. 



Risk of Hacking in North America Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Case Study Project: Intelligence Brief

For this assignment you will prepare an intelligence brief based upon artifacts(news article, videos, pictures etc) from your assigned region (North America). You can choose one of the two following options:

Option A

Draft a comprehensive and exhaustive intelligence brief aimed at the U.S. intelligence community, detailing (a) the primary cyber threat that your region poses to the U.S. and (b) how the U.S. should defend against it.

Option B

Draft a comprehensive and exhaustive intelligence briefing aimed at your region’s intelligence community, detailing (a) the primary cyber threat against your region and (b) how to defend against it.

For either option, you will produce a paper that is 1,500 to 2,000 words long. APA format. The goal here is to produce a comprehensive, fact-based analysis; not a political argument or personal opinion piece.

As such, you will use at least 7 NEW artifacts (that is 7 artifacts that you did not use in the DOTS DBs) to support your points.(please see below the topics for the 7 NEW Artifacts)

1. Understand the concept of hacking, Understand the threat from APT1 and similar entities, Understand how hacking works, Understand the goals of the hackers, Understand how to respond to hacking

2. Understand the concept and threat of Hacktivism, Understand the threatscape and the different stakeholders associated with risk to national sovereignty and the critical infrastructure.

3. Identify various elements of our critical infrastructure that are potentially vulnerable to cyberterrorism and/or information warfare, espionage, hacktivism, sabotage, and the like. Get a general understanding of the types of weapons and their conseuqences

4. Understand the different public agencies that contribute to investigation and prevention, Identify the roles and responsibilities in this sector, Understand how each agency operates independently yet with a combined goal

5. Understand the role of the private sector in espionage and homeland security, Identify the function and use of ISACs

6. Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the voluntary approach to critical infrastructure security and resilience. Evaluate how risks are assessed and managed and how performance is measured in those sectors in which security is not regulated by a government entity. Identify and discuss the various resources made available by the Federal government to other levels of government and the private sector to foster critical infrastructure security and resilience program development and implementation.

7.Explain the strengths and weaknesses of the regulatory approach to critical infrastructure security and resilience. Evaluate how risks are assessed and managed and how performance is measured in those sectors in which security, emergency preparedness, and emergency response are regulated by a government entity. Identify and discuss the differences in the approaches used in the regulated sectors: chemical/hazardous materials, freight rail, aviation, ports, commercial and nuclear facilities, electricity, and financial services.


ENG 12020 Cuyamaca Why Our Future Depends on Libraries Annotation Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help


To continue in the vein of education, I want us to read a speech given by author Neil Gaiman which discusses why reading for pleasure is important, and the integral role libraries play in society and creating literate, more empathetic citizens.

Step 1:

Carefully read through “Why Our Future Depends on Libraries” by Neil Gaiman. Read it slowly! Read it twice! Annotate it! If you need a refresher on annotating your work, you can review the materials I’ve supplied here: English 020 Connection: Reading Strategies.


Step 2:

Fill out an annotation worksheet for the reading.

Blank Annotation Worksheet here. (DOC)

Blank Annotation Worksheet here. (PDF)

(You can download it, type in your responses, and save your file or you can print it out, write your answers on the worksheet, and post a scan of the document.)


To submit, please attach your saved files as either a Word, PDF, JPG or PNG file below and click Submit. You can submit twice for each annotation worksheet.

Happy Writing!


Stratford University ?The Standards of Practice and NCLEX Style Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Stratford University ?The Standards of Practice and NCLEX Style Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

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