Strayer University Presidents Nixon and Reagan as Cold Warriors Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Strayer University Presidents Nixon and Reagan as Cold Warriors Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. Strayer University Presidents Nixon and Reagan as Cold Warriors Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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The 1970s and 1980s brought remarkable changes for the Untied States. The Cold War between the US and its allies versus the Soviet Union and its allies/clients was still the dominant international issue. China was also going to start emerging as a major world power. Nixon was dealing with Vietnam and then Watergate—one of the pivotal scandals of modern history. Reagan would bring a new national spirit, and he would tackle economic problems by deregulation and moderating taxes—and he would be dealing with a very new type of Soviet leadership.

Discuss lessons in leadership with the examples of President Nixon and President Reagan:

Choose and discuss (in a full paragraph or two) one of the following two topics related to the 1960s and 1970s, especially to the terms of Presidents Nixon and Reagan.

  1. Discuss lessons in leadership with the examples of President Nixon and President Reagan:

    • Identify a leadership example from President Nixon’s handling of the Watergate issue, and another example from Reagan’s presidency.
    • Give two lessons in leadership—one from each example. They can be positive lessons or negative lessons (good things to do; things not to do, etc). Discuss how these lessons can apply to those in business or politics or some other realm.
    • Identify the source(s) where you read about these issues.

  2. Discuss Presidents Nixon and Reagan  as Cold Warriors:

    • Identify a strategy or policy from the Nixon presidency that related to the Cold War, and another from the Reagan presidency.
    • In hindsight, describe your views of each approach and how effective (or not) each approach was.
    • Identify the source(s) where you read these issues.

Strayer University Presidents Nixon and Reagan as Cold Warriors Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT571 CSU Global Campus Marketing Communication Discussion Writing Assignment Help

As discussed in the prior module, a part of effective new product launch execution is appropriate market communications. To build on this idea, describe a hypothetical new product that will be introduced into at least one market outside the U.S. State the name of the country and describe the product, discussing whether product modifications are needed (and which) and the marketing communication channel(s) that fit the product and the target market. What sort of multinational strategy does this represent? Evaluate whether these sorts of marketing communications, product modifications, and strategy are appropriate.

As always, provide clear, concise, focused, and well-documented responses and respond to at least two posts by colleagues. Make sure your comment is a relevant, informative comment. Source citations should be in conformity with CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA (Links to an external site.).


Laney College Multi Generational Marketing and Generation X Y and Z Paper Writing Assignment Help

Please research on the following  5 generations in the  market place: you need to know who these people are and what they need and and later on you will learn what you need to do to get their attention toward your product/s or services based on their needs. Between what years they were born? what is the differences between all these generations? for example: generation Y is much into the texting and internet than Baby Boomers. Generation y prefer to shop online.  what does each generation most need in the market?

The reason of this research: 

Each generation has unique expectations, experiences, generational history, lifestyles and different expectation from the sellers. Different

values, and demographics that influence their buying behaviors. Accordingly, many companies

are reaching out to multi-generational consumers and trying to understand and gain the attention

of these diverse buyers. Multi -generational marketing is the practice of appealing to the unique needs and behaviors of individuals within more than one specific generational group, with a generation being a group of individuals born and living about the same time. This means that

marketers need to understand the six generations: Pre-Depression Generation, Depression Generation, Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and Generation Z. When a marketer

factors in the different characteristics and behaviors of the generations, it should be easier to build relationships, gain trust, and close business. As such, an understanding of multigenerational marketing is very important to the marketer. The purpose of this research paper is to

describe briefly the U.S. generations in terms of the times in which they grew up as well as the

characteristics, lifestyles, and attitudes toward the market.

However, later on we will use this research to describe various marketing understandings and strategies appropriate to each generation’s characteristics and behaviors, particularly in terms of segmentation, products and services, and how we need to communicate with each generation to be able to sell and have a highest market share. Good luck to all. 

Senior citizens


generation x

generation y

generation z


University of Alabama Kraft Mac & Cheese Stealth Marketing Approach Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

  • A trend that has a critical impact on the consumer packaged goods industry in recent years is consumers’ desire for simpler, more transparent, and more natural ingredients. More companies have responded by publicly stating their intentions to remove artificial coloring and preservatives from longstanding brands and then repositioning the product as “clean” or “pure” within the market. While this strategy aligns well with trends, it risks alienating individuals who are used to purchasing goods based on more intangible factors such as nostalgia, predictability, and even taste.
  • Kraft used a novel approach to handling these shifting consumer preferences. To stay competitive within the category, the company realized it had to rethink the product formula of one of its superstar brands, Kraft Mac and Cheese. However, management knew it was crucial to make changes without tainting elements of the product that consumers had come to expect. For generations, individuals had associated Kraft Mac and Cheese with its orangish hue and smooth sauce consistency. Kraft made it a point to carefully maintain these identifying attributes as it eliminated ingredients and removed artificial dyes.
  • The aspect of Kraft’s strategy that was a real differentiator though was how it rolled out the reformulation. Rather than advertising the measures the company had taken to make its product more natural—common practice among competitors—Kraft simply didn’t say anything. Studies have shown that even the mention of a new formula can cause consumers to perceive flavor to be different, so Kraft chose not to call attention to the change.
  • After consumers had accepted the new formula, as evidenced by sales remaining stable, Kraft launched a digital campaign to announce the adjustment. The campaign tagline “It changed. But it hasn’t.” was featured in 15- and 30-second online video spots. Tongue-and-cheek lines such as “We’d invite you to try it, but you already have.” were incorporated into digital display ads, promotions through channels like Pandora radio and Snapchat, and magazine print. Kraft also encouraged fans to share their experiences with the product on social media using #didntnotice and offered giveaways to encourage postings.
  • Kraft’s ability to make a fundamental change to an iconic product without consumer backlash is a testament to its thoughtful marketing approach. Quietly testing the waters in a landscape of uncertainty can help companies anticipate reactions to significant product changes that ultimately help them stay one step ahead.


  • In what way(s) could Kraft’s strategy have backfired? How might Kraft have been prepared for this possibility?
  • How should Kraft respond to the demographic trends outlined in your textbook? What about cultural trends? Sustainability trends? Please be sure to answer each of these questions; they should not be lumped together but instead treated separately.

For instructions on how to upload this assignment through Turnitin, please review this instructional video Submitting a Case Study through Turnitin.

Grading Rubric
Criteria Ratings

50 Pts

The essay answers the question clearly with sufficient explanation. It reflects original thought, sound logic and provides ample supporting detail, which needs references and citations. This will make for a strong, convincing response. The writer projects a consistent and mature voice throughout the response.

44 pts

The essay answers the question clearly. It meets most of the criteria of the 50 points with one or more minor errors.

38 pts

The essay answers the question clearly but is lacking in explanation and provides less than ample supporting detail to make for a strong, convincing response.

25 pts

The essay does not answer the question clearly but rather via implied logic. The writer frequently fails to satisfy the reader’s desire for proof or illustration. Overall, the response seems mechanical, reflecting little awareness of audience.

5 pts

The essay answer is vague and supporting evidence is irrelevant, or the thinking is illogical. The writer seldom develops enough points using sufficient concrete detail. The proportion of generalities to specific support or illustration is inappropriately high.

Presents Specifics from the Applicable Chapter/Content

30 pts

The essay provides multiple references to specific information presented in the chapter and/or learning materials.

15 pts

The essay provides some references to specific information presented in the chapter and/or learning materials.

While some references to the chapter content are provided, they are either not clearly linked to the chapter (ex: “on page XX”) or not enough to fully relate the case questions to the learned material.

0 pts

The essay provides no references to specific information presented in the chapter and/or learning materials.

Sentence Structure, Grammar, Mechanics, and Spelling

20 pts

All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The author makes no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.

16 pts

Most sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The author makes a few errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling, but they do not interfere with understanding.

10 pts

Most sentences are well constructed, but they have a similar structure and/or length. The author makes several errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling that interfere with understanding.

5 pts

Sentences sound awkward, are distractingly repetitive, or are difficult to understand. The author makes numerous errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling that interfere with understanding.


Case Study Rubric 2019

Case Study Rubric 2019

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent

50.0 pts

The essay answers the question clearly with sufficient explanation. It reflects original thought, sound logic and provides ample supporting detail, which needs references and citations. This will make for a strong, convincing response. The writer projects a consistent and mature voice throughout the response.

44.0 pts

The essay answers the question clearly. It meets most of the criteria of the 50 points with one or more minor errors.

38.0 pts

The essay answers the question clearly but is lacking in explanation and provides less than ample supporting detail to make for a strong, convincing response.

25.0 pts

The essay does not answer the question clearly but rather via implied logic. The writer frequently fails to satisfy the reader’s desire for proof or illustration. Overall, the response seems mechanical, reflecting little awareness of audience.

5.0 pts

The essay answer is vague and supporting evidence is irrelevant, or the thinking is illogical. The writer seldom develops enough points using sufficient concrete detail. The proportion of generalities to specific support or illustration is inappropriately high.

50.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePresents Specifics from the Applicable Chapter/Content

30.0 pts

The essay provides multiple references to specific information presented in the chapter and/or learning materials.

15.0 pts

The essay provides some references to specific information presented in the chapter and/or learning materials.

While some references to the chapter content are provided, they are either not clearly linked to the chapter (ex: “on page XX”) or not enough to fully relate the case questions to the learned material.

0.0 pts

The essay provides no references to specific information presented in the chapter and/or learning materials.

30.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence Structure, Grammar, Mechanics, and Spelling

20.0 pts

All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The author makes no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.

16.0 pts

Most sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The author makes a few errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling, but they do not interfere with understanding.

10.0 pts

Most sentences are well constructed, but they have a similar structure and/or length. The author makes several errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling that interfere with understanding.

5.0 pts

Sentences sound awkward, are distractingly repetitive, or are difficult to understand. The author makes numerous errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling that interfere with understanding.

20.0 pts

Total Points: 100.0

There is only one special request. Our homework needs to check the repetition rate. Please do not exceed 20%


HUM111 Strayer University Amadeus the Play Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Step 1 Google “Amadeus the Play” Research & Describe the plot of the play.

Paragraph 1

(Introduction) The purpose of this essay is to describe the plot, two scenes, and my overall thoughts about the play Amadeus. I will first describe the plot of the play.

Step 2 Goggle “Amadeus the play characters” choose any three and discuss their roles in the play

Paragraph 2

(Three Characters in the Play)

The 1st character is ____________ His/her role is (2 sentences minimum)

The 2nd character is ____________ His/her role is (2 sentences minimum)

The 3rd character is ____________ His/her role is (2 sentences minimum)

Step 3

Paragraph 3

(Describe the first scene)

Watch the play “Amadeus part 1” on if link does not work go to type in “Amadeus Act 1”
Pick a scene of your choice: (you do not have to watch the whole play)

In the first scene (6 sentences minimum)

  • Describe in detail what you see (background, props, scenery, etc.)
  • List and describe each character (describe their clothing, accessories, etc.)
  • List one line spoken by one of the characters and describe how the others in the scene react to what is said (facial expressions, body language, verbal response, etc.)

Step 4

Paragraph 4

(Describe second scene)

Watch the play “Amadeus part 1” on if link does not work go to type in “Amadeus Act 1”
Pick a scene of your choice: you do not have to watch the whole play)

In the second scene (6 sentences minimum)

  • Describe in detail what you see (background, props, scenery, etc.)
  • List and describe each character (describe their clothing, accessories, etc.)
  • List one line spoken by one of the characters and describe how the others in the scene react to what is said (facial expressions, body language, verbal response, etc.)

Step 5

Paragraph 5

(Overall reaction to play) I enjoyed the play overall (yes, no, somewhat and why?) 4-5 sentences

References for video Already completed for you, please include in your paper. Please be sure to add your own Internet references.

(References) 1 Amadeus Part 1. (n.d.) Retrieved from: (
2 Amadeus Part 2 (n.d.) Retrieved from: (

Step 6 Upload paper
Uploading Week 9 Paper

Sample Paper

Assignment 2: Cultural Activity Report

By: Don Boston

Strayer University

HUM 111 – World Cultures I

Professor: Dr. Darryl Claybon

Please include paragraph # and bold header as in example.

Paragraph 1

(Introduction) The purpose of this essay is to describe the plot, two scenes, and my overall thoughts about the play Amadeus. The plot of this play dates back to introduce Antonio Salieri (“Salieri”), famous musician and composer, and another famous musician , Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (“Mozart”) . A rumor had floated around stating that Salieri was jealous of Mozart because of his genius musician capabilities (Shaffer). After many failed attempts to sabotage Mozart, Salieri poisoned and killed him.

Paragraph 2

(Three Characters in the Play) There are three special characters present in this play. I chose Antonio Salieri, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, and Katherina Cavalier. As I stated earlier, Salieri is one of the main characters, famous musician and composer. In part 1 of the play, he asks God for success as a composer, and in return, he would remain faithful to his wife Teresa. Salieri is married to Teresa; however, he loves and lusts over his student, Katherina Cavalier. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart is also one of the main characters in the play. In the beginning, he only had a girlfriend, Constanze, whom he loved. However, Mozart’s father did not approve of their relationship. The both of them later married. Katherina Cavalier was Salieri’s student and also a singer. She went on to become quite famous.

Paragraph 3

(Describe the first scene) The first scene I want to describe is called Death of Mozart. During this scene, Salieri was present and changed his hair. He begins to narrate the time period—his wife Teresa is present and student Katherina Cavalier is singing with the piano player. Salieri even describes his lust for Katherina. Both of these women wore gowns from the ancient times, which were puffy in the back and white wigs. The background included a piano, curtains, and table, glass of water or wine and food. In part 1 of the play, Mozart states: “Marry me!! I’ll sh** on the bed and say I did it”. This took place after the cat and mouse game between Mozart and Constanze. Salieri was astonished and shocked by the admission and behavior of Mozart and Constanze.

Paragraph 4

(Describe second scene) In part 2 of the play, the background is similar to part 1. The same piano, curtains, and table were present. The characters were similar in part 1, just like in part 2 and dressed in the same clothing. One of the scenes from part 2 is after Mozart found out he is banned from the opera unless he re-writes his composition. Immediately after this confrontation, Mozart begins talking to Salieri saying: “I am forbidden, but of course you already know that”. The only other person in the room is Salieri at the time. His facial expression shows concern, but he was happy about the news. Salieri says he would speak with the Emperor about attending Mozart’s rehearsal. However, Salieri never spoke with the Emperor about Mozart’s rehearsal.

Paragraph 5

(Overall reaction to play) I enjoyed the play overall. I think Salieri had a lot of jealousy and resentment toward Mozart because he knew he would never be as good as Mozart. I would see the play again, but I do not think I would pay to see it unless it would be beneficial to one of my children. A part of the play that I found to be very comedic was when Mozart was acting like a cat chasing Constanze Weber (who would eventually become his wife) around while she acted like mouse. I didn’t like the way Count Rosenberg and Salieri were working together sabotage Mozart and his Opera Figaro. I do enjoy some of Mozart’s music, I find it to be calming and relaxing. Overall I enjoyed watching the play and this assignment.


(References) 1 Amadeus Part 1. (n.d.) Retrieved from: (

2 Amadeus Part 2 (n.d.) Retrieved from: (



ENGL1A GCCCD Transforming Student Motivation to Learn Article Paper Writing Assignment Help


This is your first project assignment. Your task is to take what you have learned about PIE paragraphs, formal writing and incorporating sources into writing and develop a strong paragraph.

You will be required to read an article and use information from the article to develop your paragraph, so make sure to read carefully.

Your paragraph should have:

  • A clear point that is an opinion, not a fact.
  • Information that is a quote from “Brainology” that is properly introduced and cited according to our Incorporating Quotes Worksheet.
  • Explanation: An analysis/explanation of the quote you selected as information. Explain to the reader how your information proves your point.
  • Directions:

    This is your first project assignment. Your task is to take what you have learned about PIE paragraphs, formal writing and incorporating sources into writing and develop a strong paragraph.Your paragraph should have:

    • A clear point that is an opinion, not a fact.
    • Information that is a quote from “Brainology” that is properly introduced and cited according to our Incorporating Quotes Worksheet.
    • Explanation: An analysis/explanation of the quote you selected as information. Explain to the reader how your information proves your point.

    Step 1:

    Slowly and carefully read through Carol Dweck’s article “Brainology.”

    Transforming Students’ Motivation to Learn
    Carol S. Dweck
    Winter 2008
    his is an exciting time for our brains. More and more research is showing
    that our brains change constantly with learning and experience and that this
    takes place throughout our lives.
    Does this have implications for students’ motivation and learning? It certainly
    does. In my research in collaboration with my graduate students, we have
    shown that what students believe about their brains — whether they see their
    intelligence as something that’s fixed or something that can grow and change —
    has profound effects on their motivation, learning, and school achievement
    (Dweck, 2006). These different beliefs, or mindsets, create different psychological worlds: one in which
    students are afraid of challenges and devastated by setbacks, and one in which students relish challenges and are
    resilient in the face of setbacks.
    How do these mindsets work? How are the mindsets communicated to students? And, most important, can they
    be changed? As we answer these questions, you will understand why so many students do not achieve to their
    potential, why so many bright students stop working when school becomes challenging, and why stereotypes
    have such profound effects on students’ achievement. You will also learn how praise can have a negative effect
    on students’ mindsets, harming their motivation to learn.
    Mindsets and Achievement
    Many students believe that intelligence is fixed, that each person has a certain amount and that’s that. We call
    this a
    fixed mindset
    , and, as you will see, students with this mindset worry about how much of this fixed
    intelligence they possess. A fixed mindset makes challenges threatening for students (because they believe that
    their fixed ability may not be up to the task) and it makes mistakes and failures demoralizing (because they
    believe that such setbacks reflect badly on their level of fixed intelligence).
    Other students believe that intelligence is something that can be cultivated through effort and education. They
    don’t necessarily believe that everyone has the same abilities or that anyone can be as smart as Einstein, but they
    do believe that everyone can improve their abilities. And they understand that even Einstein wasn’t Einstein
    until he put in years of focused hard work. In short, students with this
    growth mindset
    believe that intelligence is
    a potential that can be realized through learning. As a result, confronting challenges, profiting from mistakes,
    and persevering in the face of setbacks become ways of getting smarter.
    To understand the different worlds these mindsets create, we followed several hundred students across a
    difficult school transition — the transition to seventh grade. This is when the academic work often gets much
    harder, the grading gets stricter, and the school environment gets less personalized with students moving from
    Photoillustration: Michael
    class to class. As the students entered seventh grade, we measured their mindsets (along with a number of other
    things) and then we monitored their grades over the next two years.
    The first thing we found was that students with different mindsets cared about different things in school. Those
    with a growth mindset were much more interested in learning than in just looking smart in school. This was not
    the case for students with a fixed mindset. In fact, in many of our studies with students from preschool age to
    college age, we find that students with a fixed mindset care so much about how smart they will appear that they
    often reject learning opportunities — even ones that are critical to their success (Cimpian,
    et al
    ., 2007; Hong,
    ., 1999; Nussbaum and Dweck, 2008; Mangels,
    et al
    ., 2006).
    Next, we found that students with the two mindsets had radically different beliefs about effort. Those with a
    growth mindset had a very straightforward (and correct) idea of effort — the idea that the harder you work, the
    more your ability will grow and that even geniuses have had to work hard for their accomplishments. In
    contrast, the students with the fixed mindset believed that if you worked hard it meant that you didn’t have
    ability, and that things would just come naturally to you if you did. This means that every time something is
    hard for them and requires effort, it’s both a threat and a bind. If they work hard at it that means that they aren’t
    good at it, but if they don’t work hard they won’t do well. Clearly, since just about every worthwhile pursuit
    involves effort over a long period of time, this is a potentially crippling belief, not only in school but also in life.
    Students with different mindsets also had very different reactions to setbacks. Those with growth mindsets
    reported that, after a setback in school, they would simply study more or study differently the next time. But
    those with fixed mindsets were more likely to say that they would feel dumb, study
    the next time, and
    seriously consider cheating. If you feel dumb — permanently dumb — in an academic area, there is no good
    way to bounce back and be successful in the future. In a growth mindset, however, you can make a plan of
    positive action that can remedy a deficiency. (Hong.
    et al
    ., 1999; Nussbaum and Dweck, 2008; Heyman,
    et al
    Finally, when we looked at the math grades they went on to earn, we found that the students with a growth
    mindset had pulled ahead. Although both groups had started seventh grade with equivalent achievement test
    scores, a growth mindset quickly propelled students ahead of their fixed-mindset peers, and this gap only
    increased over the two years of the study.
    In short, the belief that intelligence is fixed dampened students’ motivation to learn, made them afraid of effort,
    and made them want to quit after a setback. This is why so many bright students stop working when school
    becomes hard. Many bright students find grade school easy and coast to success early on. But later on, when
    they are challenged, they struggle. They don’t want to make mistakes and feel dumb — and, most of all, they
    don’t want to work hard and feel dumb. So they simply retire.
    It is the belief that intelligence can be developed that opens students to a love of learning, a belief in the power
    of effort and constructive, determined reactions to setbacks.
    How Do Students Learn These Mindsets?
    In the 1990s, parents and schools decided that the most important thing for kids to have was self-esteem. If
    children felt good about themselves, people believed, they would be set for life. In some quarters, self-esteem in
    math seemed to become more important than knowing math, and self-esteem in English seemed to become
    more important than reading and writing. But the biggest mistake was the belief that you could simply hand
    children self-esteem by telling them how smart and talented they are. Even though this is such an intuitively
    appealing idea, and even though it was exceedingly well-intentioned, I believe it has had disastrous effects.
    In the 1990s, we took a poll among parents and found that almost 85 percent endorsed the notion that it was
    to praise their children’s abilities to give them confidence and help them achieve. Their children are
    now in the workforce and we are told that young workers cannot last through the day without being propped up
    by praise, rewards, and recognition. Coaches are asking me where all the coachable athletes have gone. Parents
    ask me why their children won’t work hard in school.
    Could all of this come from well-meant praise? Well, we were suspicious of the praise movement at the time.
    We had already seen in our research that it was the most vulnerable children who were already obsessed with
    their intelligence and chronically worried about how smart they were. What if praising intelligence made all
    children concerned about their intelligence? This kind of praise might tell them that having high intelligence
    and talent is the most important thing and is what makes you valuable. It might tell them that intelligence is just
    something you have and not something you develop. It might deny the role of effort and dedication in
    achievement. In short, it might promote a fixed mindset with all of its vulnerabilities.
    The wonderful thing about research is that you can put questions like this to the test — and we did (Kamins and
    Dweck, 1999; Mueller and Dweck, 1998). We gave two groups of children problems from an IQ test, and we
    praised them. We praised the children in one group for their intelligence, telling them, “Wow, that’s a really
    good score. You must be smart at this.” We praised the children in another group for their effort: “Wow, that’s a
    really good score. You must have worked really hard.” That’s all we did, but the results were dramatic. We did
    studies like this with children of different ages and ethnicities from around the country, and the results were the
    Here is what happened with fifth graders. The children praised for their intelligence did not want to learn. When
    we offered them a challenging task that they could learn from, the majority opted for an easier one, one on
    which they could avoid making mistakes. The children praised for their effort wanted the task they could learn
    The children praised for their intelligence lost their confidence as soon as the problems got more difficult. Now,
    as a group, they thought they
    smart. They also lost their enjoyment, and, as a result, their performance
    plummeted. On the other hand, those praised for effort maintained their confidence, their motivation, and their
    performance. Actually, their performance improved over time such that, by the end, they were performing
    substantially better than the intelligence-praised children on this IQ test.
    Finally, the children who were praised for their intelligence lied about their scores more often than the children
    who were praised for their effort. We asked children to write something (anonymously) about their experience
    to a child in another school and we left a little space for them to report their scores. Almost 40 percent of the
    intelligence-praised children elevated their scores, whereas only 12 or 13 percent of children in the other group
    did so. To me this suggests that, after students are praised for their intelligence, it’s too humiliating for them to
    admit mistakes.
    The results were so striking that we repeated the study five times just to be sure, and each time roughly the same
    things happened. Intelligence praise, compared to effort (or “process”) praise, put children into a fixed mindset.
    Instead of giving them confidence, it made them fragile, so much so that a brush with difficulty erased their
    confidence, their enjoyment, and their good performance, and made them ashamed of their work. This can
    hardly be the self-esteem that parents and educators have been aiming for.
    Often, when children stop working in school, parents deal with this by reassuring their children how smart they
    are. We can now see that this simply fans the flames. It confirms the fixed mindset and makes kids all the more
    certain that they don’t want to try something difficult — something that could lose them their parents’ high
    we praise our students? How
    we reassure them? By focusing them on the process they
    engaged in — their effort, their strategies, their concentration, their perseverance, or their improvement.
    “You really stuck to that until you got it. That’s wonderful!”
    “It was a hard project, but you did it one step at a time and it turned out great!”
    “I like how you chose the tough problems to solve. You’re really going to stretch yourself and learn new
    “I know that school used to be a snap for you. What a waste that was. Now you really have an opportunity to
    develop your abilities.”
    Can a growth mindset be taught directly to kids? If it can be taught, will it enhance their motivation and grades?
    We set out to answer this question by creating a growth mindset workshop (Blackwell,
    et al
    ., 2007). We took
    seventh graders and divided them into two groups. Both groups got an eight-session workshop full of great
    study skills, but the “growth mindset group” also got lessons in the growth mindset — what it was and how to
    apply it to their schoolwork. Those lessons began with an article called “
    You Can Grow Your Intelligence: New
    Research Shows the Brain Can Be Developed Like a Muscle.” Students were mesmerized by this article and its
    message. They loved the idea that the growth of their brains was in their hands.
    This article and the lessons that followed changed the terms of engagement for students. Many students had
    seen school as a place where they performed and were judged, but now they understood that they had an active
    role to play in the development of their minds. They got to work, and by the end of the semester the growth-
    mindset group showed a significant increase in their math grades. The control group — the group that had
    gotten eight sessions of study skills — showed no improvement and continued to decline. Even though they had
    learned many useful study skills, they did not have the motivation to put them into practice.
    The teachers, who didn’t even know there
    two different groups, singled out students in the growth-mindset
    group as showing clear changes in their motivation. They reported that these students were now far more
    engaged with their schoolwork and were putting considerably more effort into their classroom learning,
    homework, and studying.
    Joshua Aronson, Catherine Good, and their colleagues had similar findings (Aronson, Fried, and Good, 2002;
    Good, Aronson, and Inzlicht, 2003). Their studies and ours also found that negatively stereotyped students
    (such as girls in math, or African-American and Hispanic students in math and verbal areas) showed substantial
    benefits from being in a growth-mindset workshop. Stereotypes are typically fixed-mindset labels. They imply
    that the trait or ability in question is fixed and that some groups have it and others don’t. Much of the harm that
    stereotypes do comes from the fixed-mindset message they send. The growth mindset, while not denying that
    performance differences might exist, portrays abilities as acquirable and sends a particularly encouraging
    message to students who have been negatively stereotyped — one that they respond to with renewed motivation
    and engagement.
    Inspired by these positive findings, we started to think about how we could make a growth mindset workshop
    more widely available. To do this, we have begun to develop a computer-based program called “Brainology.” In
    six computer modules, students learn about the brain and how to make it work better. They follow two hip teens
    through their school day, learn how to confront and solve schoolwork problems, and create study plans. They
    visit a state-of-the-art virtual brain lab, do brain experiments, and find out such things as how the brain changes
    with learning — how it grows new connections every time students learn something new. They also learn how
    to use this idea in their schoolwork by putting their study skills to work to make themselves smarter.
    We pilot-tested Brainology in 20 New York City schools. Virtually all of the students loved it and reported
    (anonymously) the ways in which they changed their ideas about learning and changed their learning and study
    habits. Here are some things they said in response to the question, “Did you change your mind about anything?”
    I did change my mind about how the brain works…I will try harder because I know that the more you try, the
    more your brain works.
    Yes… I imagine neurons making connections in my brain and I feel like I am learning something.
    My favorite thing from Brainology is the neurons part where when u learn something, there are connections
    and they keep growing. I always picture them when I’m in school.
    Teachers also reported changes in their students, saying that they had become more active and eager learners:
    “They offer to practice, study, take notes, or pay attention to ensure that connections will be made.”
    What Do We Value?
    In our society, we seem to worship talent — and we often portray it as a gift. Now we can see that this is not
    motivating to our students. Those who think they have this gift expect to sit there with it and be successful.
    When they aren’t successful, they get defensive and demoralized, and often opt out. Those who don’t think they
    have the gift also become defensive and demoralized, and often opt out as well.
    We need to correct the harmful idea that people simply have gifts that transport them to success, and to teach
    our students that no matter how smart or talented someone is — be it Einstein, Mozart, or Michael Jordan —
    succeeds in a big way without enormous amounts of dedication and effort. It is through effort that people
    build their abilities and realize their potential. More and more research is showing there is one thing that sets the
    great successes apart from their equally talented peers — how hard they’ve worked (Ericsson,
    et al
    ., 2006).
    Next time you’re tempted to praise your students’ intelligence or talent, restrain yourself. Instead, teach them
    how much fun a challenging task is, how interesting and informative errors are, and how great it is to struggle
    with something and make progress. Most of all, teach them that by taking on challenges, making mistakes, and
    putting forth effort, they are making themselves smarter.
    Carol S. Dweck is the Lewis and Virginia Eaton Professor of Psychology at Stanford University and the author
    Mindset: The New Psychology of Success (Random House, 2006).
    Aronson, J., Fried, C., & Good, C. (2002). Reducing the effects of stereotype threat on African American
    college students by shaping theories of intelligence.
    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 38,
    Binet, A. (1909/1973).
    Les idées modernes sur les enfants
    [Modern ideas on children]. Paris: Flamarion.
    Blackwell, L., Trzesniewski, K., & Dweck, C.S. (2007). Implicit Theories of Intelligence Predict Achievement
    Across an Adolescent Transition: A Longitudinal Study and an Intervention.
    Child Development, 78,
    Cimpian, A., Arce, H., Markman, E.M., & Dweck, C.S. (2007). Subtle linguistic cues impact children’s
    Psychological Science, 18,
    Dweck, C.S. (2006).
    . New York: Random House.
    Ericsson, K.A., Charness, N., Feltovich, P.J., & Hoffman, R.R. (Eds.) (2006).
    The Cambridge Handbook of
    Expertise and Expert Performance
    . New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Good, C. Aronson, J., & Inzlicht, M. (2003). Improving adolescents’ standardized test performance: An
    Intervention to reduce the effects of stereotype threat.
    Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 24,
    Hong, Y.Y., Chiu, C., Dweck, C.S., Lin, D., & Wan, W. (1999) Implicit theories, attributions, and coping: A
    meaning system approach.
    Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 77,
    Kamins, M., & Dweck, C.S. (1999). Person vs. process praise and criticism: Implications for contingent self-
    worth and coping.
    Developmental Psychology, 35,
    Mangels, J. A., Butterfield, B., Lamb, J., Good, C.D., & Dweck, C.S. (2006). Why do beliefs about intelligence
    influence learning success? A social-cognitive-neuroscience model.
    Social, Cognitive, and Affective
    Neuroscience, 1,
    Mueller, C. M., & Dweck, C. S. (1998). Intelligence praise can undermine motivation and performance.
    of Personality and Social Psychology, 75,
    Nussbaum, A.D., & Dweck, C.S. (2007, in press). Defensiveness vs. Remediation: Self-Theories and Modes of
    Self-Esteem Maintenance.
    Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin.
    National Association of
    Independent Schools
    1620 L Street NW Suite 1100
    Washington DC, 20036-5695
    NAIS is the national voice of independent
    education. We offer standards, targeted
    resources, and networking opportunities for
    our 1,300 member schools.
    Tel (202) 973-9700
    Customer Support
  • Step 2:

    Once you have read “Brainology,” write a PIE paragraph that is a minimum of 300 words long and answers the following question:What is one way that having a growth mindset helps students succeed?

ENGL1A GCCCD Transforming Student Motivation to Learn Article Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Transition From IPv4 to IPv6 The Internet Layer Research Computer Science Assignment Help

Please select a networking topic related to the Hybrid OSI – TCP/IP architecture from the textbook (Page 45 Figure 2-6) and (Page 48 Figure 2-7) and conduct a 4 – 6 research paper on the layer or topic of your choice.

I need this topic to have many sources to use, and it needs to be easy to understand.

Since this topic needs the approval of the professor, I may need some help from you after it expires.

The capacity of textbook exceeds 20M, so I need to send it to you by email.


GCU PICOT Formalization Care Coordination For Mental Health Patients Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

In Part A, you described the population and quality initiative related to your PICOT (Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time to achieve the outcome) statement. In this assignment, you will formalize your PICOT and research process.

Use the GCU Library to perform a search for peer-reviewed research articles. Find five peer-reviewed primary source translational research articles.

In a paper of 1,250-1,500 words, synthesize the research into a literature review. The literature review should provide an overview for the reader that illustrates the research related to your particular PICOT. Include the following:

  1. Introduction: Describe the clinical issue or problem you are addressing.
  2. Methods: Describe the criteria you used in choosing your articles
  3. Synthesize the Literature: Part A: Discuss the main components of each article (subjects, methods, key findings) and provide rationale for how this supports your PICOT; Part B: Compare and contrast the articles: Discuss limitations, controversies, and similarities/differences of the studies.
  4. Areas of Further Study: Analyze the evidence presented in your articles to identify what is known, unknown, and requires further study.

You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Grand Canyon University Population Demographics and Health Concerns Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

In this course, you will be complete a 2-part assignment in which you conduct research about a population of focus, develop a PICOT statement, and write a Literature Review. The PICOT statement and Literature Review you write in this course can be used for your evidence-based practice project in the next course so be sure to select an issue you want to continue working on in your next course.

PICOT (Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time to achieve the outcome) is a method that helps clarify the qualities needed to create a good question out of a practice issue or problem affecting the population of focus. Additionally, the information derived from a good PICOT makes it easier to perform a literature search in order to find translational research sources that can be used to address the clinical problem.

Use a national, state or local population health care database to research indicators of disparity. Choose a mortality/morbidity indicator to identify a clinical problem or issue that you want to explore pertaining to a population of focus. Use this indicator to begin to formulate a PICOT and conduct research on the population.

Write a 750-1,000-word paper that analyzes your research and focuses on the population you have chosen. Describe the population’s demographics and health concerns, and explain how nursing science, health determinants, and epidemiologic, genomic, and genetic data may impact population health management for the selected population. Provide an overview of a potential solution for solving the health issue related to your population and the intended PICOT statement. Describe how the solution incorporates health policies and goals that support health care equity for the population of focus.

You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Attempt Start Date: 29-Aug-2019 at 12:00:00 AM

Due Date: 04-Sep-2019 at 11:59:59 PM

Maximum Points: 250.0


BSL4040 WK8 CSU Four Common Delivery Methods of Communicating Ideas Essay Business Finance Assignment Help


Select a product that you like or use. Using this product as a basis, design and write out the steps you would use to create a sales presentation on this product that includes the following components.

  1. Write a minimum of two pages based upon steps presented on pages 188–209 in your textbook with specifics related to the product you have selected. Include the elements below in your description.
    1. Describe the four common delivery methods of communicating ideas.
    2. Recommend tips for speakers addressing the media.
    3. Recommend visual and auditory aids.
    4. Describe the strategies used to enhance the effectiveness of the message.
  2. Write a one-page (minimum) business letter (sample on page 219 in your textbook) to your supervisor explaining your campaign.
  3. Write a half-page memo (sample page 221 in your textbook) to your coworkers outlining the campaign.
  4. Add a one-page summary of what you learned from this writing activity and how it will help you in your future career activities. Include in this section the challenges you faced.

Include all of the aforementioned writing pieces in one document, and write a concluding paragraph summing up what you have learned from this writing process. Include any challenges you faced. You may only use your textbook as a resource for this final project. This paper should be a minimum of four pages (not counting the title and reference pages). Use APA style.


  • Step 2:

    Once you have read “Brainology,” write a PIE paragraph that is a minimum of 300 words long and answers the following question:What is one way that having a growth mindset helps students succeed?

  • ENGL1A GCCCD Transforming Student Motivation to Learn Article Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Transition From IPv4 to IPv6 The Internet Layer Research Computer Science Assignment Help

    Please select a networking topic related to the Hybrid OSI – TCP/IP architecture from the textbook (Page 45 Figure 2-6) and (Page 48 Figure 2-7) and conduct a 4 – 6 research paper on the layer or topic of your choice.

    I need this topic to have many sources to use, and it needs to be easy to understand.

    Since this topic needs the approval of the professor, I may need some help from you after it expires.

    The capacity of textbook exceeds 20M, so I need to send it to you by email.


    GCU PICOT Formalization Care Coordination For Mental Health Patients Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    In Part A, you described the population and quality initiative related to your PICOT (Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time to achieve the outcome) statement. In this assignment, you will formalize your PICOT and research process.

    Use the GCU Library to perform a search for peer-reviewed research articles. Find five peer-reviewed primary source translational research articles.

    In a paper of 1,250-1,500 words, synthesize the research into a literature review. The literature review should provide an overview for the reader that illustrates the research related to your particular PICOT. Include the following:

    1. Introduction: Describe the clinical issue or problem you are addressing.
    2. Methods: Describe the criteria you used in choosing your articles
    3. Synthesize the Literature: Part A: Discuss the main components of each article (subjects, methods, key findings) and provide rationale for how this supports your PICOT; Part B: Compare and contrast the articles: Discuss limitations, controversies, and similarities/differences of the studies.
    4. Areas of Further Study: Analyze the evidence presented in your articles to identify what is known, unknown, and requires further study.

    You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

    Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

    This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

    You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


    Grand Canyon University Population Demographics and Health Concerns Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    In this course, you will be complete a 2-part assignment in which you conduct research about a population of focus, develop a PICOT statement, and write a Literature Review. The PICOT statement and Literature Review you write in this course can be used for your evidence-based practice project in the next course so be sure to select an issue you want to continue working on in your next course.

    PICOT (Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time to achieve the outcome) is a method that helps clarify the qualities needed to create a good question out of a practice issue or problem affecting the population of focus. Additionally, the information derived from a good PICOT makes it easier to perform a literature search in order to find translational research sources that can be used to address the clinical problem.

    Use a national, state or local population health care database to research indicators of disparity. Choose a mortality/morbidity indicator to identify a clinical problem or issue that you want to explore pertaining to a population of focus. Use this indicator to begin to formulate a PICOT and conduct research on the population.

    Write a 750-1,000-word paper that analyzes your research and focuses on the population you have chosen. Describe the population’s demographics and health concerns, and explain how nursing science, health determinants, and epidemiologic, genomic, and genetic data may impact population health management for the selected population. Provide an overview of a potential solution for solving the health issue related to your population and the intended PICOT statement. Describe how the solution incorporates health policies and goals that support health care equity for the population of focus.

    You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

    Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

    This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

    You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

    Attempt Start Date: 29-Aug-2019 at 12:00:00 AM

    Due Date: 04-Sep-2019 at 11:59:59 PM

    Maximum Points: 250.0


    BSL4040 WK8 CSU Four Common Delivery Methods of Communicating Ideas Essay Business Finance Assignment Help


    Select a product that you like or use. Using this product as a basis, design and write out the steps you would use to create a sales presentation on this product that includes the following components.

    1. Write a minimum of two pages based upon steps presented on pages 188–209 in your textbook with specifics related to the product you have selected. Include the elements below in your description.
      1. Describe the four common delivery methods of communicating ideas.
      2. Recommend tips for speakers addressing the media.
      3. Recommend visual and auditory aids.
      4. Describe the strategies used to enhance the effectiveness of the message.
    2. Write a one-page (minimum) business letter (sample on page 219 in your textbook) to your supervisor explaining your campaign.
    3. Write a half-page memo (sample page 221 in your textbook) to your coworkers outlining the campaign.
    4. Add a one-page summary of what you learned from this writing activity and how it will help you in your future career activities. Include in this section the challenges you faced.

    Include all of the aforementioned writing pieces in one document, and write a concluding paragraph summing up what you have learned from this writing process. Include any challenges you faced. You may only use your textbook as a resource for this final project. This paper should be a minimum of four pages (not counting the title and reference pages). Use APA style.


  • Step 2:

    Once you have read “Brainology,” write a PIE paragraph that is a minimum of 300 words long and answers the following question:What is one way that having a growth mindset helps students succeed?

  • ENGL1A GCCCD Transforming Student Motivation to Learn Article Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Transition From IPv4 to IPv6 The Internet Layer Research Computer Science Assignment Help

    Please select a networking topic related to the Hybrid OSI – TCP/IP architecture from the textbook (Page 45 Figure 2-6) and (Page 48 Figure 2-7) and conduct a 4 – 6 research paper on the layer or topic of your choice.

    I need this topic to have many sources to use, and it needs to be easy to understand.

    Since this topic needs the approval of the professor, I may need some help from you after it expires.

    The capacity of textbook exceeds 20M, so I need to send it to you by email.


    GCU PICOT Formalization Care Coordination For Mental Health Patients Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    In Part A, you described the population and quality initiative related to your PICOT (Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time to achieve the outcome) statement. In this assignment, you will formalize your PICOT and research process.

    Use the GCU Library to perform a search for peer-reviewed research articles. Find five peer-reviewed primary source translational research articles.

    In a paper of 1,250-1,500 words, synthesize the research into a literature review. The literature review should provide an overview for the reader that illustrates the research related to your particular PICOT. Include the following:

    1. Introduction: Describe the clinical issue or problem you are addressing.
    2. Methods: Describe the criteria you used in choosing your articles
    3. Synthesize the Literature: Part A: Discuss the main components of each article (subjects, methods, key findings) and provide rationale for how this supports your PICOT; Part B: Compare and contrast the articles: Discuss limitations, controversies, and similarities/differences of the studies.
    4. Areas of Further Study: Analyze the evidence presented in your articles to identify what is known, unknown, and requires further study.

    You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

    Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

    This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

    You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


    Grand Canyon University Population Demographics and Health Concerns Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    In this course, you will be complete a 2-part assignment in which you conduct research about a population of focus, develop a PICOT statement, and write a Literature Review. The PICOT statement and Literature Review you write in this course can be used for your evidence-based practice project in the next course so be sure to select an issue you want to continue working on in your next course.

    PICOT (Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time to achieve the outcome) is a method that helps clarify the qualities needed to create a good question out of a practice issue or problem affecting the population of focus. Additionally, the information derived from a good PICOT makes it easier to perform a literature search in order to find translational research sources that can be used to address the clinical problem.

    Use a national, state or local population health care database to research indicators of disparity. Choose a mortality/morbidity indicator to identify a clinical problem or issue that you want to explore pertaining to a population of focus. Use this indicator to begin to formulate a PICOT and conduct research on the population.

    Write a 750-1,000-word paper that analyzes your research and focuses on the population you have chosen. Describe the population’s demographics and health concerns, and explain how nursing science, health determinants, and epidemiologic, genomic, and genetic data may impact population health management for the selected population. Provide an overview of a potential solution for solving the health issue related to your population and the intended PICOT statement. Describe how the solution incorporates health policies and goals that support health care equity for the population of focus.

    You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

    Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

    This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

    You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

    Attempt Start Date: 29-Aug-2019 at 12:00:00 AM

    Due Date: 04-Sep-2019 at 11:59:59 PM

    Maximum Points: 250.0


    BSL4040 WK8 CSU Four Common Delivery Methods of Communicating Ideas Essay Business Finance Assignment Help


    Select a product that you like or use. Using this product as a basis, design and write out the steps you would use to create a sales presentation on this product that includes the following components.

    1. Write a minimum of two pages based upon steps presented on pages 188–209 in your textbook with specifics related to the product you have selected. Include the elements below in your description.
      1. Describe the four common delivery methods of communicating ideas.
      2. Recommend tips for speakers addressing the media.
      3. Recommend visual and auditory aids.
      4. Describe the strategies used to enhance the effectiveness of the message.
    2. Write a one-page (minimum) business letter (sample on page 219 in your textbook) to your supervisor explaining your campaign.
    3. Write a half-page memo (sample page 221 in your textbook) to your coworkers outlining the campaign.
    4. Add a one-page summary of what you learned from this writing activity and how it will help you in your future career activities. Include in this section the challenges you faced.

    Include all of the aforementioned writing pieces in one document, and write a concluding paragraph summing up what you have learned from this writing process. Include any challenges you faced. You may only use your textbook as a resource for this final project. This paper should be a minimum of four pages (not counting the title and reference pages). Use APA style.


  • Step 2:

    Once you have read “Brainology,” write a PIE paragraph that is a minimum of 300 words long and answers the following question:What is one way that having a growth mindset helps students succeed?

  • ENGL1A GCCCD Transforming Student Motivation to Learn Article Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Transition From IPv4 to IPv6 The Internet Layer Research Computer Science Assignment Help

    Please select a networking topic related to the Hybrid OSI – TCP/IP architecture from the textbook (Page 45 Figure 2-6) and (Page 48 Figure 2-7) and conduct a 4 – 6 research paper on the layer or topic of your choice.

    I need this topic to have many sources to use, and it needs to be easy to understand.

    Since this topic needs the approval of the professor, I may need some help from you after it expires.

    The capacity of textbook exceeds 20M, so I need to send it to you by email.


    GCU PICOT Formalization Care Coordination For Mental Health Patients Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    In Part A, you described the population and quality initiative related to your PICOT (Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time to achieve the outcome) statement. In this assignment, you will formalize your PICOT and research process.

    Use the GCU Library to perform a search for peer-reviewed research articles. Find five peer-reviewed primary source translational research articles.

    In a paper of 1,250-1,500 words, synthesize the research into a literature review. The literature review should provide an overview for the reader that illustrates the research related to your particular PICOT. Include the following:

    1. Introduction: Describe the clinical issue or problem you are addressing.
    2. Methods: Describe the criteria you used in choosing your articles
    3. Synthesize the Literature: Part A: Discuss the main components of each article (subjects, methods, key findings) and provide rationale for how this supports your PICOT; Part B: Compare and contrast the articles: Discuss limitations, controversies, and similarities/differences of the studies.
    4. Areas of Further Study: Analyze the evidence presented in your articles to identify what is known, unknown, and requires further study.

    You are required to cite five to 10 sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

    Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

    This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

    You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


    Grand Canyon University Population Demographics and Health Concerns Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    In this course, you will be complete a 2-part assignment in which you conduct research about a population of focus, develop a PICOT statement, and write a Literature Review. The PICOT statement and Literature Review you write in this course can be used for your evidence-based practice project in the next course so be sure to select an issue you want to continue working on in your next course.

    PICOT (Population/Problem, Intervention, Comparison, Outcome, and Time to achieve the outcome) is a method that helps clarify the qualities needed to create a good question out of a practice issue or problem affecting the population of focus. Additionally, the information derived from a good PICOT makes it easier to perform a literature search in order to find translational research sources that can be used to address the clinical problem.

    Use a national, state or local population health care database to research indicators of disparity. Choose a mortality/morbidity indicator to identify a clinical problem or issue that you want to explore pertaining to a population of focus. Use this indicator to begin to formulate a PICOT and conduct research on the population.

    Write a 750-1,000-word paper that analyzes your research and focuses on the population you have chosen. Describe the population’s demographics and health concerns, and explain how nursing science, health determinants, and epidemiologic, genomic, and genetic data may impact population health management for the selected population. Provide an overview of a potential solution for solving the health issue related to your population and the intended PICOT statement. Describe how the solution incorporates health policies and goals that support health care equity for the population of focus.

    You are required to cite three to five sources to complete this assignment. Sources must be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria and nursing content.

    Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

    This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

    You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

    Attempt Start Date: 29-Aug-2019 at 12:00:00 AM

    Due Date: 04-Sep-2019 at 11:59:59 PM

    Maximum Points: 250.0


    BSL4040 WK8 CSU Four Common Delivery Methods of Communicating Ideas Essay Business Finance Assignment Help


    Select a product that you like or use. Using this product as a basis, design and write out the steps you would use to create a sales presentation on this product that includes the following components.

    1. Write a minimum of two pages based upon steps presented on pages 188–209 in your textbook with specifics related to the product you have selected. Include the elements below in your description.
      1. Describe the four common delivery methods of communicating ideas.
      2. Recommend tips for speakers addressing the media.
      3. Recommend visual and auditory aids.
      4. Describe the strategies used to enhance the effectiveness of the message.
    2. Write a one-page (minimum) business letter (sample on page 219 in your textbook) to your supervisor explaining your campaign.
    3. Write a half-page memo (sample page 221 in your textbook) to your coworkers outlining the campaign.
    4. Add a one-page summary of what you learned from this writing activity and how it will help you in your future career activities. Include in this section the challenges you faced.

    Include all of the aforementioned writing pieces in one document, and write a concluding paragraph summing up what you have learned from this writing process. Include any challenges you faced. You may only use your textbook as a resource for this final project. This paper should be a minimum of four pages (not counting the title and reference pages). Use APA style.


    Strayer University Presidents Nixon and Reagan as Cold Warriors Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

    Strayer University Presidents Nixon and Reagan as Cold Warriors Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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