Strayer Wk 8 Synthesizing Psychological Test Results into Comprehensive Report Humanities Assignment Help. Strayer Wk 8 Synthesizing Psychological Test Results into Comprehensive Report Humanities Assignment Help.
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What factors are most important when synthesizing psychological tests results into comprehensive reports? What is the best method of providing feedback of the assessment?
The Standards for Educational and Psychological Testing (AERA, APA, & NCME, 2014) should be required reading for this course AND a resource on the desk of all practitioners. The Standards have a chapter devoted to providing feedback on assessments. Although this seems simple in theory, in practice how do we provide feedback from personality tests to applicants? For example, what feedback would you provide to someone who achieved a low score on Emotional Stability (ES) and Agreeableness (A)?
Moreover, how would you address the question of “how do I improve my scores on ES and A” from an applicant?
Strayer Wk 8 Synthesizing Psychological Test Results into Comprehensive Report Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ENG 103 Los Angeles Valley College Emotional Appeal Fallacies Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Mini- Research Paper: 2-3 pages/ MLA Format
Student samples can be found in modules week 2)
English 103, emphasis is on Fallacies. Fallacies utilize critical thinking and what better way to understand fallacies than to look at current events and find fallacies in arguments?
Look at your list of fallacies and your task is to Find 2 fallacies from each of the three categories.
Emotional Appeal Fallacies: Scare tactics, Either/Or, Slippery Slope, Overly Sentimental, Bandwagon
Ethical Appeal Fallacies: False Authority, Dogmatism, Ad Hominem, Stacking the Deck
Logical Appeal Fallacies: Hasty Generalization, Faulty Causality, Begging the Question (Circular reasoning), Equivocation, Non- Sequitur, Straw man, Red herring, Faulty Analogy
Assignment: Match the fallacy with an argument from the business, political world, history and current events to a fallacy on that list. Define what each term means and how it was used.
This paper is an analysis of how these various fallacies are used in argumentation and despite the fact that they are fallacious, you should describe how they are effective in persuading people. Please use the MLA format and cite all your sources with a Works Cited page.
I want your examples to come from any of the three categories below:
Written: Look at a blog post, column, editorial, or website
Verbal: Watch a news show, speech, or interview
Visual: Find a cartoon, advertisement, or a propaganda poster
I expect you to attach the written, verbal, and visual evidence to your paper.
NUR 4667 GCU Diabetes Prevention and Management Through Education Project Health Medical Assignment Help
The RN to BSN program at Grand…. University meets the requirements for clinical competencies as defined by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) and the American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN), using nontraditional experiences for practicing nurses. These experiences come in the form of direct and indirect care experiences in which licensed nursing students engage in learning within the context of their hospital organization, specific care discipline, and local communities.
Note: The teaching plan proposal developed in this assignment will be used to develop your Community Teaching Plan: Community Presentation due in Topic 5. You are strongly encouraged to begin working on your presentation once you have received and submitted this proposal.
Select one of the following as the focus for the teaching plan:
- Primary Prevention/Health Promotion
- Secondary Prevention/Screenings for a Vulnerable Population
- Bioterrorism/Disaster
- Environmental Issues
Use the “Community Teaching Work Plan Proposal” resource to complete this assignment. This will help you organize your plan and create an outline for the written assignment.
- After completing the teaching proposal, review the teaching plan proposal with a community health and public health provider in your local community.
- Request feedback (strengths and opportunities for improvement) from the provider.
- Complete the “Community Teaching Experience” form with the provider. You will submit this form in Topic 5.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide
See attached file..
HUMAN 150 Cascadia College Islam Phobia Legitimate Case of Disguised Hatred Paper Humanities Assignment Help
When u do this project, do a Proposal first
Proposal Details:
After reviewing the guidelines for your final project zine project guidelines.docx submit a two-paragraph proposal for the details of your zine here.
Your proposal should include:
- a very brief explanation of the areas of privilege and/or oppression your zine will illustrate, and a working title for your zine;
- a brief explanation of how you will produce and print your zine — what format or materials you might use, what resources you can rely on;
- a consideration of how or to whom you could distribute at least three copies of your zine to raise consciousness — who your ideal audience would be;
- a request to create this zine with a specific classmate, IF you want to work collaboratively;
- citations for at least three sources from our class materials which might inform the explanations or illustrations in your zine.
Final project details:
Post two files to share with your colleagues in this final discussion:
- a file containing your complete zine — image files are fine if you have handmade individual zines, or a PFD scan, or another Word-compatible file;
- a file containing evidence of your distribution — screenshots or images/video of you sharing your zine with at least three people outside this class.
*Even if you created this zine as part of a team, every individual member of the team must post final files in this discussion in order to earn points for the project.
Peer response is encouraged here as always, but not required for project points.
MGT 501 University of Maryland Coca Cola Organization Design Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
The format of this case differs from the previous three modules and resembles more closely the format of assignments you will see in many of your courses going forward. This is not to say that you should abandon what you have learned about the analytical process of alternating between the abstract and the concrete, the reflective and the active, but this paper will not follow the format of a section on concrete experience, reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. Each of these aspects of analysis should be present, but integrated into the paper as a whole, rather than broken out into distinct sections.
The topic of this case is organizational design. To complete this assignment, we will begin as before, and you should identify an organization you know very well. Then conduct your analysis by addressing the topics below. Do not line up the questions and address them one at a time as in a short-answer test, but rather integrate them into a single coherent commentary and analysis of the organization. A critical part of successful completion of this assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to employ the concepts introduced in the background material in describing and evaluating the effectiveness of the organizational design. To do this, you will need to draw on the concepts from at least three readings/videos. This paper should be 4-6 pages long.
Case Questions:
- Diagram the formal structure of your organization. Identify the various management positions or titles on the chart and indicate the positions/jobs that would report to each. Identify the various management positions or titles on the chart and indicate the positions/jobs that would report to each. ( provides free examples, though others are also available via Google. PowerPoint also has templates for organizational charts you can use.
- Describe how work is divided (specialization and departmentalization), coordinated (chain of command and span of control), and controlled (centralization and formalization). Is the structure more mechanistic or organic?
- Describe the informal structure of the organization. How does work actually get done?
- How does the organization deal with the differentiation-integration issue?
- Having completed this analysis, identify three strengths and three weaknesses of the organizational design.
- If you could suggest one major improvement to the organizational design, what would it be?
Strayer National Security And Nuclear Weapons In US In The Current Century Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Part 1: Post a Response
By the early 1950s, the US was a world super-power militarily and economically. The Great Depression was no more. But, two major rival powers were developing, rivals ideologically and militarily: The Cold War between the US and its allies versus the Soviet Union and its allies/clients would be the dominant international issue for the next four decades. Domestically, in the 1950s and the 1960s, the US would begin grappling head-on with major Civil Rights and economic issues, as well as a divisive conflict in Vietnam—and widespread demonstrations and some high profile assassinations.
Choose and discuss (in a full paragraph or two) one of the following two topics related to the period from the late 1940s and through the 1960s.
- Discuss America’s Cold War policy or strategy aimed at dealing with communism and the Soviet threat, and an example of a Cold War conflict or crisis.
- Identify one or two Cold War strategies of the US. Describe a specific example of a conflict or crisis that was part of this Cold War strategy, and compare or contrast this to the international situation today.
- Identify the source(s) where you read about these Cold War issues.
- Discuss the Civil Rights advances and struggles that took place in the 1950s and 1960s along with relevant legal developments.
- Identify two key specific events of the Civil Rights struggle and at least one major piece of legislation or court decision.
- Explain the historical significance of your examples and ways they have impacted our own time.
- Identify the source(s) where you read these Civil Rights issues.
Part 2: Respond to a Peer Shawn Dowdee
Shawn Dowde
Hello class,
Two strategies the US had in place in the cold war was to expand the nuclear arsenal and to improve and help alliances to keep communism at bay. The bolstering of nuclear weapons at first was keeping the United States adversaries mainly the Soviet Union weary of conflict because they did not possess the technology. This changed as the soviets developed the technology. As a result both countries raced to have dominance in the amount of weapons they possessed. With the alliances the United States aided French colonial government in Vietnam and also created the SEATO to keep the falling domino theory from happening.
This is in contrast of today as the president has put terriffs on countries to show dominance and power. Also with nuclear weapons instead of developing them for power the US has relied on international treaties and allies to keep other countries from developing them and also to keep those that do have nuclear weapon technology in check as well.
Sources Chapter 24 in the textbook.
Strayer National Security And Nuclear Weapons In US In The Current Century Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ART 1301 CSU Unit VIII Tom and Jerry Animation Review Worksheet Humanities Assignment Help
For this assignment, you will review an animated film or movie of your
choice. It can be a stop motion, 2D, or a 3D animated film. Maybe there is an
animation that you enjoyed as a child that you would like to revisit with a
critical eye. After watching the animation, please answer the following
questions in complete sentences, using the Unit VIII Animation Review Worksheet.
- Include the animation title, year produced, and medium (stop motion, hand
drawn, 3D, etc). - Provide your star rating out of five stars with five stars being the
highest and one star being the lowest. - What genre or type of animation is it? Does it have a message?
- What is the animation’s plot? Does the plot make sense? Is it easy to
follow or believable? - Who are the main characters, and what are they like? Are the characters
well written? - How is the quality of the animation? Are there special effects? If so
what are they like? Are there beautiful scenes? Are there moments
where scenes are animated in an interesting way? - Did you enjoy the animation? Why, or why not? Where were its good and bad
points? - What scene or part of the animation did you particularly enjoy or
remember? Why was it good or memorable? - Who would you recommend this animation to? Why?
- To what other animations you can compare this?
Your response must be at least two pages in length. APA Style will not be
required for this assignment.
ENG 103 Los Angeles Valley College Biography on Bernie Sanders Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I want you to focus on style now. This essay is testing you understanding of description and narration to make your writing unique to you.
For this essay I want you to write a biography, using Joseph Conrad’s Hero’s Journey format and descriptive figures of speech, of a person who has had an impact – a social impact- in our world. Preferably an impact on the topic you wrote about in your Final essay.
See the prompt:
Heropreneur Prompt.docx
Also see student samples in Modules.
As long as you have at least 4 out of the 12 stages of a hero and generous sprinkling of descriptive figures of speech in your essay, your grade is guaranteed.
Do underline the descriptive figures of speech so its easy for grading purposes.
OMM 640 TUAGC Developing an Ethical Culture & Decision Making Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help
Prior to beginning your assignment, read Chapters 7 and 8 of the textbook, and Creating an ethical workplace (Links to an external site.). For this assignment, you will take on the role of a mid-level organizational manager. In your current job role, you have noticed that the organizational culture is contributing to some unethical decision making by subordinates and peers. You feel strongly that leadership must be not only made aware of the situation but also given appropriate solutions. To communicate with the CEO and shareholders, you must create a memo. In the memo, you will explain the issues, as well as offer appropriate solutions. For help in the format and writing style of a memo use Good example of a persuasive memo.
In your memo include:
- Header: with To, From, Date, and Subject
- Introductory paragraph
- One to two paragraphs outlining the issues.
- Three to six paragraphs describing solutions
- A closing paragraph that summarizes the information.
In the memo:
- Describe the issues of the current ethical culture
- Describe which stakeholders are affected by the issues, such as employees, shareholders, local community, society, etc.
- Formulate a plan to change the ethical culture
- Convince the CEO and shareholders of the importance of the changes
HRM 498 UOPX Bobby Joined Crystal Production Company Incident Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help
INCIDENT 2 I Am Qualified, Why Not Me?
Five years ago, when Bobby Bret joined Crystal Productions as a junior accountant, he felt that he was on his way up. He had just graduated with a B+average from college where he was well liked by his peers and by the faculty, and had been an officer in several student organizations. Bobby had shown a natural ability to get along with people as well as to get things done. He remembered what Roger Friedman, the controller at Crystal, had told him when he was hired, “I think you will do well here, Bobby. You’ve come highly recommended. You are the kind of guy that can expect to move right on up the ladder.”Bobby felt that he had done a good job at Crystal, and everybody seemed to like him. In addition, his performance appraisals had been excellent. However, after five years he was still a junior accountant. He had applied for two senior accountant positions that had opened, but they were both filled by people hired from outside the firm. When the accounting supervisor’s job came open two years ago, Bobby had not applied. He was surprised when his new boss turned out to be a hotshot graduate of State University whose only experience was three years with a large accounting firm. Bobby had hoped that Ron Greene, a senior accountant he particularly respected, would get the job.On the fifth anniversary of his employment at Crystal, Bobby decided it was time to do something. He made an appointment with the controller. At that meeting, Bobby explained to Mr. Friedman that he had worked hard to obtain a promotion and shared his frustration about having been in the same job for so long. “Well,” said Mr. Friedman, “you don’t think that you were all that much better qualified than the people that we have hired, do you?” “No,” said Bobby, “but I think I could have handled the senior accountant job. Of course, the people you have hired are doing a great job too.” The controller responded, “We just look at the qualifications of all the applicants for each job, and considering everything, try to make a reasonable decision.”
Assignment Content
- Review the Week 2 Individual Knowledge Check. Read Ch. 5, Incident 2, “I am Qualified, Why Not Me?”Write a 700- to 1,400-word analysis, using your research, of the incident, “I am qualified, Why Not Me?” Include the following in preparing your response:
- Discuss whether or not you believe that Bobby has a legitimate complaint. Does any organization, like Crystal Productions, have a responsibility to provide training and development opportunities to enhance promotion from within?
- Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a promotion from within policy and whether such a policy would be appropriate for Crystal Productions.
- Identify, if you were the head of HR, the first step in creating the policy, who should be involved in developing the policy, and what you would do in preparing for implementation.
- Recommend the desired goals/outcomes of such a policy and the impact your new policy would have on staffing and performance management strategies.
- Summarize what impact the changing workforce might have on your new policy.
- Summarize a brief policy that addresses hiring from within.
- Submit your assignment.
[supanova_question] For this assignment, you will take on the role of a mid-level organizational manager. In your current job role, you have noticed that the organizational culture is contributing to some unethical decision making by subordinates and peers. You feel strongly that leadership must be not only made aware of the situation but also given appropriate solutions. To communicate with the CEO and shareholders, you must create a memo. In the memo, you will explain the issues, as well as offer appropriate solutions. For help in the format and writing style of a memo use Good example of a persuasive memo.
In your memo include:
- Header: with To, From, Date, and Subject
- Introductory paragraph
- One to two paragraphs outlining the issues.
- Three to six paragraphs describing solutions
- A closing paragraph that summarizes the information.
In the memo:
- Describe the issues of the current ethical culture
- Describe which stakeholders are affected by the issues, such as employees, shareholders, local community, society, etc.
- Formulate a plan to change the ethical culture
- Convince the CEO and shareholders of the importance of the changes