Stress Management Techniques & Evaluation of Effectiveness Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help

Stress Management Techniques & Evaluation of Effectiveness Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help. Stress Management Techniques & Evaluation of Effectiveness Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help.

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Stress Management Technique/Evaluation of Effectiveness

Physical activity is one of the many stress management techniques that individuals can choose from in order to manage their stress. Physical activity can range from aerobic exercise, strength training, or any program that includes physical exertion in different degrees of intensity that is designed to increase heartrate or muscle strength (Edenfield & Blumenthal, 2011). One way to see how effective this technique is by evaluating how one is feeling before and after exercise. Edenfield and Blumenthal (2011), found that self-report allowed them to see the benefits of exercise on their participants with depression, anxiety, and their overall stress levels. Each individual could track their mood changes, symptom changes, and physical and mental health changes as well when they exercised to see if there is any change.

Benefits of Multiple Stress Management Techniques

There are multiple benefits to offering different types of stress management techniques. Each individual is different in what they like/dislike, what they need, and what might work best to aid them with their stress. Anderson et al. (2011) mentions that taking inventory of daily stressors and life experiences will give a better understanding of the unique characteristics of typical days for each individual. Doing this can help assess which stress management technique might work best as well. Anderson et al. (2011) also mentions that men and women tend to report different types of stressors which indicates different stressors may need different management techniques. Multiple stress management techniques are also beneficial when it comes to cultural differences. Culture can influence what is perceived as stressful, the intensity level, primary appraisal, secondary appraisal, and coping efforts (Eshun & Kelley, 2009). Culture itself may be seen as a stressor so it is highly beneficial to have multiple forms of stress management techniques in order to reach this area as well.

Two Barriers to Effective Stress Management

One barrier to effective stress management is the culture that surrounds stress and stress management. Mailey et al. (2018) found that often times military spouses did not take the time to manage their stress due to balancing work, childcare, household needs, and the added pressure that military spouses were supposed to take care of everyone else first. Mailey et al. (2018) conducted many focus groups that told of how military culture tended to put the soldier and their career first over the spouse and family leaving them reluctant to reach out for help. Another barrier to effective stress management is one’s perception of stress and their perception of health. King et al. (2012) identifies that individuals need to perceive that there is a benefit in performing a behavior, that benefits outweigh the barriers to perform that behavior, and there are cues to help them remember that behavior. Where the perception lies, the behavior follows.

Priscilla Fleming


Anderson, B., Wethington, E., & Kamark, T. W. (2011). Interview assessment of stressor exposure. In R. J. Contrada & A. Baum (Eds.), The handbook of stress science: Biology, psychology, and health (pp. 565–582). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Edenfield, T. M., & Blumenthal, J. A. (2011). Exercise and stress reduction. In R. J. Contrada & A. Baum (Eds.), The handbook of stress science: Biology, psychology, and health (pp. 301–319). New York, NY: Springer Publishing Company.

Eshun, J. P., Jr., & Kelley, K. J. (2009). Managing job stress: Cross-cultural variations in adjustment. In S. Eshun & R. A. R. Gurung (Eds.), Culture and mental health: Sociocultural influences, theory, and practice. (pp. 55–70). Wiley Blackwell.…

King, K. A., Singh, M., Bernard, A., Merianos, A. L., & Vidourek, R. A. (2012). Employing the Health Belief Model to Examine Stress Management among College Students. American Journal of Health Studies, 27(4), 192–203.

Mailey, E. L., Mershon, C., Joyce, J., & Irwin, B. C. (2018). “Everything else comes first”: a mixed-methods analysis of barriers to health behaviors among military spouses. BMC Public Health, 18(1), N.PAG.…

Stress Management Techniques & Evaluation of Effectiveness Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Ashford University Wk 5 Teachers & Educators in The Modern World Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Your written response to this discussion prompt assesses your ability to discuss teaching and learning with leadership. This discussion also supports your achievement of Course Learning Outcome 3.

Teachers have a powerful role in the classroom and larger school community. School teachers, administrators, curriculum and instructional specialists, and educators/trainers make hundreds of decisions a day; these decisions affect many people. As such, it is important for educators to ground their decisions according to the latest research and in alignment with the established vision for their organization.

Initial Post: Post an initial response that addresses the following areas:

Read Phelps’ (2008) article titled “Helping teachers become leaders.” Compare his statement with at least two vision statements that you find via a Google search. In the discussion forum, create your own vision statement. Phelps provides an example in the article. As Phelps (2008) suggests, go beyond mantras such as “all students can learn” (p. 119). The heart of your vision should address an educational dilemma in a diverse learning context. For example, a possible dilemma in the mantra “all students can learn” is that there are teachers who believe that some students do not learn, which is indicative of a “one size fits all” type of teaching. Your vision statement will address a problem you see in education and describe how you choose to solve that problem. Reflect on how your beliefs will influence your classroom practices. As Phelps (2008) indicates, “Formulating one’s vision in writing makes its achievement more likely” (p. 120).


Louisiana State University Maternal Mortality in the United States PPT Humanities Assignment Help

Attached is an example and the paper. The thesis is underlined.

8 Slides on PowerPoint

Slide 1 Your Name / Research Topic / Thesis Statement

Slide 2 Use or make a chart or graph to explain a point about your topic

Slide 3 Use a picture to explain a point about your topic and explain why.

Slide 4 Explain one important aspect about your topic that people need to know (use a picture).

Slide 5 What was your least favorite and most favorite part of the research paper process?

Slide 6 What will you do differently on future research papers as a result of this class?

Slide 7 Compare and contrast this research paper to a research paper you did in the past.

Slide 8 What is the most important skill you gained from this research paper process.


AIU Greenvale Correctional Facility Well Being of the Guards Response Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Greenvale Correctional Facility is experiencing large amounts of attrition. While the leadership does work well together, there may be a disconnect between them and the other employees. Exit interviews show dissatisfaction with the leadership and poor working conditions. The benefit that Greenvale has at this point is the data given in the exit interviews as well as the upper leadership being open to working together. Currently, the leadership is comprised of authoritarian style tactics. While this type of organization may require strict lines of communication and the employees being able and willing to listen and follow orders, there also is a reported issue with how that leadership is coming across. It is noted that the communication is top-down, indicating that there is little say taken from the lower level guards, likely aiding in the dissatisfaction.

Assessment and Steps to Take

As previously mentioned, the leadership level does have good communication with each other. The issue is that communication is falling short at the lower levels. In order to have effective changes within the culture of a work place, there needs to be collaboration from all levels and all participants (Timony, 2015). The OD professional in this scenario should strive to begin to bring the upper leadership into sessions with some of the lower level guards. This should be an open forum with the leaders being given feedback and bringing together their ideas (Timony, 2015). This is a critical stage. The leadership team should be advised from the start that they may hear things that they do not like or there may be some criticism. In those instances, the leaders need to bring about trust by allowing the open dialog without fear of reprisal from the other guards (Timony, 2015). This can help the leadership team and the consultant pinpoint the areas of concern that the guards have (Stone et al., 2018). The OD consultant should also be prepared to deal with unwilling participants or participants that fear reprisal for speaking out. To help with this, they can share some of the feedback that was given on the exit interviews or feedback from other sessions (Rothwell, 2015). The challenge is to identify real issues, rather than minor complaints. The issues that the employees bring up can be rated from the most serious to the least and action plans or long-term goals can be developed in order to combat those issues (Stone et al., 2018). This can be done through surveys or additional focus groups with peer leaders (Jex & Britt, 2014). Surveys can allow the employees the opportunity to anonymously address issues or give feedback and in these types of scenarios, may be highly effective (Stone et al., 2014).

Assessment of Factors

When an organizations leaders have an ingrained process or procedure, it may be difficult to help them see the faults or issues in the process (Kahn, 2012). This may be true in the instance of Greenvale. It was noted that the leadership is “siloed” and they tend to be removed from the general workers. This may make them less in tune to the issues that need to be addressed within the general organization and the day to day operations. The leadership group in this scenario has legitimate concern for the well-being of the guards. However, their strategy is not currently working and they need to face that and hear the issues before they can move forward (Kahn, 2012). Without that acknowledgement, they will remain stagnant.



Jex, S. M., & Britt, T. W. (2014). Organizational psychology: A scientist-practitioner approach (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley.

Kahn, W. A. (2012). The functions of dysfunction: Implications for organizational diagnosis and change. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 64(3), 225–241.…

Rothwell, W.J. (2015). Organizational development fundamentals: Managing strategic change. Alexandria, VA: ATD Press

Stone, K. B., Brown, L., Smith, S. L., & Jacobs, J. (2018). Organizational Assessment: An integrated approach to diagnosis and interventions. Organization Development Journal, 36(1), 67–95.

Timony, B.C., (2015, November 30). Figuring things out: A guide for OD Practitioners. Retrieved from…


ENG 351 Bowie State University The Richardson Article and The Podcast Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Read the document about Susie the Screener and listen to the podcast “Your Resume Stinks” in The Resume Assignment folder in Course Materials. Do a thorough analysis of the two documents and you can also include your textbook in the discussion. Make sure that you include the following questions in your analysis.

As Douglas Richardson stated, many textbooks and sources on resumes talk about how to write an effective resume, but “most do not explain how your resume is read.” Go to the Course Materials folder and look in the Job Application Materials folder and read “Susie the Screener,” two of the articles listed in the folder, and listen to the podcast titled, “Your Resume Stinks” and answer the questions below.

1. What new information did you learn about resume writing?

2. Do you agree with everything in Richardson’s article or do you think that Richardson is exaggerating?

3. What are some of the differences between the information presented in the “Your Resume Stinks” podcast, Richardson’s article, some of the other articles, and your textbook? Which will you accept and why?



Ashford University Wk 5 School Improvement & Teacher Involvement Discussion Writing Assignment Help

our written response to this discussion prompt assesses your ability to evaluate the role of teacher-leaders and teacher-researchers. This discussion also supports your achievement of Course Learning Outcome 3.

Initial Post: Post an initial response that addresses the following areas:

Read Phelps’ (2008) article titled ”Helping teachers become leaders.” In this discussion forum, you will reflect upon your own leadership skills.

Choose one of these options (You can respond to both and/or synthesize your thinking around both concepts in order to further advance your thinking):

  • Option A:According to Danielson’s framework (as cited in Phelps, 2008), what are the three areas of teacher-leaders’ influence? For each area, describe your leadership capacity. Which area do you see as your strength and why? Which area is your weakest and why?
  • Option B:According to Lieberman and Miller (as cited in Phelps, 2008), what are the three main roles of teacher/educational leader? For each role, describe your own leadership capacity. Which role fits you the best and why? Which role is most foreign to you and why?

Ashford University Wk 5 School Improvement & Teacher Involvement Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

A Dilemma in Contemporary Chinese Art & Xu Bing Calligraphy Discussion Post Humanities Assignment Help

Please respond to the following questions: Why and how did Xu Bing create the kind of calligraphy that seems like Chinese language but in fact it is not?

Discussion posts are required to be course reading-based and 200-250 words in length. You are expected to cite course readings when answering discussion questions.

Please respond to the following questions: Is there a sense of universalism and globalism in Xu Bing’s artworks? Can you name a few examples?

Reply to at least two of your peers’ responses.

Discussion posts are required to be course reading-based and 200-250 words in length. You are expected to cite course readings when answering discussion questions.


Trident University Impact of Wellness Programs Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

This assignment requires you to:

Use online calculators to determine what impact wellness programs might have on an organization’s health care costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism. The assignment also shows the risks of doing nothing to try to curb those health insurance, absenteeism, and presenteeism costs.

To carry out the assignment, you are required to:

  1. Complete 3 tables—one each for Health Care Costs, Absenteeism, and Presenteeism.
    1. Use relevant data that you find from reputable sources for annual health care costs, number of employees, percent obese, and percent smokers. [If you cannot readily find actual data from searching sources, use fictitious data that seems realistic to you.] Select your own targets for percent obese and percent smokers.
    2. To utilize your quantitative reasoning skills, it is important you analyze, synthesize, and accurately report your findings in a 3-page paper (not counting the title page, reference page, or appendices).
  2. Feel free to use the same data for each table, but you should try to use examples of data that show significant differences when calculated.
  3. Follow this link to the calculators:

Additional information can be found at

Calculate the possible impact on health care costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism of wellness programs.

Prepare three tables in Word to show the data you choose. Your tables should be set up like this:

Health Care Costs:

Health Care Costs:

Annual Health Care Costs

Annual Cost Increase

Number of Employees

% of employees obese

% that are smokers

Target percent obese

Target percent smokers


2020 projected

2025 projected



Annual Health Care Costs

Annual Cost Increase

Number of Employees

% of employees obese

% that are smokers

Target percent obese

Target percent smokers


2022 Do Nothing

2022 Wellness Program Impact

2025 Do Nothing

2025 Wellness Program




Annual Health Care Costs

Annual Cost Increase

Number of Employees

% of employees obese

% that are smokers

% of employees 1 or more risk factor.

Target percent obese

Target percent smokers


2022 Do Nothing

2022 Impact of Wellness

2025 Do Nothing

2025 Impact of Wellness Program

Using critical thinking skills to prepare your narrative, you should summarize and analyze the data. Do not merely repeat the numbers without analyzing the findings and making recommendations for employers (and employees).

The paper you submit should include:

  1. Title page
  2. Three-page narrative, complete with a strong introduction and conclusion. Utilize at least two sources from the Trident Online Library as you develop the narrative. Include in-text citations following APA guidelines.
  3. References page: Include your reference list on the next page that follows your narrative. List each source on the References page in APA format.
  4. Appendices: Create three appendices, one each for Health Care Costs, Absenteeism, and Presenteeism. Include at least one graph to go along with each of the three tables (appendices). Clarify for your reader which graph relates to health care costs, absenteeism, and presenteeism.


Louisiana State University Shreveport Early Childhood Education Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

Many resources on education programs and resources as community resources can be given to parents or to the families of young children. As an educator, you should be prepared to provided resources when you see that it is needed. You don’t want to offend the parent, but help the parent.

Your center director has asked you to present to a group of families a “workshop” or “informational session” on Educational Programs and Resources as Community Resources. You want to give information to families that would be a help to them. What resources do you think a family could use? Think careful about the resources. You are to create an outline, a PowerPoint presentation, and provide an overview of your “workshop” or “informational session”. Your PowerPoint presentation should contain a minimum of fifteen (15) slides. The outline should allow each participant to follow easily the information provided. Be creative.


SPED 3312 SHSU Executive Function in Education From Theory to Practice Discussion Humanities Assignment Help


  • Read the executivefunction101ebook.pdf
  • Write an essay to address the following questions about the reading. (Introduction, main idea with examples, conclusion, additional references).


Explain the 7 areas of Executive Functioning?

How does executive functioning influence a student’s ability to learn?

How does disorganization influence other areas of executive functioning?

Do you think ADD and ADHD could simply be a condition of a poor executive functioning system? Why or Why not?

What can teachers do in the classroom to address specific executive functioning skills? In the environment? In their teaching? In student responses?

Why is it most important to teach and practice classroom routines and rituals for the first 7 days of school rather than academics?

How would you convince your principal of this curricular change and your need to do this for the first 7 days of class?

What conclusions can you draw from this reading?


Stress Management Techniques & Evaluation of Effectiveness Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help

Stress Management Techniques & Evaluation of Effectiveness Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help

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