Study Concentrates on Child Parent Communication Essay Writing Assignment Help

Study Concentrates on Child Parent Communication Essay Writing Assignment Help. Study Concentrates on Child Parent Communication Essay Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a communications Essay and need support to help me understand better.
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Select a Journal articles that deal with family Communication.

Follow the eight steps below. At this point, you may know exactly what your topic is. Use this assignment as an opportunity to investigate a subject that you think might be interesting.

First Step: You want to include your citation in APA format

Second Step: Write a summary of the article 150-200 words.

Third Step: The Focus (Main points) of the article.

Fourth Step: Key Words and definitions.

Step Five: Rationale (why the author conducted the study/ wrote the article).

Step Six: Participants and methods used in the study.

Step Seven: Findings and Theories.

Step Eight: Quotes and uses.

Here is an example you want to follow:

First Step: You want to include your citation in APA or MLA format

Beatty, M.J. & Valencic, K.M. (2000). Context-based apprehension versus planning demands: A common biological analysis of anticipatory public speaking anxiety. Communication Education, 49(1), 58-71.

Second Step: Write a summary (in your own words) of the article 150-200 words.

This study is concerned with communication apprehension. Beatty mentions three possible causes for CA: genetics, social learning, and inadequate skills. The article briefly describes the history of various CA theories. He maintains that much of the genetic work involving twins was not initially handled properly which resulted in too much emphasis on social learning and skills acquisition. The common biological model of communication that this study proposes sees CA as a mostly genetic response to communication. The authors’ study is designed to measure the apprehension caused by speech preparation. Participants were required to deliver two presentations to their classes. One assignment had a large preparation component, and the other had very basic requirements. The researchers tested the apprehension associated with the different speeches and found very little difference in the apprehension. The results according to the researchers diminish the influence of skills acquisition and further develop the common biological model.

Third Step: The Focus (Main points) of the article.

  • *****Addresses comm. Anxiety-Proposes a theory of genetic origin.
  • ***** explains the causes of CA- genetics
  • * deals with the specific manifestations of anxiety- no definition of specific physicality is presented.
  • * Offers solutions- Being genetic does not offer any practical solutions.

Fourth Step: Key Words and definitions.

anticipatory public speaking anxiety– People with high CA will experience discomfort in the planning of a speaking event.

communication skills acquisitions- The learning of public speaking techniques (e.g., outlining, research, verbal and nonverbal skills that help to create a clear message).

communication apprehension – tendency to avoid communication if possible in order to not suffer a variety of anxiety-type feelings. P 58.

Step Five: Rationale (why the author conducted the study/ wrote the article).

to investigate the anxiety felt prior to the performance and to see if it is caused by inadequate skills.

Step Six: Participants and methods used in the study.

Participants: 63 undergraduate students (37 female; 26 male) Two classes participated.

Method: students were given two speaking assignments with differing preparation requirements, one rigorous and one simplified. They filled out surveys discussing the degree of anxiety that each assignment provided.

Step Seven: Findings and Theories.

Findings- students felt similar anxiety regardless of the assignment. They felt the same amount of apprehension with simple and difficult tasks.

Theories mentioned-genetic inheritance theory, communication skills acquisition theory, communication trait theory, common biological theory (consistent with trait theory), skills deficit theory.

Theoretical Perspective- The researchers see communication as primarily an inherited trait which needs to study further to change the methods used to reduce anxiety. They suggest that visualization may assist in anxiety reduction.

Step Eight: Quotes and uses.

Useful Quotes– “planning skills did not significantly affect anxiety experienced immediately preceding a performance” (p.67). “More research into innovative approaches such as visualization is needed” (p.69).

How can/will I use this article– This study is useful in presenting an alternative point of view. It offers a historical perspective on the study of communication anxiety. I am hoping that the extensive bibliography that accompanies this piece will yield more usable material. This study is quantitative which may offer a nice counterpoint to the qualitative pieces in the review of the literature.


Study Concentrates on Child Parent Communication Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PHY Grossmont College X-Ray Machine Radiation Protection Project Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a physics project and need support to help me study.

choose one of the topics:

  • from Thermodynamics
    • How refrigerators work (beyond what we covered)
    • Greenhouse Effect (on Earth, Venus…)
    • Enthalpy
    • Gibb’s Free Energy
    • Statistical Mechanics (beyond what we covered)
    • Equilibrium Thermodynamics
  • from Electric and Magnetic
    • How batteries work (simple & advanced)
    • Electromagnetic radiation
    • Rail Guns
    • transistors
    • semiconductors
    • speakers & microphones (beyond what we will cover in class)
    • MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging)(beyond what we will cover in class)
    • Electric Guitars
    • Types of magnets
    • the Electromagnetic force (one of 4 fundamental forces of the universe)
    • Waveguide

    1. write an a50-70 word proposal

  • write an essay about the topic 250 to 350 words long
  • create a video of the topic/ project maximum of 2:30 minutes
  • outline of full project attached


BCC Top Managers Recognize Importance of Purchasing Supply Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a supply chain discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Discussion Question:

answer the following question : Why are more top managers recognizing the importance of purchasing/supply management?

2. respond to two student posts below


Kim Harvey Filio

Why are more top managers recognizing the importance of purchasing/supply management?

Top managers are recognizing the importance of purchasing/supply management because they increase the value and savings. It reduces the time incurred to reach the market. It would most definitely improve the reputation of the firm and quality of the market.


Krystal Schmitt

SCM improves relationship building and innovation, improves reputation, time, competitive advantages, and operating cost of the company. Purchasing and supply focuses on sourcing, pricing, and buying the right things, at the right price and at the right time to deliver a service or product. Effective purchasing can help an organization reduce costs, maintain quality, and manage the levels of risk to its supply.


Everglades University Orlando Effects of the Moon on Tides Report Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a earth and space exploration report and need an explanation to help me learn.

We learned about tides and how the moon affects tides. For this extra credit assignment, observe the moon from a reference location every night (i.e. the same location), for example: your back deck, by your mailbox, etc., at the same time for about 2 weeks (I need at least 5 to 8 observations), Keep track of your observations about the shape (phase) of the moon and its position in the sky. Then compare your observations to the reported tides in your area and report your findings in a written document. Your written report must be at least 2 – 3 paragraphs in length

Be sure to include the following in your report:

  • Your reference location and why you chose it
  • A log of your observations from each night (date, time, moons shape/appearance)
  • A 2 – 3 paragraph explanation comparing your observations to the reported tides in your area


Sultan Qaboos University Generational Concerns & Conflict Theory Questions Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a social science writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

I have 2 questions, the first one is

Consider some of the specific issues or concerns of your
generation. Are any ideas countercultural? What subcultures have emerged from
your generation? How have the issues of your generation expressed themselves
culturally? How has your generation made its mark on society’s collective

the second question is

Which theory do you think better explains how societies
operate—structural functionalism or

conflict theory? Why?

and this is the video to answer the second question.



University of Phoenix Wk 3 The Federal Judiciary & Civil Liberties Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a political science discussion question and need support to help me learn.

The Supreme Court of the United States serves as the court of last resort regarding the laws set forth in the U.S. Constitution. Additionally, it ensures the balance of power for other branches of government and rules on the constitutionality of laws and other court rulings. Given this position, the Supreme Court is often called upon to make decisions on cases that can impact U.S. society and law.

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Some people have argued the Supreme Court is the most powerful branch of government. Do you agree or disagree?
  • Support your view with:
  • Examples of Supreme Court decisions
  • The federal judiciary requirements specified in the U.S. Constitution

University of Phoenix Wk 3 The Federal Judiciary & Civil Liberties Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Harvard University Web Development Exercise Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a website design multi-part question and need support to help me learn.

Apply CSS to all pages. Navigation still has some issues. Adding a lot of good elements to your page, but they are not consistent or cohesive with your overall theme.


Chapter 6 and 7 you also have to do CSS

Chapter 6 Individual Case Project

Add validation the code for one of the forms on your individual website. First, ensure that your form uses at least three of the following field types: check boxes, text boxes, option buttons, selection lists, and text areas. Then, program validation for your form ensuring that users enter values or make selections in all fields, and verifying at least one other aspect of at least one of the fields. Provide appropriate feedback to users when the form fails validation. Test your completed program until all validation works reliably with different combinations of valid and erroneous data.

Chapter 7 Individual Case Project

Expand your individual website to include a page that calculates the time elapsed since a date entered by a user. The page should include a form that allows users to enter a day, month, and year. The page should then calculate and display the elapsed time in years, months, and days. Note that your program must include code to convert day values in excess of into months, and months in excess of into years.



ACT 460 Colorado State University Budgeting for Bugs R Gone Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting case study and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Option #1: Budgeting for a Non-Manufacturer

Your client, Bugs R Gone, has requested assistance with preparation of their budget for the upcoming year while they have a part time accounting helper out on leave. The company provides pest control services to homes. There is a small office the company operates out of with a few company-owned vehicles that the pest control technicians use when they are out in the field. Other than the pesticides, sprayers, gloves, and other tools used by the technicians, the company has very little in the way of inventory/supplies.

The owner, Jack Sutton, estimates there will be approximately 5,500 jobs during the year. Each job takes approximately 2.5 hours to complete, including the technician’s travel time going from one job to another. Technicians are paid $18 an hour. The company outsources the majority of its accounting work to you, but it has a part-time retired accountant helping out with some of the basics.

Overhead is allocated on the basis of direct labor hours. Variable overhead costs include materials and supplies at $4.50 per direct labor hour. Fixed overhead costs include depreciation on equipment and vehicles of $25,000 and miscellaneous other job-related expenses of $10,000. There is also indirect labor of $6,500.

Using the data above, Jack has requested you to complete the following budgets/schedules/calculations for him:

  1. Direct labor budget in hours and dollars;
  2. Budgeted overhead allocation rate based on budgeted quantity of cost drivers;
  3. Budgeted cost of all jobs for the year and budgeted cost of an average job;
  4. Revenues budget assuming each house treatment costs $100, and the instance of no charge re-treatments is 5%;
  5. Budgeted operating income; and
  6. Estimate how the business would be impacted if the company lost business and the jobs were actually 5,300 instead of 5,500.

Submit your responses in an Excel spreadsheet, neatly organized, with written summaries as needed. Your paper must be formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center (Links to an external site.). Reference LinkedIn Learning in the CSU Global Library (Links to an external site.) for Microsoft Excel tutorials or use the Excel Tutorials link found in the classroom if assistance is needed.

Review the Module 5 Critical Thinking Rubric for full details on how you will be graded on this assignment.


North American University Data Structures & Algorithms in Python Questions Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a algorithms & data structures question and need support to help me learn.

Please choose your favorite programming language (e.g. Java/ Python/ C#/ C++
etc.). Then visit the programming language documentation website /
related paper / documentation and discuss the following points

  • Available data structure libraries (e.g. array, list, string, tree, map, stack, queue etc.)
  • Available algorithms implemented (e.g. sorting, searching, traversal etc.) with the data structures
  • Any new features (e.g. special data structure,
    member function, system function etc.) that are going to be integrated
    with the latest release of the language.

Please submit your responses of 3 pages long *.doc or *.pdf


Barstow Community College Jackson Political Legacy Questions Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history discussion question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

1. answer the following question : What examples of Jackson’s political legacy can we identify in contemporary politics?

2. respond to two student posts below


Kimberli Sardeson

Some can say that there is some similarities between President Jackson and President Trump’s legacy. They say this, because in 1824 Jackson ran for presidency and lost to John Quincy Adams, soon after it was declared the system was rigged. In the 2020 elections many believed that the system was rigged including President Trump. In the 1820’s there were also conspiracy theories, much like there now.


Ethan Burnau

The examples of Jackson’s political legacy that we can identify in contemporary politics is how Jackson was elected the seventh president of the United States in 1828. He was someone who was pretty much known as everyone’s “people’s president” but he was someone that destroyed the Second Bank of the United States and he was the person that founded the Democratic Party overall. He supported individual liberty and instituted policies that resulted in the forced migration of Native Americans. Politics were something that surrounded contemporary politics all together.


The examples of Jackson’s political legacy that we can identify in contemporary politics is how Jackson was elected the seventh president of the United States in 1828. He was someone who was pretty much known as everyone’s “people’s president” but he was someone that destroyed the Second Bank of the United States and he was the person that founded the Democratic Party overall. He supported individual liberty and instituted policies that resulted in the forced migration of Native Americans. Politics were something that surrounded contemporary politics all together.


The examples of Jackson’s political legacy that we can identify in contemporary politics is how Jackson was elected the seventh president of the United States in 1828. He was someone who was pretty much known as everyone’s “people’s president” but he was someone that destroyed the Second Bank of the United States and he was the person that founded the Democratic Party overall. He supported individual liberty and instituted policies that resulted in the forced migration of Native Americans. Politics were something that surrounded contemporary politics all together.


The examples of Jackson’s political legacy that we can identify in contemporary politics is how Jackson was elected the seventh president of the United States in 1828. He was someone who was pretty much known as everyone’s “people’s president” but he was someone that destroyed the Second Bank of the United States and he was the person that founded the Democratic Party overall. He supported individual liberty and instituted policies that resulted in the forced migration of Native Americans. Politics were something that surrounded contemporary politics all together.


Study Concentrates on Child Parent Communication Essay Writing Assignment Help

Study Concentrates on Child Parent Communication Essay Writing Assignment Help

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