SU Amazon Company Analysis Digital Streaming AI eCommerce & Cloud Computing Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

SU Amazon Company Analysis Digital Streaming AI eCommerce & Cloud Computing Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. SU Amazon Company Analysis Digital Streaming AI eCommerce & Cloud Computing Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Format and Content Instructions:

  1. Individually write a 1 page (3/4 to 1 page) single-spaced “company analysis” (plus cover page, references, and appendices) in Microsoft Word.
  2. Use legitimate sources (published articles, company web site, and recognized print and on-line news organizations); there should be at least 3 cites. Theories from the textbook can be incorporated as an additional source.
  3. Research one of the following companies and determine the current state of the organization: Walgreens, CVS, Amazon, Wal-mart, Facebook, Starbucks, Intel, Marriott, Chick-Filet, or Buffalo Wild Wings. Specifically, identify and thoroughly discuss the key issues facing the organization (based on your analysis) and provide specific recommendations for top management to address these issues.
    • Research: After analyzing the company (reviewing the company’s web site and reading articles about the company) and performing the SWOT analysis, identify the top issues facing the company you have chosen (these may be problems and/or opportunities).
  • Recommendations: Provide your recommendations for the organization’s leadership. In other words, what specific actions should management take to efficiently and effectively address the issues you have identified? Again, it is critical that you provide sound reasoning to support your positions.

SU Amazon Company Analysis Digital Streaming AI eCommerce & Cloud Computing Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

INT 700 Monroe College Amazon Financial Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

During this week (week 11) :

We reviewed the (5) different financial ratio categories that can be used to access the overall financial health of an organization. You were also asked to listen to the financial ratio video that was posted – to help reinforce understanding of the different ratio categories. A summary of the categories is located at the back of your E-Book: pages: C-11 and C-12.

For extra-credit for this week:

  • Please identify + (BRIEFLY) explain each of the (5) ratio categories.
  • Select THREE SPECIFIC financial ratios that YOU would use – to access the financial condition of a company that you have researched this semester. Please identify the SPECIFIC company -AND- the actual value of the ratios that you have selected.
  • For Example: Company: NIKE
  • Ratio Category: Liquidity Ratio Category
  • Specific Financial Ratio selected : Current Ratio
  • Recent value for the Current Ratio: 2.55
  • Data Source: Retrieved from:

**hey this the discussion for for week 11 homework which is base on a project that i have done for my class. so what you gotta do is in order to answer this discussion you have to read my project which i attached here in word document**


Cuyamaca College Mexican American War Discussion Writing Assignment Help

  1. What person or event in the chapter should be given more attention in the chapter and emphasized more thoroughly?
  2. Discuss the topic and offer your analysis and explanation of the topic and defend why you picked it by summarizing and writing about the topic. Use evidence and specifics from the Week 14 module describing what you know and explaining what more you’d like to know.
  3. Why is this topic important or significant and why should it be given more thorough treatment in your opinion? Be in depth and explain your response fully.
  4. This is a survey text. If you think your topic should be given greater attention what would you decrease or leave out?


BUS 201 CSM Small Claims Court for the Judiciary System Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

The purpose of this assignment is for you to learn how to file a small claims lawsuit. As discussed in class, small claims court is a great way for people to be able to resolve their differences over relatively small amounts of money at little cost to either party. The idea behind having such hearings is that there should be a cheap and easy way for people to be able to get a judge to rule on any given dispute.

All you have to do for this assignment is describe how you would file a small claims lawsuit in the event you ever had to. In the future if you ever have any business disputes in your personal life you will have benefited by doing this assignment because you will know exactly what you need to do to file a small claims suit. You will also know what to do in the event you are ever sued in small claims court.

You may use the San Mateo County or Santa Clara County Courts, or any other court in California. Please specify which court you are using in your paper.

Answer ALL of the following questions:

A) Where do you obtain the form you need to file a small claims suit against another person. Attach a copy or link to a website of this form to your paper.

B) In your own words, summarize the steps to file a small claims suit in a California County.

C) Answer the following questions:

  1. • What are the legal requirements for Small Claims Court?
  2. • Where does one file such an action? Which court has jurisdiction?
  3. • What topics does a small claims suit include? Come up with your OWN examples, do not use the ones from the court’s website.
  4. • What is the age limit, if any, to file a claim?
  5. • What is the dollar limit one can sue for? Break it down by number of claims per year and entity.
  6. • What specific papers must be filed? How much does it cost to file? Provide details.
  7. • Can an attorney be present at your appearance? Why or why not?

D) Explain what you learned from this assignment.

Your paper should be typed in Times New Roman 12-point size fonts, 1-inch margin all around, doublespaced, and about 3-5 pages NOT including cover, title, or references.


Cuyamaca College Underground Railroad Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Part One

1) Go through this Underground Railroad Interactive website (Links to an external site.)
2) Start with the Journey in the top left corner of the web-page. Choose “Yes”.
3) You will see that you are a slave with a choice to run or to stay.
Click “yes” I want to go
4) Take the complete journey to the end of the website where you arrive in Canada.

Answer 2 of the following 3 questions but write in paragraph form.
Show which questions you are answering by your writing and by not repeating the question and by using different illustrations for each question you choose.

1) Describe 2 new things you learned about the Underground Railroad that were not in the text or the Haber content comments. Be thorough in your description.
2) What surprised you? You must display learning and information from the website. Use detail and evidence to back your generalizations. For instance do not only state , “It surprised me it was so difficult”. Why was it difficult? Expand by describing the journey in depth.
3) Describe two new people or types of people you met on the way. You must display information from the website

Part Two

Read this letter from Thomas Garrett to Harriet Tubman (Links to an external site.)

Answer each of these questions:
1) How does Thomas Garrett’s letter add to your understanding of the Underground Railroad? Use at least two specific examples from the letter. Describe what you learned about the Underground Railroad from the letter.
2. How does this letter add to your understanding of Thomas Garrett’s role in the activities of the Underground Railroad? Use at least 2 examples that are different from your responses to question #1



HY 103 Black Americans in the Revolutionary and Reconstruction Era Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Black Americans in the Revolutionary and Reconstruction Eras Monuments

Due: 11:59 pm, Sunday, November 22

Topic: You are a public historian who has been hired as a consultant by the council of two locations of your choosing to research, design, and explain the rationale for a pair of monuments that commemorate black Americans in the eras of the American Revolution (the years covered in Holton, Black Americans in the Revolutionary Era) and during and in the aftermath of Reconstruction (the years covered in Prince, Radical Reconstruction).

Sources: Holton, Black Americans in the Revolutionary Era; Prince, Radical Reconstruction; other course materials.

Format: Turn in BOTH of the following components. Note that you have a choice of format for the first component.

  • The monuments

Create two monuments. You may either write a detailed description of your monuments (at least 500 words) OR you may make a drawing/painting or a 3D model of your monuments using mixed media, sculpture, painting, graphic arts, knitting/crocheting, sewing, sound recording, computer modeling with the free program Sketch Up or similar, etc. If you choose the visual option, you may still include text as part of the monument. Take a photo of your monument models unless they are already in an uploadable form (i.e., a computer rendering or digital painting).

2. The analysis

Prepare a 500-word report for your clients that explains the need for a pair of monuments recognizing black Americans in the eras of the American Revolution and Reconstruction by doing the following:

  • analyses their experiences and actions in the colony and then state(s) of your chosen locales
  • explains the site choice (be specific! use Google Maps!)
  • makes an argument about how the specific design and locations of the monuments shape the story they tell about the past and why it is necessary to build a pair of monuments
  • details why that particular understanding is important
  • uses Chicago Manual of Style citations that include specific page numbers to cite sources.

You must use and cite at least three different sources in Holton, Black Americans, and three different sources in Prince, Radical Reconstruction, although you may also use more sources from those books.

Upload all written components to the Turnitin link on Blackboard; if you have a physical or visual component, bring it to section on the day that the assignment is due. You must also bring a hard copy of the written component(s) of your project.

You may work in a group (up to 3 people) with other students who have the same TA, or you may work alone.

For students working in a group: all members must contribute to the project. Each group only needs to turn in two monuments and one 500-word explanation. In addition, each member of a group must include a detailed list of their contributions to the project.

Be creative! Do not copy or imitate an existing monument.

Possible points earned: 150

HY 103 Black Americans in the Revolutionary and Reconstruction Era Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Washington Zika Virus Vaccines Essay Writing Assignment Help

The reading and the grading rubric were attached.

For the reading attached below write a paper of 750-1000 words. You should

(a) summarize the article,

(b) explain biological concepts, and

(c) describe the associations between the study and public health challenges; the scope of the public health problems, including 1-2 sentences on outlook (i.e. implications for further research, intervention, or public health policy).

The use of 2-3 outside sources to support your points is required. Refrain from using direct quotations. Instead, rewrite in your own words and cite your source.

For the references, use the following format:

Pattnaik A, Sahoo BR, Pattnaik AK (2020) Current Status of Zika Virus Vaccines: Successes and Challenges. Vaccines. 8: 266.


ECOM 201 Saudi Electronic University Intro to eManagement Medawa Medical Company Project Business Finance Assignment Help


My friend Nouha123, she talked with you about me, because you gave her a perfect answers regarding the same project.

And you said to her “You can do it” for me.

So I think you know what I’m talking about?

Please I want excellent answers with no plagiarism, and also linking with E-management course.

Textbook – For your Info.

Garton, C. & Wegryn, K. (2006). Managing without walls: Maximize success with virtual, global, and cross-cultural teams. Mc Press, 2006. ISBN-13: 978-1583470626

Here some notes:

  • No plagiarism, Make it 0%.
  • Assignment must be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid.
  • Use font Times New Roman, Calibri or Arial.
  • Use 1.5 or double line spacing with left Justify all paragraphs.
  • Use the footer function to insert page number.
  • Ensure that you follow the APA style in your project.
  • Your project report length should be between 2500 to 3000 words.

You can find all guidelines in the file.


Saudi Electronic Module 12 Engaging the Organization in The Change Process Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Comprehensive Change Management Process

The final critical thinking assignment for this course requires a comprehensive Change Management Process, including its origination and implementation. To complete this project, address the following:

Choose a Middle Eastern organization in which you are currently working, or with which you are familiar. Provide a brief description of the organization, including its history, number of employees, products/services, mission/vision, strategies, etc.

Discuss the problem or issue confronting the organization. Why is there a need to change (e.g., falling profits, low morale, challenges recruiting talented employees, etc.)?

Assess the principle reasons for the organization’s problem or issue. What is the root cause and what are other causes of the problem/issue?

Identify the intended change you propose for the organization. Detail the reasons for the change, including any research you conducted that led you to this recommendation (for instance, similar organizations in a similar situation followed this strategy, or studies indicated this was the preferred solution for other organizations in a similar situation).

Identify a plan to implement the change. Be clear about the steps or processes that you propose to implement this change, including any resources which may be needed throughout the process.

Identify the measurement/control mechanisms you would utilize to determine if the change management process is working effectively. Also, include any contingency plans you would propose if/when the plan is not implemented as intended.

Finally, offer a brief statement about what you learned from completing this project and how your research in this course has affected your perspective/perception of change.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

Be 6-8 pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

Use academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.

Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least four scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.


UCSD Ethical Standards Applied in Animals Research Discussion Science Assignment Help

The aim of this activity is to reinforce the ethical approach to the process of science, as well as to introduce the ethical standards applied when animals are used in research.

Watch two short documents

1. Genes as Medicine (Links to an external site.).

2. Blue Baby Syndrome (Links to an external site.)

These movies provide you an authentic example of the process of science and how animal models are chosen for scientific research to develop a gene therapy for a congenital form of blindness.

Provide answers to the following questions (Links to an external site.) Answer questions 1-8 only Skip question 9 and 10.

[supanova_question] Answer questions 1-8 only Skip question 9 and 10.

[supanova_question] Answer questions 1-8 only Skip question 9 and 10.

[supanova_question] Answer questions 1-8 only Skip question 9 and 10.


SU Amazon Company Analysis Digital Streaming AI eCommerce & Cloud Computing Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

SU Amazon Company Analysis Digital Streaming AI eCommerce & Cloud Computing Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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