SU Methodology for Selecting a Cloud Computing Service Model Discussion Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

SU Methodology for Selecting a Cloud Computing Service Model Discussion Paper Computer Science Assignment Help. SU Methodology for Selecting a Cloud Computing Service Model Discussion Paper Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Cloud Computing


Many organizations have adopted cloud computing. In this assignment, you will research cloud computing and explore its advantages and disadvantages. You will also consider best practices for adopting cloud computing, selecting a particular cloud computing service model, and assessing and mitigating security risks. 

For your research, please consult Chapters 13 and 14 of your textbook and these articles: 

Note: If you wish you may consult additional articles, but this is not required.


Specifically you will write a 3–4-page paper in which you:

  1. Outline the planning process that needs to be in place before adopting cloud computing. 

    • Be sure to identify the stakeholders who need to be involved and the discussions that need to take place. 

  2. Evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of cloud computing. 
  3. Describe the methodology you would use to select a cloud computing service model.
  4. Review the security risks and mitigation activities that need to take place before adopting cloud computing. 
  5. Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to locate and integrate into the assignment at least three quality, peer-reviewed academic resources, written within the past five years.  

SU Methodology for Selecting a Cloud Computing Service Model Discussion Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

nothing 10 questions in the description Foreign Languages Assignment Help

I’m working on a arabic multi-part question and need support to help me understand better.

تعتقد والدتي، وهذا ما كان بمحلتنا عموماً، أن الأرواح تظهر عادة في البيوت المهجورة، والبيت الذي لا تبرحه الأرواح يُدْعى البيت المسكون، يؤذي الشرير منها الساكنين عند حلول الظلام. كثيراً ما سمعت في طفولتي بالسعلوة ذات الوجه الأسطوري المخيف، الذي يتحدث الجميع عنه، ونتناقل أخباره نحن الأطفال، ورغم ذلك يلجأ الأهالي إلى تخويف أولادهم بها. أما البيت المسكون من قبل الملك الصالح، أو الملاك فيطمئن أهله، وينتظرون الأفراح. ولكن رغم صفات الملاك الخيّرة والجميلة، فهو الآخر مخيف لأنه مستور متوارٍ عن العيون.

لا أتذكّر أن والدتي أخافتني أو هددتني يوماً بهذا الكائن العجيب، أو غيره من الكائنات المخيفة، لهذا أحمل لها التقدير الكبير، لكن أسلوب والدتي المتحضر لم يمنع عني تأثير المحيط الذي كان مملوءاً بالحكايات عن الكائنات المستورة، فترك في نفسي التردد. فكثيراً ما كان الناس يفزعون من الأسباب المخفية أو المستورة. قد لا يخاف الناس عندما يسمعون بموت فلان لسبب واضح، لكنهم يرتعبون من خبر موت فلان من دون سبب معروف لديهم. كانت والدتي حذرة من المجهول، أو الحدث المفاجئ، سخية في نذر النذور إلى أضرحة الأئمة، والأولياء الصالحين، قياساً بنساء معارفنا، خوفاً علينا من المرض، والأمر في الغالب يتعلق بوفاة طفلين لها.

كانت نذور والدتي تعبيراً عن خوف دفين، وحنان ليس له مثيل، فكثيراً ما كنت أسمعها تقول عند مرضي، وهي تهم بالصعود إلى سطح الدار، وترفع كفّيها نحو السماء وهي تقول بصوت ما زال يرنّ بأذني ويشحذ عاطفتي الجياشة إليها: (ربي آني ولا هو)، أي اللهم أمرضني بدلاً منه.

إلى جانب الأرواح تضم ثنايا بيتنا أرواح الأشجار، كنا نشعر بروح شجرة السدر (النبكَة)، الورافة الظلال على فناء البيت، فتحت ظلها تجتمع العائلة في ظهاري صيف بغداد الحارة. علقت تلك الشجرة في ذاكرتي، لذلك تراني أسعى قدر الإمكان إلى إيجاد مكان لها، أو لبنات جنسها في تصميماتي العمرانية، بعد أن كان وجودها في عمران بيتنا عفوياً، فرضته الحاجة إلى الظل، وهيبة الشجرة ورمزيتها، وما لها من كرامة في النفوس، ففي مزيج ورقها والماء تطهر أجساد الموتى. ويبدو لشجرة السدر ما لشجرة النخيل من كرامة واعتبار عند العراقيين. .ذكرت هذه الشجرة في القرآن باسم “سدرة المنتهى”، ويُقال عن النخلة والسدر إنهما من أشجار الجنة. وهناك من يعتقد أنها محفوفة أو محروسة بالملائكة، لذا يُحذر من قطعها. ومن بين الأحاديث النبوية حديث أشار إلى أن النخلة أخت آدم. جاء في الحديث: “أكرموا عماتكم النخل”. أما تاريخ إكرام النخلة فهو ضارب في القِدَم، فقد كانت من الأشجار المقدسة عند العراقيين القدماء، هذا ما أشارت إليه الألواح السومرية بوضوح. وصفوة القول: إن البيئة التي تجتمع فيها الحياة، نباتها وحيوانها وإنسانها، كبيئة بيتنا الكبير، تحت ضوء القمر وشعاع الشمس حيث الانفتاح على الفضاء مباشرة هي بيئة متكاملة.

بعد العودة إلى بغداد العام 1946، حاولتُ عدة محاولات أن أشتري البيت لأجعل منه متحفاً لذكريات العائلة، وأن أحتفظ بسماته العمرانية كشاهد على ما يحيطه من خراب وتحوير في نسيج المحلة العمراني الذي احتفظت به منذ العصر العباسي. فالمكان كما أسلفت كان دار الخلافة، وجامع القصر هو جامع الخلفاء ومنارته منارة سوق الغزل. كنت بين حين وآخر أزور المكان، وبعد انقطاع طويل، عدت إلى بغداد في أوائل الثمانينيات في زيارة قصيرة، لها علاقة بالمساهمة لإعادة تخطيط بغداد.


Origin and Transmission of the Coronavirus Pandemic Essay Writing Assignment Help

COVID-19 Research Paper Outline

In the research paper you will present information and data from the topic you have selected.

I. Introduction

a. Explanation of the COVID-19 epidemic

b. Explanation of the main idea of the specific topic related to the COVID-19 virus

II. Body

a. COVID-19 virus (pathogenesis, mode of transmission….)

b. COVID-19 and the specific topic (incidence, epidemiology, pathogenesis,

treatment, morbidity/mortality, guidelines to diagnosis…)

c. Share your thoughts on the subject – have you seen this in the facility you work

at? What measures were established?

III. Conclusion

a. Summary your findings.COVID-19 Research Paper


Florida International University Advanced Nursing Practice Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help

  1. Identify a current research problem related to advanced nursing practice that is of interest to you. Include WHY this is a problem. (Limit response to no more than 3 sentences). Develop a research question to provide information about the research problem.
  2. Based on your research question, do you believe it will best be answered by a qualitative or quantitative study ? Support your decision as to why you believe the answers would best be provided by the type of study you have chosen.
  3. Select a middle-range theory and identify the application of nursing theories to your research problem.

    Conduct a literature review.

  4. Based on your literature review answer the following questions:

    • If qualitative,

      • Identify the purpose of the study.
      • Briefly, describe the design of the study and explain why you think it is either appropriate or inappropriate to meet the purpose.
      • Identify ethical issues related to the study and how they were/were not addressed.
      • Identify the sampling method and recruitment strategy that was used.
      • Discuss whether sampling and recruitment were appropriate to the aims of the research.
      • Identify the data collection method(s) and discuss whether the method(s) is/are appropriate to the aims of the study.
      • Identify how the data was analyzed and discuss whether the method(s) of analysis is/are appropriate to the aims of the study.
      • Identify four (4) criteria by which the rigor of a qualitative project can be judged.
      • Discuss the rigor of this study using the four criteria.?
      • Briefly, describe the findings of the study and identify any limitations.
      • Use the information that you have gained from your critique of the study to discuss the trustworthiness and applicability of the study. Include in your discussion any implications for the discipline of nursing.

    • If quantitative,

      • Identify the purpose and design of the study.
      • Explain what is meant by ‘blinding’ and ‘randomization’ and discuss how these were addressed in the design of the study.
      • Identify ethical issues related to the study and how they were/were not addressed. ?
      • Explain the sampling method and the recruitment strategy was used.
      • Discuss how the sample size was determined – include in your discussion an explanation of terms used.
      • Briefly, outline how the data was collected and identify any data collection instrument(s).
      • Define the terms of validity and reliability, and discuss how the validity & reliability of the instruments were/were not addressed in this study and why this is important.
      • Outline how the data were analyzed.
      • Identify the statistics used and the level of measurement of the data described by each statistical test – include in your discussion an explanation of terms used.
      • Briefly, outline the findings and identify any limitations of the study.
      • Use the information that you have gained from your critique of the study to briefly discuss the trustworthiness and applicability of the study. Include in your discussion an explanation of the term statistical significance and name the tests of statistical significance used in this study. 

    • TOPIC YOU WILL USE FOR THIS POWERPOINT!!!!Nursing QuestionThe current research problem related to advanced practice that is of interest to me is advanced practice nurse shortage (Haddad, Annamaraju, & Toney-Butler, 2020). This is an issue of concern because of the increasing number of baby boomers, an aging nursing workforce, and low supply. Notably, with more nurse practitioners retiring, an increased number of healthcare seekers, and a low supply of new staff, patient care becomes overwhelming, which can affect management outcomes and cause burnout.

      TRY TO NARROW IT DOWN FOR instance the shortage of nurse practitioners in rural area primary care settings.


Mendel Law of Inheritance Huntington Disease Discussion Science Assignment Help

Mendel and Human Genetics


Mendel did most of his work using pea plants and was studding seven different characteristics, each with two contrasting traits [1]. Morgan rediscovered his laws of inheritance and further the knowledge using Drosophila as a model organism. Later discoveries confirmed that human heredity is regulated by the same laws of inheritance. Many of our characteristics are polygenic, however a number of them are controlled by a single gene, and Mendel’s work is a “solid foundation for our current understanding of single-gene diseases in humans” [2]. 

Please search in the literature and present human disorder(s) that are following Mendelian type of inheritance.


2. Chial, H. (2008) Mendelian genetics: Patterns of inheritance and single-gene disorders. Nature Education 1(1):63.

Here’s 1 Nerogica Nimalan

RE: Mendel and Human Genetics


The understanding of single-gene diseases humans helps to expand our knowledge on disorders that affect humans. Monogenic disorders are diseases that are caused by a variation in one single gene. An example of a single-gene disease is phenylketonuria. This disease is autosomal recessive and caused by an inborn error of metabolism. This means that there is a deficiency of phenylalanine hydroxylase which is an enzyme that causes the catalyzation of hydroxylation of phenylalanine to tyrosine. This disorder causes mental retardation. Another single-gene disorder is Huntington’s disease. This disease is an autosomal dominant disorder. This disorder is caused by a trinucleotide CAG repeat expansion in the specific huntingtin gene.


Myers RH. Huntington’s disease genetics. NeuroRx. 2004;1(2):255-262. doi:10.1602/neurorx.1.2.255

Merritt AD, Conneally PM, Rahman NF, Drew AL. Juvenile Huntington’s chorea. In: Progress in neurogenetics. (Barbeau A, Brunette TR, eds), pp 645–650. Amsterdam: Excerpta Medica Foundation, 1969. 

Here’s 2. Ashley Lavdas

RE: Mendel and Human Genetics



There are many diseases or syndromes that are caused by multiple genes influencing a trait, making it polygenic. However, there are a handful caused by only a single gene making it a monogenic inheritance pattern.

Fragile X syndrome is an X-linked dominant disorder that occurs by transcriptional silencing of the FMR1 gene (Garber et al., 2008). The FMR-1 gene has a repeating region of CGG in the 5’ untranslated region. Individuals with Fragile X syndrome have an expanded amount of repeats in this region that prevents synthesis of the gene’s protein product. The normal amount of CGG repeats on the FMR1 gene is between 6-55. “Pre-mutation” alleles have a higher number of repeats: 56-200. These pre-mutation alleles still provide a normal gene function, but they are unstable. During DNA replication in female germ-line cells, there is a high probability of CGG repeat expansion, thus pre-mutation alleles are unstable. Phenotypically normal females that are heterozygous for pre-mutation allele are likely to have gametes with a higher number of triplet repeats. When the CGG repeat is between 200-4000, it is considered mutant. When the FMR1 gene is mutated, the FMR1 protein can’t properly form synapses (Hartwell, 2018). FMRP, the gene product of FMR1, is a protein that negatively regulates the protein synthesis of neuronal dendrites. With a mutated gene, the transcripts that are normally regulated by FMRP are overtranslated and lead to an abundance of proteins that reduces synaptic strength (Garber et al., 2008).

Fragile X syndrome may not present phenotypically or only have subtle indications. However, it is associated with a wide range of intellectual and emotional disabilities, including autism (Garber et al., 2008).


Garber, K. B., Visootsak, J., & Warren, S. T. (2008). Fragile X syndrome. European Journal of Human Genetics, 16(6), 666–672. doi:10.1038/ejhg.2008.61

Hartwell, L. (2018). Genetics: From genes to genomes (Sixth edition). McGraw-Hill Education. 



Texas A&M University Kingsville Artificial Intelligence Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

This week’s journal article focus on the how positive team culture can correct the impact of lagging leadership creativity. Additionally, we discussed how digital transformation leaders in regard to artificial intelligence (AI). After reviewing the reading, please answer the following questions:

  1. What is your definition of AI? Please explain.
  2. What is your opinion of AI, is the technology currently available? Why or why not?
  3. Please note at least four AI technologies, explain if they are truly AI or something else. Thoroughly explain your answer.
  4. How is AI perceived as different in various industries and locations? Please explain.

Google Scholar is also a great source for research. Please be sure that journal articles are peer-reviewed and are published within the last five years.

The paper should meet the following requirements:

· 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)

· APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

· A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.

The writing should be clear and concise. Headings should be used to transition thoughts. Don’t forget that the grade also includes the quality of writing.

please refer below articles

Texas A&M University Kingsville Artificial Intelligence Paper Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UCI Engineering Types of AI Technologies Used Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a engineering writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Writing a 2 page and 1.15 space long research paper about the application of AI in renewable energy especially nuclear energy

  • What types are available?
  • How do they work/ What are the applications?

The structure of the essay should have a introduction, a body, and a conclusion.

  • should include 3 to 4 sources, with a focus on peer reviewed journals, white papers and government documents, and preferably not all web pages – not to be confused with online sources such as electronic copies of books, journals, or conference proceedings
  • Body – contains an introductory statement followed by the main body of text; appropriately subdivided content using descriptive first and second-level headings as needed to indicate your chosen hierarchy of information, and end with a brief conclusion that ties the paper together and brings closure to your selected topic


King Saud University Performance Management Saudi Vision 2030 Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Saudi Vision 2030 details the long-term goals that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) hopes to achieve. These ambitious goals are well defined, extremely detailed, and impact all levels of society. Review the message from HRH Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Aziz Al-Saud about Saudi Arabia’s Vision for the future:

After reviewing the vision statement from HRH Prince Mohammed Bin Salman Aziz Al-Saud and other components of Vision 2030. Then, address the following:

  • Critique the Ministry of Culture mission statement, values, and vision.
  • Explain the alignment, or lack thereof, of the Ministry of Culture mission, values, and vision with Saudi Vision 2030.
  • Address what improvements must be made to the organization’s mission statement, values, and vision to ensure further alignment with Vision 2030.
  • Explain why all organizations located in the KSA must align their strategy with Vision 2030.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

– Be 5-6 pages in length, which does not include the title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.

– Use APA style guidelines.

– Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.


  • Start with talking about the vision 2030 for like 2 paragraphs
  • Summarize the goals in the vision 2030 that related to Ministry of Culture
  • Then, address the above points.


Crime Analysis Case Study Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a case studies case study and need support to help me learn.


By now, you have had a chance to study the situation in Shawnee, Kansas. Today, you will write your analysis of the data presented in the case study. The Rusty’s Tavern case study begins on page 29 of the attached PDF file.


Your task is to analyze the data presented in the case study. DIscuss the different types of data, the quality, and whether you need more. What frameworks can be applied ti manipulate and understand the data?

Prompt: Write a data analysis that:

  • Describes and evaluates the sources of information [CILO 1.2},
  • Describes how the problem analysis triangle, GIS, cause-effect diagrams, charts and graphs, and other tools discussed in the course can be used to analyze the data [CILO 1.2],
  • Includes new representations of the data [CILO 1.2], and
  • Describes patterns and correlations in the data [CILO 1.2].

Source Reference:

In-text citation: (Smith, 2011, p. 29) where p. 29 means page 29. Include page numbers in your citations for this assignment.

Full reference: Smith, S.C. (2011), Rusty’s Last Chance. In G. Jones & M. Malina (Ed.), Crime Analysis Case Studies. Retrieved from…


Step 1: Preparation

  1. Review the CILO 2 rubric below that will be used to assess your answer. Be sure that you can achieve all performance levels.
  2. Compose your response in any text editor (e.g. MS Word, or Google Docs) and spell check and grammar check it.
  3. Use APA citation and reference format to refer to your sources.

Step 2: Submission

  1. Click on the title of this assignment to open it.
  2. Either paste your text into the text editor box by clicking WRITE SUBMISSION or attach a PDF version of your essay file by clicking BROWSE MY COMPUTER.
  3. [Optional] Add Comments and/or excuses in the text box for your professor.


Your essay will be assessed using the CILO 2 rubric shown below. All assessment will be completed by the course professor. This assignment is worth 6% of your course grade.







2.1 Data (50%) No datasets identified. Identify one relevant dataset. Identify multiple relevant datasets …and aggregate into a single coherent data structure …and explain quality with reference to missing data, outliers, and relevant metadata.
2.2 Analysis (50%) No analytical approach identified. Describe one analytical approach. Describe multiple analytical approaches …and generate appropriate representations of results …describing any patterns and correlations in the data.


  1. An “analytical approach” could include the SARA model, the Crime Triangle model, cause-effect diagram, or others.
  2. “Correlations in the data” would be patterns that you notice occur in two or more sources.


BIO 141L Grossmont College Enzyme Write Up Paper Science Assignment Help

In this activity, you will study the effect of pH, temperature and lactose concentration on lactase activity. By the end of this activity, you should be able to:

  1. design experiments to study the effects of pH, temperature, and substrate concentration on enzyme activity.
  2. graph data related to enzyme activity.
  3. analyze data related to enzyme activity.
  4. complete a lab write-up summarizing and analyzing your results for the effect of temperature on lactase activity.
  5. identify the components of the scientific method.
  6. identify components of the substrate-enzyme-product system being studied.

Before beginning this activity, make sure you are comfortable with the concepts of independent and dependent variables, experimental and control groups, and hypothesis. You will be applying these concepts in this lab, plus in many of the future labs. To prepare for the lab, watch the following video (Links to an external site.) and think about enzymes, substrates, products, maximum rate of reaction, and optimal conditions. (Links to an external site.)

We will work through Experiment I, testing the effect of pH on enzyme activity, together during our Zoom lecture (Links to an external site.). You will then individually use what we did together as a model to design data collection tables and study the effect of temperature and the effect of lactose concentration on lactase activity (Experiment II and Experiment III). Please note, this requires that you totally understand what we are doing while we are together in our Zoom session. You will take this understanding and apply it in a slightly different experiment to complete Experiment II and Experiment III. Experiment IV requires you to look at the materials and methods available to you in the simulation to determine if you can study the concept of enzyme specificity using the website.

You will need to produce graphs using Excel or Google docs. I will not accept hand-drawn graphs or photographed images. If you are unsure how to do this, it is fine to work with other students. The final product must be your own work, but it is a good strategy to help out others in the lab.

To complete the lab activity, go to the following website ( (Links to an external site.)

and read through the Home, Background and Explore the Model tabs.

You will produce a lab write-up on the effect of temperature on lactase activity. Note, you are focused on Experiment II and should use the data from that activity only for the write-up. Your understanding of Experiments III and IV will be assessed in a different format during Week 3.

I will provide you an outline of how to organize and what to include in your write-up, but your report should be in nonnumeric, paragraph form. This outline is found in the Week 2 module.

Submit your lab write-up by 1159PM this Sunday (Week 2) using Canvas. We will use this lab write-up as a major part of Week 3. By 9AM Tuesday of Week 3, you will be provided with comments and feedback from both the instructor and Peers. You should make changes based on these comments and feedback (or inspirations which come to you outside of this exercise) to improve the write-up. You must resubmit your lab writeup prior to 11:59 PM next Sunday (Week 3) even if you do not make changes. If you do not submit an assignment, you will receive no points. Lab for the Week 3 will consist of providing comments and feedback to your peers and reworking your lab report. We will not be doing the osmosis lab that week. This will be done utilizing the Week 3 lab module.


and read through the Home, Background and Explore the Model tabs.

You will produce a lab write-up on the effect of temperature on lactase activity. Note, you are focused on Experiment II and should use the data from that activity only for the write-up. Your understanding of Experiments III and IV will be assessed in a different format during Week 3.

I will provide you an outline of how to organize and what to include in your write-up, but your report should be in nonnumeric, paragraph form. This outline is found in the Week 2 module.

Submit your lab write-up by 1159PM this Sunday (Week 2) using Canvas. We will use this lab write-up as a major part of Week 3. By 9AM Tuesday of Week 3, you will be provided with comments and feedback from both the instructor and Peers. You should make changes based on these comments and feedback (or inspirations which come to you outside of this exercise) to improve the write-up. You must resubmit your lab writeup prior to 11:59 PM next Sunday (Week 3) even if you do not make changes. If you do not submit an assignment, you will receive no points. Lab for the Week 3 will consist of providing comments and feedback to your peers and reworking your lab report. We will not be doing the osmosis lab that week. This will be done utilizing the Week 3 lab module.


and read through the Home, Background and Explore the Model tabs.

You will produce a lab write-up on the effect of temperature on lactase activity. Note, you are focused on Experiment II and should use the data from that activity only for the write-up. Your understanding of Experiments III and IV will be assessed in a different format during Week 3.

I will provide you an outline of how to organize and what to include in your write-up, but your report should be in nonnumeric, paragraph form. This outline is found in the Week 2 module.

Submit your lab write-up by 1159PM this Sunday (Week 2) using Canvas. We will use this lab write-up as a major part of Week 3. By 9AM Tuesday of Week 3, you will be provided with comments and feedback from both the instructor and Peers. You should make changes based on these comments and feedback (or inspirations which come to you outside of this exercise) to improve the write-up. You must resubmit your lab writeup prior to 11:59 PM next Sunday (Week 3) even if you do not make changes. If you do not submit an assignment, you will receive no points. Lab for the Week 3 will consist of providing comments and feedback to your peers and reworking your lab report. We will not be doing the osmosis lab that week. This will be done utilizing the Week 3 lab module.


and read through the Home, Background and Explore the Model tabs.

You will produce a lab write-up on the effect of temperature on lactase activity. Note, you are focused on Experiment II and should use the data from that activity only for the write-up. Your understanding of Experiments III and IV will be assessed in a different format during Week 3.

I will provide you an outline of how to organize and what to include in your write-up, but your report should be in nonnumeric, paragraph form. This outline is found in the Week 2 module.

Submit your lab write-up by 1159PM this Sunday (Week 2) using Canvas. We will use this lab write-up as a major part of Week 3. By 9AM Tuesday of Week 3, you will be provided with comments and feedback from both the instructor and Peers. You should make changes based on these comments and feedback (or inspirations which come to you outside of this exercise) to improve the write-up. You must resubmit your lab writeup prior to 11:59 PM next Sunday (Week 3) even if you do not make changes. If you do not submit an assignment, you will receive no points. Lab for the Week 3 will consist of providing comments and feedback to your peers and reworking your lab report. We will not be doing the osmosis lab that week. This will be done utilizing the Week 3 lab module.


SU Methodology for Selecting a Cloud Computing Service Model Discussion Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

SU Methodology for Selecting a Cloud Computing Service Model Discussion Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

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