SU Wk 1 The Effects of Sentencing Laws on Corrections Criminal Procedures Essay Law Assignment Help. SU Wk 1 The Effects of Sentencing Laws on Corrections Criminal Procedures Essay Law Assignment Help.
I’m working on a law question and need a sample draft to help me study.
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Week 1 Project
The Effect of Sentencing Laws on Corrections
You are an intern at the Department of Justice (DOJ) and have been assigned to the Office of Justice Programs. Your supervisor has asked you to prepare a discussion brief on the effects of sentencing laws on corrections in the last ten years. The head of the Office of Justice Programs Department will use the brief during an upcoming conference.
Using South University Online Library, research the effects of the 1990s sentencing laws on corrections in the last ten years. In your 3- to 4-page brief:
- Identify the trends in prison incarceration rates since 1990. Cite reliable data to support your conclusions.
- Discuss the impact that sentencing laws had on the prison population. In your response, consider mandatory minimum laws and habitual offender laws.
- Discuss whether “truth-in-sentencing” laws are effective.
- Suggest improvements or changes that can be made in individual prisons to respond to the challenges being faced by prison administrators.
In addition to research articles in South University Online Library, the following Internet site may supplement your search:
SU Wk 1 The Effects of Sentencing Laws on Corrections Criminal Procedures Essay Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Florida National University Free Verse & Theme of Love Poetry Questions Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a poetry Presentation and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
POETRY BOOK ASSIGNMENTFor this assignment, you will be working on your very own poetry book with poems that you have written yourself. Each of your poems will follow a common theme, provide a rationale (explanation as to why you chose that theme to talk about), and an explanation for each of your poems. At the end of this assignment, you will recite one of your poems by memory, record it, and upload it to a FlipGrid assignment. All students must use Google Docs to work on this poetry book through the Google Classroom assignment, this way I can check your progress throughout the process to make sure that you are on task.
***Please be warned that any student who tries to cheat or copy a poem from online and is caught will receive a “Z” for all assessment grades associated with this assignment. ***
This project will be worth the following:
- Progress checks up until the day that the project is due
- 3 assessment grades for the completed poetry book
undefined1 assessmentundefined
- Cover page including your name, period number, date, and title of your poetry book
- Table of Contents indicating what is on each page
- Poems must have a common theme and a rationale at the beginning of the book that explains why you chose that theme for your poems.
- Minimum 10 sentences
- 4 poems each with titles
- 2 free verse poem with 15 lines minimum
- 2 poem using a poetic form (examples can be found on
- Each poem MUST use 4 poetic devices
- Each poetic device must be labeled (highlight and leave comment on the margin of the document)
- An explanation of each poem must be provided, explaining the theme in detail, the devices, tone, mood, and why you chose to write it.
- Minimum 5 sentences each
- Format
- Typed
- Font style: your choice as long as it is not in characters or cursive
- Font size: between 11 pts. – 16 pts.
- Each page must be numbered on the top-right hand corner
- Pictures and decorations are encouraged, but are not mandatory
- An explanation of each poem must be provided, explaining the theme in detail, the devices, tone, mood, and why you chose to write it.
- Each poetic device must be labeled (highlight and leave comment on the margin of the document)
ENG 101 GCC The Yin and Yang of The 1959 Gidget Film Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Watch the film Gidget, which is about a young girl in the 1950s who rejects gendered stereotypes as she becomes friends with the Malibu surf community and becomes a surfer herself. In your introductory paragraph: (Should only be one paragraph long and no longer than half a page.)
Summarize the plot of the film Gidget. Also describe the impact the film and novel had on the surf boom of the early 1960’s at the time it came out.
In your thesis answer the following question:
Discuss one way Gidget empowers herself and one way she disempowers herself as she struggles to fit in with the 1950s Malibu surfer crew by learning to surf herself in the iconic film Gidget.
In your body paragraphs, make sure to
- Support your discussion of the film Gidget by describing and analyzing specific scenes from the film.
- Make sure to follow up all quotations and film scene analysis with a 4-5 sentence explanation of how they support your topic sentence claim.
PLA 2476 RC Health and Safety at The Workplace Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business law exercise and need support to help me understand better.
Describe compliance issues related to health, safety, and security in the workplace.
Your organization has just established its first Health and Safety Committee, and participation in this initiative is being sought throughout the company. The committee is dedicated to enhancing workplace conditions, systems, and opportunities, so that employees can enjoy a productive employment experience. You decide this would be an ideal way to share your knowledge of employment law, and you promptly volunteer.
One of your first tasks as a new member is to produce a PowerPoint presentation promoting workplace safety, health, and welfare. This content will be delivered to employee teams on two (2) separate occasions. While attendance at the presentation will be voluntary, the PowerPoint materials will be made available to all for future use and reference.
You will need to create a 5-8 slide presentation that delivers the following content:
- Identification of at least three (3) Federal laws relevant to workplace safety, health, and welfare.
- Best practices for minimizing safety hazards and risks.
- Resources for continued training, education, and outreach.
- Procedures and contact details should assistance or information be needed.
Using APA guidelines, be sure to include in-text citations and a reference slide at the end of the presentation.
Walden University Impact of Cerebral Palsy on Family Functioning Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a social science discussion question and need support to help me study.
There are multiple types of exceptionalities with some being more severe than others. For example, Down syndrome and cerebral palsy are types of exceptionalities that affect the cognitive, behavioral, and physical functioning of a child or adolescent. Children and adolescents with learning disorders and pervasive disorders such as autism spectrum disorders or Asperger syndrome may have difficulty with social interactions and often require academic remediation. No matter the exceptionality, it can have a dramatic impact on family functioning. For example, stress levels can increase between spouses, the physical demands of caring for children and adolescents with exceptionalities can be exhausting, and managing difficult behaviors of a child or adolescent can take a toll on all members of a family. Parents may feel guilt, remorse, sadness, and grief over having a child with exceptionality.
If you plan to work with children or adolescents with exceptionalities, you must have a firm understanding of the various types of exceptionalities so you can understand the needs of the child and adolescent. It also provides you an understanding of the needs of the family so you can develop and implement effective interventions. Keep in mind when working with parents of children with exceptionalities that while they generally love their children, it can be challenging to care for them and you must help the parents feel supported and free of judgment.
For this Discussion, current literature, and reputable sources on the Internet and select a journal article researching a type of exceptionality. Consider the impact the exceptionality may have on a family. Reflect upon whether a female or male child might impact the family functioning differently. Consider what type of intervention and support you might provide the family to improve family functioning.
With these thoughts in mind:
Post a brief description of the exceptionality you selected. Then, explain two ways the exceptionality may affect family functioning and how. Finally, explain one evidence-based intervention and how you might use it to improve family functioning. Be specific and support your response using the article you selected.
Edith Cowan University IRAC Problem Solving Harriet Caine Case Analysis Law Assignment Help
I’m working on a law case study and need support to help me study.
The Case:
My name is Harriet Caine. I am a professional soccer player and I play in a league known as the Australian Professional Soccer Championship. My team is known as the Hotgoals. We are due to play our arch rivals who are known as the Artillery on Saturday 24 April at 2 pm in the grand final of the competition. Both teams are in North Blackstump and their grounds are merely 100 meters apart. I am a back and, for those who do not understand soccer, it is worth explaining that one of the main jobs of a ‘back’ is to stop an opposition forward from scoring goals. The main job of a ‘forward’ on the other hand is to score goals. In the positionI play, the person who I would most likely have directly faced on 24 April would have been Joan Gabriel, who plays as a forward for Artillery. She is Artillery’s star player but I have always had the better of her. Joan Gabriel is on record as saying that ‘Harriet Caine is the most difficult back I have ever faced, she always seems to run rings around me. I’ve always considered Harriet Caine to be my nemesis. I have never scored when she has been playing, and facing Harriet is like facing a brick wall’. I was on my way to training on 15 March. I was travelling in a 110 Km zone or so I thought. I was accompanied by our goalkeeper, Lorri. I drove. > Along the way, we were stopped by a traffic policeman. He explained that I was doing 110 km per hour in a 70 km zone and he was issuing a ticket. I tried to explain that this was in fact a 110 km zone and there were signs everywhere that said that the speed limit was 110 km per hour. He said that his instructions’ were that the speed limit was 70 km per hour and refused to back down. He then issued me a ticket for speeding. We (that is Pat and I) were already late for training so I didn’t want to waste time arguing. But we back tracked a little and took photos of signs which showed that the speed limit was in fact 110 rather than 70 to be used as evidence. After a while, I actually forgot about the ticket. It was after all just a speeding ticket and I thought I had a good defense. Worst came to worst, I was happy to cop a points deduction and even a fine. I then received a summons to appear in court at 2 pm on 21 March for my speeding ticket. I turned up with Pat, who decided to come along for moral support and to be a witness if needed.
To my surprise, I saw that the judge who was to hear my matter was Judge Peter Gabriel. He is the father of none other than Joan Gabriel, Artillery’s star player. He is also on the board of directors of the Artillery and a well-known, and vocal supporter, of Artillery. He did not show any sign of recognition towards me. I have been introduced to him many times before and spoke to him only three weeks ago just after a game. Our teams have played against each other maybe 10 times in various competitions in the last five years and he would have been at each and evenaama Ha certainly knows exactly who I am.
The police officer formally read out the charge, which was that I had been speeding, doing 110 in a 70 zone. He asked me how I would plead, and I said ‘not guilty’. > The judge asked me what my ground of defence was, and I told him that it was that I had irrefutable evidence that the speed limit was in fact 110 and not 70 as the policeman had said. I told him that I had both a witness and actual photographs to show this. He nodded politely.
The evidence of the policeman was very short. He simply said that I had been clocked doing 110 in a 70 zone. My turn came to give evidence. I agreed that I was doing 110 but said that the speed limit was in fact 110, rather than 70. I showed the photographs taken that day clearly showing the signs showing the speed limit. Then Lorri gave evidence. She said pretty much the same thing and corroborated my evidence. All throughout the police prosecutor as well as the judge just sat mutely.
Then came the time for the verdict. To my shock and horror, he found me guilty. He said that rather than impose a fine or suspension, as it was my first offence, he was inclined to be more ‘lenient’. Rather, he sentenced me to three hours of community service, which was do some routine filing and photocopying for the Blackstump Dog Home. He also directed me to report to the Chief Executive Officer of the Blackstump Dog home at 1400 on 24 April to do this. I gasped. I stammered ‘your Honour, you can’t do that to me.. that is precisely the time that Hotgoals plays Artillery in the grand final.
Something did not smell right. The next day, it was reported in the internet gossip columns that the judge, who was known to be a bit of a betting man, had bragged in social circles that he had bet $25,000 that his daughter Joan Gabriel would score a goal in the grand final on 24 April. What is more, he had actually placed that bet on the morning on the morning of 21 March, in other words a few hours prior to hearing my case. At that time, the odds of Joan Gabriel scoring were 50 to 1, which were very long odds. This was because Joan Gabriel, although she was Artillery’s star player, had never scored a goal for Artillery against Hotgoals when I was playing. •If things did not smell right before, they positively stank now.
Edith Cowan University IRAC Problem Solving Harriet Caine Case Analysis Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Stevens Institute of Technology Temperature Dependent Sex Determination Article Summary Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a genetics question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Write a summary of a provided article. The paper should be in a way where non science students/scientists can understand it.
How to write a good layperson translation paper from a peer-reviewed article
Communicating science to a non-scientist can be difficult. The goal of this exercise is to get you to choose a paper from the peer-reviewed literature, on an approved topic in genetics, and translate this paper into an ~2 page paper in the style of a NY Times science times article, which could be read by anyone.
The paper is attached.
New York University Cultural Barriers in Unethical Business Operations Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management writing question and need support to help me study.
each discussion reflection should be 1-2 paragraph
1.In todays business environment we are engaged in a “global economy”
Discuss some of the aspects raised in your text about the difficulties in receiving a foreign business assignment,
Discuss in detail the issue of bribes and payoffs in which different countries have different rules.
As an ethical person in a tough business environment how do you handle these issues ?
2.Read the attached article by Prof.Susan Alevas.
What are the most important issues raised ?
How did this article help you understand { if it did } why ethics is important in the workplace ?
3.Read the attached article by Prof.Susan Alevas.
What are the most important issues raised ?
How did this article help you understand { if it did } why ethics is important in the workplace ?
4.This week Derrick Johnson President of the N.A.A.C.P. stated that businesses and corporations need to step up and use their muscle to bring about social change ?
Do you agree with this position ?
Should Company’s become involved in political issues which face the Country where they reside ?
Please explain your answer in detail with your rationale.
5,During the Pandemic Boeing reported a $12 billion dollar loss and layed off 30,000 employees. Yet their CEO was rewarded with $21.1 million in compensation.
Norwegian Cruise Line lost $4 billion dollars and furloughed 20 percent of its staff..Yet they doubled the pay of their CEO to $36.4 million.
Hilton Hotels lost $720 million but their CEO received $55.9 million in compensation.
The CEO ‘S in the USA make 320 times the salary of the average worker.
Is this trend in business moral and ethical ?
Contrast morals vs profit !
Should Company’s change their business model for Corporate compensation ?
Please address the questions raised. the scan0232, write a short reflection
ENG 124 CC The Political & Social Implications that Power Has on Society Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
For this homework assignment, please respond to one question per character (for a total of 5 questions) in a post of at least 400 words total. Use evidence from the novel to support your reasoning.
Format your post by identifying the character and question that you are responding to.
- Tunde:
- Why do you think the women save Tunde during the riot?
- What political and social implications does the power have on society in the novel? Discuss the Arizona bombing, Nina and Tunde’s relationship, and Tunde’s conversation with UrbanDox.
- Allie:
- Allie is becoming more prolific. Is she famous or infamous?
- Can Allie really heal people?
- Who or what is Allie’s voice?
- What do you think Allie and Tatiana’s ultimate plan is? (No spoilers please! This should be a GUESS)
- Margot:
- What is the significance of Ryan’s power? How does this apply to modern conversations around gender? Why does Margot want to break Jos and Ryan up?
- What is the significance of Margot winning the debate and ultimately, the election? Discuss the impact of her televised power reveal.
- Roxy:
- Describe Allie and Roxy’s partnership in the glitter business. Why are they making such large amounts? What is the glitter for?
- Is Roxy justified in retaliating against Ricky’s attacker?
- What is the significance of the information that Roxy gets from Newland in Spain?
- Jocelyn:
- Jos is a new main character. What is the significance of the attack and ultimate cover up at the North Star camp? How might this relate to modern events?
To cite The Power, your citations will look like this: “quote” (Alderman 221).
PART 2: Answer this question about Tarana Burke’s Ted Talk
After watching Tarana Burke’s, “MeToo is a Movement, not a Moment” TedTalk (Links to an external site.), write one paragraph connecting at least one main point from the Ted Talk to The Power so far. Specifically, include at least on quote from the Ted Talk and explain how it relates to something that has happened in the novel to this points.
Be sure to cite the Ted Talk in MLA using this format: “quote” (Burke 3:24). You should have Burke’s name and the time stamp in parentheses.
University of Phoenix WK2 Finance for Business Budgeting and Cash Management Paper Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a finance discussion question and need support to help me learn.
In this discussion, you will have an opportunity to make connections between your prior knowledge and the new content you are learning this week. Use your results from this week’s Build Your Proficiency diagnostic to provide context for your prior knowledge and consider the new content about the budgeting, banking, and income taxes as you respond to the following discussion prompt.
in a minimum of 175 words:
- Identify one concept from the Build Your Proficiency diagnostic from Chapters 3 and 4 that you scored lowest in. How might this concept be important to your personal finances? Why would you want to know more about this? My performance was a 1/4. ive attach the reading that goes with this…. the stuff i scored low on was on chapter 3.5: Select appropriate tools for dealing with cash management problems, and protect yourself from identity theft.
Dealing with cash management and identity theft problems will often cost you time and money, so it’s important to take steps to reduce your risk.Cash management problems can result from your own errors, as in the case of overdrafts and late payments, or they can be due to the carelessness or intentional actions of others, as when you receive a bad check.Financial institutions offer various services to help with cash management problems, including overdraft protection, stop payment orders, and wire transfer.Identity theft occurs when someone uses your personal or financial information to commit fraud or other crimes.
- Have you tracked your expenses to identify variances? If so, what method did you use? If not, what would be the benefit of doing so?
- In the Wk 2 Learning Path in WileyPLUS, use the Personal Financial Planning Worksheet 3.4: Evaluating Financial Service Providers to compare two financial institutions. What did you find? What is most important to you in this evaluation? ive attach this worksheet to this project
SU Wk 1 The Effects of Sentencing Laws on Corrections Criminal Procedures Essay Law Assignment Help
SU Wk 1 The Effects of Sentencing Laws on Corrections Criminal Procedures Essay Law Assignment Help