Subject interview writing Writing Assignment Help. Subject interview writing Writing Assignment Help.
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Topic:During the period of new coronary pneumonia, health care workers working in the quarantine area, what are their mentality or life, and what are their views on the virus.
Find and interview no fewer than five people of your choice on a topic also of your choice. The interviews must produce at least enough intelligence for you to be able to produce an interesting and unified story.
For example, you might wish to interview students, faculty and staff about parking issues , about online learning, about the pace of summer classes as they differ from fall and spring semester classes, or about whether and why students prefer to live on or off campus. (Please do not use any of these topics, be creative and find your own.)
If you interview your friends, partners, roommates, classmates or professional associates, you will need that many additional sources for this story. In other words, friends, family, classmates and roommates do not count as sources for this story.
All interviews must be conducted in person (face to face while masked and socially distant, through video calls or on the telephone), and each interview subject must be made to understand why he is being interviewed and that his responses may be published.
All sources must be clearly identified by first and last name. Remember that students should also be identified by their class rank (freshman, sophomore, junior, senior), major and hometown. Non-students should be identified in a way that readers understand why they were interviewed for your story .
You may not quote at length from a newspaper, the Internet or other media, and you may not lift quotes or other information from such sources. Gather your own information from your own sources. If you must include secondary material, it must be fully credited to the original publication.
You will develop your own story idea for this assignment. The hypothetical audience for this story is University’s award-winning newspaper, so you will want to cover something that is of interest to its target readership — students on the campus. That doesn’t mean you can’t write a story with an international angle as we have students from all over the globe!
Your story must meet these additional requirements:
- Use correct AP style.
- Include at least one hyperlink (be sure to look at the course resources for instructions).
- Double-space and indent paragraphs, using the software settings we have discussed in class (look at the course resources).
- Make sure your name is on your assignment.
- Save your file with the name: MidtermProject_Lastname_Firstname
- Length: 500 to 600 words.
- Sources: No story should depend on just one source. Single-source stories fail to explore alternative sides to the issue, plus they frequently fail to hold the reader’s attention. Even stories about speeches or meetings should be balanced by indicating conflicting opinions or including reaction. Stories should reflect the sense that issues are multifaceted; journalists do this by including sources whose positions, background, knowledge and interests give them reason to know and understand the issues and the impact of the issues. You are expected to do sufficient reporting to understand the viewpoints of the principal characters and to include the range of positions in this and all of your stories.
List the names and phone numbers of all sources at the end of the story. Failure to do this will result in a one-letter-grade reduction. You should not be surprised if your professor calls these sources to verify the accuracy of the information in your report.
Fabrication: Journalists deal in facts, not fiction.
Plagiarism: All work for this story must be your own, original effort. Plagiarism will be dealt with severely.
Deadline: The penalty for late projects and assignments is described in your syllabus. Don’t miss the deadline, or your grade will suffer. File your story through Canvas as an attached file in one of these formats compatible with Microsoft Word: .doc, .docx, .rtf or .txt.
Grading: Your grade for this project will be based largely on the strength of your story. Your story will be assigned a letter grade.
The emphasis in grading your stories will be on strength of reporting, organization, accuracy, clarity, appropriateness of style for topic, tightness, thoroughness, word usage and readability, but you also will be graded on mechanics, grammar and AP style.
You will receive an automatic “F” for this story if it contains a statement that could be libelous or an error in fact, including a misspelling of a proper name. Be careful, and check your facts and the spellings of the names.
Subject interview writing Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
modify my paper Economics Assignment Help
I. It is necessary to mention the academic contribution of this article, namely, what value can this article bring to the academic circle, and why
Ii. The literature review section is not clearly written, so it needs a clearer structure. Please divide it into several paragraphs and describe one point in each paragraph
Iii. The conclusion part needs to be added with summative content. Why write this article and what is the significance of this article
Iv. Total word count (2000 words), excluding reference, general word count of each part of the article:
1.Introduction, (around 560words)
2. Literature Review, (Around800words)
3. Methodology (around400words)
4. Result and conclusion, (around240words)
If I already have the correct detail Mathematics Assignment Help
However many regards hold an extraordinary data capacity I illustrate within a exterior devotion to rinse the handbook in order concept also guaranteed within fictional extent much claimed Pythagoras, greek philosopher, auditioned the phrase Pythagorean Theorem a2 + b2 = c2 and why before credentials given acquired momentum as formula square rooted c2 lending hypotenuse into a right triangle I degree this equation false at correct b or a in caution C which squared already even symbol a / sin A = c equal to one although b2 beginning index VV vis versa calculated upside down to slope indicated mainly y = mx + b while again furthermore a in equation arazeese considered aranese and/or dialect Pyrenean Gascon indictive study aimed Erasistratus an physician causes attention rasist behaviors coexist in tongue behalf two would itself quoted as “ratio” a silenced announce word.
Thank you, sincerely Deyshon Hill
P.s rasist never a thought
CIS222: Fundamentals of Security: 1-2 page assignment Writing Assignment Help
As the new Chief Information Security Officer (CISO) for PostCyberSolutions (PCS) LLC you are developing a Security Program Plan for the Executive Board approval.
Based on your research for Unit 1:
- Develop the PCS security program charter for the corporate network and satellite offices.
- Clearly state the CISOs vision including elements of a strong security program.
- Include information regarding some of the regulations or laws that influence the direction of your security program.
- Identify the key roles and responsibilities of the various company stakeholders.
The requirements for your assignment are:
- 1-2 page APA paper excluding title and reference pages
- Provide at least two references and in-text citations in APA format
- College level writing
Students: Be sure to read the criteria, by which your paper/project will be evaluated, before you write, and again after you write.
Design your ideal classroom Business Finance Assignment Help
You will need to create your very own classroom. Your funds are unlimited so be as creative as possible. You will need to submit a diagram of your classroom as well as a 1–3 page narrative that explains your diagram and contains at least 4 references to the readings. Don’t forget to select a specific age group (infant, toddler, or pre-school).
The narrative section must be typed with a one-inch margin and 12-point font. See the attached rubric to see how your work will be evaluated.
This assignment requires a file upload submission. After you have reviewed the assignment instructions and rubric, as applicable, complete your submission by selecting the Submit Assignment button next to the assignment title. Browse for your file and remember to select the Submit Assignment button below the file to complete your submission. Review the confirmation annotation that presents after submission.
Assignment: Create Your Ideal Classroom
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiagram |
50.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeNarrative Description of the Diagram |
60.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOverall Organization and Coherence |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTechnical Quality |
20.0 pts |
Total Points: 150.0 |
MFT Reaction Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Read all the attached articles, then form a synopsis of the material. The importance of the reaction paper is that it exemplifies your thinking about the issues and allows for your personal opinion to be valued. Your life experience is important and should be respected as a source of knowledge. This paper should be 1 – 2 pages not including the cover page or reference page.
This paper should consist of 2 sections: critical assessment and reaction. For the critical assessment portion, write a careful and critical assessment related to the text. For the reaction portion, provide your opinion/perspective/application to clinical practice.
This paper will be submitted on NO PLAGIARISM!
MFT Reaction Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Studyguide Science Assignment Help
answer all the questions.
Reading: Chapter 1
WHY IS THIS INFORMATION IMPORTANT FOR YOU TO KNOW?: The microbial world is vast and ubiquitous. Microbes account for most of the diversity of life on our planet. There are more kinds of microbes than plants, vertebrates, and insects combined. We have only identified less than 1% of all the microbes on Earth. And as we proceed in this course you will discover that microbes are absolutely vital to life on Earth. In this unit you will learn about the different groups of microbes and their contributions to life on Earth as well as some disease causing microbes that you will no doubt encounter in your medical career. I hope you enjoy the beginning of our journey learning about microbiology.
1)Define microbiology; differentiate between an organism and agent.
2)Be able to state the names of the groups of organisms that are studied in microbiology and the name of the field of study for each.
3)Be able to discuss three reasons why microorganisms are important.
4)Be able to state who first discovered the microbial world.
5)Be able to state who coined the term “cell”.
6)Be able to explain what spontaneous generation is and what Francisco Redi did to try and disprove it.
7)Be able to discuss what Louis Pasteur did that led to the acceptance of biogenesis. (Be able to define biogenesis.)
8)Be able to explain what the scientific method is and the basic steps of the scientific method.
9)Be able to define etiology.
10)Be able to explain what the germ theory of disease isand the two scientists who developed it.
11)Be able to write out Koch’s Postulates.
12)Be able to state at least three contributions of Koch and his lab.
13)Be able to discuss why Koch’s Postulates might not always work.
14)Be able to discuss the contributions of Louis Pasteur to microbiology.
15)Be able to describe Pasteur’s experiment with the swan-neck flasks and what it showed.
16)Be able to write down the contributions of the following scientists: Jenner, Lister, Semmelweis, Redi, Erlich, and Nightengale.
17)Be able to write who you think is the “real” Father of Microbiology and why you think so.
TERMS TO DEFINE: You might consider making some study cards (flash cards) to help you remember these terms. You will also see these terms in the study questions.
spontaneous generation
aseptic techniques
germ theory of disease
scientific method
Healthcare associated infections
Most of the answers to the questions in the introduction and history parts of this study sheet will be found in your textbook in Chapter 1.
1.Define microbiology. You will find the definition in your power point.
Do you think, considering the groups of organisms we study, that this definition perfectly reflects what we study?
2.In this definition you will find the terms “organism” and “agent”. What is the difference and what microbes would we consider organisms and which ones are considered to be agents?
3.Why might the definition of microbiology not really be entirely correct?
4.Also microbes are ubiquitous. We cover this in lab, but it is important to remember this as we begin our journey in the study of the microbial world. So what does it mean when we say microbes are ubiquitous?
5.What are three reasons that microbiology is considered an important field of study?
1.Using the terms “abiogenesis” and “biogenesis” what is the concept of spontaneous generation?
2.Explain what Francisco Redi did to try and disprove spontaneous generation. Don’t just make a drawing, but actually explain what he did and how it showed that spontaneous generation does not occur. (Quiz/Exam question)
3.What is the scientific method?
4.What are the basic steps of the scientific method?
5.How did Francisco Redi “follow” the scientific method?
6.What is a hypothesis? theory?
7.Who was most influential in debunking the idea of spontaneous generation and how did he do it?
8.Who first discovered the microbial world? He’s the guy who studied what he called “wee beasties” or “animacules”.
Why did he set microbiology back about 100 years? Did you take notes in class? I discussed this in class.
9.Who was Robert Hooke? What was his contribution to biology?
10.What is aseptic technique and what English surgeon is known for applying aseptic technique during surgery?
11.What is the germ theory of disease and who came up with the postulates to show the etiology of a disease?
12.Write down Koch’s postulates.
13.Define etiology.
14.Under what circumstances may Koch’s Postulates not work? read pgs. 424-426.
15.List at least three contributions of Koch and his lab.
16. So who do you think deserves the title “Father of Microbiology” and why?
17.What were the contributions of the following people?: Semmelweis, Nightengale, Snow, Jenner, and Ehrlich.
Reading: Ch. 1, Ch. 11, Escherichia coli – pgs. 595-596, 598-599, Tuberculosis, pgs. 573-578, Bordetella pertussis, pgs. 606-608.
1)Be able to define prokaryote.
2)Be able to state a unique feature of most Archaea.
3)Be able to list the microbes that are prokaryotes.
4)Be able to state the roles that cyanobacteria play in the world.
5)Be able to explain the steps of the nitrogen cycle and exactly what happens in each step.
6)Be able to state why nitrogen fixation is important to life on earth.
7)Be able to list at least two major groups of nitrogen containing biological molecules.
8)Be able to discuss the importance of leghemoglobin to nitrogenase.
9)Be able to list at least three plants that are legumes.
10)Given a statement, be able to recognize whether the statement is describing an extremophile and what category is being described (halophile, alkalinophile, acidophile, or thermophile)
11)Be able to state which groups of microbes are unicellular and which ones are multicellular.
12)Be able to state three characteristics of bacteria.
13)Given a picture of bacteria, be able to state the correct shape of the bacterium.
14)Be able to define emerging and reemerging infectious disease.
15)Be to state the three cardinal temperature and given a graph determine whether the graph is depicting a psychrophile, thermophile, ormesophile.
16)Be able to discuss the pathogenesis, etiology, symptoms, and epidemiology of the diseases caused by Escherichia coli.
17)Be able to discuss the pathogenesis, etiology, symptoms, and epidemiology of pertussis and tuberculosis.
binary fission
nitrogen fixation
cardinal temperatures
1.What is the major difference between prokaryotes and eukaryotes?
2.Would a prokaryote have ribosomes? Mitochondria? Lysosomes?
3.Why are mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, chloroplasts considered to be organelles?
4.What are the major biological groups of organisms studied in microbiology?
5.Which groups are prokaryotes?
6.Which groups are eukaryotes?
7.List three differences between unicellular and multicellular.
8.Are prokaryotes unicellular or multicellular or both?
9.Which eukaryotes are unicellular?
1.Go to your power point and find the frame on the characteristics of bacteria. What are some characteristics listed there?Write them down.
I would be able to recognize what peptidoglycan is and that bacteriareproduce by binary fission. Also note that the majority do not cause disease.
Characteristics of bacteria to know: (list them if you haven’t already)Quiz/Exam question
2.Bacteria have cell walls composed of a carbohydrate and protein complex called ____________________________.
3.Bacteria reproduce by what method?
4.Bacteria have specific shape, most commonly bacillus, coccus, and spiral.
5What is the name of the bacteria that carry out photosynthesis?
6.And so what is photosynthesis, anoxygenic and oxygenic photosynthesis?
THE NITROGEN CYCLE: Some notes for you as we review the cycle.
1) Helps in converting inert nitrogen gas into a usable form for the plants through the biochemical processes.
2) In the process of ammonification, the bacteria and fungi help in decomposing the animal and plant matter, which indirectly helps clean up the environment.
3) Nitrates and nitrites are released into the soil, which helps in enriching the soil with necessary nutrients required for cultivation.
4) Nitrogen is an integral component of the cell, and it forms many crucial compounds and important biomolecules.
Now some CONCLUSIONS about the nitrogen cycle:
➢ Nitrogen is abundant in the atmosphere, but it is unusable to plants or animals unless it is converted into nitrogen compounds.
➢ Nitrogen-fixing bacteria play a crucial role in fixing the atmospheric nitrogen into nitrogen compounds that can be used by the plants.
➢ The plants absorb the usable nitrogen compounds from the soil through their roots. Then, these nitrogen compounds are used for the production of proteins and other compounds in the cell.
➢ Animals assimilate nitrogen by consuming these plants or other animals that contain nitrogen. Humans consume proteins from these plants and animals, and then, the nitrogen assimilates into our system.
➢ During the final stages of the nitrogen cycle, bacteria and fungi help decompose organic matter, where the nitrogenous compounds get dissolved into the soil which is again used by the plants.
➢ Some bacteria then convert these nitrogenous compounds in the soil and turn it into nitrogen gas. Eventually it goes back to the atmosphere.
➢ These set of processes repeat continuously and thus maintain the percentage of nitrogen in the atmosphere.
Using the article in Canvas on the Nitrogen cycle and the power point, answer the following questions:
7.Without microbes, biogeochemical cycles would come to a halt.
What are biogeochemical cycles?
8.List 4 biogeochemical cycles.
9.So exactly why are these cycles so important to life on earth? Ask me if you aren’t sure.
10.What percent of the atmosphere contains nitrogen?
11.Most plants and animals can take up atmospheric nitrogen in order to make vital nitrogen containing compounds. T or F
12.List three organic nitrogen containing compounds that living things are made of.
13.The nitrogen cycle has four major components or steps including:
___________________________, ________________________, _________________________, and __________________________.
14.Now explain what happens in each of the 4 steps.
15.Explain the role of bacteria in the root nodules of legumes.
16.Name 3 common legumes.
17.Name a desert tree that is a legume.
18.What is nitrogenase, what does it do, and why is it important?
What is a heterocyst and what group of organisms has heterocysts?
19.What is the role of leghemoglobin with respect to nitrogenase?
The next group of prokaryotes we will look at are the Archaea.
20.Many Archaea are lovers of extreme environments. So
they are called __________________________________.
21.Some extremophiles love their homes to have a pH of 5 or less. So they would be considered to be _______________________.
22.Other extremophiles like it pretty salty, like the Great Salt Lake or the Dead Sea. So they are called _______________________.
23.And if you were an extremophile that lived in a soda lake with a high pH you would be considered to be a ____________________________.
Just a note about temperature and microbial cells. They are unable to control their own temperature and therefore take on the ambient temperature of their natural habitats. So they must adapt to whatever temperature variations are encountered in their habitat. The range of temperatures for growth of a given microbial species can be expressed as three cardinal temperatures. Go to pgs. 166-167.
Why is temperature critical to the three dimensional structure of biological molecules?
List each of the cardinal temperatures and define them. Ask me if you don’t know what I’m talking about here.
On the graph below circle the mesophile and the psychrophile ecological groups by temperature range. Be sure to label the graph. Go to pg. 167 in your text book.
24.What is a mesophile?
25.Most human pathogens are mesophiles. T or F
Back to the extremophiles:
26.As extremophiles, they may be cold lovers. So they are called _____________________________.
27.Let’s say you lived in one of the hot springs in Yellowstone National Park in Wyoming, what type of extremophile would you be?
28.Now how about the word “prokaryote”. Define it. Answer is found in the power point. Can you find it? You will need to be able to define prokaryote using a complete sentence on nearly every test you have this semester, so I would try to practice this.
29.What groups of microbes are considered to be prokaryotes? (Am I being redundant?)
30.Are cyanobacteria prokaryotes?
31.How about the Archaea? Are they prokaryotes?
One thing to keep in mind is that many of the Archaea are extremophiles, as already stated. But not all extremophiles are Archaea or prokaryotes. For example, the tiny brine shrimp that live in Mono Lake in California are eukaryotes.
32.What is emerging infectious disease? Examples?
33.What is reemerging infectious disease? Examples?
34.Be sure you have looked up about Escherichia coli in your textbook and written notes in you lecture notes. Also you should have notes on tuberculosis and whooping cough.As a health professional, you will certainly see these diseases.
• Ch.1 – pgs. 4-7
• Ch. 12
• Malaria – pgs. 688-689
• Giardiasis – pgs. 684-685
• Candidiasis – pgs. 660-661
• Coccidiomycosis – pgs. 647, 669, 654-656
• Measles – pgs. 758-759
1)Given a few characteristics of an organism, be able to recognize whether the organism described is an alga, bacterium, archaea, protozoan, fungus, helminth, or virus.
2)Be able to define eukaryote and recognize the groups microbes that have this type of cell structure.
3)Given a short description, be able to recall the groups of algae and protozoans discussed in the book and power point.
4)Be able to state the major contribution to life on earth that fungi provide.
5)Be able to list the contributions of algae to life on earth.
6) Be able to recognize the major groups of helminths given the name of a helminth discussed in class or a few characteristics presented to you.
7)Be able to associate a disease causing protozoan or helminth with the characteristics of the disease.
8)Be able to define trophozoite and cyst.
9)Be able to discuss why cysts are important in the spread of disease.
TERMS TO DEFINE: You might consider making some study cards (flash cards) to help you remember these terms. You will also see these terms in the study questions.
red tide
1.List some characteristics discussed in your power point and textbook for the protozoans.
2.The field of study of protozoans is known as __________________________.
3.Traditionally, how have protozoans be classified or grouped?
4.So protozoans are put into groups based on their mode of ______________, such as pseudopodia, ____________________, or ___________________________.
5.What is the name of the group of protozoans that does not have amethod of locomotion?
6.How are protozoans grouped today? For testing purposes you should go with the classification by mode of ________________________.
7.What is a trophozoite? Definition is in your power point.
8.What are cysts and what is the medical significance of cysts? Pg. 359
9.How does one get giardiasis or “beaver fever”? pgs. 684-685.
10.Explain the role of the cysts in the transmission of “beaver fever”.
11.How can you avoid getting “beaver fever”?
12.What is the full name of the organism that causes giardiasis?
13.What are the symptoms of giardiasis?
14.Next we meet the dinoflagellates. They are now considered to be protozoans. The power point tells you why. They are very cool because they are bioluminescent. Be sure you read pgs. 362-363
15.Protozoan blooms of certain dinoflagellates cause the water to turn red.
Such phenomena are called _________________________.
One bad thing about this is that toxins called ______________________ can accumulate in mussels, oysters, clams, and scallops and cause a food poisoning called ___________________________________.
I would remember that dinoflagellates cause this food poisoning or also known as an intoxication – due to the fact that it is caused by a toxin.
16.What is plankton? What are zooplankton?
17.Another beautiful group of protozoans are the _________________. They have shells of calcium carbonate. What is their method of locomotion? You can read about these guy on pgs. 363-364.
18.Accumulations of fossilized foramaniferans can be found in the south of England as the ________________________.
19.What about the great pyramids of Giza in Egypt? What are the blocks made of?
Malaria is a very serious disease caused by a protozoan. You can read about it on pgs. 686-689.
20.What genus of protozoan causes malaria? Yes, you need to remember that.
21.Which species causes the worst form of malaria?
22.There of 60 different species of _________________ that act as the vector for malaria. What’s a vector?
And just a note – Malaria is one of the deadliest killers in the world, especially children. Though we don’t see this disease in the U.S. it was endemic in this country in the past. I talk about this in lecture.
23.What are the general symptoms of malaria?
24.Why do you think it has been difficult to come up with a vaccine for malaria?
25.What are some ways of preventing malaria?
26.What is the relationship between sickle cell anemia and malaria?
1.The study of fungi is called ___________________.
2.What is the major contribution of fungi to life on earth?
4.One interesting characteristic is that they have strong, nitrogenous polysaccharide cell walls called ____________________. This is the same material that is found in insect’s exoskeleton.
5.What is the scientific name of the first eukaryote to have its entire genome sequenced? (Test question) It’s a fungus, specifically a yeast.
6.Single celled fungi are known as ______________________. They reproduce asexually by __________________________.
7.Good and bad fungi – list at least two problems caused by fungi. Now list at least two benefits of fungi. pg. 365
8.Fungi acquire nutrients by ________________, that is, they secrete extracellular enzymes to break down large organic molecules into smaller molecules. pg. 366
9.Most fungi are __________, that is, they absorb nutrients from dead organisms.
10.Fungi that derive their nutrients from living plants and animals usually have modified hyphae called ______________.
11.Multicellular fungi such a molds form visible masses called _______________________ which are composed
of long filaments called _______________________ that branch and intertwine.
12.Some of the hyphae are septate, others are non-septate. Explain the difference.
13.Do hyphae have the usual eukaryotic organelles?
14.What does the term “dimorphic” mean?
Give an example of a fungus that is dimorphic?
15.What are haustoria? What’s their purpose?
16.What’s the difference between asexual and sexual spores?
17.What’s the difference between the asexual spores, sporangiospores and <
social work covid plan Humanities Assignment Help
COVID-19 Safety Plan Addendum
The following guidelines have been put in place for the social work students in field education as a way to continue the safety measures set forth by the university which are in alignment with the University and College guidelines.
Important Information:
Areas that must be addressed in COVID-19 Field Agency Procedures:
- Given that field education is a required course in the social work curriculum that involves an outside agency, the field director, student, and field instructor will develop and agree to a plan that takes into consideration the shared responsibilities of all parties.
- Each of the following will be discussed explicitly and will consider the health and wellbeing of the student, field instructor, agency clients, staff, other students and the campus community.
- Each of these must be addressed
- Wearing a mask properly (student, field instructor, clients, co-workers, faculty)
- Washing hands
- Practicing social distancing
- Cleaning and sanitizing work space
- Temperature checks
- Testing
- Treating
- Contact Tracing
- Once all the above have been determined and agreed upon, protocols for noncompliance of the agreed upon practices must be determined and included in the document. If a student willing and knowingly violates an agency practice, this could be grounds for removal from the agency and possibly the program.
- Last, when and if accommodations for students’ health must be put in place, it will be determined if the student can continue in their current placement and provide tele-practice and if not, the student and field instructor will immediately notify the Office of Field Education and a plan for continued field practice will be developed with liaison assistance.
- Council on Social Work Education (CSWE) Covid-19 Guidelines
- The National Association of Social Workers (NASW)
1. Complete the Field Safety Plan COVID-19 Addendum Template
2. Due: 9/13/20 Field Safety Plan COVID-19 Addendum
CRJS405 research methods & statistics for criminal justice Humanities Assignment Help
Survey research is one of the most common ways of collecting data. However, not all survey research is created equal. In this activity, your task is to collect at least 5 different examples of surveys used by local police agencies. Using these examples, write a 4-page report comparing the different examples. In your report, provide at least 5 examples associated with best practices or examples that you believe could be improved. Supply a ranking of the different surveys, and show your favorite and least favorite survey, again supplying an explanation.
The specific steps are as follows:
- Conduct independent research, and find at least 5 different examples of surveys used by local police agencies.
- As an example, here is a survey used by the Virginia Police Department.
- Compare each of the surveys, finding your favorite and least favorite survey.
- Supply at least a 1-page explanation on your selections.
- Using your research examples, find at least 5 examples of best practices or areas that could be improved.
- Dedicate at least 3 pages to this section.
Research Proposal Capstone Humanities Assignment Help
Research Proposal
For this course, you’ll be building one final academic research paper to highlight the wealth of information you learned at Grantham. As part of your degree plan, you were asked to concentrate in several areas. Your research paper must address a profession-related issue from at least two discipline perspectives. These disciplines come from courses you’ve taken either as electives or concentrations. Examples of disciplines are: Psychology, Sociology, Government, History, Computer Science, Business, Literature, Economics, and Criminal Justice.
In developing your topic, think of something you are passionate about. For example, a nursing student might be interested in work conditions; specifically – why do nurses experience burnout. The student might interweave Psychology and Business – and write a paper about “The effects of overtime on nursing burnout” (see more examples). Needless to say – the critical thinking aspect of this course begins with this assignment. You are tasked with coming up with a topic that creatively intertwines multiple disciplines throughout the course.
For this week, you will prepare your research proposal. The purpose of the research proposal is to demonstrate that you have done enough preliminary reading/research in the topic of interest to develop a plan for your research. (download the proposal template). Your proposal needs to build a convincing case for your research as a viable project to be accomplished within the available time and resources of this course. The proposal becomes the first section of your final research paper.
The proposal is the most important document that you submit as part of the research process. It sets out the central issues or questions that you intend to address. It identifies the two disciplines of study within which your research falls, referring to the current state of knowledge and any recent debates on the topic. It gives you an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to communicate complex ideas clearly, concisely and critically (download an example proposal).
The elements of the research proposal are:
Introduction (1-2 paragraphs)
Statement of the Problem (1 paragraph)
Purpose of the Study (1 paragraph)
Research Questions
Study Significance (1 paragraph)
References (3-4)
After your introduction, your work needs to be organized under the headings: Statement of the Problem, Purpose of the Study, Research Questions, Study Significance and Conclusion. Your completed assignment should be written third person and should be 2-3 pages in length (not including title page and references). Your assignment should use APA style formatting.