SUNY Buffalo State Children Obesity Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

SUNY Buffalo State Children Obesity Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help. SUNY Buffalo State Children Obesity Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help.

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America’s children are growing, not height or intellectual capacity but in weight Advertising of fast food and highly processed, com syrup laced foods is at the heart of the controversy. What seems to be particularly problematic is the use of popular licensed children’s cartoon characters . SpongeBob SquarePants and Scooby Doo) to advertise these unhealthy foods. Critics believe food manufacturers are not being socially responsible by encouraging children to eat food that is detrimental to their health A study over a five-year period revealed that 16 major food and beverage companies – Including PepsiCo, Coca-Cola, and Bumble Bee Foods – have reduced calories in foods. For instance, Nestlé used new technology to reduce fat by half and calories by one-third in their “Slow Chumed ” Edy’s and Dreyer’s cream. Changes were also made in advertising. The Walt Disney Company mandated that the company will no longer allow sponsorships or advertisements on its networks for foods that do meet certain nutritional criteria. It also pledged to reduce the calories in foods sold at its theme parksCoca-Cola has pledged to eliminate advertising targeted toward children in markets where more than 35 percent of viewers are under the age of 12.

From the case above:

1- Identify 3 stakeholders in the fight against childhood .

2- Rank them in order of salience with an explanation of your ranking

3. In your answers describe how each is involved, what type of power each stakeholder has and how they can use that power to advance their interest

SUNY Buffalo State Children Obesity Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HRM 640 Ashford University Performance & Mistakes in Human Resource Management Paper Writing Assignment Help

Part I

A key component of performance evaluation is documentation. A technology-driven method of performance documentation is electronic monitoring of performance. Read Employee monitoring: Privacy in the workplace? and Monitoring Your Employees: Proceed With Caution articles.

Describe three main advantages and three main disadvantages of electronic monitoring of performance as compared to other methods. Evaluate the use of electronic monitoring for three job roles: assembly-line worker, telephone customer service representative, and sales manager. Is the use of electronic monitoring more appropriate for some jobs than others? Explain. What data would be useful for each of the positions? Evaluate any ethical issues to consider when monitoring performance electronically.

Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words. Support your statements with at least one scholarly and/or credible source.

Part II

To avoid mistakes that that can negatively affect the outcome of a performance appraisal, HR professionals are expected to examine the overall performance appraisal process, as well as examine the employees involved in conducting performance appraisals. Read the Forbes article Ten Biggest Mistakes Bosses Make in Performance Reviews, and analyze three of the mistakes. Assume that Cameron, a new manager, is making the three mistakes you analyzed, and evaluate methods or solutions that could be used to avoid these mistakes in the future. Assess what your role as an HR professional would be in correcting Cameron’s three selected mistakes. What corrective measures should you use to remediate problems with managers like Cameron who are responsible for conducting performance appraisals?

Your initial post must be a minimum of 300 words. Support your recommendations with at least one scholarly and/or credible source.


BU Harmful Algae Blooms & Cyanobacteria Blooms from Lake Okeechobee Discussion Science Assignment Help

Several coastal areas of Florida has been impacted by major algae blooms in recent years. Some of these blooms are caused by various kinds of freshwater cyanobacteria, often referred to as blue-green algae. In addition, several coastal areas of southwest Florida, the panhandle, and, most recently, southwest Florida have been impacted by “red tides”, which in Florida area usually associated with a marine dinoflagellate called Karenia brevis.

While the two types of algae blooms are quite different in how and where they form, both cause significant environmental harm – including large fish kills. Toxins from Karenia brevis and certain kinds of freshwater cyanobacteria, particularly Microcystis and Anabaena species, can also have adverse impacts on human health.

Media and public discussions about these algal blooms have often been quite contentious, confusing, and, in some cases, outright wrong. Leading scientists have therefore attempted to communicate scientific knowledge directly to the public. For this discussion board exercise, you will think carefully about the (somewhat different!) thoughts of two well-respected scientific researchers:

– Dr. Michael Crosby, President of Mote Marine Laboratory –…

– Dr. Karl Havens, former Director of the Florida Sea Grant Program –…

After reading both of these articles, answer the following three questions:

1) Based on what you have learned so far about the typical limiting nutrient in freshwater ecosystems (and, yes, Lake Okeechobee is freshwater), what nutrient would you generally expect to be the most likely limiting resource for Lake Okeechobee?

2) How do Crosby and Havens each describe the role of nutrient contamination, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, in initiating freshwater cyanobacteria (aka, blue-green algae blooms) blooms in Lake Okeechobee? What other factors do either of these researchers cite as a potential “trigger” for the cyanobacteria blooms to form in Lake Okeechobee?

3) Based on your reading of both Crosby and Havens (as well as any materials from lecture or other sources), describe why and how severe freshwater cyanobacteria blooms frequently occur in normally brackish ecosystems like the St. Lucie River estuary (on the east coast) and Caloosahatchee River estuary (on the west coast). (Hint – freshwater cyanobacteria normally would not survive in a saltwater estuary environment.)


PSU Survey Research Methodology Questions Questionnaire Mathematics Assignment Help

1-Create a 5-item questionnaire that would be administered to respondents within your area of interest. Make the 5 items a mixture of ordinal, nominal, and ratio (scale) variables. Submit the questionnaire.

2-Create an SPSS data file for the questionnaire. Create case ID, the variable names, types, labels, values & codes, missing data codes, and levels of measurement. Enter hypothetical data for five cases. Submit the data file.

3-Generate a codebook from your data file. Save and submit your codebook.

2 and 3 submit sps and spv files

Area of Interest is Internet Addiction included depressions and other problematics from the overuse.


Northern Virginia Community College System Administration and Maintenance Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Task 1

Watch the LinkedIn Learning course: Windows Server 2012: Installation and Configuration with Timothy Pintello

·The entire video is approximately 81 minutes in length.

·Log in with your Stratford credentials

·Read the following article: Five Windows Server 2012 R2 features admins should know

· Read/Review Chapter 1: Install MS Server 2012 R2

You are the new Server Administrator for a small company called Toys4Us. Your company provides toys for kids for their birthdays and the holidays. Your boss, Michael Scott, is not very IT savvy. When he hired you, he told you “just make it work”. Recently friends donated two Servers with MS Server 2012 R2.

Mr Scott asks you, “What is a server and what is a MS Server 2012 R2”? Using both the video and article in this week’s lesson, please answer his question. Please justify your answer by making some assumptions about the environment, users and technology in the organization. Are there any situations where these features are less important?

oBe sure to use APA Format and Style

oPost your work as a Word Document to Moodle.



University of North Texas Capital Markets in Economic Development Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

The paper should be about 10 – 15 pages in length

I. Pick a topic that relates to Capital Markets. The topic may be global, referring to any capital market topic worldwide.

II. Develop the topic which includes the following points:

A. What is the segment of the capital market that this

topic addresses ?

B. What is the importance of this topic ? ?

C. Give details as to the development, which can include such

items as definition



other details that you believe relevant

III. Include statistics and numerical information (demonstrated in tables, charts, graphs) to provide definition, specifics and support to your topic.

University of North Texas Capital Markets in Economic Development Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne Treatment of Death in Poetry Discussion Writing Assignment Help

In order to complete this paper you must have either a hard copy or an electronic copy of our book, The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature Twelfth Edition ( ISBN: 978-1-319-10505-1).

In a carefully structured five hundred word essay fully discuss the following three poems, “Because I could not stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson (p.736), “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas (p. 681) and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost (p. 768). Prepare by first reading the poems then consider the questions that follow each poem in the book. After you have read the poems and considered the questions for each, begin your essay with a focus on what specific imagery each poet employs to treat the subject of death. Feel free to use both class notes and the questions that follow each poem. Conclude your exam with a discussion of how each poet’s treatment of death is quite different.


MGT 321 Saudi Electronic University Volkswagen in Russia Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. What factors underlay the decision by Volkswagen to invest directly in automobile production in Russia? Why was FDI preferable to exporting from existing factories in Germany?
  2. Which theory (or theories) of FDI best explain Volkswagen’s FDI in Russia?
  3. How do you think FDI by foreign automobile companies might benefit the Russian economy? Is there any potential downside to Russia from this inflow of FDI?
  4. Russia is largely dependent on oil exports to drive its economy forward. Given the sharp fall in global oil prices that occurred in 2014 and 2015, what impact do you think this will have on FDI into Russia?
  5. Volkswagen has signaled that it is going to stay the course in Russia, despite current political and economic headwinds. Why do you think it made this decision? What are the pros and cons of this decision? In your opinion, is it the correct decision?


MGT 3120 CUNY BMCC Organizational Culture & Salix Software Solutions Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Salix Software Solutions is a software reseller with a team of 25 sales specialists with challenging sales goals. Salix’s leadership is results driven and performance evaluations focus on sales numbers. This has led to an extremely competitive culture, and as a result, Salix is experiencing increased workplace conflict between specialists. The lack of collaboration between colleagues has also decreased innovation and the company is losing its competitive advantage in the market. Based on the competing values framework, what type of culture does Salix have? What does leadership need to do in order to remedy the issues described? Support your recommendation with relevant examples.


DSRT 837 Southern Virginia University Theoretical Perspective Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

1 Write a theoretical perspective section for your research plan following the script for a quantitative theory discussion presented in this chapter.

2 This Writing Assignment will be an exercises where critical thinking and writing sentences will be evaluated. Please think about the question and write a three hundred word essay to state your opinion.

In a Phase III study, a drug or treatment is given to large groups of people to confirm its effectiveness, monitor side effects, compare it to commonly used treatments, and collect information that will allow the drug or treatment to be used safely

[supanova_question] The topic may be global, referring to any capital market topic worldwide.

II. Develop the topic which includes the following points:

A. What is the segment of the capital market that this

topic addresses ?

B. What is the importance of this topic ? ?

C. Give details as to the development, which can include such

items as definition



other details that you believe relevant

III. Include statistics and numerical information (demonstrated in tables, charts, graphs) to provide definition, specifics and support to your topic.

University of North Texas Capital Markets in Economic Development Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne Treatment of Death in Poetry Discussion Writing Assignment Help

In order to complete this paper you must have either a hard copy or an electronic copy of our book, The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature Twelfth Edition ( ISBN: 978-1-319-10505-1).

In a carefully structured five hundred word essay fully discuss the following three poems, “Because I could not stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson (p.736), “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas (p. 681) and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost (p. 768). Prepare by first reading the poems then consider the questions that follow each poem in the book. After you have read the poems and considered the questions for each, begin your essay with a focus on what specific imagery each poet employs to treat the subject of death. Feel free to use both class notes and the questions that follow each poem. Conclude your exam with a discussion of how each poet’s treatment of death is quite different.


MGT 321 Saudi Electronic University Volkswagen in Russia Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. What factors underlay the decision by Volkswagen to invest directly in automobile production in Russia? Why was FDI preferable to exporting from existing factories in Germany?
  2. Which theory (or theories) of FDI best explain Volkswagen’s FDI in Russia?
  3. How do you think FDI by foreign automobile companies might benefit the Russian economy? Is there any potential downside to Russia from this inflow of FDI?
  4. Russia is largely dependent on oil exports to drive its economy forward. Given the sharp fall in global oil prices that occurred in 2014 and 2015, what impact do you think this will have on FDI into Russia?
  5. Volkswagen has signaled that it is going to stay the course in Russia, despite current political and economic headwinds. Why do you think it made this decision? What are the pros and cons of this decision? In your opinion, is it the correct decision?


MGT 3120 CUNY BMCC Organizational Culture & Salix Software Solutions Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Salix Software Solutions is a software reseller with a team of 25 sales specialists with challenging sales goals. Salix’s leadership is results driven and performance evaluations focus on sales numbers. This has led to an extremely competitive culture, and as a result, Salix is experiencing increased workplace conflict between specialists. The lack of collaboration between colleagues has also decreased innovation and the company is losing its competitive advantage in the market. Based on the competing values framework, what type of culture does Salix have? What does leadership need to do in order to remedy the issues described? Support your recommendation with relevant examples.


DSRT 837 Southern Virginia University Theoretical Perspective Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

1 Write a theoretical perspective section for your research plan following the script for a quantitative theory discussion presented in this chapter.

2 This Writing Assignment will be an exercises where critical thinking and writing sentences will be evaluated. Please think about the question and write a three hundred word essay to state your opinion.

In a Phase III study, a drug or treatment is given to large groups of people to confirm its effectiveness, monitor side effects, compare it to commonly used treatments, and collect information that will allow the drug or treatment to be used safely

[supanova_question] The topic may be global, referring to any capital market topic worldwide.

II. Develop the topic which includes the following points:

A. What is the segment of the capital market that this

topic addresses ?

B. What is the importance of this topic ? ?

C. Give details as to the development, which can include such

items as definition



other details that you believe relevant

III. Include statistics and numerical information (demonstrated in tables, charts, graphs) to provide definition, specifics and support to your topic.

University of North Texas Capital Markets in Economic Development Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne Treatment of Death in Poetry Discussion Writing Assignment Help

In order to complete this paper you must have either a hard copy or an electronic copy of our book, The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature Twelfth Edition ( ISBN: 978-1-319-10505-1).

In a carefully structured five hundred word essay fully discuss the following three poems, “Because I could not stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson (p.736), “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas (p. 681) and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost (p. 768). Prepare by first reading the poems then consider the questions that follow each poem in the book. After you have read the poems and considered the questions for each, begin your essay with a focus on what specific imagery each poet employs to treat the subject of death. Feel free to use both class notes and the questions that follow each poem. Conclude your exam with a discussion of how each poet’s treatment of death is quite different.


MGT 321 Saudi Electronic University Volkswagen in Russia Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. What factors underlay the decision by Volkswagen to invest directly in automobile production in Russia? Why was FDI preferable to exporting from existing factories in Germany?
  2. Which theory (or theories) of FDI best explain Volkswagen’s FDI in Russia?
  3. How do you think FDI by foreign automobile companies might benefit the Russian economy? Is there any potential downside to Russia from this inflow of FDI?
  4. Russia is largely dependent on oil exports to drive its economy forward. Given the sharp fall in global oil prices that occurred in 2014 and 2015, what impact do you think this will have on FDI into Russia?
  5. Volkswagen has signaled that it is going to stay the course in Russia, despite current political and economic headwinds. Why do you think it made this decision? What are the pros and cons of this decision? In your opinion, is it the correct decision?


MGT 3120 CUNY BMCC Organizational Culture & Salix Software Solutions Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Salix Software Solutions is a software reseller with a team of 25 sales specialists with challenging sales goals. Salix’s leadership is results driven and performance evaluations focus on sales numbers. This has led to an extremely competitive culture, and as a result, Salix is experiencing increased workplace conflict between specialists. The lack of collaboration between colleagues has also decreased innovation and the company is losing its competitive advantage in the market. Based on the competing values framework, what type of culture does Salix have? What does leadership need to do in order to remedy the issues described? Support your recommendation with relevant examples.


DSRT 837 Southern Virginia University Theoretical Perspective Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

1 Write a theoretical perspective section for your research plan following the script for a quantitative theory discussion presented in this chapter.

2 This Writing Assignment will be an exercises where critical thinking and writing sentences will be evaluated. Please think about the question and write a three hundred word essay to state your opinion.

In a Phase III study, a drug or treatment is given to large groups of people to confirm its effectiveness, monitor side effects, compare it to commonly used treatments, and collect information that will allow the drug or treatment to be used safely

[supanova_question] The topic may be global, referring to any capital market topic worldwide.

II. Develop the topic which includes the following points:

A. What is the segment of the capital market that this

topic addresses ?

B. What is the importance of this topic ? ?

C. Give details as to the development, which can include such

items as definition



other details that you believe relevant

III. Include statistics and numerical information (demonstrated in tables, charts, graphs) to provide definition, specifics and support to your topic.

University of North Texas Capital Markets in Economic Development Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Florida Institute of Technology Melbourne Treatment of Death in Poetry Discussion Writing Assignment Help

In order to complete this paper you must have either a hard copy or an electronic copy of our book, The Compact Bedford Introduction to Literature Twelfth Edition ( ISBN: 978-1-319-10505-1).

In a carefully structured five hundred word essay fully discuss the following three poems, “Because I could not stop for Death” by Emily Dickinson (p.736), “Do Not Go Gentle into That Good Night” by Dylan Thomas (p. 681) and “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening by Robert Frost (p. 768). Prepare by first reading the poems then consider the questions that follow each poem in the book. After you have read the poems and considered the questions for each, begin your essay with a focus on what specific imagery each poet employs to treat the subject of death. Feel free to use both class notes and the questions that follow each poem. Conclude your exam with a discussion of how each poet’s treatment of death is quite different.


MGT 321 Saudi Electronic University Volkswagen in Russia Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. What factors underlay the decision by Volkswagen to invest directly in automobile production in Russia? Why was FDI preferable to exporting from existing factories in Germany?
  2. Which theory (or theories) of FDI best explain Volkswagen’s FDI in Russia?
  3. How do you think FDI by foreign automobile companies might benefit the Russian economy? Is there any potential downside to Russia from this inflow of FDI?
  4. Russia is largely dependent on oil exports to drive its economy forward. Given the sharp fall in global oil prices that occurred in 2014 and 2015, what impact do you think this will have on FDI into Russia?
  5. Volkswagen has signaled that it is going to stay the course in Russia, despite current political and economic headwinds. Why do you think it made this decision? What are the pros and cons of this decision? In your opinion, is it the correct decision?


MGT 3120 CUNY BMCC Organizational Culture & Salix Software Solutions Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Salix Software Solutions is a software reseller with a team of 25 sales specialists with challenging sales goals. Salix’s leadership is results driven and performance evaluations focus on sales numbers. This has led to an extremely competitive culture, and as a result, Salix is experiencing increased workplace conflict between specialists. The lack of collaboration between colleagues has also decreased innovation and the company is losing its competitive advantage in the market. Based on the competing values framework, what type of culture does Salix have? What does leadership need to do in order to remedy the issues described? Support your recommendation with relevant examples.


DSRT 837 Southern Virginia University Theoretical Perspective Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

1 Write a theoretical perspective section for your research plan following the script for a quantitative theory discussion presented in this chapter.

2 This Writing Assignment will be an exercises where critical thinking and writing sentences will be evaluated. Please think about the question and write a three hundred word essay to state your opinion.

In a Phase III study, a drug or treatment is given to large groups of people to confirm its effectiveness, monitor side effects, compare it to commonly used treatments, and collect information that will allow the drug or treatment to be used safely


SUNY Buffalo State Children Obesity Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

SUNY Buffalo State Children Obesity Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

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