SUO Wk 5 Conflict Management the Situation & the Nature of The Conflict Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. SUO Wk 5 Conflict Management the Situation & the Nature of The Conflict Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Start reviewing and responding to the postings of your classmates as early in the week as possible. Respond to at least two of your classmates’ initial postings. Participate in the discussion by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with a rationale, challenging an aspect of the discussion, or indicating a relationship between two or more lines of reasoning in the discussion. Cite sources in your responses to other classmates. Complete your participation for this assignment by the end of the week. In the introduction to Week 5, there is some important information about conflict resolution. Moreover, there are some illustrations which allow you to see how well you understand the steps you would take as a manager when you must resolve a conflict.
Search the literature about conflict and conflict resolution in the South University Online Library. Then, consider your workplace. What conflict—past or present—have you witnessed in your organization? Use your research to develop the steps you would take in order to resolve this conflict. In your discussion, be sure to include these steps:
- Describe the situation and the nature of the conflict.
- Explain what will happen if you do not attempt to solve the conflict.
- Explain the intervention meeting you would plan when you bring the two parties having the conflict together.
- Construct the messages you will convey to both parties experiencing the conflict.
- Set a goal for a successful outcome of the meeting.
- Develop plans to get closure on the conflict.
What a great opportunity you have before you which has the potential to improve the lives of the individuals experiencing the conflict and the overall health of the organization!
SUO Wk 5 Conflict Management the Situation & the Nature of The Conflict Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SUO Wk 5 Organizational Change Interacting in Service Provision Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Final Project – Organizational Change
Read the areas of the introduction to Week 5 of our course which address structuring organizational change and organizational change strategies. When you have a basic understanding of those concepts, consider a problem which you have encountered at your workplace.
Now design an intervention (this might be a change in reporting, changing policies or procedures, reassigning people to better utilize their skill set or….) which would help to alleviate this work problem. Go to the South University Online Library and find literature concerning the design and implementation of an intervention.
As you design the intervention, analyze, evaluate, and explain in detail the answer to these questions about the work problem and the project which you are undertaking:
- What are you trying to “fix” in your organization?
- What are the critical questions to be answered by the organizational change?
- Why is the change needed by the organization and its members?
- What would happen if the change was not made?
- What are the possible pitfalls of implementing this organizational change?
- What problems might be encountered if the organizational change was made?
- What are the benefits of such an organizational change intervention?
- What are the possible results of this organizational change?
- As you begin the implementation of this organizational change, how will you communicate the goals of the intervention to organization members?
- How will you start the organizational change intervention at your workplace?
Good luck, change agent!
Submission Details:
- Submit your response in an 8- to 10-page Microsoft Word document.
St Thomas University Organizational Assessment Health Medical Assignment Help
Organizational Assessment
To analyze an organizational chart.
Content Requirements:
- Identify the type of organizational structure.
- From the organizational chart, discusses the various lines of communication and reporting. Identify what you have observed to be the formal and informal reporting lines; who the real leaders in this organization are; and issues of power and control. Describe how social and cultural influences of your community are integrated into the delivery of care in your organization
- Describe how generational differences influence organizational culture.
- Incorporate the organization’s mission, vision and strategic plan; including what the future looks like for the organization.
- Discuss how nursing fits into the organization, both now and into the future.
Submission Instructions:
- The paper is to be clear and concise, and students will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation and misspelling.
- The paper is to be 3 – 4 pages in length, excluding the title, abstract and references page.
- Incorporate a minimum of 2 current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.
- Journal articles and books should be referenced according to current APA style (the library has a copy of the APA Manual).
- Your paper should be formatted per current APA and references should be current (published within last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions)
University of South Florida Week 10 Using SVM on an Air Quality Dataset Code Programming Assignment Help
Week 10: Lab – Using SVM on an Air Quality Dataset
Conduct predictive analytics on the Air Quality dataset to predict changes in ozone
values.You will split the Air Quality dataset into a “training set” and a “test set”. Use various techniques, such as Kernal-Based Support Vector Machines (KSVM), Support Vector Machines (SVM), Linear Modelling (LM), and Naive Bayes (NB). Determine which technique is best for the dataset.
Add all of your libraries that you use for this homework here.
# Add your library below.
# library(tidyverse)
Step 1: Load the data (0.5 point)
Let’s go back and analyze the air quality dataset (we used that dataset previously in the visualization lab). Remember to think about how to deal with the NAs in the data. Replace NAs with the mean value of the column.
# Write your code below.
Step 2: Create train and test data sets (0.5 point)
Using techniques discussed in class (or in the video), create two datasets – one for training and one for testing.
# Write your code below.
Step 3: Build a model using KSVM and visualize the results (2 points)
Step 3.1 – Build a model
Using ksvm()
, create a model to try to predict changes in the ozone
values. You can use all the possible attributes, or select the attributes that you think would be the most helpful. Of course, use the training dataset.
# Write your code below.
Step 3.2 – Test the model and find the RMSE
Test the model using the test dataset and find the Root Mean Squared Error (RMSE). Root Mean Squared Error formula here:
# Write your code below.
Step 3.3 – Plot the results.
Use a scatter plot. Have the x-axis represent Temp
, the y-axis represent Wind
, the point size and color represent the error (as defined by the actual ozone level minus the predicted ozone level). It should look similar to this:
Step 3.3 Graph – Air Quality
# Write your code below.
Step 3.4 – Compute models and plot the results for svm()
and lm()
Use svm()
from in the e1071
package and lm()
from Base R to computer two new predictive models. Generate similar charts for each model.
Step 3.4.1 – Compute model for svm()
# Write your code below.
Step 3.4.2 – Compute model for lm()
# Write your code below.
Step 3.5 – Plot all three model results together
Show the results for the KSVM, SVM, and LM models in one window. Use the grid.arrange()
function to do this. All three models should be scatterplots.
# Write your code below.
Step 4: Create a “goodOzone” variable (1 point)
This variable should be either 0 or 1. It should be 0 if the ozone is below the average for all the data observations, and 1 if it is equal to or above the average ozone observed.
# Write your code below.
Step 5: Predict “good” and “bad” ozone days. (3 points)
Let’s see if we can do a better job predicting “good” and “bad” days.
Step 5.1 – Build a model
Using ksvm()
, create a model to try to predict goodOzone
. You can use all the possible attributes, or select the attributes that you think would be the most helpful. Of course, use the training dataset.
# Write your code below.
Step 5.2 – Test the model and find the percent of goodOzone
Test the model on the test dataset, and compute the percent of “goodOzone” that was correctly predicted.
# Write your code below.
Step 5.3 – Plot the results
# determine the prediction is "correct" or "wrong" for each case,
# create a new dataframe contains correct, tempreture and wind, and goodZone
# change column names
colnames(Plot_ksvm) <- c("correct","Temp","Wind","goodOzone","Predict")
# plot result using ggplot
Use a scatter plot. Have the x-axis represent Temp
, the y-axis represent Wind
, the shape representing what was predicted (good or bad day), the color representing the actual value of goodOzone
(i.e. if the actual ozone level was good) and the size represent if the prediction was correct (larger symbols should be the observations the model got wrong). The plot should look similar to this:
Step 5.3 Graph – Good Ozone
# Write your code below.
Step 5.4 – Compute models and plot the results for svm()
and lm()
Use svm()
from in the e1071 package and lm()
from Base R to computer two new predictive models. Generate similar charts for each model.
Step 5.4.1 – Compute model for svm()
# Write your code below.
Step 5.4.2 – Compute model for naiveBayes()
# Write your code below.
Step 5.5 – Plot all three model results together
Show the results for the KSVM, SVM, and LM models in one window. Use the grid.arrange()
function to do this. All three models should be scatterplots.
# Write your code below.
Step 6: Which are the best Models for this data? (2 points)
Review what you have done and state which is the best and why.
[ Write your answer here. ]
Step 7: Upload your compiled file. (1 point)
Your compiled file should contain the answers to the questions.
USF Wk 9 Data and Text Mining Using aRules on The Titanic Dataset Coding Task Programming Assignment Help
Week 9: Lab – Using aRules on the Titanic dataset
Use the Titanic dataset to explore descriptive statistics, functions, and association rules. Download the titanic dataset titanic.raw.rdata
from one of two locations:
Note that it is not a cvs file, but rather an RData workspace. So, to load the data (assuming you saved it to the project’s data folder), one would do:
You need to look at titanic.raw (the name of the R dataset)
t <- titanic.raw
Now that you have the datafile, do some descriptive statistics, getting some extra practice using R. Take the Quiz for Step 1 and 2. However your submission MUST include the process of you calculating the following values in Step 1 and 2.
# Add your library below.
Step 0 – Load the data
Using the instructions above, load the dataset and save it as t
# Write your code below.
Step 1 – Descriptive stats (0.5 point for each answer)
- Compute the percentage of people that survived.
- Compute the percentage of people that were children.
- Compute the percentage of people that were female.
- Finally, compute the percentage of people that were in first class.
# Write your code below.
Step 2 – More descriptive stats (0.5 point for each answer)
- What percentage of children survived? Your answer should be written such as # 13.75% of children survived
- What percentage of female survived?
- What percentage of first-class people survived?
- What percentage of third-class people survived?
# Write your code below.
Step 3 – Writing a function (0.5 point for each answer)
Step 3.1 – Function 1
Write a function that returns a new dataframe of people that satisfies the specified criteria of sex, age, class and survived as parameters. I’m giving you the answer for this question:
myfunction1 <- function(a,b,c,d){
df1 <- t[t$Class == a,] # filter the data that satisfied the criteria that "Class" = a
df2 <- df1[df1$Sex == b,] # filter the data that satisfied the criteria that "Sex" = b
df3 <- df2[df2$Age == c,] # filter the data that satisfied the criteria that "Age" = c
df4 <- df3[df3$Survived == d,] # filter the data that satisfied the criteria that "Survived" = d
# test the function with a sample data
# Write your code below.
Step 3.2 – Function 2
Write a function, using the previous function, that calculates the percentage (who lives, who dies) for a specified (parameters) of class, gender and age considering the entire number of data. The function passes four arguments. Include the following code properly in your function by improvising names of objects.
p <- nrow(df)/nrow(t) # calculate the percentage
# Write your code below.
Step 3.3 – Use the function (male)
Use the function to compare age and third-class male survival rates.
# Write your code below.
People in which category are more likely to survive?
[Type your answer here]
Step 3.4 – Use the function (female)
Use the function to compare age and first-class female survival rates.
# Write your code below.
People in which category are more likely to survive?
[Type your answer here]
Step 4 – Use aRules (0.5 point for each answer)
- Use aRules to calculate some rules (clusters) for the titanic dataset.
- Visualize the results.
- Pick the three most interesting and useful rules. Explain these rules using natural language. Answer this in the space provided below.
- How does this compare to the descriptive analysis we did on the same data set? Think critically. What was possible using one method that was not possible using the other method? Answer this in the space provided below.
# Write your code below.
Answer part 3 and 4 below.
[Type your answers here]
Why Mental Health Is A Particularly Difficult Public Health Challenge Questions Writing Assignment Help
Do not close this page until you are ready to submit your answers. Choose three of the five essay prompts to answer. Indicate which ones you are answering. Compose your answers in a separate file that you will upload to this page with the allotted 3 hours. Put your name in the header of the document Your answers should be between 200 and 250 words each. Each answer is worth 25 points. As in the paper, you may not use quotes in your answers; you must paraphrase. We will submit all of the essays to Turnitin. You do not need to cite your sources,
1. In 1994, the U.S. Public Health Service identified “10 Essential Public Health Services.” For each of the ten, briefly describe a specific activity that has been used in the response to COVID-19.
2. One of the largest clusters of COVID-19 infections in California occurred at the Los Angeles Apparel factory in South LA. Assuming that LA County public health investigators used the standard disease outbreak investigation process, describe five steps they likely took to determine the cause and spread of COVID-19 at the factory.
3. Describe the three different perspectives highlighted this quarter that are commonly used to understand maternal, newborn and child health (e.g., Developmental Origins of Health and Disease, Cross generational, Lifespan). Then, through the lens of each perspective, briefly explain a risk for Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (one risk factor explanation per perspective).
4. Describe five specific reasons, with an example for each reason, why mental health is a particularly difficult public health challenge.
5. Describe five federal programs that provide healthcare for people who cannot otherwise pay for it, explaining for each one a major flaw in its implementation (do not include the flaw that the program does not cover everyone for everything.)
Why Mental Health Is A Particularly Difficult Public Health Challenge Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
EKU System Safety Analysis the Rebuild of The Production Line in A Company Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
2 Initial posts and 4 peer responses to my classmate
This the initial post one
Your company is doing a rebuild of a production line. The entire process is being tore out and rebuilt, except for the electrical panels and disconnects. The new manufacturing process was totally rewired. Is the diagnostic work on those panels maintenance or construction? I had this disagreement with a fellow safety professional. Additionally, do the standards change depending on CFR 1926 and 1910? If so, what is the difference that would have to followed to be compliant?
Extra points will be awarded for replies and discussion of this s
This the initial post two
Your assignment is to research Letters of Interpretation for the criteria “construction vs. maintenance” read several of the letters and establish the criteria and guidelines for determining if the activity is construction or maintenance. Provide a memo to the safety department that you manage, giving guidance on determining whether activity is construction or maintenance and why this is important to a safety department for a general industry employer.
BA 200 Illinois Society Centered Towards the Prevention of Cancer Letter Business Finance Assignment Help
You are the chairperson for the 2021 4
th of July Charitable Donation Committee for Telex
Corporation. After evaluating several worthy non-profit organizations, your committee has
identified the American Cancer Society as the non-profit organization to receive the 2021 Staff
Contribution Collection. There are several valid reasons for selecting the American Cancer
Society (which you will determine).
Your Committee plans to announce this year’s non-profit organization on the day before
Thanksgiving Day. Prior to this, you must present the Committee’s selection to Anthony Corte,
President and obtain his written approval of your choice. He is not an “easy sell” and expects
good reasons supported by facts prior to making decisions. Your task is to obtain Anthony
Corte’s approval of the American Cancer Society as the recipient of the 2021 Staff Contribution
1. This is an individual assignment. Using the above and following information, produce a
properly formatted and written business message. Add information as necessary.
2. Determine the medium and the tone of this message.
3. MS Word document … Single Spaced … 12pt. Font … Your name and Class Time in TOP
Right Corner.
4. Some thoughts …
The document is directed to whom? Anyone a nice to know?
How is the formatting of dates and times? Consistent?
How will graphic highlighting improve the visual and readability of your message?
Need to Know vs. Nice to Know
BA 200 University of Illinois Parking Guidelines for All Employees Memorandum Business Finance Assignment Help
You are responsible for reminding both the day-shift and swing-shift employees of the company’s
parking guidelines. Day-shift employees must park in Lots A and B in their assigned spaces. If
they have not registered their cars and received their white sticker, the cars will be ticketed.
Day-shift employees are forbidden to park at the curb. Swing-shift employees may park at the curb
before 3:30 p.m. Moreover, after 3:30 p.m., swing-shift employees may park in any empty space —
except those marked Tandem, Handicapped, Van Pool, Car Pool, or Management. Day-shift
employees may loan their spaces to other employees if they know they will not be using them.
One serious problem is lack of registration (as evidenced by the lack of a white stickers).
Registration is done by Employee Relations. Any car without a sticker will be ticketed. To
encourage registration, Employee Relations will be in the cafeteria March 22 and 23 from 11:30
a.m. to 1:30 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. to take applications and issue white parking stickers.
Action :
1. This is an individual assignment. Using the above and following information, produce a
properly formatted and written business message. Add information as necessary.
2. Determine the medium and the tone of this message
3. MS Word document … Single Spaced … 12pt. Font … Your name and Class Time in TOP
Right Corner
4. Some thoughts …
The document is directed to whom? Anyone a nice to know?
How is the formatting of dates and times? Consistent?
How will graphic highlighting improve the visual and readability of your message?
Need to Know vs. Nice to Know
MGT 324 Saudi Electronic Success & Leadership Skill in the Organization Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
CLO:Demonstrate different management and leadership styles for different situations.
We expect you to answer each question as per instructions in the assignment. You will find it useful to keep the following points in mind. The assignment with be evaluated in terms of your planning, organization and the way you present your assignment. All the three section will carry equal weightage
Kindly read the instruction carefully and prepare your assignment accordingly.
1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully, go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order. (1.5 Marks)
2) Organisation: Be a little selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give adequate attention to question’s introduction and conclusion. (1.5 Marks)
Make sure that:
a) The answer is logical and coherent
b) It has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs
c) The presentation is correct in your own expression and style.
3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission. If you so desire, you may underline the points you wish to emphasize. Make sure that the answer is within the stipulated word limit. (2 Marks)
Write an essay in about 1000-1200 words on the following topic.
“Success of any organization depends upon leadership skill in the organisation”.
In line with this statement briefly discuss the role of leadership in the success story of any organization of your choice. With an example, critically analyse the leadership style which is suitable for the smooth decision making and effectively resolving business issues.
Important: You are required to present at least three scholarly journals to support your answers