SWGS 6806 FU Community Interventions for Families at Risk of Homelessness Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

SWGS 6806 FU Community Interventions for Families at Risk of Homelessness Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. SWGS 6806 FU Community Interventions for Families at Risk of Homelessness Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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This final paper has to do with the NYC population of homelessness. I have a draft literature review that I can send to the helper and pages from the Grinnell (2019) Program evaluation for social workers: Foundations of evidence-based programs (8thed.) text. The helper is able to choose the evaluation and proposal type.

  1. The Common Assignment is a Process or Outcome Evaluation Proposal – Based on your program evaluation strategy, write a 10 page paper and include the six following steps: (1) Engaging stakeholders; (2) Describing the program; (3) Focusing the evaluation; (4) Proposing data collection and analysis; (5) A discussion of possible plans for findings; and (6) Dissemination of the possible lesson learned. Please use the model in Grinnell et al. (2019).The detail are listed below:
  1. Introduction.
    1. Statement of the problem in the context of the particular program that will be addressed.
    2. Literature Review (NOTE: Students should use their earlier Literature Review and expand upon it)
  1. Description of the program to be evaluated, including a statement of the underlying explicit or implicit theory of change for the program (i.e., the mechanisms through which the intervention is expected to produce its intended outcomes).
  1. Description of the agency environment: including the receptivity of the administration staff, and other stakeholders
  2. Client and organizational factors that influence the evaluation
  1. Focus the Evaluation

Focus the Evaluation – Address the questions specific to your evaluation approach.Please use the detailed focused questions in each chapter

  1. Process Evaluation –Chapter 12 – Focusing the Evaluation
  2. Outcome Evaluation – Chapter 13 – Focusing the Evaluation
  1. Possible Data and Measures – Evidence to Data

Evidence to Data — Address the questions specific to your evaluation approach.Please use the detailed focused questions in each chapter

  1. Process Evaluation –Chapter 12 – Evidence and Data
  2. Outcome Evaluation – Chapter 13 –Evidence and Data, including outcome measurement
  1. Steps 5 and Step 6 – Remember this is “possible findings and possible lessons learned”

Address the questions specific to your evaluation approach.Please use the detailed discussion in each chapter

  1. Process Evaluation –Chapter 12 – Refer to Step 5 and Step 6 (Possible findings and lessons that may be learned)
  2. Outcome Evaluation – Chapter 13 –Refer to Steps 5 and 6 (Possible findings and lessons that may be learned)
  1. References

SWGS 6806 FU Community Interventions for Families at Risk of Homelessness Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENG 102 University of Nevada Las Vegas Self Reflective Within Your Life Exam Essay Writing Assignment Help

You have two hours to complete this self-reflective final exam essay.

As a student in English Composition, you will often be asked to reflect. To reflect means to think thoughtfully about a given topic. Some instructors will ask you to reflect on your writing process for a certain essay; others will ask you to think about your experience of reading a text; still others will ask you to examine some aspect of your life. To reflect isn’t the same as to narrate, which means to tell a story. When you reflect, you explore and analyze a certain situation within your life. You don’t explain every step in chronological order; you choose certain “pieces” or “threads” of an experience or situation and look at only these. Exploration like this often leads to connecting themes or ideas within the situation. You won’t necessarily know the connections when you start to brainstorm: often, they are surprises that only come to light through careful reflection and consideration. Thoughtful reflection can help you in any aspect of your life.

You have two hours to complete this self-reflective final exam essay.

Look at your diagnostic essay. Pick one paragraph that you think is the weakest in your essay. Copy and paste it at the top of your final exam.

Think about what is WEAK about it. Considering the essays you have written, the assignments you have completed, and the book you have read, tell me what you have learned throughout this class. Did you become a better reader? A better writer? How? Can you now see the weaknesses in your diagnostic essay? What are they? How can you improve them?

Then, in addition to thinking about what you learned academically in this class, what did you learn personally? In light of the COVID crisis, how did that additional factor weigh in to your academic performance?

Overall, what did you learn in this class? How did you go about improving your writing? What skills did you learn as a result of taking this course?

Lastly, what grade do you deserve in the class as a result of your effort and hard work. Remember, justify that grade in the body of your essay by explaining/providing examples for the things you have succeeded in during your time in this class.

This essay should be 750-1000 words long.


Rasmussen College Peripheral Vascular Problem Case Study Writing Assignment Help

1. You will perform a history of a peripheral vascular problem that your instructor has provided you or one that you have experienced and perform a peripheral vascular assessment. You will document your subjective and objective findings, identify actual or potential risks, and submit this in a Word document to the drop box provided.

Peripheral Vascular System Assignment

2. You completed your full head-to-toe assessment skills demonstration last week and now will document your results. Continue to document only the objective findings for this section without bias or explanation. Remember if you can’t feel something then it is “nonpalpable,” if you can’t hear something just state they were not heard such as no bowel sounds heard (unless you listened for the full five minutes which we wouldn’t want to do for our purposes – then you could document absent bowel sounds). Be descriptive if necessary but at the same time be brief.

Complete Head-to-Toe Physical Assessment Assignment


MGMT 5575 Johnson & Wales Strategic Operations Management Principles PPT Business Finance Assignment Help

Throughout this course we will be examining the 10 strategic operation management principles. Week 8 you will be submitting a narrated PowerPoint presentation analyzing your current or previous employer’s alignment with 8 of these principles. For each principle, you should focus on and include examples and research to support your observations/recommendations:

  • What is the current approach utilized?
  • Give a recommendation on how the company could utilize/enhance this approach.
  • Give a recommendation on how the company could reduce costs.
  • Give a recommendation on how the company could enhance their approach.

The principles you are looking at (choose 8) are:

  • Design of goods and services
  • Managing quality
  • Process and capacity strategy
  • Location strategy
  • Layout strategy
  • Human resource and job design
  • Supply chain management
  • Inventory management
  • Scheduling
  • Maintenance

Assignment format:

The assignment is presented as a narrated PowerPoint presentation. Supporting research should be presented.

  • One slide per principle.
  • Ensure professional presentation with proper spelling, grammar, etc…
  • Must have proper citations and reference slide.


Sociology Theories & Categories Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

This paper is basically 3 sections. Each section is 1-2 pages double spaced long.

Each section is dedicated to answering a question related to the readings.

In answering the questions you need to demonstrate a clear understanding of the concepts you are asked to use. But you do not need to give specific references to course readings and you should not quote course readings directly. Each answer should be about 2 pages double-spaced pages with 1″ margins, 12 font, and Times New Roman.





SMC University Importance of Confidence and Quick Thinking in Handling Crises Paper Humanities Assignment Help

1. Watch the video “Writing Exam 3 Common Issues” below. This video explains how to correct some of the common content errors in your essay.

2. Revise the ideas in your essay based on my comments and your own ideas.

3. Edit your grammar, sentence structure, punctuation, and vocabulary VERY CAREFULLY. Use the Error Correction Symbols Guide to help you.

4. Type your Writing Exam 3 revision on a completely NEW word document or Google doc. Use the correct typed assignment format (video is below).

5. include a complete, detailed outline of your essay on the last page of your Writing Exam 3 revision.

**If you need the original Writing Exam 3 writing prompt, you can find it HERE (Links to an external site.).

Writing Exam 3 Common Issues Video

Formatting Typed Assignments Video

SMC University Importance of Confidence and Quick Thinking in Handling Crises Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ELM 200 Grand Canyon Benchmark Learning Strategies for all Students Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

Researching theories of child and early adolescent development and then developing instruction based on research-based best practices is crucial for the success of the students and the teacher. As an educator, your goal will be to consider the students’ cognitive development and contextual factors when planning for instruction. Practical application improves the teacher’s ability to recognize student strengths and weaknesses as well as the students’ readiness and motivation to learn.

For this assignment, complete the “Strategies for all Students” template.

Part 1: Developing Strategies

For each student, write a 150-200 word response that includes:

A learning theory that applies specifically to each student’s unique cognitive, linguistic, social-emotional, and physical developmental needs.

One developmentally appropriate instruction strategy you would recommend to assist the student, taking into account the students’ individual strengths, interests, differences and needs. Consider cognitive development and abilities, as well as contextual factors (e.g., language and culture) when developing the strategies.

Your plan to modify instruction to meet this student’s specific needs.

Strategies to incorporate accommodations for students with exceptionalities in assessments and testing conditions.

Part 2: Reflection

In 250-500 words, write a reflection that addresses the following:

The importance of understanding cognitive, linguistic, social-emotional, and physical development of children when designing and modifying instruction.

The steps you can take to ensure you are creating developmentally appropriate instruction that takes into account individual students’ strengths, interests, differences, and needs, using instructional strategies that promote students’ learning and individual development, acquisition of knowledge, and motivation .

Support your assignment with a minimum of 3 scholarly resources.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented, using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies [and professional standards]:

BS in Elementary Education

BS in Elementary Education and Special Education

BS in Elementary Education with an Emphasis in English as a Second Language

BS in Elementary Education with an Emphasis in STEM

BS in Elementary Education with an Emphasis in Teaching Reading

COE 1.1:

Design and modify instruction applying the major concepts, principles, theories, and research related to the cognitive, linguistic, social-emotional, and physical development of children and young adolescents that supports the role of language and culture in learning, and readiness for learning across performance areas. [ACEI 1.0; InTASC 1(a), 1(e), 1(f), 1(g), 2(c), 2(d), 2(e), 2(g), 2(i), 2(j), 2(k), 2(o); MC2, MC3, MC5]

COE 1.2:

Create developmentally appropriate instruction that takes into account individual students’ strengths, interests, differences, and needs, using instructional strategies that promote students’ learning and individual development, acquisition of knowledge, and motivation. [ACEI 1.0; InTASC 1(b), 1(d), 1(h), 1(i), 2(a), 2(b), 2(f), 2(g), 2(h), 2(l), 2(m), 2(n); MC2, MC3]


University of California Irvine Why Death Gives Meaning to Life Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

SOME TIPS ON ESSAY WRITING qCarefully read the question in hand, and make sure you answer it (i.e., and don’t just write down everything you know about that general topic). qWrite clearly and stick to the point. Avoid giving unnecessary details. qRemember that you get marked on the knowledge that you demonstrate, so make sure that you properly explain your points, and that you always define terms/position/principles (etc) that you introduce. qAlways argue for your points. Do not simply state opinions. Relatedly, remember that philosophy is not journalism, in that you are not bound to be even-handed (it is more akin to law). qThat said, you should always be careful to describe the opposing view as charitably as possible. Avoid ‘straw men’.


Patient with Exertional Dyspnea Medical Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

Case Study #1
Read the following scenario carefully: list the abnormal components of the physical exam and give indications for each abnormality. List appropriate diagnostics (labs, imaging, etc.) that you would expect to be ordered according to the symptoms, and give a b

rief explanation for why each diagnostic test was ordered. Next, give a primary nursing diagnosis with 3 additional nursing diagnosis along with corroborating evidence supporting each diagnosis.

Give main etiology (cause) for primary diagnosis. Outline treatment plan, including medications, for patient related to the primary diagnosis. ASSIGNMENT SHOULD BE AT LEAST 2 PAGES


Harvard University Fraud in Accounting Field Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Request: Write a research paper following the abstract and the research topic from the attached document (I already proposed this subject so the paper needs to be based on it). The research topic is the following: How accounting fraud and accounting information systems are related and how fraud can be prevented or minimized in any organization.

The attached document contain the topic of the paper together with an annotated bibliography which you will have to use in your work. The paper needs to be delivered in APA Format, Double spaced, Times New Roman 12. This is an academic paper which means that great English grammar is a must- please use academic vocabular (I am a native English speaker so it is essential to write this paper accordingly). The paper should be around 1700 words (you can write more if you want but not less). The professor will be uploaded on the universities system which has a sensitive plagiarism scanner. Due to that, avoid plagiarism or in case you copy and content please make sure it is heavily paraphrased.

Thank you very much for helping with this task. I will be here to provide any questions to ensure you will be able to work on the task without any issues. Thanks


SWGS 6806 FU Community Interventions for Families at Risk of Homelessness Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

SWGS 6806 FU Community Interventions for Families at Risk of Homelessness Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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