SWK 3320 Troy Kübler Ross Model of Grieving Process to Carmens Scenario Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

SWK 3320 Troy Kübler Ross Model of Grieving Process to Carmens Scenario Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. SWK 3320 Troy Kübler Ross Model of Grieving Process to Carmens Scenario Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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——–This assignment is supposed to be done through a social workers eyes, please follow instructions closely.

I will also send a few pages out of the book, but if you feel it is not enough then I will be glad to send you more.

Week 7 – Chapter 15 instructions

(5 points)

* Do not use contractions in this course. Contractions will be counted as grammatical errors.

Clear and professional writing is expected.

Correct = “Do not”, “will not” etc…

Incorrect = “Don’t”, won’t”, etc…

.5 deduction for every 3 grammatical errors.

*All reading assignments are located in the “Course Schedule” in the Syllabus. If you have questions or concerns please do e-mail me well before an assignment is due.

Week 7

In Chapter 15, we are introduced to Elizabeth Kübler-Ross’ “5 Stages of accepting impending death”.

Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, (born July 8, 1926, Zürich (Links to an external site.), Switz.—died Aug. 24, 2004, Scottsdale (Links to an external site.), Ariz.), Swiss-born American psychiatrist and author who was a pioneer in the study of death (Links to an external site.)and dying whose work helped revolutionize the care of the terminally ill and helped change attitudes toward pain control and death itself. She was especially known for having identified five stages of grief experienced by the dying: denial, anger, bargaining, depression, and acceptance. Kübler-Ross, one of identical triplets whose survival was at first doubtful, knew at a young age that she wanted to be a doctor and defied her father’s plans for her to be his secretary in the business he managed. Instead, she worked at a variety of jobs and, when World War II (Links to an external site.)ended, did volunteer relief work in Poland before studying at the University of Zürich, from which she received her medical degree in 1957. She moved to the U.S. the following year and was disturbed to discover the medical community’s tendency to refuse to acknowledge the reality of death to terminally ill patients and therefore to deny those patients the help they needed for dealing with it. In the early 1960s, as a teaching fellow at the University of Colorado’s medical school, Kübler-Ross began to try to enlighten (Links to an external site.)her students on the subject, and while working in Chicago, she held seminars in which the terminally ill were interviewed and allowed to express themselves. It was from these interviews that she developed her description of the five stages of accepting death.

https://www.britannica.com/biography/Elisabeth-Kubler-Ross (Links to an external site.)

As we know…

“Death is inevitable, yet the loss of a close friend or family member always showers us with a range of emotions. One day we might desperately try to avoid the pain, anxiety and feelings of helplessness we feel when a loved one dies. Other days, we feel like life has returned to normal—at least until we realize that our life has changed irrevocably.

Despite the gamut of emotions, we feel, grieving for a loved one helps us cope and heal. The intense, heart-breaking anguish indicates that a deep connection has been severed. Without a doubt, grieving is painful. But it is also necessary.

Going forward doesn’t mean forgetting about the loved one who died. Enjoying life again doesn’t imply that the person is no longer missed. Piecing together your shattered emotions doesn’t mean you, somehow, betray a friend or family member. It simply means that your grief has run its course.

While no single pathway through grief exists, people do share common responses.

In 1969, psychiatrist Elisabeth Kübler-Ross introduced what became known as the “five stages of grief,” which represent feelings of those who have faced death and tragedy”.


As noted above, emotions can be expected, as well as go from one extreme to another when we are experiencing loss and grief. Far too often, our assumptions about people and reactions are based on what we have seen, or perhaps on our own previous experiences. First and foremost, never use the way you handled a situation as the marker for how someone else should respond. Every individual is different, and a person’s reactions can cause actions that may be out of character, or unexpected. When clients are ready to talk with you, you have most likely achieved and established positive rapport. Be prepared to wait for your client’s story to unfold and remember to use your skill of patience because the story most likely will not unfold quickly.

If a rather disheveled, and foul-smelling person that reeked of alcohol entered your office, it would be easy to assume that they are not a successful functioning member of society. In doing so, you have failed to turn the page, and discover the story that lies within. A skill to master is to learn the importance of how to place judgmental glasses aside and view a person through the lens of empathy and understanding.

To empathize means to be capable of identifying and understanding another person’s feelings, without experiencing them for yourself at that particular moment. It is the ability to literally experience the world from another person’s perspective; to walk in their shoes, to view life from their living conditions and to feel what it feels like to be that person.

What have they experienced? Do they have any positive coping skills? Do they have a good support system? Are they aware that they have strengths? Is their behavior reactionary? I want you to understand and grasp the word “drift”. Often times the people that we meet are in the midst of a “drift” and their situation has taken them away from their inner foundation. Meaning they have “drifted” from their core, their values or “who they really are”. When you meet someone that has you scratching your head, please try to remember the word “drift” and what it really means. Most importantly remember that people often just need a solid hand to pull them back in the right direction.

Think about transitions and what they have experienced.

Think about trajectories and what they have experienced.


“A life course perspective is stage like because it proposes that each person experiences a number of transitions, or changes in roles and statuses that represent a distinct departure from prior roles and statuses. Life is full of such transitions: starting school, entering puberty, leaving school, getting a first job, leaving home, migrating, retiring, and so on.”

(Hutchison, pg. 311, 2nd. Ed. Essentials of Human Behavior).


“Each life course transition is embedded in a trajectory that gives form to the life course. They are entry points to a new life phase. In contrast with transitions, trajectories involve a longer view of long-term patterns of stability and change in a person’s life, involving multiple transitions” (pg. 312).

Transitions and trajectories can be expected, as well as unexpected, but regardless, they involve changes. One of the reasons that it is important to recognize transitions and trajectories is because people are more than what you see before you. When introduced, you are merely viewing a fragment, or a piece of the person, and you have no idea what has contributed to the person being who they are today. I have often said to people, “Don’t judge this woman based on the girl that I once was”. What this means is that I did not grow and mature on my own, I had to go through many transitions that often led to downward trajectories, yet to go through more transitions that led to upward trajectories. My long-term pattern now demonstrates some changes (transitions), but they are certainly met with a definable pattern that marks steadiness, or stability.

The point is that it is important that we understand a person from a holistic, or multidimensional perspective. As we know, a multi-dimensional perspective includes physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects, along with conscious and subconscious aspects, as well as rational and irrational aspects.


Apply Kübler-Ross Model of the Grieving Process to Carmen in this week’s scenario.

You are to explain how EACH of the 5 stages DO relate to Carmen in this case scenario.

Be aware that each stage is represented in this case.

As clinicians, you will always be charting notes, and notes will help you recognize

possibilities and indicators, as well as help you and your client recognize progress, as well as setbacks.

You are to use your critical thinking skills and provide examples from the case scenario that illustrate indicators of Carmen experiencing the 5 stages of grief.

  1. Denial: case example
  2. Anger: case example
  3. Bargaining: case example
  4. Depression: case example
  5. Acceptance: case example

Case Study: Perez Family

Luis, 41, and Maria, 40, Perez have immigrated to the US from Argentina with their seven children. Rolando is 19, the eldest and only son in the family. Lupe, 17, Anna, 15, Roselina 13, Gracelia, 10, Yesenia, 8, Gariella, 6 and Maritza, 3, have looked forward to the move to the U.S.

Luis’ elderly parents, Ramon, 81, and Carmen, 79, have also come with the family, leaving behind most of their belongings and two dogs that Carmen raised since they were four-week-old puppies.

The family was successful in Argentina but decided to immigrate because Luis felt there would be more opportunities for his children. The family was able to purchase a small piece of land in a rural community in the western part of the U. S. with the intention of producing grapes to market to a winery.

Luis and the children are quite fluent in English although Spanish is the first language used in the home. Maria knows some English but lacks confidence in her ability to speak the language. Ramon and Carmen do not know English at all, have no interest in learning the language, and are committed to keeping tradition alive within the family.

Luis is the youngest son of Ramon and Carmen and was brought up in a strict Catholic home, educated by nuns through 12thgrade. Luis has always been in good health and is unusually physically strong. Luis married his childhood sweetheart, Maria, at age 20.

Maria has known Luis her entire life and married Luis at age 19, straight from a convent all-girls’ school. Any time they spent together prior to their marriage was chaperoned by a great aunt. Maria’s parents died in an accident when she was young. Maria is an only child. Luis’ family is now her only family. The marriage is very traditional in roles.

Carmen and Maria had always started their day with mass but can no longer attend church because the closest church is now over 15 miles away and neither of the women know how to drive.

Rolando is the first born and only son of Luis and Maria and the hope of their family name. Luis has plans for Rolando to go into this new family business and looks forward to the many grandchildren that Rolando will give to the family. Rolando has great respect for his parents, family and tradition and always wants to please everyone. Rolando wants to attend college and is struggling with his identity.

Lupe is very outgoing and has already adjusted to this community. Lupe has already made a lot of friends in her new school situation and is looking forward to going away to college to be away from the rigidness she perceives in her family.

Anna is very shy. She has not been able to make friends and every day is a struggle to attend school. Anna spends her time with her mother or grandmother. If she is not with them, she retreats to her room. Anna’s schoolwork is suffering, and she is withdrawing more and more from everyone. Anna wants to be anywhere else but right here and feels tired and empty. Anna has started to wear loose clothing and long sleeves even on warm days.

Roselina is much like Lupe in making friends immediately. She is an honor student and very athletic. She has found a new pastime going to the mall with her friends. Roselina has been late for dinner and not always remembering to do her chores around the house. Roselina is not the least bit interested in “family stories” as she puts it. Roselina was close to Anna but now would rather be with her new friends.

Gracelia has been working very hard in school, making some new friends and is quiet and an avid reader.

Yesenia and Gariella are excited with their new house and new school; they love their teachers and have been begging for a puppy.

Maritza is always by her mother’s side. When they moved to the States, Maritza had been out of diapers for quite a while but now seems to be experiencing quite a few accidents as well as regressing in her use of vocabulary words.

Luis has begun to feel unusually fatigued and has had some moments of feeling unsteady when he is working in the vineyard. He has had some moments of numbness and blurred vision but attributes them to the long hours.

Ramon has been working with Luis. One afternoon, Ramon complains of a headache from “too much sun,” collapses and dies in route to the hospital.

Carmen has known no other life than the sixty years they had been married. Ramon had made all the major family decisions, took care of finances. During their years of marriage, they had to bury two infant sons and lost an adult son to cancer. Luis is their only surviving child. Carmen had always derived her comfort from her priest. Church now for Carmen is just a place to attend mass since it is a rural community, the priest changes weekly. Carmen finds herself very angry with the entire situation and feels totally alone.

Luis tries to plan a funeral for his father, but his mother does not want to make decisions. Luis’ stress level is high and continues to feel “off balance.” Luis is feeling financial stress and pushing Rolando to postpone going to college to be more help in the fields. Luis continues to drive the point home that Rolando must carry on the family name and take his place within the family business. As Luis is encouraging Rolando to be more involved, he feels guilty about placing this on Rolando because education was the very reason they had immigrated to this country.

Rolando wants to please his father and continues to work in the vineyard but wants to go to college. Rolando is starting to show signs of depression because Rolando is finally willing to admit to himself that he is gay but does not want his parents to know. He feels tremendous guilt for he knows the shame he will bring the family. Fear and shame is a constant in Rolando’s life now and each day he feels more and more hopeless.

Carmen has stopped helping with the children and is no longer interested in doing family activities or even going to church on Sunday. Maria is feeling the strain of not having help and has no energy. Maria feels that she is starting menopause, and these are simply the symptoms.

The younger children continue to enjoy their time with each other and their new friends. Graciela has liked school, especially math. The teacher has been calling on Graciela regularly to read out loud in class. Graciela has been complaining of stomachaches each morning and asking her mother to allow her to stay home.

Maria eventually learns that she is pregnant and is fearful to let Luis know because of the strain he has been under. Normally, she would go to Carmen for advice but Carmen continues to move further and further away from the family.

Luis continues to work long hours in the vineyard, meeting with local winemakers and marketing his product. There have been some extra financial burdens since the death of his father, such as some medical bills.

Luis falls one day, having total numbness in his lower back and legs. For this reason, he was brought to the hospital for tests. The family feels it is the strain of what he has been under, but the MRI reveals that Luis has multiple sclerosis that seems to be progressing rather rapidly. Luis is admitted to the hospital with plans to have him participate in rehabilitation.

Rolando is starting to feel an enormous burden because his mother has told him that he is now the “man of the family” and needs to fill his father’s role while he is ill. Rolando’s grandmother tells him the pride that both his now deceased grandfather and father have in his ability to run the vineyard.

Rolando works each day and goes straight to his room. He has mostly stopped eating and communicates very little. Carmen is now praying openly for the family and cries all of the time but continues to isolate herself from her family and church.

Maria is now overwhelmed with a new baby on the way and with a husband who is ill with a progressive disease. Maria does not understand what has happened to her life.

SWK 3320 Troy Kübler Ross Model of Grieving Process to Carmens Scenario Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Middle Tennessee State University Desegregation in Tennessee Post World War II Essay Writing Assignment Help


Essay prompt: Why did African Americans intensify their pursuit of Civil Rights in the two decades following World War II? What strategies were used, and why? Describe some of the ways that white people engaged with and/or responded to the African American movement for civil rights. What was the significance of that movement for Tennessee and for the United States? Be sure to use dates (to locate your topic in the correct time frame) and specific details and examples. Be sure to focus on the civil rights experience in Tennessee and not civil rights generally or generically.

Write a 1000-word essay in response to the above prompt. Make sure that you have a thesis statement, use supporting evidence from the primary and secondary sources provided, and write a conclusion. Double-space, 12 point font, standard 1-inch margins.

Use ONLY the primary and secondary sources that I have provided. Some are documents and some are links to online sources.

Of those, use at least ONE secondary source and THREE primary sources. Do NOT directly quote from secondary sources. You MAY quote briefly from primary sources, but exercise good judgment in your choices. And be sure to cite.

Use the quick reference guides to the major citation styles (MLA, APA or Chicago) to construct your footnotes and bibliography. The notes and bibliography are NOT part of the word count!



Have a PDF file of the given list of primary sources


Bethel University Wk 3 Correctional Institutions Classifications Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The topics in unit 3 included various classifications of employees who work in correctional facilities, and how cross-training security staff and non-security staff can enhance the well-being of inmates and employees. Also included are philosophes of inmate management, inmate self-help programs, and how inmate classification systems should be administered. Finally, the issues of gender-based classifications and meeting the different needs of female offenders are examined. For this unit’s Complete assignment, write a comprehensive scholarly essay (minimum 1600 words) in which you analyze, explain, and apply these concepts in the context of a law enforcement organization. You must incorporate and cite, using correct APA citation format, at least four different scholarly research sources. Be sure your essay demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the READ section from this unit. In-line citations must be used in the body of your essay, and all research sources must be fully cited at the conclusion of your essay. Correct APA citation formats must be used.

Your essay should review recent innovations in cross training for correctional facility staff. What are the two main classifications of employees at correctional institutions and how do their roles differ? What elements should be included in a model cross-training program? How should training be implemented so that the security of employees and well-being of inmates are enhanced? Your essay should address how a warden should merge good security practices with inmate self-help programs. What correctional philosophy would you implement in a large correctional facility? What are the positive and negative implications of delegating classification decisions to non-security staff? Finally, you should explain why treating female offenders differently is or is not an acceptable approach to institution management.


HUM 110 CC The Rise of Islam and Centers of Culture Cases Comparative Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Compare/Contrast: Paper 3
Chapters 911: Sayre’s The Humanities: Culture, Continuity & Change, Third or Fourth Edition, Volume I
Chapter 9: “The Rise and Spread of Islam: A New Religion”
Chapter 10: “Fiefdom and Monastery, Pilgrimage and Crusade: The Early Medieval World in Europe”
Chapter 11: “Centers of Culture: Court and City in the Larger World”
I expect these papers to be 3 pages in length (typed, doublespaced, stapled), and written in the expository
(argument) style. (See the “Expository Writing” and “Formal Writing” pages at the end of the syllabus.) The papers must have:
1. an Introduction paragraph ending in a predictive thesis statement;
2. body paragraphs (BPs) which begin with a topic sentence and then fully develop and follow the order of your predictive thesis statement, giving a minimum of 35textual examples per BP topic; and
3. a Conclusion paragraph.

Pick ONE of the following four topics for your paper to be compared/contrasted between TWO examples from each of the TWO Chapters you have chosen (Chaps 911):
1 .Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of architecture from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen.
2. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of writing/literature from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen.
3. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of art/artifacts from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen.
4. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of power/hierarchy from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen. Remember, you will have ONE Theme/Topic, TWO Chapters, FOUR total examples, with 35 cited explanations for each of the four examples.
I will attach a sample of the thesis statement and should be one predictive sentence with strong claim and provides a structure for your argument
Remember, your 1-sentence thesis statement ends with a list of predictions. Each body paragraph follows that list of predictions, one prediction at a time, in order (see EW).
Each body paragraph must have sufficient examples to prove each of the points, and your citations (see FW #8) must be added parenthetically at the end of each sentence.
EW = the Expository Writing handout — second to last page of Syllabus.
FW = the Formal Writing handout — last page of Syllabus.
For the reference you only using a book No GOOGLE
I will give access for a book in the chat


FIU Nursing Leadership & Management Budgeting Directed & Indirect Costs Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Read Chapter on Davis Plus: Finance. Answer the following questions and provide at least 3 references.

***For question 5-A I live in Miami, FL***

1-Mention the types of budgets that you know and give examples of them?

2- What is budgeting?

3- What is directed and indirect cost?

4- Give examples of productive and non-productive hours?

5- What does HMO, PPO, POS means?

A) Mention one example of each of then in your city, or state?

6- What is DRGs.?

7- Give some examples of strategies for Cost-conscious nursing practice that your Nursing unit use to lower medical care cost?

Attached is the chapter for this questions



Ashford University Images and Societal Values Humanities Assignment Help

please find acadimic sources as much you can about this question.

Many archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians view the manufacture and propagation of images (all kinds, not only sculpture) as a crucial means of cultural expression. Images can also be used to manipulate or influence people’s perceptions of their own societies and their choice of personal values. Having reflected on the material we examined from the Orientalizing, Archaic, Classical, and Late Classical periods, can you make a persuasive case that among the values represented as most important are individualism, competition, and youthfulness? Be sure to use specific examples to support your argument.

Ashford University Images and Societal Values Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

San Diego State University Business Law and Copyright Infringement Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

The purpose of this project is for you to analyze an event that has legal consequences (we call this a fact pattern) that is related to some of the topics we are covering in class. I have provided multiple fact patterns from which you may choose ONE (dealing with torts, easements or contractual issues (which we will cover in Chapters 10-12)) or you can come up with a situation related to topics we have already covered that interest you, as long as I have approved it in advance.

The assignment is to prepare a 500-1000 word analysis using the IRAC method (which is explained in the posted video titled “IRAC Video on Method of Analysis”, and requires you to identify the relevant facts, the specific legal issue implicated, the applicable rules or law, and then provide an analysis and conclusion of how the “case” might be decided.

You may work as a “solo attorney” on this project or in a “law firm” of up to 3 attorneys. Please identify your firm through this portal.

Check in with me by October 29, identifying your project and the attorney(s) assigned to it.

Project Due date is Nov. 24, 2020, 11:59pm. It must be submitted through this portal as instructed. You will have two attempts to upload the project in case you need to correct an error in submission (i.e., you uploaded the wrong version, etc.)

Fact Pattern Choices (Choose One, or you may present a different fact pattern to me for approval)

One (Contracts)

On Thursday, May 14, Tenant received the following letter from Shore: “Dear Tenant, I will let you have my ‘Shore House’ for this June through August season, same terms under which you occupied it last year. Please reply in a week.” Tenant noticed Shore’s letter was postmarked May 11. Earlier in May, Tenant had made inquiry at “The Cliffs,” a mountain resort owned by Cliff. In Cliff’s absence, Joe, one of Cliff’s caretakers, had shown Tenant two available houses, “Hi-Vu” and “Lo-Vu,” which Joe stated were listed for rent at $6,000 and $3,000, respectively, for one season.

On May 15, Tenant received a letter from Cliff which read, “This confirms statements by Joe.

You may have Hi-Vu at $6,000, or Lo-Vu at $3,000, for the season June through August, all services included, payable in equal monthly installments.”

On May 17, Tenant wrote to Cliff as follows, “I think your prices are high. Will you take $5,000 for Hi-Vu? If not, then I’ll have to settle for Lo-Vu, and I agree to pay the $3,000 you ask, only I hope you may be willing to consider some concession if I pay the whole $3,000 in advance.”

On May 17, Tenant learned that Shore had sold Shore House to Jones for Jones’s immediate

occupancy. On May 18, Cliff received Tenant’s letter and Cliff immediately telegraphed Tenant, “No change in prices. See my letter of the 16th.” Tenant received Cliff’s telegram the same day, May 18. Later that day Tenant also received Cliff’s letter of May 16, which read, “Our deal is off.” Tenant immediately wrote Shore, “I’ll take Shore House per your letter of the 11th.”

The normal course of post between Tenant and Shore and Tenant and Cliff was one day.

You may assume that all requirements of the Statute of Frauds have been satisfied. What rights, if any, does Tenant have against Shore and against Cliff? Discuss. (100 Points)

Two (Contracts)

On April 1, Ann Star, a young television personality, signs a contract with Bland Television Network to perform May 1 in a one-hour “live” TV show from 8 to 9 p.m. Bland agrees to pay Star $1,000 for this performance. The contract also provides that if for any reason Star does not appear as scheduled, she will “forfeit the sum of $25,000 to Bland as liquidated damages.”

On April 10, Star informs Bland that she is suffering from acute fatigue and that her physician

probably will not allow her to appear as scheduled. Bland immediately urges her in writing to fulfill her contractual obligations.

On April 15, Star tells Bland that she has miraculously recovered and will appear as scheduled on the May 1 show.

On April 23, Bland informs Star that, due to her unpredictability, it has hired actress Prima Donnaas of that date and will not require Star’s services.

On April 28, Prima Donna breaks her leg in an accident. Bland immediately wires Star that it has

reconsidered the whole matter and will hold her to the original contract to perform on May 1.

On the evening of May 1, Star appears at the studio ready to perform, but Bland, acting under orders from the Federal Communications Commission, cancels the show in order to broadcast a special address by the President of the United States.

Discuss the legal implications of the foregoing events. (100 Points)

Three (Contracts, Torts)

Buyer, who was in the market for a car, heard that Seller wanted to sell his car for $5,000. On June 1, Buyer visited Seller and saw the car. Buyer asked Seller about the car’s condition. In response, Seller said, “The car is in tip-top shape—the brakes and clutch were replaced in the last six months. It’s in beautiful shape for a vehicle of this age. Good for another 100,000 miles easy.” Seller agreed to sell the car to Buyer for $5,000. They both signed the following document: “Seller agrees to sell, and Buyer agrees to buy, Seller’s car for the price of $5,000. Buyer will pick up the car at Seller’s home on June 2 and pay Seller $5,000 in cash at that time.”

On June 2, Buyer came to Seller’s home. Before handing the payment to Seller, Buyer said, “I’d like my mechanic to look at the car to make sure that it is as you represented it.” Seller responded, “Don’t waste money on a mechanic. The car is exactly as I described it.” Even though Buyer, while at Seller’s home, had no way to tell if the brakes and clutch were as represented, Buyer thought that it would be a waste of time and money to visit a mechanic and thus decided to proceed with the transaction. Accordingly, after briefly inspecting the car, Buyer gave Seller $5,000 in cash. Seller handed Buyer the keys to the car, and Buyer left with the car.

On June 10, the car broke down and Buyer had it towed to a mechanic’s shop. After looking at the car, the mechanic accurately told Buyer that the clutch had failed because it was old and needed to be replaced. The mechanic also warned Buyer that the brakes were unsafe and that the engine needed a complete overhaul or it would not last another 10,000 miles. The mechanic told Buyer that if the car had been as represented by Seller, it would have had a market value of $5,000, but in its current condition the car was worth only about $500—its value as salvage for parts.

On June 11, Buyer hand-delivered a letter to Seller. The letter informed Seller that Buyer was revoking his acceptance of the car and that Seller could recover his car at the mechanic’s shop.

What rights, if any, does Buyer have against Seller? Explain. (100 Points)

Four (Easements, etc)

Ned Parker owns a vineyard on 100 acres he owns, which he has farmed for many years. He also owns an easement in the form of a dirt footpath (50” wide) across some of his neighbor’s land that he uses daily to quickly reach the southern 20 acres of his vineyard, which he calls the Merlot Block. After several years, Ned concludes that the grapes from the Merlot Block of the vineyard are not being economically productive at current market prices, so he stops cultivating the Merlot Block and thus stops using the footpath. He continues to cultivate the remainder of his vineyard, which is planted to Cabernet and is very profitable in the current market.

  1. After one year of non-use of the footpath, can the neighboring landowner successfully claim that the easement has been terminated by abandonment? Explain why or why not. (25 Points)
  2. Suppose in addition to the facts above, after discontinuing his cultivation of the Merlot Block, Ned leased it to another winemaker (“Big Wine Co”) who tripled the production of the vineyard and began using All-Terrain-Vehicles (50” wide, gas powered) on the footpath to access the vineyard daily, if not multiple times daily. How would this situation affect the rights of the Ned, Big Wine Co and the neighbor as to the easement? Be sure to explain the rights and obligations of each party, including the lease, change in use, etc. (50 Points)
  3. Suppose Ned instead sold the Merlot Block to a developer who cleared the vineyard and built several apartment buildings on the 20 acre plot and installed a fence and landscaping across the footpath easement. How would this affect the rights of the developer and the neighbor as to the easement? Explain. (25 Points)

Five (Intellectual Property)

  • While he was in high school, Joel Gibb downloaded numerous songs to his smartphone from an unlicensed file-sharing service.
  • He used portions of the copyrighted songs when he recorded his own band and posted videos on You Tube and Facebook.
  • Gibb also used Bit Torrent to download several movies from the Internet.
  • Now he has applied to Boston University.
  • The admissions office has requested access to his Facebook password, and he has complied.
  • What laws, if any, did Gibb violate by downloading the music and videos from the Internet? (25 points)
  • Was Gibb’s use of portions of copyrighted songs in his own music illegal? Explain. (25 points)
  • Can individuals legally post copyrighted content on their Facebook pages? Why or why not? (25 points)
  • Did Boston University violate any laws when it asked Joel to provide his Facebook password? Explain (25 points)

Six (Contracts)

Assume both parties are merchants and all letters are signed by the sender.

Letter One: P sends to D a promise to buy 35 carloads of widgets. She wants a discount from the usual price of $2.00/widget to $1.50/widget. She also wants to know if she can have 10 extra carloads if she needs it. Assume the letter also clearly manifests intent to enter into a bargain.

Letter Two: D replies to P. He says “we cannot cut our price that much.” He offers 35 carloads of widgets at $1.80/widget. Also states that he cannot send more than 35 carloads.

Letter Three: P relies to D. She says, “If $1.80 is the best you can do, we are inclined to take it.” Also accepts the fact that she will not be able to get the 10 extra carloads. She does, however, request that all the widgets be blue.

Letter Four: D replies to P. Says blue widgets are more expensive to make and that price would be $1.85/widget.

Letter Five: P replies to D. Says she can’t afford $1.85/widget, so send any colors. Also states, “Enclosed is my check for $5,000 as a down payment in token of my good faith.” Facts do not state whether D signed or deposited check.

Later, P telephoned D to request her first shipment. D tells her to “Bug off” and does not send any widgets.

What are the rights and duties of each parties? (100 points)

Seven (Easements)

A landowner owned a large parcel of land in a rural area. He built his home on the northern half of the property, and developed a large orchard of fruit trees on the southern portion. A county road ran in front of the northern portion. To service his orchard, the landowner built a driveway directly from the county road across the northern portion of the property to the orchard. To provide electricity to his house, the landowner ran an overhead power line across the orchard property to hook up to the only available electric power pole located on the far southern side of the property.

Subsequently, the landowner conveyed the northern parcel to his brother and the southern parcel to his daughter, who said that she did not mind having the power line on the property. Recently, the brother has begun parking his car on the driveway, thus blocking the daughter’s access to the southern parcel. Finding no recorded document granting an easement for the power line, the daughter has decided to remove it.

If the brother is successful in preventing the daughter from removing the power line, what is the likely reason? (100 points)

Eight (Easements)

A landowner owned a large tract of land, which he divided into two parcels. The northern parcel abutted a public highway. The shortest route from the southern parcel to the highway was over a private road that crossed the northern parcel. The other route was over a single-lane dirt and gravel path that wound for over four miles through the woods. The landowner sold the southern parcel to a developer, including an express easement in the private road across the northern parcel. The landowner knew of the developer’s plans to open an inn on the property. The developer built the inn but never opened it to the public.

Fifteen years later, the developer sold the southern parcel to an investor, who planned to open the inn to the public. The developer had never properly recorded her deed to the land, but the investor promptly recorded her deed, which made no mention of a right to cross the northern parcel via the private road. About a week after the investor took possession of the southern parcel, she learned of the provision in the developer’s deed to the land. However, the landowner refuses to grant the investor permission to use the road across his property to reach the highway.

Does the investor have a right to cross the northern parcel? (100 points)

Nine (Trespass)

A California landowner was declared insane and committed to a state mental hospital 30 years ago. Five years after that, a trespasser entered onto the landowner’s 200-acre parcel of land, which was enclosed by a barbed wire fence. A solid wood fence ran through the middle of the land, separating the property into approximately equal east and west parcels. The trespasser began grazing cattle on the west parcel; no one else has been in possession of any other part of the 200 acres. Other than grazing cattle on the land, the trespasser made no other improvements except for occasionally parking a RV trailer on the parcel when he needed to stay overnight on limited occasions to tend the cattle. The period of time to acquire title by adverse possession is 5 years in California. Thirteen years ago, the landowner was declared competent and released from the hospital, but he did nothing until this year, when he brought an action to eject the trespasser. The trespasser counterclaimed to quiet title to the 200 acre parcel in his name.

In this action, will the trespasser likely prevail, and if so, to what? (100 points)


UOTP The Information Systems and Computer Crimes Discussion Writing Assignment Help

You have been hired as a consultant to Riordan Manufacturing, which has just gone through a company reorganization. You have been asked to work with the new information technology (IT) assistant project director. The IT assistant project director has informed you that the company is expanding and will open a new office in Seattle, Washington. Your first project in your new role is to manage a team of techs as they work to expand the company’s IT infrastructure. Before the project can get started, you must collect and share background information with the team.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word project report in which you share the following:

  • Identify the Riordan Manufacturing’s information systems and their functionalities.
  • Describe three potential information attacks and why the information technology team should have a plan to protect against cybercrimes.
  • Explain Carter’s three classifications of computer crimes and how these classifications can aid in detecting crimes in Riordan Manufacturing’s network.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


Farewell to Manzanar Essya Writing Assignment Help

For your second formal writing assignment, please compose an essay that analyzes Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston’s Farewell to Manzanar. Choose ONE of the questions from below:

Please do not use secondary sources for this essay; however, you must include a quote from a fellow classmate’s Response Paper. Please use MLA formatting, including a properly formatted Works Cited page.

Option #1: Describe how Jeanne deals with ethnic / cultural / national identities. How does her “sense of self” shift throughout the book and how does she (try to) fit into a particularly “American” identity?

Option #2: One of your Response Papers asked you to analyze the change in family dynamics caused by internment. Expand upon that Paper with a developed, detailed essay that traces those changes, with a thesis that specifically asserts HOW the family changes.

I will provide reading, when u give me answer, provide a Turnitin report

Secondary sources ( peer’s work) below

“This is difficult for Jeanne because she is still young and since she is around so many Japanese people, versus her life with Papa before in the American neighborhood, makes it hard for her to identify with her American side. ” (classmate Britney Delong)

“Jeanne’s family begins to acculturate into white mainstream American culture by assimilating at the camps to regular American activities like bands, dance activities, clubs, and sports. They also found ways to employ themselves and have jobs that may be considered more American. Moreover, they were forced to take a loyalty oath against their country of origin, Japan. Growing up and living in both Japan and the US, Jeanne’s family finds themselves at a moral and cultural crossroads.” (Classmate Ashley Rinaldo)

”I’ve found myself feeling internal conflict with whether I am connected enough to Korean culture, and have also, unfortunately, faced some not so great people that have basically told me I’m either “not White enough” or “not Korean enough”.(Classmate Ashley Rinaldo)

“They had to make a decision to survive, or die knowing they did not turn their backs on their country. They took an oath saying they will in all ways be American, and do what ever it takes to defend their foreign country” (classmate Geraldine Rodriguez)


UCLA Ancient Jewish History Primary Source Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Choose one of the primary sources listed in the Course Schedule. I will give you my log in information to access the readings. Write a two-page double-spaced analysis of the primary source. The analysis should introduce the source and then answer the following questions: what is the physical nature of the source? What does its physical nature indicate about its function (i.e., what was the source originally produced for?)? What is the source’s purpose? What is its message? Who was the intended audience of the source? After you have answered these questions, provide a short analysis of the content of the source (i.e., evaluate and explain the important literary features and strategies of the source). This is a formal paper and should be well-written and well-organized. Include a Works Cited page with any secondary readings that assisted you in developing your ideas. Please use Chicago formatting style (see Purdue OWL for examples of this format). I would also encourage you to read the pages about evaluating primary sources in the Rampolla reading as part of your preparation for this assignment. Submit to turnitin.com no later than Tuesday, November 24th. In order to develop your paper, please use JSTOR.org (https://www.jstor.org/) and the Young Research Library database (https://catalog.library.ucla.edu/)



Have a PDF file of the given list of primary sources


Bethel University Wk 3 Correctional Institutions Classifications Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The topics in unit 3 included various classifications of employees who work in correctional facilities, and how cross-training security staff and non-security staff can enhance the well-being of inmates and employees. Also included are philosophes of inmate management, inmate self-help programs, and how inmate classification systems should be administered. Finally, the issues of gender-based classifications and meeting the different needs of female offenders are examined. For this unit’s Complete assignment, write a comprehensive scholarly essay (minimum 1600 words) in which you analyze, explain, and apply these concepts in the context of a law enforcement organization. You must incorporate and cite, using correct APA citation format, at least four different scholarly research sources. Be sure your essay demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the READ section from this unit. In-line citations must be used in the body of your essay, and all research sources must be fully cited at the conclusion of your essay. Correct APA citation formats must be used.

Your essay should review recent innovations in cross training for correctional facility staff. What are the two main classifications of employees at correctional institutions and how do their roles differ? What elements should be included in a model cross-training program? How should training be implemented so that the security of employees and well-being of inmates are enhanced? Your essay should address how a warden should merge good security practices with inmate self-help programs. What correctional philosophy would you implement in a large correctional facility? What are the positive and negative implications of delegating classification decisions to non-security staff? Finally, you should explain why treating female offenders differently is or is not an acceptable approach to institution management.


HUM 110 CC The Rise of Islam and Centers of Culture Cases Comparative Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Compare/Contrast: Paper 3
Chapters 911: Sayre’s The Humanities: Culture, Continuity & Change, Third or Fourth Edition, Volume I
Chapter 9: “The Rise and Spread of Islam: A New Religion”
Chapter 10: “Fiefdom and Monastery, Pilgrimage and Crusade: The Early Medieval World in Europe”
Chapter 11: “Centers of Culture: Court and City in the Larger World”
I expect these papers to be 3 pages in length (typed, doublespaced, stapled), and written in the expository
(argument) style. (See the “Expository Writing” and “Formal Writing” pages at the end of the syllabus.) The papers must have:
1. an Introduction paragraph ending in a predictive thesis statement;
2. body paragraphs (BPs) which begin with a topic sentence and then fully develop and follow the order of your predictive thesis statement, giving a minimum of 35textual examples per BP topic; and
3. a Conclusion paragraph.

Pick ONE of the following four topics for your paper to be compared/contrasted between TWO examples from each of the TWO Chapters you have chosen (Chaps 911):
1 .Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of architecture from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen.
2. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of writing/literature from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen.
3. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of art/artifacts from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen.
4. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of power/hierarchy from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen. Remember, you will have ONE Theme/Topic, TWO Chapters, FOUR total examples, with 35 cited explanations for each of the four examples.
I will attach a sample of the thesis statement and should be one predictive sentence with strong claim and provides a structure for your argument
Remember, your 1-sentence thesis statement ends with a list of predictions. Each body paragraph follows that list of predictions, one prediction at a time, in order (see EW).
Each body paragraph must have sufficient examples to prove each of the points, and your citations (see FW #8) must be added parenthetically at the end of each sentence.
EW = the Expository Writing handout — second to last page of Syllabus.
FW = the Formal Writing handout — last page of Syllabus.
For the reference you only using a book No GOOGLE
I will give access for a book in the chat


FIU Nursing Leadership & Management Budgeting Directed & Indirect Costs Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Read Chapter on Davis Plus: Finance. Answer the following questions and provide at least 3 references.

***For question 5-A I live in Miami, FL***

1-Mention the types of budgets that you know and give examples of them?

2- What is budgeting?

3- What is directed and indirect cost?

4- Give examples of productive and non-productive hours?

5- What does HMO, PPO, POS means?

A) Mention one example of each of then in your city, or state?

6- What is DRGs.?

7- Give some examples of strategies for Cost-conscious nursing practice that your Nursing unit use to lower medical care cost?

Attached is the chapter for this questions



Ashford University Images and Societal Values Humanities Assignment Help

please find acadimic sources as much you can about this question.

Many archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians view the manufacture and propagation of images (all kinds, not only sculpture) as a crucial means of cultural expression. Images can also be used to manipulate or influence people’s perceptions of their own societies and their choice of personal values. Having reflected on the material we examined from the Orientalizing, Archaic, Classical, and Late Classical periods, can you make a persuasive case that among the values represented as most important are individualism, competition, and youthfulness? Be sure to use specific examples to support your argument.

Ashford University Images and Societal Values Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

San Diego State University Business Law and Copyright Infringement Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

The purpose of this project is for you to analyze an event that has legal consequences (we call this a fact pattern) that is related to some of the topics we are covering in class. I have provided multiple fact patterns from which you may choose ONE (dealing with torts, easements or contractual issues (which we will cover in Chapters 10-12)) or you can come up with a situation related to topics we have already covered that interest you, as long as I have approved it in advance.

The assignment is to prepare a 500-1000 word analysis using the IRAC method (which is explained in the posted video titled “IRAC Video on Method of Analysis”, and requires you to identify the relevant facts, the specific legal issue implicated, the applicable rules or law, and then provide an analysis and conclusion of how the “case” might be decided.

You may work as a “solo attorney” on this project or in a “law firm” of up to 3 attorneys. Please identify your firm through this portal.

Check in with me by October 29, identifying your project and the attorney(s) assigned to it.

Project Due date is Nov. 24, 2020, 11:59pm. It must be submitted through this portal as instructed. You will have two attempts to upload the project in case you need to correct an error in submission (i.e., you uploaded the wrong version, etc.)

Fact Pattern Choices (Choose One, or you may present a different fact pattern to me for approval)

One (Contracts)

On Thursday, May 14, Tenant received the following letter from Shore: “Dear Tenant, I will let you have my ‘Shore House’ for this June through August season, same terms under which you occupied it last year. Please reply in a week.” Tenant noticed Shore’s letter was postmarked May 11. Earlier in May, Tenant had made inquiry at “The Cliffs,” a mountain resort owned by Cliff. In Cliff’s absence, Joe, one of Cliff’s caretakers, had shown Tenant two available houses, “Hi-Vu” and “Lo-Vu,” which Joe stated were listed for rent at $6,000 and $3,000, respectively, for one season.

On May 15, Tenant received a letter from Cliff which read, “This confirms statements by Joe.

You may have Hi-Vu at $6,000, or Lo-Vu at $3,000, for the season June through August, all services included, payable in equal monthly installments.”

On May 17, Tenant wrote to Cliff as follows, “I think your prices are high. Will you take $5,000 for Hi-Vu? If not, then I’ll have to settle for Lo-Vu, and I agree to pay the $3,000 you ask, only I hope you may be willing to consider some concession if I pay the whole $3,000 in advance.”

On May 17, Tenant learned that Shore had sold Shore House to Jones for Jones’s immediate

occupancy. On May 18, Cliff received Tenant’s letter and Cliff immediately telegraphed Tenant, “No change in prices. See my letter of the 16th.” Tenant received Cliff’s telegram the same day, May 18. Later that day Tenant also received Cliff’s letter of May 16, which read, “Our deal is off.” Tenant immediately wrote Shore, “I’ll take Shore House per your letter of the 11th.”

The normal course of post between Tenant and Shore and Tenant and Cliff was one day.

You may assume that all requirements of the Statute of Frauds have been satisfied. What rights, if any, does Tenant have against Shore and against Cliff? Discuss. (100 Points)

Two (Contracts)

On April 1, Ann Star, a young television personality, signs a contract with Bland Television Network to perform May 1 in a one-hour “live” TV show from 8 to 9 p.m. Bland agrees to pay Star $1,000 for this performance. The contract also provides that if for any reason Star does not appear as scheduled, she will “forfeit the sum of $25,000 to Bland as liquidated damages.”

On April 10, Star informs Bland that she is suffering from acute fatigue and that her physician

probably will not allow her to appear as scheduled. Bland immediately urges her in writing to fulfill her contractual obligations.

On April 15, Star tells Bland that she has miraculously recovered and will appear as scheduled on the May 1 show.

On April 23, Bland informs Star that, due to her unpredictability, it has hired actress Prima Donnaas of that date and will not require Star’s services.

On April 28, Prima Donna breaks her leg in an accident. Bland immediately wires Star that it has

reconsidered the whole matter and will hold her to the original contract to perform on May 1.

On the evening of May 1, Star appears at the studio ready to perform, but Bland, acting under orders from the Federal Communications Commission, cancels the show in order to broadcast a special address by the President of the United States.

Discuss the legal implications of the foregoing events. (100 Points)

Three (Contracts, Torts)

Buyer, who was in the market for a car, heard that Seller wanted to sell his car for $5,000. On June 1, Buyer visited Seller and saw the car. Buyer asked Seller about the car’s condition. In response, Seller said, “The car is in tip-top shape—the brakes and clutch were replaced in the last six months. It’s in beautiful shape for a vehicle of this age. Good for another 100,000 miles easy.” Seller agreed to sell the car to Buyer for $5,000. They both signed the following document: “Seller agrees to sell, and Buyer agrees to buy, Seller’s car for the price of $5,000. Buyer will pick up the car at Seller’s home on June 2 and pay Seller $5,000 in cash at that time.”

On June 2, Buyer came to Seller’s home. Before handing the payment to Seller, Buyer said, “I’d like my mechanic to look at the car to make sure that it is as you represented it.” Seller responded, “Don’t waste money on a mechanic. The car is exactly as I described it.” Even though Buyer, while at Seller’s home, had no way to tell if the brakes and clutch were as represented, Buyer thought that it would be a waste of time and money to visit a mechanic and thus decided to proceed with the transaction. Accordingly, after briefly inspecting the car, Buyer gave Seller $5,000 in cash. Seller handed Buyer the keys to the car, and Buyer left with the car.

On June 10, the car broke down and Buyer had it towed to a mechanic’s shop. After looking at the car, the mechanic accurately told Buyer that the clutch had failed because it was old and needed to be replaced. The mechanic also warned Buyer that the brakes were unsafe and that the engine needed a complete overhaul or it would not last another 10,000 miles. The mechanic told Buyer that if the car had been as represented by Seller, it would have had a market value of $5,000, but in its current condition the car was worth only about $500—its value as salvage for parts.

On June 11, Buyer hand-delivered a letter to Seller. The letter informed Seller that Buyer was revoking his acceptance of the car and that Seller could recover his car at the mechanic’s shop.

What rights, if any, does Buyer have against Seller? Explain. (100 Points)

Four (Easements, etc)

Ned Parker owns a vineyard on 100 acres he owns, which he has farmed for many years. He also owns an easement in the form of a dirt footpath (50” wide) across some of his neighbor’s land that he uses daily to quickly reach the southern 20 acres of his vineyard, which he calls the Merlot Block. After several years, Ned concludes that the grapes from the Merlot Block of the vineyard are not being economically productive at current market prices, so he stops cultivating the Merlot Block and thus stops using the footpath. He continues to cultivate the remainder of his vineyard, which is planted to Cabernet and is very profitable in the current market.

  1. After one year of non-use of the footpath, can the neighboring landowner successfully claim that the easement has been terminated by abandonment? Explain why or why not. (25 Points)
  2. Suppose in addition to the facts above, after discontinuing his cultivation of the Merlot Block, Ned leased it to another winemaker (“Big Wine Co”) who tripled the production of the vineyard and began using All-Terrain-Vehicles (50” wide, gas powered) on the footpath to access the vineyard daily, if not multiple times daily. How would this situation affect the rights of the Ned, Big Wine Co and the neighbor as to the easement? Be sure to explain the rights and obligations of each party, including the lease, change in use, etc. (50 Points)
  3. Suppose Ned instead sold the Merlot Block to a developer who cleared the vineyard and built several apartment buildings on the 20 acre plot and installed a fence and landscaping across the footpath easement. How would this affect the rights of the developer and the neighbor as to the easement? Explain. (25 Points)

Five (Intellectual Property)

  • While he was in high school, Joel Gibb downloaded numerous songs to his smartphone from an unlicensed file-sharing service.
  • He used portions of the copyrighted songs when he recorded his own band and posted videos on You Tube and Facebook.
  • Gibb also used Bit Torrent to download several movies from the Internet.
  • Now he has applied to Boston University.
  • The admissions office has requested access to his Facebook password, and he has complied.
  • What laws, if any, did Gibb violate by downloading the music and videos from the Internet? (25 points)
  • Was Gibb’s use of portions of copyrighted songs in his own music illegal? Explain. (25 points)
  • Can individuals legally post copyrighted content on their Facebook pages? Why or why not? (25 points)
  • Did Boston University violate any laws when it asked Joel to provide his Facebook password? Explain (25 points)

Six (Contracts)

Assume both parties are merchants and all letters are signed by the sender.

Letter One: P sends to D a promise to buy 35 carloads of widgets. She wants a discount from the usual price of $2.00/widget to $1.50/widget. She also wants to know if she can have 10 extra carloads if she needs it. Assume the letter also clearly manifests intent to enter into a bargain.

Letter Two: D replies to P. He says “we cannot cut our price that much.” He offers 35 carloads of widgets at $1.80/widget. Also states that he cannot send more than 35 carloads.

Letter Three: P relies to D. She says, “If $1.80 is the best you can do, we are inclined to take it.” Also accepts the fact that she will not be able to get the 10 extra carloads. She does, however, request that all the widgets be blue.

Letter Four: D replies to P. Says blue widgets are more expensive to make and that price would be $1.85/widget.

Letter Five: P replies to D. Says she can’t afford $1.85/widget, so send any colors. Also states, “Enclosed is my check for $5,000 as a down payment in token of my good faith.” Facts do not state whether D signed or deposited check.

Later, P telephoned D to request her first shipment. D tells her to “Bug off” and does not send any widgets.

What are the rights and duties of each parties? (100 points)

Seven (Easements)

A landowner owned a large parcel of land in a rural area. He built his home on the northern half of the property, and developed a large orchard of fruit trees on the southern portion. A county road ran in front of the northern portion. To service his orchard, the landowner built a driveway directly from the county road across the northern portion of the property to the orchard. To provide electricity to his house, the landowner ran an overhead power line across the orchard property to hook up to the only available electric power pole located on the far southern side of the property.

Subsequently, the landowner conveyed the northern parcel to his brother and the southern parcel to his daughter, who said that she did not mind having the power line on the property. Recently, the brother has begun parking his car on the driveway, thus blocking the daughter’s access to the southern parcel. Finding no recorded document granting an easement for the power line, the daughter has decided to remove it.

If the brother is successful in preventing the daughter from removing the power line, what is the likely reason? (100 points)

Eight (Easements)

A landowner owned a large tract of land, which he divided into two parcels. The northern parcel abutted a public highway. The shortest route from the southern parcel to the highway was over a private road that crossed the northern parcel. The other route was over a single-lane dirt and gravel path that wound for over four miles through the woods. The landowner sold the southern parcel to a developer, including an express easement in the private road across the northern parcel. The landowner knew of the developer’s plans to open an inn on the property. The developer built the inn but never opened it to the public.

Fifteen years later, the developer sold the southern parcel to an investor, who planned to open the inn to the public. The developer had never properly recorded her deed to the land, but the investor promptly recorded her deed, which made no mention of a right to cross the northern parcel via the private road. About a week after the investor took possession of the southern parcel, she learned of the provision in the developer’s deed to the land. However, the landowner refuses to grant the investor permission to use the road across his property to reach the highway.

Does the investor have a right to cross the northern parcel? (100 points)

Nine (Trespass)

A California landowner was declared insane and committed to a state mental hospital 30 years ago. Five years after that, a trespasser entered onto the landowner’s 200-acre parcel of land, which was enclosed by a barbed wire fence. A solid wood fence ran through the middle of the land, separating the property into approximately equal east and west parcels. The trespasser began grazing cattle on the west parcel; no one else has been in possession of any other part of the 200 acres. Other than grazing cattle on the land, the trespasser made no other improvements except for occasionally parking a RV trailer on the parcel when he needed to stay overnight on limited occasions to tend the cattle. The period of time to acquire title by adverse possession is 5 years in California. Thirteen years ago, the landowner was declared competent and released from the hospital, but he did nothing until this year, when he brought an action to eject the trespasser. The trespasser counterclaimed to quiet title to the 200 acre parcel in his name.

In this action, will the trespasser likely prevail, and if so, to what? (100 points)


UOTP The Information Systems and Computer Crimes Discussion Writing Assignment Help

You have been hired as a consultant to Riordan Manufacturing, which has just gone through a company reorganization. You have been asked to work with the new information technology (IT) assistant project director. The IT assistant project director has informed you that the company is expanding and will open a new office in Seattle, Washington. Your first project in your new role is to manage a team of techs as they work to expand the company’s IT infrastructure. Before the project can get started, you must collect and share background information with the team.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word project report in which you share the following:

  • Identify the Riordan Manufacturing’s information systems and their functionalities.
  • Describe three potential information attacks and why the information technology team should have a plan to protect against cybercrimes.
  • Explain Carter’s three classifications of computer crimes and how these classifications can aid in detecting crimes in Riordan Manufacturing’s network.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


Farewell to Manzanar Essya Writing Assignment Help

For your second formal writing assignment, please compose an essay that analyzes Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston’s Farewell to Manzanar. Choose ONE of the questions from below:

Please do not use secondary sources for this essay; however, you must include a quote from a fellow classmate’s Response Paper. Please use MLA formatting, including a properly formatted Works Cited page.

Option #1: Describe how Jeanne deals with ethnic / cultural / national identities. How does her “sense of self” shift throughout the book and how does she (try to) fit into a particularly “American” identity?

Option #2: One of your Response Papers asked you to analyze the change in family dynamics caused by internment. Expand upon that Paper with a developed, detailed essay that traces those changes, with a thesis that specifically asserts HOW the family changes.

I will provide reading, when u give me answer, provide a Turnitin report

Secondary sources ( peer’s work) below

“This is difficult for Jeanne because she is still young and since she is around so many Japanese people, versus her life with Papa before in the American neighborhood, makes it hard for her to identify with her American side. ” (classmate Britney Delong)

“Jeanne’s family begins to acculturate into white mainstream American culture by assimilating at the camps to regular American activities like bands, dance activities, clubs, and sports. They also found ways to employ themselves and have jobs that may be considered more American. Moreover, they were forced to take a loyalty oath against their country of origin, Japan. Growing up and living in both Japan and the US, Jeanne’s family finds themselves at a moral and cultural crossroads.” (Classmate Ashley Rinaldo)

”I’ve found myself feeling internal conflict with whether I am connected enough to Korean culture, and have also, unfortunately, faced some not so great people that have basically told me I’m either “not White enough” or “not Korean enough”.(Classmate Ashley Rinaldo)

“They had to make a decision to survive, or die knowing they did not turn their backs on their country. They took an oath saying they will in all ways be American, and do what ever it takes to defend their foreign country” (classmate Geraldine Rodriguez)


UCLA Ancient Jewish History Primary Source Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Choose one of the primary sources listed in the Course Schedule. I will give you my log in information to access the readings. Write a two-page double-spaced analysis of the primary source. The analysis should introduce the source and then answer the following questions: what is the physical nature of the source? What does its physical nature indicate about its function (i.e., what was the source originally produced for?)? What is the source’s purpose? What is its message? Who was the intended audience of the source? After you have answered these questions, provide a short analysis of the content of the source (i.e., evaluate and explain the important literary features and strategies of the source). This is a formal paper and should be well-written and well-organized. Include a Works Cited page with any secondary readings that assisted you in developing your ideas. Please use Chicago formatting style (see Purdue OWL for examples of this format). I would also encourage you to read the pages about evaluating primary sources in the Rampolla reading as part of your preparation for this assignment. Submit to turnitin.com no later than Tuesday, November 24th. In order to develop your paper, please use JSTOR.org (https://www.jstor.org/) and the Young Research Library database (https://catalog.library.ucla.edu/)



Have a PDF file of the given list of primary sources


Bethel University Wk 3 Correctional Institutions Classifications Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The topics in unit 3 included various classifications of employees who work in correctional facilities, and how cross-training security staff and non-security staff can enhance the well-being of inmates and employees. Also included are philosophes of inmate management, inmate self-help programs, and how inmate classification systems should be administered. Finally, the issues of gender-based classifications and meeting the different needs of female offenders are examined. For this unit’s Complete assignment, write a comprehensive scholarly essay (minimum 1600 words) in which you analyze, explain, and apply these concepts in the context of a law enforcement organization. You must incorporate and cite, using correct APA citation format, at least four different scholarly research sources. Be sure your essay demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the READ section from this unit. In-line citations must be used in the body of your essay, and all research sources must be fully cited at the conclusion of your essay. Correct APA citation formats must be used.

Your essay should review recent innovations in cross training for correctional facility staff. What are the two main classifications of employees at correctional institutions and how do their roles differ? What elements should be included in a model cross-training program? How should training be implemented so that the security of employees and well-being of inmates are enhanced? Your essay should address how a warden should merge good security practices with inmate self-help programs. What correctional philosophy would you implement in a large correctional facility? What are the positive and negative implications of delegating classification decisions to non-security staff? Finally, you should explain why treating female offenders differently is or is not an acceptable approach to institution management.


HUM 110 CC The Rise of Islam and Centers of Culture Cases Comparative Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Compare/Contrast: Paper 3
Chapters 911: Sayre’s The Humanities: Culture, Continuity & Change, Third or Fourth Edition, Volume I
Chapter 9: “The Rise and Spread of Islam: A New Religion”
Chapter 10: “Fiefdom and Monastery, Pilgrimage and Crusade: The Early Medieval World in Europe”
Chapter 11: “Centers of Culture: Court and City in the Larger World”
I expect these papers to be 3 pages in length (typed, doublespaced, stapled), and written in the expository
(argument) style. (See the “Expository Writing” and “Formal Writing” pages at the end of the syllabus.) The papers must have:
1. an Introduction paragraph ending in a predictive thesis statement;
2. body paragraphs (BPs) which begin with a topic sentence and then fully develop and follow the order of your predictive thesis statement, giving a minimum of 35textual examples per BP topic; and
3. a Conclusion paragraph.

Pick ONE of the following four topics for your paper to be compared/contrasted between TWO examples from each of the TWO Chapters you have chosen (Chaps 911):
1 .Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of architecture from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen.
2. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of writing/literature from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen.
3. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of art/artifacts from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen.
4. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of power/hierarchy from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen. Remember, you will have ONE Theme/Topic, TWO Chapters, FOUR total examples, with 35 cited explanations for each of the four examples.
I will attach a sample of the thesis statement and should be one predictive sentence with strong claim and provides a structure for your argument
Remember, your 1-sentence thesis statement ends with a list of predictions. Each body paragraph follows that list of predictions, one prediction at a time, in order (see EW).
Each body paragraph must have sufficient examples to prove each of the points, and your citations (see FW #8) must be added parenthetically at the end of each sentence.
EW = the Expository Writing handout — second to last page of Syllabus.
FW = the Formal Writing handout — last page of Syllabus.
For the reference you only using a book No GOOGLE
I will give access for a book in the chat


FIU Nursing Leadership & Management Budgeting Directed & Indirect Costs Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Read Chapter on Davis Plus: Finance. Answer the following questions and provide at least 3 references.

***For question 5-A I live in Miami, FL***

1-Mention the types of budgets that you know and give examples of them?

2- What is budgeting?

3- What is directed and indirect cost?

4- Give examples of productive and non-productive hours?

5- What does HMO, PPO, POS means?

A) Mention one example of each of then in your city, or state?

6- What is DRGs.?

7- Give some examples of strategies for Cost-conscious nursing practice that your Nursing unit use to lower medical care cost?

Attached is the chapter for this questions



Ashford University Images and Societal Values Humanities Assignment Help

please find acadimic sources as much you can about this question.

Many archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians view the manufacture and propagation of images (all kinds, not only sculpture) as a crucial means of cultural expression. Images can also be used to manipulate or influence people’s perceptions of their own societies and their choice of personal values. Having reflected on the material we examined from the Orientalizing, Archaic, Classical, and Late Classical periods, can you make a persuasive case that among the values represented as most important are individualism, competition, and youthfulness? Be sure to use specific examples to support your argument.

Ashford University Images and Societal Values Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

San Diego State University Business Law and Copyright Infringement Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

The purpose of this project is for you to analyze an event that has legal consequences (we call this a fact pattern) that is related to some of the topics we are covering in class. I have provided multiple fact patterns from which you may choose ONE (dealing with torts, easements or contractual issues (which we will cover in Chapters 10-12)) or you can come up with a situation related to topics we have already covered that interest you, as long as I have approved it in advance.

The assignment is to prepare a 500-1000 word analysis using the IRAC method (which is explained in the posted video titled “IRAC Video on Method of Analysis”, and requires you to identify the relevant facts, the specific legal issue implicated, the applicable rules or law, and then provide an analysis and conclusion of how the “case” might be decided.

You may work as a “solo attorney” on this project or in a “law firm” of up to 3 attorneys. Please identify your firm through this portal.

Check in with me by October 29, identifying your project and the attorney(s) assigned to it.

Project Due date is Nov. 24, 2020, 11:59pm. It must be submitted through this portal as instructed. You will have two attempts to upload the project in case you need to correct an error in submission (i.e., you uploaded the wrong version, etc.)

Fact Pattern Choices (Choose One, or you may present a different fact pattern to me for approval)

One (Contracts)

On Thursday, May 14, Tenant received the following letter from Shore: “Dear Tenant, I will let you have my ‘Shore House’ for this June through August season, same terms under which you occupied it last year. Please reply in a week.” Tenant noticed Shore’s letter was postmarked May 11. Earlier in May, Tenant had made inquiry at “The Cliffs,” a mountain resort owned by Cliff. In Cliff’s absence, Joe, one of Cliff’s caretakers, had shown Tenant two available houses, “Hi-Vu” and “Lo-Vu,” which Joe stated were listed for rent at $6,000 and $3,000, respectively, for one season.

On May 15, Tenant received a letter from Cliff which read, “This confirms statements by Joe.

You may have Hi-Vu at $6,000, or Lo-Vu at $3,000, for the season June through August, all services included, payable in equal monthly installments.”

On May 17, Tenant wrote to Cliff as follows, “I think your prices are high. Will you take $5,000 for Hi-Vu? If not, then I’ll have to settle for Lo-Vu, and I agree to pay the $3,000 you ask, only I hope you may be willing to consider some concession if I pay the whole $3,000 in advance.”

On May 17, Tenant learned that Shore had sold Shore House to Jones for Jones’s immediate

occupancy. On May 18, Cliff received Tenant’s letter and Cliff immediately telegraphed Tenant, “No change in prices. See my letter of the 16th.” Tenant received Cliff’s telegram the same day, May 18. Later that day Tenant also received Cliff’s letter of May 16, which read, “Our deal is off.” Tenant immediately wrote Shore, “I’ll take Shore House per your letter of the 11th.”

The normal course of post between Tenant and Shore and Tenant and Cliff was one day.

You may assume that all requirements of the Statute of Frauds have been satisfied. What rights, if any, does Tenant have against Shore and against Cliff? Discuss. (100 Points)

Two (Contracts)

On April 1, Ann Star, a young television personality, signs a contract with Bland Television Network to perform May 1 in a one-hour “live” TV show from 8 to 9 p.m. Bland agrees to pay Star $1,000 for this performance. The contract also provides that if for any reason Star does not appear as scheduled, she will “forfeit the sum of $25,000 to Bland as liquidated damages.”

On April 10, Star informs Bland that she is suffering from acute fatigue and that her physician

probably will not allow her to appear as scheduled. Bland immediately urges her in writing to fulfill her contractual obligations.

On April 15, Star tells Bland that she has miraculously recovered and will appear as scheduled on the May 1 show.

On April 23, Bland informs Star that, due to her unpredictability, it has hired actress Prima Donnaas of that date and will not require Star’s services.

On April 28, Prima Donna breaks her leg in an accident. Bland immediately wires Star that it has

reconsidered the whole matter and will hold her to the original contract to perform on May 1.

On the evening of May 1, Star appears at the studio ready to perform, but Bland, acting under orders from the Federal Communications Commission, cancels the show in order to broadcast a special address by the President of the United States.

Discuss the legal implications of the foregoing events. (100 Points)

Three (Contracts, Torts)

Buyer, who was in the market for a car, heard that Seller wanted to sell his car for $5,000. On June 1, Buyer visited Seller and saw the car. Buyer asked Seller about the car’s condition. In response, Seller said, “The car is in tip-top shape—the brakes and clutch were replaced in the last six months. It’s in beautiful shape for a vehicle of this age. Good for another 100,000 miles easy.” Seller agreed to sell the car to Buyer for $5,000. They both signed the following document: “Seller agrees to sell, and Buyer agrees to buy, Seller’s car for the price of $5,000. Buyer will pick up the car at Seller’s home on June 2 and pay Seller $5,000 in cash at that time.”

On June 2, Buyer came to Seller’s home. Before handing the payment to Seller, Buyer said, “I’d like my mechanic to look at the car to make sure that it is as you represented it.” Seller responded, “Don’t waste money on a mechanic. The car is exactly as I described it.” Even though Buyer, while at Seller’s home, had no way to tell if the brakes and clutch were as represented, Buyer thought that it would be a waste of time and money to visit a mechanic and thus decided to proceed with the transaction. Accordingly, after briefly inspecting the car, Buyer gave Seller $5,000 in cash. Seller handed Buyer the keys to the car, and Buyer left with the car.

On June 10, the car broke down and Buyer had it towed to a mechanic’s shop. After looking at the car, the mechanic accurately told Buyer that the clutch had failed because it was old and needed to be replaced. The mechanic also warned Buyer that the brakes were unsafe and that the engine needed a complete overhaul or it would not last another 10,000 miles. The mechanic told Buyer that if the car had been as represented by Seller, it would have had a market value of $5,000, but in its current condition the car was worth only about $500—its value as salvage for parts.

On June 11, Buyer hand-delivered a letter to Seller. The letter informed Seller that Buyer was revoking his acceptance of the car and that Seller could recover his car at the mechanic’s shop.

What rights, if any, does Buyer have against Seller? Explain. (100 Points)

Four (Easements, etc)

Ned Parker owns a vineyard on 100 acres he owns, which he has farmed for many years. He also owns an easement in the form of a dirt footpath (50” wide) across some of his neighbor’s land that he uses daily to quickly reach the southern 20 acres of his vineyard, which he calls the Merlot Block. After several years, Ned concludes that the grapes from the Merlot Block of the vineyard are not being economically productive at current market prices, so he stops cultivating the Merlot Block and thus stops using the footpath. He continues to cultivate the remainder of his vineyard, which is planted to Cabernet and is very profitable in the current market.

  1. After one year of non-use of the footpath, can the neighboring landowner successfully claim that the easement has been terminated by abandonment? Explain why or why not. (25 Points)
  2. Suppose in addition to the facts above, after discontinuing his cultivation of the Merlot Block, Ned leased it to another winemaker (“Big Wine Co”) who tripled the production of the vineyard and began using All-Terrain-Vehicles (50” wide, gas powered) on the footpath to access the vineyard daily, if not multiple times daily. How would this situation affect the rights of the Ned, Big Wine Co and the neighbor as to the easement? Be sure to explain the rights and obligations of each party, including the lease, change in use, etc. (50 Points)
  3. Suppose Ned instead sold the Merlot Block to a developer who cleared the vineyard and built several apartment buildings on the 20 acre plot and installed a fence and landscaping across the footpath easement. How would this affect the rights of the developer and the neighbor as to the easement? Explain. (25 Points)

Five (Intellectual Property)

  • While he was in high school, Joel Gibb downloaded numerous songs to his smartphone from an unlicensed file-sharing service.
  • He used portions of the copyrighted songs when he recorded his own band and posted videos on You Tube and Facebook.
  • Gibb also used Bit Torrent to download several movies from the Internet.
  • Now he has applied to Boston University.
  • The admissions office has requested access to his Facebook password, and he has complied.
  • What laws, if any, did Gibb violate by downloading the music and videos from the Internet? (25 points)
  • Was Gibb’s use of portions of copyrighted songs in his own music illegal? Explain. (25 points)
  • Can individuals legally post copyrighted content on their Facebook pages? Why or why not? (25 points)
  • Did Boston University violate any laws when it asked Joel to provide his Facebook password? Explain (25 points)

Six (Contracts)

Assume both parties are merchants and all letters are signed by the sender.

Letter One: P sends to D a promise to buy 35 carloads of widgets. She wants a discount from the usual price of $2.00/widget to $1.50/widget. She also wants to know if she can have 10 extra carloads if she needs it. Assume the letter also clearly manifests intent to enter into a bargain.

Letter Two: D replies to P. He says “we cannot cut our price that much.” He offers 35 carloads of widgets at $1.80/widget. Also states that he cannot send more than 35 carloads.

Letter Three: P relies to D. She says, “If $1.80 is the best you can do, we are inclined to take it.” Also accepts the fact that she will not be able to get the 10 extra carloads. She does, however, request that all the widgets be blue.

Letter Four: D replies to P. Says blue widgets are more expensive to make and that price would be $1.85/widget.

Letter Five: P replies to D. Says she can’t afford $1.85/widget, so send any colors. Also states, “Enclosed is my check for $5,000 as a down payment in token of my good faith.” Facts do not state whether D signed or deposited check.

Later, P telephoned D to request her first shipment. D tells her to “Bug off” and does not send any widgets.

What are the rights and duties of each parties? (100 points)

Seven (Easements)

A landowner owned a large parcel of land in a rural area. He built his home on the northern half of the property, and developed a large orchard of fruit trees on the southern portion. A county road ran in front of the northern portion. To service his orchard, the landowner built a driveway directly from the county road across the northern portion of the property to the orchard. To provide electricity to his house, the landowner ran an overhead power line across the orchard property to hook up to the only available electric power pole located on the far southern side of the property.

Subsequently, the landowner conveyed the northern parcel to his brother and the southern parcel to his daughter, who said that she did not mind having the power line on the property. Recently, the brother has begun parking his car on the driveway, thus blocking the daughter’s access to the southern parcel. Finding no recorded document granting an easement for the power line, the daughter has decided to remove it.

If the brother is successful in preventing the daughter from removing the power line, what is the likely reason? (100 points)

Eight (Easements)

A landowner owned a large tract of land, which he divided into two parcels. The northern parcel abutted a public highway. The shortest route from the southern parcel to the highway was over a private road that crossed the northern parcel. The other route was over a single-lane dirt and gravel path that wound for over four miles through the woods. The landowner sold the southern parcel to a developer, including an express easement in the private road across the northern parcel. The landowner knew of the developer’s plans to open an inn on the property. The developer built the inn but never opened it to the public.

Fifteen years later, the developer sold the southern parcel to an investor, who planned to open the inn to the public. The developer had never properly recorded her deed to the land, but the investor promptly recorded her deed, which made no mention of a right to cross the northern parcel via the private road. About a week after the investor took possession of the southern parcel, she learned of the provision in the developer’s deed to the land. However, the landowner refuses to grant the investor permission to use the road across his property to reach the highway.

Does the investor have a right to cross the northern parcel? (100 points)

Nine (Trespass)

A California landowner was declared insane and committed to a state mental hospital 30 years ago. Five years after that, a trespasser entered onto the landowner’s 200-acre parcel of land, which was enclosed by a barbed wire fence. A solid wood fence ran through the middle of the land, separating the property into approximately equal east and west parcels. The trespasser began grazing cattle on the west parcel; no one else has been in possession of any other part of the 200 acres. Other than grazing cattle on the land, the trespasser made no other improvements except for occasionally parking a RV trailer on the parcel when he needed to stay overnight on limited occasions to tend the cattle. The period of time to acquire title by adverse possession is 5 years in California. Thirteen years ago, the landowner was declared competent and released from the hospital, but he did nothing until this year, when he brought an action to eject the trespasser. The trespasser counterclaimed to quiet title to the 200 acre parcel in his name.

In this action, will the trespasser likely prevail, and if so, to what? (100 points)


UOTP The Information Systems and Computer Crimes Discussion Writing Assignment Help

You have been hired as a consultant to Riordan Manufacturing, which has just gone through a company reorganization. You have been asked to work with the new information technology (IT) assistant project director. The IT assistant project director has informed you that the company is expanding and will open a new office in Seattle, Washington. Your first project in your new role is to manage a team of techs as they work to expand the company’s IT infrastructure. Before the project can get started, you must collect and share background information with the team.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word project report in which you share the following:

  • Identify the Riordan Manufacturing’s information systems and their functionalities.
  • Describe three potential information attacks and why the information technology team should have a plan to protect against cybercrimes.
  • Explain Carter’s three classifications of computer crimes and how these classifications can aid in detecting crimes in Riordan Manufacturing’s network.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


Farewell to Manzanar Essya Writing Assignment Help

For your second formal writing assignment, please compose an essay that analyzes Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston’s Farewell to Manzanar. Choose ONE of the questions from below:

Please do not use secondary sources for this essay; however, you must include a quote from a fellow classmate’s Response Paper. Please use MLA formatting, including a properly formatted Works Cited page.

Option #1: Describe how Jeanne deals with ethnic / cultural / national identities. How does her “sense of self” shift throughout the book and how does she (try to) fit into a particularly “American” identity?

Option #2: One of your Response Papers asked you to analyze the change in family dynamics caused by internment. Expand upon that Paper with a developed, detailed essay that traces those changes, with a thesis that specifically asserts HOW the family changes.

I will provide reading, when u give me answer, provide a Turnitin report

Secondary sources ( peer’s work) below

“This is difficult for Jeanne because she is still young and since she is around so many Japanese people, versus her life with Papa before in the American neighborhood, makes it hard for her to identify with her American side. ” (classmate Britney Delong)

“Jeanne’s family begins to acculturate into white mainstream American culture by assimilating at the camps to regular American activities like bands, dance activities, clubs, and sports. They also found ways to employ themselves and have jobs that may be considered more American. Moreover, they were forced to take a loyalty oath against their country of origin, Japan. Growing up and living in both Japan and the US, Jeanne’s family finds themselves at a moral and cultural crossroads.” (Classmate Ashley Rinaldo)

”I’ve found myself feeling internal conflict with whether I am connected enough to Korean culture, and have also, unfortunately, faced some not so great people that have basically told me I’m either “not White enough” or “not Korean enough”.(Classmate Ashley Rinaldo)

“They had to make a decision to survive, or die knowing they did not turn their backs on their country. They took an oath saying they will in all ways be American, and do what ever it takes to defend their foreign country” (classmate Geraldine Rodriguez)


UCLA Ancient Jewish History Primary Source Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Choose one of the primary sources listed in the Course Schedule. I will give you my log in information to access the readings. Write a two-page double-spaced analysis of the primary source. The analysis should introduce the source and then answer the following questions: what is the physical nature of the source? What does its physical nature indicate about its function (i.e., what was the source originally produced for?)? What is the source’s purpose? What is its message? Who was the intended audience of the source? After you have answered these questions, provide a short analysis of the content of the source (i.e., evaluate and explain the important literary features and strategies of the source). This is a formal paper and should be well-written and well-organized. Include a Works Cited page with any secondary readings that assisted you in developing your ideas. Please use Chicago formatting style (see Purdue OWL for examples of this format). I would also encourage you to read the pages about evaluating primary sources in the Rampolla reading as part of your preparation for this assignment. Submit to turnitin.com no later than Tuesday, November 24th. In order to develop your paper, please use JSTOR.org (https://www.jstor.org/) and the Young Research Library database (https://catalog.library.ucla.edu/)



Have a PDF file of the given list of primary sources


Bethel University Wk 3 Correctional Institutions Classifications Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The topics in unit 3 included various classifications of employees who work in correctional facilities, and how cross-training security staff and non-security staff can enhance the well-being of inmates and employees. Also included are philosophes of inmate management, inmate self-help programs, and how inmate classification systems should be administered. Finally, the issues of gender-based classifications and meeting the different needs of female offenders are examined. For this unit’s Complete assignment, write a comprehensive scholarly essay (minimum 1600 words) in which you analyze, explain, and apply these concepts in the context of a law enforcement organization. You must incorporate and cite, using correct APA citation format, at least four different scholarly research sources. Be sure your essay demonstrates a comprehensive understanding of the READ section from this unit. In-line citations must be used in the body of your essay, and all research sources must be fully cited at the conclusion of your essay. Correct APA citation formats must be used.

Your essay should review recent innovations in cross training for correctional facility staff. What are the two main classifications of employees at correctional institutions and how do their roles differ? What elements should be included in a model cross-training program? How should training be implemented so that the security of employees and well-being of inmates are enhanced? Your essay should address how a warden should merge good security practices with inmate self-help programs. What correctional philosophy would you implement in a large correctional facility? What are the positive and negative implications of delegating classification decisions to non-security staff? Finally, you should explain why treating female offenders differently is or is not an acceptable approach to institution management.


HUM 110 CC The Rise of Islam and Centers of Culture Cases Comparative Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Compare/Contrast: Paper 3
Chapters 911: Sayre’s The Humanities: Culture, Continuity & Change, Third or Fourth Edition, Volume I
Chapter 9: “The Rise and Spread of Islam: A New Religion”
Chapter 10: “Fiefdom and Monastery, Pilgrimage and Crusade: The Early Medieval World in Europe”
Chapter 11: “Centers of Culture: Court and City in the Larger World”
I expect these papers to be 3 pages in length (typed, doublespaced, stapled), and written in the expository
(argument) style. (See the “Expository Writing” and “Formal Writing” pages at the end of the syllabus.) The papers must have:
1. an Introduction paragraph ending in a predictive thesis statement;
2. body paragraphs (BPs) which begin with a topic sentence and then fully develop and follow the order of your predictive thesis statement, giving a minimum of 35textual examples per BP topic; and
3. a Conclusion paragraph.

Pick ONE of the following four topics for your paper to be compared/contrasted between TWO examples from each of the TWO Chapters you have chosen (Chaps 911):
1 .Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of architecture from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen.
2. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of writing/literature from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen.
3. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of art/artifacts from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen.
4. Compare and Contrast the following: TWO examples of power/hierarchy from EACH of the TWO Chapters you have chosen. Remember, you will have ONE Theme/Topic, TWO Chapters, FOUR total examples, with 35 cited explanations for each of the four examples.
I will attach a sample of the thesis statement and should be one predictive sentence with strong claim and provides a structure for your argument
Remember, your 1-sentence thesis statement ends with a list of predictions. Each body paragraph follows that list of predictions, one prediction at a time, in order (see EW).
Each body paragraph must have sufficient examples to prove each of the points, and your citations (see FW #8) must be added parenthetically at the end of each sentence.
EW = the Expository Writing handout — second to last page of Syllabus.
FW = the Formal Writing handout — last page of Syllabus.
For the reference you only using a book No GOOGLE
I will give access for a book in the chat


FIU Nursing Leadership & Management Budgeting Directed & Indirect Costs Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Read Chapter on Davis Plus: Finance. Answer the following questions and provide at least 3 references.

***For question 5-A I live in Miami, FL***

1-Mention the types of budgets that you know and give examples of them?

2- What is budgeting?

3- What is directed and indirect cost?

4- Give examples of productive and non-productive hours?

5- What does HMO, PPO, POS means?

A) Mention one example of each of then in your city, or state?

6- What is DRGs.?

7- Give some examples of strategies for Cost-conscious nursing practice that your Nursing unit use to lower medical care cost?

Attached is the chapter for this questions



Ashford University Images and Societal Values Humanities Assignment Help

please find acadimic sources as much you can about this question.

Many archaeologists, anthropologists, and historians view the manufacture and propagation of images (all kinds, not only sculpture) as a crucial means of cultural expression. Images can also be used to manipulate or influence people’s perceptions of their own societies and their choice of personal values. Having reflected on the material we examined from the Orientalizing, Archaic, Classical, and Late Classical periods, can you make a persuasive case that among the values represented as most important are individualism, competition, and youthfulness? Be sure to use specific examples to support your argument.

Ashford University Images and Societal Values Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

San Diego State University Business Law and Copyright Infringement Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

The purpose of this project is for you to analyze an event that has legal consequences (we call this a fact pattern) that is related to some of the topics we are covering in class. I have provided multiple fact patterns from which you may choose ONE (dealing with torts, easements or contractual issues (which we will cover in Chapters 10-12)) or you can come up with a situation related to topics we have already covered that interest you, as long as I have approved it in advance.

The assignment is to prepare a 500-1000 word analysis using the IRAC method (which is explained in the posted video titled “IRAC Video on Method of Analysis”, and requires you to identify the relevant facts, the specific legal issue implicated, the applicable rules or law, and then provide an analysis and conclusion of how the “case” might be decided.

You may work as a “solo attorney” on this project or in a “law firm” of up to 3 attorneys. Please identify your firm through this portal.

Check in with me by October 29, identifying your project and the attorney(s) assigned to it.

Project Due date is Nov. 24, 2020, 11:59pm. It must be submitted through this portal as instructed. You will have two attempts to upload the project in case you need to correct an error in submission (i.e., you uploaded the wrong version, etc.)

Fact Pattern Choices (Choose One, or you may present a different fact pattern to me for approval)

One (Contracts)

On Thursday, May 14, Tenant received the following letter from Shore: “Dear Tenant, I will let you have my ‘Shore House’ for this June through August season, same terms under which you occupied it last year. Please reply in a week.” Tenant noticed Shore’s letter was postmarked May 11. Earlier in May, Tenant had made inquiry at “The Cliffs,” a mountain resort owned by Cliff. In Cliff’s absence, Joe, one of Cliff’s caretakers, had shown Tenant two available houses, “Hi-Vu” and “Lo-Vu,” which Joe stated were listed for rent at $6,000 and $3,000, respectively, for one season.

On May 15, Tenant received a letter from Cliff which read, “This confirms statements by Joe.

You may have Hi-Vu at $6,000, or Lo-Vu at $3,000, for the season June through August, all services included, payable in equal monthly installments.”

On May 17, Tenant wrote to Cliff as follows, “I think your prices are high. Will you take $5,000 for Hi-Vu? If not, then I’ll have to settle for Lo-Vu, and I agree to pay the $3,000 you ask, only I hope you may be willing to consider some concession if I pay the whole $3,000 in advance.”

On May 17, Tenant learned that Shore had sold Shore House to Jones for Jones’s immediate

occupancy. On May 18, Cliff received Tenant’s letter and Cliff immediately telegraphed Tenant, “No change in prices. See my letter of the 16th.” Tenant received Cliff’s telegram the same day, May 18. Later that day Tenant also received Cliff’s letter of May 16, which read, “Our deal is off.” Tenant immediately wrote Shore, “I’ll take Shore House per your letter of the 11th.”

The normal course of post between Tenant and Shore and Tenant and Cliff was one day.

You may assume that all requirements of the Statute of Frauds have been satisfied. What rights, if any, does Tenant have against Shore and against Cliff? Discuss. (100 Points)

Two (Contracts)

On April 1, Ann Star, a young television personality, signs a contract with Bland Television Network to perform May 1 in a one-hour “live” TV show from 8 to 9 p.m. Bland agrees to pay Star $1,000 for this performance. The contract also provides that if for any reason Star does not appear as scheduled, she will “forfeit the sum of $25,000 to Bland as liquidated damages.”

On April 10, Star informs Bland that she is suffering from acute fatigue and that her physician

probably will not allow her to appear as scheduled. Bland immediately urges her in writing to fulfill her contractual obligations.

On April 15, Star tells Bland that she has miraculously recovered and will appear as scheduled on the May 1 show.

On April 23, Bland informs Star that, due to her unpredictability, it has hired actress Prima Donnaas of that date and will not require Star’s services.

On April 28, Prima Donna breaks her leg in an accident. Bland immediately wires Star that it has

reconsidered the whole matter and will hold her to the original contract to perform on May 1.

On the evening of May 1, Star appears at the studio ready to perform, but Bland, acting under orders from the Federal Communications Commission, cancels the show in order to broadcast a special address by the President of the United States.

Discuss the legal implications of the foregoing events. (100 Points)

Three (Contracts, Torts)

Buyer, who was in the market for a car, heard that Seller wanted to sell his car for $5,000. On June 1, Buyer visited Seller and saw the car. Buyer asked Seller about the car’s condition. In response, Seller said, “The car is in tip-top shape—the brakes and clutch were replaced in the last six months. It’s in beautiful shape for a vehicle of this age. Good for another 100,000 miles easy.” Seller agreed to sell the car to Buyer for $5,000. They both signed the following document: “Seller agrees to sell, and Buyer agrees to buy, Seller’s car for the price of $5,000. Buyer will pick up the car at Seller’s home on June 2 and pay Seller $5,000 in cash at that time.”

On June 2, Buyer came to Seller’s home. Before handing the payment to Seller, Buyer said, “I’d like my mechanic to look at the car to make sure that it is as you represented it.” Seller responded, “Don’t waste money on a mechanic. The car is exactly as I described it.” Even though Buyer, while at Seller’s home, had no way to tell if the brakes and clutch were as represented, Buyer thought that it would be a waste of time and money to visit a mechanic and thus decided to proceed with the transaction. Accordingly, after briefly inspecting the car, Buyer gave Seller $5,000 in cash. Seller handed Buyer the keys to the car, and Buyer left with the car.

On June 10, the car broke down and Buyer had it towed to a mechanic’s shop. After looking at the car, the mechanic accurately told Buyer that the clutch had failed because it was old and needed to be replaced. The mechanic also warned Buyer that the brakes were unsafe and that the engine needed a complete overhaul or it would not last another 10,000 miles. The mechanic told Buyer that if the car had been as represented by Seller, it would have had a market value of $5,000, but in its current condition the car was worth only about $500—its value as salvage for parts.

On June 11, Buyer hand-delivered a letter to Seller. The letter informed Seller that Buyer was revoking his acceptance of the car and that Seller could recover his car at the mechanic’s shop.

What rights, if any, does Buyer have against Seller? Explain. (100 Points)

Four (Easements, etc)

Ned Parker owns a vineyard on 100 acres he owns, which he has farmed for many years. He also owns an easement in the form of a dirt footpath (50” wide) across some of his neighbor’s land that he uses daily to quickly reach the southern 20 acres of his vineyard, which he calls the Merlot Block. After several years, Ned concludes that the grapes from the Merlot Block of the vineyard are not being economically productive at current market prices, so he stops cultivating the Merlot Block and thus stops using the footpath. He continues to cultivate the remainder of his vineyard, which is planted to Cabernet and is very profitable in the current market.

  1. After one year of non-use of the footpath, can the neighboring landowner successfully claim that the easement has been terminated by abandonment? Explain why or why not. (25 Points)
  2. Suppose in addition to the facts above, after discontinuing his cultivation of the Merlot Block, Ned leased it to another winemaker (“Big Wine Co”) who tripled the production of the vineyard and began using All-Terrain-Vehicles (50” wide, gas powered) on the footpath to access the vineyard daily, if not multiple times daily. How would this situation affect the rights of the Ned, Big Wine Co and the neighbor as to the easement? Be sure to explain the rights and obligations of each party, including the lease, change in use, etc. (50 Points)
  3. Suppose Ned instead sold the Merlot Block to a developer who cleared the vineyard and built several apartment buildings on the 20 acre plot and installed a fence and landscaping across the footpath easement. How would this affect the rights of the developer and the neighbor as to the easement? Explain. (25 Points)

Five (Intellectual Property)

  • While he was in high school, Joel Gibb downloaded numerous songs to his smartphone from an unlicensed file-sharing service.
  • He used portions of the copyrighted songs when he recorded his own band and posted videos on You Tube and Facebook.
  • Gibb also used Bit Torrent to download several movies from the Internet.
  • Now he has applied to Boston University.
  • The admissions office has requested access to his Facebook password, and he has complied.
  • What laws, if any, did Gibb violate by downloading the music and videos from the Internet? (25 points)
  • Was Gibb’s use of portions of copyrighted songs in his own music illegal? Explain. (25 points)
  • Can individuals legally post copyrighted content on their Facebook pages? Why or why not? (25 points)
  • Did Boston University violate any laws when it asked Joel to provide his Facebook password? Explain (25 points)

Six (Contracts)

Assume both parties are merchants and all letters are signed by the sender.

Letter One: P sends to D a promise to buy 35 carloads of widgets. She wants a discount from the usual price of $2.00/widget to $1.50/widget. She also wants to know if she can have 10 extra carloads if she needs it. Assume the letter also clearly manifests intent to enter into a bargain.

Letter Two: D replies to P. He says “we cannot cut our price that much.” He offers 35 carloads of widgets at $1.80/widget. Also states that he cannot send more than 35 carloads.

Letter Three: P relies to D. She says, “If $1.80 is the best you can do, we are inclined to take it.” Also accepts the fact that she will not be able to get the 10 extra carloads. She does, however, request that all the widgets be blue.

Letter Four: D replies to P. Says blue widgets are more expensive to make and that price would be $1.85/widget.

Letter Five: P replies to D. Says she can’t afford $1.85/widget, so send any colors. Also states, “Enclosed is my check for $5,000 as a down payment in token of my good faith.” Facts do not state whether D signed or deposited check.

Later, P telephoned D to request her first shipment. D tells her to “Bug off” and does not send any widgets.

What are the rights and duties of each parties? (100 points)

Seven (Easements)

A landowner owned a large parcel of land in a rural area. He built his home on the northern half of the property, and developed a large orchard of fruit trees on the southern portion. A county road ran in front of the northern portion. To service his orchard, the landowner built a driveway directly from the county road across the northern portion of the property to the orchard. To provide electricity to his house, the landowner ran an overhead power line across the orchard property to hook up to the only available electric power pole located on the far southern side of the property.

Subsequently, the landowner conveyed the northern parcel to his brother and the southern parcel to his daughter, who said that she did not mind having the power line on the property. Recently, the brother has begun parking his car on the driveway, thus blocking the daughter’s access to the southern parcel. Finding no recorded document granting an easement for the power line, the daughter has decided to remove it.

If the brother is successful in preventing the daughter from removing the power line, what is the likely reason? (100 points)

Eight (Easements)

A landowner owned a large tract of land, which he divided into two parcels. The northern parcel abutted a public highway. The shortest route from the southern parcel to the highway was over a private road that crossed the northern parcel. The other route was over a single-lane dirt and gravel path that wound for over four miles through the woods. The landowner sold the southern parcel to a developer, including an express easement in the private road across the northern parcel. The landowner knew of the developer’s plans to open an inn on the property. The developer built the inn but never opened it to the public.

Fifteen years later, the developer sold the southern parcel to an investor, who planned to open the inn to the public. The developer had never properly recorded her deed to the land, but the investor promptly recorded her deed, which made no mention of a right to cross the northern parcel via the private road. About a week after the investor took possession of the southern parcel, she learned of the provision in the developer’s deed to the land. However, the landowner refuses to grant the investor permission to use the road across his property to reach the highway.

Does the investor have a right to cross the northern parcel? (100 points)

Nine (Trespass)

A California landowner was declared insane and committed to a state mental hospital 30 years ago. Five years after that, a trespasser entered onto the landowner’s 200-acre parcel of land, which was enclosed by a barbed wire fence. A solid wood fence ran through the middle of the land, separating the property into approximately equal east and west parcels. The trespasser began grazing cattle on the west parcel; no one else has been in possession of any other part of the 200 acres. Other than grazing cattle on the land, the trespasser made no other improvements except for occasionally parking a RV trailer on the parcel when he needed to stay overnight on limited occasions to tend the cattle. The period of time to acquire title by adverse possession is 5 years in California. Thirteen years ago, the landowner was declared competent and released from the hospital, but he did nothing until this year, when he brought an action to eject the trespasser. The trespasser counterclaimed to quiet title to the 200 acre parcel in his name.

In this action, will the trespasser likely prevail, and if so, to what? (100 points)


UOTP The Information Systems and Computer Crimes Discussion Writing Assignment Help

You have been hired as a consultant to Riordan Manufacturing, which has just gone through a company reorganization. You have been asked to work with the new information technology (IT) assistant project director. The IT assistant project director has informed you that the company is expanding and will open a new office in Seattle, Washington. Your first project in your new role is to manage a team of techs as they work to expand the company’s IT infrastructure. Before the project can get started, you must collect and share background information with the team.

Write a 700- to 1,050-word project report in which you share the following:

  • Identify the Riordan Manufacturing’s information systems and their functionalities.
  • Describe three potential information attacks and why the information technology team should have a plan to protect against cybercrimes.
  • Explain Carter’s three classifications of computer crimes and how these classifications can aid in detecting crimes in Riordan Manufacturing’s network.

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.


Farewell to Manzanar Essya Writing Assignment Help

For your second formal writing assignment, please compose an essay that analyzes Jeanne Wakatsuki Houston’s Farewell to Manzanar. Choose ONE of the questions from below:

Please do not use secondary sources for this essay; however, you must include a quote from a fellow classmate’s Response Paper. Please use MLA formatting, including a properly formatted Works Cited page.

Option #1: Describe how Jeanne deals with ethnic / cultural / national identities. How does her “sense of self” shift throughout the book and how does she (try to) fit into a particularly “American” identity?

Option #2: One of your Response Papers asked you to analyze the change in family dynamics caused by internment. Expand upon that Paper with a developed, detailed essay that traces those changes, with a thesis that specifically asserts HOW the family changes.

I will provide reading, when u give me answer, provide a Turnitin report

Secondary sources ( peer’s work) below

“This is difficult for Jeanne because she is still young and since she is around so many Japanese people, versus her life with Papa before in the American neighborhood, makes it hard for her to identify with her American side. ” (classmate Britney Delong)

“Jeanne’s family begins to acculturate into white mainstream American culture by assimilating at the camps to regular American activities like bands, dance activities, clubs, and sports. They also found ways to employ themselves and have jobs that may be considered more American. Moreover, they were forced to take a loyalty oath against their country of origin, Japan. Growing up and living in both Japan and the US, Jeanne’s family finds themselves at a moral and cultural crossroads.” (Classmate Ashley Rinaldo)

”I’ve found myself feeling internal conflict with whether I am connected enough to Korean culture, and have also, unfortunately, faced some not so great people that have basically told me I’m either “not White enough” or “not Korean enough”.(Classmate Ashley Rinaldo)

“They had to make a decision to survive, or die knowing they did not turn their backs on their country. They took an oath saying they will in all ways be American, and do what ever it takes to defend their foreign country” (classmate Geraldine Rodriguez)


UCLA Ancient Jewish History Primary Source Analysis Writing Assignment Help

Choose one of the primary sources listed in the Course Schedule. I will give you my log in information to access the readings. Write a two-page double-spaced analysis of the primary source. The analysis should introduce the source and then answer the following questions: what is the physical nature of the source? What does its physical nature indicate about its function (i.e., what was the source originally produced for?)? What is the source’s purpose? What is its message? Who was the intended audience of the source? After you have answered these questions, provide a short analysis of the content of the source (i.e., evaluate and explain the important literary features and strategies of the source). This is a formal paper and should be well-written and well-organized. Include a Works Cited page with any secondary readings that assisted you in developing your ideas. Please use Chicago formatting style (see Purdue OWL for examples of this format). I would also encourage you to read the pages about evaluating primary sources in the Rampolla reading as part of your preparation for this assignment. Submit to turnitin.com no later than Tuesday, November 24th. In order to develop your paper, please use JSTOR.org (https://www.jstor.org/) and the Young Research Library database (https://catalog.library.ucla.edu/)


SWK 3320 Troy Kübler Ross Model of Grieving Process to Carmens Scenario Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

SWK 3320 Troy Kübler Ross Model of Grieving Process to Carmens Scenario Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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