SWOT analysis, for Data Loss Prevention Engineering Assignment Help. SWOT analysis, for Data Loss Prevention Engineering Assignment Help.
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– Prepare a SWOT Analysis Table ( see attached sample)
– Plan People, Process, and Data Governance Issues ( 2-3 pages)
– 3 PPT slide
Step: Prepare a SWOT Analysis Table
The area that the SWOT analysis will focus are as follows:
Internet of things (IoT)
big data analytics
data obfuscation
You’ve identified the technologies and devices, and listed the goals and objectives for their use in the organization. In this step, you will justify adding these devices and technologies to the network infrastructure.
In order to do this, perform a strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) analysis of each device/technology being introduced into the infrastructure. A SWOT analysis is a framework that allows you to identify internal and external factors that can affect the implementation of new technology. Such a process can be helpful for decision making and strategic planning.
Look at internal and external factors that could influence the successful introduction with respect to the company specific business model and operations. Internal factors are the strengths and weaknesses you found. External factors are the opportunities and threats identified during the SWOT analysis. Determine what these are. Address the following questions in your discussion:
- How do they influence the operation and maintenance of the network?
- What can be done to overcome these factors?
As cybersecurity professionals, you and your team members should stress security- related analysis and create a SWOT chart that includes internal and external factors.
This chart and the overall analysis should be a significant part of the Strategic Technology Plan for Data Loss Prevention.
In the next step, you and your team members will consider any issues that might come up when you integrate and implement the new devices and technologies.
Step 7: Plan People, Process, and Data Governance Issues
You and your team have completed the lab where you updated the company’s data-flow chart with the various systems. In this step, you will consider some overall issues for implementation. People, process, and data governance is often one of the most important aspects of deploying technology. During this step, think about what processes might already be in place and what changes will be required by the introduction of the new devices and technologies. Think of governance, personnel changes, hiring, and training requirements for users and systems administrators. Determine any gaps or shortcomings that will need to be addressed now or in the future. Think of what accommodations are needed to handle the new technology being deployed in the network.
SWOT analysis, for Data Loss Prevention Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Knowledge of the Child Development Continuum Writing Assignment Help
To complete this Assessment:
- Download the CD002 Short-Answer Template and answer each question.
- Download the Writing Checklist to review prior to submitting your Assessment. All submissions must follow the conventions of scholarly writing.
- You are strongly encouraged to complete the APA modules in the Writing Center. Properly formatted APA citations and references must be provided where appropriate. Submissions that do not meet these expectations will be returned without scoring.
This Assessment requires submission of one (1) document: a completed Short-Answer Template. Save this file as CD002_firstinitial_lastname (for example, CD002_J_Smith). When you are ready to upload your completed Assessment, use the Assessment tab on the top navigation menu.
Before submitting your Assessment, carefully review the rubric. This is the same rubric the assessor will use to evaluate your submission and it provides detailed criteria describing how to achieve or master the Competency. Many students find that understanding the requirements of the Assessment and the rubric criteria help them direct their focus and use their time most productively.
URGEN, URGEN ,URGENT I have a an operation management homework , can u help? Business Finance Assignment Help
some one from study-pool sent me the solution, but unfortunately his solution was totally wrong and i already paid him/her.
I need some one to check the solution and solve it correctly in less than an hour.
Assignment Question(s):(Marks 5)
Sequence the jobs shown below by using a Gantt chart. Assume that the move time between machines is one hour. Sequence the jobs in priority order 1, 2, 3, 4.
Job Work Center/Machine HoursDue Date (days) |
1 |
A/3, B/2, C/2 |
3 |
2 |
C/2, A/4 |
2 |
3 |
B/6, A/1, C/3 |
4 |
4 |
C/4, A/1, B/2 |
3 |
- Using finite capacity scheduling, draw a Gantt chart for the schedule (Marks 0.5)
- What is the makespan? (Marks 0.5)
- How much machine idle time is there? (Marks 0.5)
- How much idle time (waiting time) is there for each job? (Marks 0.5)
- When is each job delivered? (Marks 0.5)
- Which department is the bottleneck? (Marks 0.5)
- Calculate the machine utilization? (Marks 0.5)
Question 2:
A public accounting firm requires the following activities
for an audit:
Activity |
Immediate Predecessor |
Activity time |
A |
– |
3 |
B |
A |
2 |
C |
– |
5 |
D |
B, C |
2 |
E |
A |
4 |
F |
B, C |
6 |
G |
E, D |
5 |
- Draw a network for this project? (Marks 0.5)
- Make a forward pass and a backward pass to determine ES, LS, EF, and LF? (Marks 0.5)
- What are the critical path? (Marks 0.5)
I attached the homework file, and the wrong solotion as well
Gilgamesh/mortality and Why is Odyssey timeless Humanities Assignment Help
1. Tablet XI illuminates Gilgamesh’s concern about mortality; using quotes from the literature and an example from contemporary literature or film or from your own experience, explain how the concern of this ancient character is a concern of people today.
2. What makes “The Odyssey” timeless? What is so appealing that it invites retellings in poetry and film, like O Brother, Where Art Thou? (Links to an external site.) Use at least one quote from the literature as supporting evidence.
Answers to each discussion question needs to be answered independantly, in your own ideas written in your words; outside sources should not be consulted or quoted. Two questions, Two separate responses. I want to hear your reactions to the literature you’re reading based on your thoughts and experiences.
Note from Professor:This week, one of your reading assignments is Section 6.03, “Direct Quotation of Sources,” in your APA manual. In every discussion and in each essay, you will be using quotes from the literature to support your argument. Be sure to introduce each quote, connecting it to your point, rather than letting it stand alone. For example, do this:
In “The Epic of Gilgamesh,” Enkidu’s death causes Gilgamesh to worry about his own mortality. He realizes that he, too, will die someday: “Shall I not die too? Am I not like Enkidu? Oh woe has entered my vitals! I have grown afraid of death, so I roam the steppe” (“The Epic,” 2013, p. 72).
Instead of this:
In “The Epic of Gilgamesh,” Enkidu’s death causes Gilgamesh to worry about his own mortality. “Shall I not die too? Am I not like Enkidu? Oh woe has entered my vitals! I have grown afraid of death, so I roam the steppe” (“The Epic,” 2013, p. 72).
In addition, since each piece of literature is part of an edited book, treat each one like a chapter when you format your References page; see example #25 on page 204 in your APA style manual. For example, this would be the reference for “The Odyssey”:
Homer. (2013). The odyssey. In Puchner, M., et al. (Eds.), The norton anthology of world literature (Shorter
3rd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 178-466). New York, NY: W. W. Norton.
An in-text citation after a quote from this story would look like this: (Homer, 2013, p. 179).
Writing 2 page essay following the instructions below Business Finance Assignment Help
Bull Dog is a craft brewery and pub located in Carrboro, North Carolina. In a span of three years, the owners have established a successful and profitable brewery in a competitive market. However, the owners now need to decide whether they should invest in equipment and labor to bottle some of their best selling beer. This case gives students the opportunity to use skills in reflective thinking, analysis, ethical understanding, and reasoning. After completion of this case, students will be able to:
- Assess those strategies the company might choose to promote its growth in the brewing industry,
- Evaluate those strategies to decide on the best fit for the company with the environment and the community,
- Explain how various pricing strategies would impact the company’s bottom line, and
- Give detailed reasons for a specific choice.
The Deliverable
Please write a 2 page paper (single-spaced within paragraphs, double-spaced between paragraphs, 1 inch standard margins, 12 PT Times Roman font) answering each of the questions below.
- Introduction: Summarize the case in your own words. Is the brewery ready to expand?
- NPV : Describe the NPV for this project in your paper and create a table (call this Figure 1) highlighting the key assumptions made and your answer. Be definitive. Would you or would you not invest in this project?
- Optional: Sensitivity Analysis (price of beer): How sensitive is the investment decision to the price of beer? The owners chose to sell its beer at a high price. Would the investment decision be the same if the beer sold for $1.00 less per six-pack at retail? Recalculate the NPV and be definitive. Would you or would you not invest in this project?
- CSR: The partners discussed more engagement in other social responsibility initiatives as they continue to grow. Describe initiatives Bull Dog could engage in to help its own triple bottom line (Social, Environmental, and Financial)?
- Conclusion: After evaluating NPV, what would you suggest should be Bull Dog’s next steps? In light of the financials, how should this brewery move forward with the project?
I only need you to copy the answers it is easy and quick task. Engineering Assignment Help
I have several homework regarding system dynamics class also I have the solutions. You will only need to copy some of the solutions in each homework as I will explain clearly but not all of them and ignore any MATLAB questions and do not copy any type of comments or notes that you see in any answers. please follow my instructions carefully because it can be plagiarism if you do not follow them.
in file ans system all the answers is there write them but DO NOT WRITE ANY COMMENTS OR EXPLANATIONS OR LIKE THE WORD SO, PLUG, ALSO just the problems solutions.
any comments or notes on the solutions it’s the dr’s note
so just keep in mind and do not write them
I only need you to copy the answers it is easy and quick task. Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Please write 3 paragraph response to answer the following questions using 2 readings Humanities Assignment Help
Below are the questions that have to be answered
How did pre-modern human societies manage and control diversity? “Diversity” here can either signify [1] socio-economic diversity, such as the existence of the rich and poor within the same city; [2] ethno-linguistic and/or religious diversity as was the case with numerous regions of the world that witnessed large scale population movements in antiquity; or even [3] social stratification within the same household, where gender roles were assigned by social convention and often strictly enforced by especially older men and women. You must answer the question using at least one of the primary sources you have read from weeks 2-5.
I attached the the week 2 and 5 reading.
Test Plan for Lab 1 Computer Science Assignment Help
Write this code using Visual studio and write the code in separate files and fallow all these steps.
Write a Test Plan and create a test driver to test the Lab 1 Key code. Create a text file with enough command inputs to _thoroughly_ test the Lab 1 code. Plan your command inputs to exercise all normal app input types as well as any special cases (like boundary conditions and purposely wrong commands as input).
Your test driver will initially check for the presence of a test input file. If the input file does not exist, the app should display the menu and execute as normal Lab 1 code. If the input file does exist, read each command input , execute the input, and write the results to an output text file. Be sure to number each test in your input file, and number and describe each test in your output file. Make it easy for a person reading your output file to tell what happened in the code.
Start with the posted Lab 1 Key.
Submit your .cpp and .h files, your command input text file, and your output text file with test results. Name your input file lab1_test_input.txt.
#include <iostream>
#include <stdlib.h>
using namespace std;
class BankAccount
//instances of the class
float balance, interestRate;
//default constructor
balance = 0;
interestRate = 0;
//getters and setters
void setBalance(float balance)
this->balance = balance;
float getBalance()
return balance;
void setInterestRate(float interestRate)
this->interestRate = interestRate;
float getInterestRate()
return interestRate;
//for performing deposit function
void deposit(float amount)
//deposit only when amount is more than 0
//else keep the balance unchanged
if (amount > 0)
balance += amount;
//for performing withdraw function
void withdraw(float amount)
//withdraw only when the amount is less than the balance
//else keep the balance unchanged
if (amount < balance)
balance -= amount;
//calculating the interest and adding it to the balance
void addInterest(int months)
interestRate = interestRate / 100;
for (int i = 0; i < months; i++)
balance = ((balance * interestRate) / 12) + balance;
int main()
BankAccount obj;
cout << “Initial Balance: $” << obj.getBalance() << endl;
cout << “Initial Interest Rate: ” << obj.getInterestRate() << “%” << endl;
//setting balance and interest rate
cout << “nAfter Setting the Balance and Interest Rate” << endl;
cout << “Balance: $” << obj.getBalance() << endl;
cout << “Interest Rate: ” << obj.getInterestRate() << “%” << endl;
cout << “nBalance after deposit: $” << obj.getBalance() << endl;
cout << “nBalance after withdraw: $” << obj.getBalance() << endl;
//after interest added
cout << “nBalance after interest added: $” << obj.getBalance() << endl;
intelligence community Law Assignment Help
Having spent this semester focused primarily on the U.S. intelligence community, with some observation of the intelligence community of other countries, it is now your turn to build your ideal intelligence community.
Graphical representations (flow charts, perhaps) are encouraged.
In a 6-10 page paper, develop an intelligence community from scratch. Consider who the policy makers (consumers of intelligence) are, and how they need to get intelligence. Consider who should be conducting the intelligence (civilian or military agencies, neither, or both). And finally, consider who should have oversight of the intelligence community.
This final paper/project provides you an opportunity to develop your ideal intelligence community. Sell me on why you developed what you developed.
Argumentative Essay Writing Assignment Help
- Choose a topic related to issues within the workplace that interests you.
- Sample topics could include a federal movement to mandate family leave for new parents, or new attempts to automate processes in the workplace through robots or other artificial intelligence forms.
- Research your topic thoroughly within multiple sources.
- Aim to find 4 sources of information total, with 2 of those coming from academic, peer-reviewed journals or texts.
- The sources should have a direct relationship and relevancy to the topic.
- When you feel like you have a grasp of the issues and positions on your topic, write an essay outlining the topic.
- Focusing on the research and commentary contained within the sources.
- Take a position on the topic, and support your position with explanations based on the research and your own experiences or expertise.
- The type of appeal you choose will be based on your perceptions of the audience and purpose of this paper.
- Be sure to include a comprehensive introduction and conclusion for your paper.
Assignment Requirements
- 5-6 pages
- Cite resources
APA style formatting
SWOT analysis, for Data Loss Prevention Engineering Assignment Help
SWOT analysis, for Data Loss Prevention Engineering Assignment Help