SYG 4119CBE Rasmussen College Digital Growth Timeline PTT Business Finance Assignment Help

SYG 4119CBE Rasmussen College Digital Growth Timeline PTT Business Finance Assignment Help. SYG 4119CBE Rasmussen College Digital Growth Timeline PTT Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Deliverable 1 – Digital Growth Timeline


This competency will allow you to demonstrate your ability evaluate how society’s structure adapts to digital growth.


You are working for a local department store in the Operations Department. You notice that their business practices and use of technology are not up to date. You have worked other places that have relied more on digital technology that have been extremely successful, in part because of their operating efficiency.

Your company is considering making upgrades to several of your operating processes. Because of your history of working in more technologically progressive environments, you are asked by your supervisor to create a visual presentation with a timeline of digital growth in the organization and compare it to the digital growth in society in general. In discussing this project with your boss, it is clear that digital growth can refer not only to Internet and computers, but it can also refer to other aspects of business operations such as cash registers, phone services, advertisements, various tools for communication, etc. Your supervisor asks that this timeline be created to help you, your supervisor, and other stakeholders determine the advantages and disadvantages of a proposed upgrade in technology in the workplace with the overall goal of understanding what systems can be put into place or maintained that can help the store run as efficiently as possible. You are told that the timeline can be in any visual format that you choose.

For this timeline, you are to reflect and address the following sets of questions:

  • What is digital growth? Where is the company now in terms of digital growth?
  • What are some examples of technological advances that could be used in a department store operation?
  • What are some possible advantages and disadvantages of using advanced technology?
  • What is Big Data? How might Big Data be used in this business?
  • What are some possible advantages and disadvantages of the store using Big Data?
  • Do you believe that updating technology and business practices will be advantageous? Why or Why not?

Grading Rubric

0 1 2 3 4
No Pass No Pass Competence Proficiency Mastery
Not Submitted No definition or examples of digital growth. Some explanation with brief examples of digital growth. Good definition with some detailed examples of digital growth in the company. Detailed definition and fully developed examples of digital growth in the company.
Not Submitted Does not address advantages or disadvantages of using advanced technology. Briefly addresses advantages or disadvantages of using advanced technology. Addresses advantages and disadvantages of using advanced technology with some detailed examples. Addresses advantages and disadvantages of using advanced technology with fully supported examples.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to define or give examples of Big Data. Briefly defines or gives example of Big Data. Correctly defines and gives examples of Big Data with some detail. Defines Big Data and offers strong examples of its use for the company.
Not Submitted No noticeable attempt to address advantages or disadvantages of Big Data. Attempts to address advantages or disadvantages of Big Data. Addresses advantages and disadvantages of Big Data. Addresses advantages and disadvantages of Big Data with strong examples for the company.
Not Submitted No opinion offered regarding proposed upgrades. Attempts to offer opinion about proposed upgrades with no detail. Offers opinion about proposed upgrades with good detail. Offers opinion about proposed upgrades with strong detail.

SYG 4119CBE Rasmussen College Digital Growth Timeline PTT Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PHI 210 ASU An Acceptable Solution to Palestinian Conflict Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

“Looking at the Other Side of the Coin”

  1. Select one (1) of the approved topics from the Website and state your position on the issue.
  2. From the Website, identify three (3) premises
    (reasons) listed under either the Pro or Con section — whichever
    section opposes your position.
  3. For the three (3) premises (reasons) that oppose your position
    on the issue, answer these “believing” questions suggested by Elbow:
    • What’s interesting or helpful about this view?
    • What would I notice if I believed this view?
    • In what sense or under what conditions might this idea be true?”

All students are required to post a minimum of two (2) posts per online
discussion thread. Students must have one (1) original post and a
minimum of one (1) other post per discussion thread.


CUS Harmful Algae Blooms & Limiting Nutrient in Freshwater Bodies Discussion Science Assignment Help

Several coastal areas of Florida has been impacted by major algae blooms in recent years. Some of these blooms are caused by various kinds of freshwater cyanobacteria, often referred to as blue-green algae. In addition, several coastal areas of southwest Florida, the panhandle, and, most recently, southwest Florida have been impacted by “red tides”, which in Florida area usually associated with a marine dinoflagellate called Karenia brevis.

While the two types of algae blooms are quite different in how and where they form, both cause significant environmental harm – including large fish kills. Toxins from Karenia brevis and certain kinds of freshwater cyanobacteria, particularly Microcystis and Anabaena species, can also have adverse impacts on human health.

Media and public discussions about these algal blooms have often been quite contentious, confusing, and, in some cases, outright wrong. Leading scientists have therefore attempted to communicate scientific knowledge directly to the public. For this discussion board exercise, you will think carefully about the (somewhat different!) thoughts of two well-respected scientific researchers:

– Dr. Michael Crosby, President of Mote Marine Laboratory –…

– Dr. Karl Havens, former Director of the Florida Sea Grant Program –…

After reading both of these articles, answer the following three questions:

1) Based on what you have learned so far about the typical limiting nutrient in freshwater ecosystems (and, yes, Lake Okeechobee is freshwater), what nutrient would you generally expect to be the most likely limiting resource for Lake Okeechobee?

2) How do Crosby and Havens each describe the role of nutrient contamination, particularly phosphorus and nitrogen, in initiating freshwater cyanobacteria (aka, blue-green algae blooms) blooms in Lake Okeechobee? What other factors do either of these researchers cite as a potential “trigger” for the cyanobacteria blooms to form in Lake Okeechobee?

3) Based on your reading of both Crosby and Havens (as well as any materials from lecture or other sources), describe why and how severe freshwater cyanobacteria blooms frequently occur in normally brackish ecosystems like the St. Lucie River estuary (on the east coast) and Caloosahatchee River estuary (on the west coast). (Hint – freshwater cyanobacteria normally would not survive in a saltwater estuary environment.)


SEL 305 SUNY College at Brockport Therapeutic Recreation Specialists Essay Humanities Assignment Help

. What is TR? [What makes TR field unique?]

a. Definitions

b. What is a professional, Core competencies

c. Common Elements in Modern Definitions of TR

d. Characteristics/purpose of Therapeutic Recreation Intervention

e. Clients Served by Therapeutic Recreation Specialists

f. History/roots of TR

g. TR Organizations, certification

2. TR concepts, philosophies and theories

a. Person first philosophy

b. Attitude towards persons with disabilities

c. Strengths based approach, medical vs social model

d. Models – group presentations

3. Film Review


CUNY Lehman College Political Science Voting Rights & Voter Suppression Paper Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Voting Rights and Voter Suppression Paper


Prompt Context: The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was created to enfranchise African Americans and other minority voters, who had been subjected to poll taxes, literacy tests, terror and murder as methods of voter suppression throughout the Jim Crow South since the end of Reconstruction. The Voting Rights Act was successful as measured by steady increases in the numbers of African Americans registered to vote. However, in Sheldon County v. Holder, parts of the Voting Rights Act were struck down by the Supreme Court, making it easier for some states to change their voting laws without seeking permission from the Department of Justice. Claiming that voter fraud was on the rise, state governments made it more difficult for African Americans, Latinos and youth to vote. More recently, the president has argued that mail-in voting will create voter fraud and has gone so far as to question the legitimacy of the election this November.

1)Paper Prompt: Explain how and why the United States has gone from protecting voting rights and expanding the vote to voter suppression. Is voter suppression a threat to U.S. Democracy?

In answering the prompt, please make sure you respond to the following questions:

2)What is the purpose of the Voting Rights Act of 1965?

3)What are the effects of the Shelby County v. Holder decision?

4)What is the difference between in-person voting fraud and election fraud? (hint: A Dream Undone)

5)What forms of voter suppression were put in place after Shelby County v. Holder?

6)Do you think that voter suppression is something to be concerned about? Is it a threat to U.S. democracy?

7)The president has said several times that mail-in voting leads to voting fraud. He has also suggested that if he loses it will be because of voter fraud. Is the president trying to undermine the legitimacy of the election?

Required Readings for Voting Rights and Voter Suppression ESSAY

1)Jim Rutenberg. 2015 (July 29). “A Dream Undone: Inside the 50-Year Campaign to Roll Back the Voting Rights Act.” The New York Times Magazine.

2)Ginsberg, Benjamin, Theodore J. Lowi, Margaret Weir and Caroline Tolbert, We the People. New York and London: W.W. Norton. Chapter Five.

3)Theodore Johnson and Max Feldman. 2020 (January 16). “The New Voter Suppression.” New York City: The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law School

4)“What the Postal Service Crisis Means for the November Election.” 2020 (August 19).

New York City: The Brennan Center for Justice at NYU Law School

5)Zack Stanton. 2020 (September 3) “The Lawsuits that Could Decide the 2020 Election.” Politico

6)American Civil Liberties Union. 2020 (February 3). “Block the Vote. Voter Suppression in 2020.”

7)Richard North Patterson. 2020 (July 28). “Donald Trump vs Democracy.” The Bulwark.



PHY1048L Miami Dade College Statistic Part Inside the Graph Questions Science Assignment Help

Hi, I need to answer all the questions that are in the lab report and all the calculations have to be shown and the graphs have to have the names in the x axis and y axis, also the graphs have to have the ‘statistic part inside the graph. In the conclusions, it is necessary to put them in part, not in the form of a paragraph, otherwise each question must be answered individually, please, be guided by appendix C. and THE BOOK WE USE IS THE ONLY REFERENCE WE CAN USE FOR THE FORMULAS AND FOR DEFINITIONS AND FOR THE CONCLUSION I WILL SEND IT TO YOU.Thank you

PHY1048L Miami Dade College Statistic Part Inside the Graph Questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of North Carolina Maladaptive Beliefs about Sleep in Students Questions Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a Psychology writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Instructions: Read the Title and Introduction (Stop at “Methods”) of the Kloss et al. (2016) article. Writing in complete sentences, using your own words(avoiding quoting), and citing ideas presented in the study according to APA Style, answer the following questions. –You may write your responses underneath each question.

1. Give 2-3 reasons why you think this is research (study) topic is important. (The research may provide some reasons – expand with more details and generate your own reasons.)

2. Choose and define 2-3 specific key terms* being studied and any related theories presented in the introduction. Given the information presented in the article, provide an example of how each term applies in real-life.

One of the top terms in the indroudictiiry text is oviposition. The term describes the internet [process of laying eggs with unavoidable contact between the [parasitoid wasp and the [potentially threatening

3. Explain the study’s specific research questions, goals, or hypotheses. (Do not simply re-state the research question/hypotheses. Describe why you think psychologists were researching the concepts under study – What connections (to past researcher or new concepts/variables) or ideas were the researchers trying to better understand?)

4. Indicate additional information you believe is unclear/limited/missing from the background information presented. (Consider what still may be unclear to you, what additional information would you like to know about the primary variables?)


MCCMCC Women and Sexuality how Is Sexuality Socially Constructed Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a women’s studies discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

For this Discussion Board, please answer the following question by drawing upon at least ONE of the readings from this week. You may use supplemental materials from lecture slides and videos in addition to the reading.

How is sexuality socially constructed? What are some of the stereotypes surrounding homosexuality/heterosexuality/bisexuality/asexuality, etc. that inform our understanding of sexuality? What happens when someone does not fit these norms?

Be sure to use APA formatting in your initial response (including in-text citations and references)Your first (initial) response is due by Thursday, March 18th . Response to a peer/classmate is due by Friday, March 19th

Jonathan Katz, “The Invention of Heterosexuality.” Katz .pdf


  • Susan Stryker, “Transgender Feminism: Queering the Woman Question.” Stryker.pdfActions
  • Jennifer Terry, “Anxious Slippages between ‘Us’ and ‘Them’: A Brief History of the Scientific Search for Homosexual Bodies,” In Jennifer Terry and Jacqueline Urla, (1995) Deviant Bodies: Critical Perspectives on Difference in Science and Popular Culture, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, p. 129-169. Please click here for link to article.Actions
  • [supanova_question]

    FIU Addressing Disruptive Behaviors and Non Compliant Behaviors Questions Humanities Assignment Help

    I’m working on a education & teaching multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

    The second in a two-part series, this module describes interventions that can increase initial compliance to teacher requests as well as interventions that can be implemented to decrease disruptive and noncompliant behaviors. or this assignment, you are to go through the online Iris Module Addressing Disruptive and Non Compliant Behaviors Part 2 (see link above). Then you are to answer the questions that are attached above as a word document and a PDF. You MUST include each of the questions before your answer. You can either work directly on the attached Microsoft word document or create your own document.

    Online Iris Module: Addressing Disruptive and Non Compliant Behaviors Part 2. (Links to an external site.)

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ11. Why is a special education teacher a good resource to help deal with student behavior problems? (1 pt.)

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ22. Explain how high-p requests work and why they increase the probability that a student will comply with a teacher’s request. (1 pt.)

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ33. Imagine that you have a student in your class who acts out during independent math activities. Would you use high-p requests or choice making with this student? Explain your answer. (1 pt.)

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ44. For what types of behaviors would you implement a DRL procedure? Give two example. (2 pts.)

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ55. List two guidelines for teachers who implement DRI. (2 pts.)

    This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeQ66. Mary Jo often spends time talking to her table group about topics not related to the instructional task. Design a DRO procedure to decrease non-instructional talk and to increase instructional talk. (2 pts.)


    Liberty University Week 7 The Impact of Covid 19 on The American Economy Essay Writing Assignment Help

    In Module/Week 7, you will write a 1,200–1,500-word cause and effect argument essay from the thesis/outline that you submitted in Module/Week 7. Your assignment is to develop a cause and effect essay following the Toulmin Model of argument. The research sources for this essay have not been provided for you in our course. All sources that you use must be credible academic sources. You must include at least 4 quotations, 1 summary, and 1 paraphrase (6 total) into your essay from at least 3 credible sources to support your thesis statement and provide opposing arguments. Be sure to document your sources correctly according to your documentation style (Current APA, MLA, or Turabian). You may include biblical support, but it does not count in the required citations.


    SYG 4119CBE Rasmussen College Digital Growth Timeline PTT Business Finance Assignment Help

    SYG 4119CBE Rasmussen College Digital Growth Timeline PTT Business Finance Assignment Help

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