Syracuse University Workplace Violence Reports Law Assignment Help. Syracuse University Workplace Violence Reports Law Assignment Help.
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student will select an example of a specific workplace from each of the four major workplaces:
Specific workplace examples include bank / credit union, convenience store, restaurant, bar, pizzeria, liquor store, department store, shop, fitness centers, etc.
Specific workplace examples include clinics, urgent care, group home, emergency room, public assistance, employment office, etc.
Specific workplace examples include corporate offices / headquarters, call centers, business offices, factories, processing plants, construction, etc.
Specific workplace examples include primary, secondary, and pre-schools, colleges, vocational schools, colleges, training centers, etc.)
4. student then prepare a Workplace Violence Analysis Report for each their selected examples.
5. The final product should be submitted as a single document containing the four reports
Each report should contain the following:
1. name
2. Category
3. Organization
4. Workplace analysis
5. Threats
6. Typology or Typologies
7. Risk analysis
8. Mitigation
9. Response
10. Training
11. Policy
one page opinion based paper, no quotes, no MLA
Syracuse University Workplace Violence Reports Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Saudi Electronic University ?Florscouts Start Up Business Plan Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Start-up Business Plan
Assume yourself as an entrepreneur of a small-scale business in Saudi Arabia.
(In Continuation to the Assignment -1)
4. Products and Services
a. Describe in depth your products or services. (Technical specifications)
b. What factors will give you competitive advantages or disadvantages? Examples include level of quality or unique or proprietary features.
5. Marketing Plan
a. Market Research- Why?
b. Market Research- How? Primary or Secondary Data?
c. In your marketing plan, be as specific as possible; give statistics, numbers, and sources. The marketing plan will be the basis, later on, of the all‐important sales projection.
• Describe the most important features. What is special about it?
• Describe the benefits. That is, what will the product do for the customer?
• Identify your targeted customers, their demographics
• What products and companies will compete with you?
• How will your products or services compare with the competition?
• Outline a marketing Strategy.
• How will you promote your Product?
• What will be your promotional budget?
Distribution Channels
How do you sell your products or services?
Lincoln University Socrates View of Self Knowledge as The Key to Happiness Essay Writing Assignment Help
- The research project has several components: an abstract of 100-125 words, an essay of 2500-2700 words (excluding quotes), a bibliography of 6-10 sources cited in the essay, and an expanded bibliography for future research that includes 8-12 additional sources.
- On the first page, you should provide a creative title and the precise, final word count of the essay portion of the project (state the count [a] with the quotes / [b] without the quotes).
- You should conform to the Chicago or Turban style guide. This means using footnotes instead of parenthetical citations.
- You do not need to include a title page.
- At the end of the essay, you should include a full bibliography.
- In addition to the sources you cite in your essay, you need to have a second bibliography that lists materials 8-12 additional resources one could use to further one’s research even more. These materials don’t actually appear in your essay. Rather, they function as “further reading.”
- These materials should mostly be academic journal articles and academic books. But, it’s ok to include one or two popular entries (newspaper articles, blog entries, non-peer reviewed essays, etc.).
- I recommend using two or three quotes for every 300 words of your voice. However, I strongly discourage using block quotes, that is, quotes that take up more than four lines of text. Remember, the word count applies to your own voice—quotes don’t factor in the word count.
- Once you’ve written the quote, be sure to unpack the ideas. Write a few sentences explaining what the quote means and how it helps develop your argument. A good tip for doing this well is to read your paper and skip the quotes. Yes, it will sound funny. But the point is to ascertain whether or not the main ideas are still being explained with the quotes missing. If something necessary to your argument gets left out, then that means you’ve relied too much on a quote. Go back and write a few more words in your own voice.
What is the expanded bibliography?
Bowie State University Car Burglary Retailing Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
* Minimum word count 200-250.
Consider this scenario: There is considerable media coverage of recent car thefts at an area mall. Present a five-step plan for a retailer to reassure customers that it is safe to shop there. How might this impact the retailer’s channel migration strategy? A retailer can do the following to reassure customers that it is safe to shop in its store:
*one short response for each one of the statement below ..
1- The recent reporting of car thefts at an area mall might impact the retailer’s channel migration strategy because many consumers don’t want to park and go to that specific mall if they are spending tons of money and can’t walk out safely. This then affects traffic and sales of the retailers in the mall which could lead to the decline of revenue. Many children and young adults like to go to the mall and if it isn’t a safe environment many parents won’t allow it. A five-step plan for a retailer to reassure customers that it is safe to shop there is to first identify who your customers are then the second to invest with the mall to acquire cameras and 24/7 surveillance around the property. Offering 24/7 surveillance allows the customers to know their car and valuables are being monitored. Thirdly, having mall security driving around the parking lot frequently so consumers can feel safe and know they can obtain help if needed is valuable. This feature will create more traffic for not only the retailer but the mall in general because customers can shop in peace. The fourth plan that retailers can keep their shoppers safe is to have call boxes at all of the nearest exits for immediate help from mall cops if they feel unsafe at any time. Lastly, I would offer a service where retailers have designated workers to walk to the car with their customers if at any time they feel as though they need company, help with items or it’s late at night and feels unsafe.
2- In order to combat this area mall issue we first need to figure out what options we have to solve the problem. Some of these solution could be adding extra security to the parking lot or possibly blocking the parking lot to non shoppers. Once they have choosen a solution they should implemet it a soon as possible to try and reassure customers safetly. And if they find it is not working then you can move on to another strategy untill one sucessfull fixes the problem. This type of problem would have effects to the channel migration strategy if in fact customers were refusing to shop there due to it. Stores in the mall would most likely begin to lose revenue and overall customer interation.A good way to show customers that safety guidelines have been updated is if stores use there customer email lists to send out an informative email.This way you would be able to give customers a full break down of all the new precautions being taken for the mall. Besides that using physical things like signs in windows and posters around the mall to let people entering the mall know about the new safety measures.All of these are good forms of commucation to try and gain back the customers that may or may not have been lost due to the thefts.
University of Business and Technology 5G Leadership Program Questions Science Assignment Help
1) Future of 5G Modules: You experienced 5G training as part of our course. Please provide a critical analysis of the information provided in terms of topics and the potential impact that it can/will have on your career. What were the top 3-5 modules that were most beneficial for you? In what ways will they benefit your career development? Based on your overall impression and assessment of 5G, you are requested to make an executive leadership decision regarding the future of 5G Training for the School of Engineering Seniors. Please provide the evidence and reasoning which supports your decision to either a) continue with 5G training for future Senior Engineering Students or b) cancel the 5G training.
2) Richard St. John presents a super super short TED talk about unique and very timely subjects of great importance today. Think carefully and please describe the most important broad topics in his talk (hint: think in terms of major themes for your career as well as broader service). Put yourself in his shoes and respond to the question that was posed to him based on your experience and what you learned this year.
3) Ethical considerations, decisions and conduct play a critical role in determining the best outcomes related to the overall impact that business and engineering projects have on society. Guidelines for ethical behavior for various professional disciplines are codified in specific “Code of Ethics” documents that highlight key considerations to ponder when faced with ethical issues. However, it is possible to follow the letter of the law without having the right attitude, perspective, and mindset. Please review the Code of Ethics for your specific engineering discipline and consider the ABET Student Outcomes related to ethics and ethical behavior as you prepare a ½ to one page response to the following questions. Please select A or B and respond in essay form.
4.1 – Demonstrate application of professional codes and standards to an engineering problem
4.2 – Recommend ethically sound engineering solutions by considering economic, environmental, and/or societal impact in additional to technical considerations
4.3 – Defend engineering choices using arguments based on ethical and professional responsibility
A.) Why do people resort to unethical behavior and cheat? Please address a current ethical issue related to our current political arena, the Covid 19 pandemic, or an area of technology. Please consider Luke 16:10 in your response. “He (or She) who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much; and he (or she) who is dishonest (or unrighteous) in a very little thing is also dishonest (or unrighteous) in much.”
B.) Think about your dream job that encompasses your passion in life. Imagine that you are working on a project in which you are faced with an ethical crisis that demands your careful consideration. Please briefly describe your situation and using the ABET criteria above as guidelines, describe how you will develop a solution for your ethical challenge. You may use an Engineering Grand Challenge issue, something from the current media, or a historical ethical problem of your choice.
UMD How Developmental Science Influences Juvenile Justice Reform Discussion Law Assignment Help
Need to reply to the following discussions and support my point of view (agree or disagree) with references.
Discussion #1:
Over the last couple of decades, America’s criminal justice system has slowly moved away from a punishment model for juveniles commonplace in the eighties and nineties back to a rehabilitation model (Burke, et al., 2016). There were four landmark Supreme Court cases in the last decade that moved the juvenile courts to the rehabilitation model. In Roper v. Simmons, the Supreme Court ruled that it was unconstitutional to impose a death penalty on any youth under the age of eighteen when they committed the capital offense (2005). Later in Graham v. Florida, the Supreme Court ruled that sentencing a minor to life in prison without the possibility of parole was unconstitutional for a non-homicide offense (2010). Next, in Miller v. Alabama, the Supreme Court ruled that youth are not as responsible as adults for their actions due to their brains not being fully formed (2012). Justice Elena Kagan believed that mandatory life without parole sentences for anyone under the age of eighteen at the time for any crime was committed violated their eight Amendment rights protecting them from prohibition on cruel and unusual punishments (Miller v. Alabama, 2012). Finally, in Montgomery v. Louisiana, The Supreme Court retired all mandatory life without parole sentences before 2012 retroactively (2012). These four landmark Supreme Court cases show the difference in the criminal justice system between adults and juveniles, showing that juveniles’ brain formation and development are still occurring, making them less culpable for their actions, and should be treated and rehabilitated rather than punished like an adult (Burke, et al., 2016). I believe that this modern rehabilitation criminal justice model for juveniles effectively relieves some of the burden juvenile delinquency leaves in a community. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) conducted a meta-analysis by Lispey examining the effectiveness of juvenile delinquency programs in 1992 (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1999). Lipsey found that 64.3% of the studies’ rehabilitation and treatment group showed a noticeable reduction in recidivism than the control group (Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, 1999). With properly funded and expanded treatment and rehabilitation programs, I believe that juvenile delinquents’ recidivism rate will continue to go down and put them on a path towards success in their lives and community.
Burke, A. S., Carter, D. E., Fedorek, B., Morey, T. L., Rutz-Burri, L., & Sanchez, S. K. (2016). Introduction to the American Criminal Justice System. Open Educational Resource.…
DeLisi, M. (2009). Juvenile delinquency. In J. M. Miller 21st Century criminology: A reference handbook (pp. 524-532). Thousand Oaks, CA: SAGE Publications, Inc. doi: 10.4135/9781412971997.n61
Graham v. Florida, 560 U.S. 48, 2010
Miller v. Alabama, 567 U.S. 460, 2012
Montgomery v. Louisiana, 557 U.S., 2016
Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention. (1999). Treatment programs for juvenile delinquents. Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention.…
Roper v. Simmons, 543 U.S. 551, 2005
Discussion 2:
Juvenile offenders are viewed differently than adult offenders because they are still young and impressionable and many juveniles need rehabilitation. Adult offenders are more aware of their actions and likely do not comply with peer pressure in the same manner as juveniles. Juveniles may commit two different types of offenses: status and delinquency. According to Delisi (2009), status offenses are limited only to juveniles so these offenses would not even be offenses if an adult committed that same offense. Examples of status offenses include running away from home, underage drinking and smoking, and violating curfew. Delinquent offenses include more serious crimes such as rape, murder, and arson (Delisi, 2020). Depending on the situation, some juveniles are charged as adults for delinquent offenses. I believe that this is effective because juveniles should be provided with leniency because they are a product of their environment and may need additional guidance. I also believe that the criminal justice system allowing for some juveniles to be charged as adults is appropriate because some offenses are heinous and every situation is different. Some juveniles may have started committing crimes at age nine and by the age of sixteen, they are well aware of the crimes that they are committing and should be punished accordingly.
Delisi, Matt. (2009). 21st Century Criminology: A Reference Handbook.
UMD How Developmental Science Influences Juvenile Justice Reform Discussion Law Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Columbia College Electoral College and Campaign Finance Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
1.) Briefly explain how the Electoral College works. What do you think of the Electoral College? Does it serve any useful function? Does it need to be scrapped? Check out some Electoral College websites and explain what supporters and detractors have to say. If you think we need an alternative, what would you recommend?
2.)Read your text and the article in the Content area from CQ Researcher concerning campaign finance. To what extent, if any, should the financing of campaigns be regulated? Why or why not? Consider issues such as limits on individual campaign contributions, limits on donating to one’s own campaign, limits on donations to political parties (soft money), the ability of unions and corporations to donate to campaigns (Citizens United decision) and whether or not donors to political campaigns and causes should be made public (dark money).
MGT 301 Saudi Electronic Organizational Behavior General Motors Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
No plagiarism, No match please
using APA style reference
using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font
Assignment 3
Reference Source:
Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019). Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin.
Case Study: –
Case: General Motors
Please read the case “General Motors” from Chapter 14 “Leadership: Styles and Behaviors” Page: – 469 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019) and Answer the following Questions:
Assignment Question(s):
1.Do you think GM can outduel the technology companies for safe autonomous driving vehicles? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)
2.Would you consider Mary Barra to be the prototypical transformational leader? In what ways does she fit or not fit that model? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 200-250)
3.Given GM’s history, why does Barra put a premium on her executives’ leadershipbehaviours? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 200)
Important Note:- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
Discussion Question: Please read Chapter 14 “Leadership: Styles and Behaviors” carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.
4.Before reading this chapter, which statement did you feel was more accurate: “Leaders are born” or “Leaders are made”? How do you feel now, and why do you feel that way? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 200-300)
Important Note:- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
Florida National University Culture in Nursing Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help
Discussion 13: Cultural Competence in Ethical Decision-Making
A 55-year-old man is hospitalized for an opportunistic infection
and asks for his partner to be with him overnight. He stated that previous
hospitals did not allow his partner to visit and that is why he chose your
1. What are the ethical issues and what framework would you use to analyze the situation?
2. Describe the research that may support the request.
You must cite at least 3 evidence-based references no older than
5 years excluding the class textbook and 2 replies to any of your peers
sustained with the proper references. A minimum of 500 words must be
presented excluding the first and reference page.
Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care (8th ed.)
Margaret M. Andrews, Joyceen S. Boyle, and John W. Collins
Publisher: Wolters Kluwer
ISBN-13: 9781975110673
HRM 635 Grand Canyon University Wk 2 Leveraging Human Capital Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Throughout this course, you analyzed your current work environment to identify their acquiring, developing, and training practices. Employees are the biggest asset and contribute to the culture and overall performance of the organization. The final part of this project requires you to determine how to leverage on the human capital within your organization. Use the research you have complied throughout this course to determine how to appropriately develop and motivate your employees.
Develop a final written proposal (1,250-1,500 words), discussing performance indicators, rewards and incentives, and a plan for motivating employees. Your proposal must include the following:
- An evaluation of the current employee status. Describe tasks and performance indicators that contribute to the overall performance on the job.
- Develop strategies to encourage employees. How will you reward them for their performance and support them during difficulty?
- Describe strategies to leverage on employee assets. How will you identify their strengths and use them to better the performance and skills of individual employees?
- Describe a vision for the overall culture you aspire to develop in your organization.
- How will you integrate rewards and incentives to remain competitive in your market and appeal to your employees?
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
Syracuse University Workplace Violence Reports Law Assignment Help
Syracuse University Workplace Violence Reports Law Assignment Help