TAMU Apple Incs Generic Strategy & Intensive Growth Strategies Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help. TAMU Apple Incs Generic Strategy & Intensive Growth Strategies Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help.
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The Marketing Strategy Project is a seven (7)-page paper on any product you choose. Then, each of the seven elements of strategy(mentioned below) must be developed fully. after reading the text and studying each of the resources presented in the course, write the paper in the
following format (at least one full paragraph per section): introduction, each of the seven strategy elements, and finally your
opinion (last paragraph – what do you think of competitive analysis for the product… and why). The body of the paper needs
to be at least 7 full pages and no more than 10 pages in length (not including title page and reference page). The written work
must strictly follow APA format and exhibit critical thinking.
TAMU Apple Incs Generic Strategy & Intensive Growth Strategies Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
EME 410 Saint Leo University Social Impact of Tornadoes in the US Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
student will take an in-depth look and examine the critical issues and
strategic questions regarding managing the social impacts of disasters.
Students will choose a topic that has not been discussed (active learning or
written assignment) and conduct a critical analysis of the topic.
The research paper MUST include the Saint Leo
University CORE Value of Integrity intergraded into your work. This is to be a
scholarly article based on extensive research. Any submissions that are not
written in the required manner will not be accepted. The research paper MUST be
no less than 1,200 words and must be written in the most current APA format. No
papers will be accepted for credit if they do not conform to the APA writing
requirement. Be sure to include a separate reference page in the final paper.
The research paper MUST include a cover page, abstract, discussion, conclusion,
and references. The paper must be double spaced, type size 12: New Times Roman.
HIS 120 GC The Housing Movement Ongoing in Mexico City Article Analysis Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I am looking for two main points of discussion. First, you should devote the first half of the report to a summary of the main points in the article that you selected. To help you to address this issue, consider some of these questions: What is the main issue being discussed? (Mexico, Border issues, and Latinx communities.) Who are the main personalities mentioned in the article? (i.e. Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, President-Elect Biden, President Trump, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, etc.) How does the issue affect the people of the country mentioned in the article? Does the issue have any connection with United States interests? What do you think could be the best solution to resolve this problem?
And for the second point of discussion, please analyze the article that you selected and present your point of view on the story. For example, how do you feel about the story? How did this article contribute to your understanding about modern Latin America? And what do you think about the author’s perspective on the article? How does this topic relate to contemporary political, economic or cultural themes in the United States today?
You should take the information needed to complete this essay form the attached website..
This Essay should be 3-4 pages.
Please use both a title page and a works cited page (neither of these pages count toward your 3-4 pages of text).
UON Neuroscience Sensation & Consciousness psychology Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology question and need support to help me learn.
Assignment: Evaluating the Evidence Worksheet 1 (10 points)
We are consistently presented with claims about human behavior and mental processes on a near daily basis. It is important that we begin to develop skills required to critically evaluate these claims. These critical thinking skills will help us understand what we are being asked to believe, evaluate the evidence supporting claims, and assist us in deciding whether we want to base our own judgements on these claims. Below you will find two claims related to Module 2. Select one and proceed with completing the evidence worksheet.
Claim 1: Most people use 10% of their brain power.
Claim 2: Brain training will make you smarter.
- Collect and read at least two sources of evidence related to your claim (in any direction). WHERE did you find evidence? Provide the website/author’s name and links. Please note, you are not limited to these materials; you may also include other evidence, and provide those references (article/author name, link) here.
- WHAT did the evidence say?
- What TYPE of evidence was it? Place an “X” before the types of evidence you considered.
Something that I or someone else heard (hearsay)
My own or another person’s story (anecdote, blog/web posts)
Case study
Correlational study
Quasi-experimental study
Longitudinal study
Controlled Experimental study
Review or summary of many studies
Other (specify):
- RATE the strength of the evidence on a scale of 1-10 (with 10 being the strongest), and EXPLAIN why you gave that rating.
Ashford University Four Lens of Education on Obesity in United States Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Introduction: You will compile a series of critical analyses of obesity in the United States through the four general education lenses: history, humanities, natural and applied sciences, and social sciences.
A. Topic: Using the four lenses, explain how obesity in the U.S. has or has not influenced modern society.
II. Lens Connections: In this section of your assignment, you will describe the connections between your issue/event and each of the four general education lenses.
A. What is the connection of your issue/event to the lens of history for determining its impact on various institutions? Utilize evidence from theory and research to support your analysis.
B. What is the connection of your issue/event to the lens of the humanities for determining its impact on various institutions? Utilize evidence from theory and research to support your analysis.
C. What is the connection of your issue/event to the lens of the natural and applied sciences for determining its impact on various institutions? Utilize evidence from theory and research to support your analysis.
D. What is the connection of your issue/event to the lens of the social sciences for determining its impact on various institutions? Utilize evidence from theory and research to support your analysis.
Guidelines for Submission: Milestone One should be submitted as a 2- to 3-page Word document. Use double spacing, 12-point Times New Roman font, and one-inch margins
At least 2 sources per lens!!!!!
Florida Atlantic University Business Research Methods Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Business research methods replies 1&2
1-Thank you for your initial post,
You did a very nice job of summarizing the sampling frame and distinguishing between the frame and the population. Indeed, this is sometime a difficult task when in reality, there are so many variables that can be confounding. Nevertheless, the research needs to be very diligent and persevere in his efforts to clearly identify what the sampling frame is about and importantly, why. If you were conducting a study using a multi-stage design, would your sampling frame remain the same? Or would it change between stages?
A sample, identified as a smaller portion of a much larger population, is used for statistical observations in order to obtain the proper data. However, a sampling frame is the material from which the certain sample is exclusively drawn from. When conducting a research, in most cases, the group of individuals behind this operative technique focuses on this material while taking note. Research material within a sampling frame is based off a listing chart consisting of various elements where emphasis can be placed on. Certain elements within a sampling frame can include but are not limited to cellular numbers, name of individuals, list of establishments within a 10-mile radius, list of schools per state, employees of a company, land usage, etc. According to Jie and Gengatharen (2019), the concept known as the sampling frame placed focus on the Australian food supply chain structure by evaluating aspects in relation to distribution, supply, wholesale, food retail, etc. In but a short time, it was viewed that quality of information was definitely noted along with genuine data collection when performing analysis based on sampling frames.
A population is acknowledged as a group entirely focused in a broad-like manner and lacking of any and all specifications. Generally, because populations are known to be wide-ranging, they are ideal for drawing conclusions. For instance, a population chart can portray the fact that there are 324,756 individuals residing within a single U.S. state. However, what if there was a way to place annotations of all residing males within this particular state? This is possible with the application of a sampling frame. In fact, one could even proceed beyond and create an even more specific statistic. With this said, what if the male population was captured at 162,479 and was then measured for health purposes? For example, they could anonymously find just how many males have been diagnosed with prostate cancer within the last 15 years. This, of course, can create an opening for further investigation such as the individuals’ personal health, lifestyle choices, family history (previous blood relatives—both alive as well as deceased—who have been diagnosed with prostate cancer and/or cancer altogether), etc. According to Fisher et al. (2017), sampling usages are seen as vital to health care data along with epidemiologic studies, making surveys more comprehensive when focusing on certain topics such as lifestyle choices (nourishment and physical activity), harmful habits (smoking and alcohol consumption), health conditions, mortality, and so forth.
Fisher, S., Bennett, C., Sanmartin, C., & Manuel, D. (2017). Multinational Population-Based Health Surveys Linked to Outcome Data: An Untapped Resource. International Journal of Population Data Science, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.23889/ijpds.v1i1.70
Jie, F., & Gengatharen, D. (2019). Australian food retail supply chain analysis. Business Process Management Journal, 25(2), 271–287. https://doi.org/10.1108/bpmj-03-2017-0065
Schindler, P. S., & Cooper, D. R. (2019). Business research methods (12th ed.). Mcgraw-Hill Education.
Global Human Resources 3&4
3- Class,
Neupert et al (2005) identified skills necessary in order to succeed internationally. Their study was done in Vietnam, an emerging economy. The Critical incident approach was utilized, which asks respondents to describe the incident, its nature and consequences to provide context for understanding the managers’ problems. Local Vietnamese managers cited professional development (42 percent), basic business skills (29 percent), communication and cultural skills (18 percent) and legal understanding skills (11 percent) as most critical to succeed in international business. Foreign managers cited cultural understanding and awareness (34 percent), professional skills (23 percent), personal skills (20 percent), and interpersonal skills, language and communication skills. For Vietnamese managers, training includes leadership, problem solving, interpersonal skills, business basics, communication and culture. For expatriate managers, training presents the particular aspects of the local culture in a way that allows the foreign manager to become more effective through understanding and awareness.
Discuss the major factors associated with appraisal of expatriate managerial performance.
According to Lussier & Hendon (2021) performance management and performance appraisal are two separate, though interconnected, functions in IHRM. Performance management is the process of identifying, measuring, managing, and developing the performance of human resources in an organization (Lussier et al., 2021) while performance appraisal is the ongoing process of evaluating employee performance (Lussier et al., 2021). The difference between the two, while slight, has been amplified in various corporate circles over the years. Traditionally, elements of expatriate performance management consisted of (Dowling, Festing, and Engle, 2017):
- The compensation package
- The assigned task
- Headquarters’ support
- The environment in which the performance occurs
- Cultural adjustment
All of these factors worked together to manage expectations for both the expatriate manager and senior evaluators charged with objectively measuring the expatriate’s performance. Expatriates either met, exceeded, or failed to meet performance expectations. However, recent trends in IHRM have given rise to the performance appraisal as an ongoing dialogue between the expatriate and higher management about his or her job performance. A major contributing factor in this shift has been the perception that the annual performance report has long been focused on, and therefore limited by, the past performance of the expatriate being evaluated, often at the expense of improving current performance (Cappelli & Tavis, 2016). Likewise, Appelbaum, Roy, and Gilliland (2011) cite three major challenges when conducting global performance appraisals:
- Individualist and collectivist cultures
- Cultural differences and their relationship to leniency psychometric error
- Trust and open relationships
In order to be effective, expatriate performance appraisals need to be valid and reliable, acceptable and feasible, specific, and based on the mission and objectives (Lussier et al., 2021). Modern performance appraisals take all of these variables into consideration and can be a continual process whereby senior management provides the expatriate with ongoing feedback and expectation management to elicit top performance from expatriates. Otherwise, as Cappelli et al. (2016), firms and expatriates alike risk backsliding into historically traditional performance management that restricts creativity, generates mountains of paperwork, and serves no real purpose (Cappelli et al., 2016).
Why is it important to include hard, soft and contextual goals when assessing managerial performance?
Gregerson, Hite, and Black (1996) state that, generally speaking, performance behaviors fall somewhere on a continuum from objective to subjective and may also include contextual criteria as well. Therefore, it would be logical for expatriate appraisers to include hard, soft, and contextual criteria when evaluating expatriates. Hard criteria are those things that are performance or outcome based (Gregerson et al., 1996). Easy to collect and interpret (Dowling et al., 2017) they are an important due to their ability to be objective, quantifiable, and directly measured (Dowling & Welch, 2005).
Soft criteria are often considered relationship or trait-based evaluation criteria (Dowling et al., 2005) and are important for accurate and well-balanced performance appraisals (Gregerson et al., 1996). Their value appears in expatriate environments where the objective and measurable results of hard criteria are not always immediately visible and measurable (Gregerson et al., 1996). Soft criteria can be of benefit particularly in evaluating expatriates because they can account for interpersonal factors and cultural differences (Gregerson et al., 1996).
Contextual criteria are situation-based criteria unique to the circumstances of the particular expatriate being appraised (Gregerson et al., 1996). For example, Dowling et al. (2017) highlight that of the respondents to a survey of U.S. companies, only 28% of HR respondents have been assigned internationally. Given this inherent limitation, evaluators may not be aware of need for contextual criteria that result from the situation in which the performance occurs (Dowling et al., 2005). Contextual criteria paint the picture, so to speak, of the unique circumstances that the expatriate finds themselves in.
What evidence is there to show that corporate codes of conduct are effective?
Corporate codes of conduct, often known as the concept of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in modern business (Erwin, 2011) are used to govern employee behavior and establish a socially responsible organizational culture (Erwin, 2011). Designed to explicitly detail organizational commitment to CSR (Erwin, 2011) they are essential to corporate governance, avoiding the legal consequences of ethically questionable behavior, and provide reputational benefits to MNCs that employ them (Erwin, 2011). Modern CSR was born out of the financial meltdown in the late 2000’s. Driven by the Dodd-Frank Act, CSR is now considered an integral part of overall business strategy by many of the worlds largest MNCs (Barclift, 2013). Indeed, the Dow Jones now provides indexes on a company’s CSR initiatives and many of these MNCs now use positive rankings as part of an overall public relations strategy (Barclift, 2013). Demonstrating that the reforms brought about by Dodd-Frank have generate significant results in the area of CSR and the prevention, or at least discouragement, of unethical behavior.
Appelbaum, S. H., Roy, M., & Gilliland, T. (2011). Globalization of Performance Appraisals: Theory and Applications. Management Decision, 49(4), 570-585.
Barclift, Z. J. (2012). Corporate Social Responsibility and Financial Institutions: Beyond Dodd-Frank. Banking & Financial Services Policy Report, 31(1), 13-19.
Cappelli, P., & Tavis, A. (2016, October). The Future of Performance Reviews. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2016/10/the-performance-management…
Dowling, P., Festing, M., & Engle, A. D., Sr. (2017). International Human Resource Management (7th ed.). Andover, UK: Cengage Learning EMEA.
Dowling, P., & Welch, D. E. (2005). International Human Resource Management: Managing People in a Multinational Context (4th ed.). Mason, OH: Thomson/South-Western.
Erwin, P. M. (2011). Corporate Codes of Conduct: The Effects of Code Content and Quality on Ethical Performance. Journal of Business Ethics, 99(4), 535-548.
Gregerson, H. B., Hite, J. M., & Black, J. S. (1996). Expatriate Performance Appraisal in U.S. Multinational Firms. Journal of International Business Studies, 711-738.
Lussier, R. N., & Hendon, J. R. (2021). Humand Resource Management: Functions, Applications, and Skill Development(4th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishing.
Florida Atlantic University Business Research Methods Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Pay Scales and Salespeople Response Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
could you please respond back to my classmate/? thanks (150 words)
In some instances, such as the one described in the pay scales described in the case study, salespeople can earn more than managers. This incident can be a problem to the company since; salespeople can be viewed to benefit more from the organization than their employers, which should not be the case. This problem brought by these pay scales may imply that the company’s sales do not reflect on its profit. If a pay scale rate is designed appropriately, managers should be automatically at the top of the pay scale since it would have factored all aspects of compensation.
Ideologically, salespeople should have an average pay, which is way lower than those of the managers (Beardwell & Thompson, 2017). On the other hand, they get a chance to earn a commission on a percentage of the sales they make in a given period. If these salespeople make high sales, their commissions added to their basic earnings can be higher than those of the managers (Beardwell & Thompson, 2017).
One can use several strategies to fix this problem. First, the pay scale should balance the base and commission that these salespeople receive (Shivarudrappa et al., 2010). Their base should be relatively low so that these individuals get to work hard to make their commissions. This strategy will ensure that these employees seldom make higher returns than their seniors in management.
Second, the commission and bonuses should be funded as percentages of the profit they generate and not only sales (Shivarudrappa et al., 2010). This strategy will prevent the selling of products at cost, causing no profits but demanding commission. If the commission earned is reflected in high company profits, then the managers will get a means of getting additional pay.
Beardwell, J., & Thompson, A. (2017). Human resource management. Pearson Education.
Shivarudrappa, D., Ramachandra, K., & Gopalakrishna, K. (2010). Human Resource Management. Himalaya Pub. House.
Wilmington Caring for The Obese Patient Special Considerations in ICU Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Chronic Disease: Obesity. In a 5 to 10 page paper, address the following questions:
- What is the etiology (cause) of this disease?
- What are the signs and symptoms?
- What are the exercise recommendations for the person with the chronic disease in terms of cardiorespiratory exercise?
- What are the exercise recommendations for the person with the chronic disease in terms of resistance exercise?
- Are there any other special considerations?
- What challenges would you expect the person living with this chronic disease to experience when exercising?
- How would you progress a client with this disease through an exercise program?
Write your paper in a WORD document and make sure to use APA format.
Grand Canyon University Working as An RN Clinical Educator Apology Letter Writing Assignment Help
please write a formal paragraph regarding RN Clinical Educator position with my apologies for refusing the job , because at the same time my mother was diagnosed with cancer, and I decided to stay on 3 tower( my nursing Department) working until my mothers condition improved and I finished my masters degree. I work for Baptist Hospital, I’m a nurse, please let them know that I appreciate the opportunity and everything , that I would like to let the door open for futures opportunity. Please let them know that for the future I would like to be a candidate. That I feel sad for my decision but explain my reasons with better English:
Finger Lakes Community College Information Privacy in Technology Presentation Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a computer science project and need a sample draft to help me study.
1. Submit your tentative research topic in the form of a PowerPoint slide. Consider the free writes you have completed in your journal thus far. Your question may evolve throughout the semester, which is expected! Your topic should be one that you are interested in, but are NOT an expert in.
What are you going to write about? This is a question you should carefully consider, as it will be your topic for the entire semester. Choose an ethical issue in the technology field that interests you; a topic that might be something you would encounter in your desired career field; or a current issue that you are curious about. Do not choose a topic that you ARE knowledgeable about or one in which you consider yourself an expert. That will cause you to have an uninteresting semester, and ironically, a weaker paper!
Your slide (1 slide only) should include:
1.A tentative title
2.Your topic in the form of a question
3.Appropriate evidence to demonstrate the problem (personal experience, facts, statistics, etc)
4.Identify one or more causes of the problem and offer some tentative solutions.
5.Audience is your instructor and classmates.
Using the attached worksheet (see document attached), develop a thesis statement for your topic question that complies to the following:
Is my thesis a complete sentence and is it a statement not a question?
Does my thesis have a clear topic that matches the assignment?
Does my thesis provide an opinion/argument/stance on that topic?
(Optional) Does my thesis include supporting points and, if so, are they linked to the topic as support for it?
Does my thesis include enough information to make sense to an outside reader? Stay away from vague references and include enough information to make sense by itself.