TAX 650 Southern New Hampshire Accrual Accounting And Cash Basis Capstone Business Finance Assignment Help

TAX 650 Southern New Hampshire Accrual Accounting And Cash Basis Capstone Business Finance Assignment Help. TAX 650 Southern New Hampshire Accrual Accounting And Cash Basis Capstone Business Finance Assignment Help.

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5-2 Final Project Milestone Two: Revenue Recognition and Accounting Methods

Task: Submit to complete this assignmentFor this assignment you will submit a draft of the revenue recognition and accounting methods, summarizing the following critical elements: I. Memorandum, sections B, C, and D, and II. Conclusion, section C.

You will determine revenue recognition and the economic impact of the client’s financial situation. Based on your decision, determine the potential tax liability, keeping in mind appropriate Internal Revenue Code and Treasury regulations. Submit this assignment as a Word document.

TAX 650 Southern New Hampshire Accrual Accounting And Cash Basis Capstone Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Alabama State University The Violence Against Women Program Essay Writing Assignment Help

AWP/ Title IX training Pre-recorded video in Co-curricular

Attend the event in the co-curricular part under organizations and write a Reflective Writing essay by answering the 3 questions below in three paragraphs.



Below is an assignment which will assess mastery of the course objectives. The assignment and activity has a point value, as well as the number of the objective it will assess. All assignments (unless stated otherwise by instructor) must be typed and uploaded into instructor via Blackboard on the specified due dates. Make sure all uplaoads are accessible by the instructor. Be sure to capitalize the letter I ALWAYS!

Required Curricular and Co-Curricular Activities:

Listed below is a required activity that have been selective to; actively engage students in the university community, introduce students to university resources and enhance their college experience. After participating in each activity, students will write a “Reflective Writing (RW)” assignment. Students should respond to the following three prompts when writing their RW assignments. Each RW is worth 50 points and will account for 25% of the final grade for the course (See attached Rubric below).

Each reflection paper should address the following:

1. Describe your experience attending the selected event.

2. Describe what your experience and biggest lessons learned from attending the event?

3. How will you use what you learned from the event to help you as an ASU student?


AIU Online Networking Proposal Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help

You are the leader of a small group of engineers who were issued a request for proposal (RFP) for the implementation of a WAN solution that will connect 3 local offices of a corporation. These local offices are located in Los Angeles, New York City, and Chicago and have a fully functioning LAN. The WAN must be connected leveraging technologies offered by a switched network.

Write 2–3 pages explaining the following:

  • Which switched network will you and your group propose? Why?
  • Explain how traffic will flow across the connectivity between LANs based on the selection you have made.
  • Diagram your LANs and how they are interconnected by the WAN.
  • When you finish your document, create a brief PowerPoint presentation to show your proposal to your prospective clients.


Atlantic International University Circuit and Packet Switched Networks Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recommended minimum 300 words)

Assignment Details

You have heard of circuit-switched and packet-switched networking technology. Complete the following in regard to these:

  • Research and discuss circuit-switched networks.
  • Research and discuss packet-switched networks.
  • List some advantages and disadvantages of both.
  • Which one do you prefer? Why?

Grading Rubric

Assignment Criteria Proficient Descriptor Points
Quality of Main Post

24 Points

Student’s main post meets or exceeds the following requirements:
• Responds completely to all of parts of discussion question (6 points)
• Communicates content information accurately and/or logically (6 points)
• Delivers a thoughtful response, demonstrating insights and reflections (6 points)
• Connects to both key content concepts and personal experiences (6 points)
/24 pts.
Response to Peers

24 Points

• Responds to a minimum of 2 peers (12 points per response)
o Substantive response (6 points)
o Furthers the conversation with peers. Examples could include (6 points):

  • Provides additional resources
  • Connects to key concepts
  • Shares personal or professional experiences
  • Contributes new information or perspective
  • Presents a competing viewpoint
/24 pts.
Support from Learning Resources

6 Points

At least one post refers to course learning resources. /6 pts.
Professional Writing

6 points Total

Response is well-organized, clear, and free of grammatical and mechanical errors.

Posts demonstrate courtesy and respect for others.

/6 pts.
Total 60 points possible /60 pts.


Gannon University Chapter 2 Elements of the Policy Making System Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Directions: There are three discussion questions listed below. Your instructor will assign you one question. Respond to the assigned question by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. Your response should be at least 200 words and reference the weekly instructional materials and assigned readings to support your discussion. Remember to cite your sources using APA style.

By Sunday at 11:59 p.m., respond to any two peers. Your response to each peer should be at least 150 words.

Some material from each weekly discussion forum may appear on the final exam. It is in your best interest to read the questions and responses to questions not assigned to you.

Question 1: Chapter 2: Elements of the Policy Making System

What are the strengths of the stages model of the policy process? What are its weaknesses?

In your response posts, state to what extent you agree or disagree with your peer’s stance. Be sure to explain your reasoning. In areas of agreement, do not merely summarize your peer’s post, but rather build on their ideas by offering your own points and perspective. The goal is to have a robust discussion about this topic.



TLMT 441 American Public University System Logistics and Supply Chain Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Forum- You may pick out one topic or several topics to discuss within this weeks lesson which can range from logistical issues faced by organizations, logistical strategic planning, or management interventions in solving logistical problems . Please end forum with a question for other students to ponder or answer.

To be considered substantive, your reply should add significantly to the discussion by building on others’ comments, pointing out similarities or differences in your backgrounds or course expectations, etc. One or two sentence responses such as “Hi, welcome to the course!” or “I feel the same way” are not acceptable.

TLMT 441 American Public University System Logistics and Supply Chain Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FIU Clinical Vignettes Depicting Schizophrenia Case Study Humanities Assignment Help

Diagnosis (Schizophrenia)

Create five (5) typed clinical vignettes depicting mental disorders (Schizophrenia). Each vignette should identify the gender, age, culture, and symptoms associated with the diagnosis( Schizophrenia) . Each vignette will be graded on

a) DSM 5 criteria

b) coding

c) spelling/grammar

d) discussion of medical concerns

e) client identifying information.

Please see the Psychopathology Case Vignette Rubric attached.


John is a 19 years old male college student who was escorted to the emergency room by his roommate because he has confined himself to his room for the last 14 days. He reports to be hearing voices that are instructing him to remain within the confines of his bedroom and to refrain from eating or drinking because anything he would ingest was poisonous. John haslost more than 5% of his weight in less than 2weeks and presents asthin, frail, and irritable. He reports to sleep most of the day and wakes tired and depressed. His roommate reports that last year, he presented as the “life of the party” and often appeared to have a passion for life. He was extremely energetic despite sleeping very little, extremely social, and was known to be promiscuous on campus. John denies any illicit substance use and alcohol. John was medically cleared by his primary care physician.


PSY 4560 South University Online Conflict in Teams Workplace Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Conflict in Teams

Workplace conflict is often perceived to be negative; however, some workplace conflict is actually a necessary part of a thriving organization. For instance, conflict can help to create new ideas and decisions that benefit the organization as a whole. There are times however when conflict becomes detrimental to the organization. There are several reasons why conflict can cause a negative outcome. Tuckman’s model of team development describes some general areas of team conflict based on a particular stage.

Using your course readings describe the stages of Tuckman’s model. Using the South University Library research some of the current views on Tuckman’s model and explain if it is still relevant in today’s workplace. One aspect of group or team development is the phenomenon of groupthink. Explain the impact of groupthink on a team. Research some examples of groupthink that have occurred.

From the information you gathered regarding conflict, team development and phenomenon such as groupthink create a plan that provides solutions to reduce or eliminate potential negative conflicts while still providing an outlet for the work team to produce the desired results.


PSY 4800 South University Socioeconomic Factors Literature Review Humanities Assignment Help

Socioeconomic Factors: Literature Review

The research and application of psychology is influenced by external factors, such as what we discussed in the previous assignment regarding multiculturalism. Other issues that impact psychology are socioeconomic factors including such things as poverty, access to health care, education, and living conditions/quality of life.

  • For this assignment, you will review three scholarly journal articles related to your interests in psychology and relevant to socioeconomic factors as described by (but not limited to) the examples above.
  • The scholarly journal articles will be within the last 2–3 years.
  • Search the South University Online Library databases. Other sources, such as textbooks, Wikipedia, and other online sources will not be accepted. Read and analyze each of the articles and create a synopsis.

In your synopsis, make sure to include:

  • A summary of each of the journal articles.
  • Your thoughts and perspectives regarding the concepts covered in each of the journal articles.


Columbia College AT&T Inc Business Finance Profitability Ratios Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I choose AT&T as my company for this

Overview: Profitability Ratios

This week we will focus on the company’s profitability ratios. Profitability ratios are very important to investors. Companies often use these ratios when evaluating its managers.

If you wish to change companies, go to the discussion thread for Discussion 1 to reserve your new company making sure no one else has already reserved it. If you decide to stay with the same company you used for Discussion 1, there is no need to re-reserve it.

Profitability should be viewed from three different perspectives:

  1. Profitability in relation to sales.
  2. Profitability in relation to assets.
  3. Profitability in relation to equity.

It is quite possible for the company to perform well from one perspective and poorly from another.

Report Headings

Name of Company and Ticker Symbol: Company name, ticker symbol

10-K Report: Paste the direct URL to the company’s most recent 10-K Report

Company Website: Paste the URL to the company’s website

Industry name and NAICS Code: Provide the name and NAICS code associated with the Industry Average data.

Profitability Ratios: Follow the formatting in the example below to present the data. See this sample eStatement Studies document for help in finding the industry average data needed for this assignment.




Industry Average**

Gross Profit Margin
(Gross Profit / Sales)

Operating Profit Margin
(Operating Profit / Sales)

Pre-Tax Net Profit Mg
(Pre-Tax Profit** / Sales)

Pre-Tax Return on Equity (Pre-Tax Profit* / Shareholders Equity)

Pre-Tax Return on Assets (Pre-Tax Profit** / Total Assets)

*use Pre-Tax Profit to make the comparison to the industry average more accurate.
**There will be a single industry average for the gross, operating, and pre-tax net profit margins. List all 3 industry average figures for the pre-tax return on equity and the pre-tax return on assets.

Evaluation: Share what we learn from the data and information collected for this discussion. Interpret each of the ratios. Review the Financial Ratios Guidelines document for direction. Do you see any red flags? How profitable is the company in relation to sales? How profitable is it in relation to assets? How profitable is it in relation to equity? Sufficiently examining the data and information collected will likely require at least 250 words.

The sample e-statement studies document is below.


TAX 650 Southern New Hampshire Accrual Accounting And Cash Basis Capstone Business Finance Assignment Help

TAX 650 Southern New Hampshire Accrual Accounting And Cash Basis Capstone Business Finance Assignment Help

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