TC Customer Service at Independent Retail Food Chains Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

TC Customer Service at Independent Retail Food Chains Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help. TC Customer Service at Independent Retail Food Chains Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Part 2: Select an article located in the Expert Journal of Marketing (an Open Access Journal) located at: and find an article that interests you. Create a 7-10 slide narrated presentation that takes the research data in the article and presents it in a usable format to the Board of Directors at a business that could use the research from the article.

You will need to identify the industry and any company you think would benefit from the research. Briefly explain why you think this research applies to this company. This information should not take more than one slide.

Outcome 5. Identify and focus on the perspectives of stakeholders (the marketing research firm, the client, respondents and the general public) using data analysis techniques.

Outcome 7. Understand how professional marketing firms conduct data research.

TC Customer Service at Independent Retail Food Chains Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

merican Sentinel University Aurora Nursing Health Coverage Plans Powerpoint Health Medical Assignment Help

Activity 1

National Health Coverage Plans, Reimbursements, and Quality

Baccalaureate education includes learning opportunities of healthcare policy, finance, and regulatory environments (AACN, 2008).

Complete the Nursing Quality Indicators (NQI) virtual simulation activity to explore the impact of nursing designs on quality measures, including cost, systems, processes, and outcomes of various points of care. The goal of this activity is to think about basic quality and safety investigations that are used to create and measures outcomes of quality improvement processes.

Please Note: You can navigate to the NQI activity by clicking on ‘Sentinel Hospital’, entering the lobby, and clicking the brown icon: ‘Surgical Services.

Introduction & Healthcare Coverage and Vulnerable Populations

Describe the importance of healthcare coverage (insurance). End with a clearly worded purpose statement for this project. Discuss two ways healthcare coverage is beneficial (helpful) for the vulnerable/ uninsured populations.

Diagnosis Related Groups

Describe the purpose of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs). Explain the impact of DRGs on length of stay and payment of services. Discuss how payments for DRGs are now impacted by quality indicators and measures.

Select a Major Healthcare Plan

(Label heading with the name of the plan Ex: Preferred Provider Option Plan)

Select one of the patients from the cases you reviewed in NQI. Summarize two care options provided by the plan that facilitates access for your selected patient. Summarize two care options that limit access to care for your selected patient.

Select a Second Major Healthcare Plan

(Label heading with the name of the plan Ex: Medicaid)

Repeat this activity with the same patient. Summarize two care options provided by the second plan that facilitates access for your selected patient. Summarize two care options that limit access to care for your selected patient.

Impact of Nursing Interventions

Summarize at least four priority nursing interventions or considerations to promote self-care for your selected patient to provide high quality, safe healthcare considering nursing-sensitive indicators. Provide a rationale for each of your selected nursing decisions.


Summarize the key points of your project.

**You will not discuss the deductibles or costs of the insurance plans as this is not the focus of this this assignment.

Following the simulated activity, you will examine the relationship between healthcare coverage (insurance), quality care, and reimbursements (payments) to health care organizations. Select two different major national (U.S.) insurance health plans. You may choose Medicaid, Medicare, HMO, PPO, or private insurance plans. You can choose your own personal insurance plan if you prefer. Review healthcare coverage options offered by both plans that benefit (facilitate) and hinder (limit) access to care. Examples of healthcare coverage (insurance) options that facilitate, or limit access include medication coverage, primary care physician office visits, specialists physician office visits, emergency care, lab or blood work and diagnostics, wellness care, prevention services or surgery (these are just a few examples). You will also explore the role of Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs) and charity care within healthcare facilities (hospitals) and how charity care impacts the vulnerable or uninsured population. Finally, summarize nursing interventions or considerations for your selected patient to provide high quality, safe healthcare considering nursing-sensitive indicators in his/her unique scenario.

Additional Instructions:

  1. All submissions should have a title page and reference page.
  2. Utilize a minimum of two scholarly resources.
  3. Adhere to grammar, spelling and punctuation criteria.
  4. Adhere to APA compliance guidelines.
  5. Adhere to the chosen Submission Option for Delivery of Activity guidelines.

Submission Options:

Choose One:



  • 4 to 6-page paper. Include title and reference pages.

Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation

  • 8 to 10 slides. Add title and reference slides.
  • Follow Rules of 7.

Other media (Prezi, etc.) presentation

  • 8 to 10 slides with speaker notes. Add title and reference slides.
  • Follow Rules of 7.

Video Presentation

  • 5 to 8-minute video presentation.
  • Attach reference page or include in video.
  • Professional appearance and background.
  • Video submissions must include a script in Word format, submitted through Turnitin for an Originality Report.


  • Table with appropriate columns and headers.
  • Include title and reference pages.

Graphs or other illustrations

  • Graphs or illustrations with appropriate labels. Include title and reference pages.


  • Poster utilizing any applicable poster template. Include visual graphics/images/other formats for visual appeal. Include appropriate title and references on poster.

Note: Title and reference pages/slides do not count towards the count requirements.

Healthcare Policy and Regulations- National Health Coverage Plans, Reimbursements,
and Quality
Description: The baccalaureate-graduate nurse will compare the benefits and limitations of major
forms of reimbursements on the delivery of health care services, advocate for vulnerable
populations, and describe how health care is organized and financed, including system cost
Course Competency(ies): 1) Critique key health priorities and goals from a national and global
perspective. 3) Examine the effect of health and social policies on persons with diverse ethnic
and cultural backgrounds. 5) Construct nursing interventions that provide high quality, safe
healthcare using nursing-sensitive indicators.
QSEN Competency(ies): 1) Patient-Centered Care 2) Teamwork and Collaboration
BSN Essential V
Area Gold
Mastery not
Describes the
purpose and
importance of the
(insurance). End
paragraph with a
clearly worded
Describes the
purpose and
importance of
healthcare coverage
(insurance). End
paragraph with a
clearly worded
purpose statement.
Describes the
purpose and
importance of
healthcare coverage
(insurance). Some
details are missing.
Purpose statement is
unclear or not.
Does not explain the
purpose and
importance of
healthcare coverage
(insurance). Some
content is
missing. No purpose
Does not
Describes the
purpose of
Diagnosis Related
Groups (DRGs).
Explains the
impact of DRG’s
on length of stay
and payment of
Discusses how
payments for
DRGs are now
impacted by
quality of care.
Describes the
purpose of Diagnosis
Related Groups
(DRGs). Explains the
impact of DRG’s on
length of stay and
payment of services.
Discusses how
payments for DRGs
are now impacted by
quality of care.
Provides details
Minimally describes
the purpose of
Diagnosis Related
Groups (DRGs).
Minimally explains
the impact of
DRG’s on length of
stay and payment
services. Minimally
discusses how
payments for DRGs
are now impacted
by quality of care.
Some details are
Simply describes the
purpose of Diagnosis
Related Groups
(DRGs). Simply
explains the impact
of DRG’s on length
of stay and payment
of services. Simply
discusses how
payments for DRGs
are now impacted by
quality of care. Some
content is missing.
Does not
Select a Major
Healthcare Plan
Fully summarizes
two care options
provided by the
plan that facilitates
discusses two care
options provided
by the plan that
Simply discusses
one care option
provided by the
plan that facilitates
Does not

(Label heading
with Name of
– EX: Preferred
Provider Option
Summarize two
care options
provided by the
plan that facilitates
access for the
Summarize two
care options that
limit access to care
for the patient.
access for the
patient. Fully
summarize two
care options that
limit access to care
for the patient.
Provides details.
facilitates access
for the patient.
discusses two care
options that limit
access to care for
the patient. Some
details are
access for the
patient. Simply
discusses one care
option that limits
access to care for
the patient. Some
content is missing.
Select a Second
Healthcare Plan
and Label
Heading with
the Name of the
Summarize two
care options
provided by the
plan that facilitates
access for the
Summarize two
care options that
limit access to care
for the patient.
Summarizes two
care options
provided by the
plan that facilitates
access for the
patient. Summarizes two care options
that limit access to
care for the patient.
Provides details.
discusses two care
options provided
by the plan that
facilitates access
for the patient.
discusses two care
options that limit
access to care for
the patient.
Some details are
Simply discusses
one care option
provided by the
plan that facilitates
access for the
patient. Simply
discusses one care
option that limits
access to care for
the patient. Some
content is missing.
Does not
Summarize at
least four
priority nursing
interventions or
to promote selfcare for your
selected patient
to provide high
quality, safe
Summarizes at
least four priority
interventions or
considerations to
promote self-care
for your selected
patient to provide
high quality, safe
Summarizes at
least three priority
interventions or
considerations to
promote self-care
for your selected
patient to provide
high quality, safe
Summarizes at one
to two priority
interventions or
considerations to
promote self-care
for your selected
patient to provide
high quality, safe
Does not

nursing sensitive
Provide a
rationale for
each of your
selected nursing
Ends paper with a
separate paragraph
(with Conclusion
as heading) and
summarizes key
points in paper.
indicators. Provides
a rationale for each
of your selected
nursing decisions.
Ends paper with a
separate paragraph
(with Conclusion as
heading) and fully
summarizes key
points in paper.
Provides a
rationale for three
of your selected
nursing decisions.
Ends paper with a
separate paragraph
(with Conclusion as
heading). Conclusion paragraph is
unclear. Some key
points are missing.
indicators. Provides a rationale for
each of your
selected nursing
paragraph is missing.
APA, Grammar,
Spelling, and
No errors in APA,
Spelling, and
One to three errors
in APA, Spelling,
and Punctuation.
Four to six errors in
APA, Spelling, and
Seven or
more errors in
Spelling, and
References Provides three or
more references.
Provides two
Provides one
Provides no


HSA 4150 Rasmussen College Implementation of Medicare Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Legislative Action


Healthcare policy has been a critical aspect of political administrations over the past 100 years. Understanding the political process and how healthcare policy has changed over the past century is an important start.

 paper analyzing a minimum of one legislative action that would have an impact on the position and facility you selected. Make sure to include the following:

  1. Discuss the purpose of the legislative action.
  2. Describe the problem/problems that the legislative action is trying to solve or prevent.
  3. Discuss other viewpoints or opposing viewpoints of the action.

Make sure to include your APA formatted reference page.

Part II: Memos are not a thing of the past. Many organizations use memos as a way to share important information. Write a standard memo to your supervisor highlighting the key points of each arena (Hint: Microsoft Word has many memo templates). SkillSurfer in the online tutoring platform offers beginner, intermediate, and advanced tutorials on Microsoft Office products. Make sure to include the following in your memo:

  1. Discuss why you feel the legislative action chosen best coincides with the position and facility that you’ve chosen.
  2. Discuss your stance on the chosen legislative action and how it impacts the core beliefs and ethics of the facility you that you’ve chosen.
  3. Make sure to use audience specific language and tone in your memo. Remember, you are writing to your supervisor. Also, remember to use correct formatting for a business memo.


DSIN 141 American Military University Photoshop Project Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Enhance the photo with at least five to seven different elements on Photoshop.   Then, create a magazine cover page using that photo with some creative idea behind it utilizing at least one other photo for a background. You will upload three photos minimum. The original family photo, background photo and the final cover page.

Once this is completed

  1. Purpose of the magazine. You must identify a valid purpose as if this magazine will be published for the public.
  2. Identify five to seven tools used and any challenges encountered.
  3. Describe the tools applied and why selected.
  4. Describe the layers applied and why selected.
  5. Examine the differences, the benefits and the limitations of the different image file types.
  6. Discuss the purpose and usage of smart objects, layers and vectors in editing, also differentiate between a raster image and a vector image; also detail the layer concepts of hiding, linking, and setting layer styles.
  7. Outline the different processes to enhance images including sharpness, color, contrast, hue, brightness and resolution.
  8. Evaluate the image processing capabilities such as feathering, filtering and burning.
  9. Describe the process for performing advanced selection using masks, channels, refine edge, and defringing.
  10. Detail the capabilities of Adobe Photoshop as a tool for editing and restoring digital images, also describe the process for enhance digital images by manipulating sharpness, color, contrast, hue, brightness and resolution.

Picture attached.


Rasmussen College Strengths and Weaknesses of Smart Robotics Paper Engineering Assignment Help

A large retail food chain wants to leverage any advantage it can get based on this module’s technologies, especially as they could be applied to areas such as user connectivity, business processes, and management applications. Management has asked you to develop a feasibility study that analyzes the potential of the technology.

Develop a feasibility study that examines the potential impact of this module’s technologies on a business in the industry described above. Create a Feasibility Study and SWOT Analysis. Your submission should be:

  • grammatically correct and free from spelling errors
  • written in a professional tone
  • a minimum of 1000 words in length

Your completed feasibility study should contain the following elements, with section-headings clearly indicated:

  • Title Page
  • Executive Summary
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction
  • Purpose / Scope
  • History
  • Methodology (including SWOT Analysis)
  • Current Systems and Processes / Environment
  • Issues
  • Assumptions and Constraints
  • Objectives
  • Alternatives
  • Comparison of Alternatives
  • Conclusions
  • Recommendations
  • References
  • Appendixes



UNAHVS Translating Psychology Genre to Sociology Genre Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

“translate” one text’s genre and conventions into another

write this in the style fit your genre, like if you choose a biology filed you need write in apa format, if it’s in English filed write in MLA format. 5-8 page double spaced

I linked an article I choose which is under the cultural psychology area you could rewrite this in humanity or writing area. However, if you like another article which you familiar with, you can change it. but tell me first.

1. Identify Primary Text: Choose an academic article (theoretical or empirical) which you wish to translate. There are no restrictions as to what article you should choose—as long as it is an academic paper that is published and was written by a scholar of a particular discourse community. This will be your primary text to be translated into a new genre.

2. Identify New Genre: Choose a genre(if the primary article was in psychology filed you could write a new one in humanity filed) of writing in which to “translate” your text. There are no restrictions as long as it is a textual genre and it is different from the original text’s genre. In choosing your new genre, pay a particular attention to the rhetorical triangle, that is the purpose, audience, context as well as conventions – and how all of these will impact the “translation.”

3. Translate: “translate” your chosen text into a brand new genre!

4. Reflect: Write a metacognitive reflection in which you’ll describe and analyze your choices as well as how you’ve accomplished this translation. Your reflection should be at least three pages.

Your reflective essay should analyze all of the following: 1) the initial text to be “translated,” 2) the process and choices employed in the “genre translation,” and 3) the translation itself. Don’t dedicate the whole paper to talking about your new genre; it is equally important to provide clear, insightful analysis of the conventions and rhetorical elements of the academic article that you started with. Along with your translation, include a brief explanation of your reference text along with its citation information and a hyperlink through which I can access the original article.

after I assign you the question you make decision about which type of genre you will use,

I just want to make sure you are in the right track

also I may want a outline

also if you want to use another article let me see it before you use it

UNAHVS Translating Psychology Genre to Sociology Genre Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Phoenix Advantages of Conducting a SWOT Analysis PowerPoint Writing Assignment Help

Assignment Content

  1. Use the SWOT Analysis worksheet provided to complete this assignment.
    Review the SWOT Analysis PowerPoint® prior to completing this assignment.
    Based on the review of the Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Scenario, conduct a SWOT analysis to generate a list of perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the hospital.

    • Strengths and weaknesses are traits internal to the hospital (i.e., strong physician loyalty to hospital, aging building, and availability of financial resources).

    Opportunities and threats are external to the hospital, such as a mall facility available for lease or a competitor hospital opening two physician practices in your market.
    Create a 10-12 Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation on your analysis, incorporating key components of a SWOT analysis for the scenario described in Week 1 to generate a list of perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The analysis will include the following

    • Analyze the purpose of conducting the analysis in the context of the scenario.
    • Analyze the limitations and advantages of conducting a SWOT analysis on your own (vs. with a group of stakeholders).
    • Use the table provided to record your analysis of the information from the strategic planning scenario and generate two factors for each of the SWOT categories (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats).

    Cite a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar reference to support your assignment.
    Format your assignment according to APA 7th Edition guidelines.


BUS 6002 California Miramar University Student Self Evaluation Report Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Complete the attached Self Evaluation Report – Part 2 With Student Feedback on Employer Report. 400 Words Minimum.
1. Please rate yourself on the list of all 10 of the soft skills listed in the 10 Top Soft Skills PDF above.
2. In addition, please provide a brief description (25-50 words) of how you utilized these specific soft skills in the fulfillment of your employment responsibilities during your employment in your position.
If you did not utilize a specific skill, write a short statement as to how you can use the skill in the future.
3. Please provide feedback on your Employer’s Report and the overall ratings your Employer/Supervisor gave to you in last’s week’s report. This feedback should be a minimum of 200 words of the Minimum 400.

  • Review the Top 10 Softskills PDF.
  • Review your evaluation of these skills from the Employer Report Week 7
  • Please rate yourself on all ten of the followingsoft skills utilizing the following rating scale: (1 = Poor; 2= Below Average 3 = Average; 4 = Above Average; 5=Exceptional
  • Provide your response to the Strengths and Challenges that your Employer/Supervisor listed in their Week 7 Employer Report—50 WORD MINIMUM FOR EACH EMPLOYER/SUPERVISOR CATEGORY REPLY.

1.Communication: Self Rating_____:

2.Self-Motivation:Self Rating_____:

3.Leadership:Self Rating_____:

4.Responsibility:Self Rating_____:

5.Teamwork:Self Rating_____:

6. Problem Solving:Self Rating_____:

7.Decisiveness:Self Rating_____:

8.Ability to Work Under Pressure and Time Management:Self Rating_____:

9.Flexibility:Self Rating_____:

10.Negotiations and Conflict Resolution:Self Rating_____:

Provide your response to the Strengths and Challenges that your Employer/Supervisor listed in their Week 7 Employer Report—50 WORD MINIMUM FOR EACH EMPLOYER/SUPERVISOR CATEGORY REPLY.




PSY 499OL02 Notre Dame College Accomplishments as A Student Capstone Humanities Assignment Help

Hello ? , here is what I am in need of:

– Capstone writing assignment, 1 page in length, APA format

Instructors Directions:

You will create a brief executive summary document as a means of reflection before the term ends.
This executive summary will highlight your accomplishments as a student here at Saint Leo
University. You will focus on summarizing your notable academic achievements, extracurricular
activities, awards and accolades, and personal development. Stop and reflect on how you have changed
over the past few years due to your experience here at Saint Leo University. Consider the Saint Leo Core
values when writing your reflection and discuss how your experiences are aligned with these values such
as personal development, integrity, excellence, and community. You do not need to discuss all of the
core values, but your essay needs to include at least 2 of them.

The examples you provide will serve to highlight your professional and academic growth. Also consider
that prospective employers may read this summary, so feel free to customize this to suit a particular job
or perhaps graduate school program. This is your opportunity to “sell” yourself.
The summary will be written in double spaced times new roman 10 to 12 pt font. Use 1 inch margins on
the pages. The summary will be no more than 2 pages in length.


University of Phoenix Letter on Quality Service Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

You are the training director of a small hotel chain, Noe Suites. Each Noe Suites hotel has 100 to 150 rooms, a small indoor pool, conference rooms, and a restaurant. You receive the following e-mail message from the vice president of operations. Prepare an answer.

To: You, Training Director

From: Vice President of Operations, Noe Suites

As you are probably aware, one of the most important aspects of quality service is known as “recovery”—that is, the employee’s ability to respond effectively to customer complaints. We need to train our hotel staff in the “recovery” aspect of customer service. My decision is based on the results of recent focus groups we held with customers. One theme that emerged from these focus groups was that we had some weaknesses in the recovery area. For example, last month in one of the restaurants, a waiter dropped the last available piece of blueberry pie on a customer as he was serving her. The waiter did not know how to correct the problem other than offer an apology.

  • I have decided to hire two well-known consultants in the service industry to discuss recovery as well as to provide an overview of different aspects of quality customer service. These consultants have worked in service industries as well as manufacturing industries.
  • I have scheduled the consultants to deliver a presentation in three training sessions next week. Each session will last three hours. There will be one session for each shift of employees (day, afternoon, and midnight shifts).
  • The sessions will consist of a presentation and question-and-answer session. The presentation will last one and a half hours and the question-and-answer session approximately 45 minutes. There will be a half-hour break.

My expectations are that following this training, the service staff will be able to successfully recover from service problems.

Because you are an expert on training, I want your feedback on the proposed training session. Specifically, I am interested in your opinion regarding whether our employees will learn about service recovery from attending this program. Will they be able to recover from service problems in their interactions with customers? What recommendations do you have for improving the training program?

Prepare a 500-700 word response to the manager. A business memo format is recommended.

  • Acknowledge the request
  • Use concepts from the text (chapters 4 and 5) to explain what is missing from the consultant’s proposal.
  • Use concepts from the text to explain the sort of learning conditions needed to acquire service recovery skills and transfer them to the job.
  • Summarize and make a strong, practical recommendation for conducting service recovery training and ensuring it is transferred to the job.

Cite all sources according to APA formatting guidelines.

[supanova_question], conduct a SWOT analysis to generate a list of perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the hospital.

  • Strengths and weaknesses are traits internal to the hospital (i.e., strong physician loyalty to hospital, aging building, and availability of financial resources).

Opportunities and threats are external to the hospital, such as a mall facility available for lease or a competitor hospital opening two physician practices in your market.
Create a 10-12 Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation on your analysis, incorporating key components of a SWOT analysis for the scenario described in Week 1 to generate a list of perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The analysis will include the following

  • Analyze the purpose of conducting the analysis in the context of the scenario.
  • Analyze the limitations and advantages of conducting a SWOT analysis on your own (vs. with a group of stakeholders).
  • Use the table provided to record your analysis of the information from the strategic planning scenario and generate two factors for each of the SWOT categories (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats).

Cite a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar reference to support your assignment.
Format your assignment according to APA 7th Edition guidelines.


BUS 6002 California Miramar University Student Self Evaluation Report Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Complete the attached Self Evaluation Report – Part 2 With Student Feedback on Employer Report. 400 Words Minimum.
1. Please rate yourself on the list of all 10 of the soft skills listed in the 10 Top Soft Skills PDF above.
2. In addition, please provide a brief description (25-50 words) of how you utilized these specific soft skills in the fulfillment of your employment responsibilities during your employment in your position.
If you did not utilize a specific skill, write a short statement as to how you can use the skill in the future.
3. Please provide feedback on your Employer’s Report and the overall ratings your Employer/Supervisor gave to you in last’s week’s report. This feedback should be a minimum of 200 words of the Minimum 400.

  • Review the Top 10 Softskills PDF.
  • Review your evaluation of these skills from the Employer Report Week 7
  • Please rate yourself on all ten of the followingsoft skills utilizing the following rating scale: (1 = Poor; 2= Below Average 3 = Average; 4 = Above Average; 5=Exceptional
  • Provide your response to the Strengths and Challenges that your Employer/Supervisor listed in their Week 7 Employer Report—50 WORD MINIMUM FOR EACH EMPLOYER/SUPERVISOR CATEGORY REPLY.

1.Communication: Self Rating_____:

2.Self-Motivation:Self Rating_____:

3.Leadership:Self Rating_____:

4.Responsibility:Self Rating_____:

5.Teamwork:Self Rating_____:

6. Problem Solving:Self Rating_____:

7.Decisiveness:Self Rating_____:

8.Ability to Work Under Pressure and Time Management:Self Rating_____:

9.Flexibility:Self Rating_____:

10.Negotiations and Conflict Resolution:Self Rating_____:

Provide your response to the Strengths and Challenges that your Employer/Supervisor listed in their Week 7 Employer Report—50 WORD MINIMUM FOR EACH EMPLOYER/SUPERVISOR CATEGORY REPLY.




PSY 499OL02 Notre Dame College Accomplishments as A Student Capstone Humanities Assignment Help

Hello ? , here is what I am in need of:

– Capstone writing assignment, 1 page in length, APA format

Instructors Directions:

You will create a brief executive summary document as a means of reflection before the term ends.
This executive summary will highlight your accomplishments as a student here at Saint Leo
University. You will focus on summarizing your notable academic achievements, extracurricular
activities, awards and accolades, and personal development. Stop and reflect on how you have changed
over the past few years due to your experience here at Saint Leo University. Consider the Saint Leo Core
values when writing your reflection and discuss how your experiences are aligned with these values such
as personal development, integrity, excellence, and community. You do not need to discuss all of the
core values, but your essay needs to include at least 2 of them.

The examples you provide will serve to highlight your professional and academic growth. Also consider
that prospective employers may read this summary, so feel free to customize this to suit a particular job
or perhaps graduate school program. This is your opportunity to “sell” yourself.
The summary will be written in double spaced times new roman 10 to 12 pt font. Use 1 inch margins on
the pages. The summary will be no more than 2 pages in length.


University of Phoenix Letter on Quality Service Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

You are the training director of a small hotel chain, Noe Suites. Each Noe Suites hotel has 100 to 150 rooms, a small indoor pool, conference rooms, and a restaurant. You receive the following e-mail message from the vice president of operations. Prepare an answer.

To: You, Training Director

From: Vice President of Operations, Noe Suites

As you are probably aware, one of the most important aspects of quality service is known as “recovery”—that is, the employee’s ability to respond effectively to customer complaints. We need to train our hotel staff in the “recovery” aspect of customer service. My decision is based on the results of recent focus groups we held with customers. One theme that emerged from these focus groups was that we had some weaknesses in the recovery area. For example, last month in one of the restaurants, a waiter dropped the last available piece of blueberry pie on a customer as he was serving her. The waiter did not know how to correct the problem other than offer an apology.

  • I have decided to hire two well-known consultants in the service industry to discuss recovery as well as to provide an overview of different aspects of quality customer service. These consultants have worked in service industries as well as manufacturing industries.
  • I have scheduled the consultants to deliver a presentation in three training sessions next week. Each session will last three hours. There will be one session for each shift of employees (day, afternoon, and midnight shifts).
  • The sessions will consist of a presentation and question-and-answer session. The presentation will last one and a half hours and the question-and-answer session approximately 45 minutes. There will be a half-hour break.

My expectations are that following this training, the service staff will be able to successfully recover from service problems.

Because you are an expert on training, I want your feedback on the proposed training session. Specifically, I am interested in your opinion regarding whether our employees will learn about service recovery from attending this program. Will they be able to recover from service problems in their interactions with customers? What recommendations do you have for improving the training program?

Prepare a 500-700 word response to the manager. A business memo format is recommended.

  • Acknowledge the request
  • Use concepts from the text (chapters 4 and 5) to explain what is missing from the consultant’s proposal.
  • Use concepts from the text to explain the sort of learning conditions needed to acquire service recovery skills and transfer them to the job.
  • Summarize and make a strong, practical recommendation for conducting service recovery training and ensuring it is transferred to the job.

Cite all sources according to APA formatting guidelines.

[supanova_question], conduct a SWOT analysis to generate a list of perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the hospital.

  • Strengths and weaknesses are traits internal to the hospital (i.e., strong physician loyalty to hospital, aging building, and availability of financial resources).

Opportunities and threats are external to the hospital, such as a mall facility available for lease or a competitor hospital opening two physician practices in your market.
Create a 10-12 Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation on your analysis, incorporating key components of a SWOT analysis for the scenario described in Week 1 to generate a list of perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The analysis will include the following

  • Analyze the purpose of conducting the analysis in the context of the scenario.
  • Analyze the limitations and advantages of conducting a SWOT analysis on your own (vs. with a group of stakeholders).
  • Use the table provided to record your analysis of the information from the strategic planning scenario and generate two factors for each of the SWOT categories (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats).

Cite a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar reference to support your assignment.
Format your assignment according to APA 7th Edition guidelines.


BUS 6002 California Miramar University Student Self Evaluation Report Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Complete the attached Self Evaluation Report – Part 2 With Student Feedback on Employer Report. 400 Words Minimum.
1. Please rate yourself on the list of all 10 of the soft skills listed in the 10 Top Soft Skills PDF above.
2. In addition, please provide a brief description (25-50 words) of how you utilized these specific soft skills in the fulfillment of your employment responsibilities during your employment in your position.
If you did not utilize a specific skill, write a short statement as to how you can use the skill in the future.
3. Please provide feedback on your Employer’s Report and the overall ratings your Employer/Supervisor gave to you in last’s week’s report. This feedback should be a minimum of 200 words of the Minimum 400.

  • Review the Top 10 Softskills PDF.
  • Review your evaluation of these skills from the Employer Report Week 7
  • Please rate yourself on all ten of the followingsoft skills utilizing the following rating scale: (1 = Poor; 2= Below Average 3 = Average; 4 = Above Average; 5=Exceptional
  • Provide your response to the Strengths and Challenges that your Employer/Supervisor listed in their Week 7 Employer Report—50 WORD MINIMUM FOR EACH EMPLOYER/SUPERVISOR CATEGORY REPLY.

1.Communication: Self Rating_____:

2.Self-Motivation:Self Rating_____:

3.Leadership:Self Rating_____:

4.Responsibility:Self Rating_____:

5.Teamwork:Self Rating_____:

6. Problem Solving:Self Rating_____:

7.Decisiveness:Self Rating_____:

8.Ability to Work Under Pressure and Time Management:Self Rating_____:

9.Flexibility:Self Rating_____:

10.Negotiations and Conflict Resolution:Self Rating_____:

Provide your response to the Strengths and Challenges that your Employer/Supervisor listed in their Week 7 Employer Report—50 WORD MINIMUM FOR EACH EMPLOYER/SUPERVISOR CATEGORY REPLY.




PSY 499OL02 Notre Dame College Accomplishments as A Student Capstone Humanities Assignment Help

Hello ? , here is what I am in need of:

– Capstone writing assignment, 1 page in length, APA format

Instructors Directions:

You will create a brief executive summary document as a means of reflection before the term ends.
This executive summary will highlight your accomplishments as a student here at Saint Leo
University. You will focus on summarizing your notable academic achievements, extracurricular
activities, awards and accolades, and personal development. Stop and reflect on how you have changed
over the past few years due to your experience here at Saint Leo University. Consider the Saint Leo Core
values when writing your reflection and discuss how your experiences are aligned with these values such
as personal development, integrity, excellence, and community. You do not need to discuss all of the
core values, but your essay needs to include at least 2 of them.

The examples you provide will serve to highlight your professional and academic growth. Also consider
that prospective employers may read this summary, so feel free to customize this to suit a particular job
or perhaps graduate school program. This is your opportunity to “sell” yourself.
The summary will be written in double spaced times new roman 10 to 12 pt font. Use 1 inch margins on
the pages. The summary will be no more than 2 pages in length.


University of Phoenix Letter on Quality Service Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

You are the training director of a small hotel chain, Noe Suites. Each Noe Suites hotel has 100 to 150 rooms, a small indoor pool, conference rooms, and a restaurant. You receive the following e-mail message from the vice president of operations. Prepare an answer.

To: You, Training Director

From: Vice President of Operations, Noe Suites

As you are probably aware, one of the most important aspects of quality service is known as “recovery”—that is, the employee’s ability to respond effectively to customer complaints. We need to train our hotel staff in the “recovery” aspect of customer service. My decision is based on the results of recent focus groups we held with customers. One theme that emerged from these focus groups was that we had some weaknesses in the recovery area. For example, last month in one of the restaurants, a waiter dropped the last available piece of blueberry pie on a customer as he was serving her. The waiter did not know how to correct the problem other than offer an apology.

  • I have decided to hire two well-known consultants in the service industry to discuss recovery as well as to provide an overview of different aspects of quality customer service. These consultants have worked in service industries as well as manufacturing industries.
  • I have scheduled the consultants to deliver a presentation in three training sessions next week. Each session will last three hours. There will be one session for each shift of employees (day, afternoon, and midnight shifts).
  • The sessions will consist of a presentation and question-and-answer session. The presentation will last one and a half hours and the question-and-answer session approximately 45 minutes. There will be a half-hour break.

My expectations are that following this training, the service staff will be able to successfully recover from service problems.

Because you are an expert on training, I want your feedback on the proposed training session. Specifically, I am interested in your opinion regarding whether our employees will learn about service recovery from attending this program. Will they be able to recover from service problems in their interactions with customers? What recommendations do you have for improving the training program?

Prepare a 500-700 word response to the manager. A business memo format is recommended.

  • Acknowledge the request
  • Use concepts from the text (chapters 4 and 5) to explain what is missing from the consultant’s proposal.
  • Use concepts from the text to explain the sort of learning conditions needed to acquire service recovery skills and transfer them to the job.
  • Summarize and make a strong, practical recommendation for conducting service recovery training and ensuring it is transferred to the job.

Cite all sources according to APA formatting guidelines.

[supanova_question], conduct a SWOT analysis to generate a list of perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats for the hospital.

  • Strengths and weaknesses are traits internal to the hospital (i.e., strong physician loyalty to hospital, aging building, and availability of financial resources).

Opportunities and threats are external to the hospital, such as a mall facility available for lease or a competitor hospital opening two physician practices in your market.
Create a 10-12 Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation on your analysis, incorporating key components of a SWOT analysis for the scenario described in Week 1 to generate a list of perceived strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The analysis will include the following

  • Analyze the purpose of conducting the analysis in the context of the scenario.
  • Analyze the limitations and advantages of conducting a SWOT analysis on your own (vs. with a group of stakeholders).
  • Use the table provided to record your analysis of the information from the strategic planning scenario and generate two factors for each of the SWOT categories (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats).

Cite a minimum of 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar reference to support your assignment.
Format your assignment according to APA 7th Edition guidelines.


BUS 6002 California Miramar University Student Self Evaluation Report Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Complete the attached Self Evaluation Report – Part 2 With Student Feedback on Employer Report. 400 Words Minimum.
1. Please rate yourself on the list of all 10 of the soft skills listed in the 10 Top Soft Skills PDF above.
2. In addition, please provide a brief description (25-50 words) of how you utilized these specific soft skills in the fulfillment of your employment responsibilities during your employment in your position.
If you did not utilize a specific skill, write a short statement as to how you can use the skill in the future.
3. Please provide feedback on your Employer’s Report and the overall ratings your Employer/Supervisor gave to you in last’s week’s report. This feedback should be a minimum of 200 words of the Minimum 400.

  • Review the Top 10 Softskills PDF.
  • Review your evaluation of these skills from the Employer Report Week 7
  • Please rate yourself on all ten of the followingsoft skills utilizing the following rating scale: (1 = Poor; 2= Below Average 3 = Average; 4 = Above Average; 5=Exceptional
  • Provide your response to the Strengths and Challenges that your Employer/Supervisor listed in their Week 7 Employer Report—50 WORD MINIMUM FOR EACH EMPLOYER/SUPERVISOR CATEGORY REPLY.

1.Communication: Self Rating_____:

2.Self-Motivation:Self Rating_____:

3.Leadership:Self Rating_____:

4.Responsibility:Self Rating_____:

5.Teamwork:Self Rating_____:

6. Problem Solving:Self Rating_____:

7.Decisiveness:Self Rating_____:

8.Ability to Work Under Pressure and Time Management:Self Rating_____:

9.Flexibility:Self Rating_____:

10.Negotiations and Conflict Resolution:Self Rating_____:

Provide your response to the Strengths and Challenges that your Employer/Supervisor listed in their Week 7 Employer Report—50 WORD MINIMUM FOR EACH EMPLOYER/SUPERVISOR CATEGORY REPLY.




PSY 499OL02 Notre Dame College Accomplishments as A Student Capstone Humanities Assignment Help

Hello ? , here is what I am in need of:

– Capstone writing assignment, 1 page in length, APA format

Instructors Directions:

You will create a brief executive summary document as a means of reflection before the term ends.
This executive summary will highlight your accomplishments as a student here at Saint Leo
University. You will focus on summarizing your notable academic achievements, extracurricular
activities, awards and accolades, and personal development. Stop and reflect on how you have changed
over the past few years due to your experience here at Saint Leo University. Consider the Saint Leo Core
values when writing your reflection and discuss how your experiences are aligned with these values such
as personal development, integrity, excellence, and community. You do not need to discuss all of the
core values, but your essay needs to include at least 2 of them.

The examples you provide will serve to highlight your professional and academic growth. Also consider
that prospective employers may read this summary, so feel free to customize this to suit a particular job
or perhaps graduate school program. This is your opportunity to “sell” yourself.
The summary will be written in double spaced times new roman 10 to 12 pt font. Use 1 inch margins on
the pages. The summary will be no more than 2 pages in length.


University of Phoenix Letter on Quality Service Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

You are the training director of a small hotel chain, Noe Suites. Each Noe Suites hotel has 100 to 150 rooms, a small indoor pool, conference rooms, and a restaurant. You receive the following e-mail message from the vice president of operations. Prepare an answer.

To: You, Training Director

From: Vice President of Operations, Noe Suites

As you are probably aware, one of the most important aspects of quality service is known as “recovery”—that is, the employee’s ability to respond effectively to customer complaints. We need to train our hotel staff in the “recovery” aspect of customer service. My decision is based on the results of recent focus groups we held with customers. One theme that emerged from these focus groups was that we had some weaknesses in the recovery area. For example, last month in one of the restaurants, a waiter dropped the last available piece of blueberry pie on a customer as he was serving her. The waiter did not know how to correct the problem other than offer an apology.

  • I have decided to hire two well-known consultants in the service industry to discuss recovery as well as to provide an overview of different aspects of quality customer service. These consultants have worked in service industries as well as manufacturing industries.
  • I have scheduled the consultants to deliver a presentation in three training sessions next week. Each session will last three hours. There will be one session for each shift of employees (day, afternoon, and midnight shifts).
  • The sessions will consist of a presentation and question-and-answer session. The presentation will last one and a half hours and the question-and-answer session approximately 45 minutes. There will be a half-hour break.

My expectations are that following this training, the service staff will be able to successfully recover from service problems.

Because you are an expert on training, I want your feedback on the proposed training session. Specifically, I am interested in your opinion regarding whether our employees will learn about service recovery from attending this program. Will they be able to recover from service problems in their interactions with customers? What recommendations do you have for improving the training program?

Prepare a 500-700 word response to the manager. A business memo format is recommended.

  • Acknowledge the request
  • Use concepts from the text (chapters 4 and 5) to explain what is missing from the consultant’s proposal.
  • Use concepts from the text to explain the sort of learning conditions needed to acquire service recovery skills and transfer them to the job.
  • Summarize and make a strong, practical recommendation for conducting service recovery training and ensuring it is transferred to the job.

Cite all sources according to APA formatting guidelines.


TC Customer Service at Independent Retail Food Chains Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

TC Customer Service at Independent Retail Food Chains Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

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