TCCD How and How Not to Love Mankind Article Analysis & Reflection Essay Humanities Assignment Help

TCCD How and How Not to Love Mankind Article Analysis & Reflection Essay Humanities Assignment Help. TCCD How and How Not to Love Mankind Article Analysis & Reflection Essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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You will write a 1000-1500 word response to your chosen paper topic from the list


Students should demonstrate that they can distinguish the relevant points that form a logically coherent argument. They should also be able to construct criticisms which effectively undermine, through the use of appropriate counter-examples, some premise of that argument.

Your assignment is to select any ONE of the following four articles found in the last chapter of our textbook, Competing Visions:

Frivolity of Evil

How–and How Not–to Love Mankind

Ibsen and His Discontents

What is Poverty?

NOTE: THIS IS NOT A RESEARCH PAPER, SO DO NOT USE ANY OUTSIDE SOURCES OTHER THAN THE DALRYMPLE ARTICLE AND YOUR TEXTBOOK, WHICH YOU WILL CITE USING MLA FORMAT.This assignment is designed to test your ability (after several weeks of reading difficult primary sources in philosophy) to comprehend, explain, analyze, and evaluate a philosophic essay of college-level difficulty. This is all about YOU wrestling with a difficult text and ascertaining its meaning in addition to articulating and defending your own position on the issues discussed in your chosen Dalrymple article. It is for this reason that the use of any sources other than your Dalrymple article and our textbook will result in an automatic 50 point deduction. The use of outside sources without proper attribution constitutes plagiarism and will earn you a ZERO for this assignment with no chance to make it up.

FOR THE ARTICLE YOU CHOOSE TO WRITE ON, you will type a 1000-1500 word response in which you address EACH of the following points IN YOUR OWN WORDS: 1) What is the author’s main argument? 2) How does he support his main argument (evidence, ancillary arguments, etc.)? 3) Do you agree or disagree with him? 4) Why or why not? 5) Apply the insights of at least two of the readings we have studied in this course (in chapters 1-10) to your analysis. Make sure to explain how the philosophers’ insights are relevant to the topic you are discussing.

A WORD OF WARNING: These articles are rather long and complex. The author likes to make extensive use of his rather copious vocabulary, so I strongly urge you to have handy as you work your way through your chosen article. The purpose of this essay assignment is for you to demonstrate your ability to discuss, analyze, and evaluate complex philosophic arguments. I am confident that the reading assignments, tests, and discussion boards will have prepared you for this final, and no doubt challenging, essay assignment.

Note: I only allow one attempt on this assignment. Students who do not fully address all of the components of the assignment as stated in the instructions as well as the grading rubric below will have to be content with the grade they earned.

Please use MLA format.

TCCD How and How Not to Love Mankind Article Analysis & Reflection Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

FU The Ethical Dimensions Of The Public Health Issue Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Step 1: Analyze the Ethical Dimensions of the Public Health Issue and Context

  • Who are the main stakeholders and what values and cultural perspectives does each stakeholder bring to this situation?
  • What role should the government play in improving the public’s health?

Step 2: Formulate Alternative Courses of Action and Evaluate their Ethical Dimensions

Due to a financial downturn, the government is thinking about eliminating the maternal cash incentive program. Here are 3 possible courses of action:

  1. Continue the program as it is now.
  2. Continue the program, but only if action is taken to smooth the cultural friction in the program.
  3. Eliminate the program.
  • What are the ethical implications of these options?

4.12 Case 4: Decoding Public Health Ethics and Inequity

in India: A Conditional Cash Incentive Scheme—Janani Suraksha Yojana

Divya Kanwar Bhati

World Health Organization Collaborating Centre for District Health System Based on Primary Health Care

Indian Institute of Health Management Research University

Jaipur, Rajasthan, India


This case is presented for instructional purposes only. The ideas and opinions expressed are the author’s own. The case is not meant to reflect the official position, views, or policies of the editors, the editors’ host institutions, or the author’s host institution.

4.12.1 Background

The domestic sphere of home and family defines the lives of most women in India, where they assume the role of caregiver, either as wife or mother. Overall, age and sex govern the household’s hierarchy of authority, older over younger, men over women. Women, especially those living in northern India, experience decreased autonomy and increased inequalities in all areas of life (Iyengar et al. 2009; Bloom et al. 2001). Limited autonomy harms women’s maternal health outcomes, restrict- ing their ability to choose safe childbirth options. In India, most births still occur in the home; less than 41 % occur in an institutional setting (International Institute for Population Sciences 2007).

Worldwide, more than half a million women die each year from complications during pregnancy and childbirth (UNICEF 2009). About 99 % of these deaths occur in developing countries. Based on maternal mortality trends from 1990 to 2008, developing countries, especially India, contribute about 18 % of the global burden of maternal deaths (Dikid et al. 2013). Data during 2007 through 2009 indicated that India’s maternal mortality ratio (MMR) was 212 per 100,000 live births (Registrar General of India 2011). Regional differences in MMR are found in India; during 2007 through 2009 the MMR in northern states was 308/100,000 compared with 207/100,000 in the southern states.

India has had a long history of redistributive poverty-reduction programs, but few programs provide direct cash assistance to the needy (Mehrotra 2010). Cash incentive programs started in the 1990s predominantly in Latin America where their success led to adoption in other parts of the world (Powell-Jackson et al. 2009b). These programs vary in size and scope; examples include programs that address vaccinations, educa- tion, health care, safe childbirth, sterilization, and poverty. An example from an Asian country is the Safe Delivery Incentives Programme (SDIP), which was started in

4 Disease Prevention and Control 117

2005 in Nepal with funds from the U.K. Department of International Development and the Nepalese government (Powell-Jackson et al. 2009a; Karki 2012). The pro- gram provided cash incentives to women who gave birth in health facilities and to health providers for each attended delivery (either in the woman’s home or in a facil- ity). The program implementers or administrators expected that the cash incentive would reduce transportation barriers and delays in maternal care seeking (Bhandari and Dangal 2012). The program was most effective in changing health care-seeking behavior wherever women’s groups highlighted the importance of effective commu- nication of the policy to the public (Powell-Jackson et al. 2008). Women exposed to the program were 24 % more likely to deliver in government health institutions, 5 % less likely to deliver at home, and 13 % more likely to have their delivery attended by a skilled health worker. Deliveries in government health institutions went from 34 % in the first year (2005/2006) to 59 % in the third year (2007/2008). Overall, the pro- gram was well received, however certain aspects of the policy were not accepted, including a condition that limited receipt of the cash incentive to women who had no more than two living children (Powell-Jackson et al. 2008).

India’s conditional cash transfer program, Janani Suraksha Yojana (JSY), is one of the largest programs of its kind in the world (Lim et al. 2010). JSY is funded through the central government, provides welfare to women living in indigent fami- lies, and includes efforts to empower women to choose institutional childbirth rather than home delivery.

JSY represents a novel and useful way to ensure the social welfare of women by integrating cash assistance with childbirth delivery and post delivery care. The pro- gram focuses on poor pregnant woman, especially those living in states with high MMRs and low institutional delivery rates. These low-performing states include Uttar Pradesh, Uttaranchal, Bihar, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Assam, Rajasthan, Orissa, and Jammu and Kashmir (Tiwari 2013). An important component of this program is its focus on monitoring, evaluating, and providing, health care for the mother and her baby (Lim et al. 2010). District-level household surveys have documented a decline in the proportion of home deliveries, which dropped from 59 % in the 2002–2004 survey (International Institute for Population Sciences 2006) to 52 % in the 2007–2008 survey (International Institute for Population Sciences 2010).

Despite indicators of success, the JSY program has raised a number of concerns. One of the aims of JSY is equity in addition to coverage; the JSY program does not include private health care providers. The increased deliveries (from 35 % to 65 %) in public health care facilities may raise issues in the quality and standards of health care (MacDonald 2011). Another concern is that the lack of comprehensive emer- gency obstetric care at many institutions compromises the safety of institutional deliveries (International Institute for Population Sciences 2010). A final concern is that socioeconomic status, caste, and education create large inequities in access to the program’s cash incentives, while women who do gain access lack financial con- trol over the cash incentives (Gopichandran and Chetlapalli 2012).

118 M.J. Selgelid

4.12.2 Case Description

A 19-year-old woman from a poor area in India is pregnant for the first time and only weeks from her delivery date. Wearing a long pardah to cover the lower half of her face and traditional maang tikka jewelry on her forehead to indicate married status, her attire reflects the traditional values embedded in her culture. She wants to deliver her baby in her home village, which is an overnight’s journey away. But her husband and in-laws have other ideas. They have just learned of a government pro- gram that provides a cash payment of 1000 rupees to women who opt for institu- tional delivery over home delivery. Her mother-in-law insists that the delivery take place in their district institution. The woman’s parents, believing the in-laws to be driven purely by greed, support their daughter. With encouragement from her par- ents, the woman disobeys her husband and in-laws to travel to her parent’s home, but goes into labor on the road and loses her child due to complications in the deliv- ery. The young woman not only is disconsolate over the loss of her child, she must now face the wrath of her husband and in-laws.

This is a poignant case, but only one in a dossier full of similar cases that you, as the state director for the maternal cash incentive program, have read that involve clashes between traditional ways and the incentive program. As a result, you have decided to convene an expert panel to consider recommendations to smooth not only the cultural friction the program is causing, but also the program’s impact on the quality and safety of care, as well as access to it.


Denver School of Nursing Questions and Responses Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

  • Share an example of when you experienced a client who valued health
    behaviors. Make sure to include the following information as part of
    your response:
    • Describe the assignment of value to health behaviors.
    • What differentiates the value of health behaviors?
    • Describe what contributes to barriers of health behaviors.
    • Explain how the nurse assesses the value of health behaviors.

Step 2 Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them

Your initial post should be 2-3 paragraphs long and follow the
requirements outlined in the discussion rubric. Please add to the
discussion in your peer responses with informative responses, instead of
posts similar to “great idea! I really agree with you.” The initial
post and the peer responses have different deadlines. Make sure that
your discussion adheres to these deadlines.

APA guidelines and plagiarism prevention matter in discussion posts
just like with other scholarly assignments. Cite all references
appropriately using APA format.

Discussion 1 Donna

Health education is a vital component in promoting individual and community health. Individual behaviors, such as diet, physical activity levels,and substance abuse, play a significant role in health outcomes (Edelman& Kudzman, 2018).

Chronic diseases related to health behavior are a major cause of
poor health, disability, and death (Edelman & Kudzman, 2018). I
knew a client who was just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. As a nurse,
when you are educating patients, you need to consider their culture,
beliefs, values, social diversity, and education level to make sure your
education is going to be effective to the client. We gave our patient
education flyers and educated him on health promotion and lifestyle and
behavior changes that he needed to do to become healthier. He started
watching his carb intake, took his insulin-like he was supposed to,
exercise on regular basis, and lost weight. We asked him to do a
teach-back of all the information he was presented with to make sure he
knew what he needed to do.

When the client came back in for his next appointment, we could
tell that he took our education and made health behavior changes because
he lost weight, and the results of his A1c had improved; he said that
he hasn’t felt this good in years. With his labs and weight loss, we can
see that he values his health behaviors and wants to make better
lifestyle changes to improve his health.


Edelman, C., & Kudzman, E. (2018). Health Promotion Throughout The Life Span (9th ed.). St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier, Inc.

Discussion 2 Baleigh

values are important ways to manage a person’s disorder. Health
behaviors are the activities undertaken by individuals for the purpose
of maintaining or enhancing their health, preventing health problems, or
achieving a positive body image (Cockerham, 2014). Health behaviors
such as making and keep doctor appointments, taking medications, getting
yearly vaccinations to prevent seasonal illness are all positive
behaviors that impact someone’s health.
Some barriers to positive health values and behaviors are plentiful.
Some examples include access to resources, financial situations,
cognitive status, or support systems. If there are barriers in place,
then it makes it harder for the patient to manage and care for
themselves. As a nurse, we must be able to recognize such a barrier and
be able to form a plan to help our patients. Such as reaching out to
social services and case managers to help find resources that can better
help the patients.
Cockerham, W. C. (2014, February 21). Health Behavior.
Retrieved from Wiley Online Library:,(Cockerham2012120).


Discussion Question

Respond to the following question based on this weeks lesson and, if it’s relevant, include your own personal experience

  • What strategies are used for initiating new information technology projects?
  • What should be taken into consideration when selecting a new informatics system?
  • Explain what interfacing, integration, and interoperability mean.

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them.

Discussion 1 Rebecca

One of the strategies used when initiating new information technology
projects includes, “SWOT analysis, through which organizations and
institutions analyze their strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
Institutions that integrate this self-examination into their structure
are best able to cope with the dynamic change that exemplifies
informatics technology” (Implementing, n.d., Topic 1). It is also
important to identify the mission of the institution that states, “why
the institution exists and identifies the institutions’ goals”
(Implementing, n.d., Topic 1). The scope of the mission must also be
considered. In this way the informatics system being implemented aligns
with the long-term vision of the institution.

One must consider the following when selecting an information system,
“clarify what problem/s the technology is intended to correct, file
maintenance, cost, timeframe, all of the options, regulations
compliance, and legal factors” (Wolfe, n.d.). Therefore, it is important
for those involved in the selection process understand the needs of the
institution which is why, “the push for a new system is typically
initiated by people within the institution who have a strong vision for
the organization’s future” (Implementing, n.d., Topic 2).

“Integration is the process by which different information systems
communicate and share information while delivering a seamless user
experience” (Implementing, n.d., Topic 2). The integration of a new
system is of utmost importance as an institution moves from one system
to another it must be almost unnoticeable that there was a change,
except for noticing the improvements. In interfacing there are two
types, point-to-point, and interface engine. Point-to-point is two
systems communicating whereas, “interface engine technology is a new
development that enables interfacing across several different systems,
not only between two customized programs. Real-time processing allows
instant interaction between systems, and batch processing allows for the
daily transfer of information in large batches” (Implementing, n.d.,
Topic 2). Interoperability is like interfacing, but it puts, “the
information sent by the interfacing program into a useable format”
(Implementing, n.d., Topic 2). There are three types of
interoperability, technical, semantic, and process.


Implementing Information Systems. Week 5 Lesson:
Implementing Information Systems: 20201005-C11 – HIT420OL.1 – Healthcare

Wolfe, J. Considerations For Implementing An EHR – Healthcare Informatics. Google Sites.

Discussion 2 Donna

What strategies are used for initiating new information technology projects?

A successful implementing strategic plan is through SWOT analysis.
Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. A SWOT analysis is
designed to facilitate a realistic, fact-based, data-driven look at an
organization’s strengths and weaknesses. SWOT analysis is a technique
for assessing the performance competition, risk, and potential of a
business and part of a business such as product line or division,
industry, or other entity ( Grant, 2020).

What should be taken into consideration when selecting a new informatics system?

Technical specifications like what kind of hardware and
software that is going to be required to accomplish the institutions
goal. Some other considerations are like downtime, routine maintenance,
responsetime, connectivity, security, and documentations all need to be
considered when you are selecting a new information system (Hebda et
al., 2019).

Explain what interfacing, integration, and interoperability mean.

System Integration is the process by which different
information systems communicate and share information while delivering a
seamless user experience. Biggest benefit of system integration is time
saving. When systems are integrated one entry can be populated across
the system and multiple source of data and information can be reached
through a single access point (Hebda et al., 2019).

Interfacing is the way computers interact with one another.
Most companies don’t like their system being compatible with other
systems. So inorder for this to happen they have to customize the
program (Hebda et al., 2019).

Interoperability takes interfacing one step further by turning
information sent by the interface program into a useable format (Hebda
et al., 2019). There are three different types of interoperability.
Technical Interoperability is the ability of the system to exchange data
between two points, semantic interoperability ensures that data remain
stable on both ends of the data exchange and process interoperability
ensures that the processes that coordinate the work are working together
(Hebda et al., 2019).


Grant, M. (2020, February 24). How SWOT (strength, weakness, opportunity, and threat) analysis works. Investopedia.

Hebda, T.L., Hunter, K., & Czar, P. (2019). Handbook of informatics for nurses & healthcare professionals (6th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.


Discussion Question

Discussion: Health Care Insurance

Respond to at least two of your fellow students’ posts

Step 1 Do some research on the Affordable Care Act. You can start with the government sponsored website, Health and Human Services Website (Links to an external site.), but find an additional resource as well.

Step 2 After reading about payment sources in this week’s lesson, and conducting your research, address the following:

  • Where does the Affordable Care Act fit into the overall U.S. health care payment system?
  • How has it affected private insurance and Medicaid?
  • Did it go far enough in providing access to health care for all U.S. citizens? Too far? Explain your position.

Step 3 Read and respond to two other students’ posts

Read other students’ posts and respond to at least two of them. In
your response, discuss the impact of the ACA on patient care. Use your
personal or professional experiences if they help support or debate
other students’ posts. If differences of opinion occur, debate the
issues professionally and provide examples to support your opinions.

In addition to your original post, be sure to provide a meaningful
response to at least two of your peer’s posts by Friday night at 11:59pm
Mountain Time. Cite any sources in APA format.

Discussion 1 Elizabeth

Where does the Affordable Care Act fit into the overall U.S. health care payment system?

The ACA has helped millions of Americans gain insurance coverage,
saved thousands of lives, and strengthened the health
care system (Rapfogel, Gee, & Calsyn, 2020). The law has been
life-changing for people who were previously uninsured, have lower
incomes, or have preexisting conditions, among other groups (Rapfogel,
Gee, & Calsyn, 2020). The ACA generated one of the largest
expansions of health coverage in U.S. history. In 2010, 16 percent of
all Americans were uninsured; by 2016, the uninsured rate hit an all-time low (Links to an external site.) of 9 percent (Links to an external site.). About 20 million Americans have gained (Links to an external site.) health insurance coverage since the ACA was enacted (Rapfogel, Gee, & Calsyn, 2020). The ACA’s coverage gains (Links to an external site.) occurred across all income levels and among both children and adults, and disparities (Links to an external site.) in
coverage between races and ethnicities have narrowed (Rapfogel, Gee,
& Calsyn, 2020). Affordable Care Act (ACA) contains numerous
provisions that directly target how healthcare is organized, delivered,
and paid for in the United States.

How has it affected private insurance and Medicaid?

Residents of the United States were mandated to have what is referred
to as minimum essential coverage. Failing to comply resulted in an
income tax penalty when the person filed his or her
tax return. Understanding the ACA’s impact on Medicaid enrollment
remains complex given that the ACA promotes increased Medicaid
enrollment in varied ways, including changes in eligibility,
modernization and simplification of enrollment processes, and increased
outreach and enrollment efforts (Wachino V, Artiga, S & Rudowitz. R
2014, How is the aca impacting Medicaid enrollment) This brief discusses
the data and its interpretation to assess the influence of the ACA on
Medicaid enrollment and finds: March 2014, Medicaid and CHIP enrollment
grew by more than 4.8 million people compared to average monthly
enrollment, Enrollment growth in states that have expanded Medicaid
coverage to low-income adults outpaced the national average, and was
significantly higher than growth in non-expanding states (12.9% vs.
2.6%), recent data show very strong enrollment growth relative to
historic trends(Wachino V, Artiga, S & Rudowitz. R 2014, How is the
aca impacting Medicaid enrollment). The data suggest that the ACA is
having a positive impact on Medicaid and CHIP enrollment, particularly
in states that have implemented the Medicaid expansion(Wachino V,
Artiga, S & Rudowitz. R 2014, How is the aca impacting Medicaid

Did it go far enough in providing access to health care for all U.S. citizens? Too far?

When the ACA became an option for the U.S I thought it would be a
fairly good idea. But when I saw the prices for the insurance for a
family of five it didn’t seem reasonable. Especially for one income
household families. The resulting challenge to the U.S. health system is
compounded by higher health care costs, greater income disparities, and
relatively low levels of spending on social services (Osborn et al.,
2016). I feel it putting more stress on families having the insurance
and those paying high deductibles. From experience I pay little to
nothing for me and my family insurance but my deductible is so high I
would pay more out of pocket when getting care then I pay biweekly or
monthly for insurance.


(Rapfogel, Gee, & Calsyn, 2020) 10 WAYS ACA improved health care in past decade (Links to an external site.)

Wachino V, Artiga, S & Rudowitz. R 2014, How is the aca impacting Medicaid enrollment (Links to an external site.)

Osborn, R., Squires, D., Doty, M. M., Sarnak, D. O., & Schneider,
E. C. (2016, November 16). In new survey of 11 countries, U.S. adults
still struggle with access to and affordability of health care: Commonwealth Fund. (Links to an external site.).

Discussion 2 Richard

Where does the Affordable Care Act (ACA) Fit in to the Overall U.S. Healthcare Payment System?

The ACA was signed into law in 2010. The law not only provided
insurance coverage to people that would have otherwise not had any, it
also means to improve the quality of healthcare and insurance, regulate
the industry, and reduce healthcare-related spending. Under the ACA 20
million people are now insured that would not have been (Galan, 2020). A
major provision of the ACA is Medicaid expansion. Not all states
signed on to Medicaid expansion. Hospitals in states that expanded
Medicaid services saw their uncompensated care costs drop and revenues
increase. They saved $6.2 billion dollars compared to hospitals in
states that did not expand Medicaid (Dranove, et al., 2017). By
providing insurance for more people, the ACA has shown to be effective
in improving health outcomes as well as reducing the burden for some
hospitals’ uncompensated care (Soni, et al., 2020).

How Has It Affected Private Insurance and Medicaid?

After some initial strain, insurance company profits are on the
rise due to premium increases, government subsidy to pay for the
increases, and Medicaid expansion. Since 2014 health insurance stock
has outperformed the S&P 500 by 106% (Kelly, 2018).

The ACA is a good start, but has not gone far enough to control
the high rising costs of healthcare in America, particularly
prescription medications. One in four Americans has difficulty
affording medications. The U.S. has the highest drug prices in the
world and the ACA has yet to fix that. Until it does drug prices will
continue to drive up the price of insurance premiums (The Commonwealth
Fund, 2017).


The Commonwealth Fund. (2017, October). Why are U.S. prescription drug prices so high? (Links to an external site.)

Kelly, D. (2018, March). The white house’s council of economic advisers calls premium hikes a sign of a “distorted market”. The American Journal of Managed Care. (Links to an external site.)

Dranove, D., Garthwaite, C., & Ody, C. (2017, May). The impact of the ACA’s medicaid expansion on hospitals’ uncompensated care burden and the potential effects of repeal. The Commonwealth Fund. (Links to an external site.)

Soni, A, Wherry, L., & Simon, K. (2020, March). How have ACA

insurance expansions affected health outcomes? Findings from the

literature. Health Affairs, 39(3).


MAE 316 Brookline College Crank Nicolson Solution Scheme Project Programming Assignment Help

Consider a system with three masses and three springs in the ‘fixed-free’ configuration: that is, the masses are fixed at the top but free at the bottom. In addition to the spring forces, the system undergoes viscous dampening – imagine the masses are submerged in a viscous fluid that exerts a drag force. The force is proportional to the velocity of each mass and must be taken into consideration during the derivation of the governing equations. Write governing equations and a Crank Nicolson solution scheme – written in blockmatrix form, for the dynamics of the system. Write code : a function and a script, that solves the problem for the following masses and spring constants (with the top mass as mass 1):


Strayer University Interest Rate of Federal Fund Rates Requirements Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Software project decision point.
    1. You need to determine an interest rate to use—select an interest rate and explain why you think this number should be used. Use it in your calculations in item 1.2.
    2. Given the information below on options 1 and 2, carry out three forms of analysis: breakeven, ROI, and NPV.
    3. Make a recommendation on which way to proceed, based on the TCO for each option.
  • Option 1: Purchase the FunSoft package: Cost $200,000 for software and $85,000 for hardware in year one; with $50,000 to customize it and a $40,000 annual licensing fee for the life of the contract. There will be an annual saving of $61,000 due to the layoff of a clerk.
  • Option 2: Purchase the SoftComm package, which will operate on the vendor’s hardware: Cost $250,000 for a five-year license, payable half up front and half during the first year of implementation. The maintenance contract, at $75,000 a year, includes all currently identified modifications to the software for the first three years. The clerk’s hours will be cut by half, for a saving of $25,000 a year.

In both cases, sales are expected to increase from the current $1 million a year, by 10% per year each year (over each year’s previous year’s sales) after full implementation.

Assume a five-year life for the software.



BUS 611 Monroe College Project Management Essay Writing Assignment Help

Que :1 on the assigned readings for the week.Chapter 4 ,5,6 Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.

Que :2 provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:

(i)The PMI “Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct” provides guidelines for ethical behavior by project management practitioners. It describes four main values that should guide a project manager’s actions. List these four values and give one example per value of why it should guide a project manager’s actions.

(ii )Cultural patterns differ in various parts of the world, so project team members need to be more sensitive as to how their actions are interpreted. Project managers working with global and virtual project teams need to be especially mindful of the increased need for communications. Discuss some of the extra communications challenges posed by virtual and global project teams, along with a few approaches to address these challenges


(iii) Imagine you are the project manager of a team tasked with building a new hotel. When brainstorming project communication plan considerations, what would you list under “purposes”?

Note for Que 1 & Que 2

  • No plegarisam
  • No grammatical mistakes
  • 650 words for Que 1 & Que 2 together

Que : 3 complete the following Stakeholder Identification Exercise. Following is the link…

(ensure it is single spaced, Times New Roman 12-point font). Fill in each of the quadrants in the chart below for internal and external stakeholders impacted by the project progress and the project results. List as many stakeholders as you can identify but no more than ten (10) per quadrant.

Be specific with your stakeholder identifications. For example, if the project were the repurposing of a fast food restaurant to operate under emergency circumstances (i.e. 2020 Coronavirus pandemic) then you should not just list “Customers” as stakeholders. You would need to identify these more specifically as “Dine-In Customers”, “Drive Through Customers”, Walk-In Customers” and “Delivery Customers”.

BUS 611 Monroe College Project Management Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HRM 341 PU Employment Law Residency Requirements in Hiring Discussion Law Assignment Help

In your role as the Human Resource Manageryou will have to evaluate your recruiting
practices for any discriminatory requirements.
Read the NAACP v. North Hudson Regional Fire & Rescue case study in Chapter 4 of
your textbook.
Based on your review of the case study, address the following:

1. Discuss the role of residency requirements in hiring practices in general. As part
of your discussion, consider whether or not residency requirements are, in
general, a valid hiring criterion. In responding to this topic, be sure to address the
residency requirement issues presented in the North Hudson case as part of your

2. Evaluate how the ruling in this case (specifically disparate impact and business
necessity) impacts your practice as a Human Resources Manager.
HRM341 – Employment Law
Assignment Forum Unit 2


University of Pheonix Week 2 Stein Mart Strategic Analysis Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment Content

  1. In Week 2, you completed a SWOT analysis on a successful company that demonstrated a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. Now you will shift your focus to look at a company that is failing or experiencing challenges in the area of financial performance.
    Select and research a company that is having financial difficulties or is on the brink of bankruptcy. Review Where Can I Find a Company’s Annual Report and Its SEC Filings?” from Investopedia.

    Conduct a strategic analysis of the company’s current financial operations. Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance.
    Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis. When writing your analysis, complete the following:

    • Evaluate the company’s current financial plan,including charts and/or graphs showing financial data from the struggling company and make recommendations for improvement.
    • Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance.
    • Create a plan to implement the strategies you selected.

    Include APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference page with at least 3 sources.
    Submit your assignment.


CJ 301 San Diego State University Role of Government in the Economy Paper Writing Assignment Help

Pick one of the topics below and two of the three authors (e.g., Durkheim and Marx; or Weber and Durkheim; or Weber and Marx, etc.). As to topic numbers 1 through 4, write an essay expressing your agreement or dis-agreement with the statement and use the work, ideas, and/or theories of the authors you select to either support/ defend or criticize the statement. You are welcome to express partial or qualified agreement (or disagreement) if for example, you decide there are certain portions of the topic on which you choose to write with which you agree and others with which you disagree. Further, you do not need to adopt a pro-/ con form of argument. Structure your essay in a manner you believe effectively organizes and communicates your views. Topic 5 is different in form and is self-explanatory.


SPCH 1315 Lonestar College How Young People Can Fight Racial Injustices Paper Business Finance Assignment Help


Review each of the speeches/texts from the list. (On average, the written speeches

should only take about 2-5 minutes to read.)


Next, select a


speech you most connect with

. (Perhaps, you like the author, or

perhaps something the author said resonated with you. There should be something

there for everyone.)


After you have carefully reviewed and selected a single presentation to discuss, create

an informative speech that addresses the following items.

Note: Your overarching

goal is to summarize and present information about the speech of your choosing to an

audience that is not familiar with the author or their content. You may decide to

organize your presentation in any way.

I have put files below that have everything and all the instructions below.

I’ve also put documents and links of the speeches.

  1. Congressman John Lewis Letter July 30, 2020,
  2. Great Speeches by Native Americans (two potential options)

Behold, my friends, the spring is come (1875)

I love my home, and will not go from it (1834)

  1. Three Questions to unlock your authentic career: Ashley Stahl
  2. Why it pays to be hungry Les Brown’s Best Motivational Speech

  1. Hugo Chávez Speech in La Habana. 1994

f. Violence against women – it’s a men’s issue” Jackson Katz at TEDxFiDiWoman





TCCD How and How Not to Love Mankind Article Analysis & Reflection Essay Humanities Assignment Help

TCCD How and How Not to Love Mankind Article Analysis & Reflection Essay Humanities Assignment Help

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