Temple University Performance of the Employees in the HR Data Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Temple University Performance of the Employees in the HR Data Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Temple University Performance of the Employees in the HR Data Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Watch the following video, go through the attached slides, and read chapter 11 in the attached book to answer the question in details:

Human resource analytics has grown in popularity over the past few years. Organizations have begun to use existing HR data to predict a variety of work-related outcomes. Although HR data has shown some predictive validity for a number of work-related outcomes, what are some potential drawbacks to using such data in HR decision-making? Be sure to consider some of our discussion from Chapter 7 with respect to data quality, Chapters 8, 9, and 10 with respect to various forms of validity evidence, and potential legal compliance concerns.

(I will provide you with prevuse chapters)

Temple University Performance of the Employees in the HR Data Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJHS 325 University of Phoenix Psychology and Drug Abuse Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

Child and Adolescent Psychopathology

Unit 5 Assignment

Final Assignment

You work for county social services, child welfare division, and you are working with Lisa, who recently had her three young children (April is 5, Joshua is 6 and Justine is 9 years of age) removed from her home for physical and emotional neglect. You arranged for Lisa to have parenting classes and individual counseling so that she can learn how to better manage her frustration with her children. You also arrange to have her admitted to a drug rehabilitation program to help her with her addictions to alcohol and cocaine. You meet with Lisa once a week to discuss her progress and you also monitor her weekly visitation with her children. Successful completion of Lisa’s parenting plan will enable her to regain custody of her children. You will continue to monitor Lisa’s progress and her children’s progress who are in a foster care placement.

Address the following:

Part A

  • Determine what issues were addressed from a counseling perspective for Lisa.
  • Describe the plan you will implement to begin working more effectively with Lisa’s three children while in foster care.

This section should be written as a formal paper 2-3 pages. You should cite sources using APA format, and include a reference section at the end of your submission.

Part B

Address the following:

Psychologists, Social Workers, and other Clinicians conduct an initial meeting with their potential clients to assess what types of problems the client is dealing with. They also use this interview as a way to gather information to help determine the appropriate course of treatment.

  • Prepare an intake form to use during your initial meeting with the children to access what types of problems each child is dealing with. Intake forms range from 5-20 or more pages. For this assignment the form should be at least 2-4 pages. Make sure the form captures relevant information for you to implement an effective treatment plan.
  • Provide a summary of the information gained from the initial meeting with Lisa’s three children and develop a diagnosis, intervention, and treatment plan for the three children while in foster care. This should be 3-4 pages.

Please submit your assignment.


Unit 5 Group Project

The use of methamphetamine has received a great deal of attention from the media and law enforcement in recent years. The probation office is looking to identify some avenues for addressing and treating people who have an addiction to methamphetamine. You have been asked to research some of the major issues related to the abuse of methamphetamine and produce recommendations for methods of treating individuals who have this problem.

Individual Portion

Each group member should write a paper of 650-750 words that addresses the following:

  • Select 3 of the following treatment modalities to analyze in your paper with regard to methamphetamine addiction:
    • Detoxification
    • Counseling
    • Cognitive-behavioral therapy
    • Group therapy
    • Medications
    • Matrix model
  • Answer the following questions:
    • How is methamphetamine usually produced, transported, and sold? Explain.
    • What immediate effects does methamphetamine have on the body?
    • What are the long-term effects of methamphetamine use on one’s health? Explain.
    • What are the demographics of methamphetamine usage? Why?
    • What are obstacles and challenges in providing treatment to people who are addicted to methamphetamine?
    • Describe and discuss the 3 Are the various approaches to the treatment of methamphetamine addiction you selected from the above list. Which approach has been shown to be most effective? Provide supportive evidence from the professional literature.
  • All sources must be referenced using APA style.
  • Post your individual portion in the Group Discussion Board for your peers to read and comment on.
  • Submit the paper to the Individual Project submission area for the assignment


CS1 050 UMC Implement a Program that Prints a Particular String Discussion Programming Assignment Help


For the lab assignment, you will implement a program that prints a particular string, encrypts this string and prints the encrypted version, and finally decrypts the encrypted string and prints this decrypted string (which should be the same as the original string).

To get started on this lab, type the following while logged in to tc.rnet.missouri.edu:

cs1050start lab10

This command will create a directory called lab10.Go into that directory (“cd lab10”) and get a list of the files there (“ls -la”).Notice that there is a file called lab10.c.You can start editing this file to do your lab.

To encrypt a string, you will change each printable character that is not a whitespace character.You will change those characters by replacing them with characters that come 2 letters later in the alphabet.For example, you would replace ‘B’ with ‘D’.To decrypt a string, you must do the opposite (i.e., again only replace printable non-whitespace characters but this time move backward in the alphabet – so, you would replace ‘D’ with ‘B’ for example).

Functions You Must Write

You may write any functions you wish to implement this program, in addition to the following functions.However, you must implement the following functions, and they must be prototyped as shown:

  • void Encrypt(char * s, int displacement) – This function takes a string and encrypts it in place by by shifting each character in the string that is printable but is not whitespace by displacement.For example, if displacement is 5, then the character ‘A’ would be changed to ‘F’ but a space would be left as a space.


COP 2800 University of South Florida HTML5 and Javascript Program Project Programming Assignment Help

Hi I need help with HTML5 and Javascript code to do the following (see attached word doc for full instructions):

You will create a working class advising tool. The purpose of the tool is to be a user friendly software tool that can help students determine what classes they can and should take within a specific program. Some examples are given below in the information.

Here are the software specifications for the assignment:

  • Pick a program guide or a program: You will use the following: https://daytonastate.smartcatalogiq.com/2020-2021/…
  • Develop a data structure (JSON, Array or other) to represent the data. The system will need to check pre-requisites. The examples given might be useful in determining the structure of the JSON – but you should be able to create your OWN structure for the Advisor you create.
  • A key part of the advisor will be the ability for users to specify classes they have taken and see classes they CAN take. You must have this feature.
  • You will add the ability to have OR pre-requisites. For example if a pre-requisite is COP2800 OR COP2001, you must handle this scenario. Also if a student must take COP2800 OR COP2001 – one should disable if the other one is taken.
  • You must now add an interface and ability to attach information to a class. This should be data that is in the associated data structure. An example of this would be if COP2001 OR COP2800 can be taken – you must have a note that says students must select one of the 2 courses, but does not need to take both.


MAN 3301 FAU Operational Analysis Activity of An Organization Discussion Writing Assignment Help


Ratios are used for operational activity analysis of an organization. Operational analysis activity is control by evaluating input, process, or output variables. According to Longest, Jr and Darr (2014), financial ratio analysis calculates and evaluates various indices that measure HSO/HS risk exposure, activity, and profitability. Read and complete Case Study 5: Financial Ratios. Answer the following question:

What do you conclude when comparing the calculated values for GH with the benchmark values that are supplied by Standard & Poor’s?

  • Consider if the hospital is profitable
  • What measures should the hospital implement to improve their operational activity?


  • Your original post should be at least 200 words.
  • Support initial discussion with at least two references (the textbook and one research article) including in-text citations.
  • Read and respond in no fewer than 50 words to at least 2 of your classmate’s posts.
  • State your position on whether you agree or disagree with your colleagues’ statements.Defend your position with concrete examples from real cases.
  • Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.
  • Use the Create Thread button to respond.


Managing Health Services Organizations, 6th edition

Longest, Jr., B.B., & Darr, K.

ISBN-13: 978-1938870002 (Hardcopy) OR 978-1938870347 (e-Book)
Health Professions Press ©2014


What distinguishes inventory from a supply? Provide examples.

Discussion Requirements:

  1. Your initial post should be at least 200 words.
  2. Read and respond in no fewer than 50 words to at least 2 of your peers’ posts.
  3. State your position on whether you agree or disagree with your peer’s statements.
  4. Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.
  5. APA format with at least one cited reference (APA format).

Click for more options

Health Care Operations Management: A Systems Perspective, 2nd edition
Langabeer, J.R. & Helton, J
ISBN-13: 978-1284050066
Jones & Bartlett Learning ©2015


Which do you change first, strategy or structure? After formulating your answer and making your case, argue the opposite position. Support your thoughts.

Discussion Requirements:

  1. Your initial post should be at least 200 words.
  2. Read and respond in no fewer than 50 words to at least 2 of your peers’ posts.
  3. State your position on whether you agree or disagree with your peer’s statements.
  4. Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.
  5. APA format with at least two cited references (APA format).

Click for more options

Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations, 8th edition
Ginter, Duncan & Swayne
ISBN-13: 978-1119349709
Wiley ©2018

A Pocket Style Manual: APA Version, 7th edition
Hacker & Sommers
Bedford/St. Martin’s ©2016
ISBN-13: 978-1319011130


Imagine that you manage human resources for a small business. You have recently prepared a report on the market rate of pay for salespeople, and the company’s owner says the market rate is too high. The company cannot afford this level of pay, and furthermore, paying that much would cause salespeople to earn more than most of the company’s managers. Suggest three possible measures the company might take to help resolve this conflict.

Discussion Requirements:

  1. Your initial post should be at least 200 words.
  2. Read and respond in no fewer than 150 words to at least 2 of your peers’ posts.
  3. State your position on whether you agree or disagree with your peer’s statements.
  4. Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.


Noe, A. E. T. (2020). Fundamental of Human Resource Management, (7th ed.). MC GRAW HILL INDIA.



Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak on The World Economy Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Management project and need support to help me understand better.

Word Format only

NO Matching or Plagiarism ratio

Report length should be between 2500 to 3000 words

APA style reference system

The minimum number of required references is 5.


  • Garton, C. & Wegryn, K. (2006). Managing without walls: Maximize success with virtual, global, and cross-cultural teams. Mc Press, 2006. ISBN-13: 978-1583470626


Project assignment: Medawa Medical Company


Consider yourself as Global Manager for a Medical Company (Medawa) that is leading chain of retail pharmacy in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and United Kingdom. This company uses digital solutions for their business, but it focuses heavily on its retails sales. However, due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic, the way how they do business has been remarkably impacted. Not just with sales, the impact of this pandemic effected the way this company work, communicate and operate.

Therefore, as the global manager of this Medawa medical company you are required to develop a detail strategy on the following:

  • Introduction about the topic.
  • Explain what are the limited options that Medawa currently have regarding dealing with the pandemic.
  • What is the level of technology urgency Medawa needs to sustain its performance?
  • As a global manager, leading from home involves the leverage of digital capabilities. What are these capabilities? List and explain at least 3.
  • Explain what type of virtual management characteristics will be implemented and why?
  • How the virtual teams will work together?
  • What tools are they using for communications and task management?
  • How you will manage delivering the new changes with in a short time in different locations in terms of language, cultural, time, political, and economical differences?
  • What are techniques that you will be using to creat a strong team with a high level of teamwork?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of managing a virtual team?
  • What type of conflicts might occur between members? When it happened how will you solve it?
  • As a manager how you will manage the outsourced projects?
  • What techniques that you will apply to encourage and motivate your team for improvement?
  • Conclusion.
  • Keep in mind that the project MUST be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid.

Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak on The World Economy Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJ 498 EC Commonwealth v Aaron Hernandez & the American Justice System Essay Law Assignment Help

Please see attachment for topic which was already selected. This is now the final submission of that said paper.

Choose a high-profile, contemporary American criminal case (within
the past 25 years) to review. In a 5–7 page paper (1250–1750 words),
prepare a case write-up that incorporates all aspects of the criminal
justice system—from police investigation, to arrest, evidence, court
proceedings, and eventually sentencing.

  • Describe the nature of the case, citing it in appropriate legal format (i.e., Miranda v. Arizona, 1966).
  • Explain the investigation. What legal foundations and constitutional
    laws and amendments were present? What type of defense, if any, was
  • Describe the court proceedings; pre-trial hearings, indictments, the
    trial, defense and prosecution arguments, and court outcome—acquittal,
    guilty, not guilty, NGRI, GBMI, etc.
  • Finally, describe the correctional phase, if applicable: jail, prison, probation, parole, etc.
  • Would there be a significant difference if adjudicated in another
    level of court (i.e, federal)? Would the punishment be more, or less
    severe? Would the evidence be handled differently?

Summarize the case and offer your analysis of the proceedings. What
are your thoughts about the investigation, evidence, court proceedings,
and verdict? Make sure you support your conclusions with cited and
referenced materials.


PSY 699 Ashford Implementation of Integrated Care Model for Older Adults Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week.

The collaborative practice of clinicians across disciplines requires a shared language, appreciation of diagnostic and therapeutic paradigms, and recognition of appropriate roles within the health care team. This collaborative environment is at the heart of a health care system that utilizes the skills and expertise of all its team members in appropriate and extended roles. This model of care delivery is often called integrated care (IC) or collaborative care (CC). Although this model is endorsed by many professional societies and agencies, the CC/IC care delivery model can fail due to multiple factors.

In your initial post, consider the clinical partnerships that result within the CC/IC delivery model. Integrating concepts developed from different content domains in psychology, address the following questions.

  • How might health care teams achieve therapeutic goals for individual clients?
  • How does this support health literacy?
  • What factors might lead to the failure of the CC/IC delivery model?
  • How might lack of acceptance of the value or viability of the CC/IC model by stakeholders, lack of awareness of the clinical competencies of various members of the team, barriers to financial reimbursement for services, and lack of integration of support services within the practice cause a breakdown in efficacy?
  • What supportive interventions within the CC/IC model address such issues?

In addition, consider how successful health care models assume an understanding of each profession’s competencies and responsibilities. For example, primary care providers (PCPs) are sometimes unaware of the abilities and practice scope of psychology professionals.

  • Identify methods of targeted intervention and education for PCPs that might alleviate potential issues for the CC/IC model.
  • Explain how the APA Ethical Code of Conduct can be used to guide decisions in these complex situations.
  • Evaluate and comment on the potential work settings where you might find the CC/IC model. In what ways might this model provide more job satisfaction?


PSY 230 ATA Career Education Death Rituals in Islam Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

assignment is to write a 6-8 page (Cover sheet and bibliography page do not count as pages) paper on “Death Rituals of a Religion or Culture of your choosing. ” This paper should detail how the people deal with death in a culture or religious group. It should include customs prior to death, during the time the body is being prepared for disposal and then final disposal. The paper must be typed, using Arial or Times New Roman 12 point font. I prefer margins to be no more than 1.25 inches, side-to side and top to bottom. Papers that are not typed will not be graded. Please double space. Please use the following format for the cover sheet and header for all subsequent pages: USE APA FORMAT!

Cover sheet: Title of your paper

Submitted by: Your Name


PSY 230 – 25Z1


Like this: Death Rituals of Japanese Buddhists

Submitted by: Johnny Owens


PSY 230 – 25Z1

December 1, 2020

Headers: Title of your paper, 1st initial, Last name, Page number

Like this: Death Rituals of Japanese Buddhists, J. Owens, page 1


Human Resources Kinaxis Personality Testing Sales Reps with Personality Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the the case “Kinaxis Choose Sales Reps with Personality” on chapter 6 p. 257.

And answer three questions.

1.What selection methods did Bob Dolan use for hiring salespeople? Did he go about using these methods in the best order? What, if anything, would you change about the order of the methods used?

2. What were the advantages to Kinaxis of using personality tests to help select sales representatives? What were the disadvantages?

3. Given the information gathered from the selection methods, what process did Dolan use to make his selection decision?What improvements can you recommend to this process for decisions to hire sales reps in the future?

300 words. With at least one reference. APA format.



Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations, 8th edition
Ginter, Duncan & Swayne
ISBN-13: 978-1119349709
Wiley ©2018

A Pocket Style Manual: APA Version, 7th edition
Hacker & Sommers
Bedford/St. Martin’s ©2016
ISBN-13: 978-1319011130


Imagine that you manage human resources for a small business. You have recently prepared a report on the market rate of pay for salespeople, and the company’s owner says the market rate is too high. The company cannot afford this level of pay, and furthermore, paying that much would cause salespeople to earn more than most of the company’s managers. Suggest three possible measures the company might take to help resolve this conflict.

Discussion Requirements:

  1. Your initial post should be at least 200 words.
  2. Read and respond in no fewer than 150 words to at least 2 of your peers’ posts.
  3. State your position on whether you agree or disagree with your peer’s statements.
  4. Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.


Noe, A. E. T. (2020). Fundamental of Human Resource Management, (7th ed.). MC GRAW HILL INDIA.



Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak on The World Economy Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Management project and need support to help me understand better.

Word Format only

NO Matching or Plagiarism ratio

Report length should be between 2500 to 3000 words

APA style reference system

The minimum number of required references is 5.


  • Garton, C. & Wegryn, K. (2006). Managing without walls: Maximize success with virtual, global, and cross-cultural teams. Mc Press, 2006. ISBN-13: 978-1583470626


Project assignment: Medawa Medical Company


Consider yourself as Global Manager for a Medical Company (Medawa) that is leading chain of retail pharmacy in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and United Kingdom. This company uses digital solutions for their business, but it focuses heavily on its retails sales. However, due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic, the way how they do business has been remarkably impacted. Not just with sales, the impact of this pandemic effected the way this company work, communicate and operate.

Therefore, as the global manager of this Medawa medical company you are required to develop a detail strategy on the following:

  • Introduction about the topic.
  • Explain what are the limited options that Medawa currently have regarding dealing with the pandemic.
  • What is the level of technology urgency Medawa needs to sustain its performance?
  • As a global manager, leading from home involves the leverage of digital capabilities. What are these capabilities? List and explain at least 3.
  • Explain what type of virtual management characteristics will be implemented and why?
  • How the virtual teams will work together?
  • What tools are they using for communications and task management?
  • How you will manage delivering the new changes with in a short time in different locations in terms of language, cultural, time, political, and economical differences?
  • What are techniques that you will be using to creat a strong team with a high level of teamwork?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of managing a virtual team?
  • What type of conflicts might occur between members? When it happened how will you solve it?
  • As a manager how you will manage the outsourced projects?
  • What techniques that you will apply to encourage and motivate your team for improvement?
  • Conclusion.
  • Keep in mind that the project MUST be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid.

Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak on The World Economy Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJ 498 EC Commonwealth v Aaron Hernandez & the American Justice System Essay Law Assignment Help

Please see attachment for topic which was already selected. This is now the final submission of that said paper.

Choose a high-profile, contemporary American criminal case (within
the past 25 years) to review. In a 5–7 page paper (1250–1750 words),
prepare a case write-up that incorporates all aspects of the criminal
justice system—from police investigation, to arrest, evidence, court
proceedings, and eventually sentencing.

  • Describe the nature of the case, citing it in appropriate legal format (i.e., Miranda v. Arizona, 1966).
  • Explain the investigation. What legal foundations and constitutional
    laws and amendments were present? What type of defense, if any, was
  • Describe the court proceedings; pre-trial hearings, indictments, the
    trial, defense and prosecution arguments, and court outcome—acquittal,
    guilty, not guilty, NGRI, GBMI, etc.
  • Finally, describe the correctional phase, if applicable: jail, prison, probation, parole, etc.
  • Would there be a significant difference if adjudicated in another
    level of court (i.e, federal)? Would the punishment be more, or less
    severe? Would the evidence be handled differently?

Summarize the case and offer your analysis of the proceedings. What
are your thoughts about the investigation, evidence, court proceedings,
and verdict? Make sure you support your conclusions with cited and
referenced materials.


PSY 699 Ashford Implementation of Integrated Care Model for Older Adults Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week.

The collaborative practice of clinicians across disciplines requires a shared language, appreciation of diagnostic and therapeutic paradigms, and recognition of appropriate roles within the health care team. This collaborative environment is at the heart of a health care system that utilizes the skills and expertise of all its team members in appropriate and extended roles. This model of care delivery is often called integrated care (IC) or collaborative care (CC). Although this model is endorsed by many professional societies and agencies, the CC/IC care delivery model can fail due to multiple factors.

In your initial post, consider the clinical partnerships that result within the CC/IC delivery model. Integrating concepts developed from different content domains in psychology, address the following questions.

  • How might health care teams achieve therapeutic goals for individual clients?
  • How does this support health literacy?
  • What factors might lead to the failure of the CC/IC delivery model?
  • How might lack of acceptance of the value or viability of the CC/IC model by stakeholders, lack of awareness of the clinical competencies of various members of the team, barriers to financial reimbursement for services, and lack of integration of support services within the practice cause a breakdown in efficacy?
  • What supportive interventions within the CC/IC model address such issues?

In addition, consider how successful health care models assume an understanding of each profession’s competencies and responsibilities. For example, primary care providers (PCPs) are sometimes unaware of the abilities and practice scope of psychology professionals.

  • Identify methods of targeted intervention and education for PCPs that might alleviate potential issues for the CC/IC model.
  • Explain how the APA Ethical Code of Conduct can be used to guide decisions in these complex situations.
  • Evaluate and comment on the potential work settings where you might find the CC/IC model. In what ways might this model provide more job satisfaction?


PSY 230 ATA Career Education Death Rituals in Islam Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

assignment is to write a 6-8 page (Cover sheet and bibliography page do not count as pages) paper on “Death Rituals of a Religion or Culture of your choosing. ” This paper should detail how the people deal with death in a culture or religious group. It should include customs prior to death, during the time the body is being prepared for disposal and then final disposal. The paper must be typed, using Arial or Times New Roman 12 point font. I prefer margins to be no more than 1.25 inches, side-to side and top to bottom. Papers that are not typed will not be graded. Please double space. Please use the following format for the cover sheet and header for all subsequent pages: USE APA FORMAT!

Cover sheet: Title of your paper

Submitted by: Your Name


PSY 230 – 25Z1


Like this: Death Rituals of Japanese Buddhists

Submitted by: Johnny Owens


PSY 230 – 25Z1

December 1, 2020

Headers: Title of your paper, 1st initial, Last name, Page number

Like this: Death Rituals of Japanese Buddhists, J. Owens, page 1


Human Resources Kinaxis Personality Testing Sales Reps with Personality Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the the case “Kinaxis Choose Sales Reps with Personality” on chapter 6 p. 257.

And answer three questions.

1.What selection methods did Bob Dolan use for hiring salespeople? Did he go about using these methods in the best order? What, if anything, would you change about the order of the methods used?

2. What were the advantages to Kinaxis of using personality tests to help select sales representatives? What were the disadvantages?

3. Given the information gathered from the selection methods, what process did Dolan use to make his selection decision?What improvements can you recommend to this process for decisions to hire sales reps in the future?

300 words. With at least one reference. APA format.



Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations, 8th edition
Ginter, Duncan & Swayne
ISBN-13: 978-1119349709
Wiley ©2018

A Pocket Style Manual: APA Version, 7th edition
Hacker & Sommers
Bedford/St. Martin’s ©2016
ISBN-13: 978-1319011130


Imagine that you manage human resources for a small business. You have recently prepared a report on the market rate of pay for salespeople, and the company’s owner says the market rate is too high. The company cannot afford this level of pay, and furthermore, paying that much would cause salespeople to earn more than most of the company’s managers. Suggest three possible measures the company might take to help resolve this conflict.

Discussion Requirements:

  1. Your initial post should be at least 200 words.
  2. Read and respond in no fewer than 150 words to at least 2 of your peers’ posts.
  3. State your position on whether you agree or disagree with your peer’s statements.
  4. Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.


Noe, A. E. T. (2020). Fundamental of Human Resource Management, (7th ed.). MC GRAW HILL INDIA.



Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak on The World Economy Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Management project and need support to help me understand better.

Word Format only

NO Matching or Plagiarism ratio

Report length should be between 2500 to 3000 words

APA style reference system

The minimum number of required references is 5.


  • Garton, C. & Wegryn, K. (2006). Managing without walls: Maximize success with virtual, global, and cross-cultural teams. Mc Press, 2006. ISBN-13: 978-1583470626


Project assignment: Medawa Medical Company


Consider yourself as Global Manager for a Medical Company (Medawa) that is leading chain of retail pharmacy in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and United Kingdom. This company uses digital solutions for their business, but it focuses heavily on its retails sales. However, due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic, the way how they do business has been remarkably impacted. Not just with sales, the impact of this pandemic effected the way this company work, communicate and operate.

Therefore, as the global manager of this Medawa medical company you are required to develop a detail strategy on the following:

  • Introduction about the topic.
  • Explain what are the limited options that Medawa currently have regarding dealing with the pandemic.
  • What is the level of technology urgency Medawa needs to sustain its performance?
  • As a global manager, leading from home involves the leverage of digital capabilities. What are these capabilities? List and explain at least 3.
  • Explain what type of virtual management characteristics will be implemented and why?
  • How the virtual teams will work together?
  • What tools are they using for communications and task management?
  • How you will manage delivering the new changes with in a short time in different locations in terms of language, cultural, time, political, and economical differences?
  • What are techniques that you will be using to creat a strong team with a high level of teamwork?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of managing a virtual team?
  • What type of conflicts might occur between members? When it happened how will you solve it?
  • As a manager how you will manage the outsourced projects?
  • What techniques that you will apply to encourage and motivate your team for improvement?
  • Conclusion.
  • Keep in mind that the project MUST be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid.

Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak on The World Economy Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJ 498 EC Commonwealth v Aaron Hernandez & the American Justice System Essay Law Assignment Help

Please see attachment for topic which was already selected. This is now the final submission of that said paper.

Choose a high-profile, contemporary American criminal case (within
the past 25 years) to review. In a 5–7 page paper (1250–1750 words),
prepare a case write-up that incorporates all aspects of the criminal
justice system—from police investigation, to arrest, evidence, court
proceedings, and eventually sentencing.

  • Describe the nature of the case, citing it in appropriate legal format (i.e., Miranda v. Arizona, 1966).
  • Explain the investigation. What legal foundations and constitutional
    laws and amendments were present? What type of defense, if any, was
  • Describe the court proceedings; pre-trial hearings, indictments, the
    trial, defense and prosecution arguments, and court outcome—acquittal,
    guilty, not guilty, NGRI, GBMI, etc.
  • Finally, describe the correctional phase, if applicable: jail, prison, probation, parole, etc.
  • Would there be a significant difference if adjudicated in another
    level of court (i.e, federal)? Would the punishment be more, or less
    severe? Would the evidence be handled differently?

Summarize the case and offer your analysis of the proceedings. What
are your thoughts about the investigation, evidence, court proceedings,
and verdict? Make sure you support your conclusions with cited and
referenced materials.


PSY 699 Ashford Implementation of Integrated Care Model for Older Adults Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week.

The collaborative practice of clinicians across disciplines requires a shared language, appreciation of diagnostic and therapeutic paradigms, and recognition of appropriate roles within the health care team. This collaborative environment is at the heart of a health care system that utilizes the skills and expertise of all its team members in appropriate and extended roles. This model of care delivery is often called integrated care (IC) or collaborative care (CC). Although this model is endorsed by many professional societies and agencies, the CC/IC care delivery model can fail due to multiple factors.

In your initial post, consider the clinical partnerships that result within the CC/IC delivery model. Integrating concepts developed from different content domains in psychology, address the following questions.

  • How might health care teams achieve therapeutic goals for individual clients?
  • How does this support health literacy?
  • What factors might lead to the failure of the CC/IC delivery model?
  • How might lack of acceptance of the value or viability of the CC/IC model by stakeholders, lack of awareness of the clinical competencies of various members of the team, barriers to financial reimbursement for services, and lack of integration of support services within the practice cause a breakdown in efficacy?
  • What supportive interventions within the CC/IC model address such issues?

In addition, consider how successful health care models assume an understanding of each profession’s competencies and responsibilities. For example, primary care providers (PCPs) are sometimes unaware of the abilities and practice scope of psychology professionals.

  • Identify methods of targeted intervention and education for PCPs that might alleviate potential issues for the CC/IC model.
  • Explain how the APA Ethical Code of Conduct can be used to guide decisions in these complex situations.
  • Evaluate and comment on the potential work settings where you might find the CC/IC model. In what ways might this model provide more job satisfaction?


PSY 230 ATA Career Education Death Rituals in Islam Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

assignment is to write a 6-8 page (Cover sheet and bibliography page do not count as pages) paper on “Death Rituals of a Religion or Culture of your choosing. ” This paper should detail how the people deal with death in a culture or religious group. It should include customs prior to death, during the time the body is being prepared for disposal and then final disposal. The paper must be typed, using Arial or Times New Roman 12 point font. I prefer margins to be no more than 1.25 inches, side-to side and top to bottom. Papers that are not typed will not be graded. Please double space. Please use the following format for the cover sheet and header for all subsequent pages: USE APA FORMAT!

Cover sheet: Title of your paper

Submitted by: Your Name


PSY 230 – 25Z1


Like this: Death Rituals of Japanese Buddhists

Submitted by: Johnny Owens


PSY 230 – 25Z1

December 1, 2020

Headers: Title of your paper, 1st initial, Last name, Page number

Like this: Death Rituals of Japanese Buddhists, J. Owens, page 1


Human Resources Kinaxis Personality Testing Sales Reps with Personality Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the the case “Kinaxis Choose Sales Reps with Personality” on chapter 6 p. 257.

And answer three questions.

1.What selection methods did Bob Dolan use for hiring salespeople? Did he go about using these methods in the best order? What, if anything, would you change about the order of the methods used?

2. What were the advantages to Kinaxis of using personality tests to help select sales representatives? What were the disadvantages?

3. Given the information gathered from the selection methods, what process did Dolan use to make his selection decision?What improvements can you recommend to this process for decisions to hire sales reps in the future?

300 words. With at least one reference. APA format.



Strategic Management of Health Care Organizations, 8th edition
Ginter, Duncan & Swayne
ISBN-13: 978-1119349709
Wiley ©2018

A Pocket Style Manual: APA Version, 7th edition
Hacker & Sommers
Bedford/St. Martin’s ©2016
ISBN-13: 978-1319011130


Imagine that you manage human resources for a small business. You have recently prepared a report on the market rate of pay for salespeople, and the company’s owner says the market rate is too high. The company cannot afford this level of pay, and furthermore, paying that much would cause salespeople to earn more than most of the company’s managers. Suggest three possible measures the company might take to help resolve this conflict.

Discussion Requirements:

  1. Your initial post should be at least 200 words.
  2. Read and respond in no fewer than 150 words to at least 2 of your peers’ posts.
  3. State your position on whether you agree or disagree with your peer’s statements.
  4. Correct grammar, spelling, and punctuation are expected.


Noe, A. E. T. (2020). Fundamental of Human Resource Management, (7th ed.). MC GRAW HILL INDIA.



Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak on The World Economy Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a Management project and need support to help me understand better.

Word Format only

NO Matching or Plagiarism ratio

Report length should be between 2500 to 3000 words

APA style reference system

The minimum number of required references is 5.


  • Garton, C. & Wegryn, K. (2006). Managing without walls: Maximize success with virtual, global, and cross-cultural teams. Mc Press, 2006. ISBN-13: 978-1583470626


Project assignment: Medawa Medical Company


Consider yourself as Global Manager for a Medical Company (Medawa) that is leading chain of retail pharmacy in Saudi Arabia, Jordan and United Kingdom. This company uses digital solutions for their business, but it focuses heavily on its retails sales. However, due to the recent Covid-19 pandemic, the way how they do business has been remarkably impacted. Not just with sales, the impact of this pandemic effected the way this company work, communicate and operate.

Therefore, as the global manager of this Medawa medical company you are required to develop a detail strategy on the following:

  • Introduction about the topic.
  • Explain what are the limited options that Medawa currently have regarding dealing with the pandemic.
  • What is the level of technology urgency Medawa needs to sustain its performance?
  • As a global manager, leading from home involves the leverage of digital capabilities. What are these capabilities? List and explain at least 3.
  • Explain what type of virtual management characteristics will be implemented and why?
  • How the virtual teams will work together?
  • What tools are they using for communications and task management?
  • How you will manage delivering the new changes with in a short time in different locations in terms of language, cultural, time, political, and economical differences?
  • What are techniques that you will be using to creat a strong team with a high level of teamwork?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of managing a virtual team?
  • What type of conflicts might occur between members? When it happened how will you solve it?
  • As a manager how you will manage the outsourced projects?
  • What techniques that you will apply to encourage and motivate your team for improvement?
  • Conclusion.
  • Keep in mind that the project MUST be supported by evidence and resources. Otherwise, your answer will not be valid.

Economic Effects of Coronavirus Outbreak on The World Economy Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJ 498 EC Commonwealth v Aaron Hernandez & the American Justice System Essay Law Assignment Help

Please see attachment for topic which was already selected. This is now the final submission of that said paper.

Choose a high-profile, contemporary American criminal case (within
the past 25 years) to review. In a 5–7 page paper (1250–1750 words),
prepare a case write-up that incorporates all aspects of the criminal
justice system—from police investigation, to arrest, evidence, court
proceedings, and eventually sentencing.

  • Describe the nature of the case, citing it in appropriate legal format (i.e., Miranda v. Arizona, 1966).
  • Explain the investigation. What legal foundations and constitutional
    laws and amendments were present? What type of defense, if any, was
  • Describe the court proceedings; pre-trial hearings, indictments, the
    trial, defense and prosecution arguments, and court outcome—acquittal,
    guilty, not guilty, NGRI, GBMI, etc.
  • Finally, describe the correctional phase, if applicable: jail, prison, probation, parole, etc.
  • Would there be a significant difference if adjudicated in another
    level of court (i.e, federal)? Would the punishment be more, or less
    severe? Would the evidence be handled differently?

Summarize the case and offer your analysis of the proceedings. What
are your thoughts about the investigation, evidence, court proceedings,
and verdict? Make sure you support your conclusions with cited and
referenced materials.


PSY 699 Ashford Implementation of Integrated Care Model for Older Adults Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Prior to beginning work on this discussion forum, be certain to have read all the required resources for this week.

The collaborative practice of clinicians across disciplines requires a shared language, appreciation of diagnostic and therapeutic paradigms, and recognition of appropriate roles within the health care team. This collaborative environment is at the heart of a health care system that utilizes the skills and expertise of all its team members in appropriate and extended roles. This model of care delivery is often called integrated care (IC) or collaborative care (CC). Although this model is endorsed by many professional societies and agencies, the CC/IC care delivery model can fail due to multiple factors.

In your initial post, consider the clinical partnerships that result within the CC/IC delivery model. Integrating concepts developed from different content domains in psychology, address the following questions.

  • How might health care teams achieve therapeutic goals for individual clients?
  • How does this support health literacy?
  • What factors might lead to the failure of the CC/IC delivery model?
  • How might lack of acceptance of the value or viability of the CC/IC model by stakeholders, lack of awareness of the clinical competencies of various members of the team, barriers to financial reimbursement for services, and lack of integration of support services within the practice cause a breakdown in efficacy?
  • What supportive interventions within the CC/IC model address such issues?

In addition, consider how successful health care models assume an understanding of each profession’s competencies and responsibilities. For example, primary care providers (PCPs) are sometimes unaware of the abilities and practice scope of psychology professionals.

  • Identify methods of targeted intervention and education for PCPs that might alleviate potential issues for the CC/IC model.
  • Explain how the APA Ethical Code of Conduct can be used to guide decisions in these complex situations.
  • Evaluate and comment on the potential work settings where you might find the CC/IC model. In what ways might this model provide more job satisfaction?


PSY 230 ATA Career Education Death Rituals in Islam Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

assignment is to write a 6-8 page (Cover sheet and bibliography page do not count as pages) paper on “Death Rituals of a Religion or Culture of your choosing. ” This paper should detail how the people deal with death in a culture or religious group. It should include customs prior to death, during the time the body is being prepared for disposal and then final disposal. The paper must be typed, using Arial or Times New Roman 12 point font. I prefer margins to be no more than 1.25 inches, side-to side and top to bottom. Papers that are not typed will not be graded. Please double space. Please use the following format for the cover sheet and header for all subsequent pages: USE APA FORMAT!

Cover sheet: Title of your paper

Submitted by: Your Name


PSY 230 – 25Z1


Like this: Death Rituals of Japanese Buddhists

Submitted by: Johnny Owens


PSY 230 – 25Z1

December 1, 2020

Headers: Title of your paper, 1st initial, Last name, Page number

Like this: Death Rituals of Japanese Buddhists, J. Owens, page 1


Human Resources Kinaxis Personality Testing Sales Reps with Personality Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Read the the case “Kinaxis Choose Sales Reps with Personality” on chapter 6 p. 257.

And answer three questions.

1.What selection methods did Bob Dolan use for hiring salespeople? Did he go about using these methods in the best order? What, if anything, would you change about the order of the methods used?

2. What were the advantages to Kinaxis of using personality tests to help select sales representatives? What were the disadvantages?

3. Given the information gathered from the selection methods, what process did Dolan use to make his selection decision?What improvements can you recommend to this process for decisions to hire sales reps in the future?

300 words. With at least one reference. APA format.


Temple University Performance of the Employees in the HR Data Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Temple University Performance of the Employees in the HR Data Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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