Term paper government 121 Other Assignment Help

Term paper government 121 Other Assignment Help. Term paper government 121 Other Assignment Help.

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The “Term Paper” assignment, will consist of a list of elected officials who represent you on all levels, local, state and federal. You are also required to write letters to three of those officials. One of those letters has to be written to your representative in the House, or one of your two senators in the Senate. You may write the remaining two letters to the officials of your choice.The letters must be written about an actual problem in your city, state or the nation. This entails researching the problem and the official, to whom you are writing, to ascertain if that person is able to help with the problem. Please be aware that the letters do not have to be actually mailed (unless you decide to do so). I will read each letter; and grade it based on the authenticity of the problem, the ability of the official to help solve it and how well it is written. The letters must be error free and persuasive. Hastily written letters, full of errors, will receive scores reflecting that lack of effort. I strongly suggest that this assignment be started immediately. Identify the elected officials; find out what their jurisdictions are (does s/he have the power to address the problem). Identify a problem; begin writing rough drafts. Ask family members, and others in the community, for input regarding the problem and what is needed to address it. Finally, ask that your letters be proof read by the Writing Center, a qualified family member, or a friend.Do not attack officials. Do not write partisan letters (democrat or republican slanted). Be respectful; but be firm in your request for help. I have attached a sample letter to guide you. You may submit your letters to me prior to the deadline (at least a week before); and I will look at them, make corrections and return them to you, to correct and resubmit. Do not take this assignment lightly, obviously to earn a good grade (20% of the final grade); but, also to practice the most important right that you possess – the right to petition your elected officials for service, which you helped to elect them to provide.

I live in duchess county poughkeepsie newyork

Example of letter

Wesley J. Lee

99 Wakeman Dr.

Poughkeepsie, NY 12601

Honorable Rob Rolison

Mayor of the City of Poughkeepsie

62 Civic Center Plaza
Poughkeepsie, New York 12061

Mayor Rolison,

First, I would like to congratulate you for your landslide win. I join other voters, in looking forward to the many positive improvements to our city, which you promised. I attended your inauguration; and was further inspired by your proposed administrative agenda.

My reason, for writing today, is to ask for your help in reinstating family literacy in the Poughkeepsie City School District (PCSD). Family literacy is a program which helps improve the quality of life for low income families. The program provides literacy for families in their homes and in a center, in intensity and duration, to make a sustained positive difference. Family literacy includes four components: Adult Education to help parents earn GE D’s and become employable; Early Childhood Education to help children (infants and toddlers) acquire an adequate vocabulary to be successful in school (10,000 words in Pre K); Parent/Child Interactive Literacy, in which children and parents read together and to each other and Parenting Education, to help parents become better parents and full partners in the education of their children.

The dire need for the project is evidenced by the fact that less than fifty percent of the senior class, of the Poughkeepsie High School, has graduated for over thirty years. Both, the Middle and High Schools, are in NY State Receivership. Quite simply, this is due to the absences of literacy, for generations, in the homes of low income families. Over eighty percent of PCSD students are low income. Due to the lack of exposure to literacy, these students enter school, Pre K, with 900 or 1,000 vocabulary words, not the required 10,000. With this low number of vocabulary words, it is like attempting to learn using a foreign language. They fall behind and, in most instances, they never catch up. This leads to poor performance all the way through the 12th grade. Therein lies the reason for the less than fifty percent graduation rate.


Family literacy was provided for families in the Poughkeepsie City School District from 1995 until 2006. I was the director of the program from 2000 until 2006. There were many success stories for both parents and children, who participated in the project. In 2014, one of the children who was in the program as an infant, graduated valedictorian. In 2006, the federal funding for the project was diverted to the wars. We were able to continue the program for two more years, with funding from local businesses and foundations, until the financial down turn in 2008, when it ended.

Now, that the economy has improved, it is imperative that we start this project again, immediately. Please speak to the Common Council about putting start up funding in the budget for family literacy. Also, we ask that you support our effort to garner funding, for this cause, from local businesses, foundations, the state and the federal government. Our most important obligation is the proper care of our children. And success, in that regard, is very much tied to educating them properly.

Those of us, spearheading this extremely important endeavor, are targeting September 2019 to implement Poughkeepsie Family Literacy again. We are optimistic that, with your help, we will meet that goal. Our committee would like to meet with you in the near future to discuss our strategy further; and get your input. You may reach me at (845) 964-2335, if you have questions; and to give me some tentative dates that we may meet.


Wesley J. Lee, President of the Family Literacy Project

Term paper government 121 Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]

lesson plan Humanities Assignment Help

Writing 3 lesson plans for teaching personal essay ( each lesson should be 90 mins) Also, make sure each lessons have connection. for example ( what you going to teach in first lesson, second lesson and third lessons)

a. Write the lesson plan itself.( include Object ( students will be able to), Materials, Introduction, Body, Conclusion, and what you will say in the lesson.)

b. Create a student handout that provides input on how to complete the writing task or learn the concept. Include input and instructions for an activity.

c. Complete the activity yourself, providing a sample that you could use as a model.

d. Annotate the completed activity (as with inserted comments or Post-Its), pointing out at least three things you’d want students to notice and why, were you to share this sample.

I posted an example for you to look the formate.


investigate these programs and describe at least three different work-related benefits work incentives Humanities Assignment Help

Please follow instructions

Suppose that you are providing services to an individual who is receiving SSDI following a severe injury. There are helpful work supports (work incentives) available through and funded by the Social Security Administration. Use the links provided in this unit to investigate these programs and describe at least three different work-related benefits (work incentives) that are available to the individual. Identify the links that you used to learn about these programs. Please respond with 300 words attached articles and links

Please explain how the individual uses the ticket. Why would this program help an individual pay for prescriptions or other needed services. Who would provide those services? How would the individual access those services?

you need to identify work incentives ) that are available to an individual who receives Social Security Disability Insurance. You need to identify 3 incentives/supports that may be available to that person.

additional Links


The ticket to work program Humanities Assignment Help

follow the instructions your response should be 300 words

assignment 2

The “ticket to work” program is available to some of the individuals with whom you work. Please identify one individual who might be helped by this program and explain how it could be used to assist the individual in becoming employed and staying employed.

Regarding the TIcket to Work, it asks you to identify one individual (somebody with whom you work) who could be helped by this program and to explain how that program could assist the individual in becoming and staying employed. Please do this.

attached are articles and links

Additional Links


Lack of communication between managers and employees Writing Assignment Help

Prepare and submit a written draft of your proposed research question/sub-questions, rationale, definitions and hypothesis for your future MGT 8800 independent study research project as outlined in the course syllabus. The attached Powerpoints provide guidance and more information on completing this draft.

DO NOT USE BOOKS-INSTRUCTORS CANNOT VERIFY THOSE SOURCES. Recommend you use articles from WU Library databases. (If you must use a book-copy/scan the selected content and provide that to your Instructor so that he/she can verify your resources).

The research question/sub-question(s), if answered through conducting your research, would solve your problem. It must be clearly related to the problem statement and structured such that it clearly summarizes the purpose and focus of your proposed research effort. The research question and any sub-questions should be clear, concise, definitive, unambiguous and easily understood by anyone who reads it.

The rationale is a brief summary of the need for the research study. Why is this topic being examined?

Definitions are a list of the terms you believe need to be defined for this research proposal for clarity or are not commonly known terms.

The hypothesis is a brief statement of what you believe is the solutions to your stated problem and/or the answer(s) to your stated research question(s) that you will be able to prove through your proposed research.

Your hypothesis, rationale, and definitions will also comply with the following general formatting requirements:

  • Maximum of two (2) pages in length
  • Typed using a 12-point Times New Roman font
  • Double-spaced throughout the entire paper
  • Use a 1-inch margin
  • Page header will include your title and page numbers
  • Cover/Title page will include your name and the date of submission

The topic is lack of communication between managers and employees.

I already have the question (What
are the various ways that can be used to improve the communication between the
manager and the employees in an organization?) and the sub questions (What are the causes of poor communication between the managers and the employees? What are the effects of poor communication between the managers and the employees? What can the managers do to ensure that they solve the problem?)



Diet Analysis Writing Assignment Help

There are two goals for this project: 1.) learn the analysis process, and 2.) gain some personal insight about yourself and your food intake. So, as usual, the more of diet analysis information the better in terms of drawing conclusions. The page number suggestions are just a guideline, not a rule. If you just fill out the long questionnaire, you have the “process” but not the “insight”. So, DO NOT TURN IN THE QUESTIONNAIRE (it is a guideline for your thoughts), use it as a guideline to write your analysis (is your diet good, bad, etc) AND suggest some specific dietary things you can do to improve your health and longevity. Tables and graphs are good communication tools but don’t have to be exhaustive. DO NOT TURN IN YOUR FOOD INTAKE LISTS – we don’t grade what foods you eat – just your nutrient analysis. Two example analyses are given for you to see.

It’s always interesting, especially if you are involved in some active “health/exercise” program. So, do the “process” but then personalize the results – you will gain benefit from that activity.

below is an attached example of what the diet analysis should look like.

Diet Analysis Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

News story in AP style book Writing Assignment Help

please look at Story#3 Assignment and the story Idea#3 file. You can search about it google advanced then start to write the news story:

I will attach the Students Answers and you just give answers instead of the director on the International students services “Zafrul Amin” because I don’t have his answers.

1- please use their information in the story.

2- first time use their full name, then for the next paragraphs use only last names.

3- FOLLOW THE AP STYLE “This is Not APA style” its different.

4- Write the story with the Three interviews

6- Each paragraph no more then 5 Lines

7- Please narrative your interview.

8-Use quotes.

9-Use third person only” Don’t use Me or I”

10- No opinion, Just facts.

11- Single space- Times 12 point font.

12- Use two research articles that connect with this topic, for example; Google advanced search. “Cite it only ONE TIME In the story”

13- please write the quotes like this:

14- 500 minimum words. Don’t make it Over 700 words

15- Make sure you use AP style in every thing.


Morehead State University Monroes Motivated Sequence Persuasive Outline Writing Assignment Help

I want you to write Persuasive Outline and my topic is why students should eat breakfast every day.

here is an example of outline :

igure 16.1 Monroe’s Motivated Sequence

Sample Outline

Proposition: You (the audience) should volunteer or donate at the Morris County Animal Protection Agency.

I. Attention step

A. When was the last time you saw a dog chained to a tree in a neighbor’s yard, heard about a puppy mill in your town, or went into a pet store only to find dogs and cats for sale?

B. I work with the Morris County Animal Protection Group and I would like to share some ways in which you can help prevent these travesties.

C. First, I will describe some of the major problems in Morris County, and then I will tell you how you can get involved.

II. Need step: Many animals in Morris County are abused and neglected.

A. There are too many stray animals that are neither spayed nor neutered, resulting in an overabundance of cats and dogs.

B. These animals often cannot find enough food to survive and the local shelter cannot accommodate such high populations.

C. The cost of local spay/neuter programs is too high for our agency to handle.

III. Satisfaction step: Raising $1 million for the Morris County Animal Protection Agency can effectively solve these problems.

A. We could afford to spay or neuter most stray animals.

B. Obtained animals could be fed and accommodated until a home can be secured for them.

C. Additionally, we could subsidize spay/neuter costs for local citizens.

IV. Visualization step: Imagine what we can do for our animals with this money.

A. What will it be like if we can carry out these actions?

B. What will it be like if we cannot do these things?

V. Action appeal step: Donate to the Morris County Animal Protection Agency.

A. If you want to help protect the many struggling stray animals in Morris County, make a donation to our organization.

B. Your donation will make a real difference in the lives of our animals.

C. We cannot effect real change for the animals of our county without each and every one of you.


Select one theorist’s theory. Humanities Assignment Help

for this assignment follow the instructions the powerpoint readings are attached also drop box

Please respond with 300 words

Review the information on “Theories” in the Week Two readings/videos.

Select one theorist’s theory. For this theory:

1. Name the theory and say why you selected it.

2. Provide three things that this theorist would probably want to see in an after school program. You may discuss what they would want to see in regards to interactions between staff and children, activities, the environment, or anything else you can think of.

Be very specific in your discussion of what they would want included. (Don’t just list items – say why).



Create e-commerce business in Saudi Arabia Business Finance Assignment Help

I have this 2 options for a business and its informations it may help u in answers <<< choose one of them

– U could imagine what the business need and edit or add.. and if u need any answer pleas ask me ..

– No match

Also, If u have another idea for a business I welcome your suggestion before starting 🙂



(Biotech business) : How to launch a product into market ( biotech &Pharmaceutical Products )

My basic major is Biotechnology. I have worked as a biology teacher and a lab technician for a year in privet sections. After this experiences I became increasingly interested in business. Actually, I am working to develop myself in business by this ways:

– I attended many events and courses in different fields of business and and development.

– I made a small business for handmade crafts and gifts.

– I was started to give a courses in self development and how to start small business. ( Certified Trainer )

– recently, I have a high diploma in ( phlebotomy ). That was a special and new experience I learned a lot from it.

– Now, I am a business administration bachelor student in Saudi Electronic University in the third year.

My career goal is to mix between Biotechnology and Business ( Double major ) and be an effective part from 2030 vision in Biotech business field. For that, I have a challenge in learning english and go ahead to achieving my dreams.



I have this business on Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/lets_chalk1/

I need to make a site for a this business and write a report which answer all requirements in the file

– its about handmade craft, gifts, decoration…… Also, i give some courses in business and handcraft

.- Idea: back to past time.. time of black board with a modern and Innovative idea.. most of things depend on writing with chalk ( black board )

– on my way to develop the business.. I make many adv on social media & had many TV & newspaper interviews

– I participated in many events & Presented gifts for marketing and invitations to famous personalities

– I focused on quality, design. packaging, customers satisfaction

– About target audience : Restaurants, schools: students, teachers, graduates,Occasions decorations, gifts, home decorations……….

– About revenue: from sales in site and exhibitions , courses, Leasing products and decorations for parties and events….

– About Content: from Wholesalers , from outside like amazon, ali baba .. from Factories in china..from Libraries


Term paper government 121 Other Assignment Help

Term paper government 121 Other Assignment Help

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