The Faerie Queene and Twelfth Night Poems Essay Writing Assignment Help. The Faerie Queene and Twelfth Night Poems Essay Writing Assignment Help.
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2-part final essay. You will need to answer both questions in short essay format. Each essay answer should be 2-3 pages. Total of 6 pages. (No more than 6 pages). Double spaced, size 12 font.
Tutor will need Spenser’s The Faerie Queene, and Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night
By way of preamble, a quick review of some core concepts:
One of the premises of this course addresses the formal character of experience.As we have seen, this feature takes shape through perceived attributes of personal identity, available social and political roles, and shared norms of culture – including norms that guide understanding of meaningful distinctions between genders, sexes, and different social stations.The forms of such understanding may be easily recognizable, but many require careful attention to become legible.
We can see some of the difficulty when we turn to Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night.For all its interest in the erotic entanglements of Olivia and Viola/Cesario and the evident erotic bond between Sebastian and Antonio, neither of these couples finds a sustained, visible place in the outworking of the plot. Their intimacy (or possible intimacy) may be showable but it is not tellable: it does not translate into a story.At the same time, Twelfth Night is more than a simple reflection of the heteronormative marriage game and the traditional codes of masculine, homosocial (male-focused) privilege.The queer element to Twelfth Night derives from the surplus it introduces into the otherwise neat resolutions to the entangled plots and “midsummer madness” in Illyria.We may not know how to finish the story of Olivia’s attraction to Viola/Cesario and the story of the erotic bond between Antonio and Sebastian, but the very visibility of these unfinished stories at key moments in the play reminds us that the world represented in Twelfth Night is an unstable hybrid of known forms of experience together with a host of what Socrates’ Diotima might call “pregnant” behaviors and fantasies that are not fully legible or recognized by the dominant culture.
In this regard, Twelfth Night expresses two of Foucault’s points:
1) Cultures are built out of the dynamic “tactical polyvalence” of discourses.This notion suggests that texts served up as representative samples of a given culture typically show more than they claim to know. In premodern cultures, the “showing more” part is where you find the queer element.Paradoxically (to us), the “showing more” appears through unfinished, implicit, or incongruous features of the texts at hand.(These features are at the limit of we have been calling “allegory” and “covenant” – places where the “secret” of the text slips into view – or into a moment that invites conjecture – and where the imagined social cohesion in the represented world seems to be challenged.)
2) Cultures mobilize the “tactical polyvalence” of discourses in ways that illustrate the two main senses of power: power over something (domination, management, or destruction) and power for something (the capacity to bring something into being or to fruition).The queer dimension of this point in premodern literatures is complicated.Recall the “queer” Porter at the gate of the Bower of Bliss in The Faerie Queene.He is a symptom of danger, and the danger reappears in the queering of the petrarchan lyric in the Bower of Bliss.Acrasia’s sexual mastery of Verdant makes explicit the non-normative stakes of the Petrarchan cliché of male submissiveness to the quasi-divine female object of desire.Against these features we must weigh Marlowe’s comic handling of erotic adventure in Hero and Leander, Shakespeare’s curiosity in trying to imagine untapped erotic possibilities in Twelfth Night, and Thomas Nashe’s scalpel-like satire of virtually all the pieties of his day.The sheer range of Jack Wilton’s identities as he drifts from England to Germany to Italy and then back to England holds several examples of the malleable sense of what is queer in Nashe’s world.
From these observations we may add a third, global point:
3) The premodern queer does not translate straightforwardly (no pun intended) into images of homosexual or gay or queer behavior or affect in the modern sense of these terms, but it does have an affinity with the root sense of queer as a perturbation in the “system” of culture and as a search for ways to permit non-lethal or de-stigmatized passage and communication between normative and non-normative zones of culture.
With these premises in mind, please write a short commentary on each selected text for part 1 and part 2. In each case, explain how you see the “queer” element surfacing in the text, using any of the above remarks as a point of departure. Each essay should be at least 2 pages, and the entire essay should be no more than 6 pages. This means that you need to pick specific passages and zero in on the sense you want to draw from them. Find a group of details or a specific moment and inspect it, bearing in mind that once you have done this you can refer to any of the texts we have read this term to support or enrich your point.
How do objects help construct queer moments or dimensions of reality in Spenser’s Faerie Land?For this option, please choose an object (or a group of objects) and show how variations in its function or symbolic value as it recurs (or morphs into a related object) help you locate a queer aspect of Spenser’s argument in Book 2 of The Faerie Queene.(For example, think of the changing functions of liquid in Book 2, or shifting representations of clothing).
Shakespeare, Twelfth Night: focus on any single scene and place it in the context of a problem you see being addressed in the play.For example, the play’s clear investment in the concept of melancholia effectively “warps” or queers the philosophical legacy of melancholia by turning its liminal significance away from the vertical “ascent” to contemplative rapture and treating the concept instead as a horizontal extension to the edges of legible experience (i.e., as symptom of stalling or radical ambiguity before a thought or perception that does not yet have a known form).Thus Feste’s melancholy song in Act 2, scene 4 triggers the strange quasi-confessional scene between Viola/Cesario and Orsino in which Viola’s secret nearly gets exposed—but not quite.This ambiguity introduces a species of queer eroticism between the two visibly male figures on stage—something you could analyze by looking closely at the dialog.
The Faerie Queene and Twelfth Night Poems Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
GBA500 CC Wk 6 Resources for Building an Effective Team Reflective Blog Writing Assignment Help
Write a reflective blog summarizing what was learned for week 6 and discuss how it can be implemented in the workplace. I will send references/readings for the week, you can pick a couple topics from there to blog about.
Weekly Reflections: At the end weeks 6, learners should post a personal reflection on what they learned in class that week and how it might apply to their work
Lesson and references:
Session Objectives:
CRTW201 Winthrop University Bad Decision Made Analysis Writing Assignment Help
Topic: Choose one bad decision you made in the past. (Ex.: You racked up $3000.00 on a credit card in six months; you made friends with a group of kids in high school that repeatedly led you into bad situations; you trusted someone who was obviously untrustworthy; you bought a car you couldn’t afford; you took three upper-level language courses at the same time; you misjudged or mistreated someone; you made a significant life decision to please another person instead of doing what was best for yourself, etc.) This decision can be one that had serious negativeconsequencesor it can be one that had less dire consequencesbut was still misguided in some way.
Once you have chosen your mistake, you will analyze the thought that went into your decision-making process from the perspective of the Elements of Reasoning and the Impediments to Critical Thinking.
Think about what led you to make this decision, how you got into the situation, what caused you to miss obvious informationor draw the wrong conclusions, what assumptionsallowed you to draw certaininferences, how your point of viewblocked you from seeing things from another person’s perspective, and so on for each Element. Each time you introduce a new Element, Standard, or Impediment in your paper, type it in bold face type. If citing Nosich or any other source, use correct MLA documentation.
Explore deeply the thought process that led you to make the mistake. You must include all eight Elements and at least two of the Impediments and analyze them deeply. As you consider each Element, also think about alternativesthat would have led you to assess the situation in a more productive way. For instance, what other informationcan you see now that you didn’t see at the time? What other conclusionscould you have drawn? What Impediments led you to miss certain obvious clues or draw wrong conclusions? What was your purposein making the decision, and what should your purposehave been, instead? What questionsat issue did you consider, and which ones did you ignore? Your thesis should explain why your thinking was flawed or what specifically you should have done differently.
Reflect upon and articulate your own beliefs and assumptionsin an effort to understand what you took for granted, and consider the consequencesof this reflection. Think about your thinking. I encourage you to not settle on the first idea that comes to mind. Get beyond the easy or surface implicationsand use the tools of metacognition to push your thinking to where it gets interesting. Your first response may be adequate, but is not often insightful. Examine the values, beliefs, and habits which are a part of this topic and make connections to the nature and quality of life.
NR361 Chamberlain Busy Medical Unit with Excessive Turnover Rate Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Hello Prof. & Class,
Alarm fatigue is “the lack of response due to excessive numbers of alarms resulting in sensory overload and desensitization” (Coach,2012). It is a distraction on every nursing unit. Labor & Delivery, ICU and the ET are, I believe, the three areas with the most alarm fatigue.
‘All three areas have alarms related to blood pressure, pulse ox, respiratory rate, heart rate and IV pumps. In Labor and Delivery, we have the added alarms of the fetal monitor. The alarm on the fetal monitor will go off if there is a lose of the fetal heart rate, due to fetal or maternal movement, or if the fetal heart rate is not within the normal range for more than 30 seconds. Depending on the patient, these alarms can be going off constantly. After awhile, it is easy to assume the patient has changed position or used the restroom when you hear the alarm. This may not be the case. There could be a serious problem that isn’t being addressed immediately.
The article by West describes a very busy medical unit with an excessive turnover rate. The triage/treatment room in L&D is just like this. It is a three bedded room staffed by one nurse. Patients come in, are evaluated and either admitted or treated and released. Most of the time, there is a patient waiting for a bed to become available. Personally, I prefer not to work in this area. The stress level is high because many things need to be done at the same time. Patients often complain because they feel you are not giving them the attention they require.
Cvach, M., (2012). Monitor alarm fatigue: An integrative review. Biomedical instrumentation & Technology, 46(4), 268-277.
West, P., Abbott, P., & Proust, P. (2014). alarm Fatigue: A Concept Analysis. Online Journal of Nursing Informatics, 18(2),1. Retrieved from…
Jackson State University Exploring Positions in IT Disciplines Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Exploring Positions in the IT Disciplines
The field of information technology is composed of a wide range of sub-disciplines, including analytics, cybersecurity, enterprise architecture, networking, project management, software development, and many other specialty areas. As information technology evolves, new areas with corresponding career opportunities emerge providing a plethora of options for the IT professional. In addition, it is highly likely that there will be new jobs created over the next several years related to technologies that do not yet exist!
In this assignment, you will select at least two sub-disciplines within IT to explore, using sources listed in the studies, Capella library, Internet, or other sources to which you have access. For each area, focus on crafting the following:
- An overview of the two selected sub-discipline areas that includes definitions and lists areas of IT that each sub-discipline addresses. For example, if networking is selected, some areas may include local area networks (LANs), wide area networks (WANs), communication protocols, network design, or other sub-discipline.
- In each of the two sub-disciplines selected, search for and find at least three jobs that are in demand in that sub-discipline (six jobs total), with the typical skills, abilities, and experience required for each job. These jobs should include positions you are interested in, and may like to pursue at some point in the future. Compare and contrast the requirements needed for the three positions within each selected discipline, considering both the technical and non-technical skills needed.
- Next, compare and contrast the skills need for positions between the two disciplines. Describe how technical and non-technical requirements vary, and explain why differences or similarities may be justified by differences in the sub-discipline itself.
- Also, describe any differences in geographical demand for workers in the two sub-disciplines, and any cultural differences among position requirements if located in different countries or if applicable.
- Which of the sub-disciplines that you selected is more appealing to you as an IT professional? How likely are you to pursue a career in that area?
Capture your results in a concise, well-written 2–3 page document. Feel free to include tables or other illustrations that support your points. Be sure to cite the sources you use to inform your exploration of the two sub-disciplines, as well as the six positions you identify and analyze.
NR443 Chamberlain Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment Presentation Writing Assignment Help
Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT) is an evidence-based practice intervention used to identify, reduce, and prevent problematic use, abuse, and dependence on substances such as tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs. The SBIRT model was incited by an Institute of Medicine (IOM) recommendation that called for community-based screening for health risk behaviors. The purpose of this assignment is to integrate SBIRT into nursing practice to help stimulate positive change at the individual and population focused level of care.
- CO3: Plan prevention and population-focused interventions for vulnerable populations using professional clinical judgment and evidence-based practice. (PO 4, 8)
- CO4: Evaluate the delivery of care for individuals, families, aggregates, and communities based on theories and principles of nursing and related disciplines. (PO1)
Background information
SBIRT consists of three major components.
- Screening—A healthcare professional assesses a patient for concerning behaviors using standardized screening tools. Screening can occur in any healthcare setting.
- Brief Intervention—A healthcare professional engages a patient in a short conversation, providing feedback and advice regarding concerning behaviors.
- Referral to Treatment—A healthcare professional provides a referral to resources and/or treatment options and additional services available (Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration [SAMHSA], n.d.)
- Prior to starting the presentation, you are to read the assigned training.SBIRT Education. (n.d.). Overview of screening, assessment and brief intervention: a nursing response to the full spectrum of substance use. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
- Choose “Watch On Demand Recording”
- Start at minute 9:08/slide 12, end at 1hr 27 sec. (slide 80)
Or you may go directly to the YouTube video:SBIRT Education. (2015, May 10). Overview of SBIRT: a nursing response to the full spectrum of substance use [Video File]. Retrieved fromOverview of SBIRT: A Nursing Response to the Full Spectrum of Substance Use (Links to an external site.)Use this BNI checklist for the role play at the end: BNI Checklist (Links to an external site.) SBIRT Education. (n.d.). Brief negotiated interview checklist [PDF Document]. Retrieved from (Links to an external site.)
- Choose “Watch On Demand Recording”
Focus is on problem/addiction to ALCOHOL
- you are to research SBIRT training specific to that problem/addition. Before starting to work on the presentation, it is vital you understand how SBIRT is used with that particular addiction/problem. You must find at least two scholarly resources (other than readings assigned in the course) and one video resource. Search YouTube for one SBIRT training video from a reputable source that shows a provider using SBIRT with a patient. Watch this video so that you understand the steps of SBIRT.
- You may choose to complete this assignment as a PowerPoint poster or PowerPoint multiple slide presentation. Download the SBIRT PowerPoint poster (Links to an external site.) or slide presentation template (Links to an external site.)
Below are the requirements needed for successful completion of the SBIRT: Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment presentation.
- Introduction to the problem and/or addiction: Clearly identify the problem, and discuss specific statistics from your community related to this problem. You may use city or county data. For example, if you choose a specific drug, you should find the drug use rate in your city or county.
- Problem description: Utilize one scholarly reference (not assigned in this course) to describe this problem/addiction. Discuss reasons why this may be a problem in your community. Cite all sources.
- SBIRT description: Utilize at least one scholarly reference different from the one selected for the problem description above, and not assigned in this course, to describe how SBIRT is used with this specific addiction/problem. Identify specific steps and questions that are used.
- Video: Locate and describe at least one video that demonstrates SBIRT related to the addiction you chose.
- Citation: Cite all sources.
- Community resources: Describe at least two available community resources to which you may refer people who have this problem or an increased potential for acquiring this problem. You are to provide the names of these resources and brief descriptions. You may use online resources if community resources are not available.
- Conclusion/future implications for nursing: Provide a summary of your findings. Discuss the use of SBIRT in nursing practice.
- References: Provide all references for all sources utilized. Use APA format, however, a hanging indent is not necessary.
Best Practices in Preparing PowerPoint
The following are best practices in preparing this presentation.
- Review directions thoroughly.
- We recommend that you use one of the linked templates. Replace the placeholder text with your own content. Use a black or colored font that is easy to read.
- Be creative. You may choose a design (from design tab) to enhance visual appeal.
- Incorporate graphics, clip art, or photographs to increase interest.
- Use short bullet points and large font for easier reading. For PowerPoint slides, use no more than eight lines per slide and no more than eight words per line.
- Do not use the notes are in the PowerPoint format (they are not visible in Canvas-Speedgrader)
- Cite all sources within the slides or poster with (author, year) as well as on the Reference slide or section.
- Proofread prior to final submission.
- Spell check for spelling and grammar errors prior to final submission.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). (n.d.). SBIRT: Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment.
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroduction to problem |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem support with scholarly literature and problem rationale. |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSBIRT |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCommunity Resources |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion and Future Implications |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics and organization |
NR443 Chamberlain Screening Brief Intervention and Referral to Treatment Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Current Function of Communication Errors Annotated Bibliography Writing Assignment Help
Your references should consist of at least 10-15 peer-reviewed journal articles, government publications, or industry materials.
- Provide a complete reference listing formatted in accordance with APA requirements.
- Describe the purpose of the reference source. Why was it written?
- What was the result of the research/investigation? What does the reference show?
- How is this applicable to your project research paper?
Problem and Purpose Statement
Current function of Communication Errors and other Human Factors can cause Runway Incursion
Problem Statement
A runway incursion is an incident at an aerodrome which involves the presence of communication failure, poor lighting or distractions on the shielded surface area of the designated landing and takeoff area of airplane. Is it possible to avoid or less this situation? What is the best way to reduce or prevent the runway incursion every day?
The FAA document shows that Runway safety is a significant challenge and a top priority for everyone in aviation. In the United States, an average of three runway incursions occur daily. Each of these incidents have the potential to cause significant damage to both persons and property. Runway incursions are a serious safety concern and have involved air carrier aircraft, military aircraft, general aviation (GA), and pedestrian vehicles.
Purpose Statement
The objective of this project is to research what kind of the function of Communication Errors and other Human Factors can cause Runway Incursion and how human error can create runway incursions. The project will seek to identify the best way help the aviators prevent runway incursion during work. The goal is to find the source of the human factor and limit the amount of runway incursion.
The objective will be researched, and critical thinking applied to the data and information in the context of the 4 Core Program Outcomes of Aeronautical Science, Aviation Legislation and Law, Aviation Safety, and Operations and Management.
Ashford Amazon Recruiting and Staff Plan Paper Writing Assignment Help
Assess the opening case study from Chapter 6: “Amazon is Hiring…Big Time!” In a three- to five-page paper (not including the title and references pages), create a recruiting and staffing strategy for Amazon, and select one position from the given list to write a recruiting and staffing plan; consider how many of these positions Amazon needs to fill. You must select from the following full-time positions: Warehouse Supervisor, Delivery Representative, and Customer Service Manager.)
Your paper must include the following:
- Write an introduction including the selected position, a preview of your paper, and a succinct thesis statement.
- Discuss the legal landscape, including special legal considerations that the company should be aware of.
- Create a recruiting plan for the position selected that includes the following:
- Explain what recruiting is and why it is important.
- Explain the tools that will be utilized to find candidates for filling the selected position, and state why each tool was selected.
- Create a selection plan for the position that includes the following:
- Explain what staffing is and why it is important.
- State what assessments will be used and why.
- Discuss the types of interviewing techniques that will be used and why.
- List five job-specific interview questions for the position candidates.
- Write a conclusion paragraph that reaffirms your thesis statement.
Your paper must be formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. It must include citations and references for the text and at least three scholarly sources, one of which must be from the Ashford University Library. For assistance with finding sources, refer to the Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources (Links to an external site.) document.
University of Nairobi Mergers and Acquisitions Case Writing Assignment Help
For a successful case write up, you will need the following:
- Case papers should address the key issues that pertain to the financial strategy and then make clear recommendations with as much support as possible.
- Papers should beno more than three double-spaced pages (not including exhibits) and include a cover page with your name, the date, the course number, and the title of the assignment (case name).
- Papers should be organized into specific sections. For example, Background, Key Issues, Recommendations with support. Keep the Introduction short and don’t be so quick to jump to the recommendation. If the issues are wrong, the recommendation can’t be correct.
- Late Papers will not be accepted.
- Your grade will depend on how well you identify the issues and argue your recommendation.
- All Footnotes and References Must use the APA Format.
- The answer is not on the internet. You may use the internet for additional background and information, but I don’t care what the company actually did. All that really matters is in the case.
Remember that you only have three double-spaced pages for text. If you wish to use charts or financial analysis to support your recommendation, use an exhibit. Don’t waste space and put it in the text.
please read my words and you can read the questions after the case it is important and it will help you well.
PSY576 Henley Putnam Rational vs Morality Based Decision Making Paper Writing Assignment Help
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to assess your ability to appraise terrorists’ motivations, goals and processes by using advanced analytical methods.
Description: With the exception of the lone wolf terrorist, the ability of political change groups require funding, leadership, planning, or, in other words, organization. There are four basic types of organization: pyramid/hierarchy, committee, matrix, and ecology. Select two and determine how each would enhance and limit the efficacy of a terrorist organization.
A successful paper will provide an introduction that concludes with a thesis statement that narrows a reader’s focus to the findings that you intend to show. Your thesis statement should indicate your position on the issue (the significance of your findings on the factors discovered during your research; the so what?). In the body of the paper, in subsequent paragraphs, explain your position and provide evidence to support your findings (this should be the longer, substantive part of your paper). Write your body that explains the major points of reasoning that you noted in the introduction. Finally, add a conclusion paragraph where you explain application of the findings to your discipline (program major). The conclusion is a summary of the logical reasoning you presented within the paper. Your submission must be done in accordance with the APA standards.
Audience: Someone familiar with the topic – such as your peers, instructor, or someone in the security industry.
Sources: Please provide at least three different sources to support your discussion. Document them with in-text citations and on a references page.
Language: Present your paper in a professional, academic way that addresses the designated audience. Be sure to present well-developed paragraphs that are free of grammatical error and that convey a logical flow of information.
Format: Format your responses according to APA guidelines. Using APA style correctly is a graded aspect of this assignment.
The Faerie Queene and Twelfth Night Poems Essay Writing Assignment Help
The Faerie Queene and Twelfth Night Poems Essay Writing Assignment Help