The Final Project consists of 6 assignments that are due throughout the semester. Take time when preparing your solution since it can only be submitted once. Your solution to the Project must be your own – no credit will be given to students who submit Computer Science Assignment Help

The Final Project consists of 6 assignments that are due throughout the semester. Take time when preparing your solution since it can only be submitted once. Your solution to the Project must be your own – no credit will be given to students who submit Computer Science Assignment Help. The Final Project consists of 6 assignments that are due throughout the semester. Take time when preparing your solution since it can only be submitted once. Your solution to the Project must be your own – no credit will be given to students who submit Computer Science Assignment Help.

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Attached is the Project document that identifies all 6 Tasks that must be completed.

Within the Project document you will find a Scenario of a fictitious health services organization. A Project Visual diagram is also provided that incorporates the Scenario information.
This Project assignment is built around this Scenario so your final grade depends on how well you incorporate the risks and other information from this Scenario into your solutions.
You MUST use these Scenario risks to identify threats, vulnerabilities, controls, critical business functions, disaster recovery, and incident responses in your solution to this assignment.

Part 1 – Task 1: Threats – Vulnerabilities

Part 1 – Task 2: Risk Assessment Plan

Part 1 – Task 3: Risk Mitigation Plan

Part 2 – Task 1: Business Impact Analysis (BIA) Plan

Part 2 – Task 2: Business Continuity Plan (BCP)

Part 2 – Task 3: Disaster Recovery Plan (DRP)

Part 2 – Task 4: CIRT Plan

The Final Project consists of 6 assignments that are due throughout the semester. Take time when preparing your solution since it can only be submitted once. Your solution to the Project must be your own – no credit will be given to students who submit Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Refer to requirements Science Assignment Help

Question 1 – standard solution preparation by dilution a) Beer’s Law shows that the absorbance measured for a species in solution is directly proportional to (directly related to) its concentration in that solution. If there are any large sources of error present or you are not thorough and careful whilst preparing your solutions, would you expect this to show up in your calibration plot? Explain.

b) The solution of copper ions appears to be a bright blue-green colour. What colour light must copper ions therefore be absorbing? c) What colour(s) must they be transmitting (allowing to pass through, unabsorbed)?

Question 2 – solution analysis for a calibration plot a) You must choose one of the following wavelengths to investigate your solutions at: 660nm (red), 610nm (orange), 565nm (green) or 468nm (blue). Mark these wavelengths on the spectrum of [Cu(H2O)6]2+ in your report book and use this to decide what colourimeter wavelength to use. (Hint: consider your answer to Question 1b.)

b) Why did you not use a wavelength in the blue region (430 – 480nm) to analyse your samples? Explain your answer with respect to the colour of the solutions and the spectrum of the absorbing species, [Cu(H2O)6]2+.

c) What would you expect your absorbance values would have been if you had used a wavelength in the blue region? d) With reference to Beer’s Law, does the trend of your absorbance values agree with the increasing concentrations of the sample solutions? (Remember, molar absorptivity and path length are constant for all your readings.

Question 3 – constructing a calibration plot a) Based purely on Beer’s Law (not your experimental results), what absorbance reading would you expect for the deionised water sample? Why?

b) The stock solution is five times more concentrated than the solution #1 that you prepared. Using Beer’s Law (not your experimental results), what would you expect the absorbance reading of the stock solution to be, compared to that of solution 1? Why?

c) Are your absorbance results expected given what you can predict from Beer’s Law?

d) Draw a “line of best fit” onto the graph. A line of best fit is a line that connects as many of the points as possible that fall within the trend. There are different types of lines of best fit depending on how the variables relate to each other. This one should be a straight line if the absorbing species has obeyed Beer’s Law because the law states that the absorbance is directly proportional to the concentration.

e) Does this calibration plot confirm that Beer’s Law was obeyed? Explain why or why not.

f) Are there any points that do not appear close to the line of best fit? Suggest why this is.

If you need the answers from the expirement please just make up numbers so you can do an example on how its done.


Power System Visualization Engineering Assignment Help

Power System Visualization

Transformer Impedance Data in Per Unit

Build this system in PowerWorld Simulator (PWS) with Bus 3 as the slack bus. Implement the loads as constant P, Q loads. Enter the per unit impedance data for the transformers given above. Enter the transmission lines data based on impedance and admittance per unit length and let Powerworld calculate the per unit values. Print out the following:

Run power flow program using Gauss Seidel Method till 3 iterations with the set points given below. Provide the print out of Power Mismatch file at the end of each iteration.


APA Report and references ,citations must follow instructions and for your reference I added some links Other Assignment Help

This assignment will be one of several throughout the Ph.D. program that we use to help you prepare for the dissertation process. One of the core competencies necessary to succeed in a doctoral program is the ability to identify other research that pertains to your own. This means you will have to identify related research, read the papers, and assimilate prior work into your research. An annotated bibliography helps you develop and hone these research skills.

Your paper must be an in a correct APA format, use correct

grammar, and will need to include at least seven (5) resources, ALL of which must:

1) Be current. Published within the last 5 years.

2) Be peer-reviewed.

3) Relate directly to defense in depth in the context of protecting National Infrastructure.

Remember that an annotation is not the same as an abstract. Abstracts are descriptive. Your annotations are to be evaluative and critical. Give me enough information for me to decide if I am interested enough to read the paper, and also how you perceive the paper. Do not go skimpy on these annotations, but DO NOT write too much here. Quality is far more critical than quantity. This exercise is for each of you to demonstrate that you can identify, categorize, and digest multiple research papers.

Every resource you choose must be peer-reviewed. That means the paper must have undergone a formal peer review before being published in a journal or presented at a conference. You must ensure that your resources have undergone rigorous reviews. In most cases, you can find out the review process for a conference or journal by visiting the appropriate web site. Do not merely assume that a resource is a peer-reviewed – check it out.

Here are a few URLs with additional information: (I Strongly suggest that you look at these. Really.)…… <<<< Check out the “Rules! Rules! rules!” section……


History of Asians in the United States Humanities Assignment Help

  1. Writing prompt for the two songs
    1. Nobuko Miyamoto’s I Looked in the Mirror and I saw me
      1. Keyword exercise part I: Pick one phrase from the song and write your takeaway from it
    2. Chris Iijima and Nobuko Miyamoto – Sing a song for ourselves
      1. Keyword exercise part II: Pick one phrase from the song and write your takeaway from i
  2. Printed image of your Course Takeaway Exercise Poster Board
    1. Using at least 5 post its, create five expressions of your takeaways from the course and place on your poster board.
    2. Using a marker write at least one key phrase on the board as a title for your board
    3. Take a picture of your poster board and upload it to the Google slides file at…

  1. Conclusion/Reflection
    1. Write five sentences, each beginning the phrase: The History I have seen is…
    2. Write a one paragraph expressing the meaning of the five sentences



computer science project Computer Science Assignment Help


This project will simulate communicating with a drone that is surveying land for information (part 1) and then provide a portal for drone data storage in a database as well as reviewing summarized data results (part 2).

The target of the Drone Recon data collection is your choice. Suggestions include:

  • Agriculture
  • Forest
  • Wildlife
  • Search and Rescue
  • Military

This project will involve the following:

  • JSP
  • Servlets
  • REST Web services
  • JSON
  • HTML
  • Databases


Part 1 – DRONE Communication: Data collection and guidance

  1. Zip file provided… Files provided in zip file:

    1. dronerecon/drone_launch.jsp (needs code added by you)
    2. dronerecon/drone_sim.jsp (needs code added by you)
    3. dronerecon/js/dronesim.js
    4. dronerecon/js/jquery.min.js
    5. dronerecon/js/webservice_client.js

  1. The “dronerecon” folder should be placed in the “webapps” folder in your Tomcat installation.

  1. Fill in the drone_sim.jsp and drone_launch.jsp template code that is provided.

    1. Simply look for places where to adjust code marked with ########.


    1. This is a servlet that provides a RESTful web service to the drone_sim.jsp page.
    2. The service does all the following:

      1. Receives last grid tile data from drone and sends data to Drone Recon Portal web service for DB storage (Sending to Drone Recon Portal is in part 2).
      2. Based on previous tile passed in and grid specs passed in, it returns to the drone that called the next tile to fly over and which direction the drone should be going all in a JSON structured string.
    3. The template file for this is provided.
    4. This should be done in a class library project and then compiled into a JAR file and put in the “WEB-INF/lib” folder in your web app.

Part 2 – DRONE Data Portal: Web front end and DB

  1. In this section, you are creating another web app similar to Part 1, but this app will have a DB file in it and will provide a web service for writing data.

  1. Zip file provided… Files provided in zip file:

    1. dronereconportal/db/dronedata.sqlite
    2. Rest of files are the standard web app structure and the servlet and DB JARs are in lib folder.
    3. PUT THE “dronereconportal” folder in your “webapps” folder in Tomcat.
  2. All the following Java files can be put in the same project.

    1. All files will be in package
    2. Java files provided:

      1. (no additions for you to make)
      2. (There are CODE ADDITIONS you need to make – look for #######)
    3. Create a new Java file:

      2. Just 5 instance variables (IMPORTANT: Make all of these “public“):

        1. areaID – String type
        2. x, y, r, g – All int types
        3. timestamp – String type
    4. A JAR of all these files should be created and placed in dronereconportal/WEB-INF/lib
  3. Call the PortalDBService from the file from Part 1.

    1. Do this using the same code example used in the weather web service lab.
    2. The code should be in the doGet method just after Step 1 where you are getting the values from the request object.
    3. Remember, you also have to get two more parameters from the request object that you weren’t getting before: “r” and “g” (these are already there for you to get).
    4. You are adding the values retrieved from the request to fill into the URL:

      1. The URL would look something like this:

  1. Lastly, create two JSP files in dronereconportal folder:

    1. areasearch.jsp: It has a text box input for area ID and a submit button that submits to a second JSP.
    2. arearesults.jsp:

      1. Step 1: Be sure to import the required classes you need with this type of syntax as we’ve done in earlier labs:

<%@ page import=”” %>

Hint: You also need to import DBManager and the ArrayList type (in java.util)

  1. Step 2: Get incoming area id from other JSP.
  2. Step 3: Create an instance of DBManager.
  3. Step 4: Adjust DB location on DBManager object with similar line of code I provided in

For Windows Users:

oDBManager.DBLocation = System.getProperty(“catalina.base”) + “\webapps\dronereconportal\db\” + oDBManager.DBLocation;

For Mac Users:

oDBManager.DBLocation = System.getProperty(“catalina.base”) + “/webapps/dronereconportal/db/” + oDBManager.DBLocation;

  1. Step 5: Call readAreaGridTiles and pass in area id.
  2. Step 6: You get back an ArrayList<AreaGridTile> type.
  3. Step 7: Loop through and print out to the screen…

  1. The x,y values of the record with the highest r value.
  2. The x,y values of the record with the highest g value.


In Canvas, simply click on Modules and then clicking on Project 2 will allow you to turn in the lab files.

IMPORTANT: DO NOT ZIP your files please.

7 Files to turn in:

  1. drone_launch.jsp
  2. drone_sim.jsp
  6. areasearch.jsp
  7. arearesults.jsp

computer science project Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Allergic RhinitisEvidence Based and Treatment Plan Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Please see the Writing Center for assistance with writing, APA, and online communication.

This week you will create a 12–15-slide PowerPoint.

For your assigned topic(s), you are to discuss the incidence and prevalence of the disorder, pathophysiology from an advanced practice perspective, physical assessment and examination, evidence-based treatment plan and patient education, as well as follow up and evaluation to assess the efficacy and outcomes of the evidence-based treatment plan for management of an episodic, acute, and chronic case involving the pathology(s) you are sharing. List any diagnostic studies or laboratory test(s) you need to rule in or rule out a diagnosis. The entry should be posted as an attachment. Please pick one of the following topics for your post: Allergic rhinitis, conjunctivitis, blepharitis, sinusitis, hordeolum, chalazion, otitis media, otitis externa, pharyngitis, tonsillitis, glossitis, TMJ. Please respond to two your classmates’ postings.

Answers all questions with opinions/ideas creatively and clearly. Supports post using several outside, peer-reviewed sources.


I want you to answer the question of History for the research paper Other Assignment Help

RESEARCH PAPER GUIDELINES One research paper is required for this course. The Research Paper is worth a total of 30% of your grade and is due on the assigned date found on your syllabus! The research paper is of your choice as long as it covers the period that is being cover in the course. The paper will be 10 pages in length, double spaced, using 12 point font, submitted online. This should be similar to any paper you would write for other classes – including a title page, an introduction, body of text, a conclusion, and references/bibliography. APA or MLA format is acceptable.

Proper Citation of Sources. When writing papers which use information from researched sources, it is necessary to provide complete and correct documentation to show the source of all words and ideas which are not those of the student. Failure to cite a source implies that the information used is the original work of the paper writer – a form of stealing known as “plagiarism.” In the college class, plagiarism is grounds for failure, no matter how well written the rest of the paper may be. Do not use first person or contractions when writing. Also, remember that a successful term paper is not one that is written at the last moment, rather it is one that has been thought out, written, edited, and edited some more (you may consider turning in a rough draft or talking with me prior to the due date if you are unsure about how to approach writing the paper).

Make sure you proofread! Nothing detracts from a paper (or grade) worse than a poorly written, mistake-filled paper. When writing this research paper, you should attempt to address the following questions: Comprehensive introduction ( includes who, what, where , and when) with clear thesis statement that answers the question.  Why is this person or event important in American History?  Does this individual or event represent an aspect that helped shape American History?  Would American History be different if not for the actions of this person or the occurrence of the events? (ensure you have a solid conclusion)

Students should not use the encyclopedia or the course text book as the primary source of research. Also keep in mind when writing the research paper ,You should not rely solely on the internet for information either; students may use certain web page links such as, The History Channel or to reinforce the research paper.


Write an essay about Whitepaper on Food Security Writing Assignment Help

The members of the United Nations found great value in the whitepaper you provided on population growth. They are now asking you to expand the whitepaper to include global food security as it relates to population growth and poverty. Read the overview and provide an assessment based on the questions below.


We can define global food security as the effort to build food systems that can feed everyone, everywhere, and every day by improving its quality and promoting nutritional agriculture (1). That said, there are certain practices that can advance this project:

  • Identifying the underlying causes of hunger and malnutrition
  • Investing in country-specific recovery plans
  • Strengthening strategic coordination with institutions like the UN and the World Bank
  • Encouraging developed countries to make sustained financial commitments to its success

We must bear in mind that more than 3 billion people—nearly one-half of the world’s population—subsist on as little as $2.50 a day, with nearly 1.5 billion living in extreme poverty on less than $1.25 a day. According to the World Health Organization, the United Nations, and other relief agencies, about 20,000 people (mostly children) starve to death in the world every day, for a total of about 7 million people a year. In addition, about 750 million (twice the population of the United States) do not have access to clean drinking water, meaning that some one million people die every year from diarrhea caused by water-borne diseases.

The earth’s population has grown since it reached 7 billion in 2010. It is expected to reach 8 billion in 2025, 9 billion in 2040, and 11 billion by the end of the 21st century (2). If the demand for food is predicted to rise 50% by 2030 and 70% by 2050, the real problem is not necessarily growing enough food, but rather making that amount available to people. Moreover, food illnesses are prevalent, with nearly 600 million reported cases of foodborne diseases each year. These mainly affect children but can also negatively impact the livelihood of farmers, vendors, trade associations, and ultimately, can reduce the Gross Domestic Product (national income) of a country. These issues can impose tremendous human, economic, social, and fiscal costs on countries, so addressing them allows governments to devote more resources to making desperately needed infrastructure improvements that raise the quality of life for everyone.

It is not enough to have adequate supplies of food available. Policies that focus exclusively on food production can exacerbate the problem, particularly if, to satisfy the need for quantity, the quality of the food is left wanting.

Reasons for Food Insecurity

Certainly, poverty and the contributing systemic internal conditions are the driving factors behind keeping adequate food resources from reaching people, but it is only one of several. Others are discussed next.

Inadequate Food Distribution: The reality is that there is more than enough food in the world to feed its people, but the primary cause of famine is not poor weather conditions as much as it is getting the food to the people who need it most. Quite often, disruptions in food distribution result from political instability and poor infrastructure (such as poorly functioning port facilities, lack of transportation options, and inadequate road networks). Paradoxically, although the world’s population is increasing, the amount of potential food available will increase along with it, due mostly to advances in bio-agricultural engineering and seed immunity to molds.

Writing in the late 18th century, Thomas Malthus warned that the global population would exceed the earth’s capacity to grow food, in that while the population would grow exponentially, food production would grow only arithmetically. Although this theory was proved invalid, its propagation has unfortunately resulted in some governments rationalizing political choices that avoid helping the poverty-ridden and starving.

Political-Agricultural Practices: The widespread use of microbiological, chemical, and other forms of pesticides in food continues to be a serious issue throughout the global food chain. Widespread use of fertilizers also causes illness in millions of people every year, not only from the food itself, but from run-off into streams and rivers, contaminating entire water supplies. The human, social, fiscal, and economic costs of such practices impede improvements not only in the raising of crops, but in their distribution. Added to this, the rising demand in developed countries for biofuels, refined mostly from corn and soybean, reduces the amount of arable land devoted to producing food.

The failure of many farmers in the developing world to rotate their crops harms the replenishing of nutrients necessary to continue growing crops. In addition, neglecting to allow land to remain fallow exhausts the soil, making it much more difficult to raise a decent amount of food per acre the following growing season.

Economic Issues: The fact is, government policies that focus on growing cash crops, for example, are designed solely to export them to earn foreign exchange. This may be fine for the government in its effort to earn money, but the result is that farmers end up growing for foreign markets and not domestic ones, leading to shortages of necessary staples. Consequently, the poorest of the population are frozen out of the local markets because they cannot afford the food that remains to be sold (3).

Civil Strife: Civil war can interrupt the flow of food from gathering depots, such as ports, to distribution centers where it can be handed out to people. During the 1990s, Somalia was particularly hard hit by their civil war, as clans fought for control of the main port at Mogadishu, which affected the flow of food to the rest of the population. In this case, as with many civil wars, whoever controls the supply of food controls the country. In failed and failing states like Zimbabwe, Congo, Haiti, South Sudan, Yemen, and Libya, food is very often another weapon used by one segment of the population against another.


1.Peter Timmer. 2015. Food Security and Scarcity: Why Ending Hunger Is So Hard. Foreign Affairs magazine.

2.The United Nations Population Division. 2017. World Population Prospects: The 2017 Revision.

3.Will Martin. November 2010. Food Security and Poverty: A Precarious Balance. Let’s Talk Development blog by The World Bank.


The issue is not the lack of food in the world, but the access to food. In many developing countries, the food shortage is due to governmental control over food. These governments maintain control and preference by limiting access of nutritious food to certain groups, thereby weaponizing food.

In this second assignment, research the impact of poverty on global food security and the potential technological solutions. Write a minimum of four pages (not including the cover letter) assessing the impact of food insecurity. Select one country from the United Nations list of developing countries to use as an example throughout your assessment. The completed version of this assignment will include the following items:

  • Cover page: Include your name, title of course, name of the developing country you have chosen from the UN list, current date, and the name of your instructor.
  • Introduction: Introduce the topic of the whitepaper (half-page minimum).
  • One-page (minimum) answers to each of the following questions (for a total of three pages):
  • What is food insecurity, and what role does population growth play in it?
  • What specific factors interrupt the flow of food from the source to the people in the developing country you selected?
  • What forms of technology can be used to reduce hunger and improve food security? Explain how these technological solutions would work.

Note: Give examples in your responses to each of the above questions as it relates to the developing country you have chosen.

  • Conclusion: A one-half page (minimum) conclusion.

Cite at least five credible sources excluding Wikipedia, dictionaries, and encyclopedias for your assessment. A brief list of suggested resources has been provided at the end of the course guide.


Examining the Individual Mandate Writing Assignment Help

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) requires all US citizens and legal residents to obtain qualifying health coverage. In this week, you will explore the Individual Mandate section of the new health reform law.


  • Explain the Individual Mandate included in the Patient Protection and ACA including the tax penalties that will be imposed if a person or a family does not obtain qualifying health coverage.
  • Analyze the eligibility criteria for exemptions and subsidies to obtain coverage.
  • Explain one policy change or enhancement you would recommend if you were required to ensure the success of the Individual Mandate included in the Patient Protection and ACA and justify the intended outcome.

From the Internet, review the following:

On a separate page, cite all sources using APA format.


The Final Project consists of 6 assignments that are due throughout the semester. Take time when preparing your solution since it can only be submitted once. Your solution to the Project must be your own – no credit will be given to students who submit Computer Science Assignment Help

The Final Project consists of 6 assignments that are due throughout the semester. Take time when preparing your solution since it can only be submitted once. Your solution to the Project must be your own – no credit will be given to students who submit Computer Science Assignment Help

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