The General Economic Condition of Sweden in Terms of Socioeconomic Indicators Essay Writing Assignment Help. The General Economic Condition of Sweden in Terms of Socioeconomic Indicators Essay Writing Assignment Help.
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Select a country you’d like to research (excluding the US, China & Germany). The Final Project will be a written paper 4-6 pages about the general economic conditions of the country. The paper must be submitted on Canvas as a Word Document
Paper Content
You should address the following items in your paper. (Use the bold headings below in your paper to denote the sections – do not use numbers):
a. Location of the country
b. Short general history on how was country established
c. Thesis statement – what will be covered in this paper.
2.Political System
a. Describe the current political system
b. Does the government control the banking system?
3.Economic Challenges/Trends
a. Current economic challengesissues & trends
a. State the population of the country.
b.Is the population growing or decline and explain why?
c.Compare to the US, China, Germany, and 2 of the closest neighboring countries for the country you are writing about.
5.Gross Domestic Product
a.State the Gross Domestic Product & GDP per capita.
b.Compare to the US, China, and Germany.
c.Explain trends (growth or no growth) in GDP and epxlain why is this happening?
6.Life Expectancy
a. State the Life Expectancy for this country.
b. Is it high or low and explain why?
c. Compare to the US, China, and Germany.
a. Describe the Education System setup within the country (e.g. grade, middle, high school, college?)
b. State the percent educated in the country high school vs college. Explain why it maybe high or low.
c. Compare to the percent educated to the US, China, and Germany.
a. State the Poverty rate.
b. Compare to the US, China, and Germany.
c. Is the poverty level high or low any and what are the plans to impact the poverty level in the country?
9.Cultural Pluralism (see info below)
10. Conclusion 2-3 sentences to conclude your analysis
Any other economic issues can be highlighted and presented in your paper that you feel are significant.
Cultural pluralism is present in a country when smaller groups within a larger society maintain their unique cultural identities, and their values and practices are accepted by the wider culture, provided they are consistent with the laws and values of the wider society.
Addressing cultural pluralism will require some critical thinking on your part. Cultural pluralism is reflected in different ways, but it can include religious tolerance, ethnic diversity, gay rights, and women’s rights. Some countries have attained higher levels of cultural pluralism, and you need to address the extent to which the country you are reporting on has achieved measures of cultural pluralism.
Formatting Guidelines
Follow these paper formatting guidelines when writing your paper.
1.Paper cannot be less than four pages in length, nor more than six pages in length, excluding references.
2.All papers should included APA style referencing for economic data presented, as well as any other references where appropriate. Tutorials on APA style referencing can be found on the internet, as well as YouTube.
oAPA style means you need to cite your sources within the paragraphs so the reader knows where you got the facts
oYou need a citations page at the end of your paper
oNo title/cover page required
3.Your paper should be double-spaced, and do not need to include a cover page.
4.12 point font, 1 inch margins
5.Heading for each section
6.Paragraph format within each section
The General Economic Condition of Sweden in Terms of Socioeconomic Indicators Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Central Florida Special Relativity Discussion Science Assignment Help
Please watch the following video onSpecial Relativity (Links to an external site.)
Describe (in ~100 words) something that you found interesting about Special Relativity that you learned from this video. Read your peer’s posts and give a substantial response to at least one person’s post. This discussions is graded for completion only.
After completing, please list the following details in this reflection:
- Three things that you have learned from this lesson or from this text.
- Two questions that you still have.
- One aspect of class or the text that you enjoyed.
NCU Sex Differences in Aggression Sexual Selection & Gender Role Theory Essay Writing Assignment Help
This week, you have examined theoretical principles of sex differences in aggression: sexual selection and gender role. For this task, you will reflect on what you have learned about sex differences in aggression. Now assume that you have been asked to prepare an article for an online journal that focuses on aggression and behavior, but first you need to complete an interview with a leading expert in sex differences in aggression. Begin by selecting your expert and complete a mock interview that asks and answers the questions below.
1. Explain sexual selection theory and gender role theory. What are the main principles of each theory? What position is taken by each theory on the origins, development, and causal mechanisms of aggression?
2. Give an example of aggressive behavior that may be explained from the perspective of sexual selection and from the perspective of social role theory that is not covered in the reading.
3. Discuss at least one psychological phenomenon that may influence displays of aggressive behavior as explained by the sexual selection theory and the social roles theory.
Support your interview with at least two references from peer-reviewed journal articles. Remember to cite your information and references in the proper APA format.
Length: 3-4 pages
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
NCU Sadism & Aggressive Behaviour Inflicting Pain to Feel Pleasure Case Study Writing Assignment Help
For this task, create a scenario in which an aggressive act has occurred. Use the concepts of cognitive dissonance, cognition and arousal, and heuristics to view the reasons for the aggressive act from each perspective. The goal of this assignment is to illustrate the theory in action. Describe the case on 1 page. Then, complete the tables below for pages 2 and 3.
Length: 1-page case description, and 2 to 3-page chart
Your paper should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards.
MGT 211 Saudi Electronic University Amy Ice Cream Shop Management Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
In this respect, one recent trend within the field of HRM, consistent with the total quality management philosophy, is for the HR executive to take a customer-oriented approach to implementing the function. In other words, the strategic planning process that takes place at the level of the business can also be performed with the HRM function.
HR executives in more progressive U.S. companies have begun to view the HRM function as a strategic business unit and have tried to define that business in terms of their customer base, their customers’ needs, and the technologies required to satisfy customers’ needs (Figure 16.2).
For example, Joe Ruocco, the former chief HR officer at Goodyear, encouraged his HR function to take a customer-centric approach.
Figure 16.2 Customer-Oriented Perspective of the HRM Function
Assignment Workload:
- This Assignment comprise of a short Case.
- Assignment is to be submitted by each student individually.
Assignment Purposes/Learning Outcomes:
After completion of Assignment-3 students will able to understand the following LOs:
(Lo 1.1).Demonstrate overall Human Resource concepts, goals and strategies within the context of organizations goals and strategies.
(Lo 1.2) Explain the Differentiation between the major functions of HR and describe their interdependency.
(Lo 1.9).Ability to Examine the role of Employees as a strategic partner in an organization.
- Please read the case “Employees Make A Difference at Amy’s Ice Creams” HR IN SMALL BUSINESS at the end of Chapter 16, Strategically Managing the HRM Functions available in your textbook Human Resource Management: Gaining A Competitive Advantage-Noe, Hollenbeck, Gerhart, Wright,11e., and answer the following questions:
Assignment Question(s):(Marks 5)
- Which elements of a customer-oriented HRM perspective does Amy’s Ice Creams seem to have? (See Figure 16.2.)
- Suppose Amy’s hired you as a consultant to evaluate whether the company has an effective HRM function. Which outcomes would you look for? How would you measure them?
- Generally, a small ice cream shop such as Amy’s cannot afford to pay store workers very high wages. How well do you think the company can achieve high employee satisfaction without high pay? What can it do to foster satisfaction besides the efforts described here? How could e-HRM support these efforts?
PSY 210 Lake Ridge High School Old Age and Oral Health Presentation Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology project and need a sample draft to help me study.
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeState research question and identify IV and DV |
3.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSelected correct statistical technique |
3.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRestated hypotheses |
3.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDetermined the characteristics of the comparison distribution |
3.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDetermined the cut off point |
3.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeComputed the sample score on the distribution |
3.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProvided diagram of distribution with cut off sample score |
3.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRejected or retained the null hypothesis using appropriate statistical format |
3.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConveyed results of the analysis in plain language |
3.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClear video and audioNote: does not have to be professional quality; whiteboard or PowerPoint (with audio) format is adequate. |
3.0 pts |
Total Points: 30.0 |
PSY 210 Lake Ridge High School Old Age and Oral Health Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
BUS 692 Ashford University Aligning HR Practices at Apple Inc Paper Writing Assignment Help
Final Project
You work for a HR consulting company and an organization (the same company you have been writing about during this course) has hired your firm to conduct an HRM analysis and make recommendations to better align HR practices to the key business initiatives of the company. In order to accomplish the goal:
- Analyze the organization and develop a set of HRM practices that help align HR practices to the firm’s strategy. (Keep in mind the firm’s overall strategy in regards to Porter and Snow and White’s theories) Develop a 3200-3500 word research paper (not including the title and reference pages). Your paper should also:
- Identify the firm’s history, strategy, market position, and specific area of alignment.
- Provide job pricing and compensation package for 3-4 key positions in the organization.
- Describe and analyze the current and targeted HR work processes as well as the respective knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) required to achieve the organization’s objectives.
- Incorporate a discussion of relevant technology considerations to achieve work output in the context of the organization’s goals.
- Provide a discussion of the labor market and the appropriate labor law context. Identification of companies that are preparing to address any legal or regulatory changes..
- Prescribe a set of HRM recommendations, specifically tailored for the selected firm. Insert a table with deliverables, accountable people and a timeline for the recommendations.
- Describe other HRM issues as applicable.
In addition to the requirements above, your paper:
- Must be double-spaced and 12 point font
- Must be formatted according to APA style
- Must include a cover page that includes:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- Must include an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement
- Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph
- Must reference at least eight scholarly resources
- Must include a reference page written in APA format.
Capella University Gender and Sexual Identity Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Choose one of the following to include in this week’s initial post:
- Discuss an example from your life or from your observations that illustrates one or more of the concepts or theories you learned about in this week’s readings or audiovisual resources.
- Locate a relevant and credible news report or other media story (an article, TV program, documentary, or radio program) that focuses on one or more of the concepts or theories you learned about in this week’s readings or audiovisual resources. Discuss which concepts or theories you noticed in your media selection.
Make sure you are clear in describing the course concept or theory that best applies to your experiences or observations. Regardless of which prompt you choose, you are encouraged to use one of the assigned readings or audiovisual resources to support your points. Respond to your classmates’ posts, sharing any commonalities or differences between your classmates’ perspectives and experiences and your own.
ENG 102 TTC Significance of Fencesplay Using Characters in The Play Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a english question and need guidance to help me understand better.
You should already be reading August Wilson’s Fences. For your research essay, you will have several topics from which to choose; choose only one topic:
- In what ways do race and racism affect the characters in the play? (Choose 2-4 characters to argue)
- In what ways is Rose limited or defined by gender expectations of the time period?
- Argue about the purpose of the role that baseball imagery plays in Wilson’s Fences. Examine it on both a literal and figurative level.
- Explain the significance of the title of the play, Fences, for the 2-4 characters of your choice, and discuss the various levels of meaning in the title.
- Argue for or against Troy as a sympathetic character, providing proof for your assertion. NOTE: I am not asking here whether Troy has sympathy for others in the play, but rather if the audience is meant to have sympathy for him.
BLS 111 SUNYB Legal environment of management Contract Scenarios Analysis Discussion Law Assignment Help
Yoda just got a job offer. The job is located in Awayville. Awayville
is 70 miles north of Binghamton. Yoda wants to accept the job
offer, still live in Binghamton, and commute to Awayville on a daily
basis. This will result in travel expense relates to approximately 700
miles per week. To make this plan work, Yoda needs a car that will
get at least 25 miles per gallon of gasoline.
Yoda goes to Darth’s Used Car Dealership. Yoda tells Darth that
Yoda needs a car that gets at least 25 miles per gallon of gasoline.
Yoda explains the Awayville job situation and Darth says, “I
understand – I will check my inventory – I will be right back.” Darth
goes into his office and looks through two different files of used car
inventory. One file contains all cars that get over 25 miles per gallon
of gasoline and the other file contains all cars that get under 25
miles per gallon of gasoline. Darth selects a used car from the file
that indicates that the cars get over 25 miles per gallon of gasoline
and says to Yoda, “Look at this car – it gets 30 miles per gallon of
gasoline.” Yoda buys the car and drives it to Awayville for one
week. The car gets 10 miles per gallon of gasoline.
Assume that Darth misfiled the car that Yoda bought, – that is….it
was mistakenly placed in the wrong file; it should have been put in
the file that gets under 25 miles per gallon of gasoline. Discuss
Yoda’s remedy.
Assume that Darth did not misfile the car, but in fact, knew that the
car only got 10 miles per gallon of gasoline…and told Yoda that the
car gets 30 miles per gallon of gasoline. Discuss Yoda’s remedy.
In both fact patterns above, present all relevant legal rules,
concepts, and doctrines to support your discussion. Comment on
the postings of your classmates