The Role of Women within a Patriarchy Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help

The Role of Women within a Patriarchy Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help. The Role of Women within a Patriarchy Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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Write a 2000-2500-word research essay, using at least 7 secondary sources plus the 3 novels (a total of 10 sources), in which you develop an argument

1. The role of women is played out in a similar fashion in Frankenstein, Heart of Darkness, and Things Fall Apart. However, there are distinctive differences as well.

2. The roles of the characters in the novel are very different before and after colonization. In Frankenstein, the characters and not affected by colonization because they are European, and thus, the colonizers. In Heart of Darkness the Africans are fully colonized. Finally, in Things Fall Apart, we witness the effects of colonization as the white man moves in with their religion.

Specific Topics:

For this paper, you will develop an argument that addresses either the role of women in these novels through the lens of either feminism or post-colonialism. You will also want to examine what the role is like for women in Europe even though the country is not colonized. Do they have more or less freedom? What is their role?

The Role of Women within a Patriarchy Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CSU Becton Dickinson Company Cross Cultural Training Program Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

For this assignment You will create a draft of a training module for the company Becton Dickinson based on their core values. This module must provide a series of specific training modules for the training program that will contribute to the company’s strategic goals/mission. This should contain detailed descriptions of the training techniques to be used, for example: seminar, case studies, role playing, simulation, etc.

There are 5 core values but I decided to choose: ” we learn and improve everyday.”

You must create the module based on this core value.


Iranian History Significance Ahmad Shamlus Poem in This Blind Alley Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

Please provide short answers to 4 of the following questions. 6 sentences each –

  1. What’s the significance of the title of Ahmad Shamlu’s poem “In This Blind Alley”? How does it situate the speaker of the poem vis-à-vis his audience both in relation to time and place?
  2. In his Covering Islam, Edward Said writes: “The Iranians as well as the United States government were perfectly aware that the statements made on television were aimed not only at people who wanted the news but also governments, at partisans of one faction or another, at new or emergent political constituencies. No one has studied the effect of this on “deciding what’s news,” but I believe that a general awareness of it drove United States reporters to think restrictively and reductively in us-versus-them dichotomies” (103). How would you assess Said’s claim?To what extent do you think the Islamic Republic’s self-presentations during the hostage crisis could be seen as a performance for the camera? Have these representations provided a corrective to the stereotypes of Iran in the media?
  3. What is the historical backdrop of Simin Behbahani’s poem “My Country, I will Build You Again”? How would you compare her poem to Said Soltanpour’s “My Country, What Has Come Upon You”?
  4. Edward Said ends his chapter on the hostage crisis with the following questions: “Why does Iran matter, why does Islam matter, and what sort of knowledge, or coverage, of both do we require? This tripartite question is not an abstract one” (125). How would you answer these questions on the basis of what you have studied thus far in the course?


MUS 17 University of California San Diego Hip Hop Songs Analysis and Comparison Paper Writing Assignment Help

Two songs that are covered during the first four lectures will be compared and contrasted. The songs must be chosen from the provided lists- one from list one and one from list 2 -and the paper should be no shorter than 3 pages (excluding bibliography). A bibliography must be included with proper citations for the songs themselves and at least 2 proper references.

Be sure to listen to all of the songs and choose ones that you feel that you may have a lot to say about, and remember, you’re comparing the songs not how you feel about the songs.

One of the references should be “Stinging Like Tabasco” by Imani Perry


Starting Points

You do what’s asked –2 songs from the lists, 3 pages long, bibliography, both compare and contrast the songs, offer equal opinion and insight into both songs, offer proper support for info=15 pts before deductions.

Miss major elements –only one song, songs are from the same list or are not on the list, no bibliography, 1.5 pages or less. –7.5 points before deductions.

Deductions at the discretion of the TA, but examples include unsupported/wrong information, incorrect citations, obviously poor effort, didn’t compare songs but wrote about how one feels about the songs, skate.

Song lists for the assignment

List One

De La Soul –Me, Myself and I

Roxanne Shante – Roxanne’s Revenge

Grandmaster Flash –The Message

Public Enemy –Don’t Believe the Hype

List Two

Kurtis Blow –The Breaks

Snoop Dogg –Who Am I ?

ODB – Brooklyn Zoo

2 Live Crew – Me So Horny

Some content ideas: Use Imani Perry’s “Stinging Like Tabasco” to compare the types of flow.

Compare the way that the beat is created

Compare the use of “Signifying” in the lyrics.

Compare the environments that the songs came from and how we hear them.

Compare the intention of the lyrics.

Compare anything else that you hear and that you feel is important to understanding the songs !


Alabama A&M University Great Wolf Resorts Inc Company Marketing Plan Memo Business Finance Assignment Help

Marketing Project Overview

The Marketing Project is intended to help you better understand how to develop a marketing plan. It will involve your collecting, analyzing and then submitting the information needed to complete this marketing plan in sequential memos. You will then use those memos as a foundation for the marketing plan.

The context for your marketing plan will be the water park industry. You will need to delve into this industry using the resources provided. The goal upon completion of the assignment is not that you become an expert in water parks so much that you better understand “how” to develop a marketing plan. The “how” will work for any industry.

A report on the water park industry is available to you HERE. Additional research may be available from other library resources, trade associations, news reports, etc.

A recent report on the company, Great Wolf Resorts Holdings, Inc., is available to you HERE. Additional research is available from library resources and news reports, etc.

Your marketing manager has tasked you with helping to develop a marketing plan for your waterpark company. The marketing plan HERE will serve as the format. An example using this format is provided in the Chapter 2 Appendix of the course textbook.

Use a business memo format for your response. A sample memo can be found HERE (Links to an external site.).

Marketing Memo 4

To: You

From: Your Manager

Date: Nov 1, 2020

Subject: Company Marketing Plan

You have been tasked with helping develop a marketing plan for the company, Great Wolf Resorts Holdings, Inc. Your efforts in this memo will evaluate consumer segments in the waterpark industry as well as Great Wolf’s segmentation, targeting and positioning efforts.

First, discuss who you understand Great Wolf’s current target market to be and describe them in terms of their geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral characteristics. Justify your reasoning.

Next, propose three new consumer market segments (1., 2. & 3.) that Great Wolf could consider. Describe each of these new segments in terms of their geographic, demographic, psychographic and behavioral characteristics. The segment descriptions should be objective and not evidence any bias by you of one segment over another. Do not include any recommendation on your part, the management team wants to consider various options without bias.

Present the information in a table format like below.

New Consumer Segment





Finally, consider Great Wolf’s positioning. Discuss how Great Wolf endeavors to position its water parks to consumers. Justify your reasoning.

Identify three competing water parks (A., B. & C.) and discuss how they appear to position themselves to consumers. Provide weblinks to their websites.

Present the information in a table format like below.

Water Park



Your submission should be based on and supported by information from reliable sources (i.e., not based on your opinion). Include a reference section with citations in APA format with your memo. Also, include an appendix with screen shots of the information. This information will later be used to further develop the Marketing Plan.



Personal Education Philosophy Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Professor instructions:

You will complete a three-paragraph essay for the Undergraduate Teacher Application to the Education Program. You will submit a copy on that course assignment tab AND here.

* Please be sure to complete the essay as directed and review the rubric. Including a powerful educational quotation supporting your beliefs in your essay is essential!

Attached are:

Rubric for Educational Essay.docx

UG Educational Essay SP18-1.docx

Dispositions Rubric Information.docx

Instructions for the essay:


1. This should be a well written three paragraph essay that addresses your understanding of the role of teaching and learning in the K-12 classroom.

Paragraph 1:

Reflect on the textbook and class discussions and write an introductory paragraph about your personal philosophy of education. Include the purpose of education, the role of the teacher, and how you believe students learn best. Include an engaging first sentence to capture the attention of the reader.

Paragraph 2:

Reflect on your coursework and write a paragraph about the skills, knowledge, and personal attitudes that effective teachers need to be successful. Include your own personal skills and experiences as they relate to your future career.

Paragraph 3:

Summarize your goals for becoming a teacher by describing how you want your future students to perceive you as their instructor. Include a quotation to support your overall educational beliefs. End your essay with a powerful or thought-provoking concluding sentence.

Writing Tips:

Begin each paragraph with a topic sentence.

Be sure that the details you include in each paragraph support the topic sentence.

Use all of the spelling and grammar checks on your computer. Edit carefully!

Reread your essay several times to ensure that it sounds professional and connects your thoughts in a clear and logical manner.

Personal Education Philosophy Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Public Finance Analysis of Optimal Taxation & Optimal Tax System Discussion Economics Assignment Help

Please turn in one page in your own words. Define “optimal taxation” in your own words. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using this concept for designing a tax system? Give specific examples using your reality and your desires for society. Be sure that you are careful to differentiate between optimal commodity taxation and optimal income taxation. Use times new roman, 12 point font, double spaced formatted text with one inch margins. Do not put your name, class or date on the top of the paper. Start with your analysis.


LEH 325 Walden University Latin American Literature of Violence & Power Questions Writing Assignment Help


Please answer each of the following questions regarding the novel, News of a Kidnapping.There are ten questions in total. Please number your responses in the same manner as the original presented here. There is no choice. I would suggest writing substantial, documented and well developed paragraphs as answers.These paragraphs should have at least 7-10 sentences.

Since the responses involve connections between the News of a Kidnapping story and other situations, areas and ideas, I would expect that you would use quotes from the text/criticisms as a means of supporting your thoughts. If you do not have textual references, in text citations in MLA format, you will lose credit for this omission.Please re-read all pertinent information which has been offered as background. Then, answer the questions carefully in the order that they have been presented in this quiz format. Also, go back and re-read my lectures on the novel and criticisms


  • How did this book, News of a Kidnapping, convey personal drama and national trauma?
  • Society was well represented in this novel, especially class differences between the guards and the hostages. Explain this thought and why it was an important factor within the text.
  • What was the final message that Maruja and Alberto portrayed at the end of the book?How was this still an example of privilege?
  • What was your opinion of Pablo Escobar’s plan to escape extradition?
  • What relationships did you notice in this book about drug cartels, the Colombian government,Colombian history in general, and the efficiency of law enforcement during the time period presented in the novel?
  • Why did Gabriel García Márquez entitle this book, News of a Kidnapping?
  • What were your thoughts regarding the documentary, “Pablo Escobar: King of Coke?” Did it help with your personal understanding of this book’s plot? How?
  • Which literary criticism(s) regarding this book interested or influenced you the most? Why? Specify at least two. Use in text citations as support.
  • Escobar appears very late in the reading of this book. What does his absence tell us? How do concealment and revelation play important parts stylistically in the development of this narrative?
  • One of the saddest stories in this text is that of an older woman who had apparently lost her mind. She was ultimately executed. Why is this death so important? How did it reflect upon the other captives as well as the flow of the narrative?


MGT Purdue University How Management Teams Can Have a Good Fight Article Summary Business Finance Assignment Help

Eisenhardt, K.
M., Kahwajy, J. L., & L.J. Bourgeois III, B. (1997). How management teams
can have a good fight. Harvard Business Review, 75(4), 77-86.

Each summary must include the following sections:

  • A short description of the purpose of the article. What questions or issues are the author trying to address?
  • The assumptions that the author makes. Are they valid? Why or why not?
  • The conclusions that the author draws. What are the key takeaways from the article? Are they well-supported by the example(s) described in the article?
  • How this article could apply to a real-world work situation that you faced, are facing or may face in the future. If you disagreed with the author’s assumptions and/or conclusions, cite a different peer-reviewed journal article on this topic and discuss how you would apply its conclusions instead to your real work life.
  • How this article relates to and/or conflicts with at least two properly cited topics, definitions, models, or theoretical frameworks in the textbook.
  • Proper in-text citation and bibliography of sources, using APA format.

Each section of the paper should be clearly labeled (e.g. Purpose, Assumptions, Conclusions, Real World Application, Textbook Topic 1, Textbook Topic 2, Works Cited). Summaries should be formatted in Times New Roman 12 pt font, double spaced, with 1” margins all around. For examples and details of APA format citations, students may refer to:

Dues dates are listed on the tentative schedule below. Submit summaries on Canvas by clicking the Assignments link on the left side of the course navigation page. Then click on the name of the assignment and follow the instructions for uploading your document. All documents must be in Word format in order to attach and upload them. Late assignments will not be graded.

Grades are assigned as follows:

18 or 20 points: Excellent. Clearly superior work compared to peers. Thoroughly addresses all of the required summary elements in a way that is novel, insightful, interesting, and relevant.

16 or 17 points: Very good. Better than most peers. Thoroughly addresses all of the required summary elements.

14 or 15 points: Okay. Addresses the required summary elements, but may lack depth or details. Seems rushed or brief.

12 or 13 points: Below average. Turned in something, but it was missing some required elements.

1 to 11 points: Turned in something that was missing most required elements.

0 points: Did not turn in the summary or turned in something that was clearly plagiarized.

Written Assignments will be turned in using Turn It In through the assignments links on Canvas. Please note that plagiarism will result in an F for the entire course. One of the goals of this course is to strengthen your writing and critical thinking skills while helping you apply the material to your own life. If writing is a challenge for you, please discuss it with me early in the course and also arrange to use the resources at the Center For Academic Support:


SJSU Schemes of Human Mating Living Organisms Reproduction & Intimacy Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Final Paper: Your final paper will entail you writing an essay about a popular book (“Evolution of Desire” by David Buss) written by a psychologist on a psychological topic. To help you stay on track for your Final Paper,

a) Make sure you incorporate the feedback you got from your abstract/reference(s)

b) Your final draft should be 4-5 pages—1500 words minimum— summarizing the 3 major ideas and a minimum of 1 psychological study in support of each idea, along with references in APA style

****ALL written assignments need to use 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.

Additional pointers:

Aim for a 5-paragraph paper with:

1) an introductory paragraph (similar to what you turned in already for your final paper topic assignment),

2) 3 paragraphs for the body of the paper, with 1 idea and 1 study in support of that idea in each paragraph–taken from the book

3) An conclusion where you sum up the point of the book and your opinion of it.

Throughout, you should be paraphrasing the author’s ideas. If you decide to do quotes (not required), make sure you do it in APA style (i.e., cite by putting the author’s last name, publication year, and page number where you found the quote in parenthesis).

Remember to also include the reference for the book (updated with any feedback you got from before to be in APA style)



SJSU Schemes of Human Mating Living Organisms Reproduction & Intimacy Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Final Paper: Your final paper will entail you writing an essay about a popular book (“Evolution of Desire” by David Buss) written by a psychologist on a psychological topic. To help you stay on track for your Final Paper,

a) Make sure you incorporate the feedback you got from your abstract/reference(s)

b) Your final draft should be 4-5 pages—1500 words minimum— summarizing the 3 major ideas and a minimum of 1 psychological study in support of each idea, along with references in APA style

****ALL written assignments need to use 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.

Additional pointers:

Aim for a 5-paragraph paper with:

1) an introductory paragraph (similar to what you turned in already for your final paper topic assignment),

2) 3 paragraphs for the body of the paper, with 1 idea and 1 study in support of that idea in each paragraph–taken from the book

3) An conclusion where you sum up the point of the book and your opinion of it.

Throughout, you should be paraphrasing the author’s ideas. If you decide to do quotes (not required), make sure you do it in APA style (i.e., cite by putting the author’s last name, publication year, and page number where you found the quote in parenthesis).

Remember to also include the reference for the book (updated with any feedback you got from before to be in APA style)



SJSU Schemes of Human Mating Living Organisms Reproduction & Intimacy Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Final Paper: Your final paper will entail you writing an essay about a popular book (“Evolution of Desire” by David Buss) written by a psychologist on a psychological topic. To help you stay on track for your Final Paper,

a) Make sure you incorporate the feedback you got from your abstract/reference(s)

b) Your final draft should be 4-5 pages—1500 words minimum— summarizing the 3 major ideas and a minimum of 1 psychological study in support of each idea, along with references in APA style

****ALL written assignments need to use 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.

Additional pointers:

Aim for a 5-paragraph paper with:

1) an introductory paragraph (similar to what you turned in already for your final paper topic assignment),

2) 3 paragraphs for the body of the paper, with 1 idea and 1 study in support of that idea in each paragraph–taken from the book

3) An conclusion where you sum up the point of the book and your opinion of it.

Throughout, you should be paraphrasing the author’s ideas. If you decide to do quotes (not required), make sure you do it in APA style (i.e., cite by putting the author’s last name, publication year, and page number where you found the quote in parenthesis).

Remember to also include the reference for the book (updated with any feedback you got from before to be in APA style)



SJSU Schemes of Human Mating Living Organisms Reproduction & Intimacy Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Final Paper: Your final paper will entail you writing an essay about a popular book (“Evolution of Desire” by David Buss) written by a psychologist on a psychological topic. To help you stay on track for your Final Paper,

a) Make sure you incorporate the feedback you got from your abstract/reference(s)

b) Your final draft should be 4-5 pages—1500 words minimum— summarizing the 3 major ideas and a minimum of 1 psychological study in support of each idea, along with references in APA style

****ALL written assignments need to use 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, with 1-inch margins.

Additional pointers:

Aim for a 5-paragraph paper with:

1) an introductory paragraph (similar to what you turned in already for your final paper topic assignment),

2) 3 paragraphs for the body of the paper, with 1 idea and 1 study in support of that idea in each paragraph–taken from the book

3) An conclusion where you sum up the point of the book and your opinion of it.

Throughout, you should be paraphrasing the author’s ideas. If you decide to do quotes (not required), make sure you do it in APA style (i.e., cite by putting the author’s last name, publication year, and page number where you found the quote in parenthesis).

Remember to also include the reference for the book (updated with any feedback you got from before to be in APA style)


The Role of Women within a Patriarchy Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help

The Role of Women within a Patriarchy Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help

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