The University of Oklahoma Music Video A WAs Habib Galbi Paper Humanities Assignment Help. The University of Oklahoma Music Video A WAs Habib Galbi Paper Humanities Assignment Help.
I’m working on a history writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.
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The core of your essay will be based on two of the suggested songs (see song list below). Feel free to shape up your content as you wish: you may write about the musical (sub)genres representing your two songs, your artists, overall music styles, storyline, music video aesthetics, etc. You could possibly compare the songs.Your essay does not have to sound strictly academic. Feel free to choose any writing style and tone. If you want to write an academic essay (descriptive, narrative, etc), you can do it. If you prefer to write something that reads as an editorial or memoir, you may do that instead!
Word Count: 1000-1200 words
4 sources required, please cite them.
need by Monday 5/10 in afternoon before 3
The University of Oklahoma Music Video A WAs Habib Galbi Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CHEM-1405 South Texas College Chemistry Question Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a chemistry report and need an explanation to help me learn.
Student Presentations Instructions for CHEM-1405
This Spring 2021 semester, the student presentation is on different sources of air, water,
and soil pollution. On Blackboard, there is a short description of sources to give a sense of direction
for that topic. You do not need to include all sources, only what you choose from the list or possibly
another source not listed to make it complete. There is a sign-up sheet posted on Blackboard.
Choose a topic early to give you the best selection. You will work with other students that also
randomly choose to sign-up for the same topic. Once your group members are determined, you are
responsible to contact them to coordinate preparing the presentation through the Discussion
Board, e-mail, and file share. You also can change which group you are part of if you like.
Remember, there are only three members for each topic. There also may be only two members to a
group. In these groups, divide the work evenly.
You may want to do a Google search to initially start preparing the presentation. This is a good
source of information and can lead to an interesting presentation. Another excellent source of
information you might want to check is the library. If you get stuck or have any questions, please
ask my assistance! I can help give you direction.
The presentation is to be written into a formal typed report. The report is to be 1.5 line spacing,
and a serif (formal) 11-point font type (examples of serif font types are: Times New Roman,
Cambria, etc.). It is to be divided among the group members. You can divide the report any way
you like if everyone agrees. The report should have a title page and be four-to-five additional pages
in length. Be certain to reference any material brought into the report and include a list on a
separate page appended to the back of the report. You may use any referencing style you want
(APA, Chicago, etc.), but be certain to reference all your sources. Save the final draft of the report in
a Word format and submit into the drop box that will be available in Blackboard. The report is due
by Thursday, 5/6, in the last week of the regular semester. You can submit it earlier if the
presentation is finished and agreed on by all group members.
The title page is to include the title, date, and all group member’s names. Only one report needs to
be submitted for each group. Use the same font type, but a larger font size of your choosing for the
title page. In the report, divide it into three section. In the first section is subtitled Introduction.
This includes what the source of pollution is and how it is generated, a general amount (if available)
and how it migrates through the environment. The second section subtitled Environmental Effects
of “this type of pollution.” (example: Environmental Effects of Nitrogen Oxides). This section lists
any environmental and effects and plants, animals, and humans including health effects. The third
section is subtitled Summary which includes an outlook. Are there efforts to control this type of
pollution? Include a summary of your subjective option of the seriousness and outlook of this type
of pollution. Remember, this is a subjective opinion. There are no wrong opinions! Include the
Happiness and Virtue as Highest Human Good Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a philosophy writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
in 500-750 words, review and critique original essay. re-answer the question adding insight of philosopher Plato or Aristotle. original essay and more details provided in file attached. I pose to you as our essay topic: What is the way we ought to live? What is the highest good for which our fleeting human lives are meant? Why?
In writing this essay a second time, I want you to now think about this question in light of all we have read from Plato, Aristotle, Augustine, and Thomas Aquinas and I want you to critique your original response. How have these four philosophers altered or sharpened your new response to this question? Does one or more of them particularly shape your new response to and understanding of this question? Do you still have questions that you do not think any of our philosophers addressed? Consider what was insufficient or lacking from your original response and what was good but needed to be explained or accounted for further.
This assignment is designed to help you and me see how much your critical thinking skills and ability to think philosophically have developed and sharpened.
LDR 6145 Northeastern University Nissan Global Leadership Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management case study and need guidance to help me learn.
Read and analyze the case study on Nissan(page 17-28). The paper should be 6 pages long (full excluding cover and reference page) with the analysis up to 4 pages and the recommendations up to 2 pages. Recommended Structure is as follows and the APA coversheet and references do not count towards the page limit. It is single-spaced and 12-point.
APA Style Coversheet
Introduction (high-level findings of the case study)
As you work through this paper, analyze the following areas (4 pages):
a. The strategic business objective pursued,
b. The specific types of leadership styles employed,
c. The challenges faced and result achieved,
d. The causes of success or failure and
e. Other areas you consider pertinent
HRM Compensation and Benefits Discussion Question Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a management discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.
As HR director at Crangle Fixtures, your bonus this year is based on your ability to cut employee benefit costs. Your boss has said that it’s okay to shift some of the costs over the to employees (right now that pay nothing for their benefits) but that he doesn’t want you to overdo it. In other words, at least one-half of your suggestions should not hurt the employee’s pocket book. What alternatives do you want to explore, and why?
course material attched
AHI 001D A01 University of California Riverside Arts of Asia and Communicates Essay Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a art writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
There are two-part to this assignment.
Part 1:
Han Jun-bin, We’re the Happiest in the World, 1975, ink on paper (4′42⁄5 × 3′87⁄8″)
The image above is a work of propaganda from North Korea. At a glance, this is a relatively simple image but it is dense with messages about North Korea and its people. Analyze the work and articulate what it is meant to communicate. How exactly does it do so? Be thorough and specific.
Your analysis should go beyond what is written in your textbook.
(at least 250 words; 10 points)
Read through your classmates’ posts and engage with at least one of them. Was there anything they missed? Having read your classmates’ analyses, is there anything you would add to or change about your own analysis?
(at least 50 words; 5 points)
Classmate’s post:
This work is able to easily communicate the idea that everyone should be happy living in North Korea. Creating this image of being happy, the citizens of North Korea are also given this expectation that they would feel obligated to meet. The depiction that these children were happy in this wonderful place gave the working people the idea that they should be happy too despite their horrible working conditions. In reality, the majority of the population struggled because of their working conditions and hours while the other small portion of the population lived more comfortable lives. If people were given the impression of a wonderful place, they would stay happy and not have expectations of an improvement of their society. If the people were not happy with their lives, they would protest and rebel. Despite the social status of the citizen, protesting or questioning the government was prohibited. The social realist style helped to prevent the people from protesting or rebelling about the government. The goal of this painting was to prevent people from realizing how controlled they were by their government and how horrible their lives really were. The people were always given art that made them believe they were living in an ideal society so that never questioned their authority. This artwork communicates the expectation of happiness by showing two happy children signing while wearing military outfits. Along with showing how joyous they were with where they live, they were also wearing military outfits showing support for the armed forces of North Korea
Part 2:
In the lecture this week, you learned about conceptual art and we briefly discussed the work shown below. Paik Nam June’s TV Buddha is an installation that features an antique bronze Buddha (not made by Paik). The Buddha statue sits in front of a television, which plays CC footage of the Buddha filmed on a camera also set up opposite the statue. Paik Nam June, TV Buddha, 1974, video installation with bronze Buddha statue (63 × 843⁄5 × 311⁄2″) What do you get from this work? What are the questions that TV Buddha poses and how does the installation challenge our expectations? As with most good conceptual art, there is not one single correct answer here. But keeping in mind the background of the artist, the context in which the work was made, and what you can see in the work, how do you interpret it? Your post should reflect that you have read the lecture page, and if you would like to, you’re welcome to do additional research on the work. However, if you do, be careful about how you use your sources – DO NOT PLAGIARIZE. (at least 300 words) |
AHI 001D A01 University of California Riverside Arts of Asia and Communicates Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MBA 640 Kentucky Uncompensated Care at Lexington Medical Center Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
- Explain why uncompensated care (UC) is such a large problem for Lexington Medical Center in West Columbia, S.C.
- Why do some experts worry that the Affordable Care Act (ACA) may not mitigate the problem of UC at this facility?
- Provide a background of the facility
- Provide an explanation of what uncompensated care is and provide a conclusion paragraph.
- The assignment must be 300 to 500 equal to 1.5 pages and in APA 7th edition format.
Beherec, S. (2015). Uncompensated care: Weighing private option boost, medicare cuts. Arkansas Business, 32(31), 1.
Ginter, P. M., Duncan, W. J., & Swayne, L. E. (2018). The strategic management of health care organizations. John Wiley & Sons.
NewsCAP: Medicaid expansion may reduce uncompensated care costs for hospitals. (2016). AJN, American Journal of Nursing, 116(9), 15-15. doi:10.1097/01.NAJ.0000494677.92970.ce
College of The Sequoias The Effects of Poverty on Gender and Race Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a communications report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
my paper is on (poverty affecting different genders and races), The paper has to be 2 1/2 pages long and in MLA format. 1000 words required
The Problem
- What is causing the problem? (Causes) Hint: While some of the problems may be practical in nature, also try to identify ones that result from communication and can link to course concepts. I also expect you to provide outside research to establish the existence of this problem.
- What are the effects of the problem? (Effects)
Targeted Group
1.Who is at risk? (At-risk population/target audience)
- How susceptible are at-risk groups to the problem? How susceptible is the target audience to responding to this issue? (Susceptibility)
- What are the barriers for the at-risk group not protecting itself? / What are the barriers for the target audience not to respond? (Barriers to Personal Efficacy)
Underlying Problem
- What have previous movements or campaigns done?
- Why have they not been successful?
Questions to Consider to Help Overcome These Problems
- What behavior is recommended to avert the threat? What behavior is recommended to get the public to respond?
- Is the recommended response easy and practical?
- Do the targeted groups vary in their confidence or ability to enact the recommended response?
- What skills must the targeted groups possess to enact the recommended response?
- How do you plan to persuade them? Please be specific in your explanation of the messages you will create. This is one of the most important steps.
- Why might your campaign work?
HSN 376 University of Phoenix Health Information Technology For Nursing MEMO Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a nursing Essay and need a sample draft to help me study.
Title: Informatics Solution Proposal: Issue Identification
(Overview: Propose an informatics or technologic solution for a problem currently found within a clinical or workplace setting.)
Draft a 350-word letter or memo to a nursing administrator. In the memo, identify the clinical or administrative problem, address why the problem is an important concern, and, request permission to propose a solution.
Identify an issue/problem in a health care workplace that could be resolved by implementing an informatics or technological solution. The issue/problem can be an administrative or a clinical issue.
–Explain the nature of the administrative or clinical problem
–Explain the effect of the problem on workflow
–Articulate the impact of the problem on patient safety
–Explain how the problem is best resolved with a technology or informatics solution
–Provide a reasonable request for permission to pursue the solution
–Indicate how the project would be integrated into a nurse’s daily activities
Format the letter according to APA guidelines for formal business correspondence. (Sample Business Memo attached below)
Support your letter with at least 3 peer-reviewed resources. Provide an APA-formatted reference page for all resources used.
Available Resources (DON’T have to use but available if needed)
- Chou, D., (2011). Health information systems: Architectures and strategies. JAMA, 306(12), 1383-1384.
- Courtney, P. K., (2011). Data liquidity in health information systems. The Cancer Journal, 17(4), 219-221.
- Hovenga, E.J., & Grain, H., (2013). Health information systems. Studies in Health Technology & Informatics, 193, 120-140.
- Krist, A. H., & Woolf, S. H. (2011). A vision for patient-centered health information systems. Jama, 305(3), 300-301.
- Schierhorn, C., (2015). Bringing systems together. Health Facilities Management, 28(8), 18-23.
- (2012). Health IT and Patient Safety : Building Safer Systems for Better Care
- Health Care Information Systems: A Practical Approach for Health Care Management
California State Photorealistic Depiction of the Civil Rights Movement Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a latin american studies discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.
Virtual Exhibition Review
Directions: You are to view and review at least 2 virtual exhibitions listed below and compare and contrast them. You need to go through and read and view the entire virtual exhibitions before reviewing. That means viewing all the links and pages on the virtual exhibition. These exhibitions have been selected by the Professor, which means I have viewed them.
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
- (Links to an external site.)
You then must type a 2 ½ to 3 page (double-spaced) review/essay of your 2 virtual exhibitions and you must include all of the following questions in order to get any credit.
Note: In the first line of the write up, list the two exhibitions that you are reviewing
- Give a brief description of each exhibition. Include a brief description of what you viewed. For example, give examples of objects, historical documents, photos and/or information covered in each exhibition. Should be at least one full page—2 different paragraphs –one paragraph per exhibition.
- Compare and Contrast each exhibition. These could be regarding both themes/issues covered in the exhibitions, as well as reviewing the style and effectiveness of the virtual exhibition. (at least 1 full paragraph)
- How did these exhibitions contribute to your understanding of Multicultural history, Chicano history or U.S. history in general? Give specific examples. (at least 1 full paragraph)
- Why are these exhibitions significant to California and Multicultural U.S. History? Give specific examples as evidence. (at least 1 full paragraph)
- Can you CONNECT any of the content of these exhibitions to our course CHS 245? For example, are there any themes discussed in this class or in the class readings that can also be seen in the exhibitions you chose? Give specific examples..and use direct quotes from class material as supporting evidence. For example, connect the virtual exhibitions to specific class content in the form of readings, and other course lecture material. (at least 1 full paragraph)
- Include any final thoughts on how these exhibitions contributed to your historical learning or historical thinking. Overall what did you learn and where there any questions raised for you.
Note: This assignment should not just be descriptive, but rather include critical reflection on how this event contributed to your understanding of history.
Be sure to use direct quotes as supporting evidence in your essay.
PDF or Microsoft Word file.
Make sure to Proof read your Review/Essay and it also needs to follow all standard formal
You then must type a 2 ½ to 3 page (double-spaced) review/essay of your 2 virtual exhibitions and you must include all of the following questions in order to get any credit.
Note: In the first line of the write up, list the two exhibitions that you are reviewing
- Give a brief description of each exhibition. Include a brief description of what you viewed. For example, give examples of objects, historical documents, photos and/or information covered in each exhibition. Should be at least one full page—2 different paragraphs –one paragraph per exhibition.
- Compare and Contrast each exhibition. These could be regarding both themes/issues covered in the exhibitions, as well as reviewing the style and effectiveness of the virtual exhibition. (at least 1 full paragraph)
- How did these exhibitions contribute to your understanding of Multicultural history, Chicano history or U.S. history in general? Give specific examples. (at least 1 full paragraph)
- Why are these exhibitions significant to California and Multicultural U.S. History? Give specific examples as evidence. (at least 1 full paragraph)
- Can you CONNECT any of the content of these exhibitions to our course CHS 245? For example, are there any themes discussed in this class or in the class readings that can also be seen in the exhibitions you chose? Give specific examples..and use direct quotes from class material as supporting evidence. For example, connect the virtual exhibitions to specific class content in the form of readings, and other course lecture material. (at least 1 full paragraph)
- Include any final thoughts on how these exhibitions contributed to your historical learning or historical thinking. Overall what did you learn and where there any questions raised for you.
Note: This assignment should not just be descriptive, but rather include critical reflection on how this event contributed to your understanding of history.
Be sure to use direct quotes as supporting evidence in your essay.
PDF or Microsoft Word file.
Make sure to Proof read your Review/Essay and it also needs to follow all standard formal