The University of Sydney Social Marketing Essay Writing Assignment Help. The University of Sydney Social Marketing Essay Writing Assignment Help.
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For the essay topic, you must choose one of the eight criteria that constitute the UK’s National Benchmark Criteria on Social Marketing (French, Blair-Stevens, 2006) and describe how it has been applied in a social marketing program implemented in Australia or internationally. The goal is to understand the criteria as well as the theoretical and practical issues associated with its use. You should review the academic literature (published books and journal articles) as well as the “grey” or unpublished literature, such as reports, articles, blogs, videos and presentations. Some additional learning materials for the benchmark criteria will be available through the LMS, however, you will need to do most of your own research.
The University of Sydney Social Marketing Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NURS 498L Integration of Nursing Practices Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help
E. L. is an 88-year-old widow who has advanced dementia. She is a retired secretary and is cared for in the home of her divorced daughter, who is her power of attorney for health affairs. E. L. requires assistance with all activities of daily living. She spends most of the day sitting in her orthopedic recliner (she has had bilateral hip replacements) or lying in bed. She does not speak or acknowledge the presence of others. Recently, E. L. has stopped eating all meals except for small banana slices. She resists a spoon when it is brought to her mouth, and she pockets food in her cheeks without swallowing. E. L. was admitted to the hospital several months ago for influenza and bilateral pneumonia. She was treated in the intensive care unit for three days and then sent home. The possibility of a feeding tube insertion was discussed during her hospitalization. E. L.’s daughter is seeking guidance on artificial nutrition and hydration.
- Use the assigned readings to guide you in the development of five discussion points
- Discussions points should reflect best practices that you will include as you speak with E. L.’s daughter regarding her mother’s end-of-life care.
- Cite your references in proper APA Style.
Texas A & M University Senior Network Administrator & Computer Functions Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
You as a senior network administrator assess that the remaining systems could not be networked due to the 10Base2 architecture. Keeping the immediate expansion proposal in mind, (say) you plan to add more branch offices in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento. Currently there are three small branch offices one each in Los Angeles, San Diego, and Sacramento. These offices generally have 20 to 25 Pentium or Apple-based computers. However, the computers in these locations are not currently networked. The immediate expansion plans, if approved by the shareholders, include opening a second office in Los Angeles, two offices in San Diego and three offices in Sacramento. These offices will be similar to the existing small offices operated in the respective cities. The goal set for the new telecommunications network includes having all of the existing and proposed offices connected together in a seamless, secure manner. All of the computers in all of the offices should be connected.
- As a senior network administrator, would you suggest to design and implement a new network from scratch, or would you rather upgrade the existing network by continuing to build on the existing network? Support your answer with detailed explanation and justification.
- What network architecture would you suggest to implement as part of the proposed expansion plan? (E.g. I see the network as consisting of two primary parts, the networks within each facility and the network that connects all branch offices together). Suggest your network architecture accordingly.
- Please provide diagrams for each of the office locations that illustrate how these networks will look after the new infrastructure rollout. You may use Visio, Word, or similar software to draw the diagrams.
- I will require a detailed cost proposal for both the installation and first year’s operating cost associated with the entire proposed infrastructure. You will need to consider all equipment and wiring costs, the cost for the proposed services from the phone companies and provide the source for your costing information (Excluding labor costs).
- Currently all offices use IPv4 protocol. Discuss the feasibility of implementing an IPv6 protocol along with the new infrastructure. Whether you choose to implement IPv6 or not, discuss the business ramifications of implementing IPv6 at this time.
- Describe how security will be maintained for data, particularly for data being transmitted remotely between offices.
- List the most applicable wireless security protocols that you plan to implement in your network design for the proposed expansion project. Discuss how you will implement a network that will allow secure wireless communications between computers and other resources, including Internet access.
- Research and discuss steps for configuring wireless access points and wireless network adapter with various security features (including WPS, WEP, WPA2, etc.) The steps may correspond to either GUI or command line, or a mix of both.
Submission Requirements:
- Format: Microsoft Word
- Font: Arial, 12-Point, Double-Space
- Citation Style: APA
- Length: Minimum of 12 pages.
Baltimore City Community College Shall We Dance Film Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Pick one scene that impressed you most from the film assigned for the week. Explain how and why that particular scene is impressive to you. Refer to the assigned reading of the week and think about how your argument is related to it. Include the image(s) from the scene in your journal. The expression of your paper needs to be clear (correct grammar; clear meanings of words). Your argument needs to have a structure (introduction, explanation, conclusion).
In addition, separately from your argument on a scene, write down the keyword from the lecture, which the instructor gives, in your response paper. Also, briefly explain the reason why that is the keyword of the sequence in one sentence. (“The keyword is XXX because ….”) The reason should be clear by the lecture. You do not need to repeat exactly what the instructor says. Use your own words to explain.Grading criteria is as follows (10 points total): On-time submission = 1 point
Length (300-400 words) = 1 point
Pick one scene = 1 point
Originality (your own idea about why and how the scene is impressive) = 1 point Reference to assigned reading = 1 point
Image = 1 point
Clarity of expression (appropriate grammar; clear meanings of words) = 1 points Coherent structure of argument (no bullet point or itemization) = 1 point Keyword = 1 point
Explanation of the keyword = 1 point
Film: Shall We Dance? (Shall We Dansu?, Suo Masayuki, 1995)
Reading: David Bordwell and Kristin Thompson, “The Relation of Shot to Shot: Editing,” in
Film Art: Introduction, 5th edition (New York: McGrow-Hill, 1997), 270-300.
Optional Reference: Bordwell and Thompson, Film Art, “Glossary,” in Film Art, 477-81. (You are not required to read all of these. This is for your reference only.)
HTM 310 Strayer University Week 2 Types of Restaurants Discussion Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Discussion 1:
“Types of Restaurants” Please respond to the following:
- From the different types of restaurants highlighted in this week’s reading, classify two (2) restaurant types that are becoming more popular and two (2) restaurant types which are on the decline. Examine the primary manner in which the two (2) declining restaurants types you identified could evolve in order to increase their popularity within the next five (5) years. Provide justification for your response.
Discussion 2:
“Restaurant Equipment” Please respond to the following:
- Per industry knowledge, the proper layout of a restaurant’s kitchen can make or break the success of the business. Give two (2) examples of the negative impact of a poorly designed restaurant kitchen on both guest satisfaction and restaurant revenues. Outline a strategy that a restaurant owner could use in order to improve guest satisfaction and restaurant revenues after suffering the negative impact of a poorly designed kitchen. Provide support for your response.
Discussion 3:
“Food Purchasing” Please respond to the following:
- Inventory the most significant factors a restaurant owner should consider when selecting food to purchase. Provide one (1) example of the impact that improper food selection could have on a restaurant to support your response.
Ashford University Serenity Salon and Spa Business Plan Project Business Finance Assignment Help
Since childhood, your dream has always been to open a hair salon. You have just graduated from college, and are ready to make that dream come true. All you need is some money. To obtain a loan from the bank, you need to present a business plan which de
Using Microsoft Word, develop a one or two page plan which includes
why you are seeking a loan, and how you expect to make money. Your plan
should include the type of hair services (haircut, hair wash, hair dye,
perm etc.), top selling hair products (shampoo, conditioner, hair serum,
dye etc.) you may carry, and other details you want to include (e.g.
how much to borrow from Bank, how much annual profit to gain).
plan must have a header which includes your name, the proposed salon
name, and the date of submission. You must also include at least two
pictures of the hair services or products you wish to sell.
The plan also needs to look nice – feel free to play with fonts, text sizes, layout, etc.
Using Microsoft Excel, create a spreadsheet which shows your revenue and expenses.
at least 4 hair services & 4 hair products you will be selling. For
each product, you need to show labor (hiring staff to purchase &
sell) cost, purchase cost (what you pay), selling price (what you expect
the customer to pay); for each service you need to show labor (hiring
hairdresser) cost, material (water, power, equipment, chemicals etc.)
cost and selling price, advertising cost (per service/product), and
profit. (Profit is the total of the costs subtracted from the price.)
you have created the spreadsheet, use the profits to create a graph
which shows each service/product and how it contributes to your overall
business income. (In other words, how do the profits compare between the
8 different services/products.)
Ashford University Serenity Salon and Spa Business Plan Project Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MKTG 300 Ashford University Balenciaga The Master of Haute Couture Brand Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help
Part 2
Who’s currently buying your product? Where are your deficiencies and where are opportunities? You are required to use the Simmons data for this portion of your paper. This is a natural place in your paper for multiple charts, figures, or graphs. (Please do not use charts directly exported from Simmons as these are often contain far more numbers then you actually need, and thus are not very user friendly. I want to see that you can identify and correctly understand the important values. You’re required to take these numbers and create some of your own figures) Remember, at this point in the paper it’s premature to make any recommendations.
The professor ask to use Simmons. Simmons tutorial:
MGT 322 SEU Impact of Covid 19 on Logistics & Supply Chain of Starbucks Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Assignment: 1
Submission Date by students: Before the end of Week- 7th (17.10.2020)
Place of Submission: Students Grade Centre
Weight: 10 Marks
Learning Outcome:
1. Demonstrate a deep understanding of the logistic function concepts and theories as well as supply chain management strategies.
2. Analyze and identify challenges and issues pertaining to logistical processes.
3. The capacity to write coherent project about actual logistic case studies.
Assignment Workload:
This assignment is an individual assignment.
Critical Thinking
The purpose of this assignment is to identify and apply Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools to suggest supply chain process/logistics performance priorities. To this purpose, you should Study chapter 1, 2 and review Fast food industry /Food companies through secondary available information. Think about how you can apply the concepts/tools that you learned in this course.
Select a fast-food company of your choice, research the impact of Covid-19 on that company. Explain why you have come to your conclusions:
The Answer should be 4– 5 pages
The Answer must follow the outline points below:
1. Executive summary (no more than one page)
– Summarize, what is Supply chain process/logistics performance priorities, what Logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools applied to achieve the company’s objective.
2. Background information
– Briefly introduce the company background (e.g., name, products, business size, location, internal/external interesting facts, etc).
3. Problem Description (Covid 19)
– Describe the objectives clearly and specifically.
– The objective may involve either logistics decision-making or process improvement.
4. Application of logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools applied
– Describe, what specific logistics and Supply Chain Management concepts/tools be applied to achieve the objective. This section should make it clear that you understand the concepts/tools you are about to use.
5. Results
– Analyze the expected results of the proposed solution.
6. References
CJHS 325 University of Phoenix Nature vs Nurture & Counseling Profession Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Your boss has asked you to participate in a discussion on the nature
versus nurture debate with a group of incoming professionals in your
field. For your discussion, you will need to be prepared, so you must
write a report to present to your boss prior to the discussion. Be sure
to address all of the following points in 400-600 words:
- What is meant by nature versus nurture, and why is it relevant to the counseling profession?
- What arguments exist on each side of the debate?
- Give examples from your own experience as well as the experiences of others to support your explanations.
- Conclude the report with your stance on the topic. Do you agree
or disagree with one side or the other or a combination of both? - When commenting to other students, determine whether you agree
or disagree with the aspects of their stance and explain your reasoning.
Introduction to Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
You are a counselor in a rural area. Your supervisor asks you to
visit the home of a child who has become violent. The mother states that
the father is a strict disciplinarian. He uses a belt to whip the kids
when they do not do what is expected of them, even if it is trivial. She
supports the father because she tells you that is what a dutiful wife
does. She is afraid to question her husband because of his violent
tendencies, and he is the family’s only means of financial support.
Given the information for this family’s case, discuss the following in your response in 1000-1200 words:
- What cultural differences and similarities do you share with this
family, and what might you need to learn more about to gain an
understanding of the family’s situation so you can appropriately assist
its members? - Include your cultural vantage point in this explanation.
- How would you use what you know about human needs to build a bridge in your meetings with this particular family?
The History and Classifications of Licit and Illicit Drug Use
You have been asked to do a short presentation on addiction and the
effects that certain drugs have on the brain. Your presentation should
include the following elements:
Assignment Guidelines
- Address the following in 10-12 content slides within a PowerPoint presentation:
- What does it mean to say that someone is addicted to a drug?
- Why do people become addicted to a drug physically? Mentally?
- What is a neurotransmitter?
- What role do neurotransmitters play with regard to brain functions and behavior?
- What roles do dopamine and serotonin play with regard to drug use?
- How are dopamine and serotonin levels affected by various drugs?
- What is meant by the reward pathways or the reward center of the brain?
- What differences have been found between men and women in terms of effects of psychoactive drugs and addiction?
- What does it mean to say that someone is addicted to a drug?
- Your final presentation should follow the following format:
- Title slide with your name, course code, and unit number
- 10-12 content slides containing your responses to the above questions
- Each content slide must contain 100–200 words of speaker notes.
- Slides should contain bullet points not text.
- Reference slide where all sources are referenced using APA style
GEOG Brock University Neighborhood as A Sensational Eyesore Case Study Humanities Assignment Help
Find at least five (5) articles from popular media sources (newspapers, magazines, blogs, etc.) related to the Downtown Eastside (choose one of, for example, gentrification, SROs, Community Development, etc.). Read the articles and, in a paragraph or two, offer your comments one the issues/themes that emerge, the stakeholders, the consequences, or any thing else that you think is important. Remember these assignments are supposed to help you build an experience of Vancouver. (about 400 words) It is, therefore, important that you: a) explore the these issues on your own, and b) reflect on the material you find. Please review the material on reflection and how it might be graded if necessary. Did you learn anything? Were you surprised by what you learned? Why? Is there anything that can be done? et.
The University of Sydney Social Marketing Essay Writing Assignment Help
The University of Sydney Social Marketing Essay Writing Assignment Help