The University of Utah Consciousness and Psychoactive Drugs Table Paper Humanities Assignment Help

The University of Utah Consciousness and Psychoactive Drugs Table Paper Humanities Assignment Help. The University of Utah Consciousness and Psychoactive Drugs Table Paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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Neuroscientists often study the effects of psychoactive drugs on the nervous system of non-human animals such as mice. While we do not have the ability to do so in our course, we can examine the issue in a virtual environment. To do so, download the worksheet below and complete it by the due date. Upload your completed assignment for credit.

Consciousness and Psychoactive Drugs

Take a look inside the brains of mice on drugs! Every drug has its own unique molecular mechanism in the brain. You’ll learn how various drugs disrupt the synapse to make the user feel “high.”

Complete the worksheet below as you explore this interactive, online tool called “Mouse Party”:…

You may find the table of common neurotransmitters on page 2 to be helpful.

Psychoactive Substance featured in Mouse Party

Describe the behavior of the mouse in the cage that was intoxicated on this substance

List the neurotransmitters affected by this substance








The University of Utah Consciousness and Psychoactive Drugs Table Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

LCC Unemployment and Poverty Impacts Mitigation Investment Discussion Paper Humanities Assignment Help

In 300+ words, respond to one of the following prompts.

Share your understanding of the “marketing character.” Do you agree that our society values “exchange value” over “use value”? Is the need to “sell ourselves” an inevitable aspect of being human, or are we pressured by our society to define ourselves based on what we can bring to “the market”? In what ways do you see the importance of “being sellable” affecting our sense of identity or our relationships with others?


Share your critique of Marx’s ideas about class exploitation. Where do you agree and where do you disagree? Is it fair to talk about class solely in terms of haves versus have nots, capitalists versus everyone else? Who qualifies as being part of the “haves”?

Note: for either prompt, you do not need to answer all of the questions. They are there as possible directions to take.


San Diego State University Determining Stoichiometric Coefficients Lab Report Science Assignment Help

Determining Stoichiometric Coefficients (ChemCollective)


The purpose of writing a partial lab report for Determining Stoichiometry Coefficients is to continue to familiarize you with technical scientific writing, data analysis, and its presentation.    


In this lab report you will:  

Develop and execute an experimental procedure.

Analyze reactions of 1.00 M solutions of A, B, C, and D using qualitative and quantitative experimental data.

Continue to improve your scientific writing by composing a portion of a formal lab report (title page, results and calculations section).


This assignment will also help you to become familiar with the following important content information:

Writing, implementing, and modifying an experimental procedure. 

Organize your data and calculations in a results and calculations section including:

Writing balanced chemical equations

Basic stoichiometry calculations using ICE tables. 


This exercise asks you to collect, organize, analyze, and evaluate data you collected in the lab. You will type a lab report that includes the following:  

Title page

Procedure Reference and Your Experimental Procedure

Results and Calculations section

Table summarizing your major experimental results.

Balanced chemical equations 

Show sample calculations (typed or handwritten) with values reported to the correct number of significant figures with units.

Your report will also include:


be sure to look over the comments from your instructor and correct any mistakes

changes to the published procedures

experimental observations

quantitative observations (aka numerical data)

qualitative observations 

running log


Florida National University Community Nursing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Community Nursing

– Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.

· Minimum three paragraphs per DQ

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.

Note: All DQ submissions will be monitored for plagiarism.


Community and Public Health Nursing (3th Edition)

Authors: DeMarco, R. F. & Healey-Walsh, J. (2020) Publisher: Wolters Kluwer

ISBN: 978-1-975111-69-4

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition)

American Psychological Association (2019)

ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1

Chapter 14: Risk of Infectious and Communicable Diseases

There is a planned community health project to decrease the incidence of human papilloma virus (HPV).

1. Who is/are the target population? Why?

2. What are some key factors to consider when planning an HPV prevention program?


Pace University New York Cultural Differences and Organizations Success Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The topic for your final paper should be an aspect of leadership that relates to your organization or some other organization of your choosing. You may want to consider an issue that you are currently facing in the workplace or a past issue that you feel is still unresolved. The final paper should blend your research, your experience, and your learning over the semester.

  • As you can see the papers can be on a range of leadership issues. It can focus on a person/people or on an organization(s). The paper should be a topic of interest that you have the ability to research. If interviews are necessary, the people should be accessible to you.
  • Submit a 1 page description of your topic with an overview of the leadership issue you will be addressing. You should also reference the theoretical background for your topic and the researchers you plan to reference.
  • Topic: The topic for your final paper should be an aspect of leadership that relates to your organization or some other organization of your choosing. You may want to consider an issue that you are currently facing in the workplace or a past issue that you feel is still unresolved. The final paper should blend your research, your experience, and your learning over the semester.Some examples of past topics have included:
    • Leadership following the acquisition of Company X – This student described Leadership (and its impact) before and after the acquisition of her company.
    • Team Leadership among 3 Generations – This student described leadership challenges and proposed suggestions for his team that spanned 3 generations.
    • Handling 3 Ethical dilemmas Company Y – This student explored 3 major ethical issues that faced/were facing his organization.
    • Gender differences in leadership – This student examined 4 of her company’s senior leaders, doing an analysis of gender differences in 3 areas of leadership.

    As you can see the papers can be on a range of leadership issues. It can focus on a person/people or on an organization(s). The paper should be a topic of interest that you have ability to research. If interviews are necessary, the people should be accessible to you.



MSU Greenpeace Sues Dow and Other Companies Over Espionage Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


international business class

Topic Issue #2: Corporate Espionage

The second issue we will cover in class is corporate espionage. The purpose of this topic is for our class to learn as much as we can about the stealing of trade secrets and company data by both companies and countries. Corporate espionage can occur by companies stealing customer data, product designs, future strategic plans, or other data from competing companies or even partners. It can also occur as a state-sponsored activity where nations steal the data and information from companies to benefit industries or specific companies in their own countries, with those industries or companies often providing the government with a financial benefit in exchange for the close relationships and the access to the stolen information.

You can choose to explore either of these two aspects of corporate espionage; however, don’t use articles that solely focus on countries engaging in cyber attacks on other countries to cause disruptions or for the purpose of stealing government secrets.

Assignment Requirements

The article must be from the last 5 years. One purpose of the assignment is to have you take the time to look at some of the international business newspapers and international coverage in business periodicals. For each issue presentation, you should find one article of interest on the assigned topic. The articles should be substantial – meaning a major story (as opposed to one or two paragraphs). You may use more than one article if you find interesting information, but the articles are shorter in length. Use the library’s electronic databases as well as the internet to find current and academically appropriate information. Along with reading the “starter” material mentioned in the introductory paragraph and the material in the textbook surrounding the topic, you should try to use such sources as Business Week, Wall Street Journal, NY Times, Financial Times (of London), or an equally significant business publication as your source for your article. You can access some of these sources through the library’s databases. From the link below you can access Business Source Complete which is a good database with many reputable publications like Bloomberg Business Week.

You can also use some reputable websites that have international business news like the following:

(CNBC website section for world news)

(British Broadcasting Corporation

– BBC) (Global business website hosted by Michigan State University)

You can also use a podcast or a video in place of an article, but in either of those cases it must be long enough

to be equivalent to an article (which is hard to do), otherwise it can be part of a combination of an article and a

podcast/video on the topic. The podcast or video must also be within the last 5 years

Written Requirements

You will write a summary of and provide comments on the article. The summary and commentary should

include the following:


A summary of the article, including how the article adds to the information in the textbook

.Your comments about what you learned, what you thought was surprising, what was most interesting,

what was most valuable from the article, etc. Format


The written assignment should be at least 2 pages in length

, with at least

1/2 page devoted to your

comments. The assignment should be double spaced. Use 1 inch margins

Use a font no larger than Times Roman 12 pt. font.

Citation and Article

Provide a citation of the article at the end of your paper using APA format. Information on writing a proper citation in APA format is provided in two links to Purdue University

Upload a copy of the article along with your paper. In the case of videos and podcasts, the citations will suffice


Other Starter Material

Below are a few other resources related to corporate espionage that might spark an idea or two related to what you might search for on the topic.

  • Before Huawei was the target of a federal investigation last year, many Americans had not heard of the company. Yet as mentioned in the Wall Street Journal article link below, the company employs 188,000 people in 170 countries, provides cloud services, is a leader in 5G technology, and sells more smartphones than Apple. The link below relates to Huawei’s dubious use of corporate espionage to become the world’s largest maker of telecommunications equipment.
  • Some countries are more involved in stealing company secrets than others. Below is a link to an article that discussed a US government agency report on the worst offenders in corporate espionage.

MSU Greenpeace Sues Dow and Other Companies Over Espionage Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Sofia Product Strategy Plan Describing How Company Achieve its Goals Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Assignment Description:In this assignment, as in those you will do every 2 weeks going forward, you must report on your efforts to acquire new knowledge and skills needed to be a Product Manager.



  • Choose one or more Recommended Topics, Blogs, or Newsletters for study.
  • After you studied the topics selected, write a 3 to 4-page summary of what you learned.
  • Remember that each of your Study Reports is a graded assignment and will be judged on the following criteria:
    • Organization.
    • Overall quality of your writing.
    • The extent to which you cover a significant range of topics identified as important topics in Product Management.
    • Your inclusion of recent topics into your personal studies (i.e., no more than one month old from the time of your reporting).
  • Recommended Topics for Study:
  • Recommended Newsletters and Blogs (this is just a sample set):
    • “10 Newsletters Every PM Needs in Their Inbox,” Product School, 8/6/20.
    • Product Management Today Blog
    • Silicon Valley Products Group (SVPG) Blog
    • Aha!
    • Roman Pichler Blog

    • Please do your citations this way, number them as Footnote 1 (Fn1), etc.


UOP Graham versus Connor Police Use of Force Case Study Writing Assignment Help


For this assignment, read and reflect on the following article. The article may be located by clicking on the link below:

LoRusso, L. J. (2019, May 23). Graham v. Connor: Three decades of guidance and controversy. PoliceOne.…

In your article critique, identify the premise of the article and provide your initial reaction to the court’s decision in Graham v. Connor. Additionally, address the following:

  • Do you think the right decision was made? Why, or why not?
  • Why is this court case important to law enforcement? How did this decision affect the way law enforcement does their job?
  • Explain what an objective reasonableness standard is and how it applies to this particular case.
  • Lastly, regardless of what the court ruled, do you believe excessive force was used by the police in this case?

Your article critique must be a minimum of two pages in length. You must at least use the article as an outside source. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used.



UOP Team Members with Diverse Cultures Question Writing Assignment Help


For this assignment, you will use the following case study.

Vandaveer, V. V. (2012). Dyadic team development across cultures: A case study. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 64(4), 279–294. Retrieved from

Given this scenario, include the following topics:

  • Explain how culture can affect perceptions of team members in a group.
  • Discuss strategies for working with leaders or team members who originate from a different culture than you.
  • Expound on the significance of using the best type of verbiage to communicate with other members of a team in order to prove successful in task completion.
  • Share the benefits of connecting with humor to build team camaraderie.
  • Explain how personality traits, social factors, and styles of leadership can affect the competence and loyalty of a team member.
  • Determine the different career options an employee might consider when having trouble working with a cohort or leader of a department.

Formulate your response to these questions using APA format in a minimum of a two-page paper that includes at least two outside sources. Therefore, two additional sources, in addition to the case study, are required. Please use the CSU Online Library databases to find academic journals as sources.


FIN 101 Saudi Electronic University Principles of Finance Worksheet Economics Assignment Help

WORD format

Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font.

No matching ratio

plz read the instructions in the file

Assignment Questions

Q1 (1.5 marks)

Ahlam Company’s net income for the year 2000, is $3,700,214. The company had an EBITDA of $ 10,125,300, and its depreciation and amortization expense was equal to $2,543,790. The company’s average tax rate is 35 percent.

  • What is the amount of interest expenses for the firm? (Show the details of your calculations).
  • Prepare a common sized Income Statement if net sales equal $12,000,000.

Q2. (1 Mark)

The following are accounts balance (in thousands) for Malak Company. Calculate Net Income after-tax (show intermediate steps) t=35% for the year ended December 31, 2020.

Net property and equipment

$ 2,000

Accounts receivable


Notes payable



$ 983,000

Supply expenses

$ 255,000

Depreciation expenses

$ 35,000

Labor expense


Interest Expenses


Stockholders’ Equity


Cash & cash equivalents


Long-term debt


Q3. Calculate the following ratios from the Balance Sheet and the Income Statement given below: (1.5 Mark)

  • Current Ratio
  • Debt Ratio
  • Fixed asset turnover
  • Total asset turnover
  • Operating profit margin

Balance Sheet:







Current assets


Net fixed assets


Total assets




Accrued expenses


Short-term N/P


Current liabilities


Long-term debt


Owner’s equity


Total liabilities and owners equity


Income Statement:

Net sales




Gross profit


Operating expenses


Net operating income


Interest expense




Income taxes


Net income


Q4. Using the values below, answer the questions that follow: (1mark)

Amount of annuity: $500

Interest rate: 9%

N=10 years

  • Calculate the future value of the annuity, assuming that it is
    • An ordinary annuity.
    • An annuity due.
  • Compare your findings in parts a(1) and a(2). All else being identical, which type of annuityordinary or annuity dueis preferable as an investment? Explain why.


The University of Utah Consciousness and Psychoactive Drugs Table Paper Humanities Assignment Help

The University of Utah Consciousness and Psychoactive Drugs Table Paper Humanities Assignment Help

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