The University of Utah Entrepreneurial Mindset & Path to Value Storyboard Business Finance Assignment Help

The University of Utah Entrepreneurial Mindset & Path to Value Storyboard Business Finance Assignment Help. The University of Utah Entrepreneurial Mindset & Path to Value Storyboard Business Finance Assignment Help.

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I have attached my storytelling draft which you will need to do this writing which should be based on my story telling.

The assignment is :

Expand on your Storytelling Outline to create a draft storyboard that expresses key elements of your value creation and entrepreneurial mindset journey. The storyboard is where the outline begins to take shape into a website. What are the visuals, how will the narrative be included?

Where appropriate use outputs from prerequisite courses (e.g.; your path to value from BCOR 2040/ENTP 1010). Include and begin to map out any significant choice points you encountered as you have worked through coursework or participated in extracurricular activities.

Consider feedback from fellow students received in the Peer to Peer framing exercise.

Key elements of your value creation journey may include, but are not limited to: choosing a domain or area of interest, developing a value proposition, competitive analysis, customer insights, stakeholder analysis, testing an operating model, securing critical resources, identifying skill gaps, building a prototype, conducting market surveys, assessing team strengths, and taking risks. If your value proposition was focused on how a career opportunity would set you up to create value, include experiences and activities that prepared you for this career.

Submit a document that includes all of the elements you will include in a digital website. This document should illustrate the structure and navigation to this personal website.

The University of Utah Entrepreneurial Mindset & Path to Value Storyboard Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

San Diego State University Black Girl is a Verb & Neoliberalism Discussion Writing Assignment Help

The goal of class preps is to prepare you for class by training you to read for big ideas, identify the key concepts and the main argument, and identify provocative passages relevant to the main argument. Class preps are meant to measure your understanding of the main ideas in a text; therefore, there should be no personal opinion in preps. They should be approximately half a page (double spaced) and no more than 1 page in length. Submit them to the corresponding learning module in Canvas in which your reading appears or under “Assignments.”

Please include:

  1. keywords – look at the keyword listed for the day of class corresponding to your reading; explain its meaning according to the course readings (you may need to draw from the other reading listed for the same day)
  2. main argument – give a short synopsis (2-3 sentences at most) of the main argument (or main ideas) of the reading
  3. passage/quote – retype a short quote (be selective!) from the reading that is particularly interesting, provocative, or indicative of the main argument. Explain how it relates to the keyword or how it helps explain the main argument.

Assignnment 2:…

What does it mean to say that “black girl is a verb”? How does the claim that “black girl is a verb” relate to the Safiya Umoja Noble reading “Searching for Black Girls.” Please be specific in referencing the Noble reading.


Chicago State University Computer Aided Engineering Hermite Cubic Curve Questions Writing Assignment Help

  • What is a hermite cubic spline? Show a hermite cubic spline curve in a Cartesian coordinate system with the tangent vectors at its two end points.
  • Explain the advantages of a B-Spline curve. What are the properties of a B-Spline?
  • Distinguish between Bezier and B-Spline surfaces. List its applications with at least 3 examples each.
  • What is a Coons Surface? Give 5 examples of its application. Explain a bilinearly blended Coons Patch.
  • Explain C0, C1 and C2 continuity. Then draw a sketch of each of these.
  • Explain a Surface of Revolution. Give examples where it is used.

Instructions for submitting the HW (word document only and typed). Cite references for any external content (text, pictures, equations etc.) that you have used towards this HW.


PH 307 San Diego State University Hysterectomy Percentage of Women Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help

To complete this assignment, use the Excel file, “Data for Assignment 1,” posted on Blackboard in the Excel Assignment folder on the “Assignments” tab.

It is preferred that students work in pairs on assignments, with one assignment submitted per pair; both students in a pair will receive the same grade. It is strongly recommended that both students actively participate in preparing the assignment. If, instead, partners choose to split the assignment (with each being responsible for different parts of the assignment), be aware than one person’s poor/non-completion of his/her portion is NOT an acceptable reason for submitting the assignment late. You may work with a student in the Monday section; if you do, please note that when you upload your assignment. (The Wednesday assignment is due before the Monday assignment; if you work with a Monday student, your assignment is still due on 9/23/2020.)

At the completion of your assignment, you should have one workbook with four tabs (the original three tabs + one worksheet you have created). Name the file as follows: OurNamesAssign1.xlsx (or NamesAssign1.xls), where you replace OurNames with your first initials and last names. Your name(s) must be a part of your file name. Upload your completed Excel document to Blackboard on the assignment page.


When it is appropriate to show decimals, you should show 2 decimal places; use of decimal places should be consistent within a column (or variable). Use cell referencing in all formulas, and use functions that we have discussed in class whenever possible; a significant part of your grade is dependent on your use of appropriate cell referencing and use of functions.

TIPS: Make it easy to locate all requested information. You can use bold or another font color or try using the paint can to fill the cell with color ( page1image3599999136) Use column/row titles to describe the

data included. Use column and row columns to describe the data included. To receive full credit, you will need to follow all instructions.

Question 1 (27 points)
Using the Fourth Quarter 2019 California Hospital Quarterly Financial and Utilization data (the

first tab in the “Data for Assignment 1”), copy the San Diego and Los Angeles County hospitals

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PH 307 Fall 2020

to a new worksheet within this workbook. (Copy the rows holding the variable names and Los Angeles and San Diego County hospitals as described in class; do not copy the whole worksheet.) Name this tab “San Diego and Los Angeles.” Sort this worksheet by county. Remove any hospitals where the results of your calculations equal “#DIV/0!.” (To make the data easier to work with, I suggest that you hide columns that you will not need to answer the question.)

Calculate the net inpatient revenue (est.) for each hospital located in San Diego County and Los Angeles County. (Hint: You will need to refer to the OSHPD documentation to determine how to calculate the net inpatient revenue.)
What are the mean and median net inpatient revenue (est.) for San Diego and Los Angeles Counties combined?
In a new column, use the appropriate function to recode the net inpatient revenue for each hospital as follows:
1) 0 if the net inpatient revenue is less than $25,000,000;
2) 1 if the net inpatient revenue is equal to or greater than $25,000,000.
Calculate the cost-to-charge ratio for each hospital located in San Diego County and Los Angeles County. (Refer to the OSHPD documentation to determine the correct formula.)
Set up this worksheet as follows:1) Include a header with your names and the date the assignment is due in the top right corner;2) Set the titles to repeat at top and the facility number and name to repeat at left; 3) Have the gridlines print.
Show only the facility number, facility name, county name, type_control, the columns used in the calculation, and the columns holding the information you calculated.
Question 2 (23 points)
The data on the “Hysterectomy” tab is a random sample of all hysterectomies performed in the

US in 1992.

Using this data, create a frequency table and calculate relative frequency, cumulative frequency, and cumulative relative frequency for the age intervals 15-24, 25-34, 35-44, 45- 54, 55-64, 65-74, 75-84. To get credit on this question, you must use functions to calculate the frequencies; sorting the ages will not give you credit.
Calculate the mean age of hysterectomies.

PH 307 Fall 2020 C. What is the percentage of women under the age of 35 who have had a hysterectomy?

Please place parts B and C directly below the frequency table you have created.

D. Set up this worksheet as follows:

1) Portrait orientation;

2) Include a header with your name and the date the assignment is due in the top right corner;

3) Have the gridlines print.

Question 3 (25 points)
You work as a data analyst for a health insurance company. Your firm is considering two

alternative plans for insuring employees of a company during the upcoming year.

PlanA: Yourcompanywouldpay80%ofchargesforallservicesreceivedduringtheyearafter each employee pays a $650 annual deductible.

Plan B: Your company would pay 75% of full charges, with no deductible or patient copayment.

Last year’s claims by the employees of the company you are insuring are contained in the worksheet titled (Insurance Question) in the “Data for Assignment 1” workbook. There are three variables in this file: Total Charges = last year’s $ charges for medical services, Age = age of the individual, Sex = sex of the individual. You have been asked to analyze these plans to estimate next year’s payout under each alternative, using the assumption that charges will increase 8% next year over last year’s values.

Please answer the following questions:

Show each individual’s charges with the 8% increase.
Show each individual’s charges under Plan A.
Show each individual’s charges under Plan B.
What is the total payout under each alternative?
What is the total cost for females and for males under each of the plans?
What is the average cost per female and per male under each of the plans?

PH 307 Fall 2020

NOTE: Remember that your firm will pay nothing under Plan A for someone who incurs less than $650 in charges during the year (i.e., the employee’s charges do not exceed the $650 deductible).

C. Set up this worksheet as follows:

1) Landscape orientation;

2) Include a header with your name and the date the assignment is due in the top right corner;

3) Have the gridlines print.… that’s the dats let me know if u cant see that link


ITESM Cultures Centralization and Bureaucratization Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Read the article, test to your understanding of the course materials. The questions listed below cover the various units in the course. Choose two of the questions to answer for this assignment.

1.Are cultures of everyday life worthy of study?

2.Are traditional gender roles still reflected in the home?

3.Are centralization and bureaucratization still central characteristics of the social organization of the modern workplace?

4.In your view, do Bourdieu’s observations on the gendered and classed nature of recreational activities reinforce stereotypes?

5.Has our understanding of what constitutes “community” changed over time?

6.How has the course changed your understanding of the distinction between things deemed to be cultural and things assumed to be natural?

7.How is everyday culture a site of contestation?



VCCS Week 4 The Controversy Surrounding Oil Gas Extraction Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help



Now that you have read the Unit 4 Overview and have a general understanding for how and why the oil/gas extraction issue in the United States is a controversial issue, you will consider the topic of oil/gas extraction in the United States as you learn how argument is used in writing. Understanding argument and knowing how to set up an argument for written purposes is critical to writing successful argument essays for college study. This next activity provides practice in critically analyzing arguments in a variety of texts and videos by identifying the pros and cons and supporting evidences on the debatable issue of oil/gas extraction.


Part I – Understanding Argument

  1. Read Argument (Links to an external site.). In addition, read Thesis Statements (Links to an external site.) to understand how to write a strong thesis for an argument.
  2. View these images that promote controversy: Oil Spill Clean UpLinks to an external site., Offshore Drilling RallyLinks to an external site., Offshore Oil RigLinks to an external site., Fracking HearingLinks to an external site., Fracking ProtestLinks to an external site., Fracking PlantLinks to an external site.
  3. Consider what each image means and how it offers controversy.

Part II – Analyzing Argument in Text and Video

  • Open the Pros and Cons Chart to list out the pros and cons to the issue of oil/gas extraction as you analyze four of the resources above.
  • Section 2


    You have already read about and considered the pros and cons for the oil/gas extraction issue in the United States. Now you will reflect back on those readings/resources and on your completed Pros and Cons Chart to synthesize and analyze your ideas as you write an informal online argument class discussion. In this assignment you will develop an argument to support your position on the oil/gas extraction issue. This activity teaches you critical thinking, organization of ideas, and documentation.


    1. Use the selected readings and videos for Unit 4(refer to section 1 Part II provided text and videos), your notes on those materials, and your completed Pros and Cons Chart to develop a Thesis and TWO paragraph argument on either fracking or offshore drilling.
    2. Begin by stating your argument thesis {topic + your claim about that topic + 2 main ideas–reasons why you believe the way you do}.
    3. Develop two paragraphs (7-12 sentences per paragraph) that prove your argument. Remember, each paragraph needs to begin with a topic sentence clarifying one of your main points.
    4. Support each topic sentence with evidence from the research materials AND your own analysis.
    5. Integrate good examples and quotations from the research material to support your points and to defend your position.
    6. Use accurate in-text citations (Links to an external site.) for all source materials and provide a Works Cited

    Section 3


    1. Draft a tentative thesis for an argument research essay on fracking or offshore drilling. (Remember, a strong argument thesis sentence needs to include the topic, your claim or stance about that topic, and a list of 2-4 main ideas you will use to prove that claim or stance. Review Thesis Statements (Links to an external site.) to understand how to write a strong thesis for an argument.)
    2. As you research, reflect on what the research is telling you about your argument ideas. (NOTE: Research is often hard work, so make sure you plan adequate time to do the research that is needed. If you get stuck, try different search terms and consider that the research may be leading you in a different direction from where your tentative thesis started you. If this happens, you may need to revise your thesis to reflect what the research is telling you.)
    3. Your goal is to find at least five articles that will help support your argument. You may wish to find more than five, and then review and narrow down to the five most useful articles.

    Section 4


    In this assignment, you will learn how to evaluate and select the most relevant sources for your research assignment on fracking or offshore drilling. You will also learn how to cite and summarize your research sources. In order to compile your research in an organized way, you will complete an annotated bibliography. An annotated bibliography is a collection of information about the sources that you intend to use for a research project. The bibliography is like a works cited list, except that each citation is followed by an annotation paragraph that includes a summary and evaluation of the source.


    1. Read the Annotated Bibliography Overview to understand how to create an annotated bibliography.
    2. Review this sample Annotated Bibliography on child beauty pageants and use it as a guide to create your own annotated bibliography on fracking or offshore drilling.
    3. Start by creating the MLA heading, page numbering and title on your paper as shown in the sample bibliography.
    4. Type your thesis on fracking or offshore drilling below the title.
    5. Select the FIVE most suitable sources from your library research on fracking or offshore drilling and from the assigned articles in Unit 4 that will support the thesis you have developed. (NOTE: You may use no more than two sources from the assigned articles in Unit 4.)
    6. Create a citation for each source using MLA Works Cited (Links to an external site.) format. (If you emailed source citations to yourself as you completed your library research, make sure you check that citation information is adequate, properly ordered, and properly punctuated).
    7. Develop an annotation paragraph below each of the FIVE sources. Each annotation should include:
      • a brief (100 word) summary of the whole article.
      • an evaluation (50 words) of how the source supports your argument and how you can use the information in your essay.
    8. Put all the annotations in ONE document and format everything according to the sample bibliography. Remember to list sources in alphabetical order according to the first word of each source citation.

    Section 5

    You have read, viewed, researched and discussed materials related to the topic of oil/gas extraction. You should have narrowed down your topic to either fracking or offshore drilling and developed a tentative thesis that states your claim (stance) about that topic. Now you will create and submit an outline for a 3-4 page (750-1000 words) argument essay on the topic of fracking or offshore drilling. Your outline should include an additional works cited page and include documentation (in-text citations) from your five sources. After you receive feedback on your outline, you will develop the argument essay as a first draft, provide a self-review, and then get further instructor feedback before submitting your final draft.

    Your essay needs to include a clear thesis and well developed key ideas with topic sentences and supporting ideas and examples all written in third person (Links to an external site.). The essay will also follow the conventional organization of the following three elements:

    1. Introduction: A good introduction needs to get your reader interested in your topic, provide relevant background information for that topic and, in a thesis statement, state the main points that support your claim (stance) about the topic. Your thesis should be the last sentence in the introduction paragraph. (Review the Loudoun Campus Writing Center information about Writing Interesting Introductions (Links to an external site.).)
    2. Body: In a standard 5 paragraph essay, you would typically have three support paragraphs that are developed from three main ideas in a thesis. But for a longer, extended research essay (such as this essay assignment), each main idea may need to be developed into more than one body paragraph. To do this, each body section needs to begin with a clear topic sentence that focuses the body section on a main idea of your argument. As you develop the sub points for a main idea, use transition words and phrases (Links to an external site.)to tie your reader back to the topic sentence ideas and to move your reader from one sub point to the next, offering support and explanation between each sub point. When you use this method to develop a main idea, the sub points for a main idea often work well as separate paragraphs.
    3. Conclusion: A good conclusion needs to summarize the argument (reiterate the thesis and summarize the body of the essay) and to explain new understanding.

    Other points to consider

    • Thesis Statement: At the END of the introduction, you need to have a clear thesis statement.

    Thesis Template: the topic + your claim (viewpoint) + 2-4 main ideas.

    Example Thesis: Child beauty pageants should be banned because they distort a child’s self-image, put a child’s health at risk, and ruin a child’s formative years.

    • Language: The goal in argument is to persuade a reader to accept your side. As such, when you write I believe… I think… I feel and other such subjective, first-person comments, you are not trying to think about your READER; instead, you are offering your opinion. For this reason, it is best to remove first person comments and state your thesis as a blunt, arguable statement (written in third person). Ultimately, you want to convince your reader to accept your argument.
    • Citing Sources: Review this PowerPoint on Citing Sources for an overview of using sources in your research essay. For more information about MLA formatting, integration of sources, and MLA documentation, review the videos for MLA Basics in Student Resources in the main menu.

    VCCS Week 4 The Controversy Surrounding Oil Gas Extraction Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Central Michigan University Aristocratic Forms and Ethics of Journalism Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

    Write an essay in which you synthesize the content of Parts I-IV in the Altschull text into a contextual framework for how the Ethics of journalism developed in the United States.

    You may agree or disagree with the author. You may reference philosophical perspectives that are absent in this text. You will want to discuss journalism as it exists in the United States in 2020. Specifically, what does our current experience suggest about the nature of man and how journalists should operate.

    Finally, you must include a discussion of Capitalism v. Collectivism. Do you think the portrayals set out in Atlas Shrugged are accurate or informative?

    80% of your score will come from

    1. Your evidentiary understanding of the topic.

    2. Your advancement of a thesis.

    3.Your development of the thesis with well developed argumentation and appropriate sources.

    4. Your connection of your thesis to philosophical principals studied in this class.

    The remaining 20% of your grade will be based upon your blind review of a peer’s essay.


    ENGL 1302 Holyoke Community College The Things They Carried Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    I need a essay and outline, this essay will be about 3 different characters from 3 different books. Select three characters from the works I have read, each from a different story, and define who or what “haunts” each one; then show what the consequence.

    First one from: : The Things They Carried

    • Main Character: First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross

    Second one from: The Things They Carried

    • Main Character: First Lieutenant Jimmy Cross

    Third one from: The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight In Heaven

    • Main Character: The narrator

    This homework from my ENGL1302 class we have read 6 different books and my homework I already chose 3 different story and 3 different characters you need to write and define who or what “haunts” each one; then show what the consequences of that haunting are.

    My outline supposed be 250 words. (with thesis statement)

    And my essay supposed to be at least 1,200 words. maximum 1,600 words


    SBBCB Interpersonal Communication & Sapir Whorf Mind Hypothesis Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    This week we are talking about language, how it shapes us and our world and how the language we use creates the world.

    Read Chapter 5 in Interpersonal Communication by Kory Floyd.

    Please watch this video and post your initial response. (Links to an external site.)

    Discussion questions for the week:

    1). The speaker challenges us to ask ourselves. Why do I think the way I do? How could I think differently? What thoughts do I wish to create? I know these are big questions, but I hope you can dig deep and think about your use of language in every day life AND how do you “talk” to yourself. Are there patterns?

    The text book discusses the Sapir-Whorf hypotheses. This theory discusses the powerful influences of language upon our own perceptions. One of the most interesting things about the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis is that language shapes how we perceive the world- Our language creates our reality. If we don’t have a word for something, we don’t perceive it. Also, people who speak different languages, perceive the words differently.

    2) With the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis in mind, what examples can you think of that illustrate how your language reflections your culture’s behaviors and attitude’s?

    3)Slang is an important part of our language use. Name three slang terms that you use and explain what they mean. This could be slang from your personal or professional life. Do you use slang every day? Are there some circumstances when you don’t use slang at all. Why do we use slang in some circumstances but not others?


    PHYS 102 Eastern Illinois University Physics Concepts of Electricity Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    In this course, we will engage in graded discussions that focus on “the real world” by applying the physics concepts we are learning to both everyday life and to aviation.

    After completing the readings and concept-related activities in the above sections of the module—including the module Experiment, you will be prepared to engage in this discussion.

    Initial Post Instructions and Requirements:

    1. Choose a discussion topic
    2. Formulate an organized, clearly worded, and succinct initial post that substantively covers all discussion paragraph points stated for your chosen topic. Because your initial post will be scored on the degree to which you meet these standards, there is no set minimum word requirement. However, there is a set maximum word requirement – confine your initial post to 500 words. Remember that we are all reading each other’s posts, and one that is succinctly written is more likely to be read and responded to, thus furthering our discussion on that topic.
    3. Include at least one graphic, video, or image that visually adds to some aspect of your post – as they say, pictures are worth 1000 words!
    4. Post your initial post by the 4th day of the module week. You will not be able to see any posts until you post your initial post.


  • Formulate an organized, clearly worded, and succinct initial post that substantively covers all discussion paragraph points stated for your chosen topic. Because your initial post will be scored on the degree to which you meet these standards, there is no set minimum word requirement. However, there is a set maximum word requirement – confine your initial post to 500 words. Remember that we are all reading each other’s posts, and one that is succinctly written is more likely to be read and responded to, thus furthering our discussion on that topic.
  • Include at least one graphic, video, or image that visually adds to some aspect of your post – as they say, pictures are worth 1000 words!
  • Post your initial post by the 4th day of the module week. You will not be able to see any posts until you post your initial post.
  • [supanova_question]

  • Formulate an organized, clearly worded, and succinct initial post that substantively covers all discussion paragraph points stated for your chosen topic. Because your initial post will be scored on the degree to which you meet these standards, there is no set minimum word requirement. However, there is a set maximum word requirement – confine your initial post to 500 words. Remember that we are all reading each other’s posts, and one that is succinctly written is more likely to be read and responded to, thus furthering our discussion on that topic.
  • Include at least one graphic, video, or image that visually adds to some aspect of your post – as they say, pictures are worth 1000 words!
  • Post your initial post by the 4th day of the module week. You will not be able to see any posts until you post your initial post.
  • [supanova_question]

  • Formulate an organized, clearly worded, and succinct initial post that substantively covers all discussion paragraph points stated for your chosen topic. Because your initial post will be scored on the degree to which you meet these standards, there is no set minimum word requirement. However, there is a set maximum word requirement – confine your initial post to 500 words. Remember that we are all reading each other’s posts, and one that is succinctly written is more likely to be read and responded to, thus furthering our discussion on that topic.
  • Include at least one graphic, video, or image that visually adds to some aspect of your post – as they say, pictures are worth 1000 words!
  • Post your initial post by the 4th day of the module week. You will not be able to see any posts until you post your initial post.
  • [supanova_question]

    The University of Utah Entrepreneurial Mindset & Path to Value Storyboard Business Finance Assignment Help

    The University of Utah Entrepreneurial Mindset & Path to Value Storyboard Business Finance Assignment Help

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